WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE SIXTEENTH WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY PROCEDURAL DECISIONS LIST OF RESOLUTIONS AND INDEX A16/24 23 May ^ 1963 A16/24 page 2 I. (i) PROCEDURAL DECISIONS Composition of the Committee on Credentials The Sixteenth World Health Assembly appointed a Committee on Credentials consisting of delegates of the following twelve Members: Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Ghana, Madagascar, Malaya, Nepal, Peru, Spain, Sweden, Syria. (First plenary meeting, 7 May 196j5) / ai6/ vr/ i7 (ii) Composition of the Committee on Nominations 'The Sixteenth World Health Assembly appointed a Committee on Nominations consisting of delegates of the following twenty-four Members: Argentina, Cambodia, . Congo (Leopoldville), France, Gabon, India, Iran, Israel, Jamaica, Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Romania, Thailand, Tunisia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Arab Republic, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America and Venezuela. (First plenary meeting, 7 May 196j5) /A16/VR/1/ (iii) Verification of Credentials The Sixteenth World Health Assembly recognized the validity of the credentials of the following delegations: Members Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Ceylon, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Leopoldville), Cuba, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Dahomey, Denmark, Ecuador, Ethiopia, A16/24 page 3 Finland, France, Gabon, Federal Republic of Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Republic of Korea, Kuwait,- Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Federation of Malaya, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda,^ Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tanganyika,^ Thailand, Togo,"1" Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Arab Republic, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Upper Volta, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Western Samoa, Yemen, Yugoslavia. Associate Members Kenya, Mauritius. (First, Third, Seventh and Thirteenth plenary meetings, 7, 8, 14 and _ 23 May I963 ) /A16/VR/1, AI6/VR/3 , A16/VR/7 and Alo/VR/13/ (iv) Election of Officers of the Sixteenth World Health Assembly The Sixteenth World Health Assembly, after considering the recommendation of the Committee on Nominations, elected the following officers: President: Dr M. A. MAJEKODUNMI (Nigeria) Vice-Presidents: Dr R. GERIC (Yugoslavia) Dr Sushila NAYAR (India) Mr A. Rahman bin H. TALIB (Federation of Malaya) ' (Second plenary meeting, 7 May I963 ) /Â16/VR/2/ Credentials provisionally accepted A16/24 page 4 (v) Election of Officers of the Main Committees The Sixteenth World Health Assembly, after considering the recommendations of the Committee on Nominations, elected the following officers of the main committees: COMMITTEE ON PROGRAMME AND BUDGET Chairman: Dr V. V. OLGUIN (Argentina) COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION, FINANCE AND LEGAL MATTERS Chairman: Mr I. T. KITTANi (Iraq) (Second plenary meeting, 7 May /A16/VR/2/ 1963 ) The main committees subsequently elected the following officers: COMMITTEE ON PROGRAMME AND BUDGET Vice-Chairman: Dr S. P. TCHOUNGUI (Cameroon) Rapporteur: Dr M. SENTICI (Morocco) COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION, FINANCE AND LEGAL MATTERS (vi) Vice-Chairman: Dr J. VYSOHLID (Czechoslovakia) Rapporteur: Dr A. L. BRAVO (Chile) Establishment of the General Committee The Sixteenth World Health Assembly, after considering the recommendations of the Committee on Nominations, elected the delegates of the following fourteen countries as members of the General Committee: Cambodia, Canada, Congo (Leopoldville), Dahomey, France, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Mexico, Sweden, Tanganyika, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America. (Second plenary meeting, 7 May I963 ) /A16/VR/2/ А16/2b page 5 (vii) Adoption of the Agenda The Sixteenth World Health Assembly adopted the provisional agenda prepared by the Executive Board at its thirty-first session. A16/24 page 6 II. LIST OF RESOLUTIONS WHAlo.l - Appointment of the Director-General WHA16.2 - Contract of the Director-General WHAI6.3 - Admission of New Associate Members: Mauritius WHA16.4 - Admission of New Associate Members: Kenya WHAI6.5 - Financial Report on the Accounts of WHO for the year the External Auditor WHAI6.6 - Supplementary Budget Estimates for WHA16.7 - Assessments of New Members for WHA16.8 - Addition to Schedule A to the Appropriation Resolution for the Financial Years 1962 and I963 WHAI6.9 - Accommodation for the Regional Office for Africa WHA16.10 - Scale of Assessment for 1964 WHAl6.ll - Election of Members Entitled to Designate a Person to Serve on the Executive Board 1962 1962 and Report of 1963 and 1963 WHAI6 .I2 - Annual Report of the Director-General for 1962 • WHA16.13 - Effective Working Budget and Budget Level for 1964 WHAl6.l4 - Appointment of the External Auditor WHAI6 .I5 - Amendments to the Staff Rules WHAl6.l6 - Selection of the Country in which the Seventeenth World Health Assembly will be Held WHAI6 .I7 - Malaria Eradication Special Account WHAI6 .I8 - Malaria Eradication Postage Stamps WHA16.19 - Annual Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board for I96 I WHAI6 .2 O - Status of Collection of Annual Contributions and of Advances to the Working Capital Fund A16/24 page 7 WHAI6 .2 I - Appointment of Representatives to the WHO Staff Pension Committee WHA16.22 - Headquarters Accommodation: WHA16-.23 - Report on Development of the Malaria Eradication Programme WHA16.24 - Developments in Activities Assisted Jointly with UNICEF WHAI6.25 - Television Influence on Youth WHA16.26 - Voluntary Fund for Health Promotion: Medical Research WHAI6.27 - Voluntary Fund for Health Promotion: Community Water Supply WHAI6.28 - Appropriation Resolution for the Financial Year 1964 WHA16.29 - Organizational Study: Measures for Providing Effective Assistance in Medical Education and Training to Meet Priority Needs of the Newly Independent and Emerging Countries WHAI0 .3 O - Organizational Study: Progress Report Methods of Planning and Execution of Projects WHAI6.3I - Continued Assistance to Newly Independent States WHAI6.32 - Decisions of the United Nations, Specialized Agencies and IAEA Affecting WHO's Activities: Administrative, Budgetary and Financial Matters Inter-organization Machinery for Matters of Pay and Allowances WHA16.33 - Decisions of the United Nations, Specialized Agencies and IAEA Affecting WHO's Activities: Administrative, Budgetary and Financial Matters Conference Arrangements WHA16.34 - Additional Regulations of 23 May I963 Amending the International Sanitary Regulations in Particular with Respect to Notifications WHA16.35 - Committee on International Quarantine: Eleventh Report WHAI6.36 - Clinical and Pharmacological Evaluation of Drugs WHA16.37 - Smallpox Eradication Programme WHAI6.38 - Clinical and Pharmacological Evaluation of Drugs: WHA16.39 WHA16.40 Standards of Drugs - Decisions of the United Nations, Specialized Agencies and the IAEA Affecting WHO's Activities: Programme Matters United Nations Development Decade Aló/24 page 8 -- . WHA16.41 - Extension of the Agreement with UNRWA WHA16.42 - Joint FAO/WHO Programme on Food Standards (Codex Alimentarius) WHA16.43 - Meetings of the Regional Committee for Africa WHA16.44 - Reports of the Executive Board on its Thirtieth and Thirty-first Sessions A16/24 page 9 III. INDEX TO RESOLUTIONS Africa Accommodation for the Regional Office ................ WHA16.9 Meetings of the Regional Committee WHA16.43 .... .......... Agenda, adoption ....................................... (vii) Agreement with UNRWA ................................... WHAl6.4l Annual Report of the Director-General for 1962 ............ WHA16.12 Appropriation Resolution for 1964 ........................................ WHA16.28 Assessments, scale of, for - 1962 1964 and 1 9 6 3 ..................................... WHA16.7; ............................................ Assistance to newly independent States................... WHA16.10 WHAI6 .3 I Associate Members Mauritius........................ ............... WHAlb.3 Kenya............................................ WHA16.4 Budget ......... WHAI6.13 .............. WHA16.6 Clinical and pharmacological evaluation of drugs .......... WHAI6.36 level for 1964 , and effective working budget supplementary budget estimates for Standards of drugs 1963 ............................... WHAI6.38 Codex Alimentarius ..................................... WHA16.42 Committee on Credentials ............................... (i) Committee on International Quarantine, eleventh report . . . . WHA16.35 WHA16.8 Alб/24 page 10 Committee on Nominations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ix) Conference FAO/WHO on Food Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHA16.42 Contract of the Director-General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHA16.2 Contributions; status of collection WHA16.20 ............. Director-General appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHA16.1 annual report for I962 WHA16.12 contract ...... ..... .... .. .............. ......... Drugs, clinical and pharmacological evaluation . . . . . . . . WHA16.2 WHA16 .36 ; WHAI6.58 Executive Board election of Members entitled to designate a person to serve on the Executive Board . ........... .......... WHAl6 .ll thirtieth and thirty-first sessions, reports ...... WHA16.44 External Auditor appointment ........................... ......... ... WHA16.1.4 report for 1962 ......... .......... ..... WHA16.5 FAO/WHO, joint programme on food standards................. WHA.l6.42 Financial Report on the accounts of WHO for 1962 ....... . . General Committee, establishment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Headquarters Accommodation, progress report WHAI6.5 (vi) ......... WHA16.22 ......... WHA16.35 Health Assembly; see World Health Assembly International Quarantine, eleventh report International Sanitary Regulations: Additional Regulations cf 23 May 1963 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHA16.34 Kenya; New Associate Member WHA16.4 ........... ..... . Main Committees; election of officers ............ (v) Al6/24 page 11 Malaria development of the programme ....................... WHA16.23 postage stamps ................................... WHA16.18 Special Account ................................. WHAI6 .I7 Mauritius, New Associate Member ........................ WHA16.3 Measures for providing effective assistance in medical education and training to meet priority needs of newly independent and emerging countries ......... . ....... WHA16.29 Member States assessments for 1962 .............................. WHAI6.7 assessments for 1963 .............................. WHAI6.7 assessments for 1964 .............................. Methods of planning and execution of projects . . . ....... WHA16.10 WHAI6 .3 O New Associate Members ................................. WHA16.3; WHA16.4 Officers of the Assembly................................. (iv) of the main committees............................ (v) Organizational Studies Measures for providing effective assistance in medical education and training to meet priority need.s- of newly independent and emerging countries ................ WHA16.29 Methods of planning and- execution of projects- ....... WHAI6.30 ................... WHAI6 .I9 Pension Committee, WHO Staff, appointment of representatives WHA16.21 Pension Board, UNJS, report for 196l President and Vice-Presidents of the Assembly, election . . . Programme and Budget, ceiling for 1964 ................. (iv) WHA16.13 A16/24 page 12 Smallpox eradication programme „ ......... . ............ ..WHA16.37 Specialized agencies administrative, budgetary and financial matters ........ .. WHAl6.j52j programme matters . . .......................... .... WHA16.33 WHA16.39 United Nations Development Decade ................... ..WHA16.40 Staff Rules, amendments, as confirmed by the Executive Board . WHA16.15 Supplementary Budget Estimates for 1963 ................. .. WHA16.6 Television, influence on youth . . . . . . . ......... . . . WHA16.25 United Nations, decisions of, affecting WHO's activities administrative, budgetary and financial matters ........ .. WHA 16 .32 ; programme matters ...................................... .. WHA16.39 United Nations Development Decade . . . . ............ .. WHA1Ó.40 UNICEF, developments in activities assisted jointly with . . . UNJSPB, report I96 I WHA16.24 ................................... .. WHAI6.19 UNRWA, extension of agreement .......................... .. WHAl6.4l Voluntary Fund for Health Promotion Community Water Supply Medical Research ............................ .. WHA16.27 ................................. .. WHA16.26 World Health Assembly, Seventeenth, selection of country or Region............................ ................ .. WHAI6.16 WHAlo.33
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