St. Kilian, Feast Day - July 8 Sunday,

Sunday, October 19, 2014
St. Kilian, Feast Day - July 8
It is generally recognized that
from childhood, Kilian exhibited a
great zeal to the understanding of
the Christian Faith. He was
motivated by the words of Jesus:
“If anyone wishes to come after
me, let him deny himself and take
up his cross and follow me.” Kilian
was consecrated bishop before
leaving Ireland and given the name
“Kilian” which means “hammer.”
Kilian, the hammer, was to destroy
paganism by his preaching.
At that time, missionaries were
to be commissioned by the Pope.
They received the blessing of Pope
Conan for their preaching in Germany. Kilian and
eleven companions set out and when arriving in
Franconia (today Bavaria), Kilian and two
companions, Kolonat, a priest and Totnan, a
deacon, settled in Wurzburg where they were the
first missionaries to the people of that area.
Many people were converted to the Catholic faith
in the next few years. Kilian baptized the reigning
Duke Gosbert. The duke, however, was
married to his sister-in-law that which was
forbidden by both Franconia and Church law.
Since the duke had become a strong
Christian, he was resolved to separate from
his wife, Gailana. W hen she heard of
Gosbert’s intention she was furious and
arranged for Duke Gosbert to be on a
crusade, and when he was absent arranged
for the beheading of Kilian, Kolonat and
W hile awaiting their execution, Kilian
heard the voice of Jesus: “Friend Kilian,
arise. I do not want you to exert yourself any
longer. Just one more battle and you will
march in as victor with me.”
During the night the murderers broke in
and Kilian encouraged his companions with
the words: “Do not be afraid of those who
kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” They
were martyred in the year 689. Kilian is
pictured with a sword, the instrument of his
Serving St. Kilian’s
Father Bruce Powers
Father Duffy
Mr. Victor Albanese
Mr. Pierre Lehmuller
Mrs. Carol Budinoff
Mrs. Anne Carter
Mrs. Addie DeVincentis
Mr. Timothy Fierst
Mr. Brian McKenna
Mrs. Elizabeth Noveck
Mrs. Suzi Picciano
Mr. James Porter (Chairman)
Mr. David Rodenburg
Mrs. Terri Romano
Pastoral Council e-mail
Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. in the church.
Spanish Baptisms are celebrated on the 4th Sunday
of the month at 2 p.m. Parents are required to
participate in one Sacramental Preparation session.
These meetings are held on the first and third
Sunday of each month. After attending the
9:30am Mass, parents should proceed to the Parish
Center (below the church) for the Baptism
Preparation Class. Godparents are welcome. Please
call the rectory to arrange an interview with a deacon
or priest to register for the preparation session and
the Baptism ceremony. Additional information on
Baptism is available on the parish website:
be given over the phone. The bride, the groom,
or their parents must be a member or former
members of St. Kilian Parish. Note: The
interview to schedule the marriage date at St.
Kilian should be completed before commitments
are made with a catering hall. All couples are
required to participate in a Foccus Inventory
prior to attending a diocesan approved Pre
Cana Program in preparation for this sacrament.
Additional information is available on the parish
Anointing of the Sick
Mr. Victor Albanese
Deacon Frank Barone
Mr. Richard Merzbacher
Mr. Edward A. Smith
Deacon William Weiss
Mr. Stephen G. Wilson
Support Staff
Mr. Frank Shanley - Business
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Manager -
may be received by any Catholic who is
Mrs. Eileen Donohue preparing for surgery, or is of advanced age, or
is seriously ill. The sacrament is the Church’s
prayer for health and healing and should not be
Mrs. Barbara Geary - Secretary
delayed until there is danger of death. Please
call the rectory to speak with a priest. Also, to
Confessions are heard in the church on Mondays, arrange for Communion to be brought to the Mrs. Maureen Ihm - Secretary 1:00-2:00 p.m.; Saturdays, 4:00-4:45 p.m.; and in shut-in, please call the Parish Social Ministry/
the rectory by appointment. Confessions are not Outreach Office.
Mrs. Antoinette Pusateri heard on Mondays that are Holy Days or public
Accounting Admin. holidays. Confessions in Spanish by appointment. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults –
Please call the rectory.
Anyone who wishes to become a Catholic and
who has not been baptized or who has been
Marriage arrangements should be made with a
baptized in another Christian community is
deacon or priest at least six months before the
invited to inquire into the RCIA. Please call the
proposed wedding date. No dates for marriage will
rectory for information.
St. Kilian Parish Web
Parish e-mail address:
Rectory - (516) 249-0127 X
Religious Education Office - (516) 694-0633
Parish Outreach (516) 756-9656
Music Office - (516) 420-0950 X
Youth Ministry - (516) 249-0127
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, October 19, 2014
A Three-Year Spiritual Renewal: “Arise: Together in Christ”
“They came and saw where he was staying, and they remained with him that day.” (John 1. 39)
About a dozen years ago when John O’Malley was named by Pope John Paul the 2nd as Archbishop of Boston, he knew
that he would have his hands full in a complex and scandal ridden diocese. He recognized that healing was needed.
The clergy sex abuse scandal caused great damage to the morale and spiritual life of his parishioners.
He asked Renew International, a spiritual renewal Center located in Newark, New Jersey, to meet with a diocesan
committee and develop a program that would bring new life to his beleaguered diocese. Arise: together in Christ was
the result. I believe that 2 of the renew international missions were implemented at St. Kilian: renew and renew 2000.
A three-year and parish centered process of spiritual renewal, Arise has as its goal deepening a personal friendship and
mature love for Jesus Christ. In addition, participants in Arise would meet in small groups in every parish in the diocese,
to discuss The Word of God and share their faith in the Lord at work in their lives. Participants are drawn closer to the
Lord and to one another, bringing healing and deepening bonds in their Christian communities.
Each participant received an individual booklet to assist their prayer and faith sharing. Leaders of these small homebased groups were trained as facilitators by the Renew International office. Hundreds of thousands of parishioners in
the archdiocese of Boston participated. The results were as they hoped. Parishioners found their love for Jesus growing
stronger, and their love for one another and their church increasing as well.
The structure of the Arise spiritual renewal: there are 5 distinct periods of time, called seasons, each of which lasts 6
weeks. Each season engages the parish (and the diocese if a whole diocese is participating) in a gospel theme: season 1
in the fall of the year, is entitled: “ Encountering Christ Today”; season 2, usually during Lent, is called “Change Our
Hearts”. Season 3, in the fall of the following year,-”In the Footsteps of Christ”; and in Lent of the next year-”New
Heart, New Spirit. Arise concludes with the last fall season- “We Are the Good News.”
Arise has been approved for use in our diocese by Bishop Murphy. In my last assignment as pastor of Saints Peter and
Paul in Manorville, we began the Arise Spiritual Renewal in the fall of 2013. Although we had just 1200 registered
parishioners, 120 adults participated in the 1st season,! I understand that the same enthusiasm and involvement is
continuing as the 3rd season of Arise begins.
Arise can be targeted at young parents preparing their children for 1st holy Communion or Confirmation. They can be
invited as participants in small Christian communities for the three-year term. The rest of our parish can also
participate in small faith sharing communities through Arise.
You can find more information on “Arise: Together in Christ” by clicking on the website for renew
Peace, Father Bruce
Next Week: Parish-based Biannual Retreats
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, October 19, 2014
SUNDAY - October 19 - Twenty-Ninth Sunday in
Ordinary Time - Readings: 1st—Isaiah 45:1, 4-6; 2nd—1
Thessalonians 1:1-5b; Gospel—Matthew 22:15-21
For Parishioners of St. Kilian - Fr. Antonio
Ruth M. Jeffery - Fr. Gus
James Forgione - Fr. Duffy
Ralph Porpora - Fr. Duffy
12:30pm Damian (Sam) Aiello - Fr. Bruce
Pat Pedone
Lorraine Schumeyer
James Ross
MONDAY - October 20 - Weekday
Gloria Henao
Angelo, Arcangela & Theresa Pedone
The following are the weekly collections for:
Oct. 11, 12, 2014 .....................$21,631.22
(Last year 2013) ......................$22,054.00
Oct. 11, 12 2014 ...................
(Last year 2013) ...............
Parish Collection report - Weekend of Oct. 11, 12, 2014
5pm - Sat.
Number of
Amt. in Env
6:15pm - Sat.
TUESDAY - October 21 - Weekday
Martin Murphy
Carlos Perez
7:30pm - Sat
WEDNESDAY - October 22 - Weekday
Mary Mormino
Sister Mary Alicia Lanni
THURSDAY - October 23 - Weekday
Jean & Eugene Cadet
Robert Joseph Michels
Mail in Envelopes: $1472.00
FRIDAY - October 24 - Weekday
George Landi
Richard H. Wider
Bulletin Reflection:
The Bishop’s pastoral letter on stewardship reminds us, “Jesus
not only calls people to Him but also forms them and sends
them out in His service. Bring sent on a mission is a consequence of being disciples.”
SATURDAY - October 25 - Weekday
Richard Carosella
John, Mary & Marie Finn - Fr. Bruce
Francis Rogers
Kaitlyn Doorny
Pat Pedone
- Fr. Antonio
Paul Wentz - Fr. Duffy
SUNDAY - October 26 - Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary
Time - Readings: 1st— Exodus 22:20-26; 2nd—1
Thessalonians 1:5c-10; Gospel—Matthew 22:34-40
Josef Cervenka - Fr. Bruce
Dina Caimano - Fr. Antonio
For the Parishioners of St. Kilian - Fr. Gus
Frank Rinaldi - Fr. Bruce
12:30pm Helen Wass-Johnson - Fr. Duffy
Michael J. Dunne
Jean Sales
James Ross
*The schedule of priests celebrating Mass
is subject to change as parish needs arise.
Living Stewardship:
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who reprioritize their giving in these challenging times and the faith to
keep the mission of Christ first!
AND WINE to be used at all WEEKEND Masses
(Oct. 18, 19, 2014) were donated in Memory of
+ Dan Kopetic
Gift of: St. Kilian Religious Education
AND WINE to be used at all WEEKDAY Masses
(Oct. 20-24, 2014) were donated in Memory of
+ Rocco & Nena Dituri & Charles & Ella Scheer
Gift of: Bill & Christine Scheer
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Do good on earth...”
Pray and give generously
The Society for the Propagation of the Faith
a Pontifical Mission Society
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Charles Kellen Finck
Ella Rose Menig
As a praying community, we
automatically ask prayers for all
those who are ill. Names added to
the list will remain on for a
maximum of 3 weeks. If the
individual is still in need of prayers,
the office would have to be notified to continue for an
additional 3 weeks. If you do not desire to be listed, please
inform us.
This Sunday, World Mission Sunday, our Holy Father, Pope
Francis, calls every Catholic to celebrate at the Eucharist, our
vocation to be missionary and to help the Missions. As
Catholics around the world, here at home and in the Missions,
gather at the Eucharistic table, let us pray for the Church’s
worldwide mission and offer financial help through the
Propagation of the Faith for more than 1,150 dioceses in Asia,
Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands. Thank you for
your generosity.
There will be a second collection this weekend for World
Mission Sunday. Thank you for your generosity.
Frank Burnside; Msgr. Tom Hartman; Sarita Donald;
Denise Wagner; Helen Norjen; John Peters; John Nelson,
Jr.; John Nelson; Kerri Ihm; Rosemarie Oliver; Matthew
Malley; Christine Fitzgerald; Sonia Thalappillil.
And prayers for the children: Gwendolyn Rose; Kyle
Patrick Johnson; MacKenzie Jordan Borchers; Jameson
Rest in Peace
Please pray for the repose of
the soul of:
Philip D’Aguanno
James J. Walker
Frances Bracco
Arthur J. Catanzarita, Sr.
Robert G. Losi
Thomas J. Regan
All Souls Day,
Sunday, November 2
On All Souls Day, we commemorate
the memory of all of our brothers and sisters who have
completed their life’s journey on their way home to the Lord.
It is an ancient custom that we make offerings and offer
prayers for our deceased loved ones. The custom precedes
the time of Jesus for the Old Testament book of Maccabees
speaks of taking up offerings for the deceased in battle so
that sacrifices may be made in the temple of Jerusalem for
them (2 Mac. 12:43-45)
To have your deceased family and friends remembered in
the Masses on All Souls Day and throughout the month of
November, please return the All Souls Envelope in your
monthly packet of envelopes. Envelopes are also available
on the bulletin stands in the church.
Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord, and let the Perpetual
Light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all
the faithful departed through the mercy of God Rest in
Peace. Amen
Collection Envelopes
It helps our counters to keep an
accurate account of your
donations if you write the
amount of your donation on the
space provided on the front of your envelope. Also,
please do not tape your envelope closed. Thank you
for your generosity to St. Kilian Parish.
Banns of Marriage
Second Announcement
William Scott Sucarino & Colleen Bridget Carroll (St. Kilian)
Matthew Candela (St. Kilian) & Lauren Flanagan
Third Announcement
Michael Robert Erhardt & Jennifer Marie Sabatelli (St. Kilian)
Marco Rabie (St. Kilian) & Mandy Kassis (St. Kilian)
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, October 19, 2014
St. Agnes Medal of
This past June, Msgr. Flynn, after
consultation with our Pastoral
Council, recommended Chris
McDonald for the St. Agnes Medal
of Service. Bishop William Murphy
has approved. Chris will receive
this medal next weekend at a special ceremony at St.
Agnes Cathedral.
The St. Agnes Medal of Service was instituted 8
years ago to recognize members of the church who
contributed their time and talent to our parishes. Chris
McDonald is receiving this honor because of her consistent, generous and meaningful contributions in many
ways to the life of the parish of St. Kilian.
Chris McDonald has been a parishioner at St.
Kilian for over 35 years. She has been very active in the
parish over the years, serving as a Eucharistic Minister;
Social Ministry volunteer who brings the Eucharist to the
homebound; member of the Ministry of Consolation; long
time member and past president of the Women’s Guild; a
volunteer who cares for the beautiful flowers on the Altar
through our liturgical seasons; member of the Adult Faith
Formation Committee and also the Monday night Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Group.
Chris’s faith and devotion to her religion and to
the Church are evident in all that she does. She is an
asset to the pastoral staff and her kind and generous
manner is well known and loved here at St. Kilian’s.
Congratulations Chris for a well deserved honor!
Readings for the Week of October 19, 2014
Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21
Eph 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21
Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38
Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48
Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53
Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59
Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9
Next Sunday: Ex 22:20-26/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34-40
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Please consider remembering St. Kilian Parish in
your will. Catholics of generations to come will
thank you for your thoughtfulness and remember
you in prayer.
Opens for Mass Intentions for
January 2015 to December 2015
On Tuesday, November 4, 2014
From 10AM to 3PM in the Rectory
“Announced Mass” refers to a Mass for which
there is a specific date and time. It is announced in
the Bulletin and during the Prayer of the Faithful.
The Weekday Masses are:
7:00AM and 9:00AM
Saturday: 7:30AM
Saturday Evening Vigil Masses:
5:00PM (Multiple - 4 Intentions) and 7:30PM
Spanish Mass: Saturday 6:15PM
Sunday Masses: 7:00AM, 8:00AM, 9:30AM,
11:00AM and 12:30PM (Multiple - 4 Intentions)
Masses are $20.00. There is an extra $5.00 for a
leatherette folder. After November 4, the Mass
Book will be open in the rectory during regular
office hours.
Counseling Information for Families
and Individuals
Living Waters, located on Wolf Hill Road in
Melville, on the grounds of St. Elizabeth Catholic
Church, provides individual and group therapy with a
Christian perspective - 631-754-3990 email:
Our pastor, Father Bruce Powers, besides his
graduate degree in theology from the major seminary in
Huntington, New York, holds a Masters degree in
Pastoral Counseling from St. John’s University ( M.S. in
Ed.). In addition, he has received certification in
substance abuse counseling from South Oaks Institute in
Amityville, New York. If you would like his counsel on
personal and family difficulties, please contact him at St.
Kilian rectory: 516-249-0127 or email him for an
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, October 19, 2014
...through Stewardship
A Way of Life
Stewardship News - Awareness Weekend
For many years, when we enter into our stewardship renewal
time, we begin with Awareness Weekend. Usually, the
awareness we speak and write about is one that focuses
directly on stewardship or the renewal event itself. It is
intended to help make us aware, as good stewards, of how we
shared our gifts over the past year.
Let’s think a bit differently this year and use Awareness
Weekend as a time for us to be specifically aware of God in
our daily lives. If we are asked, “Who is the source of all
things; who created the earth and all things in it; who created
and uniquely gifted us, as each of us are?”, we may reply,
“God!” But, would someone know this answer without asking
the question? Could someone determine by the way we live
our lives that we believe God is the Source and Creator of all?
Awareness Weekend calls us to be aware - conscious - that
all that we are and all that we have has been given to us by
God. Yes, we work for what we possess, but God gave us the
ability to work. Yes, we may have achieved much, but God
gave us the motivation to do so. Each one of us has been,
and continues to be, gifted by God.
When we realize that all has been given as gift, our natural
response is gratitude. We can’t help but say “thank you” for
what we have received! In fact, try not saying “thank you”
when someone offers you a gift. It requires a real effort NOT
to say “thanks!” If saying “thank you” is our natural response
and God has given all as gift to us, then we must respond
with gratitude.
One very important and foundational way we can thank God
is through prayer. God’s stewards are rooted in prayer for it
is through prayer that we are guided on our life’s journey.
Prayer is our grateful response to God’s gifts and a natural
way to continue to belong more deeply.
Ways to Take-A-Step
Pray for a few minutes after
you awake in the morning.
Pray before meals.
Establish a family prayer time.
Pray the Rosary during your
Attend weekday Mass, when
you are able.
Stop into church and pray
before the Blessed Sacrament.
Learn about our Patron Saints
for special intention prayers.
Join or begin a prayer group.
Arrive early for weekend Mass
to allow time to pray.
Take-A-Step to Belong More Deeply...Pray.
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, October 19, 2014
At St. Kilian’s Auditorium
Sponsored by the
St. Kilian’s Pastoral Council
Oct. 19 (Sunday)
Baptism Preparation - 10:30am - Parish Ctr.
Fr. Bruce Powers Installation Mass - 12:30pm Church - reception to follow
SKYouth - 6pm - Cafeteria
CYO Boys Basketball - 7pm - Auditorium
Alanon Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
Oct. 20 (Monday)
Seniors - 11am- Parish Ctr.
Divorced/Separated - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr
Pre-Cana Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
Oct. 21 (Tuesday)
Seniors - 11am- Parish Ctr.
NA Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
Oct. 22 (Wednesday)
AA Support Meeting - 7pm - Parish Ctr.
Boy Scouth Catholic Emblem - 7:30pm - Parish
Oct. 23 (Thursday)
Oct. 24 (Friday)
SKYouth Music Practice - 6pm - Parish Ctr.
AA Spanish Support Meeting -7pm-Parish Ctr.
Oct. 25 (Saturday)
CYO Basketball - 7:00pm - Auditorium
Spanish Youth Group - 7:30pm - Cafeteria
Oct. 26 (Sunday)
Blood Drive - Knights of Columbus - Auditorium
- 8am - 12 noon
SKYouth - 6pm - Cafeteria
CYO Boys Basketball - 7pm - Auditorium
Alanon Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
7:00pm to 11pm
Live Music by The Electric Dudes
Choice of 6 Entrees, Bread, Salad
Beer, Wine & Soda
Homemade Desserts - Coffee/Tea
Lots of Raffle Prizes
$40.00 per person
This year we are collecting non-perishable
food and/or toiletry items for Outreach.
BULLETIN DEADLINE: The deadline for
submissions to the weekly bulletin is Tuesday
morning. Your announcement may be emailed
to or dropped off in the
rectory, but it must be received before noon
on Tuesday to be included in the next bulletin.
The bulletin is published each week on our
web site at You may
also email any questions or requests to the
rectory office at
KilianFest Reservation Form
Name ____________________________________________
Address _________________________________________
Telephone No.___________________________________
No. of people attending ____
Please seat me with _____________________________
Let us say THANK YOU by supporting their
businesses. Please let them know that you saw
their ad in our Parish Bulletin.
Reservation deadline Nov. 3, 2014. Make Checks payable to
St. Kilian Church. Mail to or drop forms at St. Kilian Rectory,
485 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735
Attn. Patti Starkie.
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, October 19, 2014
St. Kilian Roman Catholic
Blood Drive
Sunday,October 26, 2014
8:00am - 12 Noon
St. Kilian Auditorium,
Cherry St., Farmingdale
Your donation will help to save up to THREE
lives. Our community hospitals need your help.
Please share this lifesaving gift! Thank you for
Eligibility Criteria:
Bring ID with signature or photo.
Minimum weight 110 lbs.
Age 16-75 (16 year olds must have parental
permission. Age 76 and over need doctor’s note)
Eat well (low fat) & drink fluids
No tattoos for past 12 months
For questions concerning medical eligibility call 1-800688-0900.
New York Blood Center
St. Kilian e-mail
We would like to gather our parishioners e-mail addresses for the new
Parish Data System the parish is now using. This information will remain
only with St. Kilian’s and will be used only for better communication between
the rectory and parishioners. If you would like to submit your email information, please fill out the form below and drop it in the collection basket or drop
it off in the Rectory
Name ___________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Cell# _______________________
E-mail Address ___________________________________________
(Please Print)
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Archbishop of Dublin to present St. Agnes
Lecture at the Seminary in Huntington.
His Excellency Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of
Dublin, will present the annual St. Agnes Lecture
on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 3pm at the
Seminary of the Immaculate Conception 440
West Neck Road, Huntington, NY 11743. The
title of Archbishop Martin’s talk is “The Church
in Ireland and the Future.” An informal
reception and Evening Prayer will follow the
lecture. Admission is free; advance registration
is recommended. Seminary Development
Office, 631-423-0483 x 102;
Bishop McDonnell Alumnae Association
Alumnae Reunion - April 25, 2015
On Saturday, April 25, 2015, the Bishop
McDonnell Alumnae Association will host its
Annual Alumnae Reunion. The reunion will
celebrate the special anniversary classes of
1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970.
All 30s, 40s, and early 50s classes are
always welcome.
The reunion will take place at Gargiulo’s
Restaurant, 2911 West 15th Street in
Brooklyn, five minutes off the Belt Parkway
and one block from the D train. The cost is
$90.00 per person. You can register or ask
questions by calling Rita Monaghan-Maloney
at 718-857-2700 ext. 2253 or
The Senior Citizens of “Hardscrabble
Apartments” at 404 Main St., Farmingdale
are holding their annual “Autumn Fair” on
Saturday, Oct. 25th in their community building
from 10am to 3pm. It will feature a white
elephant sale, a giant raffle of new gifts, a plant
and bake sale, crafts, religious items, and a
snack bar. For info call 516-293-9736.
Farmingdale Knights of Columbus
1 Morton Street, Farmingdale
Presents Live in Concert,
Friday, November 7, 2014 - 7pm - 11pm Tommy Sullivan - Original Founder of
Johnny Maestro and the Brooklyn Bridge
performing 50’s, 60’s, 70’s Classics
Call 631-755-2204 or 516-293-5983 for tickets.
Buffet dinner, beer, wine & soda, coffee &
dessert - $35 pp
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Outreach is our parish community’s response to the Gospel call to help those in need.
We serve anyone who lives within our parish boundaries regardless of religion, race or ethnicity.
We are located at 140 Elizabeth Street but our main entrance is in the parking lot facing Conklin Street.
We are also available certain Saturdays by appointment only. Spanish translators are available Tuesdays and Fridays.
For further information please call 516-756-9656
Nina Petersen, Director of Outreach
We thank you in advance…..This week our pantry could use the items listed below. Just drop your donation
in the bin in the gathering space of the church or bring it to Outreach during our regular business hours.
Progresso Soup
Our HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE will be held in the Outreach building on Saturday, November 8th, from 3:30
pm to 7:30 pm and Sunday, November 9th, from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. Please look for more information in our
upcoming bulletins on this much-needed drive.
“To Ms. Pat G. – Thank you for helping me with the resume. I got a job with benefits!”
Did you know we offer Employment Assistance (resume writing, interview coaching, job search tips)? Our
Employment Counselor is here Thursdays from 11:00am to 2:30pm. If interested, call for an appointment.
Do you need food assistance but work weekdays? Our pantry is open one Saturday per month, by appointment only.
Please call for further information about this emergency assistance.
Harvest Houses are Residences for Independent Elders directed by the Sisters of St, Dominic.
You are invited to Open Houses at:
Harvest Grove, 1059A Hawkins Ave, Lake Grove on Thurs 10/23 from 1-3pm or Sun 10/26 from 11am-2pm
Harvest House, 235 Cold Spring Rd, Syosset on Thurs 10/23 from 1-3pm or Sun 10/26 from 11am-2pm
Harvest House, 33 Flower Ave, Floral Park on Saturday, 10/25 from 1-3pm or Sun 10/26 from 11am-2pm
For information call: Sr Jeanne A. Brendel, O.P., CSW at 516-496-9796.
Are you or someone you know having family or interpersonal problems due to drinking ALCOHOL and/or using
DRUGS? CATHOLIC CHARITIES / Talbot House, a Chemical Dependence Crisis Center, located in Bohemia provides
withdrawal and stabilization services on a voluntary basis to males and females over the age of 18, who are seeking to
stop and/or withdraw from alcohol and/or other drug use. The medical and clinical staff at Talbot House will assess the
kind of care the person needs, to begin his/her journey in recovery. For more information, please call: 631-589-4144.
Talbot House staff is available 24/7. Each call is confidential. Talbot House is a NO fee for service program.
CATHOLIC CHARITIES Commodities Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) provides a free monthly food package
(worth up to $65) to low-income, eligible seniors (60 years and older). U.S. citizenship is not required to participate in
CSFP. Office locations are in Freeport and Wyandanch; there are also 97 mobile locations in Nassau and Suffolk counties,
including Hardscrabble Apartments right here in Farmingdale. Call 516-623-4568 or 631-491-4166 for more
Thank You, St. Kilian Parish, for Helping Us Help Others!
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Just like a family who outgrows articles of clothing or
replaces things as they become worn, our parish needs
to purchase vestments from time to time for use in the
sacred liturgy.
The following vestments are available to
Red Set
2 x Red Deacons Stoles $300 each
Youth Events for Middle and High
School Teens:
Friday 6:20pm Teen Holy Hour / dodgeball @
St Ignatuis, Hicksville *** meet at St Kilian
rectory lot for a ride.
Communion Stole
1 x White Stole for Communion help $300 each
3 x Violet Stole for Communion help $300 each
2 x Green Stole for Communion help $300 each
3 x Red Stole for Communion help $300 each
10/19 6pm-9pm SKY meets at school cafeteria (rear
basement entrance) for hockey, pizza, and faith
talk+. We then move Church food collection to
pantry and head down to rectory youth room by
8:15 to continue with High School SKY J
Please contact the rectory at (516)249-0127, if
you are interested in memorializing a vestment. You can
make your gift In Memory of, or In Honor of a family
member or friend or as a Gift of and the vestments will
bear a label memorializing your support.
This is also a great way to see your gift “in use”
for many years to come, since good quality vestments will
last for generations. When calling the rectory, please let us
know which item you would like to memorialize.
10/24 6pm -7pm Music Choir Practice Church Music
for our choir!
St. Edward the Confessor School
2 Teibrook Avenue, Syosset, NY
October 23 from 10:00 - 12:00PM
November 4 from 10:00 - 12:00PM and 1:00-2:00PM
If you would like more information or want to schedule a
tour, please call the main office at 516-921-7767 or visit
our website at
Maria Regina Early Childhood Open House
Seaford, NY
Tuesday, Oct. 21 from 9AM - 10AM
All new families are welcome to tour our Early Childhood
Programs. Come to see Nursery Program - 3 year olds,
Pre-K Program - 4 year olds, and Kindergarten Program 5 year olds. Registration will be in January.
10/26 9:30am
Youth Mass in Church (all teens are
invited to sit and sing with us) 8am rehearsal in
church music room.
10/26 6pm-9pm Sky Halloween Party in School
Cafeteria. Wear your costumes to try out for
Halloween and bring 1 non-perishable food item
to donate to food pantry.
Contact Youth Minister DJ Schultz: or to volunteer and
for any information. Join Sky facebook page@ (Sky) and be a
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, calls for us
to pray for peace in Iraq.
The plight of our country
is deep and the suffering of Christians
is severe and frightening.
Therefore, we ask you Lord
to spare our lives, and to grant us patience,
and courage to continue our witness of Christian values
with trust and hope.
Lord, peace is the foundation of life.
Grant us the peace and stability that will enable us to live
with each other without fear and
anxiety, and with dignity and joy.
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, October 19, 2014
St. Kilian Respect Life
A pro-lifer was putting in “extra hours” in front of the
abortion site last week for the 40 Days for Life
Campaign. He was able to speak with a young
mother near the building and direct her to the Life
Center for the help she needed to enable her to
give life to the child she was carrying. After a few
visits to the Life Center she decided that, with their
help, she would be able keep her baby. The life of
one more of God s precious infants saved, as well
as the wounding of one more mother’s heart.
At the Street Fair
Visit the St. Kilian’s Booth at the
October 19th
(Between 10AM & 4PM)
This is the RAINOUT Date from Last Saturday
No training is needed...just your prayers and
willingness to be there. Experienced pro-lifers will
be with you.
Paul Montenero has been there each Wednesday
evening at 6:00 pm. Wontt you join him? An hour
of your time to witness and pray could change
a heart . There are only three Wednesdays left.
Call 516-523-0373.
CALL 516-249-6567
Stop by and say hello, or bring a friend—Or
perhaps someone who has been away from
our Church family for a while.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul
In the Gospel today Jesus says: “Repay to Caesar what belongs
to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” When God is the
center of our lives there is no problem with giving others their
Through your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you
are helping your neighbor who is hungry, hopeless and
frightened to know that they belong to God.
If you are in need of assistance or would like
information about joining or contributing to the Society,
please call 516-473-9562. Leave a message and a phone
number. A member will return your call as soon as possible.
You may visit our website at Please remember the Poor Boxes at the exits of the church. They are the
Bread Boxes of the poor and hungry.
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Ciclos de Fe
Celebremos Los
Todos los Sábados a las 6:15PM.
Ultimos miércoles de cada mes.
Se celebra cada cuarto domingo de
mes, a las 2:00 de la tarde. Es
requisito para los papás y padrinos, atender la clase pre-bautismal,
cada tercer miércoles de mes a las 6:30 PM, en la parte baja de la
Iglesia. Por favor llame a la rectoría para hacer su cita con el
sacerdote, para llenar el formato; usted deberá traer el certificado o
registro de nacimiento de su niño. Los niños de 6 años ó más,
deberán asistir a las clases de catequesis regular.
PADRINOS: Deben ser católicos, con los Sacramentos de
Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación; solteros ó casados por la
Iglesia. Deben traer una notificación indicando que están
registrados o son miembros de la Parroquia, en donde viven ó
adonde asisten a misa. No pueden ser padrinos las personas que
tienen parejas sin haberse casados por la Iglesia.
Deben haber recibido los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Comunión y
Confirmación ó estar asistiendo a las clases regulares de
Educación Religiosa ó RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para
invitamos a una preparación espiritual de conversión a la fé católica.
Favor comunicarse con la Hna: Reina Vásquez
(631)902-9969. Las clases iniciarán en septiembre.
Es necesario hacer una entrevista con el Sacerdote ó Diácono de
la Parroquia con 6 meses de anticipación, para la celebración de su
boda. Es imprescindible que todas las parejas, asistan a PRECANA (charlas pre-matrimoniales), para poder casarse. Para
mayor información, llamar a la Rectoría (516)-249-0127 ext.129
P. Antonio o hablar con él, después de la Misa, los sábados.
29º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
“Dios sigue actuando en la historia. El Espíritu
Santo sigue moviendo los corazones de los cristianos
como en la primera comunidad cristiana de Tesalónica;
la comunidad era ejemplar por su fe, su caridad y
esperanza. Si seguimos su ejemplo seremos capaces en
la actualidad de lograr un equilibrio entre Dios y el
César. Entre Dios y los impuestos que cada año
debemos pagar al gobierno. Por un decir, la invitación de
Dios ante todo esto es que la política no es lo importante
sino que dentro de ella se respete al ser humano y su
Balance entre el ser humano y lo divino es lo
que Jesús en el Evangelio nos enseña. Los fariseos no
perdían el tiempo en poner a prueba a Jesús, y
comprometerlo con sus respuestas. Unidos con unos
partidarios de Herodes, inician la conversación buscando
como acusarlo y deshacerse de él lo antes posible. Sus
palabras de alabanza al inicio de las preguntas se
convierten en trampa y ponen a prueba la honradez de
Jesús. “Maestro, sabemos que eres sincero y enseñas
con verdad el camino de Dios, y que nada te arredra,
porque no buscas el favor de nadie. Dinos, pues, qué
piensas”. La pregunta: “¿Es lícito o no pagar el tributo al
César?” Jesús es acertado en su respuesta, dando una
salida brillante. ¡Denuncia su hipocresía! La ambición de
los dirigentes, su amor al dinero, facilita el dominio de
los romanos sobre los pobres de Israel, por lo tanto, esto
impide que den un verdadero culto a Dios, alejándose de
la honestidad y solidaridad con los que más sufren.
¿Crees que sucede esto ahora? ¿Dónde lo identificas?
¿Qué es lo que hay que devolver a Dios?
©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc
Todos los miércoles de 6:00 a 9:00 PM, en el Grupo de Oración.
Lugar: Cafetería.
Llamar a la Rectoría, inmediatamente en caso de emergencia o
enfermedad, para que la persona reciba los Sacramentos
necesarios. (516)- 249-0127 Ext. 129 Padre Antonio.
(Renovación Carismática) Todos los miércoles de 7 a 9:30 PM en la
cafetería Y la Santa Misa, en la Iglesia, los últimos miércoles de
cada mes a las 7:00 P.M.
Se reúnen todos los sábados, después de Misa. Para información,
hablar con Nelson (516)351-8913/ Erlin (631)705-1229.
CARIDADES CATÓLICAS Commodities Supplemental
Food Program (CSFP) provee un paquete de comida
mensualmente (con un valor de hasta $65.00) personas
elegibles de la tercera edad (60 años y más). No necesita
ser ciudadano Norte Americano para participar en este
programa. Las oficinas están localizadas en Freeport y en
Wyandanch; también hay 97 locales móviles en los
condados de Nassau y Suffolk. Para más información llame
al 516-623-4568 o al 631-491-4166.
St. Kilian Catholic Church