Document 355948

Join us for a Cheerleading Clinic hosted by the
Cedar Park Middle School Cheerleaders!
Saturday, October 18th
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Cedar Park Middle School Track
Available for students Pre K-­‐6th Grade. Registration and check-­‐in will begin at 8:30 a.m. All “Cuties” will need to bring a sack lunch, bottle of water, AND sunscreen. Cutie Camp will be open to the parents from 12:30 – 1:00 to watch what we have learned! ALL “Cuties” will have the chance to perform at a Cedar Park Middle School Football game on Tuesday, October 28th . Cutie Camp will cost $40 per participant. This includes a t-­‐shirt (if you pre-­‐register) and admission to
the football game on October 28th. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A T-­‐SHIRT IF YOU DO NOT PRE-­‐REGISTER BY OCTOBER 8th. In order to pre-­‐register, submit the bottom of this form with payment to Brittany Nava at Cedar Park Middle School, or mail to 2100 Sun Chase Blvd, Cedar Park, 78613. In order to receive a t-­‐shirt, pre-­‐registration forms MUST BE TURNED IN BY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8th. • For any questions please contact OR “Cutie’s” Name _____________________________________________________ Grade __________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name ______________________________________________Phone # _____________________________________ T-­‐Shirt Size -­‐ Please circle one: YOUTH S M L XL OR ADULT XS S M L XL I give my child _________________________________________permission to participate in “Cutie Camp”. I am fully aware of the risks connected with this event, and I will assume full responsibility for any risks or loss, property damage, or injury that may be sustained as a result of participation in this event. Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT INFO: I will be paying by – Please circle one: CASH OR CHECK **Please make checks payable to CPMS and include Driver’s License # and Phone # on the check.