Lesson Plans Mrs. C Dunham 7th grade Week 9: October 13-17, 2014* (Lesson plans subject to change) Standard(s) Learning Goal: Essential Question MONDAY 7.RI.1.1 (DOK 2) 7.SL.1.1 (DOK 3) 7.W.2.4 (DOK 2) 7.W.2.5 (DOK 2) 7.W. 2.6 (DOK 2) 7.W.4.10 (DOK 3) TUESDAY 7.RI.1.1 (DOK 2) 7.SL.1.1 (DOK 3) 7.W.2.4 (DOK 2) 7.W.2.5 (DOK 2) 7.W. 2.6 (DOK 2) 7.W.4.10 (DOK 3) Students will cite several pieces of textual evidence to support an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. How can textual evidence help me respond to what I’ve read? Students will cite Students will cite several pieces of textual evidence to several pieces of support an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well textual evidence to as inferences drawn from the text. support an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. How can textual What is this text really about? evidence help me respond to what I’ve read? Objective(s): Student will identify inferences and explicit information from a text. Students will analyze several Student will identify inferences and explicit information from a text. Students will analyze WEDNESDAY 7.RI.1.1 (DOK 2) 7.SL.1.1 (DOK 3) 7.W.2.4 (DOK 2) 7.W.2.5 (DOK 2) 7.W. 2.6 (DOK 2) 7.W.4.10 (DOK 3) Student will identify inferences and explicit information from a text. Students will THURSDAY 7.RI.1.1 (DOK 2) 7.SL.1.1 (DOK 3) 7.W.2.4 (DOK 2) 7.W.2.5 (DOK 2) 7.W. 2.6 (DOK 2) 7.W.4.10 (DOK 3) Student will identify inferences and explicit information from a text. Students FRIDAY 7.RI.1.1 (DOK 2) 7.SL.1.1 (DOK 3) 7.W.2.4 (DOK 2) 7.W.2.5 (DOK 2) 7.W. 2.6 (DOK 2) 7.W.4.10 (DOK 3) Student will identify inferences and explicit information from a text. Students will pieces of a text to determine what it explicitly says. Bell work Agenda/Acti vities several pieces of a text to determine what it explicitly says. analyze several pieces of a text to determine what it explicitly says. will analyze several pieces of a text to determine what it explicitly says. Students will watch a Students will watch Students will Students will (5-10) minute bella (5-10) minute bell- watch a (5-10) watch a (5-10) ringer video:”1940s ringer video:”1940s minute bell-ringer minute bellCensus Release Census Release video:”1940s ringer History.” Then History.” Then Census Release video:”1940s students will engage students will engage History.” Then Census Release in collaborative in collaborative students will History.” Then discussion building discussion building engage in students will on others’ idea and on others’ idea and collaborative engage in expressing their own expressing their own discussion collaborative clearly. clearly. building on others’ discussion idea and building on expressing their others’ idea and own clearly. expressing their own clearly. I Do: Review CBC, I Do: Review CBC, I Do: Review I Do: Review article background article background CBC, article CBC, article knowledge, and Pre- knowledge, and Pre- background background vocabulary. vocabulary. knowledge, and knowledge, and We Do: Review norm We Do: Review Pre-vocabulary. Pre-vocabulary. expectation and norm expectation We Do: Review We Do: Review rotations. and rotations. norm expectation norm expectation You Do: Students You Do: Students and rotations. and rotations. will rotatewill rotateYou Do: Students You Do: Students Station 1: Teacher Station 1: Teacher will rotatewill rotatelead small group lead small group Station 1: Teacher Station 1: instruction/close instruction/close lead small group Teacher lead reading (20 min) reading (20 min) small group analyze several pieces of a text to determine what it explicitly says. Students will watch a (5-10) minute bell-ringer video:”1940s Census Release History.” Then students will engage in collaborative discussion building on others’ idea and expressing their own clearly. I Do: Review CBC, article background knowledge, and Pre-vocabulary. We Do: Review norm expectation and rotations. You Do: Students will rotateStation 1: Teacher lead small group Station 2: Silent reading, independently read meet article (980), and text coding. (20 min) Station 3:Computers ACHIEVE 3000 (20 min) Station 2: Silent reading, independently read meet article (980), and text coding. (20 min) Station3:Computers ACHIEVE 3000 (20 min) instruction/close reading (20 min) Station 2: Silent reading, independently read meet article (980), and text coding. (20 min) Station3:Compute rs ACHIEVE 3000 (20 min) instruction/close reading (20 min) Station 2: Silent reading, independently read meet article (980), and text coding. (20 min) Station3:Comput ers ACHIEVE 3000 (20 min) instruction/close reading (20 min) Station 2: Silent reading, independently read meet article (980), and text coding. (20 min) Station3:Compute rs ACHIEVE 3000 (20 min) Vocabulary archive, census, Census, concurrent, economic, genealogical, cyclist, fossil fuel, industry, recession, cycling, environment, transportation, physical archive, census, Census, concurrent, economic, genealogical, cyclist, fossil fuel, industry, recession, cycling, environment, transportation, physical Homework Read an hour to earn Read an hour to AR points to increase earn AR points to your reading Lexile! increase your reading Lexile! Change one aspect Change one aspect of the text to of the text to significantly affect significantly affect the outcome of the the outcome of the story? story? archive, census, Census, concurrent, economic, genealogical, cyclist, fossil fuel, industry, recession, cycling, environment, transportation, physical Read an hour to earn AR points to increase your reading Lexile! Change one aspect of the text to significantly affect the outcome of the story? archive, census, Census, concurrent, economic, genealogical, cyclist, fossil fuel, industry, recession, cycling, environment, transportation, physical Read an hour to earn AR points to increase your reading Lexile! Change one aspect of the text to significantly affect the outcome of the story? archive, census, Census, concurrent, economic, genealogical, cyclist, fossil fuel, industry, recession, cycling, environment, transportation, physical Read an hour to earn AR points to increase your reading Lexile! Change one aspect of the text to significantly affect the outcome of the story? Higher Order Thinking Question Accommoda tions Extended time to complete assignments, testing in separate room, test adjustments, copies of notes, preferential seat, as prescribed in IEP, ESOL, or 504. Assignments are checked constantly during class for comprehension, review, and understanding. Visual aids and voice enhancement used in class. One- on- one lesson and extra help are available to students after school, by appointment
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