OCTOBER 2014 DELIVERED MONTHLY TO 4,500 HOUSEHOLDS THE REVIEW THE OFFICIAL RICHMOND / KNOB HILL COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER RICHMOND KNOB HILL – A PLACE TO HAVE FUN. A PLACE TO THINK BIG. A PLACE TO CALL HOME. Whatever your denture needs Future Smiles Denture Clinic can help. 403.475.0016 #28-2500 4 St SW (Roxboro Mall) th Discover a school where incredible opportunities happen every day, a school where learning is tailored to each individual student, where relationships are nurtured through teamwork and collaboration, and where students are immersed in a community of enthusiastic learners. Discover a school that is so much more than a school. www.westislandcollege.ab.ca Learn Play Grow Belong | Connecting Passion to Purpose Open House Oct. 30, 2014 - 7:00 p.m. Portes ouvertes le 30 octobre 2014 à 19 h 00 Richmond-Knob Hill Community Association Box 86031, 2106-33 Ave SW Calgary, AB Phone:403.249.8385 | Fax: 403.452.1690 info@richmondknobhill.ca www.richmondknobhill.ca RKHCA Board Message 6 RKHCA Development Committee 6 Your Community Business of the Month 11 My Babysitter List 14 Richmond-Knob Hill Real Estate Update 16 NEWSLETTER AD SALES Y E ARS 25 Great News Publishing Ltd. 403.720.0762 | 403.263.3044 sales@great-news.ca | www.great-news.ca GREAT NEWS PUBLISHING HAS BEEN PROUDLY SERVING RICHMOND-KNOBHILL FOR 4 YEARS! t h e o ff i c i a l R I C H M O N D / K N O B H I L L c o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I october 2 0 1 4 3 Richmond/Knob Hill Community Association 2433 – 26 Avenue SW Ph: 403-249-8385 • Fax: 403-452-1690 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Director at Large - Development Director at Large - Facilities Director at Large - Membership Director at Large - Rink Director at Large - Traffic Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Past President COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS Editor, The Review Casino Co-ordinator Children’s Parties Community Cleanup Community Garden Development Committee VACANT VACANT Esther Stainsby Sandy Shanks Doug Roberts Ken MacIver Denise Hughes Lloyd Bumstead Chris How Eva Knight Dale Perrett VACANT Liz Lunney president@richmondknobhill.ca president@richmondknobhill.ca board-secretary@richmondknobhill.ca info@richmondknobhill.ca development@richmondknobhill.ca info@richmondknobhill.ca info@richmondknobhill.ca info@richmondknobhill.ca traffic@richmondknobhill.ca info@richmondknobhill.ca info@richmondknobhill.ca Allison Just Kim Stainsby Jessica How Dale Perrett Liz Lunney, Jennifer Adams Dennis Cant, Joan Faulk, Dana Hill, Nancy Miller Jessica How Ksenia Barnes Liz Lunney Barb Marvin, Chris How Shamir C., Anita G. communications@richmondknobhill.ca info@richmondknobhill.ca info@richmondknobhill.ca info@richmondknobhill.ca info@richmondknobhill.ca president@richmondknobhill.ca 403-249-8385 403-252-8924 403-244-4153 403- 229-3253 development@richmondknobhill.ca Paint the Pavement info@richmondknobhill.ca Play Group info@richmondknobhill.ca Soccer/Learn to Skate info@richmondknobhill.ca Traffic Committee traffic@richmondknobhill.ca Webmaster communications@richmondknobhill.ca COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES City of Calgary CNS Dave Pascut dave.pascut@calgary.ca 403-476-7172 CPS Liason Officer Cst. Trevor Sadonick pol3740@calgarypolice.ca 403-567-6200 Alderman Ward Evan Woolley WARD08@calgary.ca 403- 268-2430 MLA Alberta (Currie) Christine Cusanelli calgary.currie@assembly.ab.ca 403-246-4794 MP Calgary Centre Joan Crockatt joan.crockatt@parl.gc.ca 403-244-1880 BOARD MEETINGS The Board of Directors for the Richmond / Knob Hill Community Association meet on the second Wednesday of every month starting at 7:00pm, EXCEPT July and August, at the Skate Shack. Mailing Address: 2106-33 Ave SW, P.O. Box 86031 4 Website: www.richmondknobhill.ca Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Richmond-Knob-Hill-Community-Association october 2014 I Great News Publishing I call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities MEMBERSHIP MADE EASY Richmond Knob Hill: A place to have fun. A place to think big. A place to call home. We invite you to take out a membership with your Community Association. Fill out the form below or register online through the RKHCA website. http://richmondknobhill.ca/membership.html MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Name(s): ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: Email(s): _____________________________ Phone: ( ) -_______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Please circle one yearly membership option In community: Single $10 Senior $5 Family $20 Out of community: Associate member $10 MAIL CHEQUE AND MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION TO: Richmond Knob Hill Community Association 2106 – 33 Avenue SW, PO Box 86031 Calgary AB T2T 6B7 SHARE THE FEELING OF COMMUNITY PRIDE – BECOME A COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MEMBER! BOARD MEETINGS The Board of Directors for the Richmond/ Knob Hill Community Association meets on the second Wednesday of every month starting at 7:00pm, in the Skate Shack t h e o ff i c i a l R I C H M O N D / K N O B H I L L c o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I october 2 0 1 4 5 RKHCA Board Message This past month the community planted 44 NeighbourWoods trees. Four years ago we planted 135. That’s 179 new boulevard trees planted throughout the community in less than 5 years. Well done! We are looking forward to another spooky Children’s Halloween Party at the end of the month. If your family is new to the neighbourhood, it might help to know the Haunted Skate Shack is a tradition going back more than a decade. There is a scary version for the young ones and a really scary version for those a little older. Special thanks to Jessica and volunteers for organizing again this year. RKH Wine & Cheese Nights have returned for another season. We are very fortunate to have Sebastien and Stacey living and volunteering in the neighbourhood. The September tasting featured wines from J Webb Wine Merchants and cheese from Springbank Cheese Co. The November tasting will feature wines from the Okanagan Valley. Tickets can be purchased online at www.richmondknobhill.ca. We are also preparing for the 2nd season of Learn to Skate. Again for those new to the neighbourhood, this is an outdoor skating program for young skaters. Last season we ran a U6 program. Inspired by last season’s Canada Sweden Men’s Olympic Learn to Skate Replay game, we will expand to U8 and introduce U8 grassroots hockey for skaters. We play at 10am on Sunday mornings, ice and weather permitting. A skate change area is offered inside the skate shack and on the outdoor rubber patio. Hot chocolate is offered after each session. Registration will be available online closer to November. The RKHCA Board meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month in the Skate Shack. Residents are welcome to drop in and share new ideas for community programming, local improvements or emerging advocacy issues. Richmond Knob Hill: A place to have fun! A place to think big! A place to call home! 6 RKHCA development committee Development Committee Developing Community Summer is behind us now. As we settle into fall it’s time to fondly remember those warm days and activities of summer. Marda Gras was a great event for your Richmond Knob Hill Community Association and Development Committee as mentioned in the September newsletter. If you visited our booth at the event you may have seen our community map and perhaps even placed your “dot” on where you live. We had 46 dots posted by people who live in Richmond Knob Hill Community and 48 dots from those living around our community. Your Development Committee representatives and Board engaged as many people as would speak to us at the event. The diversity of our community is what strengthens our community and makes Richmond Knob Hill a great place to live. Couples, families, retired people, and people from other parts of the world including China and Norway make Richmond Knob Hill their home. In order to support this diversity, we need different type of residential development. In addition to our community map we had a community tree and a tree trivia challenge contest to promote trees in our neighborhood. Our tree ‘grew’ 42 leaves that hot sunny day with children of all ages stopping to create and post their leaf or to bring their leaf that they had created from the monthly newsletter. We are delighted to report that Aurora How was the winner of our leaf draw, the winner of two books donated by Monkey Shines books. The winner of our tree trivia challenge, a $100 certificate to Bow Point Nursery, was Yi Li Lou, both member of our community. Included is a short profile of each of our winners: Yi Li Lou Years living in Richmond Knob Hill: 7 years, having moved from Shanghai the largest city proper in the world, population 24 million in 2013. Family: Married and with a daughter who studied at Western Canada High and University of Calgary, now working in Japan at Toyota Likes Richmond Knob Hill: because it’s close to Crowchild Trail and is a friendly community Aurora How Years living in Richmond Knob Hill: All her life, 8 years. Family: Mom and dad are Jessica and Chris How and a dog named, “Camden”. Aurora had a great summer when she enjoyed swimming at Calgary’s outdoor pool just off 14th street. october 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Second-guessing your investments? In fact, the day after this interview, Camden and she were going for a swim at the pool. Aurora’s birthday is October 6th and she’s in grade 4. She was thrilled with the book she won, “Acorn to Oak Tree” because her family planted an oak tree in the front yard. She takes Tai Kwon Do and likes playing with remote controlled cars. Likes Richmond Knob Hill: Because it’s quiet and she is close to the playground where she can go and play. Get an expert second opinion on your portfolio If market volatility is making you secondguess your investments strategy, contact us today for a no obligation, objective evaluation of your portfolio. An unbiased review can help you answer key questions including: > Is your portfolio still on the right track? > Are you taking too much risk in your portfolio? Michael Martin, CFA, MBA Investment Advisor 403-266-9655 www.martinwealth.ca How many people do you know in our community? Volunteering for any one of our community association activities, board position, or committee’s is a great way to your neighbors and develop community. PerMapmeet of 2433 26 Avenue SW Calgary, AB CA by MapQuest haps this fall, it’s your time to get involved to build your community. Sorry! When printing directly from the browser your > Which investments are likely to recover – and which ones aren’t? Arrange a complimentary second opinion service today – call 403-266-9655 or email us at michael.t.martin@rbc.com Professional Wealth Management Since 1901 05/07/0 RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ©2011 Royal Bank of Canada. All rights reserved. directions or map may not print correctly. For best results, try clicking the Printer-Friendly button. 2433 26 Avenue SW Calgary , AB T2T - Habitat Markers - Park - School - Ice Rink - Soccer Field Richmond Knob Hill Community Hall All rights reserved. Use subject to License/Copyright Map Legend Directions and maps are informational only. We make no warranties on the accuracy of their content, road conditions or route usability or expeditiousness. You assume all risk of use. MapQuest and its suppliers shall not be liable to you for any loss or delay resulting from your use of MapQuest. Your use of MapQuest means you agree to our Terms of Use t h e o ff i c i a l R I C H M O N D / K N O B H I L L c o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I october 2 0 1 4 7 2433 – 26 Avenue SW Richmond Knob Hill Community Association Hall Hall Rental Rates MEMBERS* NON-MEMBERS ADDITIONAL NOTES Hall Rentals – Daytime 9:00 am to 5:00 pm $100 flat or $20/hr (min 2 hours) $125 flat or $25/hr (min 2 hours) $100 damage deposit if food or alcohol served Hall Rentals – Weekday Evenings (Sun-Thurs) 6:00 pm to 2:00 am $60 flat or $20/hr (min 2 hours) Non-Members :$75 flat or $25/hr (min 2 hours) $100 damage deposit if food or alcohol served Hall Rentals – Weekend Evening (Fri & Sat) 6:00 pm to 2:00 am $360 flat $450 flat $450 damage deposit Rink Rentals (closed at 9:30 pm) Rink only: $40 for 1.5 hours, shack access incl. Rink & Hall: $80 for 1.5 hours rink with access to shack + 2 hour Hall rental Rink only: $60 for 1.5 hours, shack access incl. Rink & Hall: $100 for 1.5 hours rink with access to shack + 2 hour Hall rental $20/hr for additional time $100 damage deposit for Hall only. HALL RENTAL INFORMATION The Richmond/Knob Hill Community Hall is a new facility with a full kitchen, sound system and large meeting room (licensed capacity 120). This is a beautiful location for hosting birthdays, wedding or baby showers, team parties, or meetings. We have plenty of parking for all your guests. There is an adjacent play-ground, sports field, and an ice rink. VISIT OUR The RKHCA Website is updated bi-weekly with community events, development updates, hall rental calendars and online newsletter access. Community Association news such as meeting minutes and membership information are also available for your convenience. http://richmondknobhill.ca 8 The Community Hall offers competitive rates for rentals. Community Association members may rent the hall for a discounted price. For more information on hall rentals, please call Lola at 403-2498385 or email rentals@richmondknobhill.ca. ADDITIONAL NOTES • $100 Booking Fee required to hold a booking reservation. Cancellations permitted with no penalty up to 30 days prior to the event. Booking Fee will be forfeited if cancellation received less than 30 days prior to the event and a new renter cannot be found. • Rent and damage deposit required 14 days in advance of the event. • Proof of insurance & liquor permit required if alcohol served at the event. Liquor permit & insurance the responsibility of the renter. • Hall to be cleaned during rental time. Additional cleaning charge of $25/hr if not returned to the same condition accepted. • If there is damage to the facility, the damage deposit will not be returned until the cost of repair or cleanup has been determined. • $30/hr + materials or commercial cost of repair to damaged facility or appliances. • $100 if hall left not secured or doors left unlocked. • $100 lost, broken or late return of keys. october 2014 I Great News Publishing I call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities HO HO HOLD THE DATE!!!!!!! Richmond Knob Hill Community Association presents Life’n Balance Wellness 3403 26 Ave SW 403-686-7676 | www.lifebalancewellness.com Dr. Natalie Sweett ND Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Mention this ad and RECEIVE your initial visit 15% OFF Bruce Miller BSc, BSc Psych, CCS PLATINUM AWARD B: 403.294.1500 F: 403.266.0941 C: 403.667.1441 www.brucemiller.ca #100 707 10 Ave SW Calgary, AB T2R 0B3 Long Term SW Inner City Resident Saturday, December 6 NOON - 3pm Crafts, treats and loads of fun guaranteed to bring out the festive spirit in everyone!! RKHCA members FREE or $5.00 per child If you have any skills, donations or just good old fashioned time to volunteer, please contact Jessica at info@richmondknobhill.ca Assiniboine.com Christmas Lights Installation Ask about Commercial and Residential Snow Removal, Plowing, Sanding t h e o ff i c i a l R I C H M O N D / K N O B H I L L c o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I october 2 0 1 4 9 cell tower update letter to rogers Jim Klassen Manager, Spectrum Operations #400, 639 5 Av SW Calgary, AB T2P 0M9 August 22, 2014 Dear Mr. Klassen, Re: Proposed cell tower at 1919 19 Street SW With regards to the proposed Roger’s Cell tower at 1919 19 Street, Calgary, AB, I would like to express my disappointment in the process and lack of appropriate consultation. First, I would like to state unequivocally that I am not opposed to cell towers, and understand the need to build them. However, we also need to look at their effect on the community and I believe The City of Calgary has created an effective process for determining need and location – a process that was ignored in this instance. That this project was granted an exemption to a City-run review under the CPC Guidelines came as a surprise to my office, the communities, and the neighbours in the area. City of Calgary administration has maintained a consistent position on the cell tower. In a June 12 letter sent from the General Manager of Planning, Development and Assessment department, Rollin Stanley, to Rogers and Industry Canada it was clearly stated, “The City of Calgary does not support the replacement of the Scout hall amateur radio tower with a combined commercial cellular service/amateur radio tower.” The City has received no formal response from Rogers or Industry Canada. While I accept that such a decision is outside the jurisdiction of The City or my office, Industry Canada’s ruling of an exemption has led to a number of frustrations: 1.That The City was not informed that construction was beginning or that the project was moving forward. 2.That, to date, The City of Calgary and my office have yet to receive an official application or ruling from Industry Canada granting the exemption, or defining the ad hoc process being carried out, despite numerous requests. 3.That responsibility for approval is apparently being foisted upon The City despite Industry Canada giving a clear mechanism around The City’s process of engagement and consultation. 10 While an ad hoc consultation process was undertaken by the applicant after a request from Industry Canada, it was not part of any clear process within the CPC Guidelines and was wholly independent of The City. To my office’s knowledge there was no set of standards that were followed. Despite the fact that cell tower approval is a federal jurisdiction, the Member of Parliament office has informed me that The City of Calgary is expected to submit a position of concurrence or non-concurrence. If the expectation is, in fact, for The City of Calgary to submit a recommendation of concurrence or non-concurrence, then clarity on a formal process needs to be given from Industry Canada. Our office has been given no formal timelines, and no formal process through which The City might undertake this. Without going through The City of Calgary’s entire review process, The City is in no position legally to insert itself into the application. Because an exemption to our processes was granted, The City has no mechanism to require the applicant to adhere to our processes. These circumstances have been a point of major frustration for our office, City of Calgary administration and the local community members. It is unacceptable for a governing body that exists to protect the rights of the individuals living in the community to refuse to give clarity on the very process meant to protect them. It is my opinion that a full review, done entirely through The City of Calgary’s processes, would be fair for the affected communities and neighbours. Accordingly, I am formally asking Industry Canada to instruct Rogers, in writing, with copies to The City of Calgary, my office and the communities, to submit an application to The City in respect of this cell tower, in order to protect the rights of the communities and individuals affected. I strongly urge the Member of Parliament to make the same request. Sincerely, Evan Woolley City of Calgary, Councillor for Ward 8 CC: James Moore, Minister of Industry CC: Joan Crockatt, Member of Parliament for Calgary Centre CC: Rollin Stanley, GM Planning, Development and Assessments CC: Carol Robinson, Rogers CC: Richmond Knob Hill Community Association CC: Bankview Community Association CC: Scarboro Community Association october 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities raising fashion event featuring current student work and vintage couture, to aid its community partner Making Changes Association Calgary. Ticket sales open to enthusiasts are $40.00/person, and $30.00/students, held annually at the Calgary Winter Club. Ecole Holt Couture EHC office hours are Tuesday to Friday 9:30 to 3:30, by phone: 403-244-5460 or info@ecoleholtcouture.com by email. EHC is located at 2227 – 20 Ave SW. A Knob Hill community has been home to Elfriedé Holtkamp’s couture business for over 60 years, providing the ideal environment and great location for this type of training where students can experience how an actual couture and tailoring atelier operates. Please visit our website for more information www.ecoleholtcouture.com about the programs and admissions. Knob Hill Community t Ecole Holt Couture School of Couture Sewing and Design (EHC) our mission is to connect the dots for career minded talent in high-end fashion. Our full-time programs unite the art of design, the science of original pattern making, and the techniques of custom fitting with the time honoured craft of couture sewing and tailoring - both ladies and men - for the purposes of self-employment and self-directed careers. Elfriedé Holtkamp, founder of EHC, created the program curriculum from her lifetime experience as a professional couturier providing services to social elites, business professionals and local celebrities. Born and educated in Europe, Elfriedé worked as a freelance designer and couturier before immigrating to Canada in 1954, establishing her home and atelier in Calgary. Recognising that education is crucial to the sophisticated requirements of today’s fashion industry, and with a deficiency-gap in institutional training, Elfriede established EHC in 2007. EHC offers a full-time provincially designated private vocational training program. Certificate (2 years) and advanced Diploma (2 years) Programs are designed to take the novice to the practiced professional. Class sizes of four to six participants guarantee individual attention, helping each student to grow professionally while they express their creativity and develop technical skills. The skills we teach are intensely hands-on. Many skills have remained trade-secrets, closely guarded within the high end fashion community... until now. Because of Elfriedé’s professional knowledge combined with her passion and interest in the future of couture, she embraces those eager to learn the traditional art of dressmaking and tailoring, and in applying those skills to today’s market. Additionally, the school is committed to using fabrics and materials which are environmentally sound and ethically produced, creating quality garments that have lasting value. EHC believes in sustainable business practices, supporting the local economy, and in helping the young (and not so young) to build wholesome satisfying lives and careers. Yearly school term runs from September to June. Every November, EHC hosts a fund- Phone: 403-244-5460 Registrar Email: jutta@ecoleholtcouture.com Website: www.ecoleholtcouture.com Blog: www.ecoleholtcouture.wordpress.com YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/ecoleholtcouture Facebook: www.facebook.com/ecoleholtcouture Twitter: @EHCSchool Events: http://www.ecoleholtcouture.com School of Couture Sewing and Design 403-244-5460 www.ecoleholtcouture.com t h e o ff i c i a l R I C H M O N D / K N O B H I L L c o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I october 2 0 1 4 11 RKHCA play group we are your neighbours Play Group has been a community tradition for over 30 years. Parents, grandparents and caregivers are welcome to drop by the Community Hall every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30am to noon with pre-school age children. Activities include crafts, singing, circle time and outdoor play in a fenced playground area adjacent the Community hall. Participants are asked to be members of the Community Association and pay a $1/person or child drop-in fee. For more information call Ksenia @ 403-249-8385 or email info@richmondknobhill.ca Recruiting a New Co-ordinator Stacey Lafortune retired as one of two Play Group Co-ordinators at the end of the 2013-14 season. Ksenia Barnes will continue for one day a week. So we are looking to recruit a second Play Group Co-ordinator to keep the twice-weekly program option. The role includes opening the Hall to families, maintaining the toy cupboard, collecting the entrance fee, ensuring snack and juice supplies are available and making recommendations for new play equipment etc. For more information call Ksenia @ 403-249-8385 or email info@richmondknobhill.ca. l a i r o Edit ntent Co nth h moxt c a e of he ne ue for t th’s iss mon @ tions nica bhill.ca u m com ondkno richm Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter! ~Mark Twain 12 PLEASE No Dumping, No Speeding & Pick up Puppy’s Poop By far the biggest source of feedback to the Community Association are complaints about dog poop, speeding and garbage dumping. Typically the former is recognized as a neighbour-to-neighbour lack of consideration. The last two are typically blamed on those passing through. Well think again. All 3 are most typically offences committed by neighbours against neighbours. How do I know? “We would pick up our dog’s poop but the bag accidentally fell out of my husband’s pocket as we walked over” to exercise our dog off leash in a nonoff leash park. Yes, I’ve heard it. And yes, we offered one of our own bags. Then just this last week, we teased the builder next door about the blue couch, mattress, carpet underlay and shower doors spilling out of his already full dumpster. He was hopping mad which was great motivation. Turns out he located an address label amongst the illegally dumped renovation garbage. Sure enough the address was a few blocks away and the owner was renovating. It makes little difference whether it is dumping in a builder dumpster or at the Community Hall. It’s rude and it’s an offense. RKH is a great place to live! Let’s not spoil it for each other. Extend the same respect and consideration to your neighbours that you expect in return. If the offense is egregious; take a picture, record a license plate, report to 3-1-1. Richmond Knob Hill: A place to have fun. A place to think big. A place to call home. october 2014 I Great News Publishing I call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities HUMANA MEDICAL CLINIC the family clinic with the human touch WHERE NEW PATIENTS AND WALK-INS ARE WELCOME HOURS OF OPERATION 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Open 7 Days a Week Humana’s clinics are CLOSED on Statutory & Civic Holidays ========================================================== DALHOUSIE STATION PH: (403) 202-8888 #183, 5005 Dalhousie Drive NW Calgary, Alberta T3A 5R8 These Family Physicians ARE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS WOMEN’S IUD CLINIC NOW OPEN EVERY SATURDAY SHORT WAITING IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT CALL 403-202-8888 Dr Sanjeeve Sockanathan MRCGP Dr Umaru Ahmadu-Alli MD Dr Jane Flynn MD Dr Oluwaseun Oyeniran MD, MRCGP Female Family Physician Dr Rosario Guevara MD GLENBROOK PLAZA PH: (403) 686-6967 #136, 3715 - 51 Street SW Calgary, Alberta T3E 6V2 These Family Physicians ARE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Dr. A.A. (Tayo) Alawiye Dr. Victor Fadayomi Female Family Physician Dr Rosario Guevara MD T h e O ff i c i a l R I C H M O N D / K N O B H I L L C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I october 2 0 1 4 13 Okanagan Valley Wine Tasting November 22, 2014 If you’re thinking about building in your neighbourhood, read this! My name is Marvin DeJong and I am the Principal at DeJong Design Associates, a residential design firm located here in Calgary since 1996. I’d like to tell you about our newest venture, Prairie Drawing Room (PDR). My goal is to make good design accessible for everyone. Through PDR, we are now able to offer clients the chance to combine some of the best aspects of custom design with the convenience and affordability of unique stock plans. For the final community tasting of the year we will focus not on a store but a region, our own Okanagan Valley. With close to 200 wineries, the region has many gems waiting to be discovered and with it being so close we can easily make weekend attempts at it! Let’s taste some aromatic whites, big reds and a few surprises. Tickets can be purchased online for $35 at www.richmondknobhill.ca and will include a wall map of the valley with 131 wineries on it. This will really put into perspective what a plentiful and still somewhat undiscovered valley it is. Tasting is from 7-9pm and will feature local sommelier, Sebastien and cheese guru Shawn of Springbank Cheese. See you there! Sebastian Lafortune Richmond/Knob Hill All of our designs, from 4-plexes to single family homes, can be modified to suit your individual needs. Every plan incorporates the same elegance as our custom portfolio; I am confident PDR plans are unlike anything in the Calgary market. Beautiful design. Beautiful price. Follow us: You can learn more at: www.prairiedrawingroom.com PRAIRIE DRAWING ROOM Name Age Contact Course Abigail 17 705-706-4338 No Christoph 23 587-998-6172 Yes Izzy 15 403-483-1218 Yes Lauren 17 403-970-1961 Yes Linda 59 587-892-9731 No Nia 15 403-991-8045 Yes Sarah 21 587-225-2160 No Silvia 31 403-467-8756 No Calling All BABYSITTERS Enroll free at mybabysitter.ca and choose the Calgary communities you would like to babysit in. Calling All PARENTS Visit mybabysitter.ca and find available babysitters in and around your community. T: 403.240.7868 info@prairiedrawingroom.com 24, 2526 Battleford Avenue SW, Calgary AB 14 Disclaimer: We recommend for your own peace of mind that references be checked when choosing your babysitter. This babysitter list is provided as a service to the community and is governed by the terms & conditions outlined at mybabysitter.ca. october 2014 I Great News Publishing I call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities News from Western Canada High School. Home of the Redhawks! Richmond School October is here and we are one month into the new school year. Welcome to the new teaching staff we have at Richmond Elementary this year, along with all our students both returning and new. One of the most important changes at our school affects everyone in our community. As we are surrounded by both a school zone and playground zone, please remember that there are new standardized hours governing these zones. Both our school and playground zones, which limit all vehicles to 30km/hr, are NOW IN EFFECT from 7:30am until 9:00pm. We ask that you please use caution and only go 30kn/hr when passing our school. There are many children and families who utilize the building and our playground daily, including weekends. Please keep our area safe and use common sense when passing not only ours, but all playground and school zones within the city. Our school will be having a Casino Fundraiser coming up on October 12th and 13th at the Elbow River Casino. We are granted a casino every 18 months, and the funds raised from the two days and evenings are essential to making sure that activities and enhancements to benefit all students at Richmond School can be realized. If you are interested in volunteering, please email us at: richmondschoolcouncil@gmail.com I would like to thank parents and the community for their support of Richmond School. Happy Thanksgiving! Kevin McDougall, Principal SAFETYSYNC ONLINE SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM “An effective health and safety management system can help prevent losses, reduce costs and provide evidence of due diligence.” Enform IRP 9 (Revised) safetysync.com 403.668.6402 Congratulations to Western Canada High School’s IB students for their outstanding 2013-2014 results. There were a combined 265 Grade 11 and Grade 12 students who wrote exams in May 2014, with a record 51 of those students receiving a full IB diploma (nine of which were granted French Immersion bilingual diplomas). Our students came out ahead of the world average in every subject area, with our IB diploma recipients averaging 36 out of a possible 45 points (well above the world average of 29.9 points). For the second time in three years, Western had a student achieve a perfect 45 points. Alice Z. achieved the perfect score this year (something that only 100 -200 students in the world achieve). We wish all our Western graduates the best of success in their future endeavours. Cross country, Football, Girls Soccer and Volley Ball seasons are in full swing. For more details check our website: http://schools.cbe.ab.ca/b816/. RKHCA Drop-in play group The Richmond Knob Hill Drop–in Play Group meets twice a week at the Richmond/Knob Hill Community Hall, 2433 – 26 Avenue SW. Play Group has been a community tradition for over 30 years. Parents, grandparents and caregivers are welcome to drop by the Community Hall every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30am to noon with pre-school age children. Activities include crafts, singing, circle time and outdoor play in a fenced playground area adjacent the Community Hall. Participants are asked to be members of the Community Association and pay a $1/person or child drop-in fee. For more information call Stacey & Ksenia @ 403249-8385 or email info@richmondknobhill.ca t h e o ff i c i a l R I C H M O N D / K N O B H I L L c o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I october 2 0 1 4 15 GOOD COMPANIONS 50 PLUS CLUB 2609 – 19 Ave. SW 403-249-6991 - Executive Director 403-242-3799 – Volunteer Manager/Program Coordinator Check our website/Facebook for details. www.gc50plus.org • gc50plus@gmail.com Richmond-Knob Hill Real Estate Update Last 12 Months Richmond-Knob Hill MLS Real Estate Sale Price Update Average Asking Price Average Sold Price October Calendar Of Events August 2014 $775,808 $756,983 July 2014 $875,440 $861,193 October 3 T.G.I.F. BIRTHDAY PARTY Celebrating October Birthday Members . Cost $5 Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. June 2014 $1,039,327 $1,020,445 May 2014 $806,049 $804,453 April 2014 $786,012 $772,066 March 2014 $909,405 $885,906 October 9 ANNUAL THANKSGIVING BREAKFAST Blanket Presentation Cost: $5.00 February 2014 $821,342 $817,164 January 2014 $791,540 $777,000 December 2013 $895,450 $884,562 October 14 SOCIAL SUPPER Cost: $12.00 HH: 4:30 Supper 5:30 Dance: 7 – 8 p.m. November 2013 $744,642 $728,750 October 2013 $838,450 $816,408 September 2013 $700,650 $681,500 October 18 40th ANNIVERSARY FUNDRAISER SILENT AUCTION & WINE & CHEESE Cost: $10.00 Food, Booths/Venues, Music & FUN!!! 3:00 – 9:00 p.m. SAVE THE DATE!!!! Last 12 Months Richmond-Knob Hill MLS Real Estate Number of Listings Update No. New Properties No. Properties Sold August 2014 20 12 July 2014 19 15 October 22 FOOT & BLOOD PRESSURE CLINICS June 2014 26 11 May 2014 16 16 ****CALL FOR TRIP OUTINGS! ****** April 2014 19 15 March 2014 15 16 February 2014 14 9 January 2014 14 5 December 2013 6 8 Western Pride Car Detailing November 2013 11 7 October 2013 15 12 September 2013 14 10 Total 189 136 To view the specific SOLD Listings that comprise the above MLS averages please visit richmond.great-news.ca 16 october 2014 I Great News Publishing I call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities It’s Time to Test for Radon! Have you been thinking about testing your home for radon? As it happens, the ideal time to test for radon is between the months of October and April. The reason for this is that the windows and doors to your home generally remain closed due to cold weather. By keeping the windows and doors closed radon builds up, which allows you to get a more accurate reading of the radon level in your home. At DQS Dental Care Dr. Lori Grandan & Dr. James Chen are dedicated to providing the best quality and care for you and your family. Radon is a radioactive gas produced naturally in soil and rock as uranium breaks down. It is tasteless, colourless and odourless. Due to its nature, radon can accumulate to a high level indoors and pose a serious health risk. Long-term exposure to radon can increase your risk of developing lung cancer and is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. The amount of radon in your home varies. The only way to know if you and your loved ones are at a higher risk for developing lung cancer due to radon exposure is to test your home. Testing is both easy and inexpensive. It requires placing a radon detector in the lowest level of your home (such as the basement or main floor) where it will not be disturbed. Health Canada recommends long-term testing, lasting a minimum of three months. Once the testing period is over, the radon detector is collected and mailed to a laboratory for analysis. If the radon level in your home is higher than the Health Canada guideline (200 becquerels per cubic metre or Bq/m³), it is recommended that you take appropriate measures to decrease the radon level. Health Canada recommends reducing the radon level to as low as possible during remediation, as there is still a small health risk from a radon level below the guideline. 2508 Richmond Road SW 403.686.2225 www.dqsdental.ca The Lung Association, Alberta and NWT (“TLA”) is striving to raise awareness about radon and wants to make radon detectors easily accessible. To learn more about radon and radon testing please contact Amy Elefson at TLA. Educational presentations can also be booked through Amy. Amy Elefson – The Lung Association, Alberta & NWT aelefson@ab.lung.ca www.ab.lung.ca/site/radon T h e O ff i c i a l R I C H M O N D / K N O B H I L L C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I october 2 0 1 4 17 18 october 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities ALEXANDER CALHOUN LIBRARY 3223 - 14 St SW • Tel: 403-260-2600 • www.calgarypubliclibrary.com Mon -Thur 10:00 am – 9:00 pm • Fri & Sat 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Sun (mid-Sept to mid-May) 12:00 noon - 5:00 pm All Public Libraries are closed on Mon, Oct13, 2014 for Thanksgiving Day. Drop-in Family Storytime Drop in for stories, songs and finger plays the whole family can enjoy. Ages 2 to 5 with a parent/caregiver Wednesdays, Sept. 24 to Nov. 12; 10:15 - 10:45 a.m. No registration required Mischief, Mayhem and Murders of Calgary Join us for some historical spine-tingling entertainment with Johanna Lane of Calgary Ghost Tours. Thursday, Oct. 2; 7 - 8:30 p.m. Happy 60th Birthday, Calhoun Library! Join us as we celebrate Calhoun Library’s Birthday with music, stories, entertainment and treats for the whole family! Saturday, Oct. 4; 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Family Magic Show Come to help celebrate Calhoun Library’s birthday with magic, balloons and comedy. Ages 4 and up. Saturday, Oct. 4; 11 - 11:45 a.m. SAVE SAVE 10% 10% Portable Tablets for Beginners Discover the basics of working with your new tablet. Learn how to connect to the internet and how to find and download some of the more popular applications. Thursday, Oct. 16; 7 - 8:30 p.m. Reading Buddies Teen volunteers and Library staff provide one-on-one reading support and fun literacy activities for readers who are in Grades 1 through 3. (Ages 5 to 9) Thursdays, Oct. 23 to Nov. 27; 4:30 - 5:45 p.m. Exhausted to Energized! Are you tired and overwhelmed? Learn the causes of exhaustion and some simple solutions to find more energy beginning today. Presented by Sharon Christie, MSW, RSW AHS Women’s Health Resources. Monday, Oct. 27; 7 - 8:30 p.m. Embroidery in Reverse Create your own Alberta Rose artwork piece in reverse embroidery made with one simple stitch. Kit provided. Presented by The Fibre Optics Group. Tuesday, Oct. 28; 7 - 8:30 p.m. Picture Calgary Create a mixed media silhouette project celebrating our beautiful city with Mandala Art Centre! This 90-minute project will involve paint, paper, collage and the Calgary skyline and is suitable for all levels. Wednesday, Oct. 29; 7 - 8:30 p.m. by purchasing your 2014/15 Winter by purchasing your 2014/15 Season Pass before OctoberWinter 14! Season Pass before October 14! t h e o ff i c i a l R I C H M O N D / K N O B H I L L c o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I october 2 0 1 4 19 MP CALGARY CENTRE Help for ADD/ADHD Drug free alternative for attention issues. • Assessment using leading edge brain mapping (QEEG) • Individualized treatment plan • Increase focus and attention • Reduce anxiety • Build self-esteem • Reduce learning difficulties • Improve coping and relationship skills Free information presentation Thursday, Oct 23 from 7-8 pm Myosymmetries Clinic #101 - 1011 Glenmore Tr. SW Limited space - call to register Free Phone Consultation Myosymmetries Neurotherapy + Chronic Pain Clinic www.myosymmetries.com 403.225.0900 20 JOAN CROCKATT 1455 17th Ave. SW, Unit 3B Calgary, Alberta T2T 0E1 Telephone: 403.244.1880 • Fax: 403.245.3468 joan.crockatt.c1@parl.gc.ca Did you know that Canadians are often at a disadvantage when they try to do business here at home? As a nation, we have greater free trade access for foreign firms and investors wanting to do business in Canada than Canadians have. While international trade is important, internal trade barriers are absolutely hammering both consumers and employers. It’s estimated that internal trade barriers cost the country several billion dollars a year. While no one seems to know exactly how much, some believe the hit to Canada’s economy could be as high as $50 billion a year. Whatever the number is, it is staggering. Back in 2006, Canada had free trade agreements with only five countries. Today, Canada has binding free trade agreements with 43 countries around the world, making up half the global marketplace. During that time, little has been done to improve the movement of goods and services within our own borders. These made-in-Canada restrictions are putting us at a disadvantage. It restricts consumer choices and drives up prices. Frankly, it’s not very efficient. The situation has to change if the country is going to remain competitive within the global marketplace. Businesses are operating today in a very competitive global market. If we Balkanize our economy into 13 regional ones, it will be much more difficult for Canadian companies to become globally competitive. Our Conservative government is making it a top priority to improve this situation. Trade is vital within Canada, just like it is beyond our borders. At a time when Canada is reaching new trade agreements around the world that seek to eliminate irritants and barriers to international trade, our government is working here at home to eliminate domestic regulation that leads to increased and unnecessary costs for our businesses, which in turn limits growth and job creation. Our government has created a new internal trade barriers index, to help increase knowledge of the barriers to domestic trade and identity priority areas to take action. Nearly 40 percent of Canada’s trade occurs within its borders. Making it easier to move goods and services is in our own best interest. october 2014 I Great News Publishing I call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Business ClAssiFieds For Business Classified Ad Rates Call Great News Publishing at 403 263-3044 or sales@great-news.ca NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD: Qualified journeymen plumbers/gasfitters, very experienced in Richmond and Knob Hill. Upfront pricing. Reliable, conscientious, fully guaranteed. Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 24 hour emergency service call 403-255-7938. “Showering you with great service.” RIGHTWAY PLUMBING AND HEATING: Has been happily serving Richmond | Knob Hill areas with quality work, happy clients and fair pricing, with second generation experience, there is no job we can’t handle. Furnaces $3185, water heaters $715, bathroom renos and gas lines also! Installed with great warranties. Call 403-968-6630. ALL TYPES OF DRYWALL: Boarding taping and texturing. Complete basement developments and renovations. Licensed and insured. References. Call Austin Construction 403-852-2785. NEIGHBOURHOOD CONFLICT? Community Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no cost mediation and conflict coaching service that can help you resolve problems and restore peace! We help neighbours be neighbours again! www. communitymediation.ca, 403-269-2707. TUTOR DOCTOR - STRUGGLING IN SCHOOL? Your local Tutor Doctor specializes in affordable one-on-one tutoring in your home. Free Consultation. Call Now! Tutor Doctor at 403-640-2223 or www.tutordoctorcalgary.com. CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS & DOORS & FLOORS: New openings or enlargements cut into foundation for basement windows and doors. Enlarge your existing basement windows to meet fire code for bedrooms, from cutting basement windows, doorways to supply and install quality windows, window-well, weeping-tile, core drilling, excavation and anything concrete cutting. Call 403-570-0555. Email: info@asapconcretecutting.com. Eavestrough cleaning/repairs/installs Gutter clean & fix/Fascia/Soffit Downspouts/Drip-edge/Leak repairs YARD BUSTERS PROPERTY SERVICES: Monthly snow removal starting at $139.95. Fall clean-ups starting at $149.95. Gutter cleaning starting at $109.95 (bungalows only). Christmas light installation starting at $175. Some conditions apply. Licensed. Insured. WCB. Seniors Discount. Phone 403-265-4769. CoMMunitY AnnounCeMents Free announcements: lost/found, for sale, wanted, garage sale, etc. Forty words limit Deadline – 1st of each month Contact news@great-news.ca t h e o ff i c i a l R I C H M O N D / K N O B H I L L c o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r I october 2 0 1 4 21 COUNCILLOR, WARD 8 iMpoRtAnt nuMBeRs P.O. Box 2100, Station M Calgary, AB, Canada T2P 2M5 Phone: 403-268-2430 ALL EMERGENCY CALLS 911 Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre 403.253.5250 Alberta Health Care 403.310.0000 AHS Addictions Hotline 1.866.332.2322 ATCO Gas – 24 Hour Emergency 403.245.7222 Calgary HEALTH LINK 24/7 403.943.5465 Calgary Police – Non Emergency 403.266.1234 Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter 403.234.7233 Child Abuse Hotline 1.800.387.5437 Child Find – Alberta 403.270.3463 Distress/Crisis Line 403.266.4357 ENMAX – Power Trouble 403.514.6100 Poison Centre – Alberta 1.800.332.1414 1.800.784.2433 Suicide Crisis Line HOSPITALS/URGENT CARE Alberta Children’s Hospital 403.955.7211 Foothills Hospital 403.944.1110 Peter Lougheed Centre 403.943.4555 Rockyview General Hospital 403.943.3000 Sheldon M. Chumir Health Care 403.955.6200 South Calgary Urgent Care 403.943.9300 South Health Campus 403.956.1111 OTHER Calgary Humane Society 403.205.4455 Calgary Parking Authority (Towed/Abandoned Vehicles etc.) 403.537.7100 Calgary Senior’s Resource (SeniorConnect) 403.266.6200 Call Before You Dig (Buried Utilities) 1.800.242.3447 City of Calgary 211 and 311 Elder Abuse Resource Line (65+) 403.705.3250 Kerby Centre for the 55 plus 403.705.3246 Neighbour Mediation Hotline 403.269.2707 Road Conditions – Calgary 1.877.262.4997 Weather Information 403.299.7878 Need-a-Doctor www.needadoctorcalgaryandarea.ca EVAN WOOLLEY Council priorities for 2015-2018 Approved in May 2014, Council Priorities 2015 – 2018 are set by City Council and focus on Calgarians and the services they want and need to achieve their goals. They include defined outcomes for each of the five priority areas and 44 strategic actions to provide direction for administration. To develop the priorities, City Council considered trends, citizen engagement results, legislation, long term plans, economic indicators and the needs of day to day operations. Council Priorities help guide City departments as they create their business plans and budgets, called Action Plan 2015 – 2018, within the spending limits set by Council. Working together, City departments will collaborate to realize the outcomes set in Council Priorities. The draft Action Plan will be released in early November for public review and comment followed by Council deliberations November 24-December 5. To learn more, please visit calgary.ca/actionplan or contact me at 403268-2430. Published by: Proudly serving Richmond and Knobhill for 4 years! ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS NOW! REACHING OVER 360,000 HOUSEHOLDS ACROSS 130 CALGARY COMMUNITIES DELIVERED BY Canada Post Phone: 403-263-3044 22 I sales@great-news.ca DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those of RKHCA and Great News Publishing. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. RKHCA and Great News Publishing do not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter. Publication of these ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services. october 2014 I Great News Publishing I call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities REALTOR® $$ What’s your HOME Worth $$ RICHMOND PARK/KNOBHILL 2014 STATS Avg Sale Price # of Sales Bungalow $705,075 29 Split Level $1,050,000 2 2 Storey $831,343 39 13 SCAN HERE Go to www.davegreenwood.net and find out Today!! 3 Storey $1,217,826 Townhouses $478,125 4 Condos $296,250 8 Total Sales 99 Average Days on Market 36 Richmond Park/Knobhill 2115 21 Ave SW Statistics obtained from the CREB® MLS® System Office: Mobile: Website: Central SW Real Estate Specialist (403) 245-0773 (403) 560-3523 www.davegreenwood.net “The follow up after the sale distinguishes Dave from the rest.” Not intended to solicit persons currently under contract. THE ONLY PRE-K TO GRADE 12 SCHOOL FROM FRANCE IN WESTERN CANADA. MORE THAN JUST A SCHOOL: A PASSPORT TO THE WORLD LYCÉE LOUIS PASTEUR T H E I N T E R N AT I O N A L F R E N C H S C H O O L 4099 Garrison Boulevard SW Calgary, Alberta, T2T 6G2 Tel: (403) 243-5420 www.lycee.ca admissions@lycee.ca AP_LLP_SeptemberCommunity_6X3,625.indd 1 29/08/14 09:12 CLOSET COLLECTORS In North America it is a little known fact that nearly 90% of the population has some type of money collection. This might be just a few pennies that are no longer being minted or a coin that looks different. It could be something you were given as a tip or it could be something over 100 years old. It may be something you picked out of change or a one or two-dollar bill that you have kept. Perhaps it was something inherited or leftover change from a vacation. Invariably these heirlooms or curiosities are in a box in the attic, stuffed into an old trunk or suitcase, stored in a jar or album or they may be rattling around the bottom of a sock drawer. Virtually all of us have this sort of money somewhere in our home. The Calgary Numismatic Society (CNS) is one of Canada’s oldest and most active coin clubs. Founded in 1950, members of the CNS have been leaders in the study, preservation and informing others on the value of their coins, paper money, tokens, merchant script (e.g. Canadian Tire money), and medals, both military and civilian. Numismatics is the study of money in all its forms so the CNS is more than just a coin club. It may also be your introduction into the hobby of coin collecting or a way of having questions about money answered without the worry of having to sell your collection on the spot. The CNS welcomes visitors and new members. We meet ten times a year on the fourth Tuesday of the month (except July and August) at the Woodcreek Community Centre 1991 Woodcreek Dr. SW, Calgary. The meetings begin at 7:30 pm. The CNS has an active youth program known as the Coinivores for those age 6-17. This group meets the second Saturday of each month in the Community Room of the Calgary Co-op at 8818 Macleod Tr. SE from 2-4 pm. Y MISMATI C NU ES Y CIET SO www.calgarynumismaticsociety.org CALGA R At a CNS meeting you can ask as many questions as you like, show a few examples of what you have been keeping and get direction on how to buy more, sell what you have or be directed on how to find out more about the money we all have somewhere in our home. The CNS website is as follows: TA B 95 LIS H E D 1 0
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