ALWAYS FREE TANKQUILIZER The TFSRI Monthly News Letter • August 2014 TFSRI Tankquilizer! August, 2014 TROPICAL FISH SOCIETY OF RHODE ISLAND Ab o u t T F S R I T h e Ta n k q u i l i z e r The Tropical Fish Society of Rhode Island is a notforprofit organization composed of local aquarists and fish breeders. Our objectives are to increase the knowledge of aquarium keeping as a service to aquarists everywhere, and to encourage the breeding, raising and showing of ornamental and naturally occurring fish among all those interested. The Tankquilizer is the monthly newsletter of the Tropical Fish Society of Rhode Island. Any article appearing in this newsletter may be reprinted by any other non-profit organization provided that proper credit is given to the author of the article and two copies of the reprint are sent to the Editor of the Tanquilizer. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month (except December) at 7:30 PM. Visit us on the web at for directions to the meeting location. Reproduction in part or whole by any for-profit organization without the express written permission of the author is prohibited. All correspondence concerning this publication should be directed to the editor. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Tropical Fish Society of Rhode Island or the Editor. For more information please visit us on the web at: T h i s Mo n t h’s H i g h l i g h t s Section Submissions and Changes Page The deadline for print in the next month’s issue of the Tankquilizer is the first Wednesday of each month. Submissions received by the Editor after this date may be held for future issues. President’s Message ....................................2 This Month’s Meeting ..................................3 Upcoming Events .........................................4 August’s Meeting Minutes ...........................5 Club sponsors needing to update their advertisements please contact Michaela by the second Wednesday of the month to have changes made for that month’s newsletter. Silicone Basics ..............................................6 September’s Meeting Minutes ....................8 SUBMISSIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO: Michaela Knott, Include “Tankquilizer Submission” in the Subject line This month’s coverfish is a Leopard Moray Eel Photo ©2014, R. Pierce Officers Board of Directors George Goulart Kim Mullen Eric Mather Roland Mandlers President: Paul Muscatiello Vice-President: Treasurer: Recording Secretary: Corresp. Secretary: Rick Burt Richard Pierce Judy Weinberg Pat Parent Tankquilizer Editor: Michaela Knott 1 TFSRI Tankquilizer! August, 2014 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Paul Muscatiello President of the Tropical Fish Society of RI ••• I would like to thank George Goulart, Karen Randall and Lee proud of the legacy they left and that the current membership cares so favorite sayings is “It’s all about the fish”. In George’s case he not only Finley for their presentation at the August meeting on prepping entries for the show. It was very informative much to carry on the tradition. Having said that, this event does not happen by itself. I cannot thank the talks the talk he walks the walk. Thank you George! information that I must admit I have used myself. Of course I am also guilty of on the day of the show dedicated members of this club enough. The members that basically sacrifice an entire weekend and more looking in a community tank and scooping out a fish and winning with it. The thing to remember is when you include the BOD meetings and phone calls and all the planning that goes into making this event so j u d g e s t h a t s p e n d a n e n t i re Saturday afternoon and in this case a beautiful Saturday afternoon the most perfect specimen of any given species will not win anything successful. As I have said in the past, if I do not recognize someone it is an swimming around in it’s aquarium at home. error of omission not commission! Next I would like to thank the straining their eyes looking for things I didn’t know existed. They take the time to count whiskers on a cory’s mouth or examining ventral fins for tears on a tiny characin. Not It never ceases to amaze me First and foremost I would like to thank George Goulart, he is the the stuff of legendary late summer afternoons. With great appreciation I thank Tony Terceira, Lee Finley, ET every year when we are putting away the last pieces of equipment from the annual show and auction standard in the hobby that rest of us are judged by. There is not another member of this club that works at Mellor, Karen Randall and Bill Logue for taking the time to judge our show. that we pulled off another successful event. The founding members of the club would be making this event so successful. His enthusiasm and dedication are unparalleled. One of George’s Thank you to all the donors and sponsors that generously gave so Continued on pg. 3 BOWL SHOW: AUGUST RESULTS female swordtail Pat Parent 1st saddled birchir Dave Mullen 2nd Okasi vespa Zach Some shots from the July Bowl Show by Michaela Knott. Enter the bowl show for a chance to see your fish featured here! Submit your own bowl show shots to 2 3rd TFSRI Tankquilizer! August, 2014 that our show and auction was profitable. George Goulart from Aqualife Aquarium, Ken Menard from Ken’s Fish, played a big role in helping during the weekend and stepped in and helped like they were seasoned veterans. Richie Wilson from Central Mass aquatics, Rick Rego Again I apologize if I omitted anybody, it is truly from South Coast Scientific Books and Bruce from Del’s Lemonade. unintentional. By the time you read this message the September Again this year I would like to thank Eric Mather for his work the entire weekend. He arrives Friday morning with meeting will have come and gone. It seems I am making thanking Ryan McAndrews a regular segment of my the set up crew (Chuck Dourado, Brian Shepard, Rick monthly message. With deep appreciation I would like to Burt, Dave Smith and Daniel Boyle) and in a matter of a couple of hours everything is ready for the show and thank Ryan again for another presentation, this time on the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia. Ryan is a auction. However this is just the warm up for Eric, he is back on Saturday prepping the kitchen and food to feed very interesting and of course entertaining speaker. the audience for Sunday’s auction and preparing a great As we move to the end of the year I want to remind meal for the judges that evening when the judging is complete. everyone of our holiday party December 17th. We are planning Chinese food that night and are asking members planning on attending to bring an appetizer or To Rich Pierce for his capable handling of the club’s finances. Not only is Rich at the show all weekend, he dessert. Beverages will be provided. Of course there will be a Yankee swap ($10 limit on gifts) and some wild and has a lot to do once the show ends. He has to tally the crazy games. proceeds from the show, send out checks to vendors that are not present when the auction ends and take care of This message is long enough, looking forward to seeing everyone at the meeting October 15th, our own Rich the banking that needs to be done. I appreciate all that you do for the club. Pierce and Tony Terceira will showing us the fine art of aquarium photograghy. Everyone bring please bring Thank you to Joe Masi and Tony Terceira for skillfully some kind of camera. calling 550+ lots at our auction on Sunday. To Dave and Kim Mullen for running the 50/50 and general raffle, thank Paul Muscatiello President, TFSRI you. To Al Wagonblott, Angie Gotta and Steve Palombo for helping maintain sanity in handling the lots as they moved through the auction. Thank you to Leslie Dick, BOWL SHOW: SEPTEMBER RESULTS Roland Mandler and Kirk Amidon for working the auction table. Finally a big thank you to Huy Vu who designed the program and mans the computers that make check out so seamless at the end of the auction. To all the runners who provide one of Betta splendens the greatest services on the day of the auction but I cannot begin to list all the Judith Weinberg names of members and non-members I witnessed running lots to their new A. Gardneri owners. With great appreciation I thank Rick Burt you all. I would also like to take a moment to acknowledge the efforts of two newcomers to the club, six months or less for both of them, Kiara Ciccarelli-Hand and Angie Gotta. They both 3 1st 2nd TFSRI Tankquilizer! August, 2014 THIS MONTH AT TFSRI T O N Y T E RCIERA AND R ICH P IERCE P RESENT “A Q UA R I U M P HOTOGRAPHY .” A QUA -L IFE A QUARIUM This month,Tony Terciera and Rich Pierce will present a program on fish and aquarium photography. They ask that you bring your camera and phone,as there will be tanks set up to take some pictures,and experiment with what they will be teaching us.A great way to remember that special fish, or tank! We carry live foods: Red Tubifex, Blackworms & Brine Shrimp. Also SERA Brand food, and Kent Aquarium Supplies. We also carry a wide variety of freshwater plants & fish, specializing in hard to find species such as wildtype bettas, killifish, discus, loaches & rasboras. We also carry saltwater fish, corals, and macroalgae and all your reef supplies. Store Manager: 389 Wickenden St. Irene Goulart Providence, RI 401-331-5376 Monday: 10am5pm We offer a 20% Tue-Fri: 10am-7pm discount to members Saturday: 10am-5pm of NEC Clubs! Sunday: Closed! Find us on Facebook! FOR SALE & WANTED 75 gal w/ iron stand for sale Looking to get rid of my stored 75 gallon with iron stand. It's been sitting in my garage for 6 months and am hoping someone could get more use out of it then it is being used f o r c u r r e n t l y. E m a i l J u s t i n : 55 gal tank for sale. (tank only) 55 gallon Aqueon black frame standard dimension 55 Gallon tank. New-ish condition, used for six months with fresh water. No extras, just the tank. $50 OBO or plant/fish trade. Kiara 401-419-3558 15 Gallon Aquariums Wanted Looking for 15 gallon aquariums! Let me know if you have any for sale. 12" x 30" x 18", with new-ish glass versa top and black hood/ T8light. Bought used and used some more. The access door sits ok, but no longer has the plastic hinge bits that affix it to the rest of the hood. $30 OBO or plant/fish trade. Kiara 401-419-3558 or 29 Gallon Wood Frame Tank 29 gallon older model wood grain frame tank 12" x 36" x 15", with matching wood grain hood/ T12light. Very good condition, beautiful, vintage tank. $50 OBO or plant/fish trade. Kiara 401-419-3558 or 29 gallon Black frame tank 4 Have equipment you want to sell List it in the For Sale section! Email before September. 9, 2014 to have it added to next month’s Tanquilizer. Please remember: ONLY aquarium related items are allowed in the for sale section and your membership must be in good standing. TFSRI Tankquilizer! August, 2014 UPCOMING EVENTS OCTOBER 2014 15 T H TFSRI M O N T H LY M ET I N G 7pm RISPCA HeadQuarters This month,Tony Terciera and Rich Pierce will present a program on fish and aquarium photography. They ask that you bring your camera and phone, as there will be tanks set up to take some pictures,and experiment with what they will be teaching us. A great way to remember that special fish, or tank! 20 T H B AS F A L L A U C T I ON 8pm Harborside Learning Lab, Boston, MA The annual BAS Fall Breeders Auction! Sellers get a 70% split! NOVEMBER 2014 4 TH PVAS M O N T H LY M EETI N G 6:30 pm, First UCC of West Springfield Speaker Greg Sage 19 TH TFSRI M O N T H LY M EETI N G 7pm RISPCA HeadQuarters Eric Mather Presents the technical aspects of a planted tank. The Tropical Fish Society of Rhode Island is Sponsored in part, by Del’s Lemonade. 17 TH B AS M O N T H LY M EETI N G Shirts embroidered with the TFSRI Logo are available. Preorder and 8pm Harborside Learning Lab, Boston, MA prepay only: T-shirts $12 Polo Shirts $25 Dry blend Polo Shirts $30 Steve Allen will be joining us to discuss Shrimp in the Aquarium (they're not just for dinner anymore ! ) Doors open at 7:30 pm add $2 for XXL • $3 for 3XL Rich Pierce will be taking orders at Wednesday's Meeting. 5 TFSRI Tankquilizer! August, 2014 AUGUST MEETING MINUTES by Judy Weinberg Recording Secretary of the Tropical Fish Society of RI ••• The regular monthly meeting of the Tropical Fish Society of Rhode Island was held on August 20, 2014, at 7 p.m., at the Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The President, Paul Muscatiello, the Treasurer, Rich Pierce, and the Recording Secretary, Judy Weinberg, being present. Representatives George Gourlart, Kim Mullen, Pat Parent and Eric Mather were also in attendance The meeting minutes of July 16 were read and accepted. The Treasurer's report was read and accepted. The insurance for the club has been paid. The club has $14,500 in the checking and savings account, all told. The events for the rest of the year line up as follows: In September, Ryan McAndrews will give a talk on the Great Barrier Reef; In October, Rich and Tony will host a photography workshop, so bring your cameras; in November, Eric will give a talk on the technical aspects of keeping aquatic plants; and in December, we will have a holiday party, with a Yankee swap, and a pizza social. Show Chairman, George Goulart, said that seven show class sponsorships have been spoken for, but that there were 13 classes left, at a cost of $40 each. There are three scribes so far for the show, but a couple more are needed. Stand setup is ready for Friday morning and fish set-up will take place Friday from 3 to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. A new print photography class of fish in tanks is being added this year, to be judged by Tony. Any type of print may be submitted, nothing larger than 10X12, and the photo should be sharply focused and have good composition. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Special Thanks to Dr. Finocchio and The Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. 6 TFSRI Tankquilizer! August, 2014 BAP HAP AS OF AUGUST, 2014 by Rich Pierce August 2014 Member Leo Gadoury Roger Pontes Richard Pierce Manuel C. Arruda George Mundy Adam Lotz Gerald C. Miranda Ed Skowronski Steven Palombo James Sargeant Rick Rego Paul Muscatiello Dennis Clarkin Eric Mather George Goulart Jr. Don Hubert Richard Tombs Russ Nordgren Loretta Heinsohn David Clark Roland Mandler Justin McCarthy Jimmy Chang Lance Tuttle Amanda Parker Pete Marchant Edward T. DeRoche Dan Donahue Rick Burt Mark Barasso Zachary Gausland Laura Barasso Matt Wills Kirk Amidon David H. Smith Alex Franqui Peter Marceau Daniel Angolano Bill Demello Jessica Cordeiro Huy Vu Michaela Knott Victoria Giroux Chuck Dourado Kim Mullen BAP&HAP coordinator for the Tropical Fish Society of RI ••• 2014 BAP 45 15 20 15 BAP Total 3640 2855 2625 2435 1730 1560 1475 1400 910 905 625 615 475 55 445 435 415 395 315 2014 HAP HAP Total 30 10 105 25 305 20 40 40 40 30 300 55 210 235 185 150 140 120 15 100 60 50 50 155 305 5 235 25 200 20 105 10 50 15 5 45 5 40 40 30 25 20 20 15 475 10 45 20 15 15 7 15 50 20 45 20 15 Award Level George Mundy Award +9 George Mundy Award +5 George Mundy Award +4 George Mundy Award +3 George Mundy Award Jacques Brousseau Award Jacques Brousseau Award Jacques Brousseau Award Superior Breeder Superior Breeder Expert Breeder Expert Breeder Advanced Breeder Senior Aquatic Horticulturist Expert Breeder Expert Breeder Expert Breeder Advanced Breeder Expert Breeder Senior Aquatic Horticulturalist Advanced Breeder Sr Breeder / Sr Aquatic Horticult Advanced Breeder Adv Breeder / Sr Aquat Horticult Advanced Breeder Advanced Breeder Advanced Breeder Senior Breeder Senior Aquatic Horticulturalist Advanced Breeder Senior Breeder Senior Breeder Senior Breeder Senior Aquatic Horticulturalist Breeder Aquatic Horticulturist Breeder Breeder Breeder Breeder TFSRI Tankquilizer! August, 2014 Silicone Basics & Silicone Applications by Carl Strohmeyer ••• WHAT SILICONE TO USE AND WHAT NOT TO USE. possesses four highly reactive sites). EDITOR’S NOTE:The original Article is about 6 Pages long and so this will be broken up between several Issues. Silicone Basics, and an Overview of Aquarium Applications will be included in this issue, with Aquarium Repair, Leak Identification, Brace Repair, and a Full Tank Resealing guide to be continued in future issues. Curing takes place when materials are exposed to moisture. Atmospheric moisture is sufficient to trigger SILICONE BASICS: the reaction, and thickness should be limited if only one Silicone rubber is a unique synthetic side is exposed to the moisture elastomer made from a cross-linked source. Curing is also relatively polymer which is reinforced with silica. slow, reliant on moisture Its characteristics are such that it provides a ingress into the polymer which balance of mechanical and chemical produces Acetic Acid vapors. properties useful for bonding glass aquariums However some silicone formulas will scavenge (not acrylic). moisture quicker than other, thus curing in less time. The basic formula is: Me3siO(siMe2O) Generally quicker curing is not as desirable for nsiMe3 aquarium manufacturing or repair as this can make the silicone more difficult to work with for 100% RTV silicones larger jobs and also result in the silicone pulling (RTV= “Room Temperature Vulcanising”) away from the glass panels being held together are the silicones commonly used for glass by the silicone. construction and is often sold in Home Thus working with silicone in lower humidity is Improvement and Pet stores (or Online). almost always more desirable. A silicone Resource: American Aquarium As noted, different formulas and (combined Products; 100% USDA Approved silicone with temperature and outside humidity) will RTV silicones consist of polydialkylsiloxane with affect cure time. terminal hydroxyl groups (groups made up of an oxygen atom and a hydrogen atom connected by a covalent bond), which are reacted with organosilicon (chemical compounds containing carbon silicon bonds) cross-linking agents. This operation is carried out in a moisture-free environment and results in the formation of a tetrafunctional structure (A chemical structure that 8 © TFSRI Tankquilizer! August, 2014 Dow Corning, American sealants, and gE adhesion). have proprietary formulas (although Dow is The bottom line is do NOT often packaged under other brands such as use silicone for repair of All glass & Aqueon Aquarium) that cure at Acrylic/ Plexiglass an even slower rate as compared to some aquariums (or other acrylic cheaper formulas often sold in hardware applications)! stores that are generally used in construction where this is not an important PVC, Acrylic, Plexiglass factor. glue, cement For Plexiglass/ Acrylic aquariums you This however is important for aquariums to would need to use have an even and slow cure time as even Plexiglass or PVC Cement some 100% silicones I have used such as (glue) which works by such as CRL, would cure too quickly “melting” the Plexiglass resulting in a less than desirable panels together. bond. This is best applied with a needle applicator between Also some NON-100% formulas the Plexiglass panels along with applying pressure. such as gE silicon II have a mildew silicone is often used after initial Plexiglass inhibitor (which would be toxic to the fish). construction to provide more water tight seal along the seams of a Plexiglass/ Acrylic aquarium, but this will 100% RTV silicone Rubber sealant peel after time (it can be re-applied) and provides NO produces a flexible, durable strength for the actual plexiglass panels. weather resistant seal between similar and dissimilar materials; silicone can also be used to form a seal where water 100% RTV silicone provides pressure will push the glass panel against a surface excellent adhesion to tile, glass, that it would otherwise would not adhere well to porcelain, ceramic, fiberglass, (although once pressure is removed after initial filling, non-oily woods, plaster, painted the silicone will likely not “seat” again in such an surfaces, and metal. application where silicone does not properly bond). It will withstand temperature AQUARIUM APPLIC ATIONS: extremes from -60°F. to +450°F. 100% “food grade” RTV silicones are useful in the and is waterproof for freshwater or construction of glass aquariums and sealing the joints saltwater use. in DIY wooden aquariums. As noted earlier, silicone is It is noteworthy that plastic (which NOT useful for acrylic aquariums as it will peel away is made from oil) is not mentioned. over time due to the inherent oils in plastics. RTV silicone is not useful for Not all silicone formulas are the same, as stated earlier, bonding acrylic aquariums and the Dow Corning, American Aquarium sealants, and GE oils within acrylic will eventually produce a RTV silicone that cures at an even and slow cause peeling away (lack of rate necessary for aquariums. It is also noteworthy that 9 TFSRI Tankquilizer! August, 2014 most silicones labeled as 100% RTV, are still not Finally, many silicones available for sale, especially food grade. generic brands often sold at big box home improvement store may be 100% RTV silicone Why is this important? sealants, but these are not Agricultre Canada, USDA, & FDA approved. As I noted in the Basics section, too fast a cure will not allow proper surface adhesion This means these cannot be legally used for especially in important seams. sealing any container, equipment, etc used for human food production or storage. It is also hard to work with in building aquariums and the person needs to work very While this may not mean too much to some fish quickly (usually too quickly) for proper keepers, for me it is important to know that the aquarium construction. silicone I am using on my expensive Also you want to purchase pure 100% RTV aquatic specimens meet such silicone as many (including silicones specifications, since I would not produced by Dow Corning) have other want to place my pet fish in an ingredients for different applications such as environment tainted by chemical fiberglass. residuals of a less than pure hardware store brand silicone. A good example of a silicone you do NOT Yet sadly, many aquarium want to purchase is Dow Corning Marine keepers do just this to save a sealant which I have actually seen dollar or two, if that, over the recommended for aquariums in Yahoo FEW Answers and other Internet sources! aquarium silicones approved for use where food is manufactured!! This product is great for fiberglass hulls of boats This poor logic is baffling to me, as your fish are 100% however it lacks the proper strength for aquariums due emersed in the water that is constant contact with the to added ingredients that allow for adhesion to plastic. silicone. Even foods processed in containers that have As well any silicone that advertises that it can be silicone seals only have a short time of exposure, painted on after curing has added ingredients and is unlike your fish. so to purchase one of these silicones not 100% silicone and NOT safe for aquariums or food at Home Depot, Lowes, or online on Amazon, eBay, use. etc, is fool hardy. If the USDA, FDA state that short term exposure for foods in contact with these unapproved silicones is not safe, what does this say about long term exposure by your fish?? DON’T F OR GE T TO F OLL OW U S O N F AC EBO OK ! 10 TFSRI Tankquilizer! August, 2014 SEPTEMBER’S MEETING MINUTES by Judy Weinberg Recording Secretary of the Tropical Fish Society of RI ••• TFSRI Regular Meeting Minutes of September 17, 2014 Events chair, Rick Burt, said that October’s meeting would be a photo workshop given by Tony and Rich. There will be some tanks set up to focus on, and there will be discussion about what type of camera to use, photoshopping, and so on. The hope is to have a hands on experience, so remember to bring a camera of some nature. In Novermber, Eric will give an in-depth talk on plant aquatics and in December, we will have a holiday party with its usual fun and games, including a dinner social. (November is also the month during which the best of the best bowl first-place show winners should be brought in for a vote-off.) The regular monthly meeting of the Tropical Fish Society of Rhode Island was held on September 17, at 7 plm., at the Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The President, Paul Muscatiello, the Vice President, Rick Burt, the Treasurer, Rich Pierce, Corresponding Secretary, Pat Parent, and Recording Secretary, Judy Weinberg, being present. Representatives, Kim Mullen, George Goulart, and Roland Mandler were also present. The meeting minutes of August 20, 2014 were read and accepted. It was decided that January would be a regular meeting and that the Members Appreciation Night would be held in February, instead. The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted. He noted that all items that needed to paid and reimbursed were taken care of, incuding payment from the Boston Aquarium Society, for their half-share toward the visit of Paul Loiselle in June. The spring auction is to be held on March 14, 2015 and the fall show and auction will be set for the weekend after Labor Day. It was noted that Karen Randall will enter her own planted tank in our show and that the judge for that class would be club member, Jane Snellman. Paul noted that the lots were down from last spring’s auction. He also pointed out the difference between Tony’s and Joe Massi’s auctioneering styles, but added that there was nothing really confusing between the two. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Anubias Nana Bloom Submitted by Kirk Amidon 11
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