P u r e b r e d R e g i s t e r e d C a t t l e McLeod County Fa i r g r o u n d s C AT T L E B A R N 8 4 0 C e n t u r y Av e S E Hutchinson, MN 55350 O c t o b e r 1 8 , 2 014 1 2 : 0 0 p . m . w w w. M N B r i t i s h W h i t e s . o rg Why Buy British Whites? Fertility and Ease in Calving: The single most important economic trait in the cattle industry is that of fertility: the ability of a cow to give birth to a live calf each year of her productive life. The first calf should arrive at the cow’s second birthday and a subsequent calf every 12 months. An infertile cow is like a piece of machinery that produces nothing and requires space, maintenance and labor: = costs money. The British White may be the most fertile of all breeds and fertility is a genetic fact that can be transmitted. British Whites are noted for their calving ease; a small polled head and average birth weight between 70 – 75 lbs. is normal. Calving difficulties with heifers are rare and mostly unheard of with mature cows! British White bulls provide that rare quality of throwing a medium to small calf that grows extremely well. Efficient & Trouble Free: Known as "easy keepers", meaning that an animal efficiently converts feed into pounds of gain or maintenance. Most people can easily understand the importance of this trait but the economic implications sometimes escape them. A British White bull that was placed on a 140 day test at the University of Missouri gained at the rate of 4.04 pounds per day with a feed efficiency ratio of 5.5 pounds of feed consumed per one pound of gain. They are dual-purpose cattle known for their docility and hardiness. They are disease resistant and tick tolerant—this makes them efficient in the pasture. Excellent Milking Ability: If it’s a beef cow, why worry about milking ability? Good question, and there is a logical answer. The baby calf will grow and add weight based upon its mama’s ability to produce ample quantities of rich milk. Anyone who has ever seen a herd of British Whites knows that an abundance of rich milk is available for the baby calves. She is an excellent mother and even a heifer with her first calf produces much rich milk. The cows have well set udders with a minimum of fatty tissue and teats that hold their shape. It is not uncommon to see 14 and 15 year old British White cows with udders tightly set and well-shaped teats. Lean & Tender: They are known for their beef qualities with their meat being of excellent texture. Today’s consumer does not want fat or tough meat for a variety of reasons. One of these being weight consciousness and the movement toward low cholesterol content. At the same time they do not want to sacrifice taste and tenderness. The British White meets all of these requirements. Purebred or crossbred steers will finish out at 1,100 to 1,200 pounds and grade choice. A 63%-66% carcass to live weight is not uncommon. Superior Maternal Instinct: British White cows have maternal instincts superior to the average cow. First calf heifers claim their calves, get them up and started faster than any other breed. Cows that do not claim their calves are unheard of in this breed. British White cattle are easy calving and very rarely need assistance and have an enormously high percentage of live calf drops. British Whites also incorporate the nursery system of protecting groups of calves by a guard cow while the remainder of the herd grazes. Growth & Hardiness: British White cattle have a hardiness that enables them to forage, graze, survive and do well on very poor pasture. They have the ability to stay in good condition and breed back regularly where some breeds would have a tough time surviving. They thrive in either extreme heat or extreme cold. British Whites have proven themselves in all kinds of weather extremes. We have a member that lives 8 miles from the Canadian border in Minnesota and those cattle are fine in the winter! We have had calves in 45 below wind chill, of course in a shelter, but the regular temperature was 19 below! British White Bulls Perfect for Cross Breeding: They transmit the superior qualities of the breed to their offspring. Breeders have discovered that they have less calving problems with cows and heifers of all breeds when crossed with a British White bull. Yet the good growth is still there. It is very common for a 1,000 LB cow to wean a British White calf at well above 500 lbs. strictly on grass. Physical Description: Traditionally they are large-framed and naturally polled (no horns). They are white in color with black or red (not as common) points, including the nose, muzzle, ears, eyelids, teats, hooves and tongue. The skin is pink and blue (dark pigmentation). By having black points and this type of pigmentation it eliminates eye cancer and sunburn. Back lines are straight and strong with a slight slope to the tail head. Cow’s udders are well set and tight with small black teats. The bull’s scrotums are well shaped and large in size, a 38-42 cm circumference in yearling bulls is normal. Mature bulls weigh around 1,800 to 2,300 lbs. and mature cows range from 1,000 to 1,500 lbs. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Purchasing: Terms of the sale are cash, check or credit card (Buyer pays credit card fee). Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder. Auctioneer will settle any disputes as to bids. Cattle will not be released until settlement is made unless other arrangements have been made in advance with the seller. Seller’s names and phone number are located next to each animal. Health: All animals are eligible for interstate shipment, except as otherwise announced, and health papers will be furnished for each animal of age. All females will be calf hood vaccinated or tested. The sale veterinarian will issue health certificates to those animals leaving Minnesota. Registration Certificates: A certificate of registry and transfer will be furnished for each animal at no cost to the Buyer. Purchaser must inform the clerks the exact name and address for transfers. Seller will pay for one registration transfer for association of seller’s choice. Handling and Risk: Each animal will be at Purchaser’s risk as soon as sold. Loading assistance will be provided after the sale and settlement has been made. Phone bidders must make arrangements with sales staff. We will have information on shippers and fees if you are unable to take the animals on sale day. Inspection Of Cattle: Cattle will be available at the sale site by the day prior to the sale and may be viewed at your convenience. Breeding Guarantee: All bred females are listed in catalog as exposed until they have been pregnancy checked and results listed online. Buyers will be provided paperwork when animals are purchased. Sellers guarantee the animals to be breeders, but reserve the right to test any animal returned to Seller as a non-breeder for 90 days before making an adjustment. Cattle will be returned at Buyer’s expense. If declared as a sound breeder by a competent veterinarian, cattle will be returned at Buyer’s expense. In case an adjustment is required, it will be made with a replacement comparable to the one purchased or credit toward another animal. No adjustments will be made on any animals after ten months from date of sale. All guarantees are between Buyer and Seller. Liabilities: All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. BWCAMN, Sellers and Auctioneer assume no liability of any kind, legal or otherwise. Sale Day Phone: The number to call in on sale day is 320/587-0671, however, absentee bidders should to talk to our Sales Staff about your bidding interests/information prior to the sale to have an alternate number to call in case this line is busy. All consignors of this sale make up our Sales Staff. If you are interested in specific animals, please contact a consignor prior to the sale to make arrangements for transportation and boarding should you purchase an animal. See contact information listed below each animal’s picture in the catalog. You may also contact the auctioneer, Stephen Smith at 763-396-2621 prior to the sale to give him your maximum bid. Order of Cattle to be Auctioned: Cattle being sold will not necessarily be in the order listed in the catalog. Sale order will be determined Friday, October 17, 2014; and the sales order list will be available in the cattle barn the morning of the sale. Announcements: Announcements made the day of the sale will take precedence over information in this catalog or other printed material. Welcome to the Second Annual Minnesota British White Cattle Sale!!! Sponsored by the British White Cattle Association of MINNESOTA This Association is made up of members that raise purebred British White cattle registered with either the American British White Park Association or the British White Cattle Association of America. Both associations have the same animals, there is just a choice on where you want them registered. The animals offered in this sale are all registered purebreds and will give you many years of enjoyment. This breed is well known for it’s fertility and easy calving, docility, low-birth weights, fast growing, great marbling and they excel on grass alone. They have excellent milking ability, are lean and tender and have a superior maternal instinct. SILENT AUCTION We firmly believe in helping the youth and are building programs for that purpose. Donated items will be on display Friday and will be sold through a silent auction which ends at the time the cattle sale ends. A big thank you to the following people that donated items for this silent auction: Banner Bound Gear Robert & Karen Isaacson Jimmie West Brian & Jodi Olson CMT Farm/Travis & Carolyn Jones Auctioneering provided by: Sale Day Veterinarian: Kim & Kerry Felton Connie Johnson Smith’s Auction Auctioneer Stephen Smith 40460 Hupp Street, Stanchfield, Minnesota 55080 763-396-2621 or 763-434-4038 License # 30-37 Glencoe Veterinary Clinic 605 13th Street West Glencoe, Minnesota 55336 320-864-3414 or 320-864-3616 BWCAMN MEMBERS Dennis & Mona Bertram, Bertram British Whites 37909 County Rd 14 Belgrade, Minnesota 56312 320-697-5678 Email: mdbertram@frontier.com Derek Hansen, Hansen Farms 5733 220th Ave Granite Falls, Minnesota 56241 507-828-5958 Email: dahansen@mvtvwireless.com Ryan Hohenwald, RLC Farms LLC 26100 Wilkinson Ave Brook Park, Minnesota 55007 320-279-2790 Email: RLCFarmsLLC@live.com Web: www.BritishWhiteBeef.com Linda Hohenwald, RLC Farms LLC 26100 Wilkinson Ave Brook Park, Minnesota 55007 320-279-2790 Email: bwlinda@live.com Web: www.BritishWhiteBeef.com Robert & Karen Isaacson, Isaacsons BWhites 2127 280th Street Hallock, Minnesota 56728 218-843-2779 Email: kisaacson@invisimax.com Web: www.raibritishwhites.com Connie Johnson, Circle C Farms 3168 385th Ave NW Stanchfield, Minnesota 55080 763-552-4680 Email: CircleCFarms2006@yahoo.com Edd Johnson , Circle C Farms 3168 385th Ave NW Stanchfield, Minnesota 55080 763-552-4680 Email: CircleCFarms2006@yahoo.com Jake May, Pines Edge Farm LLC 26458 290th Street Long Prairie, Minnesota 56347 320-630-1079 Email: JMM22250@gmail.com Ross & Pat Olsen, BriarStone Farm 44783 State 92 Clearbrook, Minnesota 56634 218-776-2132 Email: BriarStone@gvtel.com Brian & Jodi Olson, Old Stone British Whites 15506 90th Street Brownton, Minnesota 55312 320-583-2544 Email: bjrolson@embarqmail.com Ken & Cathie Page , Rocky Hills BWhites 22504 340th Street Erhard, Minnesota 56534 218-998-5871 Email: kencathiepage@yahoo.com Rick Scott/Ted Shogren, Scott Cattle Co 1461 Barton Ave SW Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 320-684-0000 * 763-220-9954 Email: RockingSCRanch@gmail.com Web: www.scottcattlecompany.com Frank & Cindy Sprout, Coyote Ridge BWs 37722 County Rd 75 Lake City, Minnesota 55041 507-753-2657 Email: fwsprout@yahoo.com Web: www.coyoteridgebritishwhites.com Craig & April Vassar, Breezy Rock Ranch 49200 Dalton Ave NE Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 763-270-8964 Email: cpvassar@bwig.net ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–—————————————————————————————————— ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Walter & Nancy Bohaty, Bohaty’s BWhites 1371 42 Road Bellwood, Nebraska 68624 402-367-4741 Email: nbohaty@gmail.com Web: www.britishcattle.com Larry Fedler, Big Rock Ranch 2173 170th Street West Point, Iowa 52656 317-837-6420 Email: lpjwhite@iowatelecom.net Kerry/Kim Felton, Sleepy Hollow Farms 19080 Sleepy Hollow Lane Richland Center, Wisconsin 53581 608-574-4825 Email: felton@mut.net William & Margot Heard, Lazy A Ranch 1059 Kurt Road Bellville, Texas 77418 979-865-5337 Email: mheard@snschools.com Dan & Kim Hilty, Hilty Show Genetics 21002 Miller Road Wapakpneta, Ohio 45895 419-296-3181 Email: hiltyshowgenetics@gmail.com Rick Stockhill, QQ British Whites 4575 17 Mile Road Kent City, Michigan 49330 616-813-9465 Email: rdstockhil@aol.com Matthew Thorsen, F/L Ranch 7561 Luber Lane Rhinelander, Wisconsin 54501 715-490-0468 Email: mattthorsen@hotmail.com Michael Ward, Sunnyside Ranch 608 Main Street N Estelline, South Dakota 57234 605-873-2287 Email: admencc@itctel.com Ms. Jimmie West, JWest Cattle Company P.O. Box 7 * 10906 US Highway 69 N Colmesneil, Texas 75938 409-837-2338 Email: JWestCattle@gmail.com Web: www.TexasBritishWhiteCattle.com Charles & Claire Ylitalo, Superior BWs 62821 County Hwy C Marengo, Wisconsin 54885 715-278-3357 ———————————————————————————————————— JUNIOR MEMBERS: Kyle Christian-Minnesota Sam Hulst-Minnesota Kelsey Olsen-Minnesota Becca Olson-Minnesota Jada Stich-Minnesota Jordan Stich-Minnesota ASSOCIATE JUNIOR MEMBER: Miranda Hilty-Ohio 2014 OPEN HEIFERS RLC Farms Brittany DOB: 4.3.14 Birth Weight: 78 Registration: ABWPA Cave Creek Performance Sire: B&B RAI Magnum 40Y B&B Magnolia 77P RLC Farms Brittany 85B RLC Farms Nitro Dam: Bellwood Avis Bellwood Wanda Lot # 1 RLC Farms LLC Old Stone Misty-May DOB: 5.19.14 Birth Weight: 72 Registration: BWCAA RLC Farms Nitro Sire: RLC Farms Winchester RAI Roxie 422W Old Stone Misty-May Statira Uncle Adam Dam: Mid Ohio Juley-May 1X NT April NTGW08 Lot # 2 Old Stone British Whites 320-583-2544 RLC Farms Honey DOB: 3.24.14 Birth Weight: 64 Registration: ABWPA Cave Creek Performance Sire: B&B RAI Magnum 40Y B&B Magnolia 77P RLC Farms Honey 82B RLC Farms Nitro Dam: RAI Heather RAI Heather 358S Lot # 3 RLC Farms LLC 320-279-2790 2013 FALL OPEN HEIFERS Circle C Isabel DOB: 6.17.13 Birth Weight: 50 Registration: ABWPA RLC Farms Nitro Sire: RLC Farms Tucker RLC Farms Molly Circle C Isabel B&B Charlie 32S Dam: RAI Roxie 522B RAI Miss Ben 382T Lot # 4 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 2013 FALL OPEN HEIFERS Page Emily 910A DOB: 9.11.13 Birth Weight: 65 Registration: ABWPA B&B Turbo 6S Sire: Page Rocky RAI Roxie 335R Page Emily 910A (Twin to 915A) B&B Charlie 32S Dam: RAI Lea 310U RAI Ms Supreme 332R Lot # 5 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 Page Holly 915A DOB: 9.11.13 Birth Weight: 69 Registration: ABWPA B&B Turbo 6S Sire: Page Rocky RAI Roxie 335R Page Holly 915A (Twin to 910A) B&B Charlie 32S Dam: RAI Lea 310U RAI Ms Supreme 332R Lot # 6 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 Page Katelynn 914A DOB: 9.15.13 Birth Weight: 78 Registration: ABWPA B&B Turbo 6S Sire: Page Rocky RAI Roxie 335R Page Katelynn 914A (Twin to 911A) Bensen’s Burgess Dam: RAI Ms Supreme 332R B&B 24H Lot # 7 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 Page Kosha 911A DOB: 9.15.13 Birth Weight: 72 Registration: ABWPA B&B Turbo 6S Sire: Page Rocky RAI Roxie 335R Page Kosha (Twin to 914A) Bensen’s Burgess Dam: RAI Ms Supreme 332R B&B 24H Lot # 8 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 BRED HEIFERS RAI Daisy 322A DOB: 3.26.13 Birth Weight: 52 Registration: ABWPA Cave Creek Performance Sire: B&B RAI Magnum 40Y B&B Magnolia 77P RAI Daisy 322A RAI Little Ben 304P Dam: RAI Bloom 373T RAI Rose Bud 433R Confirmed Bred to BriarStone Alexander BN326 ABWPA B&B Patrice 65A DOB: 4.11.13 Birth Weight: 78 Registration: ABWPA Cave Creek Performance Sire: B&B Ricardo 69X B&B Rickie 83M B&B Patrice 65A B&B Old Jules 23T Dam: B&B Patsy 38X B&B Patty 72R Confirmed Bred to LPJ Zoom ABWPA B&B Honey Bee A73 DOB: 4.22.13 Birth Weight: 76 Registration: ABWPA Cave Creek Performance Sire: B&B Ricardo 69X B&B Rickie 83M B&B Honey Bee A73 Hevingham Polaris Dam: B&B Honey 22S B&B Kinsey 45N Confirmed Bred to LPJ Zoom ABWPA B&B Darby 77A DOB: 4.30.13 Birth Weight: 76 Registration: ABWPA B&B Bonanza Sire: B&B Old Jules 23T B&B Julie 22M B&B Darby 77A B&B Cherokee 36T Dam: B&B Darla 65X B&B Dana 45R Lot # 9 Isaacsons British Whites 218-843-2779 Confirmed Bred to LPJ Zoom ABWPA Lot # 10 Bohaty’s British Whites 402-367-4741 Lot # 11 Bohaty’s British Whites 402-367-4741 Lot # 12 Bohaty’s British Whites 402-367-4741 BRED HEIFERS Pines Edge Dew DOB: 4.24.13 Birth Weight: 69 Registration: BWCAA Halliburton Colonel 4 Sire: Halliburton Hi Noon C Rae 11 Pines Edge Dew AC Louie AC05M Dam: RLC Farms Summer Bensons Moxie Confirmed Bred to Prairie 65Z BWCAA Pines Edge Fergie DOB: 4.23.13 Birth Weight: 75 Registration: BWCAA Halliburton Colonel 4 Sire: Halliburton Hi Noon CRae 11 Pines Edge Fergie AC Louie AC05M Dam: RLC Farms Farrah RAI Merrigold 338R Confirmed Bred to Prairie 65Z BWCAA Pines Edge Wanda DOB: 4.22.13 Birth Weight: 81 Registration: BWCAA Halliburton Colonel 4 Sire: Halliburton Hi Noon CRae 11 Pines Edge Wanda AC Louie AC05M Dam: RLC Farms Winter Bensons Arianne Confirmed Bred to Prairie 65Z BWCAA Pines Edge Cocoa DOB: 4.16.13 Birth Weight: 70 Registration: BWCAA Halliburton Colonel 4 Sire: Halliburton Hi Noon CRae 11 Pines Edge Cocoa Halliburton High Dollar 74L Dam: Halliburton Connie HF30R Halliburton 20L Connie Confirmed Bred to Prairie 65Z BWCAA Lot # 13 Pines Edge Farm 320-630-1079 Lot # 14 Pines Edge Farm 320-630-1079 Lot # 15 Pines Edge Farm 320-630-1079 Lot # 16 Pines Edge Farm 320-630-1079 BRED HEIFERS Page Cathie 927Z DOB: 9.8.12 Birth Weight: 90 Registration: ABWPA AC Louie AC05M Sire: RLC Farms Nitro Halliburton 20L Connie Page Cathie 927Z B&B Charlie 32S Dam: RAI Super Girl 303U Avalon Angela D Confirmed Bred to Page Rocky ABWPA & BWCAA Page Millie 929Z DOB: 9.26.12 Birth Weight: 92 Registration: ABWPA AC Louie AC05M Sire: RLC Farms Nitro Halliburton 20L Connie Page Millie 929Z Bensen’s Burgess Dam: RAI Roxie 335R Avalon Mary Jane Confirmed Bred to Page Rocky ABWPA & BWCAA Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 Lot # 18 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 Page Gloria 928Z DOB: 9.16.12 Birth Weight: 73 Registration: ABWPA AC Louie AC05M Sire: RLC Farms Nitro Halliburton 20L Connie Page Gloria 928Z BB Charlie 32S Dam: RAI Blossum 399U RAI Rose Bud 433R PULLED FROM SALE Lot # 19 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 Superior BJr Petula DOB: 7.22.12 Birth Weight: 72 Registration: ABWPA Keyhole Bower Sire: Rolling Acres Bower Jr GH Rolling Acres 53 Superior Bower Jr Petula JJ’s Al Jackson R24 Dam: Peppercorn Wicklund RW18 Lot # 17 PULLED FROM SALE BEING REPLACED PLEASE SEE SUPPLEMENT PAGE Lot # 20 Superior British Whites 715-278-3357 BRED HEIFERS Superior RB Nicki DOB: 8.21.12 Birth Weight: 71 Registration: ABWPA LPJ High Bower Sire: LPJ Red Classic Bower LPJ W14 Superior Red Bower Nicki TR Regis Progress TR3J Dam: Cave Creek Nancy 328N TR Regis Stefanni B09H Confirmed Bred to Keyhole Victor ABWPA Lot # 21 Superior British Whites 715-278-3357 BRED COW/CALF PAIRS Melidian Viking Juniper Birth Weight: 78 John Boys First Sire: White Creek Viking Kelland JC Dee Melidian Viking Juniper Wengers Fr Mike Dam: Nimmer’s Sierra Nimmers Lacy Lot # 22 & 22A Melidian DOB: 4.5.12 Registration: ABWPA Confirmed Bred to Coyote Ridge Maverick ABWPA Coyote Ridge British Whites Viking Jocelyn 507-753-2657 Registration: ABWPA John Boys First Sire: White Creek Viking Kelland JC Dee Melidian Viking Jocelyn Pequot X6 Dam: Wicklund GW3 Wicklund ZW71 Confirmed Bred to Rambling Creek McMason ABWPA Coyote Ridge British Whites 507-753-2657 Coyote Ridge Lucky DOB: 8.5.11 Birth Weight: 68 Registration: ABWPA AC Louie AC05M Sire: Coyote Ridge Cole RAI Cookie 428P Coyote Ridge Lucky RH Supreme Carm Dam: NT Lisa 08P RH Laurie Confirmed Bred to Rambling Creek McMason ABWPA Lot # 24 & 24A Sired by Wicklund’s ZW2 DOB: 6.30.12 Birth Weight: 78 Lot # 23 & 23A Heifer 69# Calved 4.8.14 Coyote Ridge British Whites 507-753-2657 Heifer 65# Calved 5.30.14 Sired by Wicklund’s ZW2 Heifer 65# Calved 5.3.14 Sired by Rambling Creek McMason BRED COW/CALF PAIRS Coyote Ridge Ava DOB: 4.21.11 Birth Weight: 74 Registration: ABWPA Cave Creek North Star 319N Sire: Cave Creek Trooper 744T Cave Creek Malinde 28M Coyote Ridge Ava AC Louie AC05M Dam: Coyote Ridge Abby Greenwood Farms Anabelle Lot # 25 & 25A Confirmed Bred to Rambling Creek McMason ABWPA 507-753-2657 Coyote Ridge British Whites Coyote Ridge Alma DOB: 8.10.09 Birth Weight: 75 Registration: ABWPA was BWCAA Halliburton Hi Noon Sire: Upper Lost Creek Boy ULC F01N Coyote Ridge Alma B&B Majestic Jack 5L Dam: B&B Amelia 36P B&B Bunny 37K Lot # 26 & 26A Confirmed Bred to Rambling Creek McMason ABWPA DOB: 4.13.09 Birth Weight: 76 Registration: ABWPA Halliburton Cornhusker 3 Sire: B&B Charlie 32S B&B Chastity 76N RAI Roxie 422W RAI Little Ben 304P Dam: RAI Miss Ben 382T RAI Roxie 335R Sired by Rambling Creek McMason Bull 78# Calved 5.10.14 507-753-2657 Coyote Ridge British Whites RAI Roxie 422W Lot # 27 & 27A Bull 75# Calved 5.2.14 Cave Creek Trooper 744T OPEN Heifer 74# Calved 7.17.14 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 Sired by RLC Farms Tucker F A L L B R E D c o w s / c o w- c a l f pa i r s C o w s c o u l d C a l f b y s a l e t i m e s o RLC Farms Paige DOB: 7.11.08 Birth Weight: 75 Registration: ABWPA T.R.Komander Sire: AC Louie AC05M T.R. Starlite 617H RLC Farms Paige Woodbastwick Randolph Turpin Dam: Halliburton Connie 2nd 30N Halliburton 20L Connie c h e c k s u p p l e m e n t Confirmed Bred to Page Rocky ABWPA & BWCAA Lot # 28 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 F A L L B R E D c o w s / c o w- c a l f pa i r s C o w s c o u l d c a l f b y s a l e t i m e s o Schulz’s Elsey DOB: 5.26.11 Birth Weight: 84 Registration: ABWPA c h e c k s u p p l e m e n t PULLED FROM SALE Schulz’s George Sire: Schulz’s Mr. Jacob Bensen’s Elsie Schulz’s Elsey Bensen’s Burgess Dam: Bensen’s Elsie Bensen’s Billy Jean Page Sheila Lot # 29 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 DOB: 9.16.09 Birth Weight: 75 AC Louie AC05M Sire: RLC Farms Nitro Halliburton 20L Connie Page Sheila Bensen’s Burgess Dam: RAI Diane 440R Avalon Diane B Registration: BWCAA Confirmed Bred to Page Rocky ABWPA & BWCAA Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 RAI Lea 310U DOB: 3.28.08 Birth Weight: 82 Registration: BWCAA Halliburton Cornhusker 3 Sire: B&B Charlie 32S B&B Chastity 76N RAI Lea 310U Bensen’s Burgess Dam: RAI Ms Supreme 332R B&B 6G Confirmed Bred to Page Rocky ABWPA & BWCAA For Apr-May 2015 Calf RAI Blossum 399U DOB: 3.13.08 Birth Weight: 66 Registration: BWCAA Halliburton Cornhusker 3 Sire: B&B Charlie 32S B&B Chastity 76N RAI Blossum 399U Bensen’s Burgess Dam: RAI Rose Bud 433R Avalon Blossum Lot # 30 Confirmed Bred to Page Rocky ABWPA & BWCAA Lot # 31 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 Lot # 32 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 F A L L B R E D c o w s / c o w- c a l f pa i r s C o w s c o u l d c a l f b y s a l e t i m e s o RAI Melody 392U DOB: 3.8.08 Birth Weight: 62 Registration: BWCAA Halliburton Cornhusker 3 Sire: B&B Charlie 32S B&B Chastity 76N RAI Melody 392U Avalon Prospector Dam: RAI Melody 446S Avalon Melody Confirmed Bred to Page Rocky ABWPA & BWCAA s u p p l e m e n t Lot # 33 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 RAI Roxie 335R DOB: 3.23.05 Birth Weight: 82 Registration: BWCAA Reeks 11 Sire: Bensen’s Burgess Bensen’s Lady Bev RAI Roxie 335R Avalon Claim Jumper Dam: Avalon Mary Jane B&B 59H c h e c k Confirmed Bred to Page Rocky ABWPA & BWCAA Lot # 34 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 RAI Rose Bud 433R DOB: 4.2.05 Birth Weight: 74 Registration: ABWPA Reeks 11 Sire: Bensen’s Burgess Bensen’s Lady Bev RAI Rose Bud 433R Avalon Claim Jumper Dam: Avalon Blossum Avalon Angela D Confirmed Bred to Page Rocky ABWPA & BWCAA Lot # 35 Rocky Hills British Whites 218-998-5871 Young bulls RAI Wesson Mag DOB: 3.24.14 Birth Weight: 88 Registration: ABWPA Cave Creek Performance Sire: B&B RAI Magnum 40Y B&B Magnolia 77P RAI Wesson Mag 324B Avalon Claim Jumper Dam: Avalon Blossum Avalon Angela D Lot # 36 Isaacson’s British Whites 218-843-2779 Young bulls BriarStone Big Ben DOB: 3.9.14 Birth Weight: 88 Registration: BWCAA Cave Creek Performance Sire: B&B RAI Magnum 40Y B&B Magnolia 77P BriarStone Big Ben 31B Avalon Gentle Ben Dam: Bellwood Diamond Lil Avalon 42M Lot # 37 BriarStone Farm 218-776-2132 BriarStone Bacardi DOB: 6.10.14 Birth Weight: 84 Registration: BWCAA RLC Farms Magnum Sire: Thistle Hill Mack Halliburton Victoria 44N BriarStone Bacardi 61B Avalon Sir Trent Dam: Bellwood Blue Belle Avalon 42M Lot # 38 BriarStone Farm 218-776-2132 BriarStone Baron DOB: 3.27.14 Birth Weight: 83 Registration: BWCAA Cave Creek Performance Sire: B&B RAI Magnum 40Y B&B Magnolia 77P BriarStone Baron 33B B&B NC Baron 6J Dam: B&B Linda Gail 17T Maple Glen 855 Lot # 39 BriarStone Farm 218-776-2132 BriarStone Barbosa DOB: 4.6.14 Birth Weight: 89 Registration: BWCAA Cave Creek Performance Sire: B&B RAI Magnum 40Y B&B Magnolia 77P BriarStone Barbosa B&B Dandy 35P Dam: Rambling Creek RC 31T Mercedes Lot # 40 BriarStone Farm 218-776-2132 Young bulls Superior Bower Buster DOB: 5.18.14 Birth Weight: 73 Registration: ABWPA Keyhole Bower Sire: Rolling Acres Bower Jr GH Rolling Acres 53 Superior Bower Buster Badger Lorant 135L 7/8 Dam: Bluestem Beauty Cave Creek Lilybet 123L Lot # 41 Superior British Whites 715-278-3357 Circle C King DOB: 7.13.13 Birth Weight: 69 Registration: ABWPA PULLED FROM SALE RLC Farms Nitro Sire: RLC Farms Tucker RLC Farms Molly Circle C King RLC Farms Storm Dam: Circle C Amariah RLC Farms Crystal Lot # 42 Sleepy Hollow Farms 608-538-3348 SILENT AUCTION ITEMS Hand-Painted Miniatures: British White Herd—Donated by Kerry & Kim Felton, Wisconsin British White Semen: 10 Straws each of J.West’s El Presidente, DeBeauvoir’s Huck Finn and Mr Noy 1B—Donated by Jimmie West, Texas Hand-Made Quilt—Donated by Robert & Karen Isaacson, Minnesota British White Pendant—Donated by Banner Bound Gear, Minnesota Hand-Painted Note Cards: Peaceful Pasture by Jessica Bolland—Donated by Brian & Jodi Olson, Minnesota Gift Basket—Donated by Brian & Jodi Olson, Minnesota Hand-Made Chicken Door Stop—Donated by Connie Johnson, Minnesota Hand-Made Cow Pillow—Donated by Connie Johnson, Minnesota Hand-Crafted Soap Basket—Donated by CMT Farm/Travis & Carolyn Jones REFERENCE SIRES RLC Farms Nitro Coyote Ridge Maverick LPJ Zoom Coyote Ridge McMason B&B RAI Magnum 40Y Thistle Hill Mack RLC Farms Tucker Prairie 65Z UPDATES ON CATTLE 1. Open Heifer_________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Open Heifer_________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Open Heifer_________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Open Heifer_________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Open Heifer_________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Open Heifer_________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Open Heifer_________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Open Heifer_________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Confirmed bred by veterinarian—Due approximately April-May, 2015____________________________________________ 10. Confirmed bred by veterinarian—Due approximately April 2015, Weight on Oct. 8, 2014: 1020#_______________________ 11. Confirmed bred by veterinarian—Due approximately April 2015, Weight on Oct. 8, 2014: 966#_____ __________________ 12. Confirmed bred by veterinarian—Due approximately April 2015, Weight on Oct. 8, 2014: 908#_____ __________________ 13. Confirmed bred by veterinarian for spring calf_______________________________________________________________ 14. Confirmed bred by veterinarian for spring calf_______________________________________________________________ 15. Confirmed bred by veterinarian for spring calf_______________________________________________________________ 16. Confirmed bred by veterinarian for spring calf_______________________________________________________________ 17. Confirmed bred by veterinarian for spring calf_______________________________________________________________ 18. Confirmed bred by veterinarian for spring calf_______________________________________________________________ 19. PULLED FROM SALE _______________________________________________________________________________ 20. Replaced with a confirmed bred spring bred heifer—Due approximately first half of May, 2015_ _______________ 21. Confirmed bred by veterinarian—Due approximately first week of May, 2015_________________________________ _____ 22. +22A_Confirmed bred by veterinarian—Due approximately May 10, 2015_________________________________________ 23. +23A_Confirmed bred by veterinarian—Due approximately May 20, 2015 ________________________________________ 24. +24A Confirmed bred by veterinarian—Due approximately April 25, 2015 ________________________________________ 25. +25A_Confirmed bred by veterinarian—Due approximately May 25, 2015_________________________________________ 26. +26A_Confirmed bred by veterinarian—Due approximately May 25, 2015_________________________________________ 27. +27A_OPEN—Heifer Calf at Side________________________________________________________________________ 28. Confirmed bred by veterinarian for fall calf__________________________________________________________________ 29. PULLED FROM SALE _______________________________________________________________________________ 30. Confirmed bred by veterinarian for 2014 fall calf______________________________________________________________ 31. Confirmed bred by veterinarian for Apr-May 2015 spring calf____________________________________________________ 32. Confirmed bred by veterinarian for 2014 fall calf______________________________________________________________ 33. Confirmed bred by veterinarian for 2014 fall calf______________________________________________________________ 34. Confirmed bred by veterinarian for 2014 fall calf______________________________________________________________ 35. Confirmed bred by veterinarian for 2014 fall calf______________________________________________________________ 36. Virgin Bull___________________________________________________________________________________________ 37. Virgin Bull___________________________________________________________________________________________ 38. Virgin Bull___________________________________________________________________________________________ 39. Virgin Bull___________________________________________________________________________________________ 40. Virgin Bull___________________________________________________________________________________________ 41. Virgin Bull___________________________________________________________________________________________ 42. PULLED FROM SALE _______________________________________________________________________________ SUPPLEMENT Check back for any changes here ____________________________________________________________________________________________ We have made every effort to have this catalog up to date, however, the bred females will be pregnancy tested soon and we will put the results in the catalog as we receive them. It will change from “Exposed” to “Bred” by their listing in the catalog. This page will be reserved for use to add an animal or of any replacing of animals, etc., so please keep checking back. Should an animal be removed prior to sale, it will be marked at that animal’s listing. If it is being replaced, the new animal’s picture and information will be added here. We hope we will see you at the sale. It is going to be great and a lot of fun! Thank you! __________________________________________________________________________ REPLACEMENT FOR LOT #20 Superior Foremost Neva DOB: 8.21.12 Birth Weight: 71 Registration: ABWPA Moeckly Classic Foremost Sire: LPJ Classic Foremost LPJ Polly Superior Foremost Neva TR Komander Dam: Superior Komander Nellie Cave Creek Nearra 329N PICTURE COMING Confirmed Bred to Ozark Duke Drummer ABWPA Replacement—New Lot # 20 Superior British Whites 715-278-3357 HERE’s HOW TO FIND Us North from New Ulm From Highway 15 South, turn Left (west) at the third stoplight (McDonald's) onto Century Avenue. Go approximately .75 miles. The fairgrounds is on your left. Enter through the main gate. South from St. Cloud Drive south on Highway 15 through Hutchinson's Main Street. When you reach McDonald's, turn Right (west) at the stoplight onto Century Avenue. Go approximately .75 miles. The fairgrounds is on your left. Enter through the main gate. East from Buffalo Lake/Hector Area (Highway 212) Continue east on Highway 212. Take a Left (north) on Highway 15. From Highway 15 South, turn Left (west) at the third stoplight (McDonald's) onto Century Avenue. Go approximately .75 miles. The fairgrounds is on your left. Enter through the main gate. West from Glencoe Go west on Highway 22. Take a Left on Airport Road. Cross over Highway 15. Approximately 1 mile later, take a Right (north) into the south gate of the fairgrounds. West from Minneapolis Go West on Highway 7. Turn Left (south) on Highway 15 in Hutchinson, and proceed on Hutchinson's Main Street. When you reach McDonald's, turn Right (west) at the stoplight onto Century Avenue. Go approximately .75 miles. The fairgrounds is on your left. Enter through the main gate. Any questions go to www.MNBritishWhites.org, or email MNBritishWhites@gmail.com, or call Frank 507/753-2657, Robert 218/843-2779, Linda 320/279-2790 or any of the Sellers. Auctioneering by Smith’s Auction License #30-37
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