$ PAID $7 PERMIT 108 MORGANTOWN, WV Bon Voyage Brunch NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE Sunday, October 19, 2014 My gift to Wesleyan, designated for :_______________________________________________ $ Examples: Wesleyan Fund for current scholarships or Campus Improvements GRAND TOTAL ENCLOSED $ Payment Options: r Enclosed is my check r Please charge to my credit card r Visa r Master Card r American Express r Discover Card Number______________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date___________________________________________________Security Code_____________ Signature of Cardholder____________________________________________________________________ Johnny Myers Golf Classic (at Buckhannon Country Club) 1. q_______________________________________________ 2. q______________________________________________ namehandicap namehandicap 3. q_______________________________________________ 4. q______________________________________________ namehandicap namehandicap SPECIAL NOTE West Virginia Wesleyan College Erickson Alumni Center 59 College Avenue Buckhannon, WV 26201 Please note preference above for your golf foursome players, if desired and known. Also indicate which player(s) fees are to be covered with this registration by marking box next to name. Banquet now on FRIDAY Homecoming Bash on SATURDAY at the new Event Center at Brushy Fork Names and Handicaps of golfers: eturn t and r n plete ith payme m o c : e w 014 to Pleas tion form 2 , 9 r e tra ge Octob regis n a Colle th ter eyan l s no la e W e l a s n o Our Home Among the Hills H OCT. 17T Registration and Reservation Form ia ter Virgin i Cen West on Alumn e u s Erick lege Aven 26201 l V 59 Co annon, W h Buck Please print: Name_______________________________________________________ Class Year_____________ West Virginia Wesleyan College’s First 125 Years Spouse/Guest Attending_______________________________________ Class Year_____________ Names of Children Attending__________________________________________________________ There has not been a history of WVWC written and published since Kenneth Plummer’s A History of West Virginia Wesleyan College 1890-1965. Much has happened in the last 50 years and this new coffee table-type book details the entire 125 years noting major events and people of Wesleyan. 1969: Phi Sigma Epsilon House when alumni and friends may pick up the book on-campus or it can be shipped to you. $40 per copy plus 6% sales tax ($2.40) $5 for shipping and handling, or save this cost by picking up your copy during Homecoming Weekend – available in Erickson Alumni Center Quantities are limited – reserve your copy today! 1979: Spring Sing Court Yes, I want a copy of the new history book! Payment Options: Name _________________________________________Graduation year__________ (if applicable) Address _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________ Email_____________________________________ Number of copies _________________ X $40.00 =________________ 6% sales tax, number of copies ______ X $2.40 =________________ + Tax Please check as appropriate: q On-campus pick-up during Homecoming q 2 FREE + Shipping/Handling Grand Total q Enclosed is my check* q Please charge my credit card: q Visa q MasterCard q American Express q Discover Card Number_______________________________________ = $ ________________ Friday, October 17, 2014 Johnny Myers Golf Classic* Founders Day Luncheon Class of 1964 50-Year Reunion/Reception Saturday, October 18, 2014 Zumba Emeritus Club Luncheon and Reunion Lunch Tailgate Picnic Lunch (Adult) Tailgate Picnic (Children under 10) Young Alumni Reunion Lunch (Adult) (Classes of 1999, 2004 & 2009 and friends) Signature of Cardholder Shuttle Service to The Event Center at Brushy Fork, Please indicate pickup time and location below: m MAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: Erickson Alumni Center 59 College Avenue Buckhannon, WV 26201 $9 $ $80 $13 $ $ TOTAL COST $8$ $15 $ $10$ $5$ $12$ Young Alumni Reunion Lunch $6 $ (Children ages 4 – 10) Football Game Tickets complimentary $ 0 Hall of Fame Banquet $20 $ Homecoming Bash and Reunion Social at The Event Center at Brushy Fork *Make checks payable to West Virginia Wesleyan College NUMBER COST PER ATTENDINGPERSON complimentary $ 0 Banquet $23$ ____Chorale Alumna/us (please check if you plan to sing at the close of the banquet) Expiration Date_____________ Security Code___________ __________________________________________________ Ship to the above address at $5 per copy Number of copies ____________________ X $5 = _______________ *Please note first names as they should appear on nametags ___________________________________________________ for Classes of ’44, ‘49, ‘54, ‘59 & ‘64 Please clip and return by mail. q Email_______________________________________________________ Phone__________________ Mum Corsage Founders Day, October 17, 2014, This year, we honor the Classes of ’44, ’49, ’54, ’59, ’64, ’69, ’74, ’79, ’84, ’89, ’94, ’99, ’04 and ’09. City, State, Zip_______________________________________________________________________ EVENT Available on We celebrate all alumni and cherish our alma mater throughout the weekend. Address____________________________________________________________________________ $15 $ $5 $ _____ Depart from Stonewall Resort at 6:30 pm _____ Depart from Stonewall Resort at 7:00 pm _____ Depart from the Bicentennial Inn at 7:00 pm *Please note golfers names in space provided on form on reverse. over please ] 11 B Thursday, October 16 7:30 pm Evening of Music Enjoy this musical performance coordinated by Dr. R. Daniel Hughes, Director of Choral Activities. Location: To Be Determined 10:00 pm Midnight Madness Meet the Bobcat basketball teams, enjoy snacks, win prizes and more! Location: Rockefeller Physical Education Center B Friday, October 17 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Café Libros Open Assorted coffees, pastries, and other baked goods available for your enjoyment. Location: 11:00 am F ounders Day Convocation As we honor the founders of our great Colle ge, we also kickoff our 125th anniversary yearlong celebration during this Convocation. Keynote address provided by Dr. John K. Saunders , director of scholarships & awards and associate professor of English emeritus. The annual Alumni Awards will also be presented. Congratulations to our 2014 award recipients: Stephen E. Foster ’70, Alumni Service; Jan Lanier Pickering ’79, Alumni Achievement; Stephen Skinner ’90, Alumni Achievement; Paul D. Daugherty ’00, Young Alumni Achievement; Tom Welshonce ’01, Young Alumni Achievement; Chett Pritchett ’99, Young Alumni Service; John Jenkins, Extra Mile Friend of the College; and, Dr. Kath arine Gregg & Dr. Carl Colson, Extra Mile Friend of the College. Location: Wesley Chapel Annie Merner Pfeiffer Library 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Registration Stephen E. Foster ’70 11:00 am registration with 12:00 noon tee off Johnny Myers Golf Classic Play a round of golf with fellow alumni and friends. This is an informal time to spend with friends, enjoying the game of golf, and not a highly structured golf tournament. Location: Jan Lanier Pickering ’79 Stephen Skinner ’90 Photo by Craig Guido ‘00 Location: Rockefeller Physical Education Center Paul D. Daugherty ’00 Tom Welshonce ’01 Chett Pritchett ’99 Buckhannon Country Club, Tallmansville Rd. Rt. 20 S to Tennerton, turn left at stoplight beside BuckhannonUpshur Middle School, cross the bridge and the Country Club will be on your left. Registration begins at 11:00 am and includes a boxed lunch. DIRECTIONS to Buckhannon Country Club: John Jenkins Dr. Carl Colson & Dr. Katharine Gregg 3 3 2009: Homecoming 1984: Baccalaureate Lineup FRIDAY CONTINUED 12:00 noon – 5:00 pm 3:00 pm View and enjoy an art exhibit by Wesleyan faculty. A reception will be held Friday from 2:00 – 4:00 pm at the gallery. This panel discussion regarding the value of liberal arts education includes Dr. Boyd Creasman, vice president for academic affairs, Dr. Stephen Cresswell, director of the School of Fine Arts & Humanities, Dr. Jeanne Sullivan, associate professor of biology, and Dr. Richard Weeks, professor of history. Light refreshments will be served. Art Show Location: Sleeth Gallery, McCuskey Hall 12:30 pm Founders Day Luncheon Enjoy lunch after Convocation with others in the Wesleyan family. Dessert for the luncheon will be served at the O’Roark Nordstrom Welcome Center Ribbon Cutting. Location: Social Hall, Benedum Campus Center (top floor) 2:00 pm O’Roark Nordstrom Welcome Center Ribbon Cutting Join us as we celebrate Wesleyan’s newest building located at the corner of College Avenue and Meade Street. The O’Roark Nordstrom Welcome Center is the new home for the Admission and Financial Aid Offices. Refreshments will be served. Location: Corner of College Avenue and Meade Street 2:00 – 4:00 pm Art Show - Reception Meet and greet students, faculty and alumni. Light refreshments will be served. Location: Sleeth Gallery, McCuskey Hall 2:30 pm Tour of New Campus Buildings Meet at the front entrance of each specific location for a tour through Wesleyan’s newest academic, arts, recreation and residential buildings. Wellness Center (in Jenkins Hall), Reemsnyder Research Center (beside Christopher Hall of Science), Virginia Thomas Law Center for the Performing Arts, and Dunn Hall (beside Camden and across from Holloway) Locations: 4 4 The Relevance of Liberal Arts Today Location: Annie Merner Pfeiffer Library, back of first floor 4:00 pm Poetry of Irene McKinney ‘67 Members of the Department of English will share selected works of the late Dr. Irene McKinney ’67 , director of the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program. Light refreshments will be served. Location: Annie Merner Pfeiffer Library, back of first floor 4:00 pm Men’s Soccer vs. WVU-Parkersburg Go Bobcats! (Reserve match) Location: Soccer Field, Wood Street 4:30 pm Class of 1964 50-Year Reunion Reception An opportunity for the 50-year reunion class to join together for a time of memories and reflection. Location: Special Dining Rooms, French A. See Dining Center 6:00 pm Reception on the Plaza Gather and mingle before the banquet. Live music and entertainment provided by Wesleyan students. Location: Campus Center Plaza Our schedu le somewhat fr has changed om previous The annual years. on-campus Homecomin Banquet is g now held on Friday evening. 2009: Homecoming The Homec om Social is at ing Bash/Reunion Th Brushy Fork e Event Center at on Saturday evening. 1974: Homecoming FRIDAY CONTINUED 6:30 pm 2014 Homecoming Banquet ALL alumni are invited to the annual banquet celebration of West Virginia Wesleyan with special entertainment and reunion class recognition. Doors open at 6:15 pm and dinner begins promptly at 6:30 pm. Location: French A. See Dining Center 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Orange & Black Silent Auction Cast your bid and win special Wesleyan items at this silent auction sponsored by the WVWC Alumni Council. Proceeds benefit the Wesleyan Fund, which is designated for Scholarships for Current Students. Location: French A. See Dining Center 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm The Wesleyan Zoo Students and alumni alike will enjoy this interactive event with small animals sponsored by Bobcat Entertainment (formerly Campus Activities Board). B Saturday, October 18 8:30 am Zumba Party! Angel Williamson Riley ’99 will lead this Zumba class, benefitting the BSU House Renovation Fund. Registration fee is $8. Get your morning started with Zumba! It doesn’t matter if you haven’t exercised in a while, have two left feet or never participated in a Zumba Fitness© class, you are guaranteed to have a good time. Location: Wellness Center, Jenkins Hall 8:30 am – 9:30 am Wesleyan Society and Reger Society Breakfast Current members of both the Wesleyan Society and Reger Society are invited for breakfast with President Pamela Balch ’71 and her husband Patrick. Location: Virginia Thomas Law Center for the Performing Arts Location: Auxiliary Gym, Rockefeller Physical Education Center 9:00 am – 4:00 pm 9:00 pm Walk Down Memory Lane In celebration of Wesleyan’s 125th anniversary, members of the College community will share key moments in time that have shaped our Wesleyan of today. The event will be moderated by Thomas Schoffler ’97, associate professor of theatre, with Kent Carpenter ’63, retired from alumni relations and athletics, Dr. Chip Keating, professor of philosophy, Alisa Lively, director of campus life, and Dr. Larry Parsons Hon. ‘12, professor of music emeritus and former vice president for academic affairs, sharing their stories. Trivia and prizes awarded to audience members. Location: Virginia Thomas Law Center for the Performing Arts Registration Location: Rockefeller Physical Education Center 9:30 am – 12:00 noon O’Roark Nordstrom Welcome Center Open House Visit the new home of the Admission and Financial Aid Offices and gather information for prospective students. Location: Corner of College Avenue and Meade Street 9:30 am Campus Tour Take a walk through campus with members of the Student Senate. Location: Meet at Erickson Alumni Center, 55 Meade Street 5 5 11:00 am – 4:00 pm Art Show View and enjoy an art exhibit by Wesleyan faculty. Location: Sleeth Gallery, McCuskey Hall 2013: Homecoming SATURDAY CONTINUED 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Wesleyan Tie-Dye T-shirts Remember Homecoming 2014 with this novelty item sponsored by Bobcat Entertainment. Cost is $5 per shirt. (Rain location: Gymnasium Balcony, Rockefeller Physical Education Center) Location: Rockefeller Plaza (end closest to Aux Gym) 10:30 am – 11:30 am Alumni Reception with Faculty and Staff ALL alumni are invited to mingle with current and retired faculty and staff. The Schools of Fine Arts & Humanities, Science, Social & Behavioral Science, Business, Education, Athletic Training/Exercise Science and Nursing invite you to stop and visit for a while. Complimentary refreshments provided. Location: Annie Merner Pfeiffer Library 10:30 am – 11:30 am Bobcat Blitz Welcome future Bobcats! Children are invited to enjoy activities sponsored by the Student Education Association and various other student organizations. Location: Annie Merner Pfeiffer Library 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Emeritus Club Luncheon and Reunion Lunch for Classes of 1964, 1959, 1954, 1949, and 1944 6 6 11:00 am Tour of New Campus Buildings See Friday 2:00 pm for details 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Sorority Tea & Open House Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Xi Delta, and Zeta Tau Alpha invite alumnae sisters to their annual open house receptions and tea. Facebook members are asked to “like” WVWC Greek. Location: Sorority Suites, Holloway Hall 11:30 am – 1:15 pm Tailgate Picnic Enjoy a great picnic and get ready for Bobcat Football! (Rain location: Auxiliary Gym) Location: Ross Football Field 11:45 am – 1:00 pm Young Alumni Reunion Lunch ALL young alumni are invited for lunch at “the Bi-Ci,” upstairs in the Green Room. Join us in celebrating the Classes of 1999, 2004 and 2009 as they reunite, reconnect, and reminisce. Lunch includes a buffet (including kid-friendly options), with a cash bar available. Reunion photos taken here. Location: 88 Restaurant in the Bicentennial Inn, 88 E. Main St. 1:00 pm Football vs. Concord University Go Bobcats! Complimentary tickets provided to all who register. Plus, don’t miss the Coronation of the Homecoming Queen and King at halftime! Location: Ross Football Field Members and guests of the Emeritus Club and the Classes of ’44, ’49, ’54, ’59 and ‘64 are invited for this annual Homecoming gathering. Join us as we reunite, reconnect, and reminisce. Lunch for new inductees is complimentary (please mark registration form accordingly). Reunion photos taken here. Snack-N-Chat Location: French A. See Dining Center Location: 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm Complimentary light refreshments and chairs for alumni and friends to sit and chat. Rockefeller Lobby 1963-64: George Rossbach and Biology Class 5:00 pm SATURDAY CONTINUED 3:00 pm Weird Science Chemistry Demos Students from the Benzene Ring Chemistry Club will share science demonstrations with alumni and friends. Meet in the lobby of Reemsnyder Research Center. Location: David E. Reemsnyder Research Center 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm Athletic Hall of Fame The tradition of the Athletic Hall of Fame induction ceremony and banquet at Homecoming is back! 2014 inductees include Frances Carvajal ’05, Char les Elkins ’52 (posthumously), Jim Harsha ’69, Mark Mendelson ’71 and the 1997 Women’s Tennis Team. Thos e who attend the Hall of Fame banquet will receive complimentary tickets to the Homecoming Bash & Reun ion Social at The Event Center at Brushy Fork later in the evening. Location: Social Hall, Benedum Campus Center (top floor) Fraternity Open Houses Alpha Sigma Phi, Chi Phi, Kappa Alpha, Theta Chi and Theta Xi fraternities invite alumni brothers to their annual Open Houses immediately following the football game. Facebook members are asked to “like” WVWC Greek. Location: Fraternity Houses 4:00 pm 5th Quarter - BSU Open House Frances Carvajal ’05 1997 Women’s Tennis Team Take time to reminisce with old and new college friends, meet current students and network with Wesleyan friends and family at the Black Student Union House. Location: BSU House, corner of Camden and Meade Streets 4:30 pm Celebration! 85 Years of Kappa Alpha Order Location: Kappa Alpha House, College Avenue 4:30 pm Charles Elkins ’52 (posthumously) Mark Mendelson ’71 Jim Harsha ’69 Roman Catholic Mass Location: West Meditation Chapel 5:00 pm Women’s Soccer vs. Urbana University Go Lady Bobcats! Location: Soccer Field, Wood Street 6:45 pm – 7:30 pm Registration Nametags and tickets available for those attending Saturday evening events who did not have an opportunity to register on campus earlier in the day. DIRECTIONS: page 10. Location: The Event Center at Brushy Fork 7 7 SATURDAY CONTINUED 7:00 pm 8:00 pm ALL alumni are invited to the Homecoming Bash! Come celebrate the Classes of 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, and 1994 as they reunite, reconnect, and reminisce. Refreshments and cash bar available. Live music and entertainment provided by current Wesleyan students. Reunion class photos taken here, beginning at 7:45 pm. DIRECTIONS: Turn off of Rt. 33 at the stoplight onto Brushy Fork Road, driving between Jenkins Ford and Toyota Auto Mall. Then travel approximately one mile to the new National Guard Armory and The Event Center at Brushy Fork on the left. (Shuttle service available from Stonewall Resort and the Bicentennial Inn – see information section.) Join Dr. Tracey DeLaney, assistant professor of physics, for a look at the stars. Admission fee of $3 per adult. Homecoming Bash & Reunion Social Location: Planetarium Sky Show Location: Christopher Hall of Science, 2nd Floor B The Event Center at Brushy Fork Sunday, October 19 10:30 am Homecoming Chapel Service Featuring guest speaker Rev. Ted Anderson ’74, Genesee Valley District Superintendent, Rochester, New York. Location: Wesley Chapel 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Bon Voyage Brunch 7:00 pm Men’s Soccer vs. Urbana University Go Bobcats! Location: Soccer Field, Wood Street Share lunch with current students in the cafeteria before starting your journey home. Please note that this is not a served meal. You are invited to all selections available through the cafeteria line. Location: French A. See Dining Center 1:00 pm 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Celebration Station Pi-K Run Join Bobcat Entertainment for a night of fun with arcade games and more – think Chuck E Cheese and Dave & Buster’s! This event is in support of Alpha Delta Pi’s philanthropy: Ronald McDonald House Charities. On-site registration begins at 12:00 noon with the run at 1:00 pm. Registration fee of $15. Location: Auxiliary Gym, Rockefeller Physical Education Center Location: Alumni Center Open House Cat’s Claw Registration Pick-up your copy of the new history book here, as well as meet with friends and look through yearbooks. Gather with friends and share refreshments in the space formerly known as the SCOW – Student Center of Wesleyan. Location: Location: Sign-in, pick up your name tag and tickets, and see familiar faces. Registration is easy and free! Complimentary football game tickets to all who register. Registration for evening events will be held in those locations. Erickson Alumni Center, 55 Meade Street hours: Open Fri. 9:00 am – 4:30 pm and Sat. 9:00 am – 4:30 pm The New Bookstore The bookstore has returned to Wesleyan management. Shop for new alumni apparel and other orange & black items. Benedum Campus Center, Second Floor hours: Open Fri. 8:00 am – 6:00 pm and Sat. 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Location: 8 8 Fountain/Chapel Green Benedum Campus Center, Third Floor hours: Open Fri. 5:00 pm – 11:00 pm and Sat. 11:30 am – 11:00 pm Sunny Buck’s Visit the campus convenience store for coffee, snacks and more. Benedum Campus Center, Ground Floor hours: Open Fri. 7:30 am – 10:00 pm and Sat.11:00 am – 10:00 pm Location: Rockefeller Physical Education Center hours: Open Fri. 10:00 am – 5:00 pm and Sat. 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Location: Note: Some times and locations may be tentatively scheduled as of mid-June. Please confirm with the registration desk upon arrival and pick up a complete schedule in Rockefeller Lobby during Homecoming Weekend. {MAIL} Attached form or {ONLINE } http://www.wvwc.edu/alumni/ EVENT All tickets are available for pick up at the registration area in Rockefeller Physical Education Center. Tickets for evening events may be picked up at those locations, if needed. Unfortunately, we are unable to mail tickets in advance. Please be sure to register and reserve your tickets early. 9 9 Accommodations in and near Buckhannon A list of local accommodations may be accessed at http://www.wvwc.edu/about/lodging.php Directions to The Event Center at Brushy Fork Have a question? 304-473-8509 or alumni@wvwc.edu MORE INFO On-campus Rockefeller Center or Erickson Alumni Center Turn off of Rt. 33 at the stoplight onto Brushy Fork Road, driving between Jenkins Ford and Toyota Auto Mall. Then travel approximately one mile to the new National Guard Armory and The Event Center at Brushy Fork on the left. (Shuttle service available from Stonewall Resort and the Bicentennial Inn – see below.) Shuttle Service WVWC will provide college vans for shuttle service from Stonewall Resort and the Bicentennial Inn to The Event Center at Brushy Fork. Nominal charge of $5 roundtrip. Vans depart Stonewall at 6:30 pm and 7:00 pm on Saturday, and from the Bicentennial at 7:00 pm. Vans leave The Event Center to return to Stonewall and the Bicentennial starting at 9:30 pm. All riders must preregister for this service as we are unable to take on-site payments. throughout Homecoming Weekend. {ONLINE } http://www.wvwc.edu/alumni/ Homecoming Registration VIRTUAL TOUR To view the virtual tour go to www.wvwc.edu/admission/tour/ MAP LEGEND 1. 2. 3. 4. Reemsnyder Research Center Dunn Hall Wellness Center Virginia Thomas Law Center for the Performing Arts 5. Agnes Howard Hall 6. Wesley Chapel / Martin Religious Center 10 10 7. Annie Merner Pfeiffer Library 8. Benedum Campus Center /See Dining Center 9. Lynch-Raine Administration Building 10. McCuskey Hall 11. Doney Hall 12. Fleming Hall 13. Haymond Hall 14. Jenkins Hall 15. Loar Hall of Music 16. Benedum Hall 17. Holloway Hall 18. Camden Village 19. Christopher Hall of Science 20. Rockefeller Center 21. Middleton Hall 22. Ross Field (Football) & Track 23. Ellis Field (Baseball) 24. Culpepper Field (Softball) 25. Wood Street Park (Soccer Complex) 26. Erickson Alumni Center 27. English Annex 28. O’Roark Nordstrom Welcome Center eturn t and r n plete ith payme m o c : e w 014 to Pleas tion form 2 , 9 r e tra ge Octob regis n a Colle th ter eyan l s no la e W e l a s n o Our Home Among the Hills H OCT. 17T Registration and Reservation Form ia ter Virgin i Cen West on Alumn e u s Erick lege Aven 26201 l V 59 Co annon, W h Buck Please print: Name_______________________________________________________ Class Year_____________ West Virginia Wesleyan College’s First 125 Years Spouse/Guest Attending_______________________________________ Class Year_____________ Names of Children Attending__________________________________________________________ There has not been a history of WVWC written and published since Kenneth Plummer’s A History of West Virginia Wesleyan College 1890-1965. Much has happened in the last 50 years and this new coffee table-type book details the entire 125 years noting major events and people of Wesleyan. 1969: Phi Sigma Epsilon House when alumni and friends may pick up the book on-campus or it can be shipped to you. $40 per copy plus 6% sales tax ($2.40) $5 for shipping and handling, or save this cost by picking up your copy during Homecoming Weekend – available in Erickson Alumni Center Quantities are limited – reserve your copy today! 1979: Spring Sing Court Yes, I want a copy of the new history book! Payment Options: Name _________________________________________Graduation year__________ (if applicable) Address _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________ Email_____________________________________ Number of copies _________________ X $40.00 =________________ 6% sales tax, number of copies ______ X $2.40 =________________ + Tax Please check as appropriate: q On-campus pick-up during Homecoming q 2 FREE + Shipping/Handling Grand Total q Enclosed is my check* q Please charge my credit card: q Visa q MasterCard q American Express q Discover Card Number_______________________________________ = $ ________________ Friday, October 17, 2014 Johnny Myers Golf Classic* Founders Day Luncheon Class of 1964 50-Year Reunion/Reception Saturday, October 18, 2014 Zumba Emeritus Club Luncheon and Reunion Lunch Tailgate Picnic Lunch (Adult) Tailgate Picnic (Children under 10) Young Alumni Reunion Lunch (Adult) (Classes of 1999, 2004 & 2009 and friends) Signature of Cardholder Shuttle Service to The Event Center at Brushy Fork, Please indicate pickup time and location below: m MAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: Erickson Alumni Center 59 College Avenue Buckhannon, WV 26201 $9 $ $80 $13 $ $ TOTAL COST $8$ $15 $ $10$ $5$ $12$ Young Alumni Reunion Lunch $6 $ (Children ages 4 – 10) Football Game Tickets complimentary $ 0 Hall of Fame Banquet $20 $ Homecoming Bash and Reunion Social at The Event Center at Brushy Fork *Make checks payable to West Virginia Wesleyan College NUMBER COST PER ATTENDINGPERSON complimentary $ 0 Banquet $23$ ____Chorale Alumna/us (please check if you plan to sing at the close of the banquet) Expiration Date_____________ Security Code___________ __________________________________________________ Ship to the above address at $5 per copy Number of copies ____________________ X $5 = _______________ *Please note first names as they should appear on nametags ___________________________________________________ for Classes of ’44, ‘49, ‘54, ‘59 & ‘64 Please clip and return by mail. q Email_______________________________________________________ Phone__________________ Mum Corsage Founders Day, October 17, 2014, This year, we honor the Classes of ’44, ’49, ’54, ’59, ’64, ’69, ’74, ’79, ’84, ’89, ’94, ’99, ’04 and ’09. City, State, Zip_______________________________________________________________________ EVENT Available on We celebrate all alumni and cherish our alma mater throughout the weekend. Address____________________________________________________________________________ $15 $ $5 $ _____ Depart from Stonewall Resort at 6:30 pm _____ Depart from Stonewall Resort at 7:00 pm _____ Depart from the Bicentennial Inn at 7:00 pm *Please note golfers names in space provided on form on reverse. over please ] 11 $ PAID $7 PERMIT 108 MORGANTOWN, WV Bon Voyage Brunch NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE Sunday, October 19, 2014 My gift to Wesleyan, designated for :_______________________________________________ $ Examples: Wesleyan Fund for current scholarships or Campus Improvements GRAND TOTAL ENCLOSED $ Payment Options: r Enclosed is my check r Please charge to my credit card r Visa r Master Card r American Express r Discover Card Number______________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date___________________________________________________Security Code_____________ Signature of Cardholder____________________________________________________________________ Johnny Myers Golf Classic (at Buckhannon Country Club) 1. q_______________________________________________ 2. q______________________________________________ namehandicap namehandicap 3. q_______________________________________________ 4. q______________________________________________ namehandicap namehandicap SPECIAL NOTE West Virginia Wesleyan College Erickson Alumni Center 59 College Avenue Buckhannon, WV 26201 Please note preference above for your golf foursome players, if desired and known. Also indicate which player(s) fees are to be covered with this registration by marking box next to name. Banquet now on FRIDAY Homecoming Bash on SATURDAY at the new Event Center at Brushy Fork Names and Handicaps of golfers: eturn t and r n plete ith payme m o c : e w 014 to Pleas tion form 2 , 9 r e tra ge Octob regis n a Colle th ter eyan l s no la e W e l a s n o Our Home Among the Hills H OCT. 17T Registration and Reservation Form ia ter Virgin i Cen West on Alumn e u s Erick lege Aven 26201 l V 59 Co annon, W h Buck Please print: Name_______________________________________________________ Class Year_____________ West Virginia Wesleyan College’s First 125 Years Spouse/Guest Attending_______________________________________ Class Year_____________ Names of Children Attending__________________________________________________________ There has not been a history of WVWC written and published since Kenneth Plummer’s A History of West Virginia Wesleyan College 1890-1965. Much has happened in the last 50 years and this new coffee table-type book details the entire 125 years noting major events and people of Wesleyan. 1969: Phi Sigma Epsilon House when alumni and friends may pick up the book on-campus or it can be shipped to you. $40 per copy plus 6% sales tax ($2.40) $5 for shipping and handling, or save this cost by picking up your copy during Homecoming Weekend – available in Erickson Alumni Center Quantities are limited – reserve your copy today! 1979: Spring Sing Court Yes, I want a copy of the new history book! Payment Options: Name _________________________________________Graduation year__________ (if applicable) Address _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________ Email_____________________________________ Number of copies _________________ X $40.00 =________________ 6% sales tax, number of copies ______ X $2.40 =________________ + Tax Please check as appropriate: q On-campus pick-up during Homecoming q 2 FREE + Shipping/Handling Grand Total q Enclosed is my check* q Please charge my credit card: q Visa q MasterCard q American Express q Discover Card Number_______________________________________ = $ ________________ Friday, October 17, 2014 Johnny Myers Golf Classic* Founders Day Luncheon Class of 1964 50-Year Reunion/Reception Saturday, October 18, 2014 Zumba Emeritus Club Luncheon and Reunion Lunch Tailgate Picnic Lunch (Adult) Tailgate Picnic (Children under 10) Young Alumni Reunion Lunch (Adult) (Classes of 1999, 2004 & 2009 and friends) Signature of Cardholder Shuttle Service to The Event Center at Brushy Fork, Please indicate pickup time and location below: m MAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: Erickson Alumni Center 59 College Avenue Buckhannon, WV 26201 $9 $ $80 $13 $ $ TOTAL COST $8$ $15 $ $10$ $5$ $12$ Young Alumni Reunion Lunch $6 $ (Children ages 4 – 10) Football Game Tickets complimentary $ 0 Hall of Fame Banquet $20 $ Homecoming Bash and Reunion Social at The Event Center at Brushy Fork *Make checks payable to West Virginia Wesleyan College NUMBER COST PER ATTENDINGPERSON complimentary $ 0 Banquet $23$ ____Chorale Alumna/us (please check if you plan to sing at the close of the banquet) Expiration Date_____________ Security Code___________ __________________________________________________ Ship to the above address at $5 per copy Number of copies ____________________ X $5 = _______________ *Please note first names as they should appear on nametags ___________________________________________________ for Classes of ’44, ‘49, ‘54, ‘59 & ‘64 Please clip and return by mail. q Email_______________________________________________________ Phone__________________ Mum Corsage Founders Day, October 17, 2014, This year, we honor the Classes of ’44, ’49, ’54, ’59, ’64, ’69, ’74, ’79, ’84, ’89, ’94, ’99, ’04 and ’09. City, State, Zip_______________________________________________________________________ EVENT Available on We celebrate all alumni and cherish our alma mater throughout the weekend. Address____________________________________________________________________________ $15 $ $5 $ _____ Depart from Stonewall Resort at 6:30 pm _____ Depart from Stonewall Resort at 7:00 pm _____ Depart from the Bicentennial Inn at 7:00 pm *Please note golfers names in space provided on form on reverse. over please ] 11 $ PAID $7 PERMIT 108 MORGANTOWN, WV Bon Voyage Brunch NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE Sunday, October 19, 2014 My gift to Wesleyan, designated for :_______________________________________________ $ Examples: Wesleyan Fund for current scholarships or Campus Improvements GRAND TOTAL ENCLOSED $ Payment Options: r Enclosed is my check r Please charge to my credit card r Visa r Master Card r American Express r Discover Card Number______________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date___________________________________________________Security Code_____________ Signature of Cardholder____________________________________________________________________ Johnny Myers Golf Classic (at Buckhannon Country Club) 1. q_______________________________________________ 2. q______________________________________________ namehandicap namehandicap 3. q_______________________________________________ 4. q______________________________________________ namehandicap namehandicap SPECIAL NOTE West Virginia Wesleyan College Erickson Alumni Center 59 College Avenue Buckhannon, WV 26201 Please note preference above for your golf foursome players, if desired and known. Also indicate which player(s) fees are to be covered with this registration by marking box next to name. Banquet now on FRIDAY Homecoming Bash on SATURDAY at the new Event Center at Brushy Fork Names and Handicaps of golfers:
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