Clinton county newsletter County 19 A Publication of the Clinton County Farm Bureau October 20, 2014 Clinton County Farm Bureau volunteers strive high Clinton County Farm Bureau has been blessed with many talented members of the organization, not only Board of Directors, Farm Bureau Insurance Agents and MFB and FBI family of company staff, but volunteers that go above and beyond to continue to engage the community on the importance of agriculture. This year Clinton County Farm Bureau honored several Young Farmers at the 2014 annual meeting, Sept. 25. Kristi Keilen was honored with the Outstanding Young Agricultural Leader Award, Zachary Stewart as the Outstanding Young Farm Employee and this year’s Excellence in Agriculture award went to Melissa Humphrey. Stewart and Humphrey were state finalists and will compete at the Michigan Farm Bureau’s 2014 Annual Meeting, Dec. 2-4, where the winners will be announced. The Agricultural Communicator of the Year was awarded to Bart Matthews, for promoting the understanding, appreciation and support of agriculture through exemplary news reporting as a broadcast media staff member of Z92.5 “The Castle” of Owosso. Jim Stewart was honored as the Volunteer of the Year. He is the behind-the-scenes volunteer that always makes events happen and he is due for a huge pat on the back. He accompanies his wife, Promotion and Education Chair Carol Stewart (2013 Volunteer of the Year recipient as well) to every event. He assembles the wooden milking cow, constructs our corn box, transfers our materials, engages the community and children at events and always volunteers his time. A huge thanks also goes to our volunteers that participated in the Family Fun at the Farm event, especially county committee members Carol Stewart, Melissa Humphrey, Leroy and Stephanie Schafer, Katrina Stewart, Kristi Keilen, Bob Craig, Pamela Fabus, Laura Hamlin, Laura Halfmann, Amanda Hassenger, Kathryn Reed, Megan Papoi, Rodney Pennock, Tom and Dianne Cook and Jon and Debbie Feldpausch. We also thank Amanda Teachworth who led the Ionia County Committee (Ashley denDulk, Cheri Schrenk, Dani Dryer, Rachelle Lehmann and Michelle Cody) as we partnered in this event. We brought in more than 1,700 community members to this great event! They say the reason why our volunteer members are not paid is because they are priceless! Thanks again to every volunteer who made this event a success, along with our generous community business sponsors! More priceless volunteers include our Dist. 5 Discussion Meet participants, including Kristie Keilen, Rob West, Ramey Lunceford, Amanda Hassenger and Will Wilson. The group participated in the Discussion Meet, one of the Young Farmer’s most popular activities, at Royal Scot. Beyond prestige and acclaim, state winners and finalists can earn high-value prizes from generous contest sponsors such as Ford Motor Company and AIS Construction Equipment. Contestants freely discuss a current topic affecting the agriculture industry while practicing their public speaking and analytical skills. The discussion is not a debate but rather a way to share ideas, identify the cause and effect of a problem and evaluate and compare alternative solutions. Participants attempt to cooperatively share ideas and further develop their understanding of the topic/issue. Congratulations to Rob West, Kristi Keilen and Ramey Lunceford (from Ingham) as they move on to the state finals! We wish you the best of luck! Clinton County values discussion meet candidates Clinton County hosts legislators at Voisinet Farm The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a rule to expand the waters it can regulate under the Clean Water Act. This rule is a massive overreach that will hurt farmers, consumers and our nation’s economy, and it needs to be rescinded. Clinton County Farm Bureau members met Aug. 25 with legislators and staff at the Voisinet Farm in Laingsburg to communicate their concerns and impacts of the rule. Special guests in attendance were MFB Dist. V Director Alan Garner, MFB Ag Ecology Dept. Manager Laura Campbell, MFB Regional Rep. Laura Hamlin, Dist. 36 Sen. John Moolenaar and his staff member Mike Telliga, Melissa Horste representing U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, Ryan Tarrant representing U.S. Rep. CLINTON COUNTY FARM BUREAU Dave Camp, Dist. 93 Rep. Tom Leonard and Phil Goodrich of his staff, Clinton County Farm Bureau President Rob West, County Administrative Manager Pamela Fabus and board members Carol Stewart, Dave Schrader, Kristi Keilen, Eric Voisinet and Caleb Stewart (who also is the MFB YF Rep). BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Robert West; Vice President Kristopher Wardin; Third Member Caleb Stewart; BOARD MEMBERS: Andrew Arens, Dennis Baese, Kristi Keilen, Patricia Raymond, David Schrader, David Seeger, Daniel Semans, Theresa Sisung, Carol Stewart, Eric Voisinet, Ken Weiber; YOUNG FARMER CHAIR: Amanda Hassenger; COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER: Pamela Fabus, 1501 Glastonbury Dr., Saint Johns, MI 48879-1317, (989) 224-9536 2 October 15, 2014 It’s not too late to help elect Friends of Agriculture! Don’t miss the Lansing Legislative Seminar! The general election is less than a month away and Farm Bureau-endorsed Friends of Agriculture are in the home stretch of campaign season. The race isn’t over for candidates until the polls close on Nov. 4 and that means there is still plenty of time for Farm Bureau members to help Friends of Agriculture experience success. Here are five easy ways you can help: 1. Promote Friends of Agriculture via social media 2. Volunteerforacandidate’scampaign bywalkinginparades,goingdoor-todoor, participating in phone banks andhelpingtoregisterpeopletovote 3. Put yard signs up on your farm and in prominent, high traffic areas Join us Feb. 25 for the annual Lansing Legislative Seminar—your opportunity for face-to-face discussion with Michigan legislative and regulatory leaders. Farm Bureau staff will provide information and examples to help you give elected officials an accurate picture of how Farm Bureau policy reflects issues facing agriculture today. Many issues being considered by the Michigan Legislature directly and/or indirectly impact Michigan agriculture. Members should be prepared to continue communicating Farm Bureau policy with their elected officials and nurturing those relationships. Don’t miss this exciting event! Attendees will enjoy a luncheon and legislative receptionwithissuebriefingsandawardpresentations. For more information, contact your county Farm Bureau or visit for program details. Registration deadline is Jan. 30! 4. Invite Friends of Agriculture to county Farm Bureau events 5. VOTE! Exercising your right to vote is the easiest way to do your part to ensure ag-friendly candidates get elected Visit MFB’s endorsements page, www., for a list of candidates designated as Friends of Agriculture by the Michigan Farm Bureau AgriPac Committee. Homeowner tips for Fall FROM FARM BUREAU INSURANCE As fall kicks off, it’s important to prepare your home for the season—and weather—ahead. Preventativemaintenancenowwillsavemoney on expensive emergency repairs and wasted energycostsandenhanceyourhome’svalueand appeal. When the chilly weather approaches, you and your home will be ready. Interior Maintenance • Check for drafts around windows and doors. Replace seals and repair caulking as necessary. Hire an HVAC professional to inspect your furnace for leaks, check efficiency and air safety by testing for carbon monoxide. Stock up on extra air filters and change them often. • Winterize air conditioners. If your home has central air, cover the outdoor unit for winter. Otherwise, remove or cover window units to prevent air leaks. • Buy a programmable thermostat. Lower temperatures at night and when you’re gonecanresultinsubstantialcostsavings. • Test home safety devices. Replace smoke detector and carbon monoxide device batteries and verify they work properly. • Clean humidifiers; replace old filters and clean inside compartments. Exterior Maintenance • Perform a visual inspection of your roof or, if you’re able and can do so safely, climb up for a better view. Look for missing, damaged or loose shingles. Remove debris from a flat roof. • Check the chimney and fireplace. Have your wood-burning fireplace professionally cleaned and inspected. • Stock up dry firewood and store covered away from the home for safety reasons. • Inspect siding for cracks or holes. Repair them yourself or hire a professional. • Clean the gutters yourself or hire a professional. Remove leaves, nests and debris from gutters and check for leaks. • Check water drainage. Downspouts should be clear of obstructions and guide water away from foundations, walkways and driveways. • Reinforce windows and doors. Remove screensandinstallstormwindows/doors. • Drain garden hoses and disconnect from outside spigots. Shut off exterior faucets and store hoses in a dry place so residual water won’t freeze. • Service sprinklers and irrigation system. Have irrigation systems drained and have a professional perform any necessary repairs and mark sprinkler heads near snow removal areas. • Inspect trees for limbs that may break or are too close to power lines or the roof. • Trim landscaping. Cut back bushes, shrubs and flowers for Michigan climates. • Bring in flowerpots. If you keep plants or flowers in pots year-round, bring them inside. If you replace plants annually, empty, clean and dry pots for next spring. • Plant bulbs. If you plant bulbs for spring, now’s the time to get them in the ground. • Rake and remove leaves from the yard for compost or bag for community pick up. Check local requirements and pick up schedules. • Applying fall lawn fertilizer will help preventwinterdamageandspringweeds. Ask a local garden center or check online for fertilizer type and when to apply. • Clean and store seasonal outdoor furniture in a dry place over winter. Remove and clean cushions. • Close the pool. If you have a pool, schedule a service to close it for the season or buy supplies and do it yourself. Find more tips for fall on the Michigan Farm Bureau website, 3 October 15, 2014 MFB salutes Volunteers of the Month June 2014: Daniela Dryer July 2014: Jane Nelkie August 2014: Jennifer Suarez-Marquez September 2014: Brian AcMoody For her exceptional service and dedication, Ionia County native Daniela Dryer was named Michigan Farm Bureau’s (MFB) Volunteer of the Month for June 2014. Dryer helped coordinate the county Farm Bureau’s programs and activities for National AgWeek in March. She distributed informative farm commodity placemats to localrestaurantsandcoordinatedwitharea Daniela Dryer elementary schools to provide Ag in the Classroomlessons,teaching young people where food comes from. As a new member to Farm Bureau, Dryer volunteered her time and talents on various platforms over the past year. She organized farm equipment for the Family Fun on the Farm event in June, and dedicated hours of service helping the farm prepare and clean up afterwards. At the state level, Dryer represented Ionia County Farm Bureau at theMFBAnnualMeetinginDecember.She’slobbiedelectedofficials in Lansing and attended conferences to learn about programs and opportunities to offer Ionia County residents. “Daniela has added a new dynamic to our committee,”wrote her nominator for Volunteer of the Month honors. “She is a great asset to our organization and I’m excited to continue working with her.” Dryer farms with her father and sisters near Portland, raising corn, soybeans, alfalfa and sugar beets. She and her father also operate a field tiling business. For her exemplary dedication leading agriculture education efforts in Berrien County,JenniferSuarez-Marquezhas been named MFB’s Volunteer of the Month for August 2014. Suarez-Marquez has been instrumental organizing activities for the Berrien County Youth Fair, including a “Farmer for a Day” booth reaching more than 1,500 young people, a grain box, an “I Spy” hunt and Jennifer Suarez-Marquez Farm Bureau Booth. Another example of her work educating youth about agriculture would be her regular visits to local elementary schools. Suarez-Marquez spoke to more than 400 students at Brandywine Elementary about Farm Bureau, farming and agriculture-related occupations in March. She presented her information as a trivia activity that allowed students to win Farm Bureau-logoed prizes. Suarez-Marquez has represented Berrien County Farm Bureau at numerous events, including the MFB State Annual Meeting; the Young Farmer Leaders’ Conference; and the Voice of Agriculture Conference. She’s also served on several local-level committees and the county Farm Bureau board while also sitting on a statewide committee dedicated to agriculture education and promotion. Recently married, Suarez-Marquez works for Barbott Farms and Greenhouse in Stevensville, where she will soon be assisting with elementaryfieldtrips,teachingstudentsabouttheeconomicsbehind getting their food from the farm to their fork. Michigan Farm Bureau (MFB) named Jane Nelkie of Tawas City its Volunteer of the Month for July 2014. Her dedication to agricultural promotion and education helped Iosco County Farm Bureau become a valuable contributor to the community. After 13 years on the Iosco County Farm Bureau board, Nelkie passed her torch to a new leader who took the reins of its ag literacy programs. Her passion Jane Nelkie and dedication molded the organization’s outreach efforts and built a solid base for her successor. In her final year organizing the county’s Project RED (Rural EducationDay),Nelkieworkedtirelesslywithlocalschoolstoarrange hands-onlearningexperiencesfornearly400students,teachersand chaperones.Participantslearnedaboutthelocalfarmingindustryand interacted with livestock animals and equipment. Aside from her work with RED, Nelkie helped arrange farmthemedpostercontestsforNationalAgWeekandhostedtoursofher family’s dairy farm. NelkiealsorepresentedthecountyFarmBureauatseveralstatewide events. She served as a voting delegate at MFB’s State Annual Meetingandattendedpolicydevelopmenteventsandmembership conferences to bring information back to her community. Nelkie and her husband Russell operate a 350-head dairy farm in TawasTownship.They have seven children: Mark, Joe, Jeff, John and Kenny Nelkie; Christine Holtz and Jennifer Anscheutz. For his exceptional service to the local agriculture industry, Brian AcMoody was named MFB’s Volunteer of the Month for September 2014. As the president of Branch County Farm Bureau, AcMoody recognizes the importance of local, relevant issues, such as the water use assessment tool. He took action and coordinated local meetings and tours to build relationships between area Brian AcMoody farmers, Michigan Farm Bureau staff, the Water Advisory Council, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Michigan Department of Environmental Equality, Michigan State University, the Well Drillers Association and several elected officials. AcMoody has been involved with the Branch County Farm Bureau board of directors for the past 13 years, serving as president, vice president, membership chair and policy development chair. At the statelevel,he’sservedonthefruitandvegetablecommodityadvisory committee,thepolicydevelopmentcommitteeandthelegaldefense fund committee. Outside Farm Bureau, AcMoody’s family are lifetime members of Our Savior Lutheran Church. He served as his township supervisor for 10 years and two terms on the Union City Community Schools board. He also serves on the Red Gold Grower Action Fund board. AcMoody farms alongside his wife Kelly, their three children and his brother’s family.They grow processing tomatoes, seed corn, conventional corn and soybeans while raising sheep and beef cattle. 4 FB partners at Smart Drainage Field Day in Fowler The Conservation District teamed up with Clinton County Farm Bureau, Michigan State University Extension, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, GreenStone Farm Credit Services and Agri-Drain Corporation to host a field day Thursday, Aug. 28 at the Claude and Cecile Feldpausch farm in Fowler. Clinton County Farm Bureau felt it was truly an amazing event in which we had the opportunity to partner in. The demonstrations there were designed to educate farmers about conservation practices, management plans and control structures that could be installed to protect farms. Frank Gibbs of Wetland and Soil Consulting Services, discussed soil health and biology, along with the importance of proper manure management. His presentation included blowing smoke into tile lines on an alfalfa field which demonstrated the direct link between tile and land application of manure. Marilyn Thelen of MSU Extension, used a rainfall simulator which showed the benefit of cover crops and various filtering manure applications. Participants viewed runoff and infiltration from five different cover systems. Phil Algreen of Agri Drain Corporation, discussed the Agri Drain drainage control structures and water gates including how they operated, season changes landowners must make to the system, and how it benefits crop production. Matt Einheuser of the Clinton Conservation District and Juanita McCann of the Natural Resources Conservation Service discussed surface conservation practices to decrease runoff, including WASCOBs, filter strips, grassed waterways, as well as various other USDANRCS funded conservation practices. Shelby Bollwahn of MSU Extension, discussed emergency response protocols to manure spills and how to communicate with employees if there is an emergency. This great event offered Phase 1 credit toward verification in the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) and a variety of information from the Conservation District, MSUE, Pheasants Restoration Initiative, Friends of the Maple River, Agri Drain Corporation, NRCS and Ag and Labor Safety material. Golf outing gathered County Young Farmers Clinton County Farm Bureau’s own Young and enjoyed the comradery,” said John Switzer, Farmer teams did their best against golfers from Executive Director of the Clinton Conservation across the state in MFB’s 2014 Young Farmer District. Golf Outing. The Clinton County team teed The outing offers a chance for young farmers it up against more than 100 Young Farmers (ages 18-35) to exchange ideas and learn from representing county Farm Bureaus from all over their peers in a relaxed, off-the-farm setting. Michigan. Macomb County took first place, with St. The best-ball scramble took place Aug. 13 at Joseph County coming in second. Centennial Acres in Sunfield. Nick Oomen of Oceana County and Beth Caleb Stewart, Chairperson noted Clinton Gruden of Gratiot County won the longest County Farm Bureau members in attendance drive, while Chad Gruden of Gratiot County were: Rob West, John Switzer, Zachary Stewart, won a prize from AIS and Courtney Neubauer Joel Brook, Amanda Hassenger and Jacob of Gratiot County won a spill kit. Stewart attended this all-day event, offered annually by Michigan Farm Bureau. “This is my first time golfing with Clinton County Farm Bureau, I had Caleb Stewart, John Switzer, Pete Hirschman and Zach Stewart, Jacob Stewart and Joel Brook a great time Amanda Hassenger A Publication of the Clinton County Farm Bureau After everyone enjoyed a tasty ice cream treat from MSU Dairy (compliments of the Conservation District) they went home with a substantial amount of realization. Thanks to everyone who came out to the event and to committee members, especially Watershed Coordinator Paige Filice who led the committee to a successful event! Support ‘Friends of Agriculture’ Nov. 4! Show your support of AgriPac-endorsed candidates at the general election, Nov. 4. Here’s a list of the “Friends of Agriculture” in your county: Governor • Rick Snyder (R) Lieutenant Governor • Brian Calley (R) Attorney General • Bill Schuette (R) Secretary of State • Ruth Johnson (R) MI Supreme Court • Justice Brian Zahra • Justice David Viviano • Judge James Robert Redford MSU Board of Trustees • Faylene Owen (D) • Melanie Foster (R) Board of Regents- U of M • Rob Steele (R) U.S. Senate • Terri Lynn Land (R) State House • 93- Tom Leonard (R) State Senate • 24- Rick Jones (R) U.S. House • 4- John Moolenaar (R) Leaders Conference February 20-22, 2015 Grand Traverse Resort & Spa Acme, Michigan with speaker Steve Gilliland Master Story Teller & Comedian Registration Deadline: January 23, 2015
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