The Uniter Newsletter of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Urbana-Champaign October 15, 2014 Worship Services October 19, 2014 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. “In Search of Sanctuary” The Rev. Axel H. Gehrmann October 26, 2014 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. “Whose Promised Land?” The Rev. Axel H. Gehrmann After each service, we will have a period of Reflection & Response for those who would like to gather and share their thoughts. November 2, 2014 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. “Seasons of the Soul” The Rev. Axel H. Gehrmann Daylight Saving Time Ends Our Mission Build Community. Seek Inspiration. Promote Justice. Find Peace. Minister’s Message – The Rev. Axel H. Gehrmann Last week I attended the annual fall meeting of my central Midwest UU ministerial colleagues. Fortysome of us spent three days in Racine, Wisconsin, at a peaceful retreat center right on Lake Michigan. The topic at this tranquil gathering was “conflict.” Often when thinking about conflict, we may imagine two people at loggerheads, or two parties engaged in a tug of war. The dynamic is one of push/pull, either/or, win/lose. Our presenter associated these notions with “linear thinking,” and a rather narrow understanding of human interactions. A more helpful approach, she suggested, is to think in terms of “systems.” “The interdependent web of which we are a part” provides a better metaphor for how we are linked to one another. We are not on opposite sides of a single rope, but rather we are bound together in a network, each of us standing at a different spot. And when anyone plucks at the web, all others will notice and be affected by the movement. Rather than understanding conflict as a contest between opposing beliefs and mutually exclusive interests, we were invited to think of conflict simply as several different ideas co-existing in the same time and place. Conflict, we were reminded, is a precious opportunity to re-examine our respective values. It is a critical step toward reaching common ground. We were also reminded that every person has a preferred conflict management style. Some of us may try to persuade or compel others to come around to our point of view. Some of us (especially stereotypical Midwesterners) would rather avoid conflict, or try to accommodate others’ wishes. Some of us try to engage in collaboration or negotiation to resolve differences of opinion. Depending on the situation, each of these approaches can be helpful. We each probably have a particular style that comes easily for us, we learned. However, we would each be wise to broaden our repertoire. These are a few of the ideas we pondered in the course of a presentation entitled, “Getting Smarter about Systems, Stressors, and Conflict in the Church.” And while these ideas are certainly relevant for any congregational leader, they are also worthwhile reminders for how we might approach a multitude of conflicts playing out all around us – whether religious or political, racial or cultural; whether among strangers or friends, political parties or countries at war. Economically, politically, environmentally, and technologically, we’re bound together ever more tightly in a world wide web. Understanding our differences, and embracing them as precious opportunities to grow in wisdom and compassion – this is a lesson we all desperately need to learn. May whatever lessons we learn within the walls of our church home help teach us how to build a better world, beginning with ourselves. See you in church! RE News – Cindy Wakeland, Director of Religious Education (RE) The season of fall is upon us. The weather has turned colder. The leaves are changing colors. Pumpkins are all around, some even set aglow. The rain is intermittent and sprinkles down from the gray colored skies. The fall season also finds us busy with school, soccer, football, and bonfires. The season is the kick-off of new committees and classes across many arenas. Even here at church we have our Re-visioning Task Force beginning to think of new ways to engage the congregation in worship and ministry of UUCUC. This is also the time for fall festivals of all kinds. I went to the Carmi Corn Festival this past weekend. I watched my The Uniter goddaughter compete in her high school marching band competition. Her group received first place in music, color guard, and drumming. The whole community came together despite the drizzling rain to watch the youth compete and march in the parade; to grab a corn dog, listen to music, and peruse the homemade crafts. It reminded me of my childhood and my first county fair. There was something new to see around every corner, someone you knew just around the block. All joined together for a common cause, a fall community tradition. Each year has been tweaked with something new. A little change is always good. Perhaps you have already been to many country fairs and festivals, but have you been to the Arthur Pumpkin Patch with the UUCUC community? It’s not too late to join us! You can still sign up for our trip to be held Saturday, October 25th at the Religious Education table in Fellowship Hall. All present and future members of the Pumpkin Patch Community, please note the departure time has been adjusted from what we previously planned; we’ll need to leave the church at 1:00 p.m. since it will take about an hour to get there. We’ll play and have fun for an hour and a half, and then take an hour to drive home. Sign up today and you will be kept informed. Mindful thinking can also be a part of our fall season days. Fall makes our outdoor walks different. There are different sounds, different smells, and different feelings. Something I’ve learned from “The Mindful Child” book study group is to be more intentional about enjoying the season around me as I take my daily walks. If you take walks or outings, bring your child along; feel the air blowing, smell the bonfires, and hear the crunch of the leaves. Then ask the child how they are feeling. Another way you can be part of the season is to mark your calendar for Sunday, November 9th as we plan the annual Rake-a-thon! Children will rake during the RE hours. Parents are invited to help. Take time to be part of the fall season– hear it, smell it, feel it, taste it, and enjoy it! October 15, 2014 Page 2 Musings on Membership – Sam Shore, Membership Coordinator I don’t think it comes as a surprise to anyone when I declare that I’m a proponent of always finding more and better ways to enact our shared values through congregational life. That’s why I’m so pleased that our worship theme for the month of October is Immigration, echoing our two-year commitment to focus on immigration justice and advocacy. As many of you know, our congregation voted at our annual meeting this year to involve our congregation in efforts that tackle the very real struggles of immigrants to the United States. As strangers to this country, there are unique hurdles challenging those who seek a new and better life in our country. Congregations like ours have the energy and the means to support these individuals as they find their way. On a much less dire scale than immigrants, visitors to our church are also strangers striving for a new way of life in a new context. Even as we focus outward on our two-year initiative, we can also focus inward on the welcoming culture of our congregation. Over the next few months, the Membership Committee will be turning its attention to how we interact with visitors and facilitate their transition into making UUCUC their spiritual home. Being mindful of the ways in which we can enact our largest ideals on the very local level will help us see ourselves with fresh eyes, and this month’s focus on Immigration allows us to do just that. Until next time, Your Membership Coordinator More Membership Matters Thanks from the Membership Committee Many thanks to the members and friends of the Membership Committee who assisted with our new church photo directory project. Hats off to Gail Schiesser and Virginia Brubaker, who served as coordinators of the project, which The Uniter entailed many tasks including working with LifeTouch staff to organize the project and staffing the sign up table after each Sunday service between August 24th and October 5th. Thanks to Dave Barr, Peggy Patten, and Karen Retzer, who together made 175 phone calls between September 29th and October 1st to those who had not yet signed up to have their portraits taken. And thanks to the many volunteers who served as greeters during the five days when portraits were taken: Sally Babbitt, Peggy Patten and Todd Kinney, Mike and Karen Retzer, Karla Peterson, Elaine Rockett, Pat Shaw, Mona Shannon, Jenna Zeidler, Jennifer Thomas, Cathy Cunningham, John Milano, Dave and Anne Sharpe, Gail Hueting, Gina Cassidy, Marcy Joncich, Beth Cobb, and Gail Schiesser and Virginia Brubaker (who staffed the greeting table every single day). Finally, thanks to everyone who had their picture taken! Our new photo directory will be useful to all of us as we strive to become better acquainted and build community. Karla’s Korner – Karla Peterson, Chair of the Board of Trustees I just returned from an Executive Committee meeting with Axel Gehrmann and Chris Hannauer (Axel as minister, me as Board of Trustees Chair, and Chris as Vice Chair). This is the meeting where we decide on the agenda for the upcoming BOT (Board of Trustees) meeting. Because members of the BOT are kept “in the loop” on the work of various committees and task forces, and receive monthly staff reports, we are constantly reminded of the amazing and talented people in our congregation. For example, the Membership Committee is trying out new ideas – some gleaned from other congregations. Have you noticed sometimes there’s a greeter standing near the entry door(s) in addition to the Welcome Table? And have you visited the Connections Hub table to learn more about what’s going on at UUCUC – and where you might like to be involved? Or perhaps you’ve joined a “Hospitality Team” to help with snacks October 15, 2014 Page 3 during fellowship hour. In Religious Education (RE), Cindy Wakeland as Director of RE reports that we’ve had a total attendance of 390 children and youth for the first five weeks of the year – up from a total of 305 for the same period last year. This number includes 20 new children attending classes from 10 new families. In addition, YRUU has 18 youth signed up, and OWL has 10 youth. It also sounds like the Holiday Pageant will be different and unique this year… I can’t wait to see! Our office administrator Brittni Ballard’s report reflects the many ways in which she connects with members of the congregation and the community beyond our doors. She is SO positive about the way she reports things, referencing the “acclaimed Axel Gehrmann,” “most treasured Treasurer Lynn Wiley,” “proficient Property Committee Chair Jerry Carden,” “marvelous Myron Winkler” (our sexton), “cool Choir Director Matt Shepard,” and “valiant Virginia Brubaker” – who has signed up to be at EVERY photo session as people came in to have pictures taken for the new directory. Not only is it really fun to read her reports, but she mirrors the friendly and open culture of UUCUC. I could share tidbits from Axel’s and Sam’s reports, but instead, go visit the Connections Hub table between services in Fellowship Hall (I mentioned that before, didn’t I?) on a regular basis. It seems there’s always something new going on! And as for Axel… He is truly on top of what’s going on. I see him at almost every meeting – whether it’s the Immigration Task Force, the Re-Visioning Task Force, or one of the many committee meetings. Many of the new things happening in Worship have come from his (and his wife Elaine’s) visits to other congregations, like the candle lighting on Sunday mornings, and he’s working with the Worship Committee on incorporating lay leaders into worship services. As I’ve said before, I’m grateful to be working with such an amazing group of people – members, volunteers, friends, and staff. Thank you. Our Church Family Joys and Concerns This information is not available in the online version of The Uniter. The Uniter Coming Events Three-Part Orientation to UUism Are you new to this church? Have you recently signed the membership book, or are you considering joining? Would you like to learn more about Unitarian Universalism? Sam Shore, our Membership Coordinator, and the Rev. Axel Gehrmann will offer a three-part orientation at 7:00 p.m. on Thursdays, October 16th, 23rd, and 30th. The sessions focus on individuals’ religious journeys, discuss UU history, beliefs and polity, as well as explore the various groups and activities of this particular church. If you are interested, please sign up using the sheet on the Minister’s Office door, call the church office, or email Axel at Ready, Set, It’s Happy Hour! Join us at the next UU Happy Hour on Thursday, October 16th at Po’Boys restaurant located at the corner of Cunningham and University (behind the University of Illinois Credit Union) in Urbana. October 15, 2014 Page 4 Ready, Set, It’s Happy Hour, cont. Join us anytime between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. to get together, chat, and relax. For more information, contact Russ Rybicki at Eat, Drink, and Be Merry for a Good Cause Mark your calendars: Saturday, October 18th at 5:30 p.m. is the annual Partner Church Committee's (PCC) fundraising dinner for our partner churches in Transylvania, Romania, and the Khasi Hills in India. Our theme this year will be a dinner/film combination honoring the Transylvanian region of Romania. Enjoy a light dinner consisting of sour cherry soup, artisan rolls, a selection of sandwiches, and German strudel with ice cream for dessert. The dinner will cost $15 per person, with larger donations welcome, to support our partner churches. 1. Use the new online nomination form, available under “Quick Links” on the church homepage. 2. Email Ryan Latvaitis, SAC chair, with your suggestions at The deadline for nominations is Friday, November 14th. The meeting to choose 2015's Shared Offerings will be Monday, November 17th at 7:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Re-Visioning Task Force Hello Today, Envision Tomorrow You have probably noticed that our Sunday worship experience has changed a little this year. The process for lighting candles of joys and concerns is different. The chalice is now front and center. We have a Suggestion Box to receive feedback from the congregation. These changes are all a part of our efforts to realize our second Strategic Plan goal, namely to “support our current worship services and explore, experiment, and evaluate new and innovative worship services.” A major step towards fulfilling this goal was taken this fall when the Board of Trustees created the Re-visioning Task Force, a group of church members and friends who will be spending this year looking at how we “do” worship and what things (large or small) we might change to improve the experience. – Chris Hannauer The Uniter Help Decide Next Year’s Shared Offerings The Social Action Committee (SAC) is now soliciting nominations for the 2015 Shared Offerings. Those organizations that are chosen for a Shared Offering will receive half of the plate cash collection and all designated checks from each Sunday service for a month. There are two ways to nominate an organization: To purchase your ticket, contact Brigitte Pieke at In the coming weeks, you will be hearing more from this task force. In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to participate, please send us an email at Social Action News Shared Offering choices are divided among local organizations, as well as national and international. Organizations are chosen to represent different categories of help, such as Housing, Environment, Food, Children, Medical/Health, and social justice concerns. Toward a Deeper Understanding Join Our Church! We strive to deepen the religious life and support the spiritual growth of members and friends who join together here, working to build a better world beginning with ourselves. If you find you are in sympathy with our principles and at least 14 years of age, then we invite you to sign our Membership Book. There is no one single, right path to membership. But here are a few options: participate in worship and other events; attend a Q & A Session, or perhaps one of the three-session Orientations that are offered twice a year. Above all, familiarize yourself with our congregation. October 15, 2014 Page 5 Join Our Church, cont. Then fill out a Membership Information Form, which you can find at our Welcome Table in the lobby or in the church office. The form asks for your contact information and encourages you to consider the kind of church involvement you seek. After you return the completed form to the church office, you will be contacted by the minister or someone from our Membership Committee, to set up a time for you to receive additional information about the church, and sign the book. — From Axel Gehrmann and The Membership Committee Groups and Chalice Circles Caregiver’s Chalice Circle Meets the third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Contact Sylvia McDermott at Feminist Book Group Meets the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Library. Contact Karen Folk at This month’s book is Bound for Eternity by Sarah Wisseman. Grief Chalice Circle Meets the first and third Saturdays of the month from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the Library. Contact Pamela Van Wyk ( or Mona Shannon ( MUUviegoers Group Share movies, coffee, and discussion on an irregular basis. Contact Sylvia McDermott ( to join the Google group. The Uniter Simplicity Chalice Circle Meets the fourth Sunday of the month after the second service at 12:30 p.m. in the church Library. Contact Carol Osgood ( or Nancy Dietrich ( Women’s Brown Bag Luncheon Meets the second Wednesday of each month from noon to 1:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. To join the listserv and receive reminders, contact Anine Singh-DeGrood at Women’s Spirituality Group Usually meets on the dates of the full moon. Newcomers are welcome. Contact Cindy Ingold at or 344-8254, or Marcy Joncich at or 384-5544. Bridge Group Meets from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Children’s Chapel on the second and fourth Monday of each month. Contact Barbara Mann at Gastronomical Society Group Enjoys gourmet meals which cover every theme imaginable. Contact Ursula Reuter-Carlson for information at Reflective Writing Chalice Circle Meets the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Contact Pat Nolan at 384-7477 or Young Adults Group Meets twice a month or more to socialize and participate in discussions. Anyone ages 18 to 35 is invited to join. To join, contact leader Amanda Owings at In the Community Give Back with Soup! Join us for the monthly Stone Soup at Common Ground Food Co-Op on Friday, October 17th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Volunteers gather to cook a meal for the TIMES Center, a local nonprofit men’s Transitional Living Facility that empowers men to transition to independent living, using produce and items that would otherwise go to waste. Sign up at or call 217-352-3347. Cooking, Community at Cookbook Club The Common Ground Food Co-op Cookbook Club meets monthly on the third Sunday of each month. All are welcomed and the eating is good, so come explore with us! Upcoming meetings are Sunday, October 19th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and Sunday, October 15, 2014 Page 6 Cookbook Club, cont. November 16th again from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. All ages are invited. Cost for these events are $2 for owners and $4 for non-owners. For October, we’ll be cooking out of the Middle Easter Vegetarian Cookbook. For November, the group will meet for a potluck with their favorite Thanksgiving dish. So if hanging out with fellow food lovers sounds fund, sign up online at or in store. Story Time, Toddler Time… Good Times Join UUCUC’s own Carol Osgood as she fascinates and entertains children ages one to four. This event is free and includes an organic snack. Join us Tuesday, October 21st and November 18th from 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Common Ground Food Co-op in the Lincoln Square Mall in Urbana. How to Reach Us Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Telephone: (217) 384-8862 Mail: 309 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801-3221 Email: Web: Publications and Deadlines The Uniter is published every two weeks from September through May, and every three weeks during the holiday season and summer months. Send announcements to To receive The Uniter electronically, contact the office. The next submission deadline is noon, Thursday, October 23rd. Subscribe to our weekly E-News! The E-News comes out on Fridays and provides last-minute news and reminders of events taking place in the coming week. To sign up, contact For questions about pledge payments or Trust Fund donations, contact the Financial Secretary, Amy Robison, at The Uniter Contacts Staff Axel Gehrmann, Minister ( Tu., Wed., Fri., 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Cindy Wakeland, Director of Religious Education ( 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., M-Th Brittni Ballard, Office Administrator ( 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., M-F Samuel Shore, Membership Coordinator ( Wed. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Matt Sheppard, Choir Director ( Gonzalo Farias, Interim Accompanist ( Beth Cobb, Assistant for Services ( Anine Singh-DeGrood, Childcare Coordinator ( Myron Winkler, Sexton ( Josh Winkler, Sunday Sexton ( Stephanie Cobb, Kitchen Helper ( Board of Trustees Karla Peterson, Chair Chris Hannauer, Vice Chair Lynn Wiley, Treasurer Barbara Childers, Clerk David Prochaska, Finance Liaison Mona Shannon, Membership Liaison Brian McDermott, Moderator Barbara Hudgings, Personnel Liaison Jared Lofrano, Property Liaison Libby Tyler, Religious Education Liaison Mike Retzer, Social Action Liaison Sue Searing, Worship Liaison Committees & Chairs Care Core: Peri Ceperley, Finance: Phillip Abruzzi Green UUs: Andy Robinson Membership: Peggy Patten & Karen Retzer Ministry: Jeff Unger Music: Sarah Wisseman Partner Church: Brigitte Pieke Personnel: Kathleen Holden Property: Jerry Carden Social Action: Ryan Latvaitis Stewardship: TBA Religious Education: TBA Worship: Amanda Ramey October 15, 2014 Page 7 Calendar – October 15, 2014 Thursday, October 16 12:00 p.m. E-News and OOS Deadline 5:00 p.m. Happy Hour Group – Off Site at Po’Boys 7:00 p.m. Orientation to UUism – Children’s Chapel 7:30 p.m. Reflective Writing Chalice Circle – Library Friday, October 17 9:00 a.m. Playgroup – Nursery 5:30 p.m. Jeff Ford’s Born Again Party – Fellowship Hall Saturday, October 18 2:00 p.m. Romanian Dinner Set-Up – Fellowship Hall 5:30 p.m. Romanian Dinner – Fellowship Hall 6:00 p.m. Gastro Group – Off Site at Home of Chris and Ursula Reuter-Carlson Sunday, October 19 9:30 a.m. Worship Service, RE, and Child Care 10:30 a.m. Adult Discussion Group – Library 11:15 a.m. Worship Service, RE, and Child Care Monday, October 20 7:00 p.m. Caregiver’s Chalice Circle – Library 7:00 p.m. Social Action Committee – Fellowship Hall 7:00 p.m. Re-visioning Task Force – Off Site at Home of Elly Peirson Tuesday, October 21 7:00 p.m. Feminist Book Group – Library Wednesday, October 22 6:15 p.m. CrUUners Rehearsal – Sanctuary The Uniter 6:30 p.m. “Work and Play”– 4th/5th Grade Classroom 7:00 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal – Sanctuary Thursday, October 23 12:00 p.m. E-News, Uniter, and OOS Deadline 7:00 p.m. Ethics Chalice Circle – YRUU Room 7:00 p.m. Orientation to UUism – Children’s Chapel 7:00 p.m. Immigration Task Force – Library Friday, October 24 9:00 a.m. Playgroup – Nursery Saturday, October 25 1:00 p.m. Parents and Children’s Group – Meet at Church for Arthur Pumpkin Patch Trip Sunday, October 26 9:30 a.m. Worship Service, RE, and Child Care 10:30 a.m. Adult Discussion Group – Library 11:00 a.m. Partner Church Committee – Admin’s Office 11:15 a.m. Worship Service, RE, and Child Care 12:30 p.m. Simplicity Chalice Circle – Library Monday, October 27 1:00 p.m. Bridge Group – Children’s Chapel 5:30 p.m. RE Committee – Fellowship Hall Tuesday, October 28 7:00 p.m. BOT Study Session – Library Wednesday, October 29 9:30 a.m. Uniter Folding Party – Fellowship Hall 6:15 p.m. CrUUners Rehearsal – Sanctuary 6:30 p.m. “Mindful Child” – Library 7:00 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal – Sanctuary October 15, 2014 Page 8
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