“China-Finland Co-Creating the Future” Week: Solutions for the Era of Internet Economy Programme Overview, 1 – 5 September 2014 MON 1 September TUE 2 September WED 3 September THU 4 September 7th International ChinaFinland ICT Alliance Workshop Forum Smart City and Enabling Technologies Forums on Smart Industry/Industrial Internet Smart Home/Smart Life Forum on Education solutions for SinoFinnish Learning Garden Forum on Smart Industry / Industrial Internet Sino-Finnish Learning Garden Update Forum on 5G & Future Networks Opening of the “Cocreating the Future” Week - Solutions for the Era of Internet Economy Themes: China–Finland ICT Alliance - a Platform for International R&D&I Cooperation, ”From Joint Research to Joint Business” Forum on Smart City and Enabling Technologies for Smart Systems China-Finland R&D&I Cooperation – Updates Smart Agriculture Cooperation – interest group meeting EduTech Business Ecosystem and EduTech Research Forum Company cases Forum on Smart Home / Smart Life Roundtable: Moving Forward in Joint Learning Solutions Research and Business Review of the ongoing China-Finland ICT Alliance projects Forum on 5G & Future Networks FRI 5 September: Day available for visits, b-2-b and research team meetings. WED 3 - THU 4: visits to networks & wireless research labs at Aalto and Tampere University of Technology (registration for visits separately during Day 1 – Day 2) The results of the week will be also reported by DIGILE on Friday to Coordination Steering groups: China Coordination Steering Group (9-11.30) and Metropolitan Area China Actors Steering Group (14-16:30) at DIGILE. Locations: 1-3 September will be in Espoo, at Otaniemi Technology and Innovation Hub (15 min from Helsinki city centre and 25 min from airport). 4 September in Helsinki at the University of Helsinki, Educational Sciences. For location details and meeting rooms, please see the Daily Programs. “China-Finland Co-Creating the Future” Week - Solutions for the Era of Internet Economy This week of the 7th International China-Finland ICT Alliance Workshop and related Forums has been organized by the China-Finland Strategic ICT Alliance: DIGILE - The Finnish Strategic Center for Science, Technology and Innovation in Internet Economy, and WiCo – The Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications, as appointed coordinators by Tekes and MOST, in cooperation with the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Academy of Finland, and participating universities and companies. The topics cover many of the current focus areas of the ICT Alliance facilitated R&D&I cooperation on digital technologies and Internet based services and business. In these areas a number of joint projects, pilots and other forms of cooperation are already ongoing while new initiatives are also being prepared. The aim is to share experiences and results of the ongoing projects as well as jointly plan new activities with the invited experts from academia, industry and public sector. For more information on the programme and for questions about participation, please contact: Dr. Matti Hämäläinen Dr. Jani Kaarlejärvi Director, China cooperation Director, International Coordination e-mail: matti.hamalainen@digile.fi e-mail: jani.kaarlejarvi@digile.fi mobile: +358 40 758 0150 mobile: +358 40 540 7896 Wanqiu Long (龙 婉 秋 ) Coordination Support (协调支持) - China - Finland Strategic ICT Alliance / EduTech Focus Area Mobile: +358 46 884 1638 e-mail: wanqiu.long@digile.fi DIGILE is the Finnish Strategic Center for Science, Technology and Innovation in Internet Economy. And, DIGILE is the Finnish side coordinator of China-Finland ICT Alliance that was initiated by Mr. Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology of China, and Mr. Matti Vanhanen, Prime Minister of Finland in 2009. Its key objective is to increase R&D&I and business cooperation between Chinese and Finnish partners. China-Finland ICT Alliance focuses on integrated and multi-sectorial solutions in areas, such as digital services, next media, education technology, e-commerce, environmental sensing and monitoring, health and wellbeing, smart city and traffic, smart home, and 5G networks, and cloud computing and security. For more information, please visit the websites of China-Finland ICT Alliance www.ictalliance.org and DIGILE www.digile.fi THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CHINA-FINLAND STRATEGIC ICT ALLIANCE WORKSHOP “CHINA-FINLAND CO-CREATING THE FUTURE” WEEK - SOLUTIONS FOR THE ERA OF INTERNET ECONOMY September 1 - 5, 2014 Espoo and Helsinki, Finland September 1st, 2014–Monday Location:Open Innovation House, Room A116 (ground floor seminar room) (Otaniementie 19, 02150 Espoo) Morning Session: Opening of the Workshop and the ”Co-creating the Future Week” Theme: China–Finland ICT Alliance - a Developing Platform for International R&D&I Cooperation ”From Joint Research to Joint Business” 09:00 – 11:50 09:00 Opening Remarks for the China-Finland ICT Alliance Workshop Jani Kaarlejärvi, Director, International coordination, DIGILE Hu Honglin, Professor, Director, WiCO – Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications 09:10 Introduction to “China-Finland Co-Creating the Future” Week - Solutions for the Era of Internet Economy Matti Hämäläinen, Director, China cooperation, DIGILE Keynotes 09:20 Views on the Development and Role of China-Finland Strategic ICT Alliance Xing Jijun, Deputy Director General of CSTEC, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) 09:40 Industrial Internet and 5G, Marko Heikkinen, Director, Tekes 10:00 Growth from Digital Services in Cooperation with China, Reijo Paajanen, CEO, DIGILE 10:20 – Coffee/Tea and Photo 10:40 10:40 ZPark-Finland Cooperation in Research and Business, Tom Zhu, Head, Finland Representative Office, Zhongguancun Software Park 11:00 Initial Experiences from R&D&I Cooperation - Aiming at Moving "from Joint Research to Business Kimmo Valtonen, CEO, M-Brain 11:20 Perspectives to Co-creating Smart Life - East Meets West Zhao Zhangguang, Chairman of the Board, Zhangguang 101 Holding Group 11:40 Closing of the Morning Session Matti Hämäläinen, Director, China cooperation, DIGILE 11:45 – Lunch Break 13:00 Afternoon Session: Review of the Ongoing ICT Alliance Projects Organized according to thematic tracks that will be continued in the Forums. Chaired by Matti Hämäläinen, Director, DIGILE and Honglin Hu, Director, WiCO Projects presented by project lead (15 min + 5 min Q&A each). 13:00 – Parallel Sessions 14:40 Session A Smart Sensing - Smart City projects 13:00 Everyday Sensing (cloud, IoT, data analysis, and social media) 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 Session B 13:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 Jukka Riekki, Professor, University of Oulu Sensing City Traffic Timo Nyberg, Senior Research Fellow, Aalto University IoT (applied to traffic information) Professor Zhao Shengjie, Tongji University Finland’s Enhanced Navigation using COMPASS/Beidou Signals Laura Ruotsalainen, Research Scientist, Finnish Geodetic Institute Finnish-Chinese Green ICT R&D&I Living Lab for Energy Efficient, Clean and Safe Environments Janne Peltonen, Senior Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 5G and Future Networks - projects Room Aalto, TUAS 1171-72 Green Wireless Access Technologies Xu Jing, Professor, WiCO Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Wang Haifeng, WiCO Energy-Efficient Wireless Networks and Connectivity of Devices – Densification Antti Tölli, Professor, University of Oulu Energy-Efficient Wireless Networks and Connectivity of Devices – Systems Riku Jäntti, Professor, Aalto University The Novel opportunities offered by Multi-radio HetNets Yevgeni Koucheryavy, Professor, Tampere University of Technology 14:40 – 15:00 Coffee/Tea Break Forum on 5G and Future Networks 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 18:00 ZTE 5G View Zhu Fusheng, Chief Engineer, ZTE Corporation Sustainability-Driven Power Control for Future Energy-Harvesting Enabled Networks Du Qinghe, Professor, Xi'an Jiaotong University Zhao Shengjie, Professor, Tongji University Chen Tao, Senior Researcher, VTT Wireless Networks for Big Data Zhang Sihai, Lecturer, University of Science and Technology of China Alexis Dowhuzko, Aalto University Refreshments and Networking Closing of Day 1 Forum on Smart City and Enabling Technologies for Smart Systems China-Finland R&D&I Cooperation – Updates September 2nd, 2014 – Tuesday Location:Open Innovation House, Room A116 (ground floor seminar room), (Otaniementie 19, 02150 Espoo) Forum on Smart City and Enabling Technologies for Smart Systems 09:00 09:20 09:40 10:10 – 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 – 13:20 13:20 13:4014:00 Perspectives to 5G Cooperation in China-Finland ICT Alliance Hu Honglin, Director, WiCO Open-Source Security Solutions Arto Karila, Prof. Aalto University, and Demophon The Role of GeoSpatial Platforms in Smart City Services Wang Guoliang, Deputy General Manager, Wuda Geoinformatics Co., Ltd. Coffee/Tea Break Internet of Things, Big Data and 5G for Smarter Systems Sasu Tarkoma, Professor, University of Helsinki, Academic Coordinator of DIGILE IoT Program Smart City Facilitates Urbanization Development in China Shenglei Zhang, Chief Engineer, Digital City Engineering Research Centre, Urban Science Research Institute of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China (MOHURD) ISSUE-TM – ICT Alliance Research Forum on Intelligent Traffic and Urban Mobility Jyrki Nummenmaa, Professor, University of Tampere Lunch Break Environmental Monitoring & Air Quality - a case in active Smart City cooperation Markku Rajala, CTO, Pegasor Comments on Co-Creating Technologies and Services for Smart City Matti Hämäläinen, Director, DIGILE China-Finland R&D&I Cooperation – Updates 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:10 16:00 Update on China- Finland research cooperation Risto Vilkko, Programme Manager, Academy of Finland Case in personal health and wellbeing startup cooperation: HealthSPA startup cluster and Borderless Healthcare Group (BHG) Wei Siang Yu, Executive Chairman and Founder of BHG and Sébastien Gianelli, Co-founder, HealthSpa Cooperation Opportunities in New Strategic Research Agendas: Cyber Security & Trust and NeedForSpeed Pauli Kuosmanen, CTO, DIGILE Coffee/Tea & Networking Closing of Day 2 Forums on Smart Industry / Industrial Internet and Smart Home / Smart Life September 3rd, 2014 - Wednesday Forum on Smart Industry / Industrial Internet Location:Design Factory, The Stage (Betonimiehenkuja 5C, 02150 Espoo) 09:00 Welcome Speech: Design Factory - Our Vision Kalevi Ekman, Professor, Aalto University 09:20 Introducing Aalto Activities and Finnish Industrial Internet Forum Martti Mäntylä, Professor, Aalto University 09:40 China-Finland Cooperation Opportunities in Smart Industry / Industrial Internet Mika Klemettinen, Senior Adviser, Tekes 10:00 Comment on the Concept of Industrial Internet from Chinese Perspective Xing Jijun, Deputy Director General of CSTEC, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) 10:20 – Coffee/Tea Break 10:30 Facilitate Smart Agriculture Development and promising future in Lutai through High-Tech and 10:30 International Collaboration, Yuman Yang, Director of Administrative Committee, Economic Development Zone, Lutai, Tangshan Parallel Sessions Session A: Industrial Internet Cooperation - Advisory Group Meeting (invitation only) Enabling New Business Concepts and Value Networks by Intelligent Sensing, Connectivity, 11:00 – Cloud Solutions, Big Data & Analytics. Security and Trust Issues in Networked Industry. 12:00 Session B: Smart Agriculture Cooperation – interest group meeting Opening Speech: Introduction of China-EU Centre for Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture (CICTA) Li Zhenbo, China Agricultural University 12:00– 13:00 Lunch Break Forum on Smart Home / Smart Life Location: Design Factory, The Stage (Betonimiehenkuja 5C, 02150 Espoo) 13:00 Design and innovation Perspectives to Smart Home, Smart Life and Sustainability Lou Yongqi, Dean, College of Design & Innovation, and Executive Vice Director, Sino-Finnish Centre, Tongji University 13:30 Building Smart Community and Senior Caring Properties in China - Zhongshan and other cities Emily Zhou, Chair of the Board, Blue Angel HongYe Investment (Group) 14:00 “Speedy recovery” – introducing new joint DIGILE & SalWe research agenda for promoting health and wellness Saara Hassinen, CEO, SalWe 14:20 – 14:40 Coffee/Tea Break 14:40 ”HaaSP meets ISEEL" - introducing cooperation platforms and opportunities for joint research, development and innovation in smart home / smart life: Home-as-a-Service Platform (HaaSP) Project Juha Lipiäinen, CEO, Active Life Village Intelligent Services Embedded in Everyday Life (ISEEL) Lab at Sino-Finnish Centre (Tongji) Matti Hämäläinen, DIGILE & Aalto & Tongji Comments on moving forward in Smart Home / Smart Life cooperation: Jarmo Suominen, Professor, Aalto University, Executive Vice Director, Sino-Finnish Centre & Matti M. Hämäläinen, Operative Director, Sino-Finnish-Centre (Aalto-Tongji Design Factory) 15:40 Roundtable: Smart Home / Smart Life – acting on joint opportunities Moderated discussion on acting on the above and other cooperation opportunities: Home-as-aService Platform, services for the wellbeing of elderly, intelligent services embedded in everyday life, and personal health and wellbeing monitoring. 16:30 Closing of Day 3 *Map of Design Factory The Stage: FORUM ON EDUCATION SOLUTIONS FOR SINO-FINNISH LEARNING GARDEN - ”21ST CENTURY LEARNING SKILLS" Organized by: Ministry of Education and Culture, Department of Higher Education and Science Policy and DIGILE - The Finnish Strategic Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation in Internet Economy, Coordinator of the China - Finland Strategic ICT Alliance September 4, 2014 Helsinki, Finland Time: Thursday September 4th, 2014, 9:00 – 14:30 Location: University of Helsinki, Educational Sciences, Siltavuorenpenger 3 A, Room 167, Helsinki 09:00 09:10 09:30 09:50 10:30 – 10:45 10:45 11:00 12:20 - 13:10 13:10 Opening Remarks: Welcome to the Sino-Finnish Learning Garden Forum Tiina Vihma-Purovaara, Counsellor of Education, Ministry of Education and Culture Update on the Sino-Finnish Learning Garden (SFLG) Mika Tirronen, Counselor for Science and Education at the Finnish Embassy in Beijing EduTech Business Ecosystem and EduTech Research Forum for "”Growing” Learning Solutions in the Sino-Finnish Learning Garden Matti Hämäläinen, DIGILE/China-Finland ICT Alliance An Organization Model for Ubiquitous Learning Resource – from Learning Object to “Learning Cell” Shengquan Yu, Professor, Associate Dean, Faculty of Education and Professor, School of Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University Coffee/Tea Break 21st Century Learning Skills pilots in City of Espoo Sampo Suihko, Debuty Mayor of Education and Cultural Services, Tiina Korhonen, Head of Innokas Network, Tuukka Soini, Espoo Deep Learning Lead, Mervi Jansson, Director of Omnia Education Partnerships “From Joint Research to Joint Business” in Learning Solutions: Comments on experiences and expectation from the Chinese market and on potential of R&D&I cooperation and piloting (10 min each); Comments by Finnish Learning Solutions companies: Skillpixels, Harri Ketamo, Founder Fantastec, Juha Väisänen, CEO Eliademy, Andy Liang, Education Business Development Manager Sanoma Learning, Jyri Ahti, CSO Mubik Entertainment, Ilkka Räsänen, CEO Examples of business pilot cases under preparation in the EduTech Ecosystem: Anu Guttorm, Promentor Solutions Oy Airport College, Pertti Mero, CEO & Context Learning Finland, Ari Ketola Comment on developing international business on Learning Solutions, Juha Merinen, CEO, Senior Advisor, SMART Internationalization Oy Lunch Break (Sandwich lunch) Update on planned Learning Solutions activities and events as related to China: China-Finland ICT Alliance & EduTech Business Ecosystem and Research Forum Matti Hämäläinen, DIGILE/China-Finland ICT Alliance; Tekes Learning Solutions Program Suvi Sundquist, Program Director, Tekes & Pertti Woitsch, Geowise; Future Learning Finland 13:40 13:45 – 14:45 Eeva Nuutinen, Senior Project Manager & Klaus Lüttjohann, Senior Consultant, Future Learning Finland, Finpro Learning Hub Initiatives at Sino-Finnish Centre Matti M. Hämäläinen, Operative Director, Sino-Finnish-Centre (Aalto-Tongji Design Factory) FERC (Finnish Education Research Center) and Cooperation between China and Finland Dr. Sun Jin, School of International and Comparative Education, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University Roundtable: Moving Forward in Joint Learning Solutions Research and Business Moderated Discussion on the Next Steps in the Sino-Finnish Learning Garden, Involving EduTech Business Ecosystem for Companies and Business Pilots, and Launching EduTech Research Forum for Academic Institutions. Moderated by: Mika Tirronen & Matti Hämäläinen For additional information on the Sino-Finnish Learning Garden Forum: Ms. Tiina Vihma-Purovaara, Tel +358 295 3 30327, +358 40 184 32 44, e-mail: tiina.vihma-purovaara@minedu.fi Mr. Matti Hämäläinen, mobile: +358 40 758 0150 e-mail: matti.hamalainen@digile.fi This Forum is part of the “China-Finland Co-Creating the Future” Week - Solutions for the Era of Internet Economy 1-5 September 2014, organized by the China- Finland Strategic ICT Alliance: DIGILE - The Finnish Strategic Center for Science, Technology and Innovation in Internet Economy, and WiCo – The Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communications, as appointed coordinators by Tekes and MOST, in cooperation with Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Ministry of Education and Culture, Academy of Finland, and participating universities and companies.
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