Document 355185

The Quarterly Newsletter of the Connecticut Camping Association
C C A H o s t s F a l l To u r s f o r
The Connecticut Camping
Association is pleased to
hold its 6th Annual Fall
Camp Tour Program on
October 23. Over the years,
we have worked with member camps to be able to present camp in all its various
forms and permutations. We
have been fortunate to visit
camps from all over the
State, including Camp
Jewell, Winding Trails,
Camp Woodstock, Incarnation Camps, and Hole in The
Wall Gang Camp.
This Fall, we are visiting
June Norcross Webster Boy
Scout Reservation in Ashford, and Camp Horizons in
South Windham.
Our tour at J.N. Webster
begins at 10am and allows us to see one of the
premiere scout camps in
the Connecticut Rivers
Council—the State’s largest.
Volume 11, Issue 2
CCA Board of Directors
Camp Horizons, now in
its 35th years, provides
an extraordinary program
for individuals who have
special needs. We will
visit Camp Horizons at
We encourage camps to
bring facilities and program staff to the tours, as
that will give a full picture of the operations.
Please plan on bringing a
bag lunch to these events.
Connecticut Camping
Association: The Voice
of Organized Camping
In Connecticut Since
Keith Garbart
1st Vice President
Rhino Merrick
2nd Vice President
Jill McCarthy
Scott Lambeck
Alex Thomas
Directors At Large:
Among the new facilities around the
State, Channel 3 Kids Camp has
added year round residential opportunities for children of all abilities
(you’ll see it in March).
Dan Albert
Anita Pizzutiello
Mark Clifton
Suzanne Richards
Patty Clifton
Lou Seiser
Pauline Jepson
Alycia Williams
Immediate Past President:
David Meizels
Steve Maguire Presents Kickoff Program
By Patty Clifton
In mid-June, Camp
Hazen's rustic dining hall
overlooking Cedar Lake
was filled to the brim with
counselors, skill area directors and administrators
from dozens of camps
across Connecticut, all
eager to experience CCA's
guest presentation, motivational camp speaker Steve
Maguire. It was the perfect
way to kick off the summer
camp season, for Steve in
his unique and high energy
way, manages to get down
to the nitty gritty of the
most important topics of
how to provide the best
camp, the best staff, the
best role models every
camper deserves. Steve
kept us all on our toes,
with an awesome blend of
professional content, humor and experiential learning, while moving us
through small group and
large group games and
situations. Topics included
goal setting, effective communication with kids, staff
& parents, tone and body
language interpretation,
team building and team
dynamics, safety, and how
to be a stellar, and genuine
role model while working
with the many personalities of campers and
staff. We didn't want
Steve's presentation to end,
it was the perfect "shot in
the arm" every staff needed
to begin the magic of working at camp.
To quote one camp director:
"As a director who participated with my CIT's I will
say that the girls used the
activities learned in this
session while at camp and
they really found the personality quiz very helpful
in understanding staff,
campers, and themselves!
Ever minute was packed
with interesting and useful
fun and learning!"
~ Alexandra Thomas, SJ
Riding Camp
Inside this issue:
ACA Trainings
Annual Meeting
DPH Meeting
Bernie Moore Scholarship
CCA Anniversary
Allen Beavers Scholarship
Page 2
ACA Standards Visitor Trainings Scheduled
-By Alexandra Thomas
Camp Horizons in South Windham,
CT is hosting!
As a Visitor you are able to see firsthand
how other camps accomplish their missions and reach their goals. It is also a
great way to give something back. As a
camp professional, you have much to
share through the Accreditation program
in regard to operating a quality
camp. Accreditation is a voluntary educational program operated by trained Visitors who are volunteers. These volunteers
are the key to the success of the program.
Once trained with this ACA, Inc course,
you can be a visitor anywhere in the US!
Do you think you might enjoy working with camps as they go through
the Accreditation process?
Join the team of New England Visitors!
Prerequisite: Participants in the Associate Visitor Course must be at
least twenty-one years of age, a current ACA member, and have completed the Standards course.
CCA Events
Information and events are great reasons to be part of CCA. The organization
typically holds several events a year, always available to members. All events
and trainings are listed on our website:
November 7 & 8, 2014
9:00 am to 5:00 pm each day
Cost: $25
Contact Elizabeth Snell, Membership
& Accreditation Coordinator
ACA New England
781-541-6080 x17
Stay with CCA so that you know the
ropes in camping all through the year.
CCA Fall Camp Tours—Get a look at some of the great camps around the
State (see page 1)
CCA’s Annual Dinner, Elections and Raffle—Please see below.
Educational Seminars and workshops—Whether it’s regulation, accreditation, education, or recreation, CCA holds program during the school
year to benefit its members.
CCA/DPH Springtime meeting—Usually held in early March, this meeting allows members an opportunity to discuss regulations and inspections
with the staff from the State of Connecticut Youth Camp Licensing.
Summer Kickoff—Held in June each year with a guest presenter, this
program is fun and educational for summer staff.
2014 Annual CCA Dinner, Raffle and Elections
Join us at Camp Hazen YMCA,
Wednesday December 3rd, for an evening of food and friends. The 2014 Annual Dinner begins with a reception at
5.30pm, followed by dinner, Annual
Meeting, election of board members
and presentation of the Bernie Moore
The evening will conclude with a raffle
of items generously donated by mem-
bers, camps and businesses. All monies
raised will support the Bernie Moore
All members and their guests are invited to attend and tickets are available
for $20 per person by contacting Keith
Garbart, Board President:
Please consider donating to the CCA
raffle. This year’s raffle will include:
 Gift Certificates.
 Donated Trainings, such as Lifeguarding, CPR, and First Aid
 Recreational Passes for all seasons.
 Wine, beer, etc.
 Holiday items and displays.
Volume 11, Issue 2
Page 3
Bernie Moore was the quintessential
camp director and camp administrator.
During her 38 year career as a director
she fostered, trained and inspired thousands of campers and staff members,
many of whom went on to become camp
administrators and directors themselves.
Her lessons were to accomplish all we
could, and to succeed when we attempted
to challenge ourselves. Bernie knew her
campers by name, and always had a special hug for everyone. To all who knew
her, she was a hero.
Bernie began her career in camping after
graduating from Sargeant College in Boston with a degree in physical education.
That summer found Bernie at a Girl Scout
camp in Michigan. She soon moved back
east to run a Girl Scout camp in Torrington. Newly married, she began her career
Membe rs hip
And Directory
as a director.
Bernie was a founding member of the
Connecticut Camping Association, and
served in every position in the association. Bernie stayed active in meetings
long after her retirement.
In honor of Bernie’s service to camping,
the CCA established and maintains a
Bernie Moore Scholarship Fund. This
$500 scholarship is awarded to a deserving applicant from Connecticut Camps’
summer staff in order to help them further their studies. Please look at our
website:, for scholarship information and application. Deadline is November 21, 2014.
As we embark on our 50th year,
CCA is establishing a membership drive to commemorate the
event. Our hope is for 2015 to be
the greatest membership in the
history of the organization!
In the coming weeks, membership
information will be emailed to you
and available on our website.
Once again, CCA is maintaining a
low price of $40 for individual
membership. Please make sure
you have your place in the organization for this historic year.
Directory applications will be
available in the next week via
email as well as the website. In
order to be in the printed Directory that is mailed out to all libraries, pediatrician offices, and
schools in Connecticut you must
return the information by November 1st. Directory listings are
$75. All Directory listings will
also be available on our website
and will be accepted after November 1st but only for website publication.
If you have any questions or concerns, or if you are interested in
serving on a committee for CCA,
please contact Keith:
Summer is always around the corner. Your
CCA is hosting its annual information
session with the CT Department of Health
in late February or early March. Over the
last several years, we have enjoyed the
great fortune of enjoying a close working
relationship between DPH and CCA.
This event in particular is a great opportunity for Camp Administrators to come
and find out what is trending in Camps.
DPH representatives will discuss what is
new, what is changing and what we can
expect as we go through the camp licensing process this summer.
Reports from Youth Camp licensing indicate that inspections are showing fewer
violations over time, and that more directors are current in their knowledge regarding the regulations. In an attempt to
ensure that we all stay at the forefront of
regulatory compliance, CCA will send
further information as it becomes available.
CCA membership and directory listing can keep
you prepared.
If you have a particular topic of interest or
question that you would like to be discussed, please email Keith Garbart,
For further information regarding this
event and other CCA events, please visit
our website:
Connecticut Camping Association: The Voice of Organized
Camping In Connecticut Since 1965
204 West Main Street
Chester, CT 06412
My Oh My, How Time
2015 is CCA’s 50th
By Alex Thomas
CCA has a lot to celebrate and we want you to
join us! Be part of the planning and delivery of
special issues of the CAMPanion, special events
and training opportunities, and gatherings of
past, present, and future CCA members and
board members!
We have a strong history of dedicated camp professionals working together to provide Connecticut campers and their families with exceptional
summer camp programs and we should celebrate
where we have been and where we are going!
We are looking for photos and stories to share
during the year so dig into your camp's history or
camping in CT going back to 1965 and share it
with us!
It's also a great year to join the board or one of
our many committees! Loads to do and so much
fun too!
Future Camp Professionals on the move.
Contact any board member today - our info is on
our web site at
Allen Beavers Memorial Professional Development Scholarship
As one of the founders of CCA, Allen Beavers valued education and development opportunities for camp professionals
above all else. Through his multiple endeavors, Allen sought the betterment of the camping industry as a whole.
With this commitment in mind, CCA established the Allen Beavers Memorial Professional Development Scholarship fund
in 2013. Now in its second year, this fund provides scholarship for any camp professional to pursue educational programs,
workshops, or seminars.
During our Annual Meeting in December, we will allow interested parties an opportunity to support this important fund.
Unlike many scholarships, this award is distributed on an as-needed basis. Professionals interested in this scholarship
can find more information on our website: