School News Newsletter No.18/14 16 October 2014

Newsletter No.18/14
School News
16 October 2014
Dear Parents
Welcome back to term four and the final term for our year 8 students who will be moving on from us at the end of the year.
Welcome to KNS
We welcome the following students to Kelburn Normal School. It’s great to have you with us.
Jiwhan Park to Room 1, Chicco Yang to Room 3, Isla Jones to Room 5, Emily Cager to Room 9, Tusiata Buchanan-Falema’a to
Room 10, Eliza Taylor and Jiho Park to Room 11 and Sophia Jones to Room 12.
Assemblies - Music & Senior’s
This Thursday we have our music assembly. Next Friday we have the senior syndicate assembly where learning from this area of
the school will be shared. It would be great to see you there.
Class Placement Requests for 2015 & End of Year Reports
Our class placement process for 2015 has begun. If you have any needs/requests regarding your child’s class placement, please
either email, or phone the office and make a time to come and meet with Kirsten Lang the
Deputy Principal, by Friday 7th November.
Due to the complexity of this process, we will be unable to receive any class placement requests after the 7th of November.
We are at present formulating staffing for the 2015 year, and we will let you know when this is confirmed.
Class placements for 2015 will be included in your child’s end of year report form that will be issued on Friday 5th December.
Our report forms have been reviewed and after significant consultation with the community and you will receive a report that is
personalised to your child, gives national standard judgements and next learning steps.
Property Developments
As we are currently choosing our lead designer, and when this process is complete within the next two weeks, we will share some
information about the consultation that is planned to garner your ideas and thoughts. Watch the next newsletter and school app
for more information.
The School App- Check out Google Play or ITunes
We now have half of our families downloaded or using the school app. Check out your app store and search Kelburn. It’s a great
way to stay in touch with all school newsletters, find out about upcoming events and get notifications.
New Tech
We have over 40 new IPADS and a new fleet of Google Chome books arriving over the next couple of weeks. Along with the arrival
of the new technology, we have had a team of teachers attend Ulearn, the 21st Century teaching conference in Rotorua during
the holidays. Some exciting new ideas and concepts were discussed so keep an eye on what your children are doing in their classrooms as you may see some new and innovative ways of developing and sharing information.
Talking Curriculum - Maths Evening
On Tuesday we had a consultation meeting around the mathematics curriculum and how maths teaching and learning has changed
over the past twenty years. Thanks you to the parents who attended. We are planning on running further Talking Curriculum sessions on other topics in the future and will keep you posted on when these will happen.
PTA News
Our next PTA meeting is set for Tuesday 21st October at 7pm in the staffroom at school. It would be great to see you there.
The agenda so far is:
Approval of minutes
Volunteers for new positions
Financial report
Actions updates (parent reps, PTA volunteer survey, PTA afternoon tea)
Talent Quest
Quiz night/Dance night/Social event
Halloween activities
General funding requests
Suggestions for topics for next meeting
Gwen Sturgeon
Keeping Ourselves Safe
This term all the classes are commencing a health unit entitled Keeping Ourselves Safe. Keeping Ourselves Safe [KOS] is a comprehensive child protection programme in which students learn and apply a range of safety skills that they can use when interacting with others. It is usually run every second year in a school and in conjunction with the Police and tailored to age level
throughout the school. Constable Duncan will be also teaching two of the KOS lessons with every class over the next three
weeks. There is a parent information session on offer next Wednesday 22 October at 2:15 in the library where Constable Duncan will discuss elements of the programme. He will also be available to talk to any parents after school that day. More information can be found by googling Keeping Ourselves Safe on the web where you can look at the programme content. You can
also speak to your child’s teacher or Kirsten Lang.
Positive Puberty (Years 5-8)
Continuing our health focus for the term, the Years 5-8 students will be learning about positive puberty later in the term and
how to keep their changing minds and bodies healthy. We also teach them to be proactive and aware about changes that they
are, or may be about to, go through. The two syndicates will run a joint parent information session later in the term before the
unit starts so parents are aware of the content and are prepared for home discussions. We will send out the date for this soon.
Student Council News
Care, Share, Wear
Many thanks to all the families that donated the many items shown below
for other needy families in the Wellington area. The Care, Share, Wear
volunteers will be bagging up the items soon and they will be shared with
families in Titahi Bay at the end of next month, just in time for Christmas.
The student council are currently planning our much anticipated yearly
school disco. We will be rocking with DJ Aki and his great tunes and light
Thursday 23 October
School Hall
4-5:30 Juniors and Lower Middles
5:30-6pm Collection, Parent swap, quick dinner, disco reset for the second half
6pm-7:30 Upper Middles
6pm- 8pm Seniors
Disco Information:
Preschoolers and parents are welcome to attend the Junior and Lower Middle Assembly.
The PTA will be providing a BBQ with cooked treats for you to purchase, a great choice if you need to ply children with dinner
between the two discos.
There will be drinks, snacks and glow products available for purchasing at the disco.
Please ensure that you come promptly to the hall at the closing time for your child’s disco. We will not be releasing children to
walk home or meet parents at street corners without a written note.
Staff will also be attending the school disco and will be on hand to help where necessary.
Tickets will be a on sale from next week. They can be purchased from the office before and after school and the student council will come around collecting ticket money from the children in the mornings from Monday 20 October. Door sales can also be
purchased on the day.
Kapa haka Festival
Next Thursday 23 October we will be taking part in the annual Kapa Haka festival. Kelburn started the festival in 2012 and this
year it is being hosted by Karori West Normal School with nine other school Kapa Haka groups attending including all those in
our cluster. Please check out the programme sent home today to the parents of those children who are in Kapa Haka nip out of
work to come along and support us if you can.
Your Leadership Team
Additional Newsletters other than the School Newsletter
Email—Rm 7 re training day for Athletics
Email—Rm 6 Headlice Alert Notice
Email—Kapa Haka Notice
Looking Ahead to Dates in Term 4
Below is a list of dates to be aware of for Term 4. Please be aware
that some dates may change due to involvement from other
schools, because of bad weather or availability of performers. For
more update information please refer to the community calendar
on Kelburn School App.
Week 1
Thusday 16 Oct
Friday 17 Oct
Week 2
Tuesday 21 Oct
Thursday 23 Oct
Friday 24 Oct
Week 3
Monday 27 Oct
Tuesday 28 Oct
YOGA—Feeling stiff and cranky after a long winter?
Come and join us at Scott's yoga class on Monday nights. All you need is a yoga mat, some stretchy
clothes, $10 (very good value) and a spare hour. We
promise you'll leave feeling eased and pleased.
Every Monday, 8 - 9pm, KNS School Hall. Scott Milham
is the teacher and you can find out more about him
here -
If you'd like to know more, contact Suze
A big thank you to Revive for
supporting KNS by supplying coffee for our staff and supporting
the KNS Centenary Celebrations.
It is greatly appreciated.
Piano & Theory tuition - Term 4 2014
Martin Ryman
M. Mus (Distinction) B.Mus (Executant) A.R.C.O. Dip
Martin has a few vacancies for Piano and Theory lessons at Kelburn Normal School in Term 4.
Martin is an experienced musician and registered
For more information please
Martin can be contacted at:
Tel: 04 971 8872 or 027 304 8250
Wednesday 29 Oct
Friday 31 Oct
Week 4
Tuesday 4 Nov
Thursday 6 Nov
Friday 7 Nov
Week 5
Tuesday 11 Nov
Thursday 13 Nov
Week 6
Tuesday 18 Nov
Week 7
Tuesday 25 Nov
Thursday 27 Nov
Friday 28 Nov
Sunday 30 Nov
Week 8
Monday 1 Dec
Tuesday 2 Dec
Friday 5 Dec
Week 9
Tuesday 9 Dec
Wednesday 10 Dec
Thursday 11 Dec
Week 10
Monday 15 Dec
Tuesday 16 Dec
Thursday 18 Dec
Friday 19 Dec
Permission for use of Child’s Photo
Please advise the Office in writing if you do not
wish for your child’s image to be used in any newsletters, on the website or promotional material.
This information will be kept as a permanent record
for the duration your child is at Kelburn Normal
Music Assembly @ 1.30 pm
Rm 2 In-Class Drama Sharing
Jnr Swimming Rm1&2 1030-12.30
Rm3&4 11.30—1.30 pm
PTA Meeting @ 7 pm in Staffroom
Kapa Haka Festival
Student Council Disco
Y8 Gardasil Immunisation
School Assembly, Snrs @ 11 am
Jnr Swimming Rm1&2 1030-12.30
Rm3&4 11.30—1.30 pm
BoT Meeting @ 6.30 pm
Cream if for Schools Promotion
School Athletics
Jnr Swimming Rm1&2 1030-12.30
Rm3&4 11.30—1.30 pm
Ballet—A Christmas Carol—Jnrs/LM/UM
Athletics Alt Day
School Assembly @ 11 am UM
Jnr Swimming Rm1&2 1030-12.30
Rm3&4 11.30—1.30 pm
WZ Athletics at Newtown Park
Jnr Swimming Rm1&2 1030-12.30
Rm3&4 11.30—1.30 pm
Wgtn Interzone Athletics
Jnr Swimming Rm1&2 1030-12.30
Rm3&4 11.30—1.30 pm
School Speech Competition 11—12.30 pm
School Assembly @ 11 am Jnrs
Something to Sing About 1-3 pm
BoT Meeting @ 6.30 pm
Jnr Swimming Rm1&2 1030-12.30
Rm3&4 11.30—1.30 pm
Musical Refreshment 7—9.30 pm
School Reports Home
School Assembly @ 11 am—LM
Jnr Swimming Rm1&2 1030-12.30
Rm3&4 11.30—1.30 pm
UM Rogaine 9.30—12.00
UM Sustainable Coast Lines 11—3.30 pm
Y8 Leavers Dinner at Copthorne 6—9 pm
End of Year Formal Assembly 1.30— 3 pm
Leavers Assembly 1.30 pm—3 pm
School finishes at 12 pm
2015 Term Dates
1—Wednesday 4 February – Thursday 2 April
2—Monday 20 April – Friday 3 July
3—Monday 20 July - Friday 25 September
4—Monday 12 October – Thursday 17 December at midday
Kelly Sports will be back in term 4 with their fun and exciting classes. Kelly Sports encourages children to have fun, build confidence and to
give sport a go. We believe that sport and physical activity has so much to offer young people; it improves fitness, develops communication
skills, team work and gives children a place to channel their energy.
Kelly Sports Term 4 – Sports Beginnings (Yrs 1-2) – Wednesdays 3:05-4:05pm - Learn the basics of all sports – throwing, running, jumping, striking and many more.
Spring Superstars (Yrs 2-4) – Tuesdays 3:05-4:05pm - Come and try Football, Tennis, Basketball and Handball. Learn new game
skills all while having FUN!
Holiday Programmes - Kelly Club will once again be operating their Holiday Programme at Wests Rugby Club Rooms in Wilton during the
October school holidays. Kelly Club Holiday Programmes focus on giving children aged between 5 and 12 the opportunity to do things they
enjoy in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment.They are packed with variety to entertain, inspire and challenge children.
Holiday Sports Workshops - Kelly Sports is offering their popular Holiday Sports Workshops in Football, Netball & Basketball:
BASKETBALL (Yrs 7-8) - Onslow College - This workshop will cover essential individual and team skills and is ideal for players involved in
the Friday league - (1st & 2nd Oct. 1-4pm).
BASKETBALL (Yrs 1–6) - Onslow College - Improve your dribbling, passing, shooting & defence with our NZ Rep coaches - (8th & 9th
Oct. 1-4pm).
NETBALL (Yrs 1–6) - Onslow College - Fun drills and games to develop and challenge young players - (6th & 7th Oct. 1-4pm).
FOOTBALL (Yrs 1–6) - Wests Club Rooms, Wilton - Work on core skills of control, dribbling, passing & improve technique – (Wk 1:TuesThurs 1.30-4.30pm, Wk 2:Tues-Thurs 9.30am-12.30pm).
Summer Series Football & Netball – Get your friends together and enter a team in our popular 5 a side Football or Netball Summer Series
Leagues . Played on Fridayevenings at Ian Galloway Park (Football) and Samuel Marsden in Karori (Netball) beginning 17 October. A great
way to maintain and improve your skills over the summer months.
ASB is delighted to announce that we are bringing children’s school banking to Kelburn Normal School.
At ASB, we recognise a growing need to educate New Zealand children on the importance of financial literacy and to encourage good savings habits at a young age.
Attached is information on the ASB School Banking Programme. If your child has an existing ASB account please complete section 1 and return it to your school office.
For a new ASB account please complete the application form in full (2 pages) and return to the school office.
Once an ASB account is established your child will receive an exciting ASB banking pack and deposit envelopes. When your
child has money to bank they put their envelope into the drop box which is located in the school office. Attached to these
envelopes is a receipt that you keep as confirmation of the deposit.
Kelburn Normal School banking day will be every Thursday. ASB is excited to be working alongside Kelburn Normal School and
encouraging children to save.
Student council are also supporting Ronald McDonald house by partaking in their "Cream it for kids' promotion. A note is attached to this newsletter for an option to purchase a $2 tub of vanilla icecream to
be delivered to your child's classroom at lunchtime on Friday 31 October. All proceeds go to Ronald
McDonald house in Wellington. Please return the form and money to school and the student council will
collect the money and forms in each morning.
‘Cream it for Kids’
Fundraising for Ronald McDonald House
A charity who provide a home away from home for families of sick children, enabling families to be
stronger together and focus on what really matters - helping their child to heal.
Simply by purchasing a 100 ml tub of Tip Top vanilla Ice cream for $2 you can help to support them.
100% of the profits go to Ronald McDonald House
Complete the order form below, tear off, and return to your class teacher, with your money by
Wednesday 29th October
Ice cream will be delivered to your child’s classroom on Friday 31 October.
CLASS ………………………………………………………………
NUMBER OF TUBS ………………………………………………