TRANSITIONING YOUTH RESOURCE FAIR Young People with Disabilities Ages 14 and up! FR -! E E ion trat s i Reg ded! o N Nee Saturday, Oct 18, 2014 9:00 am - 1:30 pm W NE ION!! AT C LO Montgomery College—Takoma Park* 28 Workshops + up to 65 Exhibits ! ! ! Jobs - Education - Training - ! Recreation & Social Life - ! Housing - Benefits - ! Financial Independence! ! Information for Teens & Young Adults, ! Families, Siblings, Professionals! Request translation/accommodations before Oct 3: Call 240-777-1059 *MONTGOMERY COLLEGE! Falcon Hall Bldg - GYM! 7600 Takoma Avenue! Takoma Park, MD 20912 METRO! Takoma Park or Silver Spring Metro! Ride on Bus 17 or 18 FREE PARKING East Garage Fenton Street Supported by the Maryland Developmental ! Disabilities Council SPONSORED BY The Transition Work Group of Montgomery County, including: Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery County Dept Health & Human Services/Behavioral Health Planning & Management/Core Service Agency, Montgomery College - WD&CE Developmental Education/Workforce Access, Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS), Abilities Network, The Arc Montgomery County, ArtStream, College Living Experience, Cornerstone Montgomery, JFGH/MOST (Meaningful Opportunities for Successful Transitions) JSSA, Learning Disabilities Association of Montgomery County,, Potomac Community Resources (PCR), The Pathways Schools, Quality Trust, TLC - The Outcomes Services, TransCen, Inc. Feria de Recursos para Jóvenes en Transición ! Sábado, Oct 18, 2014 9:00 am - 1:30 pm Montgomery College - Takoma Park ! Edificio de Educación Fisica 7600 Takoma Ave, Takoma Park, MD 20912 METRO: Takoma Park o Silver Spring Metro Ride On Bus 17 o 18 ! Todos estan bienvenidos! Talleres y Exhibiciones enfocadas en Jóvenes con Incapacidades ! Empleo - Educación- Formación Recreación y Vida Social - Vivienda - Beneficios ¡¡Solicite un traductor o una acomodación antes de Octubre 3!! Llamar al 240-813-6940 Apoyado por la! Maryland Developmental! Disabilities Council !! s i t a r G gistro! No re ario neces PATROCINADO POR: Transition Work Group of Montgomery County: Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery County Dept Health & Human Services/Behavioral Health Planning & Management/Core Service Agency, Montgomery College - WD&CE Developmental Education/Workforce Access, Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS), Abilities Network, The Arc Montgomery County, ArtStream, College Living Experience, Cornerstone Montgomery, JFGH/MOST (Meaningful Opportunities for Successful Transitions) JSSA, Learning Disabilities Association of Montgomery County,, Potomac Community Resources (PCR), The Pathways Schools, Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities, TLC - The Outcomes Services, TransCen, Inc. Transitioning Youth Resource Fair Sat., Oct. 18, 2014 YA = Young Adult Session CM 214 9:15 10:00 a.m. Think College for Students w/ Intellectual Disabilities Amy Lacosse, UMBC-SUCCESS + Kudi Giwa, MasonLIFE Specialized Employment Tom Liniak, Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA) CM 114 10:15 – 11:00 a.m. YA – What Do You Do For Fun? Marcy Bennett, JFGH/MOST + 5 groups offering social/ recreational opportunities Understanding SSI and SSDI Maedi Tanham Carney, M&L Special Needs Planning CM 216 CM 218 Transitioning to Adulthood w/Mental Health Disabilities Ann Mahling Geddes, MD Coalition of Families for Children’s Mental Health Other Funding Sources YA – Parent Panel: The Changing Role of Parents Young Adult Panel: How Do You Get What you Need? LEAP : LaVerne Buchanan, TransCen, Inc. RESPITE: Julia Abate, The Arc Montgomery County Moderated by Coco Polomeque Hangout Hive Facilitator Facilitated by Reda Sheinberg, MCTransitions YA – Where Else Could You Live? CM - FOYER 11:15 a.m. 12:00 p.m. YA – What Do You Do For Fun? Melissa Wyman, PCR + 5 more groups offering social/ recreational opportunities Figuring Out Medicaid/ Medical Assistance + EID Adrian Wicker, Benefits Coordinator, Cornerstone Montgomery, Inc. Imagine Working George Tilson, Career and Workforce Development Consultant Marcy Bennett, JFGH MOST + Denise Gomez, JFGH Director of Programs YA – Role Play for Real Life – SelfAdvocacy Nicolette Stearns, Founding Director ArtStream CM - FOYER Health Insurance: What are your options? Joy Hatchette, Associate Commissioner Consumer Educ & Advocacy, MD Health Admin CM 211 CM 220 CM 221 YA – Coping with Transition Resource Coordination Carolyn Miller, MMARS + Venetia McDaniel/Ricardo Lyles, Total Care Services The Right College How Peer Support Can Help Parents Raising Children w/Emotional, Behavioral, Mental Health Challenges Guardianship and Advance Health Care Directives Ellen Callegary Esq., Callegary & Steedman, P.A. What is DORS and How Can It Help You? Marcia Rohrer, DORS, Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist Supervisor Financial Planning for Special Needs Families Supported Decision Making for Siblings and Families Jean Doyle & Anjela McNally, The Arc of Frederick County Celia Serkin, Mont Cty Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health Disability Awareness (Creando conciencia sobre Incapacidades) Marta Bohorquez, Job Placement Specialist, Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA) Disability Support Services Counselors Sue Haddad, Montgomery College + Ruth Brodsky, college consultant Tom Walsh, Chartered Special Needs Consultant (ChSNC) Jonah Green, LCSWC, Jonah Green & Assoc (parents welcome) Presentado en español CM - FOYER 12:15 – 1:00 p.m. Session Schedule (subject to change) CM = Catherine Scott Commons YA - Social Media Jacky Cohen, College Living Experience Where Can I Live? Housing Options Susan Smith, Disability Services, Mont. County Housing Opportunities Commission Employment (Trabajos) Marta Bohorquez, Job Placement Specialist, Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA) Presentado en español Waivers 101 Shawn Lattanzio, Montgomery Cty Dept of Health/Human Services, Behavioral Health Planning & Mgt Jobs with Montgomery County Marie Parker, TransCen, Inc. + Greg Gamble/Steve Blanks, SEEC (Project Search) Transitioning Youth Resource Fair Oct 18, 2014 - Workshop Session Descriptions Montgomery College Takoma Park 9:15 – 10:00 a.m. Think College for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Amy Lacosse, Program Coordinator at SUCCESS Program at UMBC and Kudy Giwa-Lawal, University Coordinator, Mason LIFE Program (George Mason University). Find out how students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) can benefit from being included in the academic and social fabric of a university community, taking specially designed courses, and learning more about themselves and the world around them. Learn about the different opportunities in university settings available to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities exiting high school. CM 114 Specialized Employment – Tom Liniak, Director, Specialized Employment Services, JSSA (Jewish Social Service Agency) What employment options are available for young adults with disabilities? What are the emerging trends in employment for young adults with disabilities? How do service providers help individuals find and retain the right job and establish a well targeted career path? What are the roles of service providers, parents and individuals and what are the best ways to work as a team and maximize success? CM 214 Transitioning to Adulthood with Mental Health Disabilities Ann Mahling Geddes, Maryland Coalition of Families for Children’s Mental Health This workshop will discuss some of the many transition obstacles that confront families whose child has a primary diagnosis of a mental health disability. Topics covered will include high school transition planning, DORS services, programs available through the Mental Hygiene Administration and health care. CM 216 Other Funding Sources – Who is eligible and how do you access these funds? LaVerne Buchanan, TransCen, Inc. will talk about LEAP awards; Julia Abate, The Arc Montgomery County, will talk about who can benefit from respite services. Information will also be available on Low Intensity Support Services (LISS). CM 218 Resource Coordination Carolyn Miller, MMARS and Venetia McDaniel/Ricardo Lyles, Total Care, Services. Who is eligible for services from Maryland’s Developmental Disabilities Administration? What do all the changes mean in resource coordination mean for you? What should you expect of your Resource Coordinator? Learn some answers from two of the organizations now responsible for resource coordination in Montgomery County. CM 211 The Right College Sue Haddad,Disability Support Service Counselor, Montgomery College & college consultant Ruth Brodsky will discuss the basics of investigating a college’s disability support services ahead of time and then navigating those services without IEP meetings and transition teams. CM 220 YA – Coping with Transition Psychologist Jonah Green, LCSW-C, Jonah Green & Associates - This workshop will address the emotional tasks for young adults and their families as adults with disabilities move towards more independence and growth. This is an opportunity for all family members to discuss how to promote growth and competence in young adults, and strengthen family relationships as the family adapts to change. CM 221 10:15 – 11:00 a.m. YA – What Do You Do For Fun? Led by Marcy Bennett, Jewish Foundation for Group Homes – MOST program. Hands-on introduction to recreational, therapeutic, and social opportunities for teens and adults with developmental differences in your community. Learn about programs that promote healthy lifestyles and personal growth plus create friendships. Try it - you are sure to find something you like. CM FOYER Understanding SSI and SSDI Maedi Tanham Carney, CFP® CWIC M&L Special Needs Planning, LLC. What is the difference between Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)? Who should apply, how to apply and when to apply? Gain a basic understanding of these complex benefits and the insurances (Medicaid or Medicare) that go along with them. CM 214 YA - Young Adult Panel: How Do You Get What You Need? Moderated by Coco Polomeque, Hangout Hive Facilitator A panel of young adults will discuss challenges they have overcome on their paths to independence. CM 216 Parent Panel: The Changing Role of Parents Facilitated by Reda Sheinberg, A panel of parents discusses how they adapt to the growing independence of their adult children. CM 218 How Peer Support Can Help Parents Raising Children with Emotional, Behavioral, and/or Mental Health Challenges Celia Serkin, Executive Director, Montgomery County Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health This workshop will explore how parents and other primary caregivers raising children with emotional, behavioral, and/or mental health challenges can help other family members who have similar circumstances become effective advocates for their own children and gain the skills, knowledge, and network of support they need to help their child succeed. CM 211 Guardianship and Advance Health Care Directives Ellen Callegary, Esq., Callegary & Steedman, P.A. Learn about the legal requirements of becoming a guardian for an adult with a disability as well as alternatives to guardianship. Also find out about the importance of power of attorney documents, advance health care directives and the role of a health care agent. CM 220 What is DORS and How Can It Help You? Marcia Rohrer, DORS Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist Supervisor Learn about eligibility for training, vocational assessment, federal Schedule A letters and other services offered by the Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services to eligible adults as well as Transitioning Youth. CM 221 11:15 – 12:00 p.m. YA – What Do You Do For Fun? Led by Melissa Wyman, Potomac Community Resources (PCR) Hands-on introduction to recreational, therapeutic, and social opportunities for teens and adults with developmental differences in your community. Learn about programs that promote healthy lifestyles and personal growth plus create friendships. Try it - you are sure to find something you like. CM FOYER Figuring Out Medicaid/Medical Assistance and EID Adrian Wicker, Benefits Coordinator, Cornerstone Montgomery, Inc. This session explains Medicaid/Medical Assistance: How do you qualify and apply for Medicaid? What does Medicaid cover? Programs that provide Medicaid - Out of pocket costs - Medicaid re-determination. CM 214 YA - Imagine Working George Tilson, Career and Workforce Development Consultant Do you have a dream job in mind? What can your dream job tell you about how to build your career step by step? In this session, participants will learn how to create a Positive Personal Profile, a career dream analysis – and a job search plan that focuses on immediate next steps they can take towards achieving your career goals. CM 216 Where Else Could You Live? Marcy Bennett, Jewish Foundation for Group Homes - MOST ; Denise Gomez, JFGH Director of Programs This session will offer a discussion of a variety of innovative housing options for DDA-eligible young adults eligibility as well as financial and other responsibilities of the young adult, family, and organization. CM 218 Disability Awareness (Creando conciencia sobre Incapacidades) Marta Bohorquez, Job Placement Specialist, JSSA - Jewish Social Services Agency Creando conciencia en la communidad Hispana acerca de servicios relacionados a discapacidades en jóvenes Latinos que van saliendo del sistema escolar. Incluyendo y empezando con el diagnostico, aprendiendo a aceptar y apreciar su discapacidad como parte de su identidad, sin permitir que esta lo defina. Este taller cubrirá una revision de temas como vivienda, desarrollo de abilidades, empleo, salud, educacion, auto-suficiencia, beneficios, DDA y DORS para personas con discapacidades. CM 211 Financial Planning for Special Needs Families Tom Walsh, Walsh Wealth Strategies, Chartered Special Needs Consultant Come learn about essential considerations in pursuing your child’s long-term financial security. Ensuring the continued financial well-being of your loved one, in the event you are no longer able to provide care, is one of the most important steps you can take. CM 220 Supported Decision Making for Siblings and Families – Jean Doyle & Anjela McNally, The Arc of Frederick County What should a sibling or other caregiver know before taking over support for an adult with a disability? What is supported decision making and how can families make it happen? Begin developing a plan for your adult child’s future. CM 221 12:15 – 1:00 p.m. YA – Role Play for Real Life – Self-Advocacy – Nicolette Stearns, Founding Director, ArtStream This dynamic workshop empowers participants to practice real world scenarios in a fun and supportive environment. We will use acting techniques to imagine ourselves as characters from real life. Come create a social skills toolbox with ArtStream. All you need is your imagination to learn some important life skills in this fun yet practical workshop! CM FOYER Health Insurance: What are your options? Joy Hatchette, Associate Commissioner Consumer Education & Advocacy, The Maryland Insurance Administration – How does the new federal Affordable Health Care Act affect young adults with disabilities? What questions do you need to ask as you choose the best health care plan? What are the options in the private insurance market for young adults with disabilities? CM 214 YA - Social Media- Jacky Cohen, College Living Experience CM 216 Tips on using social media effectively and safely. Where Can I Live? Housing Options Susan Smith, Program Coordinator, Disability Services, Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission This session will offer a discussion of subsidized housing options for adults with disabilities living in Montgomery County. General eligibility criteria, program requirements, and “Wait List” parameters will be a reviewed. CM 218 Employment (Trabajos) Marta Bohorquez, Job Placement Specialist, JSSA – Jewish Social Services Agency Tendremos la visita y los testimonios de personas con discapacidades quienes estan trabajando y estan tomando control de sus vidas. Al igual que empleadores quienes ven el potencial de la persona mas alla de las discapacidades que la misma pueda tener. Una mirada al futuro de empleos y de esperanza para todos. CM 211 Waivers 101: Why, What, How – Shawn Lattanzio, Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, Behavioral Health Planning and Management What is a wavier and which waivers are available? Why might waiver services be beneficial for my son or daughter? How do I apply? CM 220 Jobs with Montgomery County – Marie Parker, TransCen, Inc. + Greg Gamble/Steve Blanks, SEEC (Project Search) – This session is an introduction to the Montgomery County Customized Employment Public Intern Project (MCPIP), a paid employment initiative with Montgomery County Government, and Project Search, which offers training/internships in Montgomery County Government, NIH and the Smithsonian. CM 221
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