Technical Data Sheet Release 1: 10/09/2012 ® FINOMIX RP 4100 FINOMIX® RP 4100 Fiber-reinforced high strength structural repairing mortar. DESCRIPTION Cementitious, one-component, controlled shrinkage, polymer-modified repairing mortar for demanding concrete repairs. Composed of high-performance grey Portland cement, silica sand, synthetic fibers, polymer resins and special enhancing additives. Suitable for layers up to 20mm thick. APPLICATIONS Suitable for repairing deteriorated concrete areas, both on horizontal and vertical surfaces. It is suitable for: Restoring of deteriorated concrete which covers the reinforcing bars. Protection against reinforcement oxidation and corrosion on defective or worn concrete. Smoothing of flaws such as bird nests, construction joints, holes from mold bases, exceeding reinforcing rods, etc. Filling of rigid joints Construction of surfaces which are subject to wear (ramps, commercial floors, etc.) PROPERTIES High compressive and flexural strength. Modulus of elasticity similar to concrete. Excellent adhesion to the substrate. Great workability and thixotropy even at large width. Fiber-reinforced for controlled shrinkage. High water impermeability. Very strong abrasion resistance. APPLICATION METHOD Surfaces should be clean and free from dust, grease and other residual materials. Remove all parts of the deteriorated concrete, until a solid substrate is revealed. Old concrete surfaces and oxidized reinforcing iron should be thoroughly cleaned using a hammer or chisel or a sand blaster to remove grease, rust, old paint and residual materials. Apply two layers of FINOMIX RP 4020 anti-corrosion brushable on the exposed iron reinforcement. Before applying the repairing layer, we recommend the coating of the surface with FINOMIX RP 4020 or FINOPLAST to creative a bonding layer between old and new concrete. Proceed with the application of the repairing coat while the bonding layer is still damp. Add the bag's content (25kg) into approx. 4.0kg of clean water under continuous stirring, until you obtain a uniform lump-free mixture. We recommend the use of a low speed power drill (300 r.p.m). Apply the mixture by pressing with a spatula or a trowel, at max. 20 mm thickness per layer. When a second layer is required, the surface of the first layer should be roughened to achieve better adhesion. During the next few days protect the fresh mortar against harsh weather conditions (high temperatures, strong wind, heavy rain, etc.) and make sure that is matures properly. The final surface should be FINOMIX® RP 4100 1/3 protected from premature dehydration by covering it with wet cloths or by spraying it every 3-4 hours within the first 48 hours. RECOMMENDATIONS Do not mix the product with dirty or salty water. During the application, temperature should be between +5ºC and +35ºC. Do not add more cement, aggregates or other additives. Do not add water once the mixture begins to set. At high temperatures or strong winds, make sure to dampen the surfaces after application, in order to prevent premature drying of the material which may compromise the properties of the product. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS COMPLIES WITH ΕΝ 1504-3. PROPERTY Form: Color: Bulk density of dry mortar: Max. size of aggregates: Mixing ratio: Density of mixture: Mixture pH: Pot life: Max. thickness per layer: Density of cured material: Compressive strength after dry storage: After 24 hours: After 7 days: After 28 days: Flexural strength after dry storage. After 28 days: Adhesion to the substrate After 28 days at +22°C and 60% R.H.: After 50 freeze-thaw cycles: Elasticity modulus in compression after 28 days Chloride content Carbonation resistance UNITS STANDARD min mm kg/l EN 1015 - 10 VALUE Powder Grey 1.3-1.4 1.5 0.16 2.0-2.1 > 11 90 35 2.0 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 EN 12190 EN 12190 EN 12190 ≥ 17.0 ≥ 36.0 ≥ 50.0 N/mm2 ΕΝ 12190 ≥ 8.0 N/mm2 ΕΝ 1542 ≥ 1.5 N/mm2 GPa ΕΝ 1542 ΕΝ 13412 ≥ 1.5 15.00 kg/l mm l/kg kg/l % EN 1015 - 9 0.00 Yes Note: Measures were carried out in laboratory environment conditions (Temperature: +22°C, R.H.: 60% with no ventilation). The different conditions in the manufacture plant (temperature, humidity, ventilation, substrate absorption) may affect the properties of the material. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The product RP 4100 contains cement which reacts as alkaline with water and perspiration, and may cause allergies and/or irritation. Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment for eyes and skin (protective clothing, gloves and goggles). If skin contact occurs, rinse well with plenty of clean water. In case of eye contact, get medical advice immediately. CONSUMPTION Approx. 16-17 kg/m2 for 1 cm thick layers. FINOMIX® RP 4100 2/3 PACKAGING - STORAGE Supplied in 25kg bags. Shelf life: At least 12 months from date of production when stored in original unopened packaging, in places protected from moisture and frost. WARNING The technical characteristics and recommendations for the use and application of the FINOMIX range of products are based on the knowledge and experience of the company. The above information shall be considered merely indicative and subject to confirmation after long-term practical application. For this reason, anyone who intends to use the product must ensure that it is suitable for the envisaged application. Since the specific site conditions during the applications are beyond the control of our company, the user alone is fully responsible for any consequences deriving from the use of the product. FINOMIX has the right to modify the properties of its products without prior notice. This release voids any previous publications issued for this technical specifications sheet. FINOBETON S.A. Pythagora 16, 73134 Chania - Crete Phone.: 28210 27000 , Fax: 28210 27005 E-mail: FINOMIX® RP 4100 3/3
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