MARKET COMMENT Investment Strategy DAILY

16 October 2014
Two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl
Year after year, running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
-Pink Floyd-Wish you were here.
“The volatility and price movements will be exacerbated by the reduced capacity and inventory of market makers,”
said Debelle. “The lower liquidity is not evident in a rising market when assets are being bought, but will quickly
become apparent in a down market as investors try to exit their positions.”
Guy Debelle, Assistant Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Bloomberg 14 October 2014
I’ve shared my views and “feeling” that we have already entered a global bear market two days ago (“The Alchemist Lizzy lives in Shades of Blue: The Paradise Edition”). As a tangent some have asked me for a one paragraph
summary since the piece was longer than usual. To make it even a quicker read, my reply was just one sentence:
“Winter is coming”.
Anyways, I won’t repeat my points made there (including ones related to Turkey) but will share the following thoughts:
Obviously markets are again the global deflation narrative whether justified or not. Some think that the USD strength
has already resulted in weaker growth data like seen in yesterday’s retail sales. I assume there would be more of a lag
of USD strength to filter thru to the data and if USD has really an important slow down impact (which I doubt btw) on
the US economy, it would probably show up in the export and/or manufacturing earlier than in the retail sector. In any
case, although markets are clearly in complete risk-off mode and deflation fears are popular again, September retail
sales notwithstanding, the data does not point do a major slowdown yet (including yesterday’s beige book), in my view
although obviously that may change.
I think the issues involved are much more complex than a simple risk-off and/or deflation scare as I tried to explain two
days ago.
Meanwhile, oil seems to have been hit my multiple sources. Having been completely wrong commodities in the past
six months or so I’m probably the last person to comment on oil. However, I note that some have expressed oil’s
decline as a sign of impending deflation. In this context, I’ll just say that oil prices are not declining they seem to be
crashing every day. It is my personal view, whatever the initial fundamental triggers, the price action seems like heavy
liquidation (similar to some other market moves in the last couple of days) and I wonder whether any big whales may
be caught in a vicious spiral. In any case I note that oil is at its most oversold level according to monthly RSI which has
seen its lowest level since 1998. Also, the commodity with a PhD, Copper, while bearish, does not seem to be in full
mega bear mood for global growth.
Murat Berk
IMPORTANT: Please refer to the last page of this report for “Important Disclosures” and Analyst(s) Certifications.
Daily Market Comment - 16 October 2014
Brent since 1988
Source: Bloomberg
Dr Copper (white) and Brent oil
Source: Bloomberg
Then we have again the old fears of peripheral Europe slowly emerging again. Concerns about
plans that Greek would exit the bailout program etc. I understand the current government has only
a slim majority and there’s this uncertainty regarding the presidential election in early 2015. And
again the old bogeyman for markets, the Syriza party,which running on an anti-austerity platform,
is reportedly leading in the polls. There seem also some issue in Italian politics etc.
Murat Berk
Daily Market Comment - 16 October 2014
Greek 10 year bond yields
Source: Bloomberg
Meanwhile Itraxx XO is above 400
Source: Bloomberg
Murat Berk
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