Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church 801 North duPont Boulevard, Wilmington Manor New Castle, Delaware 19720 October 19, 2014 th Respect Life Month - 29 Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Msgr. George J. Brubaker, JV, Pastor Rev. Anthony Giamello, Associate & Chaplain, St. Mark's High School Mr. Eliezer Soto, Permanent Deacon Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00PM ; 7:00PM (Spanish) Sunday: 8:00AM; 10:00AM & Noon Daily Mass Schedule Monday to Friday: 6:30AM & 8:30AM Saturday: 8:30AM Directory Rectory Office 801 North DuPont Boulevard New Castle, DE 19720 (302) 328-3431 (Office) Fax (302) 328-6318 Hours: 9AM-3:00PM Maintenance – olfmaintenance@olfnewcastle.com Religious Education Office (302) 328-0307 Located in Convent (Door B) Hispanic Ministry (302) 328-2752 Located in Convent (Door C) Mrs. Kathleen Cullen Accountant Ms. Sheryl A. Cook/Notary Executive Secretary Pastoral Care Office (302) 322-3112 Sr. Theresa Ulshafer, OSF Coordinator Rectory@olfnewcastle.com (email) www.olfnewcastle.com (website) Liturgy Office (302) 322-3745 Miss Mary Lou May Coordinator mlmay@olfnewcastle.com Outreach Office/Asbury Methodist Church Open on Friday from 9AM – 1PM located across from Penn Mart Shopping Cntr., Basin Road All Saints Catholic School is YOUR Parish School! School Tours are available at any time if you are interested in any of our programs. All Saints is a Pre-K (ages 3 and 4) through Grade 8 school. Please call Stephen Adams, Assistant Principal, if you are interested in obtaining more information about ASCS or would like to schedule a tour: 302-995-2231 or sadams@ascsde.org. Prayer for Sustaining Hope for the Future Almighty and Eternal God, in Christ your Son you have shown your love to the world. Through the Gospel and Eucharist bring together your people in the Diocese of Wilmington. Guide the work of our Diocese and help us to proclaim your name. Sustain us in Hope. Keep us faithful in our mission. May we be a leaven in the world and a sign of hope to all. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen. Christian stewardship takes a positive view on money. It sees money not only as a medium of exchange but as a symbol of the person who has it. The way we acquire it, use it, and share it reveals who we are. October 19, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time World Mission Sunday World Mission Sunday, organized by the Propagation of the Faith, is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church's missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. In 2014, World Mission Sunday is celebrated on October 19. Annually, World Mission Sunday is celebrated on the next-to-last Sunday in October. As described by Pope John Paul II, World Mission Sunday is "an important day in the life of the Church because it teaches how to give: as an offering made to God, in the Eucharistic celebration and for all the missions of the world" (see Redemptoris Missio 81). This Sunday's Gospel reading provides an opportunity to help them understand that loyalty to God requires giving to God what is due to God. Payment of taxes is unlikely to be a disputed issue in your family. Yet families can still learn something from this Gospel reading. Jesus' answer to the Herodians and Pharisees redirects their question to focus on the issue of greatest importance: loving and honoring God. Taking this perspective can help us make good judgments about the competing issues of importance in our lives. As your family gathers, make a list of the activities that your family spends time doing together, such as household tasks, jobs, academics, and recreational activities. Talk about the importance of each of these activities. Ask what would happen if there were an imbalance in our attention to these activities and we spent too much time on one activity at the expense of another. In family life we do many important things, but we remember that God is of the greatest importance in our lives. Pray together that your family will learn to keep things in proper perspective, remembering to keep God first in your lives. Pray together today's psalm, Psalm 96. OCTOBER DEVOTION - THE HOLY ROSARY The Church has used three sets of mysteries for many centuries. In 2002 Pope John Paul II proposed a fourth set of mysteries—the Mysteries of Light, or Luminous Mysteries. According to his suggestion, the four sets of mysteries might be prayed on the following days: the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday, and the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday. The meditations on the rosary that accompany each mystery are the soul of the Rosary. They are what give the Rosary it's life, purpose and power. The Rosary isn't simply reciting prayers from memory. It is so much more. It is one of the most beneficial ways of praying. Contemplating these mysteries in the life of Jesus and Mary will deepen your love and reverence for God and this relationship with God will sustain you throughout your life. Rediscover the rosary. In today's second reading, St. Paul reminds the Thessalonians that they have been chosen by God. All those who have been washed in the water of baptism have been chosen by God as members of the Body of Christ. From among these, God chooses and calls some to serve His people as priests. Is He calling you? What steps are you taking to find out? Contact Father David Kelley, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113 or vocations@cdow.org.) Act of Contrition O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen. Please check out the website at www.olfnewcastle.com under the parish information link for more information on “A Short Guide for Confession.” From the Religious Ed Office First Reconciliation Meeting information was mailed last week to all eligible families. Meeting #1 in Spanish will be held today at 10:00 am in Dwyer Hall. Meeting #1 in English will be held on Wednesday evening, Oct.22, at 6:30 pm in the Convent. All First Reconciliation candidates and at least one parent must attend this meeting. Meeting #2 in Spanish is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 9 @ 10:00 am, and Meeting #2 in English is scheduled for Wednesday, November 12 at 6:30 pm in the Convent. Confirmation Class of 2014 Retreat will be held on Saturday, October 25, from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm. Remember, this retreat is for Confirmation Candidates only, not parents or sponsors. Any questions or concerns, please leave a message for Mrs. Romano with the Religious Ed Office - 328-0307 or email mromano@olfnewcastle.com Our Lady of Fatima/Asbury Outreach Program Updated The outreach program, hosted by Asbury Church, is working out well. The collaboration between the two churches has helped in the community with our needy. They have greatly expanded their food closet and are thankful of the partnership we have established. At the exits of church are available sheets pertaining to the needs of the food closet and a volunteer sign up sheet with specific information about helping out with this program. Please feel free to take a flyer and let's see how we can make this program better than ever!!! “Bring it Home” It has almost always been there, but look at each denomination of coin and bill among your cash for the phrase “In God we Trust.” If we are enduring “in hope of our Lord Jesus Christ,” then Take the Readings and Bring it Home, by allowing “In God we Trust” to serve as an examination of conscience for your upcoming cash purchases. Commit to sharing in a conversation about this sometime this week at home. Next weekend – after Mass – the Sister of St. Francis will be selling chances to benefit their retirement fund. Please take a chance. The drawing is held in November. The Boy Scouts are selling popcorn after the Masses this weekend. If anyone would like to join the scouts, please contact John at 395-0829 Marriage Moments: Remember your wedding day. It was your day of public commitment for the rest of your lives. Recount your respective feelings and memories of the day. If You feel adventurous or playful perhaps you'd like to reenact the day. Renew your vows. Parenting Pointers: “Don't rush to supply activities when your child whines, 'I don't have anything to do!' A certain amount of boredom is a pee-requisite for creativity.” (Jim Vogt) THINGS AROUND THE AREA St. Paul's Parish. Delaware City is in need of a volunteer to teach the 4th grade in their Religious Education Program. There are 4 students in the class. Class is held on Sunday mornings from 10AM – 11:30AM. Please contact Susan Walker at 893-1665 if you are able to help. Thank you. St. Helena's Old Fashioned Christmas Bazaar & Huge Flea Market – Saturday, November 8th from 9AM – 8PM and sunday, November 9th from 8AM to 1PM. Spaghetti Dinners start at 5PM on Saturday and Buffet breakfast starts at 8AM on Sunday. Longaberger Basket Bingo – Sunday, November 2 begins at 3PM (doors open at 2PM) at Holy Angels Fremont Hall. $20/person in advance; $25 at the door. Call Annie Adams at 836-4103. St. Elizabeth Holiday Fest in Grant Hall – Fri. Nov. 7th, 5:30 to 9:30PM – Saturday, Nov. 8th, 11AM to 1PM & 3PM – 8:30PM, Sun. Nov. 9th, from 8AM – 10AM. ANNOUNCED MASSES Monday, October 20 6:30AM Veronica Vari 8:30AM Frank DiGennaro (Lydia Soja & Fam) Tuesday, October 21 6:30AM Violet Davis 8:30AM James Maichle (Lydia Soja & Fam) Wednesday, October 22 6:30AM Pauline Torres 8:30AM Margaret Rose Taylor & Ruth Press Thursday, October 23 6:30AM Sr. Maria Elena Colon, OSF 8:30AM Philip John Raczkowski (Coworkers @ Wallace Wallin Sch) Friday, October 24 6:30AM Francis A. DiGennaro (Rosemary Aument) 8:30AM Patricia Owens (Madeline & Tony Romano) Saturday, October 25 8:30AM Alexis Saville (Joe & Irene Hojnicki) 5:00PM Frank DiGennaro (Karen & Jeff Sammons) 7:00PM Spanish Intentions Sunday, October 26 8:00AM Lillian & Dominic Fagioli (Family) 10:00AM Frank DiGennaro (Bridge Fam) Noon People of the Parish PRAY FOR THE SICK Shannon Casey, Frances Grecco, Tommy Sammons, Wilhelma Soccorso, Eugene Smallwood, Connie McElwee, Donald Yanick, Carmlelita Kutch, George Dzarnik, Sr. Frances Cabrini, OSB, Edward Kulesza, Cindy Johnstone, Christine Logullo, Leslie Hampton, Anna Brown, Matthew Gray, Richard Woerner, Joseph DiMartino, Donna and Bill Thomas, Rev. Robert Hoban, Hayden Godwin, Alfred Antonelli, Gerard Pelletier, Bud Ward, Francis & Madeline Pelletier, Violet Davis, Pat Donohue, William Hoops, Tony NeCastro, Ireme Suigne, Maureen Vanbergen, Silva Lopez, Robert Evanousky, Mary Harrison, Meta Caserta, Scott Baker, Tyler Messinger, Ben Saffer, Joan Carilli, Joe Ellis, Kathy Carilli, Len & Margaret Earl, Fred Hagerty. Helena Miller, Katherine Tyrrell, Mary Coburn, Jacqueline Montgomery, Tommy Martone, Virginia Stecher, Richard DiMaio, Samuel Watts & Frank Yarrusso.Marianne Geier, Betsy Tong, James Reed, Tony Arcaro, Anna McDonald WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday, October 19 PREP – 8:30AM – School Eng/Sp Reconciliation Mtg. - 10:15AM – Convent (Sp) Alcoholics Anonymous-5:00PM – LMR Monday, October 20 Adult Education – 6:30PM – Convent (Sp) Choir – 7PM – LMR Tuesday, October 21 Locutions – after 8:30AM Mass – Convent (Eng) Alcoholics Anonymous – 8PM Wednesday, October 22 Adult Education – 9:30AM – Convent PREP – 6:30PM – School (Eng) Reconciliation Mtg. - 6:30PM – Convent (Sp) RCIA – 7:00PM – Lay Sacristy (Eng) RCIA – 7:00PM – Holy Spirit School Thursday, October 23 Cub Scouts – 6:30PM – McDonough (Sp) Prayer Group – 6:30PM – LMR Boy Scouts – 7:30PM – McDonough Friday, October 24 (Sp) Marriage Prep – 7:00PM – Lay Sacristy (Sp) Choir – 7PM - LMR Saturday, October 25 Confirmation Retreat – 9:00AM – Hall/Church (Sp) AA – 5PM – Convent (Sp) Juan XXIII Mtg. - 8PM – Convent SANCTUARY CANDLES All four candles burning over the tabernacle are: In memory of Charles Garst, requested by wife, Catherine Respect Life Month Domestic Violence Please check out the website at www.olfnewcastle.com and hit the link under Respect Life on domestic violence. The gravity and difficulty for families touched by domestic violence is severe. Please take a moment to read this and see if it effects any family or friend and how you can help. In Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month St. Francis Hospital will offer free mammograms and clinical exams on Monday, October 20 from Noon to 3:30pm. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Please call 302-421-4970 for more information and reserve your appointment today. 304 AVAILABLE NOW! Our Lady of Fatima is looking for more sponsors. ADVERTISEMENTS AVAILABLE NOW! Contact John Patrick Publishing Company at 1-800-333-3166 or visit us on the web at www.jppc.net Please patronize the businesses that presently advertise in this bulletin, and thank them for their continued support. 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