Welcome to Nordträff – 2015 Vässarö July 25 – August 1, 2015 A Nordic Adventure Information letter 2 Welcome to an unforgettable summer camp on Vässarö in northern Stockholm archipelago! You will meet new scout friends from Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, and together come out on adventures in sailing boats, canoes, and in the woods. The camp site is on Vässarö – The Scout Island in the beautiful Swedish archipelago. The theme for the camp will be “A Nordic Adventure”. Jokaisen kappaleen lopussa on tarvittaessa Partiokannuksen omat ohjeet ja tiedot vantaalaisille. Who can go to the camp? Nordträff is open for scouts from Askim, Huddinge, Lyngby and Vantaa from 8 years old. Partiokannus suosittaa, että leirille otetaan mukaan 12-vuotiaita ja vanhempia partiolaisia. When is the camp? The main camp time starts at Saturday July 25th and ends at Saturday August 1st. Scouts 8 to 10 years from Huddinge will be staying Saturday July 25th to Tuesday July 28th. Leadership teams from the other Nordic countries decide themselves if their younger scouts will be staying the longer or shorter period. Where is the camp? The camp is located on the island Vässarö approximatively 140 km northeast of Stockholm. The last part of the journey is a 30 minutes boat trip with bigger transportation boats from Vässarö. How much does it cost? The price for the main camp time (July 25th to August 1st) is SEK 2000 and for the shorter period (July 25th to July 28th) SEK 1200. The price includes food, camp area, activities, badge, t-shirt, boat transportation to and from Vässarö, bus transport to and from agreed pick up stations in the Stockholm area (Arlanda and Central Train station). You need to bring you own camp equipment to the camp and it needs to be packed in boxes for the boat transportation. A trolley can be very useful for water and food transportation at the island but can be rented at your own expense at the camp (SEK 50 per day). Travelling from your home towns to and from Stockholm area is not included. Neither is transportation of camp equipment like tents and kitchen equipment included unless you can carry it and bring it on the bus. Varsinainen leirimaksu on siis 2000 ruotsin kruunua. Tämän lisäksi maksettavaksi tulee matkakulut Tukholmaan. Partiokannuksen leirimatkalla matkustus tapahtuu laivalla (Viking Line/Silja Line). Leirille tarvitsee mukaan omat teltat ja trangiat ja muut leirivarusteet. Tarvittavista tavaroista tarkemmat listat myöhemmin. How and when can I register and pay? The registration is open from February 5th to March 15th and the registration and payment process is organized country by country. The registration is only valid once the registration payment (SEK 400 per participant) is received. Please note that registration is binding and is not refundable. The final payment, SEK 1600 for full camp time and SEK 800 for the shorter time should be paid latest April 30th. This is the payment to the Nordträff camp organization; to this may other costs like travelling to and from Stockholm be added. Ilmoittautumisaika on helmikuusta maaliskuun 15. päivään asti. Ilmoittautuminen tapahtuu palauttamalla tämän kirjeen mukana lähetetty ilmoittautumislomake Partiokannuksen toimistolle (Partiokannus ry, Töölönkatu 55, 00250 HELSINKI) ja lähettämällä ilmoittautumislomakkeessa merkityt tiedot myös sähköpostilla Partiokannuksen Nordträffyhteyshenkilölle Elina Hiltuselle (elina.hiltunen@papa.partio.net). Ilmoittautumisen yhteydessä tulee maksaa ensimmäinen erä leirimaksua 44 euroa Partiokannuksen tilille. Ilmoittautuneille lähetetään maksuohjeet sähköpostitse. Toinen osa leirimaksua (177 euroa) laskutetaan osallistujilta huhtikuussa. Tähän laskuun lisätään myös laivamatkustuskulut. Partiokannus on hakenut muutamaa avustusta kaikille vantaalaisille Nordträffille osallistujille, joten saadut avustukset pienentävät tätä toista osaa maksusta. Can I get a refund if I can’t attend? If you are unable to attend and cancel your registration before 14 June, we can repay 50 % of the remaining camp fee. At a defection from the ongoing camp or a cancellation after 14 June there is normally no refund. A refund of camp fees can be done by 50% if there are special reasons. Camp administration decides what may constitute a special reason. Minor injuries, homesickness, colds and similar reasons do not constitute special reasons. However, if you cannot attend at the camp due to an injury or illness (or other understandable reasons) you can get back the full camp fee upon presentation of a medical certificate. How to prepare? There are ticks (punkkeja) and risk for TBE while staying at Vässarö. Consult your local doctor for advises whether or not need to get vaccinated. Bring European Health Insurance Card and, if you have, a government issued identity card. There will be some preparation activities for the “market day”, we will send them out shortly. There will be a 100% non-alcoholic policy at the camp in alignment with decisions from the Guides and Scouts from Sweden. You need to be able to swim 100 meters for some activities and 200 meter for some other activities. Showers will be available at least once during the week. It is very unlikely that we can arrange with charging stations for smart phones. Where can I get more information? Facebook: Nordtreff (also available as www.facebook.com/nordtreff.scout). Web: www.nordtreff.org Web (Vässarö general): vassaro.scout.se Email (To planning team): nordtraff2015@huddingescoutkar.se Partiokannuksen Nordträff-yhteyshenkilö: Elina Hiltunen (elina.hiltunen@papa.partio.net)
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