Grace Lutheran School Preschool Parent Handbook 2011-2012 Learning That Lasts

Grace Lutheran School
Learning That Lasts
Parent Handbook 2011-2012
Educating The Whole Child
Christian Character
Educational Excellence
Developmental Growth
Athletic Achievement
Artistic Discovery
More Information at
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Grace! We are so delighted that your precious little one will be part of our preschool family. As a
parent, I know what it means to entrust your child's care and nurturing to others. We are so honored by your
trust as well as the opportunity to partner with you on your child’s educational and faith journey. As the pastor
of this congregation, let me pledge to you our very best effort and our deepest commitment to making the time
that you are with us at Grace the very best it can be both for your child and your family!
Part of the journey of faith in Christ is being connected to His Body, so I invite you to make Grace your home
church. The church is not a building--it is a community. Grace is a family of seekers, searchers and believers
who aspire to live together in peace and love through Jesus Christ who is at work within us. Our aim is not to
be isolated. We follow Jesus out into the world. We look to make the forgiveness and hope that He offers us
tangible and practical to everyone we meet.
In that spirit, I encourage you to worship and partner with us. Learn and laugh with us. Be inspired and grow
with us. Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Children, 5 years and older, remain with
their families during our 8:30 a.m. service. At our 10:30 a.m. service, children worship with their families and
then are invited to depart on an exciting encounter with God in what we call "Bible Adventures." Trust me,
they'll learn a ton about God’s Word and have a blast doing it!
There are many other outstanding opportunities for you and your family here at Grace. We offer diverse midweek classes to help you grow in your faith, your marriage and your parenting, a vibrant youth ministry for Jr.
High and High school students, seasonal opportunities to celebrate Christmas and Easter, a terrific summer Vacation Bible School, and summer camp programs. If you are new to the faith, have your doubts or questions or
if you have been away from the church for a while, keep an eye out for The Alpha Course. This course is great
primer on basic Christianity that encourages questions and dialogue. The Alpha Course is offered in a nonthreatening atmosphere with no pressure to join the church.
At Grace, no matter who you are and where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
If I can ever be of any help or support, please do not hesitate to contact me. I hope and pray for you and your
family to experience the wonders and joys of growing together.
Welcome to our family!
Pastor Chris
As the administrator of Grace Lutheran School (GLS), I am often asked what it is that makes our school different
from all the others. I believe our outstanding reputation is built on our dedication to ensuring we are creating an
environment for Learning That Lasts.
From the moment children become part of our community we enfold them in a safe haven for learning – a supportive, caring and nurturing environment. Our credentialed teachers are personally involved with each student,
encouraging the growth of unique individuals whose skills, talents, compassion and faith allow them to meet their
We believe that within our academically enriched environment the demonstration of good character is of paramount importance. To carry out our mission, we believe in recruiting and retaining an excellent faculty, administration and staff. We prepare your children exceptionally well for high school, college and their lives beyond
through our commitment to educate the child as a whole person.
We strengthen our students through our continued commitment to share Christian values: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship. These values are more than lectures in classrooms; they
are woven into everyday campus life at Grace. We have an exciting charge – to create a stronger, better place
where our children and those of future generations can experience the blessings of the Lord and grow to become
outstanding, capable and compassionate individuals.
We recognize that we need the support of our families, and that a school functions best when parents partner with
the school for the well-being of the child. We hope you enjoy learning about our school and our community. We
thank you for your interest in Grace Lutheran School.
Most Sincerely,
Dr. Janie Andrich
We appreciate your selecting Grace Lutheran Preschool for your child's early childhood experience. We strive for
an atmosphere of Christian love and understanding to nurture your child's spiritual growth. Teachers are concerned with each child's individual needs and every child will be challenged to learn through play and basic early
childhood experiences.
In order for your child to be enthusiastic, they must know that their parents are enthusiastic about their school.
Therefore, we strongly encourage your full support of our program. This handbook is a guide for you and your
child to gain the greatest benefit from your school. Please save it and refer to it throughout the school year.
In many instances, the preschool represents the child's first separation from home as well as their first experience
with a peer group and a substitute parent figure. Therefore, a young child has a lot of social learning to do. It is
our intention that, in the preschool, the child can grow from their self-centered world of "I" to a world of interaction. Children will learn to solve problems through exploring and inquiring in a cooperative learning environment.
Grace Lutheran School feels it is a privilege to be entrusted with your child's early education. We look forward to
working cooperatively with you for the next few years. Please feel free to contact any of us if there are any questions or concerns.
Sara Henry
Preschool Director
Site I
Roxanne Dominguez
Preschool Director
Site II
Lynn Angeles
Preschool Director of Administration
Site I & II
Our Parent Handbook contains information you will need to help make your child’s time with us a
happy and rewarding experience.
By agreeing to enroll your child in Grace Lutheran School, you are agreeing to abide by the rules
and policies outlined in the Parent Handbook.
The school calendar is located on the school’s website at Please review the calendar and website regularly so that you can keep up to date on when the
school is closed, when the school is open for camp only, and when there are special events
such as field trips and fundraising events. In addition to the website, you can also keep up
to date with our activities and announcements through the school’s Facebook page
“Grace Lutheran School, Huntington Beach”.
Should you need clarification on any area of the parent handbook, please speak with administrative personal at your campus.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to create a safe, supportive, nurturing, and Christian
educational environment for each and every child at Grace Lutheran School.
Grace Lutheran Church
As a community of disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to leading people into a life saving
relationship with Jesus; teaching them to live a transformed life through faith-filled obedience to all that Jesus
Grace Lutheran Preschool
Grace Lutheran School is a Christ-centered community of life long learners. We are committed to growing spiritually, academically, socially, and emotionally.
Therefore, Grace Lutheran Preschool will:
PROCLAIM and propagate the Christian faith through the means of grace.
STRIVE for an understanding atmosphere of Christian love and confidence as we educate, influence and nurture a
child’s growth spiritually, socially, emotionally, intellectually, and physically using the Fruits of the Spirit, leadership
goals, strong curriculum, and discipleship instruction.
MAINTAIN an educational and socially concerned program for Grace Lutheran Church and School which will
serve church members and the surrounding community, using an awareness of good stewardship of facilities.
PROVIDE an environment that is a loving, open, and secure, channel through Christian education, guidance, and
ADHERE to all policies and guidelines as set by Grace Lutheran Church.
EDUCATE and grow leaders for Eternity.
Our school emphasizes a curriculum of personal development through developmentally appropriate academic education. Our basic premise is that children learn by doing. Using a Christian perspective, we help the child understand the world around them and their personal capabilities. We also help them learn to trust other adults. They
will experience opportunities to share, take turns, accept discipline and cope with success and failure. A primary
purpose is to prepare the child for entering kindergarten. A variety of activities, materials and equipment designed
for stimulating your child will be provided. Each child will be encouraged to be a contributing member of the
group while fulfilling their own personal development. A young child's real work is play. Teachers will offer a variety of learning experiences for the children throughout the school year. A calendar for the school year will be
available at Parent Orientation Day. Some of the general activities that our children experience on a weekly basis
Indoor Play
Puzzles, blocks, trucks, housekeeping, painting, clay, cutting, and pasting.
Religious Activities
Prayer, Bible stories, and chapel time with Fruits of the Spirit.
Social Studies
Community helpers, holidays, health habits, good manners, and seasons.
Care of plants, pets, and our bodies.
Oral Language Activities
Storytelling, creative storytelling through children's art works, and use of books.
Dramatic Play
Dress up role-playing, puppetry, and acting out stories.
Creative Experiences
Creative materials through sensory learning, observing, and investigating.
Sensory-Motor Training
Balance, body parts, following directions, games, and tracing.
Outdoor Play
Running, jumping, climbing, riding, building, painting, investigating, and observing.
Special Events
Special guests and field trip experiences all add to enhancing our educational program
All of our classes are designed to meet the developmental needs of the children in the class. These classes are age
appropriate and are divided into the following programs.
2 Year Old Classrooms
This classroom provides a great opportunity for children to have their first school experience in a setting with a
small, safe, and nurturing Christian environment. Each child can develop social and emotional skills that begin to
build the foundation for life long learners.
Circle time includes calendar, days of the week, month of the year, and story time.
Monthly themes with academic encouragement including color, shape, letter, number, and writing stroke.
Faith building with Bible stories and prayer throughout the day and weekly chapel, Fruits of the Spirit.
Sensory activities and self expressive art activities.
Exploration of inside and outside environments.
Age appropriate curriculum from “Pamm‟s House Toddler Curriculum”.
Potty training (when the child is ready).
3 Year Old Classrooms
The three year old classrooms provide an environment enriched with age appropriate academic curriculum that
will begin to develop pre-writing and pre-reading skills.
Circle time includes calendar, days of the week, month of the year, and story time.
Monthly themes with academic encouragement including color, shape, letter, number, and writing stroke.
Faith building with Bible stories and prayer throughout the day and weekly chapel, Fruits of the Spirit.
Beginning skills of recognizing letters and their name in print, and identify sounds in the environment and in
Beginning number recognition, sorting, and 1-to-1 correspondence along with other math skills.
Creative art exploration with different textures and mediums.
Encouragement in self help skills such as dressing, eating, verbal expression, manners, and eye-hand coordination.
4 Year Old Classrooms (Pre-Kindergarten)
Pre-Kindergarten has an emphasis on skills preparing a child for Kindergarten. Activities and academics are integrated throughout the classroom with a hands-on, developmentally age-appropriate technique.
Circle time includes calendar, days of the week, month of the year, and story time.
Monthly themes with academic encouragement including color, shape, letter, number, and writing stroke.
Faith building with Bible stories and prayer throughout the day and weekly chapel, Fruits of the Spirit.
Recognition and writing of their name, letters of the alphabet (uppercase and lowercase), and numbers.
Recall and retell event sequence using rhyming words and book awareness.
Math skills consisting of sorting, patterning, sequencing, positional words, 1-to-1 correspondence, comparisons, and graphing.
Science and social study development through community, cultures, friends and family, gardening, life cycle,
senses, weather, experiments, cause and effect, and observations.
Creative art exploration with different textures and mediums. Ability to follow 2-3 step directions and produce
a recognizable creation.
Self help behaviors such as manners, self expression, interacting respectfully and cooperatively and self confidence are encouraged in developing interpersonal skills.
5 Year Old Classrooms (Pre-Kindergarten)
Pre-Kindergarten has an emphasis on skills preparing a child for Kindergarten. Activities and academics are integrated throughout the classroom with a hands-on, developmentally age-appropriate technique.
Circle time includes calendar, days of the week, month of the year, and story time.
Specialty classes including Art, MIND Music & Math, Physical Education, and Spanish.
Faith building with Bible stories and prayer throughout the day and weekly chapel, Fruits of the Spirit.
Recognition and writing of their name, letters of the alphabet (uppercase and lowercase), and numbers.
Recall and retell event sequences using rhyming words and book awareness.
Math skills consisting of sorting, patterning, sequencing, positional words, 1-to-1 correspondence, comparisons, and graphing.
Exposure to the school library program.
At Grace Lutheran School, our credentialed teachers are committed to a quality standard of learning and achievement in all aspects of school life. We place a strong emphasis on scholastic excellence in a Christian atmosphere
that encourages personal and social growth. Small class sizes ensure teachers are able to provide the individual
attention children need and help to ensure each child reaches their full potential. These class sizes allow our teachers to teach to meet the individual needs of each student.
Some of the advantages of an education at Grace Lutheran School include:
Christ-centered learning environment with weekly chapel programs and Biblical principles taught on a daily
Small class sizes are limited to a maximum of 24 students for Jr. Kindergarten through 5th grade, and a
maximum of 27 students for 6th through 8th grade.
Credentialed instructors teaching a California standards-based instructional program.
Teacher’s assistants are provided in Jr. Kindergarten and Kindergarten and other grades based on need. .
Excellent before and after school care.
Special instruction for Jr. Kindergarten through 8th grade from expert instructors in Art, Mind Music and
Math, Physical Education, and Spanish.
School library program.
After school sports program for 4th through 8th grade.
School band program for 3rd through 8th grade.
Credentialed special education instructor on staff, as well as a speech and occupational therapists are available for on campus screening and treatment.
For questions and/or personal tours, please contact Mrs. Ivy, Director of Admissions at 714-899-1610 or
Payment and Tuition
Payment is due on or before the first of each month. There is no reduction of fees for absences or vacations.
Grace Lutheran School engages its staff, purchases supplies and equipment, and plans its operational budget upon
the assumption that children are enrolled for the entire ten month academic term. Deposits and annual fees are
non-refundable and non-transferable.
Late Payment
A late payment fee of $25.00 will be charged on payments received after the 10th of the month. Should tuition not
be paid in full, including late fees, by the 15th of the month , your child may be dis-enrolled.
Returned Checks
A fee of $25.00 will be charged on all checks returned by the bank.
When you enroll your child in school, we reserve a space for him/her and make arrangements such as hiring staff,
ordering supplies, and making commitment to outside vendors on the basis of your commitment. Tuition is determined on a space reservation basis, rather than actual attendance. Regular tuition is due regardless of absences,
including absences caused by illness or vacations. There are no “make-up days” or “switching days” in order to
accommodate absences. Please call administrative personnel at your campus any time your child will be absent
from school.
Change in Schedule
Any request to change your child’s schedule must be made in writing. This includes increasing or decreasing the
number of days or hours your child attends. The forms required to make schedule changes are available in the
school office. Changes will be made according to classroom availability. All changes must be received by the 10th
of the month in order for the change to become effective the following month. Schedule changes may result in
changes to your child’s tuition.
A two week notice is required if it is necessary for a child to withdraw from school for any reason. Forms for providing a two week withdrawal notice can be found in the preschool office. The school has the right to bill you for
a two week period from the day you request your withdrawal, so be sure to make your request early. The school
also has the right to bill you for a final two weeks if the school terminates your contract for any reason.
After Hours
If your child is picked up after our closing time of 6:00p.m., a late fee of $15.00 per 15 minutes, or any portion
thereof, will be billed and is payable upon receipt of notice. No exceptions.
A camp program is offered on the days that school is officially closed, except for the holidays listed in the school
calendar. The school calendar can be found on the school website at Advanced notice
is required to reserve a spot in the camp program. Forms to register for this program are available in the school
office. The fee for camp is not included in the regular tuition and is due immediately upon enrollment in the program. Camp fees are not refundable if your child fails to attend a camp day. Camp will only occur if a sufficient
number of children are signed-up to attend. If we do not have sufficient enrollment for camp, we will notify you
in advance. In such an event, if another campus has a camp running you will be welcome to have your child attend that campus. Camp hours are 7:30AM-5:30PM.
The stability of our classes is very important to the success of each and every child. We hope that you, the parents,
have evaluated you child’s needs are prepared to make a commitment for the entire school term. All registration,
medical forms, and required payments are to be completed before your child enters school. All children ages 2
years through 5 years, regardless of race, national origin, or religion are eligible for enrollment.
School Records
Grace Lutheran School keeps a detailed record concerning your child. It is important that your personal contact
information is accurate and up to date. You must notify Administration of any change in your name, address, telephone numbers (home, work, and cell), email address, authorized pick up persons, and who to call in case of emergency.
First Time at School
Beginning school is an import milestone in your child’s life. Positive parental feedback is the key to helping your
child adjust to school. Sending a child to class with a smile, a loving hug, a kiss goodbye and encouragement to
join the classroom reassures him/her that it is a safe and loving environment and that you approve.
30 Day Probation
Each new student begins school on a probationary period of two to four weeks depending on the number of days
in attendance. This time is reserved to determine whether or not the child is ready for a positive school experience
and whether the school can meet his/her needs. If a child is not ready due to a lack of adjustment or bathroom
problems, we will ask you to take the child out and try again at another time, usually three to six months later. The
preschool reserves the right to terminate a child’s admission at any time.
School Calendar
The school is open year-around with the exception of some national holidays listed on the school calendar. The
calendar is posted on our website at The calendar year is divided into two separate programs; a 10 month academic term and a summer camp program. There are separate fees for both programs.
10 Month Academic Term This term runs from September through the latter part for June. .
Summer Camp Program This program runs from the end of the academic school year through the end of August.
School Hours
The regular hours of operation for both the Edinger and McFadden campuses are 7:00am to 6:00pm. Camp hours
of operation for both campuses are 7:30am to 5:30pm. The camp hours will be followed on the days that the
school is closed for a scheduled holiday but a special camp for childcare is being offered. A list of school holidays
can be found on the school calendar.
Late Arrival / Late up
Children may arrive at school 10 minutes prior to class starting at no extra charge. Please make every effort to be
to school on time. After signing your child in, bring him/her into the office and one of our office staff will take
your child to his/her classroom. Children may be picked up NO later then 5 minutes after dismissal. A late fee of
$15.00 per 15 minutes (or any portion thereof) will be billed and is payable upon receipt of notice or next billing
period. No exceptions.
Sign In and Out
State law requires that parents sign their full legible signature, no initials, when bringing their child to school and again
when taking their child out of school. Do not sign “Dad” or “Grandma.” It is the policy of our school that no
child will be released to any person less than 18 years if age. People authorized by you to pick up your child
should be prepared to show identification to the school office. Failure of a parent or authorized person to properly sign his/her child in and out could lead to the school receiving a fine of $150.00 per incident from the Department of Social Services (DSS). Such a fine will result in a corresponding charge on your account, which will be
payable immediately to Grace Lutheran School.
Communication Stickers
Grace Lutheran School uses communication stickers to communicate specific concerns and needs of a particular
child to either other staff people or the child’s parents. Communication stickers can be found in every classroom
sign in/out binders and in the office. Use this sticker when you need to communicate something about your child
or your child’s day to the school staff. A staff member may also use this sticker when we need to tell a parent or
other staff members something about your child’s day. However, these stickers are not for confidential or private
matters. A written note that passes through the office is required for confidential communications. Examples for
when to use the stickers would include:
Your child needs special help in a particular area or at a particular time.
Your child is beginning to use the toilet.
Your child has a newly diagnosed allergy.
Your child has a new brother or sister at home.
Someone different is picking the child up today.
Also, please use this sticker in the first weeks of school to indicate that your child will be taking a nap. Please help
us all to be better communicators by using these stickers and encouraging others to use them as well.
Department of Social Services Visits
Community Care Licensing in Orange County has authority to inspect our facility at any time. This may include
conducting interviews with the children and staff, as well as auditing children’s files and our childcare center records without prior consent.
Please adhere to the following safety rules while on the school campus.
Do not allow you child to run ahead of you or run around unsupervised at any time while on school premises.
Hold onto your child’s hand at all times in the parking lot.
Close all doors and gates behind you.
Do not drive faster than 3 miles per hour in the parking lot.
Cell phone use is prohibited while driving in the parking lot.
Only park in the parking stalls or where designated along the curbs. Never park in any area prohibited by law
such as along the red curb.
Do not drive against the flow of traffic or disobey proper parking rules. Follow the posted arrows and any
direction given to enter and exit the parking lot.
Do not leave any child unattended in your car for any amount of time. This is against the law and will be reported.
You are responsible for your child’s safety once you are on the school premises and your child sees you.
The Grace Lutheran Staff will conduct a daily inspection of each child for illness. To ensure that the health of
other children is protected and additional infection does not develop in your child, we ask you to keep him/her
home when he/she exhibits one or more of the following:
* Temperature of 99.8 or higher
* Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
* Undetermined rash
* Runny nose with yellow or green mucus
* Red, watery eyes or irritated eyes (other than allergies) * Cough
* Head lice
* Sore throat or earache
* Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
* Possible infection
* Inexplicable irritability or persistent crying
We will notify you immediately if your child becomes ill while at school. If this should occur, we ask that you
please pick up you child within an hour. Your child must be fever or symptom free for 24 hours prior to returning
to school. Doctors may provide an exception in some cases, such as fever, tiredness, irritability, uncontrolled
coughing, and other possible signs of server illness. When communicable disease is reported in any classroom, a
notice will be posted on the bulletin board indicating that your child may have been exposed. If you have any
questions, please contact the office. At the Director’s discretion, a doctor’s note may be required for re-admission.
Universal Precautions
The staff at Grace Lutheran Preschool will use universal precautions when dealing with infectious material. This
means all staff will use latex gloves when performing any duties that involve bodily fluids. Also, any clean up materials will be disposed of properly to insure safety for all.
Medication Policy
Please try to schedule you child’s medication around school hours. Please notify the school office if your child will
require medication during school hours to insure complete recovery once they are no longer contagious. All medicine brought to the school to be administered to a child, whether under prescription from a doctor or over the
counter, needs to checked in the office. The proper forms must be completed and signed by the parent and the
medication must be labeled clearly with the child’s name. Each time new medicine is brought to school a parent
must fill out a new medicine form. Never send medicine and/or vitamins to school in your child’s lunch
box or basket.
Disaster Preparedness Plan
Grace Lutheran School conducts disaster drills on a regular basis. These drills will include fire, earthquake, tsunami and lock down drills. Other drills will be added as required. In the event of a disaster, the school is prepared
to house and care for enrolled children. This requires the cooperation of our parents. Each Child must have a
“Disaster Kit” prepared by the parent/guardian and brought to the school to be kept for the school term. Kit
should include but not limed to the following: 1 juice box, 2 small bottle of water, 2-3 pre-packaged snacks of your
child’s preference, such as: granola bar, cheese and crackers, animal crackers, protein bar, etc. You may want to
consider placing a family picture and/or a note to your child. These kits will be returned you in June.
Discipline/Termination Policy
Grace Lutheran Preschool adheres to Title 22, Section 101223, with regard to corporal punishment.
The code states: “A child has rights which include, but are not limited to: „Be free from corporal or unusual punishment, infliction of
pain, humiliation, intimidation, ridicule, coercion, threat, mental abuse, or other actions of a punitive nature…‟”
Disciplinary problems are prevented or lessened by :
Positive reinforcement for good behavior
Setting realistic expectations of what the children can do
Discipline/Termination Policy (continued)
Looking for and taking care of possible problems before they occur and redirecting the child
If a rule is broken, the teacher will talk to the child about the rule and what they have has done.
If corrections are not made, the following action will be taken:
1. Loss of privileges (a logical consequence of the misbehavior).
2. Redirection. The child may be asked to play in another area or by himself for a period of time.
3. “Peace Chair” (gives the child a chance to “cool off” away from the site of the misbehavior).
4. Notification to the parent by the teacher or Director (telephone call, note or special conference).
5. Students who continue to exhibit excessive, unacceptable or inappropriate behavior that may endanger himself,
other children or staff, including but not limited to: biting, hitting, kicking will be asked to leave the program.
The school reserves the right to suspend or terminate a child’s attendance due to unmanageable behavior. The
safety of all children is our first and foremost priority.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
To prevent distraction, please refrain from discussing any situation with the teacher during class time. Conferences do not have a set time at Grace Lutheran Preschool. Parents are encouraged to make an appointment with
their child’s teacher to be apprised of student progress and address any concerns. In addition, as the teachers observe your child and become aware of any concerns that need your input or help, you maybe asked to meet with
the teachers and/or the Director. Our goal is to be available for your concerns and to accommodate your needs.
Parent Involvement
We value your involvement in your child’s education and offer a variety of opportunities for every parent to participate at Grace Lutheran School including:
Sharing information on your career or profession with our children to broaden their understanding of the
Contributing to the materials and/or learning experiences to the classroom
Helping the teachers organize special events in the classroom such as parties, story times, etc.
Volunteering as your child’s classroom parent to help support both the classroom and the school.
Speak with your child’s teacher about how you can become involved in the classroom and your child’s educational
Please remember, when visiting the school all visitors must stop by the office to sign in and get a visitor’s badge.
Please don’t forget to sign out when you leave.
Snacks and Lunch
Every child attending Grace Lutheran Preschool will receive a healthy mid-morning snack. The snacks will be
provided by parent volunteers and should be based on a healthy balance of protein and carbohydrates. Each family will be assigned a minimum of one day each month to provide snack.
Students attending school for the entire day will eat lunch at school and receive a snack in the afternoon. Half-day
students will not eat lunch at school. If your child eats lunch at school, we do not require your child to eat his/her
entire lunch. However, we do encourage them to eat protein items first. Food that is not eaten will be sent home
with your child, when possible, so you will know how much has been eaten.
Grace Lutheran School is very concerned about the health and well being of all the children attending our
school. We want to support you in helping your child achieve a healthy lifestyle and a well-balanced diet. Therefore, the snacks provided and the lunches you send to school should include healthy foods. Examples of healthy
foods include:
Protein: chicken, turkey, hard-boiled egg, tuna, beans, etc.
Bread/Cereal: whole wheat bread, crackers, tortillas, noodles, mini bagels, pretzels, etc.
Fruit & Vegetables: grapes, apples slices, orange slices, carrots, celery sticks with cream cheese, raisins, etc.
Milk & Dairy: cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, etc.
Drinks: milk, water, or 100% fruit juice.
Desserts: fresh fruit is always a good choose.
Please remember, we have children with SEVERE FOOD ALLERGIES, therefore we do not serve peanut butter or peanut products.
Children should wear casual, comfortable clothing and sturdy tennis shoes or sneakers to school. They may not
thongs or flip-flops
open toed sandals,
crock style shoes or jellies
Each child will need to bring an extra set of clothing to school in case he/she needs to change his/her clothes.
These clothes should be sent to school in a plastic bag with the child’s name clearly marked on it. Please keep the
extra clothes and plastic bag in your child’s basket and replace these clothes promptly when used. In addition,
children who are not toilet trained need a supply of diapers and wipes brought from home. A “refill” notice will
be sent home when your supplies are running low.
Nap & Rest Time
Community Care Licensing requires that all children rest during the day. Depending on the age of the child, they
will be placed in either the nap room or resting room. Nap time will be approximately 1 hour 30 minutes. Please
bring the following items for your child to use at naptime. But please keep in mind that we have very limited space
to store children’s napping items.
A pillow case in which to store everything.
A small, light weight blanket that stays at school.
A crib sheet to cover the napping mat.
Please label all items with your child’s first and last name, the days your child comes to school (MWF,TTH,M-F,
etc.) and your child’s classroom. Writing must be large and easy to read and in permanent ink.
Field Trips
Permission forms and information outlining the purpose, location, cost, means of transportation, and requirements for parent participation will be sent home in advance of any field trip scheduled away from campus. All
parents are required to complete these forms in order for their child to attend the schedule field trips.
We take many photographs of children throughout the school year. We sometimes post pictures of the children
on our website. Only pictures are displayed but your child will not be identified by name. If you do not want your
child’s photograph on the website please indicate on your application or provide the request in writing and it will
be placed in your child’s file.
This handbook was designed to give you information on the programs, policies and operations of Grace Lutheran
School. We hope it is helpful. It is important for you to know that we take great pride and honor with the job of
serving you and your child. We pride ourselves on providing you and your child with a loving, safe, and caring
environment. Any suggestions you have to improve our schools will be welcomed and appreciated. The exceptional education Grace Lutheran Schools offers requires full cooperation between parents and the school.
This handbook supersedes and replaces any and all prior handbooks, policies, signed forms, and procedures.
License #300602372
6931 Edinger Avenue
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Phone 714-899-1680
License #304370364
5172 McFadden Avenue
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Phone 714-899-1616
5172 McFadden Avenue
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Phone 714-899-1600
Phone 714-899-1700
Sunday Services at 8:30am & 10:30am
Wednesday Service at 11:00am
Sunday School at 8:30am & 10:15am
Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is a cooperative network of parents who have children
attending Grace Lutheran Preschool through 8th grade. The PTF offers support to the school through
fundraising activities and fellowship events.
More Information at