BMES Robert A. Pritzker Distinguished Lecture Pritzker Distinguished Lecturer: James J. Collins, PhD Howard Hughes Medical Institute Department of Biomedical Engineering & Center of Synthetic Biology, Boston University Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University Thursday, october 23, 2014 10:30am LILA COCKRELL THEATRE, HENRY B. GONZALES CONVENTION CENTER Life Redesigned: The Emergence of Synthetic Biology S ynthetic biology is bringing together James J. Collins is a William F. Warren Distinguished Professor, Uni- engineers, physicists and biologists to model, design and versity Professor, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Professor of construct biological circuits out of proteins, genes and Medicine and Director of the Center of Synthetic Biology at Boston other bits of DNA, and to use these circuits to rewire and University. He is also a core founding faculty member of the Wyss reprogram organisms. These re-engineered organisms are going to Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University, change our lives in the coming years, leading to cheaper drugs, rapid and an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. His diagnostic tests, and targeted therapies to attack "superbugs". In this research group works in synthetic biology and systems biology, with talk, we highlight recent efforts to create synthetic gene networks a particular focus on using network biology approaches to study an- and programmable cells, and discuss a variety of synthetic biology tibiotic action, bacterial defense mechanisms, and the emergence of applications in biocomputing, biotechnology and biomedicine. resistance. Professor Collins' patented technologies have been licensed by over 25 biotech, pharma and medical devices companies, and he has helped to launch a number of companies, including Sample6 Technologies, Synlogic and EnBiotix. He has received numerous awards and honors, including a Rhodes Scholarship, a MacArthur "Genius" Award, an NIH Director's Pioneer Award, a Sanofi-Institut Pasteur Award, as well as several teaching awards. Professor Collins is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and a charter fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. 8 BMES 2014 special plenary session | thursday BMES Special Interest Group: Medical Devices – Computational Modeling and Simulation for Medical Devices thursday october 23, 2014 6:15PM - 7:30PM LILA COCKRELL THEATRE HENRY B. GONZALES Computer Modeling and Simulation for Medical Devices T he BMES Medical Device Special Interest Session Chair: Group was formed in 2014 as a forum for medical Walt Baxter, Medtronic Co-Chair, BMES-FDA device biomedical engineering interests. The initial Frontiers in Medical Devices Conference focus, Computational Modeling and Simulation for Medical Devices, brings together people from the medical device and simulation software industries and academic, clinical and other researchers to share scientific findings. Today, there are limited models that are shared publically therefore limited common understanding of simulation results and discussion of their interpretation. We SPEAKERS: Modeling and Simulation for Medical Devices: An FDA Perspective Donna Lochner, FDA Co-Chair, BMES-FDA aim to provide a symposium for modeling and simulation for medical Frontiers in Medical Devices Conference devices to promote best methods, identify credible boundary and encourage future discovery. We focus on applications of modeling Translation of Modeling & Simulation Tools from Research to R&D/Clinical Applications and simulation that advance the design, evaluation and production of Anthony Petrella, Colorado School of Mines system conditions, share interpretation of simulation results, and medical devices. This Special Session at the BMES Annual Meeting will introduce the Medical Devices SIG and explore how modeling and simulation can play a role in: • ensuring the safety and effectiveness of medical devices, • speeding the translation of academic models to clinical application, • improving the regulatory evaluation process providing credible methods to evaluate medical devices. Use of Computational Modeling in the Development of Aortic Stent Grafts and Early Clinical Feasibility Studies Ben Wolf, Medtronic, Endovascular Therapies Ensuring Models and Simulations are Credibility for Regulatory Decision Making Tina Morrison, FDA sponsored by BMES 2014 9 NIH NIBIB Lecture NIH National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Lecture: David Kaplan, PhD Stern Family Professor of Engineering Professor and Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering Director, Bioengineering and Biotechnology Center, Tufts University Friday, october 24, 2014 10:30AM LILA COCKRELL THEATRE HENRY B. GONZALES CONVENTION CENTER Silk Biomaterials – The New Silk Road T he field of biomaterials and tissue David Kaplan is a biomedical engineer who has studied biomateri- engineering has emerged in terms of scientif- als for his entire career. His group focuses on biopolymers and their ic and translational impact over the past few decades engineering for new biomaterials, covering fundamental questions by embracing intersections between engineering, to translational goals. He is the inaugural endowed Stern Professor materials science, biology and medicine. We have focused our ef- of Engineering and has been chair of the Department of Biomedical forts on biopolymer engineering to understand structure-function re- Engineering since its founding in 2002. His B.S. was from SUNY Al- lationships, with studies on self-assembly, biomaterials engineering, bany and his PhD from SUNY Syracuse and Syracuse University. His tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Structural proteins, group has published over 600 peer reviewed papers, and generated including collagens, elastins, resilins and silks have been our focus, more than 50 patents that have led to seven startup companies and with a particular emphasis on the study of silk-based biomaterials in new FDA approved medical devices. regenerative medicine, from fundamental studies of the biochemistry, molecular biology and biophysical features of these fibrous proteins to their impact on stem cell functions and complex tissue formation. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine emerge though control of biomaterials structure-function relationships and 3D tissue co-culture systems to establish and study human tissues in the laboratory and in animal systems. He has directed the NIH P41 Tissue Engineering Resource Center (TERC) since 2004, a program involving Tufts University and Columbia University. He serves on the editorial boards of numerous journals and is the inaugural Editor in Chief of ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering. He has received a number of awards for teaching, was Elected Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, received the Columbus Discovery Medal and the Society for Biomaterials Clemson Award for contributions to the literature. Professor Kaplan also holds faculty appointments in the School of Medicine, the School of Dental Medicine, the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Tufts University. He also has a university professor appointment at Soochow University in China and fosters joint research between institutions. He has an extensive network of collaborators around the world that providing complementary expertise and opportunities for synergistic studies and student exchanges. 10 BMES 2014 Special plenary session | friday Stephen Oesterle, MD Senior Vice President for Medicine & Technology Medtronic Friday, october 24, 2014 5:15PM - 6:15PM LILA COCKRELL THEATRE HENRY B. GONZALES CONVENTION CENTER Converging Low Power Microelectronics, IT and Communication Technologies into Implantable Medical Devices M edtronic is one of the world¹s Stephen N. Oesterle, MD joined the company in 2002 as Senior largest medical device companies. With more Vice President for Medicine and Technology. In this role, Steve pro- than 50,000 employees, it operates in 140 coun- vides executive leadership for Medtronic scientific research, forma- tries, delivering medical products to more than tion of technological strategies and continued development of strong 10 million people each year. Medtronic must continue to innovate cooperative relationships with the world's medicinal communities, while delivering effective products for less cost. The challenge of technical universities, financial institutions and emerging medical de- developing medical devices for the more than 4 billion people who vice companies. today have no access to care is immediate. The incorporation of low power and flexible microelectronics into implantable medical devices has substantially broadened applications for these devices while allowing for less invasive delivery and reduced complications. Cardiac pacemakers have been reduced in dimension by magnitudes; the potential to deliver a wafer scale pacemaker will soon be realized. Implantable and wearable physiologic sensors will facilitate remote management of the devices and the patients who use them. Conver- Previously, Steve served as Associate Professor of Medicine at the Harvard University Medical School and as Director of Invasive Cardiology Services at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. A teacher and innovator in the field of cardiac catheterization, he has also developed and directed interventional cardiology programs at Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles; at Georgetown University; and at Stanford University. gence of information and communication technologies into medical Steve is a 1973 summa cum laude graduate of Harvard College and devices will catalyze Medtronic’s vision to distribute health care to bil- received his doctorate from Yale University in 1977. He completed lions of patients who have minimal access to affordable care. Chron- his internship and residency at Massachusetts General Hospital and ic diseases such as heart failure, diabetes and hypertension can be also served a fellowship in interventional cardiology at Stanford. better managed with implanted and wearable microelectronics and adaptive closed loop algorithms. It all starts and ends with engineers. BMES 2014 11 Rita Schaffer Memorial Lecture BMES 2014 Rita Schaffer Memorial - Young Investigator Lecturer: Kimberly M. Stroka, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow in the Konstantopoulos Lab Johns Hopkins University Saturday, october 25, 2014 10:30am LILA COCKRELL THEATRE HENRY B. GONZALES CONVENTION CENTER New Paradigms for Cell Migration in Confined Microenvironments C ell homeostasis and diverse process- Kimberly M. Stroka is a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hop- es, including migration, are tightly regulated by cell kins University in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular En- volume. In vivo, metastatic tumor cells must navigate gineering and Institute for NanoBioTechnology. In January 2015 she complex, heterogeneous microenvironments when will begin her appointment as Assistant Professor at the University of migrating through tissues, including longitudinal tracks formed by Maryland, College Park in the Fischell Department of Bioengineering. anatomic structures. Intriguingly, we have discovered that the clas- Dr. Stroka received her B.S. summa cum laude in Physics in 2006 sical model of cell migration on two-dimensional substrates (relying from Denison University. She received her Ph.D. in Bioengineering on actin polymerization, cell adhesion to the substrate, and myosin in 2011 from the University of Maryland-College Park while working II-mediated contractility) does not apply to metastatic tumor cells with Helim Aranda-Espinoza. In her PhD work, Dr. Stroka developed migrating through three-dimensional confined spaces. We therefore a novel hydrogel-based in vitro model in order to evaluate the effects hypothesized that an alternate mechanism based on cell volume of blood vessel stiffening on endothelial cell biomechanics, leukocyte regulation via ion channels and aquaporins drives cell migration in mechanosensing, and leukocyte transmigration, during a normal im- these confined microenvironments, where cells must deform in or- mune response and in the context of cardiovascular disease. In Dr. der to squeeze through physically restrictive spaces. Using a mul- Stroka's postdoctoral work in the lab of Konstantinos Konstantopou- tidisciplinary approach that integrates microfabrication techniques, los, she has integrated microfabrication, molecular biology, live cell molecular biology, live cell imaging, and theoretical modeling based imaging, and theoretical modeling in order to uncover a new mecha- on physics, we have discovered an "Osmotic Engine Model" of cell nism by which metastatic tumor cells migrate through confined mi- migration, which demonstrates that osmotically-driven water flow croenvironments. This work was recently published in Cell. regulates cell migration in confined microenvironments. Importantly, our theoretical model predicts many key non-intuitive experimental results. Collectively, this study represents a new paradigm for cell migration in confined microenvironments and elucidates ion pumps and aquaporins as new molecular targets that may be exploited for future development of cancer therapeutics. Dr. Stroka's postdoctoral and predoctoral work has been supported by numerous highly competitive fellowships, including an NIH NRSA F32 postdoctoral fellowship (2013-present), NIH T32 postdoctoral fellowship (2012-2013), NIH NRSA F31 predoctoral fellowship (20102011), and NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2006-2009). Dr. Stroka was also recently awarded the Burroughs Wellcome Career Award at the Scientific Interface (2014-2019) for her proposal on engineering BMES established this award in 2000 to honor Rita M. Schaffer, former BMES Executive Director. Rita’s gift of her estate, along with contributions from her family, friends, and associates, has enabled BMES to create the Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award, which includes the Rita Schaffer Memorial Lecture. 12 BMES 2014 blood-brain barrier mechanobiology in the context of tumor cell metastasis. She is the recipient of 9 different awards for travel to national and international conferences (2008-2011). BMES Diversity Award Lecture Diversity Lecture: Naomi Chesler, PhD Vice Chair of Biomedical Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison Saturday, october 25, 2014 11:15am LILA COCKRELL THEATRE HENRY B. GONZALES CONVENTION CENTER The Power of Privilege – Using Our Strengths to Overcome Our Weaknesses in Diversity and Inclusivity T he current pool of biomedical engineers is not diverse enough to solve the complex health and medical technology problems facing our society today. In the undergraduate experience, being part of a diverse classroom and community leads to increased student engagement in learning and greater gains in critical thinking, problem solving and self-confidence. Also, motivation to consider multiple perspectives, which is an important skill in teamwork, increases with diversity, as does productivity and innovation. Therefore, increasing the diversity of our discipline will have concrete and significant benefits for the current and future biomedical engineering workforce. Mechanical Engineering from MIT and a PhD in Medical En- Often, the most visible and vocal proponents of increased findings in this area regularly in biomedical and mechanical diversity and inclusivity are members of under-represented engineering journals as well as physiology journals and is a groups. While biomedical engineering has a higher percent- recipient of the NSF CAREER Award and funding from the age of women than almost any other engineering discipline, Whitaker Foundation, the American Heart Association and most senior leaders in biomedical engineering both in in- the NIH both independently and collaboratively. dustry and academia are members of the majority. Thus, in order to improve and enhance the diversity and inclusivity of our discipline, I propose we use these strengths – our many majority members -- and their privilege. In particular, I challenge our community to use the power of privilege to promote inclusive excellence and thereby improve critical thinking and problem-solving, teamwork and innovation in biomedical engineering. gineering from the Harvard-MIT joint program in Health Sciences and Technology. Dr. Chesler’s biomechanics research seeks to improve cardiovascular health through the integration of mechanical engineering, vascular biology and imaging tools, to advance knowledge in these fields, and to educate the next generation of leaders in cardiovascular engineering and science. In particular, her lab ( strives to better understand and prevent ventricular failure by focusing on three aspects of physiology and pathophysiology: ventricular function, blood flow dynamics, and changes in the large and small artery structure and function. She publishes her Dr. Chesler also investigates mentoring and curricular change strategies for improving the recruitment and retention of women and underrepresented minorities in engineering. Her scholarly contributions in this area have been published in the Journal of Engineering Education, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, Advances in Engineering Education and also the BMES flagship journal Annals of Biomedical Engineering. She is an integral Naomi C. Chesler is Professor and Vice Chair part of the Epistemic Games Group at UW-Madison (edgaps. of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin- org), which is funded by the NSF to design and implement Madison. Her research accomplishments are in the areas engineering epistemic games for first-year curricula with in- of cardiovascular biomechanics and engineering education. tegrated mentoring and assessment. Her broad contributions to the physical, biological and social sciences have been recognized by courtesy appointments in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Medicine, Pediatrics and Educational Psychology at UW-Madison. One key foundation for this wide-ranging impact was her liberal arts education from Swarthmore College, where she earned a BS in engineering (general). She then obtained an MS in She is a Fulbright Scholar, fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and prior recipient of the Denice D. Denton Emerging Leader Award from the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Computing. She was recently named a Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor at UW-Madison and is honored to receive the BMES Diversity Award. BMES 2014 13
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