EMPIR-haku 2014 European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) 2014-2023 Erkki Ikonen Artikla 185 EMPIR EU:n rahoitus metrologiaan Artikla 169 EMRP ERA-NET+ EMRP ERA-NET iMERA 4M€, 2008 50% 570 M€, …2023 50% 400 M€, …2017 33% 63M€, …2011 www.emrponline.eu msu.euramet.org EMPIR in 2014 • As in 2009 with the EMRP, EMPIR will be “working ahead of contract” in 2014. Calls will be launched while negotiations in Council, Parliament, and the Commission continue. This means that the call process could stop or change at any time. Even if we reach the end of the year with a set of selected projects, they could all be abandoned if the negotiations with the EU fail. What parts of the EMRP continue in EMPIR? • JRPs continue to be the main part with the familiar selection process of PRT, SRT, JRP-Proposal and Review Conference. • JRP Calls for the initial years will include • 2014 Industry • 2015 Health and SI • Calls for the Grand Challenges (Energy, Environment and Health) will repeat every three years. Which parts of the EMRP don’t continue in EMPIR? • All forms of Researcher Grant. There will not be a “Stage 3” for the 2014 JRPs and probably not for any EMPIR Call. • Instead, others that would be eligible for Horizon 2020 funding, can be funded partners in the JRPs. On average, 30 % of the effort in EMPIR projects will be provided by these partners. What will be new in EMPIR? • EMPIR can introduce new types of project and call throughout its life. Those that are beneficial can be retained, those that are not will be abandoned. • For 2014 there will be a call for “Research Potential” projects aimed at developing scientific and technical capabilities in the participating states. The call process will be similar to that for traditional JRPs. • In 2014 there will also be a call for “JRP extensions”. This will not fund research, but dissemination and exploitation activities required after the close of an iMERA-Plus or EMRP project. These proposals must aim to enhance important project outputs and outcomes. The call process will be single stage, similar to the EMRP Researcher Grant process. • In 2015 a call for “pre-normative” JRPs to support standardisation is planned. What else changes? • Instead of calls and processes being defined for the life of the programme, an annual “Work Plan” will be negotiated with the EC. • Unlike the EMRP, EMPIR must follow the “Rules for Participation” in Horizon 2020. This will introduce subtle (and sometimes strange) changes to processes and contracts. • Finance rules change radically. Instead of a Full Economic Cost (FEC) model, project accounting will be based on direct costs. A “3 M€ EMRP project” and a “1.3 M€ EMPIR project” will contain equivalent effort in terms of person months, and receive an equivalent cash contribution from EURAMET (on average). 2014 Timetable Event Dates Call for Referees open from 10/1 Stage 1 call for IND JRPs 3/2 to 18/3 Stage 1 call for RPOT JRPs 10/2 to 25/3 EMPIR Committee meeting 5 -6/6, Dubrovnik Stage 2 Call IND and RPOT 24/6 to 9/10 Partnering meetings (Teddington, Berlin 3 to 8/7 and Turin) Call for JRP extensions 25/8 to 30/9 Review conference (Warsaw, Prague, or 17 - 28/11 Rome) EMPIR Committee meeting 20/11 to 2/12 Stage 1, PRT-haku (http://msu.euramet.org/calls.html) INDUSTRY (IND) RESEARCH POTENTIAL (Rpot) Documented industrial needs, such as provided through the references included in the PRT will be of key importance. EURAMET encourages proposals from industry and expects their active participation in projects. In addition to the development of technologies and methods, contributions to standardisation shall be investigated as a potential part of the projects. EURAMET wishes to generate benefit for industry whilst exploiting the unique capabilities of its member NMIs and DIs. RPOTs should include some research and development activities and in this respect they differ from the technical assistance nature of cooperation, however they do not need to address fundamental scientific challenges. An important element of RPOTs is the collaboration between NMIs/DIs that are less experienced in a relevant field with NMIs/DIs with greater experience, with the aim of establishing and developing metrology capabilities and the potential for metrology research. MIKES mukana ~20 hankkeen valmistelussa MIKES mukana yhden hankkeen valmistelussa EMRP-hakujen tuloksia 2009 – 2013 • • • • • 2009 valittiin 6 projektia, joissa Suomi mukana 2010 valittiin 17 projektia, joissa Suomi mukana 2011 valittiin 10 projektia, joissa Suomi mukana 2012 valittiin 16 projektia, joissa Suomi mukana 2013 valittiin 15 projektia, joissa Suomi mukana 2009-2013 yhteensä 64 projektia (kaikkiaan 132) 2009-2013 ohjelman rahoitusosuus Suomeen 5.0% (nimellinen osuus on 4.0%) MIKES koordinoi neljää projektia EMRP-hakujen rahoitus 2009 – 2012 • • • • • • • Suomi Saksa Britannia Ranska Italia Hollanti Sveitsi NMI/DI JRP (M€) 13.3 98.6 59.8 28.8 22.9 14.2 8.8 non-NMI/DI REG (M€) REG/JRP 2.2 0.17 8.7 0.09 9.4 0.16 1.7 0.06 2.2 0.10 1.5 0.11 1.1 0.13 Osallistuvia organisaatioita, EMRP Yritykset (unfunded partner/collaborator) • Metso, UPM, Vaisala, Murata Electronics (ent. VTI), Planar, Gasum, Nanocomp, RollResearch, Fitecom, Pegasor, Moventas, NAPS, Gasera, Picosun Yliopistot, tutkimuslaitokset • • • • Aalto-yliopisto (10 REG-apurahaa) Helsingin yliopisto (2 REG-apurahaa) Oulun yliopisto (2 REG-apurahaa) Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Geodeettinen laitos (1 REG) Kansalliset mittanormaalilaboratoriot • MIKES, Aalto, STUK, SYKE, IL, GL
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