Welcome to Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church CALENDAR OF THE WEEK: New Wednesday Classes begin on October 22. “Pursuing God’s Will by Ruth Haley Barton at 6:30 p.m. in room 222 “Kingdom Man” by Tony Evans at 6:30 p.m. in room 118. “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp at 6:30 p.m. in the Celebration Room 212. For more information or to sign-up for any of these classes, go to wesleychapel.org. Finding God through Best Sellers will start a 6-week fellowship at the Grant Line Campus from Tuesday, October 21-November 25 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. For this series they will be reading Erma Bombeck's "I want to grow hair, I want to go home, I want to go to Boise." Contact Chris Attwood at cattwood0101@gmail.com for more information. “Breathe,” a study by Priscilla Shirer begins on Friday, October 31 at 9:00 a.m. in the Celebration Room 212. The book is $12.00. For more information or to sign-up for this class go to wesleychapel.org. Connect Class: Are you interested in learning more about Wesley Chapel? Starting on Sunday, November 2 at 11:00 a.m. in the Agape Room 224 we will be starting a new class. For more information or to sign-up got to wesleychapel. org or contact Pastor Peter Curts at pastorcurts@wesleychapel.org. Wesley Bowl II: Come on out for the 2nd annual Youth vs Adults Flag Football game on November 15 at 3:00 p.m. at our 150 Campus. There will be food and drinks and Football. Anyone interested in playing, email Steve Wagner at youth@wesleychapel.org. TODAY: October 19 8:30A Worship; Kids Rock (1-5); Kids Rock, Jr. (age 2-K) 8:30A Sunday School (Adult) 9:45A Worship 9:45A Sunday School (All Ages) 11:00A Worship; Kids Rock (1-5); Kids Rock, Jr. (age 2-K) 11:00A Sunday School (Adult) 11:00A Financial Peace University-150 Campus Rm 212 12:30P Children’s Outreach Ministry-150 Campus Rm 220 1:00P Puppets-150 Campus Rms 228-232 MONDAY: October 20 6:55P Bible Study Fellowship-150 Campus 7:00P 150 Facility Team-150 Campus Rm 222 TUESDAY: October 21 7:00A Men’s Emmaus Reunion-Grant Line Campus 9:30A Woman to Woman-Grant Line Campus 6:30P Finding God Through Best Sellers-Grant Line Campus 7:00P Servant Leader Board-150 Campus Rm 212 8:00P Alcoholics Anonymous-150 Campus Rm 224 Available Position: We are currently accepting resumes for the Wesley Wednesday Kitchen Team Leader position. If you are interested in this position please email your resume to wesley@wesleychapel.org. Nametags: If you would like to order a nametag call the office at 812.944.2570 or email secretary@wesleychapel.org. The cost is $10.00. Prayer Requests: Joyce Lyles, Dave Pavey, Helen Collins Prayer Blanket Recipients: Jane Campton, Donna Woods WEDNESDAY: October 22 9:30A Quilters-150 Campus Rm 210 4:00P Tutoring-150 Campus 5:30P Wesley Wednesday Meal (Chili)-150 Campus 6:30P Wednesday D-Groups-150 Campus 6:30P Revive-150 Campus Rm 228-232 7:00P Worship Rehearsal-150 Campus Wesley Center Our Sympathies To: Judy Hartman on the loss of her husband Mark Lizzie Suiter on the loss of her grandfather THURSDAY: October 23 9:00A Precept-150 Campus Celebration Rm 212 2:30P Tutoring-Grant Line Elementary 6:30P Ladies’ Bible Study (Garrett)-150 Campus Rm 220 6:30P Chapel Rehearsal-150 Campus Wesley Center Triumphant Quartet Concert: The Serving Our Community team is sponsoring the Triumphant Quartet Concert on Thursday, November 20 at 7:00 p.m. at the 150 Campus. Tickets are on sale at the Serving Our Community table in the lobby. Tickets are also available at Sweet Frog on Veterans Pkwy and Graeter’s Ice Cream on Charlestown Rd. The cost is $12.00. FRIDAY: October 24 9:00A Ladies’ Bible Study-150 Campus Celebration Rm 212 Devotional: The daily devotional is posted on wesleychapel.org or Facebook. Go to https://www.remind101.com/join/9dda3 or text 812.301.1642 with the message @9dda3 to sign up for text alerts. You can pick up a printed copy at the Serving Our Community table in the lobby. UMW Turkey Supper: The annual Turkey Supper will be on Friday, November 14 from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. The cost is 8.00 for adults and $4.00 for children 10 and under. The Bazaar and Sweet Shop open at 3:00 p.m. If you have any craft items, homemade goods or items for the sweet shop contact Shaaron Wilson at 812.949.2092 or Linda Freeman at 812.948.5979. SATURDAY: October 25 5:30P CCC Overlook Outing-Off Campus 7:00P Drama Rehearsal-150 Campus Wesley Center The Serving Our Community Bucket recipients for the month of October are Youth for Christ and Harvest Shine. Please report attendance of all events to the church office. Servant Leaders please check your mailboxes in Room 216. Give online at www .wesleychapel.org. Worship last week 349 October 19, 2014 Key Scripture: “In that day,” declares the Lord, “I will destroy your horses from among you and demolish your chariots. “I will destroy the cities of your land and tear down all your strongholds. I will destroy your witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells. I will destroy your idols and your sacred stones from among you; you will no longer bow down to the work of your hands.” Micah 5:10-13 Key Thoughts: Micah spoke to people who were insecure because they were being threatened. Insecurity is a product of fear and shows a lack of faith. In their insecurity, the people turned to solutions that Provided a false sense of comfort (strongholds) Were manipulative (witchcraft) Were forbidden in the Commandments (carved images) Were temporary (all of the above) When we are insecure, we can find security in a relationship with God. The Messiah will give us peace when we are threatened (Micah 5:5). Jesus offers reconciliation instead of manipulation (Matthew 5:44). Jesus uses prayers instead of potions (Matthew 6:9-13). God has an eternal perspective (John 3:16). Harvest Shine is on Sunday, October 26 at 3:00 p.m. Sign-up today in the lobby to have a trunk for Trunk-or-Treat or assist with carnival games and face painting. We are currently accepting donations of 2-liters and candy. For more information call Becky Perkins at 812.944.2570, ext. 30. Wesley Chapel UMC 2100 Hwy 150, Floyds Knobs Office: 944-2570 Fax: 944-2851 www.wesleychapel.org Grant Line Campus: 4810 Grant Line Rd, New Albany Tony Alstott ~ Lead Pastor extension 27 e-mail: pastortony@wesleychapel.org Peter Curts ~ Teaching Pastor extension 29 e-mail: pastorcurts@wesleychapel.org Becky Perkins ~ Director of Intentional Faith Development extension 30 e-mail: beckyp@wesleychapel.org Stephen Wagner ~ Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry extension 25 e-mail: youth@wesleychapel.org Brian Frame ~ Director of Passionate Worship extension 24 email: praise@wesleychapel.org Gina Wampler ~ Secretary extension 21 e-mail: secretary@wesleychapel.org Melissa DeLuca ~ Receptionist extension 22 e-mail: receptionist@wesleychapel.org Wayne Perkins ~ Maintenance/Building Security Cell: 502-836-3519 Salena Pavey ~ Custodian e-mail: custodian@wesleychapel.org Follow “Tony Alstott” on Facebook Mission: To make disciples of Jesus Christ to transform the world Connect to the Wi-fi by selecting WesChap. The password is PraiseHim. October 19, 2014
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