Worser Bay School Children love learning. At our school, the entire school community can: * See achievement celebrated and children valued as individuals; * Feel motivated and inspired to participate; * Experience success. WORSER BAY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Ka mau te wehi! (Grasp the Magic!) Beethoven Algar Term 4, Week 1, Friday 17 October 2014 Kia ora e te Whanau o Whetukairangi We have had a great start to another 'summer term'! Please remember that children require a sunhat at school at all times or they will not be able to play outside and we do encourage physical activity! Some of you have been in the school over break times recently and would've noticed the music playing in the playground over breaks. Resident 'jump jammers' are leading the charge in the courtyard and others are having a quieter 'boogie' in other parts of the playground. For children who don't know what to do over breaks - joining in with others in the courtyard is a big plus. Additionally - we are trying to move away from bells signifying a return to class. Music stops = learning time, rather than the institutional sound and feel of a bell. Early days, but working so far although we could do with a greater variety of music! Enjoying their group work! Celebrating Our Place is one of our Strategic Goals. Under this big umbrella we regularly inquire into the past and the future of the school/wider community as part of our localised curriculum. That's why we didn't hesitate to agree to Beethoven Algar gracing the outside wall of Autahi as part of the ‘Lest We Forget’ project. Many of you will have noticed this new addition this week: http://wellington.govt.nz/events/ww100/lest-we-forget For further information about the Wall Stories with each representative location: http://wellington.govt.nz/events/ ww100/lest-we-forget/wall-stories Furthermore, we will all have an opportunity to 'Celebrate Our Place' when we are involved in the Worser Bay Fair ‘Where the Wild Things Play’ on Sunday, 9 November. It is always a fabulous event!! If you haven't offered and would like to help out, remember to contact Annette John on 380 9968 or at nettie.john@yahoo.co.nz. ACTION AT A GLANCE Pay for Te Papa Trip - Matariki and Māhutonga only (p.4). Wednesday 22 October - ParentNet Morning Tea (p.5). Sunday 9 November - School Fair, 11.00-2.00 pm (p.6). Thursday 13 November - The Roxy 7.00 pm - Enjoy a drink, snacks, and get together. (Whole Parent Community) Thursday 11 December - Year 6 Dinner (Year 6s plus their parents) Tuesday 16 December - The Farewell 'WRAP' (Whole Parent Community) Please take a look at our blogs! Our Education Review Office (ERO) Report should be online any day now. So look out for it, www.ero.govt.nz, during the week. There's a good deal to celebrate! Happy Diwali!! Hope the weather is good for the Festival of Lights!! Nga mihi URGENT: Ball run tickets: Sell + Return Sort / drop-off Sunday: THIS Sunday Donation drop-offs: Mon / Wed / Fri Jude DON’T FORGET - ORDER ONLINE - IT’S SIMPLE AND SAVES HEAPS OF TIME!!! Go to: www.wrapitup.co.nz Pay for: Sausages (Tuesdays $2 each), Sushi (Fridays), Te Papa Trip, Sports Payments (currently Flippaball and Floorball), Sport T-Shirts, Ice Cream fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House. 2 Check out our blogs: http://www.tautoruandautahi.blogspot.co.nz/ and http://autahi.blogspot.co.nz/ Check out our blogs: http://www.tautoruandautahi.blogspot.co.nz/ and http://autahi.blogspot.co.nz/ 3 Ready to Rock into Term 4! Today we came back to school to start Term 4. We have been booking ourselves into workshops and choosing when we work on our tasks. We have also been reflecting on goals that we set for ourselves after every session. A Great Way to Start the Day! We are starting the day with a choice of yoga, singing or fitness. Eloise: Yoga is a good way to stretch in the morning! Juliette: Singing is a good way to start the day as it makes you happy! 4 Gretel: Fitness is a great way to start the day because it warms you up and it got my brain working! Enjoying Group Work Te Papa Trip!! Years 4 - 6 are going on a trip to Te Papa for the day on Wednesday, 22 October. The children will be travelling by bus to the city so the cost will be $7.00 per child. Try our super new online system for this. See Page 5 for further information. Paying at the office and signing a permission form will still be an option. Check out our blog: http://matarikiwbs.blogspot.co.nz/ 5 PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS Our Principal’s Awards for the term focus on Creativity. Awards for this week were for Being Actively Involved in my own learning. Autahi and Tautoru: Nuala, Matthias, Ollie, Angus, Eleanor, Parker, Ruby. Māhutonga and Matariki: Alexa, Louise M., Louise K., Angelina, Hunter, Blake, Jack M., Alexandra. Ice Cream for Kids - Ronald McDonald House Fundraiser The Student Council are organising a fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House. This will be on Friday 31st October. The children at Worser Bay School will be able to pre-order a Tip Top small tub of vanilla ice cream for $3.00. This can be done through the school’s new online order system or paid in cash to the base group teachers. Orders need to be in by Wednesday 29th October. Please advise your base group teacher if your child requires a nondairy option. Our New On Line Payment System This term, we are piloting a new secure payment system with Wrap it Up Limited. They’ve developed an online ordering and payment facility for all school activities. This means you will be able to select a range of school “products” such as sausage sizzles, school excursions and sporting activities and pay for them online either by internet banking or credit/debit card. The great thing about it is that you will be able to select activities for more than one child and order sausages (for example) for multiple weeks at a time. Think of it like a shop. You can select as many or as few “products” as you like for one or more children. You go to the checkout, confirm your purchases and pay for them. The system also stores a record of your purchases in your account. It’s quick and simple. And there’s no more paper permission slips as this is also done online. We can reduce our paper and you can stop worrying about mislaying notices. While it will not be mandatory to use the Wrap it Up system, we recommend it as it will help us reduce the hours currently spent on the administration of payments and financial record keeping. We’ve had a 4-year association with Wrap it Up Limited and, to date, they have always provided us a fantastic service that we can rely on. They have very good systems in place and have always provided us with excellent customer service. We’re excited about the new system and encourage you to try it. It will certainly simplify your school payments. To help with the pilot, we’ll be sending out a number of surveys throughout the term to gather your feedback. As well as the surveys, please feel free to feed comments back to the school office directly, or contact Jane at Wrap it Up on 021 234 9688. Some more positive feedback! Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I have placed my order for the sushi, the sausages and paid for Sophia’s trip to Te Papa all in one hit and it was SO easy! This system is FANTASTIC. Cheers Belinda Mackenzie Dodds Our ‘Thank You’ Morning Tea for our Arts Celebration helpers on Wednesday was a lovely opportunity for the children to say ‘thank you’. Morning Tea, Wednesday 22nd October ParentNet have decided that it would be nice to have a catchup over a cup of coffee and a piece of cake. We would really LOVE to welcome all you new parents to the school and get to know all of you, whilst at the same time catching up with all of you that have been there for that "little" bit longer! We are planning this catch up to happen immediately after school drop off on Wednesday 22nd of October in the school staffroom. We would love to see as many of you there as possible, and it really is just for a catch-up, a coffee and a little sweet or savoury - whatever takes your fancy. New parents, we can't wait to welcome YOU, and all you others we can't wait to re-connect! Hi Jude, WOW!!! What a great system and so user friendly for someone like me who is lacking in the IT skills department. Logged on ordered sausages for the term (no more raiding the children's tooth fairy money on Monday nights and being in debt with the children as a result). Great that I also managed to pay for a school trip and flippaball fees for the term too. It was just brilliant. Thanks and regards, Stephanie Wilson Log on to: www.wrapitup.co.nz 6 Ball Run tickets: URGENT A big earner for the school, so please sell the tickets and return the stubs / money ASAP. If you've mislaid the letter explaining how to get the $/stubs back see it here: http://goo.gl/jG7qFK Can you sell more? Please email parentnet@worserbay.school.nz and we'll get those precious tickets to you. Sorting Sunday - THIS Sunday (10am-12pm) Please come along to the school to drop-off, sort and price as much stock as possible. Once priced we will move some boxes out of the shed and make way for more gorgeous treasure! Also happening on Sunday 2nd Nov. Daily drop-off - Monday / Wednesday / Friday Daily drop-offs for all donations at the shed (in the concrete court area behind Junior Block), Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8.40-9.00am and 2.45-3.15pm. Please donate items that YOU would buy, the Fair is not a recycling plant! Flyers - a chance to get fit AND contribute A wander around the suburbs in the sun is a glorious way to spend the days leading up to the fair. We need volunteers for flyer deliveries - please contact Sarah Gunn 027-337883 / sarah.gunn@clear.net.nz Deliveries will need to happen around about Labour weekend. Donate! Deli: make something: http://goo.gl/aBO2LE Plants: grow things: http://goo.gl/xEFR0X If you have wheelie bins, long extension cords, chilly bins, gazebos, we need your help! Contact Kelly Moore: peterandkellymoore@gmail.com / 027-386 1985 / 04-970 1440 /WorserBayShoolFair2014 - Worser Bay School Fair 2014 @WBSFair It's only successful because you're involved … 7 COMMUNITY NOTICES Wellington Diwali Show at the TSB Arena Sunday, 19th October at 1.30 pm, Gold Coin Entry Groups will be performing from all parts of Wellington and with ethnicity reflecting many parts of India. Come along and enjoy Diwali in Wellington. ‘'Growing Gorgeous Boys Into Good Men” Wellington College Rugby Club has been fortunate enough to have renowned NZ speaker & author Celia Lashlie as a guest speaker on the above topic - 7pm Tuesday 11th November,at Pipitea Marae & Function Centre, Thorndon. Tickets are available from www.eventfinder.co.nz – ‘Celia Lashlie’. Single: $24.00, Couples $40.00 Please get in early to buy tickets as there are limited tickets. Any enquiries to: Jacinda Absalom Wellington College Rugby Football Club Fundraising Committee Email: jacinda@orongorongo.co.nz Mobile Phone: 0274 787177 Home Phone: 04-5686466 Multi-Cultural Food Fair - Friday 31 October 5-9pm at the Miramar Christian School, 41 Camperdown Rd, Miramar. There will be a variety of ethnic food stalls to tickle your tastebuds, plus a café / bakery, garage sale, auctions, along with plenty of games and entertainment for the children as an alternative to Halloween. A workshop for Children and Families, ages 7-13. (In conjunction with the Turnbull Library Gallery’s current exhibition.) "No less than everything: the art and times of Janet Paul", this workshop will demonstrate simple and fun ways to draw and sketch. Materials provided. Date: Saturday October 25, 2014, 11.00pm 12.30pm. Free. Location: Ground-floor programme room of the National Library. For further details, email: Brendan.O'Brien@dia.govt.nz To RSVP, email: atloutreach@dia.govt.nz Did you go to Miramar Playcentre? It is celebrating its 30 year anniversary this year and would like to invite ex-members and their families to join us for the celebrations. We are holding two events: Evening Social, Friday 31st October from 7.30pm. We are having a potluck dinner at the Strathmore Community Church, 108 Strathmore Ave, Strathmore, Wellington. Whanau BBQ, Sunday 2nd November 12-4pm. Enjoy an afternoon at Miramar Playcentre with food and entertainment. 23 Crawford Green, Miramar, Wellington Please join our Facebook group (https:// www.facebook.com/groups/499700090129450/) for more information and to RSVP for either of these events or email michellekitney@hotmail.com or telephone 027 681 4956. Come along for some good food and family fun! LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE THE FUN WAY? Seatoun Arts & Crafts celebrates its Annual Exhibition and Sale (17-19 October) at St Christophers Church Hall, Forres Street, Seatoun with the official opening on Friday 17 at 7pm. Do you need regular or occasional after school care? I am Eleanor’s (Year 4) mum and we are available most days. Give me a call. Susan: 021 2378813 Scots College Open Day Sunday 19 October, 2pm-4pm. FUN French, Spanish, German and Mandarin language classes for 2- 12 years olds FREE TRIAL LESSON AVAILABLE Lots of fun activities, drama, music & games French classes available throughout Wellington. For more information: www.lcfclubs.co.nz (all class info and online registration now available!) annick@lcfclubs.co.nz Ph: 476 3098
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