June 24, 1930. H. H. PETERSON A 1,767,307 VENDING MACHINE Original Filed Oct. 27. 1927 Jag. J. mi Í M, „f „J fd «J/o/ fo., „M/Xw/@In 7/ /,/_ /, Inventor l/d/Í, 7 i Patented .lune 24, 1,767,307> UNITEDfsrATEs ,PATENT orner HENRYH. PETERSON, or nDMUNn, WISCONSIN . vENnING MACHINE Original application filed October 27, 1927,'Seria1 No. 229,213. Divided andthis application filed August ’ 6, 1929, Serial No. 383,901. , „ Y kThis invention relates `to new and useful arranged the lower end of vertically extend improvement-s in vending machines> pri-V ing tubes 9. \ ‘ ' marily adapted for use in the vending of The plate Y8 is properly. spaced from the cigars, and is divided from myA co-pending false bottom wall 6 in a manner not shown, E application Serial No. 229,218, íiled by me land. said bottom wall is provided adjacent under date of October 27, 1927. f the front wall of the casing with a suitable The primary object of the present inven-_ slot or opening 10 from whichextends tion is the provision of certain new andiuse» through theffront` wallv‘of the casing 5 va ful lmprovements 1n a coin controlled‘actu suitable chute that is equipped at its outer 10 atlng device and including an actuating rod end with 4an" article receiving trough 11. GG for rotating Va Vrevoluble magazine located - Arranged around the peripheral edge. of within the casing and in which the articles the circular plate 8 are spaced vertically eX to be vended are arranged, together with a tending pins 12 which pins are equal in coinv controlled latch for locking the actu number to the number of the article receive 15 ating» bar. _' . ing tubes 9 andthe purpose of these- pins' Another very important object of the rin-V will. be hereinafter more Jfully -set Jforth. The subject matter of the'fforegoing de trolled locking mechanism consisting of but scription Jforms no essential part of the pres vention is t0 provide an improved coin'con few parts, and which at'the same time will ent invention, but has been described and 20 be strong, durable, practical, efficient in 0p shown here somewhat in detail in order to eration, and ‘otherwise well adapted for the clearly'illustrate the application of the pres~ purpose designed. ent invention in a vendingmachine of this Other objects and advantages ofthe in~V character. Such structure just recited has vention will become apparent during a study been `more fully-set forth in the aboveéidenti 25 ot' the following description taken in con fied application, and va more detailed de nection with the accompanying drawings, scription thereofis believed lunnecessary for ’ wherein: 30 Y Y the purpose of illustrating the `applic-ation Y ~ Figure 1 is afragmentary top plan view of the present invention. _ of the vending machine, thevtop Wall of the Arranged within the casing 5 at the back casing being removed to better illustrate wall thereof is a sheet metal housing 13, from the ïtop wall of which’depends a coin the application of my invention thereto._ Figure 2 is a fragmentary kvertical en-` chute 14, the top >wall _of saidcasing being larged section taken substantiallyfon line formed with a coin slot 15 in registration 2_2 of Figure 1. i 'y q _ " . .Y therewith (see'Figure 2). T_he opposite 35 Figure 3 is an enlarged fragmentaryyerti corner'of the casing 5 >is equipped with a ~ cal sectional view taken >substantially on suitable bracket 16 throughl which is slidable . line 3&3 of Figure 2. ‘ \ y , one endïof a'control bai-,_ 17, the'opposite end ,_ Figure llisa perspective viewfof the coin of the controlfbar beingslidable throughthey trip lever.V ’ y . ` 1 'L _ " .e . . housing 13 as well as in an opening'iny the , W'ith reference more> in detail to the `draw-_ back wall of the casing 5p Theouter ‘end ings, it will be seen that ,I have designated ,of this bar is provided with a thumb button generally j by the reference character 5» a 18. Disposed `about thefbar 18 between the casing of suitable design, and having a'grfalse bracket 17 and ,an` abutmentQQrarrie'd by bottom `wallß and a top wall 7. Mounted said bar 17 is `an expansiblecoilv spring 21, for turning movement within the casing and the purpose of which is to normally maintain. 45 suitably pivoted in spacedrelation withV re# y the outer headed end of the bar in >projected spect to the false bottomkwall 6 is'fa rela relation with respect to the back wall oir' tively large circular »plate 8 formed. adja the - casing as clearly indicated in Figures cent 4its periphery with concentric `circular >50 rows- of openings within which-arehrigidly land‘ß.V ' .» ’ . Pivoted atits inner end as . `19` tothe " i 2 1,767,307 bar 17 at a point substanially intermediate the ends of the bar and extending toward the opposite side wall of the casing is a linger 22. The outer end of the finger 22 is normally swung outwardly of the bar 17 through the medium of a suitable spring 23 while the laterally extending end extension 34 „is normally arranged beneath the coin receiving end of the trip lever 26, allowing the said trip lever to swing only to such an extent as to cause the disengagement of the head 31 from the slot 32 of the push bar- anchored at one end as at 24 to the bar but'at the same time prevent the dropping 10 17. Adjacent its outer end the Vfinger l22 is of the coin from the slotted end of the trip providedcwith a shoulder 25, and the pins lever 26,.' the coin being partially supported 12 are adapted to be selectively engaged by in the groove 30 by the lower end portion the shoulder 25 of the said finger 22 so that , of the coin chute 14. As soon as the bar 17 is forced inwardly when the bar 17 is forcibly moved inwardly 75 in the direction of the arrow` in Fig-ure. 1, against Athe action „of lthe springs 21 the the plate 8 will be caused to turn upon a arm 32 and its lateral linger 34 will be caused 15 suitable pivot provided therefor. The de to move inwardly thereby entirely releas 80 grec of movement of the bar 17 is equivalent ing the lever 26 so .that the coin may drop ' ~ to the distance between adjacent article from the lever. tubes 9 of the inner and outer rows of tubes As the control bar 17 is pushed inwardly vagainst the action of the spring 21, Vthe for a purpose presently to be- described. 20 Obviously when the plate 10 is turned in finger 22 will have its >shouldered end selec 85 the manner just described, the tubes 9 are tively engaged with the' pins 12 for succes successively brought into registration with sively bringingthe article carrying tubes 9 25 the slot 10 in the false bottom of the casing in registry with the slots 10 for dispensing ö'and the articles within the tube will drop an article therefrom into the trough 11, and therethrough to pass to the trough 11 where the movement of the control bar 17 inwardly they may be readily removed by the pur chaser. 30 ' 90 against the action of the spring- 21 being equal only yto the distance between the pins Arranged within the housing 13 of the 12 theplate 8 will be moved or turned only casing 5 is a horizontal trip lever 26, and a suflicientvdistance to bring one of the arti a plate 27 is rigidly secured to one side cle carrying tubes 9 into registry with the wall of the housing 13, and -this plate 27 opening 10 and immediately upon release is provided with a laterally extending pivot of the said control bar 17 the spring 21 will pin 28, which pin in turn passes through act against the bar for urging the same out 95 an opening 29 formed in the shift lever 26 wardly ofthe casing to assumeïits yoriginal 35 intermediate the ends of said lever, whereby the lever is 'pivotally mounted within said housing 13. 40 45 Y position. ' ` -100 f From theA foregoing, it will be seen that I have provided a coin controlled actuating As shown to advantage in Figure 2, the mechanism for vending machines, that is lever 26 is normally maintained in a hori comparatively simple in construction, con kzontal position and one end of the lever ex sisting of but relatively few parts, and that tends beneath the chute 14, and at this end the same isv positive and reliable in opera~ the lever is formed on its top surface be tion, efñcient in use, andthoroughly capa neath said chute with a VV-shaped channel 30. ble for fulñlling the requirements of a de The opposite end of the lever 26 is formed vice of this nature. Even though I have herein -shown and with a weighted head 31 that normally rests within a notch 32 in the‘ push bar 17 for described the preferred embodiment of my locking the push bar against longitudinal inventionfit is to be understood that the movement. However, when a coin is de saine is susceptible to changes fully compre posited within the machine the same will hended by the spirit of the invention as here strike against the channeled end of the trip > in described,iand the -scope lof the appended lever beneath the chute 14, overcoming the weight of the head 31`for releasing the lever from the control bar '17, whereupon the lat 55 80 claim.v y ‘ , , j A ' Having thusdescribed my invention,-what I wish >to claim‘as new is: ' ' ter may be pushed inwardly for causing the ` ,Incombination with a vending machine wherein the latter com_prises> av vending de turning of the article carrying plate 8. To prevent the dropping of the coin from vice, including a spring pressed reciprocat the lever> 26 before the bar 17 has been ingy control bar, and a coin receiving' chute, pushed inwardly, said bar is equipped at a of a lever pivoted‘intermediate Yits ends' and point in front of the housing 13 with an hc ving one end thereof extending trans inwardly extending horizontal arm 32, said versely of'said'control bar, said one end :of arm`32 provided at opposite ends with lat the lever being provided with a lweighted erally extending oppositely directed arms 33‘ head adapted to'be received in a notch Vin a and 34 respectively. The arm 33 is fixed as at 35 to the bar 17 at a point on the bar in control bar forjpositi'vely locking the latter against longitudinal movement, saidY lever» front of the housing A'13 asV before stated, at its opposite end provided with alon'gitudi 71,767,807' 'nally extending coin receiving groove adapt ed for disposition below the lower end of the ' coin chute, an angular arm secured at one n end to said control bar and extending >at right angles therefrom, said arm having its opposite end disposed at right angles thereto for disposition beneath the grooved end of said lever for limitin the movement of said lever upon its pivot, w ereby the grooved end '10 of said lever may cooperate with the lower . end of the coin _receiving chute for retaining the coin partially in the lower end of ~`said chute when said weighted head is moved out of the notch in said control bar, Vsaid 15 last mentioned end of said arm being adapt- Y ed to be moved out of engagement vwith the grooved end of said lever only when said control bar is moved against the tension of the spring. 20 ' 30 35 40 45 50 55 eoY ` v In testimony whereof I añix my signature. » HENRY H. PETERSON..
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