AUSTRALIAN DIABETES EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Initial Credentialling Points Guide The Credentialling Points Guide provides an overview of the four (4) compulsory categories for initial credentialling and how the required Credentialling Points (CPs) can be achieved. The professional development categories have been developed to address the ADEA National Core Competencies for Credentialled Diabetes Educators. Record all you professional activities over the 12 months preceding your application on the Professional Development Record for Credentialling and forward a copy first to your referee, and then as part of submitting your completed application to the Credentialling Officer at the ADEA National Office. Diabetes educators must achieve the minimum CPs for each category and a total of 50 CPs for the 12 months preceding their application. Inquiries regarding initial credentialling may be directed to the relevant ADEA Branch Representative on the ADEA Credentialling Committee or the Credentialling Officer at the ADEA National Office. Credentialling Program Professional Development Categories 1. Continuing Education 2. Professional & Community Involvement 3. Professional Responsibility & Accountability Quality Improvement Compulsory 4. Mentoring 1 Australian Diabetes Educators Association PO BOX 163 Woden ACT 2606 Phone 02 6287 4822 Fax 02 6287 4877 Email AUSTRALIAN DIABETES EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Initial Credentialling Points Guide Category 1. Continuing Education (Compulsory) CPs Minimum number of CPs = 16 per year ADEA National Conference – 3 days ADEA State Conference – 1 day 24 8 Pre-conference workshop Employment -related conference – e.g. Infection Control, Nurse Practitioner, CPR, Wound Management 8 per day OR 4 per half day Workshops – topics must be relevant to educators work practice e.g. Psychology, Wound Management, CPR, Infection Control, Ethics, Management, Computers & Information Technology, company sponsored workshops or seminars 1 per hour Grand-rounds/Case conferences – attend grand-round/case conference 1 Journal Clubs – brief review of journals discussed must be provided 1 Video or Audio tapes of conferences or meetings 1 per hour Post-graduate Study – per unit or equivalent successfully completed (Please Note: Credentialling Points cannot be claimed for a Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education) 8 Literature search/Review of Journal Articles – provide summary of papers or outline the purpose of the search or review 1 per hour Self directed study – an area of informal learning related to personal learning goals e.g. updating computer skills, learning to use internet Max. 2 per year e-learning (Please note ADEA Home Study Program has specific CPs per module) 1 per hour OR as stated 2 Australian Diabetes Educators Association PO BOX 163 Woden ACT 2606 Phone 02 6287 4822 Fax 02 6287 4877 Email AUSTRALIAN DIABETES EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Initial Credentialling Points Guide Category 2. Professional and Community Involvement (compulsory) CPs Minimum number of CPs = 10 per year Professional 7 5 3 5 3 Membership of ADEA Board Executive Membership of ADEA Board of Directors Membership of an ADEA Committee or Working Party Membership of ADEA Branch Executive Involvement in non-ADEA discipline specific activities related to the educator’s ‘practice (e.g. RCNA, Wound Care Committees, professional pharmacy associations, Dietitians Association of Australia, Eating Disorder support groups etc) Contribution to publication e.g. ADEA Magazine, DA Conquest, RCNA publications, nursing, dietetic or pharmacy publications, hospital or community newspaper or newsletter educational contribution peer reviewed journal non peer reviewed journal 5 3 1 1 1 item of general interest Attendance at ADEA Annual General Meeting Attendance at Branch Meeting Completion of a national survey – related to professional practice; comment on / input to discussion paper Chairing a session at a scientific or educational meeting Reviewing of abstracts/grant applications/journal articles (diabetes related or for workplace) Development of conference programs/workshops 1 1 3 2 Community Development of a community awareness program (Copy to be included in Professional Development Record) to run one year to run 1 month Implementation of a community awareness program (Report to be included in Professional Portfolio) over one year over 1 month Involvement in community awareness activities – Diabetes Week, World Diabetes Day, health promotion etc. Arranging a one day program./workshop Participating in program Development of posters for display 5 1 5 1 2 1 1 2 per day 2 per present. 1 per meeting Camps for diabetes e.g. children’s camps, parents, adults Presentations/Lectures to community groups – to disseminate accurate information about diabetes and diabetes services and resources. Participation in a work-related or community committee or working party addressing diabetes services issues 3 Australian Diabetes Educators Association PO BOX 163 Woden ACT 2606 Phone 02 6287 4822 Fax 02 6287 4877 Email AUSTRALIAN DIABETES EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Initial Credentialling Points Guide Category 3. Professional Responsibility and Accountability (compulsory) (Quality Improvement) CPs Minimum number of CPs = 10 per year Conduct a quality improvement activity - Coordinator or active participant. Identify a problem or area of inquiry into practice, obtain data and design an intervention to improve the situation. Analyse the area again to see whether real improvement has been achieved. Appraise the quality of care and education provided against current standards and practices as documented in the scientific and education literature. A summary of the project design, implementation, results and recommendations based on outcomes of project to be included in Credentialling Application Annual review of personal learning goals at start and end of every year, i.e., assess needs, set objectives, implement and evaluate. A summary to be submitted as part of Credentialling Application. 5 5 Peer Review by Credentialled Diabetes Educator- Peer review as a critical appraisal of overall performance or an element of the diabetes education role (e.g., group education, policy review). A summary of the peer review process and actions undertaken to address needs identified in the Peer Review should be submitted as part of the Credentialling Application. 5 Member of Organisation’s Quality Improvement Committee/ Participate in an Organisation’s QI Meeting- The educator assists in a quality assurance activity such as being a member of a QI Committee or a participant at a unit or hospital quality improvement meeting (eg EQUIP, CHASP standards) 1 per hour Works co-operatively within the health care system- Partners with associated external health services to optimise diabetes care, act as a diabetes resource for other health professionals, promotes interdisciplinary approach to care of and support of clients, families and communities. 2 per contact Category 4. Mentoring (compulsory ) CPs Minimum number of CPs for this category = 5 per year Diabetes Educators seeking initial credentialling must demonstrate involvement with a mentor. The ADEA Mentoring Program that is presently being developed will provide a more structured approach to this part of the Credentialling Program. Current applicants should complete the Confirmation of a Mentoring Partnership and maintain a record of contact with their Mentor on their Professional Development Record. Five (5) CPs will be allocated on the basis of a demonstrated participation in a mentoring partnership. 5 4 Australian Diabetes Educators Association PO BOX 163 Woden ACT 2606 Phone 02 6287 4822 Fax 02 6287 4877 Email AUSTRALIAN DIABETES EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Initial Credentialling Points Guide Additional Information The following information will provide examples and guidelines of how CPs can be claimed in each of the categories. Credentialling Points for any activity can only be claimed under the one category. Long term projects involving planning, research, study of literature, and/or a presentation can be broken into separate activities and CPs claimed for the component carried out during that year. Category 1 Continuing Education (Compulsory) Minimum number of CPs for this category = 16 per year Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, In-services, Grand Rounds, Pharmaceutical or company sponsored educational meetings - attract 1 CP per hour of lectures. Attendance at a full (1) day conference will allow for a claim of 8 CPs/day. Half-day conferences will attract 4 CPs. To claim CPs the activities must be of direct benefit to the diabetes educator in their practice. Documentation must be provided to support claim of attendance e.g. registration receipt, program outline, title & duration of grand rounds. If presenting an inservice or seminar, 1 CP can be claimed for the literature search (documentation required) and 2 CPs for the presentation (teaching category). Journal Club, Literature Search or review of journal articles - To claim CPs in this category, documentation should include a summary of papers/journal articles or an outline of the purpose of the search or review. Claim 1 CP/hour. Video or audio tapes of conferences or meetings - To claim CPs in this category a brief summary of the lecture including salient CPs must be documented. Post-graduate study - Study must be relevant to work practice. A copy of the transcript must be provided. Claim 8 CP per unit (1 semester duration). Self directed study - CPs may be claimed for informal learning program if activity is included as a personal learning goal (see Quality Improvement category). Examples include updating computer skills, learning to use internet etc. A maximum of 2 CPs/year can be claimed for such an activity. Category 2 Professional Development and Community Involvement (Compulsory) Minimum number of CPs for this category = 10 per year. Credentialling Points can be claimed from Professional and/or Community involvement. Professional Involvement A wide variety of activities will earn CPs in this category. It is desirable for diabetes educators to support ADEA and other relevant organisations, by attending meetings, working on committees and communicating via newsletters and journals. Involvement in relevant national surveys, chairing sessions at meetings and reviewing abstracts or grants, attracts CPs in this category. Credentialling Points can be accrued for the development of a program for a conference, seminar or workshop. The program, correspondence, memos etc. must be provided as proof of involvement – 2 CPs can be claimed in addition to the 8 CPs per day for attendance at the conference. Community Involvement Writing and/or implementing a community awareness or prevention program, organising or participating in community awareness activities, or camps for those with diabetes and/or their carers, and presentations to community groups all enable credit CPs to be obtained. Note: 2 CPs can be claimed for organising a workshop or one day community program. Credentialling Points can also be claimed if presenting a lecture or preparing and displaying posters. 5 Australian Diabetes Educators Association PO BOX 163 Woden ACT 2606 Phone 02 6287 4822 Fax 02 6287 4877 Email AUSTRALIAN DIABETES EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Initial Credentialling Points Guide Category 3 Professional Responsibility and Accountability - Quality Improvement (Compulsory) Minimum number of CPs for this category = 10 per year Annual review of personal learning goals A personal learning plan can maximise the benefits of ongoing education rather than having an ad hoc approach. A personal learning plan can provide a blue print for ongoing education, as well as personal development and career planning. As the name suggests, each personal learning plan will be individual, reflecting the differing educational requirements of each ADEA member, based on the different professions, different areas of employment and stages of career development. The steps involved in formulating a personal learning plan include: 1. Assessment 2. Goal setting 3. Objectives or action plan 4. Implementation or action 5. Evaluation These steps are outlined in detail in Appendix 1. Developing a personal learning plan and writing a brief evaluation each year will allow a claim of 5 CPs. Conduct a quality improvement activity. Quality Improvement is data driven and based on measurement rather than subjective impressions. A problem or area of deficit is chosen, data is sought and analysed and an intervention designed to improve the situation. The area is again analysed to determine whether some real improvement has taken place. The process can be ongoing. Refer to Appendix 2 for examples of quality improvement activities. Some of these options may be relevant to your work setting. Quality improvement activities must be clearly documented to obtain CPs. Peer review by a Credentialled Diabetes Educator. Peer review should be a reciprocal process –doing it for others should be of equal value to having it done. Peer review is a critical appraisal of performance of others who are peers in own discipline or from the range of disciplines involved in diabetes education and care. Member of Organisation’s Quality Improvement Program-The educator assists in a QI activity at their work place. This may involve being on a QI committee, submitting information for a QI project or attending a QI meeting. Works co-operatively within the health care system- The educator establishes contacts with external services to optimise diabetes care, and to promote an interdisciplinary approach to care of and support of clients, families and communities. Points can be also obtained when a diabetes educator acts as a resource person to other health professions- providing literature, and/or advice. Educators should keep a record of the type of requests received and how they are actioned. Category 4 Mentoring (Compulsory) Minimum number of CPs for this category = 5 per year Participation in the ADEA Mentoring Program offers many benefits to ADEA members and provides structure and support for the establishment of mentoring partnerships. Diabetes educators seeking initial credentialling must complete a minimum six (6) months mentoring partnership registered with the ADEA Mentoring Program. Mentors can be sourced from the Mentor Register on the ADEA website or through ADEA Branch Chairs. Credentialled Diabetes Educators acting as mentors benefit through having an opportunity to strengthen their professional leadership skills. However, CDEs may also benefit from participation as mentees to support extending scope of practice and career transition. 6 Australian Diabetes Educators Association PO BOX 163 Woden ACT 2606 Phone 02 6287 4822 Fax 02 6287 4877 Email AUSTRALIAN DIABETES EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Initial Credentialling Points Guide APPENDIX 1 Personal Learning Goals The steps involved in formulating a personal learning plan involve: 1. Assessment 2. Goal setting 3. Objectives or action plan 4. Implementation or action 5. Evaluation 1. Assessment a) Assess your current situation. Reflect on your skills, knowledge and performance in your job. Consider your strengths and weaknesses. Justify your opinion to ensure your analysis is not over critical. My knowledge of renal disease is limited. Analysis-My routine practice I am often asked to educate patients with diabetes about renal disease and my lack of knowledge in renal disease and its outcomes provides uncertainty during the consultation. My area of expertise is gestational diabetes, I am often used as a resource person in this area. Analysis-I have recognised expertise in this area and would like to maintain and further enhance my skills. My poor computing skills limit my efficiency at work. Analysis-The secretary is overworked and there is a two week delay before my letters are typed. b) Consider in which direction you would like your career to progress I would like to be a media spokesperson in my area of expertise. Analysis-Although I believe I am a capable spokesperson, I have had no formal training or assessment. I would like to become credentialled as a diabetes educator. Analysis-Career path is potentially limited unless ongoing professional development is monitored. c) Identify external factors that may influence your professional goals I am keen to attend the Diabetes in Pregnancy Conference this year. Analysis – The department policy is that each staff member can only attend one external conference each year. A choice will need to be made as to which conference will best support achievement of my professional goals. 2. Goal Setting The assessment phase will enable you to determine a number of priority goals. Goals should be a general statement of what you want to achieve. Focus on several goals that are attainable in the twelve month period, such as: To be able to perform my own word processing faster than the secretary. To successfully complete an accredited diabetes educators course. To achieve and maintain clinical expertise in the management of gestational diabetes. 7 Australian Diabetes Educators Association PO BOX 163 Woden ACT 2606 Phone 02 6287 4822 Fax 02 6287 4877 Email AUSTRALIAN DIABETES EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Initial Credentialling Points Guide 3. Objectives Objectives are the action plans by which your goals will be achieved. The criteria of objective are to be SMART! Specific Measureable Attainable Resources Timebound OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES GOAL = SOMETHING TO ACHIEVE = SOMETHING TO DO To be able to perform my own word processing faster than the secretary To improve my performance in public relation activities To develop word processing skills To obtain access to a computer To enroll in local TAFE computing course - Complete in six weeks. - To book weekly computing time of three hours/week on the department computer To develop specific skills in public relations Attend a media training workshop Volunteer to speak at grand rounds. Join the public relation team at hospital And contribute to their activities 4. Implementation This represents the translation phase of the goals and objectives into action. Goals and objectives should be kept in a visible location to maintain your focus to consistently work towards achieving them. Documentation or recording your progress on the log sheets is valuable and will make evaluation easier. STRATEGY = SOMETHING TO DO To attend diabetes in pregnancy conference Volunteer to speak at grand rounds IMPLENTATION (INCLUDE DATES) 6/8 – 7/8 Diabetes in pregnancy meeting 8hours x 2 days.Perth 10/9. Grand Rounds presentation. ‘New advances in Diabetes Management’. 30 minutes 5. Evaluation Evaluation is an important part of the personal learning plan. It measures the outcomes, or it can provide an explanation as to why goals were not achieved. This may have been due to your inability to achieve all of the objectives, or to circumstances beyond your control. Evaluation can occur individually, as part of the peer review process or with the assistance of a mentor. Your personal learning plan 8 Australian Diabetes Educators Association PO BOX 163 Woden ACT 2606 Phone 02 6287 4822 Fax 02 6287 4877 Email AUSTRALIAN DIABETES EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION Initial Credentialling Points Guide APPENDIX 2 Quality Improvement Activities Evaluation by criteria: 1. Setting procedures against established criteria For example: Looking at use of control solutions for blood glucose monitoring in wards. Assess if newly referred patients with diabetes have had access to adequate education prior to discharge or if appropriate follow-up is arranged. Assessing proportion of new type 2 patients/clients referred to ophthalmologist, or screened for complications. Assess referral rates and reasons for referral of people with diabetes from other units to endocrinology or diabetes educator. Measure waiting times for appointments. 2. Incident reporting and monitoring Incidents monitoring and reporting involves the collection and review of data concerning the occurrence and nature of predefined incidents in clinical practice. It is useful to identify system errors when clinical care is shared between many providers for examples administration incorrect insulin dose. 3. Outcome studies Monitoring status of patients e.g. Readmission rates for ketoacidosis. Ward nurses competency with blood glucose monitoring before and after education. Re-assessing insulin injection technique after education. Knowledge questionnaires/quality of life questionnaires after education. Evaluates a workshop or conference program. Assess the proportion of patients who achieve their management goals. 4. Practice Guideline Studies Determining the best method of treatment to produce efficiencies. Coordinated care programs between specialist hospital units and general practitioners or other external health service to optimise diabetes care such as pharmacy or other health care professionals. Management of foot ulcers. Management of priority cases such as oot ulcers, gestational diabetes, those at risk of ketoacidosis. 5. Collaborative Studies There are many examples of large studies that determine best practice and reduce mortality and morbidity. Involvement in or international diabetes studies. Involvement in national diabetes studies 6. Patient Satisfaction Studies Patient Satisfaction Studies are designed to measure specific items relevant to office or hospital and/or community health/general practice such as communication, waiting times for appointments and consultation, waiting times for results of investigations, patients involvement in decision making, continuity of care, appropriateness of literature. Care must be taken to ensure patient anonymity and fear of service withdrawal as a consequence of critical comments. Such studies must meet the ethics guidelines of the employing institution. 7. Practice Setting Investigate efficiencies in practice such as time delays with consultations, reviewing reports to referring doctors, record keeping and forms, prioritising urgent referrals. 8. Group Quality Improvement Activities Group quality improvement activities include participation in accreditation program such as involvement in hospital and general practice accreditation program and interdisciplinary quality improvement projects. 9 Australian Diabetes Educators Association PO BOX 163 Woden ACT 2606 Phone 02 6287 4822 Fax 02 6287 4877 Email
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