OCTOBER 2014 ONLINE NEWSLETTER OF THE A Business Networking Group October 6th to November 10th Our Monthly Breakfast Meeting Will Be Held On October 15th 7:30 am to 9:00 am Overview of Social Media, including recommendations about which platforms are most beneficial for businesses to utilize and why. Feel free to bring your laptop or tablet for a hands-on experience of social media! Speaker PEG DUCHESNE Duchess Enterprise, LLC Peg will focus on Social Media Marketing. She is Communications Consultant and owner of Duchess Enterprise, LLC, where she helps clients develop and deliver their message. Peg does this in a variety of ways, primarily through Social Media Marketing, blogging, preparing clients’ newsletters, rewriting web content and through the use of Press Releases. Peg is known as the “Message Therapist” and she makes communications count. Peg Duchesne of Duchess Enterprise. LLC, is Our October Lite Breakfast Sponsor. Peg@DuchessLLC.com 240-577-1236 THANK YOU PEG!!! WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY WE HAD FOR OUR 3rd ANNUAL GREATER BELTSVILLE CHARITY GOLF CLASSIC ON SEPTEMBER 20th, 2014 Presenting Sponsors The Greater Beltsville Business Association and The Beltsville Rotary Club Photos by Jay Williams Design Company Page 2 Page 3 I may not have found your party on the greens that day to get your group’s photo, but all seemed to be having a fun day. I hope all had a great day. — The Photographer Page 5 Photos by Jay Williams Design Company END OF A BEAUTIFUL DAY AT THE CROSS CREEK GOLF COURSE Tournament Winner — Dr. John J. Moynihan Photos by Jay Williams Design Company Page 6 CALLING ALL GBBA MEMBERS! The GBBA is looking for new board members. Serving on the GBBA board is a great way to deepen your involvement with the local business community while at the same time getting to know your fellow GBBA members even better. Board service involves only one meeting a month and serving on , or chair, a committee. I urge you to apply. Please print out the following two pages 8 and 9 of this newsletter. Complete the two page GBBA Board Application Form and return to me, GBBA Board Member Andy Stern, by October 31, 2014. You may return it by these various ways; 1) Scanning your completed two page form and emailing it to astern@andysterns.com 2) Faxing your completed two page form to me at 301-614-0677. 3) Mailing your completed two page form to me (post marked by Wednesday October 29th) to: Andy Stern Andy Stern’s Office Furniture, Inc. 10523 Ewing Road Beltsville, MD 20705 4) Hand it to me or any GBBA Board member during our October monthly meeting on Wednesday October 22. Thank You! Andy Stern (301) 614-0500 Page 7 s Two page GBBA Board Application Form on next two pages PAGE 1 of 2 Page 8 PAGE 2 of 2 Page 9 The Little Paint Branch Trail On September 14, 2011, on behalf of the, GBBA, I had attended this community meeting about the development of the Little Paint Branch Trail and wrote an article about it in Sept. 2011 GBBA Newsletter. If you have interest in this matter please contact Eileen Nivera. Planner-Coordinator directly. see information below. — Editor www.BeltsvilleBusiness.com/TheBikeTrail.pdf Dear Jay Williams You are receiving this email because you attended the community meeting in the development of the Little Paint Branch Trail. A similar letter will be mailed by US Mail to adjacent property owners, municipalities and civic associations. A Site Development Concept Plan Application for the project was filed on September 24, 2014 for review by the Prince George’s County Department of Permitting, Inspections and Environment (DPIE). The project consists of construction of 10-foot wide shared-use trail, approximately two miles in length, beginning at the existing Paint Branch Trail at Cherry Hill Road near the intersection of Park Drive in College Park, Maryland, and connecting to the existing Little Paint Branch Trail at the Beltsville Community Center in Beltsville, Maryland. The alignment will run parallel to southbound Cherry Hill Road and westbound Sellman Road. The project will be constructed and maintained by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC). The nature of the review by DPIE is to review the conceptual stormwater management plan for the proposed project. If you wish to obtain more information about the proposed Stormwater Concept Plan, please contact Mr. Romaine Kesecker with URS Corporation who is the Engineer of Record under contract with M-NCPPC. Mr. Kesecker may be contacted at 410-891-9279 or romaine.kesecker@urs.com. Should you have questions in general about the proposed trail project, contact Eileen Nivera, Planner-Coordinator, with the M-NCPPC Department of Parks and Recreation at 301-699-2522 or eileen.nivera@pgparks.com. Sincerely, Eileen Nivera Planner-Coordinator Park Planning and Development Division Prince George’s Department of Parks and Recreation Page10 3 Page FROM GBBA MEMBER LARRY PENDLETON FINE WINE • SPIRITS and BISTRO 11011 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20705 • oldlinebistro.com • 301-937-5999 “News From Members” Continued to Next Page s Page 11 s “News From Members” Continued From Previous Page News from GBBA Member Timothy Brown’s Betterville Mavens! The China Daily USA on September 7th reported on the growing Beltsville based educational group’s students. The top left photo highlights Timothy M. Brown 10 and Kennedy Solaru 7 demonstrating their fluency of the Mandarin language as they greet guests at a festival organized by the United States-China Association of Commerce in Washington on August 31. Note: The page 9 of this newspaper has been mocked up under the front page masthead of the CHINA DAILY USA paper. Rockville and Gaithersburg events are also mentioned. Reminder: The Next Mavens Night Out fund raiser will take place at GBBA member’s Yia Yia’s Restaurant, Wednesday, October 23rd 6-9. A percentage of purchases will go directly to support the efforts of the Betterville Mavens. Page 12 NEWS FROM Prince George’s County Police Department District VI • C.O.P.S. Unit News from District VI • C.O.P.S. Unit Continued s Page 13 News from District VI • C.O.P.S. Unit Continued from previous page. NEWS FROM Prince George’s County Police Department District VI • C.O.P.S. Unit Car Break-Ins: Avoiding Car Theft Smash-andGrab. Please share with your communities. Halloween is approaching fast. I wanted to share a few quick tips with you. Car Break-In Prevention Tips Halloween Safety Quick Tips • Plan costumes that are bright and reflective. Make sure that shoes fit well and that costumes are short enough to prevent tripping. • Use reflective tape for costumes and trick-or-treat bags. • An adult should always accompany young children on their neighborhood rounds. • Always go in groups, never alone. • Use flashlights with fresh batteries and/or glow sticks for all children and their escorts. • Only go to homes with a porch light on and never enter a home or car for a treat. • Carry a cellphone for quick communication. • Remain on well-lit streets and always use the sidewalk. If no sidewalk is available, walk at the far edge of the roadway facing traffic. • Never cut across yards or use alleys. • Only cross the street as a group in established crosswalks. Never cross between parked cars or driveways. And never assume that vehicles see you and will stop. • Walk from house to house and never run. • Limit trick-or-treating to your neighborhood and the homes of people you and your children know. • When your kids get home, check all treats to make sure they’re sealed. Throw out candy with torn packages or holes in the packages, spoiled items, and any homemade treats that haven’t been made by someone you know. • Don’t allow young children to have hard candy or gum that could cause choking. Please share with your communities. Hope you have a safe and happy Halloween. 1. KEEP YOUR CAR VISIBLE Park in well-lit areas, near people or with a parking lot or garage attendant on duty. Avoid having your car concealed by larger vehicles, fences or foliage; thieves like to work in private. 2. DON’T MAKE IT EASY Keep windows and sunroofs closed and doors locked. Almost one-fourth of thefts from vehicles are from unlocked cars. 3. ACTIVATE YOUR VEHICLE’S ALARM Don’t have one? Factory-installed and-theft systems are best, but a professionally installed alarm can discourage a car break-in thief who likes to work in silence. 4. HIDE YOUR VALUABLES Many smash-and-grab thieves act on impulse. So keep your stuff out of sight – either with you or in a locked trunk. Don’t count on the glove box; thieves know to look there, and they’re easy to break into. 5. HIDE YOUR VALUABLES #2 If you have a wagon or SUV that leaves your cargo area open, get a retractable fitted cover to keep shopping bags or other belongings hidden. 6. DON’T HAND YOUR THIEF YOUR KEYS Take your keys with you. And if you think you have a great hiding place for a spare key, car break-in thieves know to look above the visor, in the center console, under the floor mat, in the trunk well, etc. 7. STOW YOUR STUFF BEFORE ARRIVAL Experienced thieves often stake out parking lots to watch for people putting items in their trunk. Help prevent car breakins by putting valuables, like laptops, messenger bags and electronic devices, into your trunk before you get to the parking lot. 8. STASH THE EVIDENCE, TOO After you’ve put your stuff in the trunk, don’t forgetsuch telltale evidence as power plugs, MP3 adapters and navigation system windshield suction-cup mounts. Thieves know what they’re looking for, so hide the electronic accessories, too. 9. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS If you see suspicious activity, find another spot to park. If you’re concerned, tell the attendant or report your suspicions to police. You may be helping keep another person from being a victim of a car break-in – or worse. 10. TAKE ONE MORE STEP Many vehicles are broken into with the intent of stealing the vehicle itself. Visible anti-theft devices, like steering wheel locks, steering column collars or brake pedal locks, may discourage the would-be thief from breaking in and trying. News from District VI • C.O.P.S. Unit Continued s Page 14 News from District VI • C.O.P.S. Unit Continued from previous page. NEWS FROM Prince George’s County Police Department District VI • C.O.P.S. Unit Stay connected & Get it from the Source TWITTER……………twitter.com/PGPDNews FACEBOOK.................facebook.com/PGPD1 *BLOG PAGE………....pgpolice.blogspot.com E-mail………..POLICE_MRD@co.pg.md.us YOUTUBE…………..…youtube/pgpdpolice Also. If you have a tip, you could get some cash Prince George’s County CRIME SOLVERS 1-866-411-TIPS(8477) TEXT ”PGPD plus your message” to CRIMES (274637) www.pgcrimesolvers.com You will not be asked personal information Prince George’s County Police Department District VI C.O.P.S. Unit jmwoody@co.pg.md.us 301-937-0910 * Editor’s Note Many of the passed issues of the GBBA Newsletter had pages devoted to the local crime reports and other information that were emailed to us from Cpl. Woody. Some of his reports may have become outdated by the time the monthly issues were disseminated and read. Now our readers are able to always go to this Prince George’s Police BLOG PAGE and see that current information! News from District VI • C.O.P.S. Unit Continued s Page 15 News from District VI • C.O.P.S. Unit Continued from previous page. NEWS FROM Prince George’s County Police Department District VI • C.O.P.S. Unit Schedule your home/business security survey with your COPS officer. This is fast, free and an awesome learning experience. For example, one of many categories that I look at while conducting a residential/ commercial survey is: reach from vandalism, or protected by wire mesh or other shielding methods. Multiple lamps of medium power is better than fewer lamps of high power because it will reduce glare (which makes it difficult for an observer to see the area effectively), it will provide more even lighting with fewer zones of shadow, and it will provide redundancy if one lamp’s bulb blows out. It is important to protect the security-lighting wiring and circuit (as well as the lamp itself) to prevent tampering or disabling. Use conduit and bury wiring underground where possible. It is best to use multiple circuits when installing security lighting in several areas. Obviously then, if one circuit trips out, you still have other live circuits. Check to be sure that the electric meter box is locked as well as the outdoor ‘mains’ circuit breaker box. To schedule your residential / commercial survey please e-mail Cpl. Woody at jmwoody@co.pg.md.us Lighting In the field of home security, security lighting is usally effective as a preventive measure against burglary, intrusions or other criminal activity on a piece of property. Security lighting will provide detection of intruders, it will deter intruders, and will provide a sense of security and the feeling of safety. Lighting is a component of crime prevention. A security lighting system acts as a deterrent. It illuminates the criminal, making them feel exposed, insecure and vulnerable. Criminals often look for areas with no lighting (for obvious reasons). Security lighting will not prevent criminal activity but crimes will be far less likely because lighting is an excellent deterrent. Security lighting should be mounted high and out of Community Partner Meeting I wanted to share some information on the Community Partners Meeting. This is a meeting that is conducted three times a year that involves different county agencies that is very resourceful for our communities. There will be an upcoming November meeting and (next year) a spring meeting. The meetings are usually held at the county maintenance facility located on Darcy Road. The meetings are open to community leaders and business owners. To be added to the Community Partners email list please email Carol Terry at ctterry@co.pg.md.us and ask to be added to the email list. You will then receive information on the next meetings to include topics, meeting times and place. — Hope this helps. Cpl. Woody Cpl. Woody #2305 Prince George’s County Police Department • District VI • C.O.P.S. Unit • jmwoody@copg.md.us • 301-937-0910 Page 16 Photo by Jay Williams Design Company Information on pages 13, 14, 15 &16 is from your community friend, 4 NEW DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSIONS TO THE GBBA MONTHLY ONLINE NEWSLETTERS You may have noticed the additional line under this month’s masthead on page one of this issue of the GBBA Newsletter that reads, “October 6th to November 10th”. From this month forward the deadline for submitting articles, and other contributions, like new news items from GBBA members for the “News From Members” section will be End of Business, the Friday after the first Wednesday of each month. Therefore, • November deadline is EOB Novmber 7th. • December deadline is EOB Decembr 5th • January deadline is EOB January 9th • February deadline is EOB February 6th • March deadline is EOB March 6th — Editor and so on. Please mark your calendars for UPCOMING GBBA EVENTS and be on the lookout for more exciting news and programs November 19th 2014 Breakfast- GBBA Business EXPO at Cross Creek “Find out more in the next issue” December 17th 2014 Breakfast- Annual GBBA Meeting “See what we’ve done this year!” January 21st 2015 GBBA Official Website Launch presented by Femi Dada-Smarthost Design GBBA MIXER Wednesday October 22nd 2014 5:00-7:00pm Sponsored by Old Line Bistro ‘Specials on food and beverages’ Look for upcoming ‘Lunch & Learns’ about Healthcare and the local community If you have suggestions for GBBA events or you would like to sponsor an event, please contact one of our two Programming Chairs: Craig Cooper ccooper@cciprinting.net 301-343-5584 Marshall Bays marshall.bays@ackermansecurity.com Craig Cooper Marshall Bays Page 17 Page 18 GBBA MEMBERS — GET INVOLVED!!! Join a Committee and Help Make a Difference Below is a list on the right that indicates the heads of the GBBA Committees for you to choose from. Contact any of the board members listed. Their contact information is on the next page. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS/POSITIONS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS/POSITIONS OFFICERS/POSITIONS 2014 2014 PRESIDENT MEMBERSHIP Howard Axelrod PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT Howard Axelrod Tom Aylward Howard Axelrod VICE PRESIDENT TREASURER VICE PRESIDENT Tom Aylward Diane Brown Tom Aylward TREASURER SECRETARY TREASURER Diane Brown SharonBrown DeGrouchy Diane SECRETARY SECRETARY Sharon DeGrouchy Sharon DeGrouchy Peg Duchesne MEMBERSHIP Bob Mignon MEMBERSHIP Peg Duchesne Peg BobDuchesne Mignon PROGRAMMING/SPECIAL EVENTS Bob CraigMignon Cooper PROGRAMMING/SPECIAL EVENTS Marshall Bays PROGRAMMING/SPECIAL EVENTS Craig Cooper Craig Cooper Marshall Bays COMMUNICATIONS/MARKETING Marshall Bays Katie Slovon COMMUNICATIONS/MARKETING Femi Dada COMMUNICATIONS/MARKETING Katie Slovon BOARD Katie Femi Slovon DadaDEVELOPMENT AndyDada Stern Femi BOARD DEVELOPMENT ADVOCACY/GOVERNMENT RELATIONS BOARD DEVELOPMENT Andy Stern Tom Aylward Andy Stern (VP Responsibilities) ADVOCACY/GOVERNMENT RELATIONS ADVOCACY/GOVERNMENT Tom Aylward (VP Responsibilities) RELATIONS MANAGEMENT/ADMIN Tom Aylward (VP(Pres. Responsibilities) Howard Axelrod Responsibilities) MANAGEMENT/ADMIN MANAGEMENT/ADMIN Howard Axelrod (Pres. Responsibilities) Howard Axelrod (Pres. Responsibilities) THE MISSION STATEMENT OF THE A Business Networking Group The Greater Beltsville Business Association strives to create a dynamic and thriving business environment that builds the pre-eminent community in Prince George’s County where people work and live. The GBBA works to advance the integrity of Beltsville as an historic Maryland Community. We support business growth and development through advocacy, networking, visibiity, education and training. Page 19 GREATER BELTSVILLE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS * * PRESIDENT (Management/Admin.) Howard Axelrod Director of Community Outreach High Road Schools haxelrod@highroadschool.com 703-915-6359 Vice President (Advocacy/Government Relations) Tom Aylward Jackson-Shaw taylward@jacksonshaw.com 301-908-8417 Secretary Sharon DeGrouchy Long and Foster Real Estate, Inc. sharon.degrouchy@longandfoster.com 240 417-7364 • The opportunity to form valuable relationships with key community business leaders. • Access to state and county representatives to discuss concerns and issues of the day relevant to you, your business and your family. • Become well-known in the community. • The opportunity to get your message across about your products and/or services. • Monthly breakfast meetings. • Annual fundraising golf tournament and other events. Programming/Special Events Marshall Bays Ackerman Security Systems marshall.bays@ackermansecurity.com 301-237-2847 Programming/Special Events Craig Cooper CCI Printing & Graphic Solutions ccooper@cciprinting.net 301-343-5584 Communications/Marketing Femi Dada Smarthost Design Technologies, LLC FemiDada@smarthostdesign.com 301-576-1122 Ext. 101 * Photos by Jay Williams Design Company • Inclusion in the Beltsville Business Directory. • The opportunity to work with successful individuals in their designated profession and area of expertise. Membership Peg Duchesne Duchess Enterprise, LLC Peg@DuchessLLC.com 240-577-1236 Board Development Andy Stern Andy Stern’s Office Furniture Inc. astern@andysterns.com (301) 614-0500 • Belonging to an active and vibrant organization vital to the local community. • Evening networking mixers and other social networking opportunities hosted by local business owners. Membership Bob Mignon Minuteman Press lauel@minutemanpress.com 301-776-9550 * Benefits of Being Associated With the Greater Beltsville Business Association • Opportunities for training and education in a variety of topics. • Actively participate in the “Buy Local” mentality to keep funds in your community. Online monthly GBBA Newsletter is designed & edited by GBBA Member Jay Williams, owner of the Jay Williams Design Company in Beltsville • 301-937-8633. jwdc@jwdc.com • www.jwdc.com Call GBBA at 240-391-8001 Go to FACEBOOK, enter; Greater Beltsville Business Association and check it out. Please “Like Us” on facebook. When we get enough likes we will be able to use a simpler domain name. —Peg Duchesne The Greater Beltsville Business Association P.O. Box 1878 • Beltsville, MD 20704-1878 www.BeltsvilleBusiness.com • 240-391-8001 Our monthly membership meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesdays of the month (7:30 am to 9:00 am) at the Cross Creek Golf Club, 12800 Bay Hill Dr. (off Old Gun Powder Road) Beltsville, MD 20705. See Map & Directions at www.BeltsvilleBusiness.com. Call 301- 595-8901 (Cross Creek Golf Club) ONLY if needed for directions. Page 20
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