100 Sep/Oct 2014 Carers News New Look Carers Centre This summer the Carers Centre launched our new look; with a new logo and new look leaflets, posters, flyers and newsletter. We have had feedback from carers, our staff and volunteers and local health and social care professionals. We have also launched our new website; the address has not changed; you will still find us at www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk but the updated website has lots of new features for carers and for health and social care professionals. We hope that you like the new website, if you have any feedback, please email us at info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk We would like to give special thanks to Firecask, an online marketing and Wordpress development agency, who designed and created our new logo and website, you can find them at www.firecask.com Care Act 2014 The Care Act, which received Royal Assent in May 2014, means some changes for carers by putting more responsibilities on local authorities to provide information, advice and assessments. The Care Act strengthens the rights of carers to access support and services. Trafford Carers Centre has been working closely with Trafford Council to look at how these changes will impact carers, and how carers can be supported. As more details of how the Care Act will impact on services are clarified, we will share them with you in the Newsletter. www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Inside this Issue News, Events and Training Local and National News Fundraising Volunteering Young Carers and Children Autism and Learning Disability Older People and Dementia Stroke and Cancer End of Life Mental Health (TCCP) Health and Wellbeing and Safeguarding Fun Page Carers Centre Information Dates for your Diary September Dates for your Diary October Tel: 0161 848 2400 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk News, News, Events Eventsand andTraining Training Meditation and Relaxation Techniques Newhaven Carers Coffee and Chat Thursday 11th September, 11.00am — 12.00noon. The Hope Centre, Sale, M33 7UB. Thursday 9th October, 11.00am — 12.00noon. The Hope Centre, Sale, M33 7UB. Flower Arranging Wednesday 17th September, 10.00am 1.00pm. Trafford Carers Centre, Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. Wednesday 1st October, 10.00am 1.00pm. Trafford Carers Centre, Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. Wednesday 29th October, 10.00am 1.00pm. Trafford Carers Centre, Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. — 13 — 13 — 13 Wednesday 3rd September, Wednesday 17th September, Wednesday 1st October, Wednesday 15th October and Wednesday 29th October, 1.00pm—2.00pm. Newhaven is an extra care facility, situated off on Tulip Drive (off Moss Lane) in Timperley, WA15 6LP. Our caseworkers run regular events, social activities and outreach sessions for carers in the community room. The sessions are open to all local carers, you do not have to be a resident or care for a resident to attend. Please contact our Helpline on 0161 848 2400 for more information. We are hoping to organise other events and trips out for carers; all ideas, suggestions and input from carers are welcome. Genealogy Group The Genealogy Group meet once a month at Trafford Carers Centre and at Newhaven (Timperley) to talk about their interest in searching their family histories and share tips and tricks. Carers Choir The Choir meets every Monday, at Sale West Community Centre, Newbury Avenue, Sale. No experience is needed to join, just enthusiasm and a willingness to have a go! Carers Craft Club If you are creative, or just want to try your hand at it, then the Carers Craft Club could be for you. This group meets every Friday to have a coffee and chat while working on their craft projects; from knitting to cross stich and card making, all levels of experience are welcome to join. Carers Art Group The Carers Art Group meets every Monday to work on paintings and projects. No experience is necessary. Carefree Gardening Club We were delighted to recently to have been offered the opportunity to take on an allotment at Gorse Hill allotments. Current members of the Carefree Gardening Club will have lots of work to do in the weeks ahead in preparing the site. If you would like to join them please contact the Helpline on 0161 848 2400 for more information. No experience is necessary, whether you have green fingers and lots of gardening know-how, or you are just starting, all carers are welcome. www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 2 Local and National News Changes to the Electoral Register You may have received a letter earlier in the summer, from Trafford’s Electoral Registration Officer, telling you about the changes being made to the Electoral Register. These changes are the biggest in nearly 100 years; moving to a more secure Individual Electoral Registration system, rather than the Victoria system where the ’head of the household’ registered everyone living in the house. Many residents will have been automatically moved over to the new system, however some people will need to register quickly online, details of how to do this will be in the letter. If you do not receive a letter, contact Trafford Council’s elections team on 0161 912 4259. Carers Win Right to Request Flexible Working A recent change in the law means that all employees who have worked for the same employer for more than 26 weeks now have the right to request a flexible working patterns. Previously this right was only available to certain carers and parents. These changes mean that around 100,000 more carers will have the right to request flexible working, to help them balance work and their caring role. This may help carers feel less stressed, which will increase their productivity at work and may mean less ill health and time off work. Flexible working requests can include changing hours and times of work or changing location. Employers can only refuse requests for certain specific reasons. Our caseworkers can help advocate for you if you would like to request flexible working or appeal a request that has been turned down. Making A Will Making a will can seem like a daunting task, and is often something people put off for another time, however having a will is important and often gives carers and their families peace of mind. In November we will be focussing on Wills, and supporting carers to make a will. We are asking local solicitors to get involved and run free advice and information sessions, as well as 1:1 will writing support. Over the month we will be sharing tips and advice on Facebook, Twitter, and details of the advice sessions will be in the November/December edition of the Newsletter. www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 3 Fundraising Lloyds Community Fund Britain’s Best Breakfast In October Carers Trust launch their Britain’s Best Breakfast campaign, raising money for the 7 million unpaid carers by asking people to host breakfasts at their home, school, business, workplace or even social group between the 17th and 19th October. If you would like to host a breakfast and raise money for Trafford Carers Centre, please contact our Fundraising team on 0161 848 2402 and we can send you a fundraising pack. We are delighted to let you know that Trafford Carers Centre has been shortlisted for the next stage of the Lloyds Bank Community Fund 2014. Nearly 600 Lloyds Banking Group colleagues worked together in selection panels to review 4,500 applicants and decide the final four organisations short-listed in each of the 352 communities. The standard was very high this year and it’s a great achievement to have made the shortlist. However we now need YOUR help! From the 2nd September to the 10th October the public vote will be open, we need you, as our supporters to head online to www.communityfund.lloydsbank.com/ communityfund and vote for Trafford Carers Centre. Vote for our Carers Choir The Sale locality Partnership will be hosting an event on Saturday 6th September, 12.00noon to 3.00pm at Sale Waterside Arts Centre where residents can see the 17 local projects shortlisted to receive funding, and vote for their choice. Our Carers Choir has been shortlisted this year, and we need Sale residents aged over 16 to go along and vote for us, to help carers in Trafford take a break and improve their health and wellbeing through singing. One Good Thing Can you help support Trafford Carers Centre by donating one good thing? While we wait to find suitable premises for our charity shop, we have set up an eBay shop and are asking carers to consider donating one good thing that we could sell to raise funds for Trafford’s carers. It could be a pair of shoes or a designer handbag that is sitting in the back of your wardrobe, or even a piece of jewellery that you no longer wear. Please think about Trafford Carers Centre and donate your one good thing to help us support unpaid carers in and around Trafford. You can drop your donations off at Trafford Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX, 9.00am—8.00pm Monday—Thursday and 9.00am—4.30pm Friday. Please do not leave bags of donations outside when the office is closed. www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 4 Volunteering British Gas Care for Carers! Sainsbury’s Charity Partnership In July we celebrated the end of our charity partnership with Sainsbury’s Sale. Through bag packs and collections in store we raised a fantastic £8,407! We would like to thank all the staff at Sainsbury’s, our volunteers and everyone who donated for supporting carers in Trafford. A team of volunteers from British Gas’s Trafford Office have been showing their support for local carers by getting up close and personal with some paint and rollers. The volunteers took a day out of the office, put on their decorating clothes and spent some time this week transforming rooms at Trafford Carers Centre into dedicated space for carers. Staff from British Gas were able to support Trafford Carers Centre as part of their Employee Volunteering Scheme - People Power. We would also like to thank B&Q Stretford, who donated paint. Staff from Sainsbury’s Sale with staff and volunteers from Trafford Carers Centre. Daredevil Volunteers On Sunday 21st September, daredevil volunteers will be putting on harnesses and taking to the Bell Tower at the Intu Trafford Centre, to show how high they will go to support carers by abseiling down the outside of the tower. We are still looking for volunteers to take part, the entry fee is £20, and we ask that you raise a minimum of £150 in sponsorship. You must be over 16 to take part in this event. For more information about this event, or to sign up, please visit: www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk/get-involved Volunteers Needed We have a variety of bag pack and collection events organised at local supermarkets during September and October. The events are at the weekend, and anyone aged over eight can take part. We need your help to make these events a success. If you would like to know more about how you can get involved, please contact our Fundraising team on 0161 848 2402. www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 5 Young Carers Young Carers Project The Young Carers Project runs every Thursday evening, from 5.00pm—7.30pm. The sessions are a chance for young carers to have a break and relax or catch up on school or college work. Our dedicated Young Carers Room is equipped with laptops, stationery, TV and games consoles. Keep an eye out in the Newsletter and on Facebook for our themed evening. So whether you want a space to chill out and watch a movie, do some homework or even show off your skills on the Wii, the Young Carers Project has something for you. For more information contact the Helpline on 0161 848 2400 or text 07768 381 227. Young Carers Make the Headlines This summer young carers made the news when Ortisé Williams, from boyband JLS, released a documentary highlighting the way young people’s live are impacted by caring. Ortisé became a carer for him mum when he was 12 years old, after she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. In the Channel 4 documentary Britain’s youngest Carers Ortisé meets children who are looking after their parents, and talks about how caring has changed their lives. Carers of Children Support for Carers of Children Do you support a child with an illness or disability? Earlier this year Trafford Carers Centre expanded its services to support carers of children, as well as carers of adults. Our caseworkers can help you by undertaking a Carers Assessment, identifying your needs and looking at ways to support you in your caring role. We can offer 1:1 support in person, and over the phone, and you can also apply for a Carers Personal Budget, to enable you to take a break from your caring role. If you have other children, we can support them too, through our Young Carers Project. For more information on how we can help you, please contact the Helpline on 0161 848 2400 or visit www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 6 Autism Preparing for Adulthood—Next Steps Thursday 9th October, 5.50pm—8.30pm, at the Life Centre, Washway Road, Sale. This event is for young people with autism in mainstream schools, and their families, and will be providing information on the support that is available to them as they prepare to leave school. This event is aimed at people aged 15 to 19, and there will be speakers focussing on education, employment and support with every day life. If you would like to attend, please contact the Helpline on 0161 848 2400. Autism Carers Subgroup Thursday 25th September, Trafford Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX, 6.30pm—8.00pm. The subgroup is open to all carers of someone with Autism or Aspergers. Contact the Helpline on 0161 848 2400 for more information. Learning Disability October Learning Disability Carers Subgroup Thursday 2nd October, Trafford Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX, 10.30am—12.30pm. The group will be looking at how to improve the subgroup and make it more accessible to carers, as well as discussing future topics and speakers they would be interested in. If you are unable to attend but have any comments or suggestions, please contact the Helpline on 0161 848 2400 or email info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Mencap ‘Hear My Voice’ Campaign August Subgroup Mencaps new campaign, Hear My Voice, will run until the next general election in May 2015. The Campaign aims to make MPs and political candidates listen to what matters to people with a learning disability, their families and carers. You can find out more about the campaign by visiting www.mencap.org.uk/action The group discussed issues around health and wellbeing for people with a learning disability, introducing the Healthier Together and Healthwatch Trafford schemes. If you would like to receive a copy of the minutes, please contact the Helpline on 0161 848 2400. www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 7 Older People Bursts of exercise could be beneficial for older people 62% Rise in Dementia Diagnosis Provisional figures show that there has been a 62% increase in the number of recorded diagnosis of dementia in the last seven years. The figures come from a report on patients registered with GP practices in England, and it is thought that this increase could be due to the ageing population, an increase in the number of people being formally diagnosed and improved recording. A small study by scientists in Scotland has shown that exercising very hard, for short periods as short as six seconds, can help improve elderly people’s health and general fitness. The people involved in the study reduced their blood pressure by up to 9% by working out very hard in bursts of six seconds, on an exercise bike, once a week. Doctors are now planning a larger trial. Please consult your GP before undertaking a new exercise regime. Dementia Rise in Number of Dementia Friendly Communities Over 60 towns and cities in England have committed to becoming ‘dementia friendly communities’, which is over triple the target set out in the Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia. A Dementia Friendly Community is a town, village or city where people with dementia are understood, respected, supported, confident and their contributions to the community are valued. By helping people with dementia to remain independent, it is thought that Dementia Friendly Communities could save up to £11,000 per person, per year, as well as allowing those with dementia a better quality of life. Dementia Peer Support Groups From September, the Alzheimer's Society will be running a variety of new peer support groups for people of all ages living with a recent diagnosis of dementia or those with mild to moderate dementia, living in the community. Meaningful activities that are accessible for all ages are important, often people associate Dementia with old age and this is not the case so it is important to us that we provide a range of inclusive services where everyone will feel comfortable in taking part. The groups include a Walk and Talk group, Singing for the Brain, Young Onset Group, Dementia Café and an Activity Group for people with dementia. For more information please contact Annette French on 0161 962 4822 or email Annette.french@alzheimers.org.uk www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 8 Stroke Stroke Support Group for Carers Are you a carer of a stroke survivor? Would you like to come along to a free, informal support group for information and a chat with other carers? If so, come along to our Stroke Support Group for Carers on Wednesday 29th October, 2.00pm—3.30pm at Trafford Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. Contact the Helpline on 0161 848 2400 or email info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk for more information. We also have an information E-book on Strokes, with information on services for you and for the person you care for, which you can download on our website www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk or pick up from the Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. Cancer Cervical Cancer Screening Trafford Council has joined forces with NHS Trafford Clinical commission Group (CCG) to advise women in Trafford aged between 25 and 64 to have a cervical screening test. Women can have their cervical smear test, which only takes a few minutes, at their GP practice or at the Bridgewater Clinic. Dr Kath Sutton, Chair of the CCG and Trafford GP said “Regular smears are the best way of getting tested to prevent cancer developing later. Picking up changes early before they become serious allows effective treatment. I would recommend all women to take up their regular smear test.” Cervical cancer is the most common cancer in women aged under 35, and it is thought that cervical screening saves around 4,500 women each year in England. To find out when your next smear test is due, speak to your GP surgery. The Bridgewater clinic is situated on Princess Road, Urmston. To make an appointment contact 0161 749 1160, or visit www.bridgewater.nhs.uk/trafford for more information on clinics and services. Our caseworkers can also support you with a Carers Healthcheck, for more information, please contact the Helpline on 0161 848 2400. www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 9 End of Life Bereavement Support—Janet’s Story Janet and Bob had been together for 10 years when he was diagnosed with lung cancer. Despite treatment, Bob sadly passed away at home, three months later. Janet tells us “after the diagnosis, it was like walking around in a dream world where you never stop; constant appointments, meetings, treatments and caring for him, while watching him deteriorate. The person you love deteriorating in front of you. Your own health and your life get put to one side, all my focus was on Bob. When he died… nothing can prepare you for that, you’re left with a life that you hadn’t planned, that you didn’t want. Everything we had planned to do together as a couple, it’s all gone. And I had to pick up the pieces. I’m a mother, so I had to keep going. Bob’s youngest was only 13 when he died, so you keep going for them. For a while, after he died, I just couldn’t stop moving, doing things and carrying on because I knew that if I stopped I would have to think about it. I had no one to talk to about it; about the fear and the loneliness and how about how angry I felt sometimes.” Janet had been in contact with the Carers Centre prior to Bob’s diagnosis as she was also caring for her mum, who had dementia. Following Bob’s death, Janet became involved with the work the Centre was doing to promote carer’s health. “ I was the prime example of carers neglecting their own health; I stopped looking after myself while I looked after Bob. After he died I needed support to look after my own health, I had ignored it for so long.” When the End of Life Project was set up, Janet was keen to get involved: “I thought that if I could make this experience better for even just one person, then Bob’s death will not have been in vain. There is nowhere else locally that is specifically a bereavement support group. Other groups are for people also going through treatment and their families, and you feel like you can’t share your experiences sometimes. Setting up the support group at the Carers Centre has given us somewhere where there are no expectations or judgment; a space to talk with others who can relate. I see the difference it is making to other carers already.” Bereavement Support Group for Carers The Carers Bereavement Support Group takes place on the first Wednesday of every month; Wednesday 3rd September and Wednesday 1st October. There are two sessions; 1.00pm—3.00pm and 6.00pm—8.00pm, both held at Trafford Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. Any one who has lost someone they care for are welcome to attend these informal sessions. Please contact the Helpline on 0161 848 2400 for more information. www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 10 Mental Health September Mental Health Carers The CARE Hub Forum The CARE Hub are looking for service users and carers, past or present, who would be interested in sharing their stories about what it is like caring for someone going into hospital or who is living on a ward, carers experiences with community services and treatments and any other part of their journey through mental health services. Stories can be shared through audio or written word, with or without images. Stories from carers and service users will be used to influence services and to improve the patient experience. If you would like to take part or would like more details, please contact The CARE Hub on 0161 772 3935. Our September forum is on Wednesday 17th September, 7.00pm—9.00pm at the Moorside Unit, Trafford General Hospital, Moorside Road, Davyhulme, M41 5SL. We will be holding a Meet the Matron session, where carers can have a chance to talk to the Matron of the Moorside Unit and ask any questions they have about patient care on the unit. October Mental Health Carers Forum On Monday 20th October, a social worker or CPN from the Community Mental Health Team in Sale will be coming to give a talk to carers about mental health services in Trafford. She will be open to answering any carers questions and discussing carers concerns. The forum will take place on Monday 20th October, St Matthews Church Hall, Chapel Lane, Stretford, M32 8HF, 1.00pm—3.00pm. Please contact TCCP on 0161 746 3941 if you would like to attend. UK Recovery Walk This year’s annual UK Recovery Walk will take place on Saturday 13th September, at Castlefield Bowl outdoor Amphitheatre at 12.00noon. The event is organised by UK Recovery Walk Charity, and aims to raise awareness of substance misuse and recovery from addiction. Anyone who is on their own recovery journey, their friends family and carers are encouraged to take part, and those not walking on the day are still welcome to come along and enjoy the live entertainment. For more information on the UK Recovery Walk, visit www.ukrecoverywalk.org www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 11 Health and Wellbeing Rita’s Story Rita and Terry are an elderly couple and Rita has lived with the pressure of caring for Terry for several years. Terry became paraplegic after being diagnosed with a neurological condition. Rita managed Terry’s multiple and complex needs alone, leaving little time for herself. Rita struggled physically with caring; lifting Terry’s legs onto the bed each day was making her back sore. Our caseworker liaised with an occupational therapist and Rita was able to get some training on lifting and handling, which helped her protect her own health. The caseworker also completed a health check with Rita so that her own needs weren’t overshadowed and neglected. Rita was struggling with anxiety and stress, so the caseworker gave her a mindfulness CD for her listen to, which taught her some relaxation techniques. Her GP was also alerted to her caring role as we thought it important that her health needs were not neglected any longer. Rita also joined the Carers Choir, which reignited her passion for singing and gave her some time to enjoy something for herself again. Since contacting the Carers Centre Rita has been able to apply for a Carers Personal Budget, which means she is able to enjoy some meals out and pampering sessions, luxuries that help her feel less stressed and better able to cope with her caring role. Safeguarding We often think about ‘safeguarding’ as something that happens after something bad has happened, or after someone has been hurt. This is not usually the case; safeguarding is about looking after vulnerable people, and supporting them. In the story above, Rita was struggling and feeling stressed out, by having a break and learning some stress management techniques, Rita was able to feel more relaxed and cope better with her caring role. If you feel like you can relate to this; that you’re feeling anxious, stressed or that you are not coping, Trafford Carers Centre is here to support you, call our Helpline on 0161 848 2400. www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 12 Fun Page Super Suduko Every row, every column and every 3x3 square should contain one of each number 1 to 9. 1 1 6 3 7 9 5 8 5 6 5 8 3 1 4 3 7 7 7 6 2 4 6 3 7 5 9 2 4 6 8 9 3 1 7 9 8 5 7 9 9 3 8 5 4 2 3 2 7 8 3 9 7 9 5 6 3 6 1 5 5 4 1 9 9 2 4 3 1 8 7 2 8 4 6 2 7 8 9 5 4 2 1 3 4 8 4 7 5 4 9 9 9 1 6 5 4 8 5 8 3 1 2 1 1 7 7 5 9 8 1 7 8 8 7 7 4 1 3 9 3 5 6 4 8 5 3 Seasonal Humour What season is it when you are on a trampoline? Why do bananas use suncream? Because they peel! Springtime! How does an elephant get out of a tree? What did the furry hat say to the woolly scarf? Sits on a leaf and waits for autumn! You hang around while I go on ahead! www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 13 Carers Centre Carers Centre Team Kelly Hunter Chief Executive Officer Lynne Berry PA to CEO (part-time) Jennie Barnes Fundraising Co-ordinator Michelle Grogan Community Fundraiser Heather Kerr Marketing Officer Joanne Parker Project Co-ordinator Helen Peart Senior Caseworker Rachel Tsang Senior Caseworker Lisa Cookson Caseworker Anne Lucas Caseworker (part-time) Martina Crilly Caseworker (part-time) Josie Thomas Caseworker (part-time) Glenda Burrows Caseworker (part-time) Jennifer Nessfield Caseworker Joanne Coote Caseworker (part-time) Marcus Pritchard Caseworker Lucy Beck Caseworker Jane Rennie Caseworker Ying Pham Caseworker (part-time) Madeeha Mubarak Trainee Caseworker (part-time) Caoimhin O’Keeffee Helpline Worker Sonia Johnson Finance Co-ordinator (part-time) Reinis Salna Finance Administrator Claudia Graham Personal Budgets Administrator Kirsty Round Personal Budgets Administrator Tony Dagnall Support Services and Volunteer Carers Helpline: 0161 848 2400 Telephone: 0161 848 2402 Fax: 0161 848 2408 E-mail: info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Trafford Carers Centre 13 Warwick Road Old Trafford Manchester M16 0QX Co-ordinator (part-time) Shabana Motala E-book Administrator (part-time) Adam Mackinnon Support Service Administrator Opening Times Monday 9.00am—8.00pm Christina Roscoe Administration Apprentice Tuesday 9.00am—8.00pm Darren Tobin Office Cleaner (part-time) Grace Quansah Office Cleaner (part-time) Wednesday 9.00am—8.00pm Thursday 9.00am—8.00pm Friday 9.00am—4.30pm Carer Co-facilitators Mary J Margaret Helpline Volunteers Diane Naomi Facebook.com/TraffordCarers Parvin Counselling Volunteers Gill Jen Sue Helen Claire Alison Melissa Diana Julia Amanda @TraffordCarers Sharon Administrations Volunteers Sima Dominic Tim Therapy Volunteers Janet A Jane Ellie Pam Angie Pat Jacqui Ingrid Stella Sue Alison Jeanette Lola Lorraine TCCP (Trafford Caring for Carers Partnership) Andrea Fawcett Team Leader Sue Shackleton Mental Health Caseworker (part-time) Yasmin Choudry Mental Health Caseworker (part-time) www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk The opinions expressed in Trafford Carers News are those of the individual authors and not necessarily those of Trafford Carers Centre. Information included in Trafford Carers News is accepted in good faith, but products or services referred to are not thereby endorsed or recommended by Trafford Carers Centre. Trafford Carers Centre is a Company Limited by Guarantee and Registered Charity. Tel: 0161 848 2400 Company Number: 4695523 Charity Number: 1102075 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 14 Dates for your Diary September September 2014 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 Carers Art Group 2 Genealogy Group (at the Carers Centre) 3 Bereavement Group 4 YCP 5 Carers Craft Club 6 7 9 10 Genealogy Group (at Newhaven) 11 YCP 12 Carers Craft Club 13 14 17 Flower Arranging training session 18 YCP 19 20 21 Sponsored Abseil 25 YCP 26 Carers Craft Club 27 28 Carers Choir 8 Carers Art Group Carers Choir 15 Carers Art Group 16 Carers Choir Meditation and Relaxation Techniques — training session Mental Health Forum 22 Carers Art Group 23 Autism Carers Subgroup Carers Choir 29 Carers Art Group 24 30 Carers Choir Carers Art Group from 10.00am—1.00pm, Trafford Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. Carers Craft Club from 10.00am—1.00pm, Trafford Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. Carers Choir from 4.15pm—5.30pm, Sale West Community Centre, Newbury Avenue, Sale, M33 4QW. Bereavement Group from 1.00pm—3.00pm and 6.00pm—8.00pm, Trafford Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. Genealogy Group at Trafford Carers Centre from 11.00am—1.00pm. Genealogy Group at Newhaven from 1.00pm—3.00pm. Training Sessions please see page 2 for details of training sessions. YCP Young Carers Project, from 5.00pm—7.30pm, Trafford Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. Mental Health Carers Forum please see page 11 for details. Autism Carers Subgroup please see page 7 for details. Sponsored Abseil please see page 5 for details. www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 15 Dates for your Diary October October 2014 Mon 6 Carers Art Group Carers Choir 13 Carers Art Group Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 Bereavement Group 2 YCP 3 Carers Craft Club 4 5 7 Genealogy Group (at the Carers Centre) 8 Genealogy Group (at Newhaven) 9 YCP 10 Carers Craft Club 11 12 14 15 16 YCP 17 Carers Craft Club 18 19 21 22 23 YCP 24 Carers Craft Club 25 26 28 29 Stroke Support Group 30 YCP 31 Carers Craft Club Learning Disability Carers Subgroup Autism Preparing for Adulthood event Carers Choir 20 Carers Art Group Carers Choir Mental Health Carers Forum 27 Carers Art Group Carers Choir Carers Art Group from 10.00am—1.00pm, Trafford Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. Carers Craft Club from 10.00am—1.00pm, Trafford Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. Carers Choir from 4.15pm—5.30pm, Sale West Community Centre, Newbury Avenue, Sale.M33 4QW. Bereavement Group from 1.00pm—3.00pm and 6.00pm—8.00pm, Trafford Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. Genealogy Group at Trafford Carers Centre from 11.00am—1.00pm. Genealogy Group at Newhaven from 1.00pm—3.00pm. Training Sessions please see page 2 for details of training sessions. YCP Young Carers Project, from 5.00pm—7.30pm, Trafford Carers Centre, 13 Warwick Road, Old Trafford, M16 0QX. Mental Health Carers Forum please see page 11 for details. Stroke Carers Subgroup please see page 9 for details. Learning Disability Carers Subgroup please see page 7 for details. Autism Preparing for Adulthood Event please see page 7 for details. www.traffordcarerscentre.org.uk Tel: 0161 848 2400 info@traffordcarerscentre.org.uk 16
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