The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products Second Edition A study carried out for the Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association Inc. CSIRO Molecular Science PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 1 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products Second Edition A study carried out for the Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association Inc. Author: Dr Russell Smith June 1998 CSIRO Molecular Science Bag 10 Clayton South 3169 AUSTRALIA PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 2 Published by CSIRO PUBLISHING PO Box 1139 (150 Oxford Street) Collingwood VIC 3066 Australia Tel: (03) 9662 7666 Fax: (03) 9662 7555 email: ISBN 0 643 06383 8 © CSIRO Australia 1998 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 3 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition REFERENCE The Environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products, Smith, R., CSIRO Division of Chemicals and Polymers, September 1996. STUDY BRIEF Review any pertinent scientific information relating to the environmental aspects of PVC in building products which has become available since the preparation of the above report. As in the above report, please adopt a cradle-to-grave approach and, where possible, review the indicated environmental impacts in comparison with the impacts of comparable or alternative materials. Please take into account comments received in response to the initial report, where appropriate. 3 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 4 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 5 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition CONTENTS Executive Summary 7 1. Introduction 9 2. Scope and methodology 9 3. PVC manufacture in Australia 9 4. Raw materials and intermediate products 10 5. Polymerisation 11 6. Environmental effects 11 7. Compounding and manufacture of PVC products 13 8. Use of PVC products in buildings 18 9. Waste management of used PVC building products 21 10. Environmental oestrogens 26 11. Alternatives to PVC in building products 27 12. Conclusions 29 13. Acknowledgments 30 14. References 31 5 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 6 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 7 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This updated study reports on the environmental effects of the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in its major building product applications, and compares these effects with those of the available commercially viable alternatives. Having noted the many comments received on the first report, and having reviewed in detail the literature which has become available since then, the author has concluded that there is still no basis on which to believe that the use of PVC in its major building product applications causes significantly more overall harm to the environment than the commercially available alternatives. The major uses of PVC in building applications are as waste water pipes, as cable insulation and as floor covering. The possible environmental hazards arising from the use of PVC in the above applications result mainly from the presence of additives which may find their way out into the surroundings, from the emissions which may result from accidental fires, and from the disposal of waste PVC building products. The quantitatively important additives to PVC are heat stabilisers, plasticisers and flame retardants. Lead compounds are the most commonly used heat stabilisers - in view of the well known toxicity of lead, its use in building products is potentially of concern. However, because the stabiliser is held within the PVC matrix, only limited and temporary losses from the surface will occur. Extraction of lead from waste water pipes by running water is the most likely contribution in this area. It has been shown that the level of lead extracted from pipes by water rapidly declines to a low value after a short period of use. It is concluded that the possibility of lead losses to the environment is limited, and will make a relatively small contribution to the environment compared to other sources. While there are alternatives to PVC in pipes and fittings, and in floor coverings, there are essentially no commercially viable and cost-effective substitutes for PVC cable insulation in building applications. The only comparative life cycle analyses carried out so far, on pipe materials, fail to show any greater environmental harm due to PVC. The effects on health of phthalates, by far the most commonly used plasticisers for PVC, has been the subject of a great deal of controversy. However, the evidence that Di-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), the most common plasticiser in PVC, does not present any threat to humans has been strengthened by one recent study. At the present time there is little evidence, if any, to indicate that phthalates have a significant effect on the environment.. The use of flame retardants in plasticised PVC is sometimes necessary because of the flammability of the plasticiser, and the lower overall chlorine content of 7 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 8 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition plasticised PVC. While these are inherently toxic, the same limitations to spread in the environment apply as with lead stabilisers. Available information concerning the performance of PVC in accidental building fires is reviewed in this study. Evidence for the formation of toxic emissions in excess of those produced by other plastics is so contradictory that no firm conclusion can be reached. Likewise the contribution of the production, use, and disposal of PVC products to global dioxin production is the subject of continuing debate. It can, however, be concluded that other industrial processes such as municipal solid waste incineration (little used in Australia) are far more significant sources of dioxins. Waste PVC building products can be disposed of by recycling, landfill or incineration. Recycling is by far the preferable alternative, provided that PVC products are identified, as the plastic is easily recycled. In the event that a proportion of waste PVC is taken to landfill or incinerated, the environmental effects are unlikely to be significant. In the case of landfill, degradation is extremely slow and the dangerous compounds are immobilised, while incineration under strictly controlled conditions in municipal solid waste will not lead to significant increases in dangerous pollutants. From the evidence cited in this study, it can be concluded that the adverse environmental effects of using PVC in building products do not appear to be greater than those for other materials. However there are several aspects which require further study because the available evidence is either inconclusive or contradictory. These environmental questions include the use of phthalates as plasticisers in flexible PVC, and their health effects in the environment; the ultimate fate of heavy metals used as stabilisers; and the toxicity of emissions from accidental fires. 8 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 9 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition 1. INTRODUCTION The original report (referenced above) became the subject of some criticism: Greenpeace, (1996); Rae (1997); Andrew (1997); Selinger (1997); Ruchel (1997). Additionally, more technical and scientific information has become available over the last year. This edition attempts to address those criticisms, and incorporate the more recent relevant information. Useful general information about PVC has been published in a lay-person’s guide by Emsley (1996), who concluded that the human health and environmental risks from the manufacture, use and disposal of PVC products “are so miniscule that they can be ignored”. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), with a world-wide market second only to low-density polyethylene (LDPE), is the plastic most widely used in building products (about half of all the plastics used for this purpose (Dunlap and Desch, 1983)). The 1993 figure (ECVM, cited by Møller et al., 1995), was 56%. The major building product uses in Australia are for (a) pipes, fittings, and conduit (rigid or unplasticised PVC ), (b) low voltage electrical insulation (plasticised PVC), and (c) flooring and interior trim. In Europe and the USA, PVC is used for exterior cladding as well as door and window frames and sashes. These applications are minor in Australia, but increasing (Faulkner, 1996). Of the world-wide PVC production in 1993, 10% was used in rigid profiles (ECVM, cited by Møller et al., 1995). 2. SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY This report surveys the accessible information on the environmental consequences of using PVC in building products in Australia. Extensive recourse has been made to detailed overseas studies on the environmental problems associated with all uses of PVC (SFT, 1993; Tukker, A. et al, 1995; Møller, S. et al., 1995). Information has also been derived from other reputable sources such as peer-reviewed papers in the scientific literature, and reports by government agencies and universities. These sources cover PVC in its many and various applications. 3 . P V C M A N U F A C T U R E I N AU S T R A L I A In the last year, the two Australian PVC manufacturers merged to form the Australian Vinyls Corporation Ltd (Australian Financial Review, 6/6/97), and consolidated their operations to two plants, one in Laverton, Victoria, and the other in nearby Altona. Both plants are based on imported vinyl chloride 9 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 10 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition monomer (VCM), and the total production capacity is reported to be 240,00 t.p.a. The plant at Botany, N.S.W. has ceased operation. In addition to Australian production, much smaller amounts (15,000 t.p.a.) of PVC have been imported when demand exceeded production capacity at the peak of the economic cycle. Information about Australian PVC manufacture was provided by industry sources. (Faulkner, R., 1996; Winstanley, M., 1996). The world-wide production of PVC was of the order of 20 million tonnes in 1995, and is expanding, with further plants planned in South East Asia and Qatar (CMR, 1996). 4 . R AW M AT E R I A L S A N D I N T E R M E D I AT E PRODUCTS Because PVC has a chlorine content of 57 wt.%, it is more conservative of nonrenewable resources than other commodity plastics, and as such, can be seen as an environmental benefit (Barton et al., 1997). The starting raw materials for PVC production are sodium chloride and hydrocarbons from crude oil. The hydrocarbons are converted to ethylene which is reacted with chlorine, obtained from the electrolysis of sodium chloride, to produce 1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride, EDC). The production of chlorine is claimed (Greenpeace, 1996) to be environmentally unacceptable because of mercury and asbestos releases from the older production processes (mercury cells and diaphragm cells). In Australia, and other developed countries, these older cells are steadily being replaced with the more energy-efficient membrane cells, which do not result in mercury or asbestos releases. There is, however, some concern that the older plants are being relocated to developing countries (Brotherton, 1998). To put things into perspective, the Eurochlor 1993 Mercury Phase-out Task Force estimated mercury emissions as follows: all industry world-wide natural sources European chlorine industry 14,700 t.p.a. 6,000 t.p.a. 19 t.p.a. The EDC is purified before undergoing pyrolysis to VCM, which is purified by distillation to achieve the quality necessary for polymerisation. Detailed technical descriptions of the VCM production process are widely available (see, for example, Davidson and Gardner, 1983; Newman, 1989). 10 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 11 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition 5 . P O LY M E R I S AT I O N PVC is manufactured by the free radical initiated polymerization of VCM. Suspension polymerisation is the most common of the three processes used, providing 80% of the world production, and all of the Australian production. VCM is suspended in water, and emulsifier (concentration up to 0.5%) and buffer are added. An initiator, typically a peroxide, at concentrations of 0.03 to 0.1% relative to the monomer, triggers the polymerisation of VCM to PVC. The polymer particles produced are typically 120 - 150 µm in diameter, the size being controlled by the type of emulsifier used, the stirring rate and the polymerisation temperature. The suspension is then stripped to recover unreacted VCM for recycle, and the PVC particles separated and dried. Detailed technical descriptions of VCM polymerisation are available in the technical literature (for example, Bunten, 1989). 6 . E N V I R O N M E N TA L E F F E C T S In the PVC production process, substances with detrimental effects to the environment and health are used or formed as byproducts. There is, therefore, the possibility of emissions to the environment and exposure of the workforce. Of most concern are EDC, VCM, and dioxin-like substances formed during their manufacture. For example, Greenpeace (1996) state that the groundwater in Altona is seriously contaminated with EDC from earlier production on that site, and disposal of EDC-containing wastewaters by deep-well injection. Papp (1996) gives an extensive review of waste management in the EDC, VCM and PVC industries. 6.1 Ethylene dichloride Ethylene dichloride is toxic by ingestion and inhalation, affecting the liver, kidneys, the central nervous system, and is a suspected carcinogen (Sax and Lewis, 1989a). It is slightly soluble in water (< 1%), and toxicity data for fish (Christiansen et al., 1990) and crustaceans (Nikunen, 1990) have been reported. The major producers of EDC/VCM in Europe have agreed through the European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers (ECVM) to voluntarily limit, by 1998, EDC emissions to air to less than 5 mg/Nm3, and emissions to water to less than 5 g/tonne EDC purification capacity (ECVM, 1995). 6.2 Vinyl chloride monomer VCM is a gas with low water solubility, and any emissions would mainly be to the atmosphere, where it undergoes photochemical oxidation to hydrogen 11 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 12 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition chloride and carbon monoxide with a half-life of about 20 hr. (Møller et al., 1995). In 1971, a rare cancer of the liver, angiosarcoma, was traced to VCM exposure amongst workers in the PVC industry, and strict workplace exposure limits were established by the United States Occupational Health and Safety Administration. It is a human carcinogen which can also cause blood tumours (Sax and Lewis, 1989b), and accordingly has to be carefully handled. The level of unreacted monomer in PVC product is tightly controlled. The ECVM charter, for example, limits this to < 1 g/tonne (1 ppm). The OECD (1982) ranks VCM as having low aquatic toxicity, high human risk, and no persistence. Accordingly, there are strict standards covering emissions, and as emission control technology improves, the levels are becoming smaller. Data from 1984 show an annual average concentration of about 8 µg/m3 in the atmosphere within a radius of 1 to 3 kilometres from three industrial point sources in the Netherlands. The USOHSA permissible exposure level as a time-weighted average is 2700 µg/m3 (Sax and Lewis, 1989b). The background concentration in the Netherlands in that period was 0.02 µg/m3. Over the last ten years, VCM emissions from VCM and PVC production in the Netherlands have been reduced ten-fold (Janus et al., 1994). The ECVM charter limits VCM emissions to air to less than 5 mg/Nm3. The ECVM charter also specifies standards for emissions from PVC plants: VCM to air less than 100 g/tonne of PVC; VCM in aqueous effluents to less than 1 g/m3; and VCM in final product to 5 g/tonne (5 ppm) of PVC for general use and to 1 g/tonne (1 ppm) for food and medical applications (ECVM, 1995). The Australian PVC manufacturer operates under discharge licence regulations for VCM; these correspond to maximum allowable emission limits for VCM to air of approx. 70 g/tonne of PVC, and VCM in aqueous effluents of 0.5 g/m3. These limits are well within the limits set out in the ECVM charter. Malin and Wilson (1995) cite the USEPA’s toxic release inventory, which stated that in 1991, fugitive and stack emissions of VCM in the USA totalled 20g/tonne of PVC resin produced. Selinger (1997) mentions the alleged repeated release of VCM from production facilities. As stated by Greenpeace (1996), “Because Australia still has no publicly accessible system for reporting annual emissions or waste from particular facilities, it is difficult to quantify the pollution and waste contribution of the chlorine/EDC/VCM/VCM industry in Australia”. More recently, the National Environment Protection Council has set up the National Pollutant Inventory, to be implemented in July, 1998, and VCM is one of the pollutants listed for future inclusion in this inventory. 12 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 13 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition 6.3 Dioxin-like compounds “Dioxin” is frequently used as the generic name for the group of some 210 compounds more strictly termed the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and the polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF). They were first identified as trace organics in incinerator emissions in 1977 (see para. 9.3). Some dioxins are very toxic and some are not. Also, some animals are more sensitive to dioxins than others, and humans appear to be among the least sensitive (Baldwin, 1997). Dioxins can be formed when chlorinated organic compounds or mixtures of organic material and inorganic chlorides are exposed to high temperature conditions, as in fires, incinerators, and crematoria. For example, HMIP (1995) estimated that the annual emissions of dioxins to air in the UK from halogenated chemicals manufacture, including VCM, to be 0.02 g TEq, and the emissions from crematoria to exceed 1 g TEq. (The toxicity of a mixture of dioxins/furans is expressed in terms of the toxicity of the most toxic compound in the family, which is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.) It is generally recognised that dioxins can be formed during the production of EDC (Evers, 1989). Baldwin (1997) states, for example, that the Norsk Hydro VCM plant at Rafnes (production 450,000 t.p.a.) produces about 6g TEq/year, of which 0.5 g TEq/year is emitted to air and water. The ECVM charter limits dioxin emissions to less than 0.1 ng TEq/Nm3 for vent gas, and for emissions to water to less than 1 µg TEq/tonne of oxychlorination capacity. Environmental controls covering EDC, VCM, and dioxins are becoming steadily more stringent (Møller et al., 1995). The Australian situation with regard to dioxins in the environment is less clear. Greenpeace (1996) stated that “Australia still has no legally enforceable national standards for emission of dioxin to air”, and also describe analyses of high dioxin levels in the sludge produced by overseas VCM manufacturers. Abad et al., (1997) state that, at present, emissions from municipal, hazardous and hospital waste incinerators can be considered as the major contributor of dioxin emissions to air. 7. COMPOUNDING AND MANUFACTURE OF PVC PRODUCTS Virgin PVC is thermally and photochemically unstable, and various additives are used to reduce these problems before the fabrication of PVC into useful products. 13 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 14 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition The thermal instability of the material can result in dehydrochlorination and the formation of polyene sequences, at the temperatures required for melt processing and fabrication. The major substance evolved is hydrogen chloride, while carbon monoxide, benzene and other aromatic hydrocarbons may also be formed. There is the potential for photochemical degradation in outdoor applications (see, for example, Decker, 1984). In the absence of UV stabilisers, dehydrochlorination can occur, leading to discolouration, chain scission and cross-linking resulting in embrittlement and mechanical failure. A wide range of additives are used to counter these and other problems, including the addition of plasticisers to give flexible formulations for specific uses. The quantitatively important classes of additives are inert fillers, heat stabilisers, plasticisers and flame retardants. Other classes of additives for specific applications include pigments, impact modifiers, lubricants, fillers, UV stabilisers, biocides (to prevent fungal growth on flexible PVC) and antistatic agents. In PVC building products, only a few additives are necessary. Naturvårdsverket (1996) state that a typical rigid PVC contains a few per cent of lead sulphate, a maximum of 10% chalk filler, and less than 1% of a processing aid such as stearic acid, paraffin wax or calcium stearate. For flexible PVC cable insulation, a typical additive composition is di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) 23%, lead sulphate 2%, lead stearate 0.5%, processing aid (as above) 0.1%, and chalk filler 17%. 7.1 Heat stabilisers The dominant stabilisers are lead compounds (e.g. basic lead sulphate and lead stearate), and to a much lesser extent organotin compounds and barium/zinc and calcium/zinc salt systems (see para. 8.1). These stabilisers are held within the PVC matrix (Naturvårdsverket, 1996). More significant sources of lead in the aquatic environment derive from leaded petrol, and dumped lead/acid batteries. In Sweden, shotgun pellets and bullets and fishing line sinkers consume nearly three times the amount of lead that is used in PVC (KEMI, 1994). There is also concern over the use of cadmium compounds in PVC formulations, now prohibited by the EU, and the ultimate fate of the heavy metal compounds used as heat stabilisers and pigments, particularly if PVC waste is incinerated. Detailed calculations on the environmental impact of lead leaching from PVC sewage waste and vent pipes have been reported by Burn and Schafer (1997), 14 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 15 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition who concluded that the use of lead stabilisers in PVC pipe was not a significant source of lead in sewage effluent nor in the resultant biosolids which are used for fertiliser applications Burn and Schafer (1997) comment that Ca/Zn stabiliser systems are 80% more expensive than lead stabilisers, which would increase the production cost of PVC pipes by approximately 3.5 %. This is partly due to co-stabilisers such as diketones, epoxies, organophosphites, hindered phenols, and polyols making the formulations more complex. At the present time, the amount of Ca/Zn stabilisers used is quite small, however Lilja (1996) states that this is increasing. PACIA (1997) states that 30% of the PVC heat stabilisers used in Australia are Ca/Zn based. Organotin stabilisers are even more expensive, and some organotins have proved to be ecotoxic (The Nordic Council of Ministers, 1994). Substitutes with a more environmental profile than organotin and lead additives are becoming increasingly available (VROM, 1998). The contribution of lead stabilisers leached from PVC products to the level of lead in the environment is relatively small compared to contributions from other sources, and could be eliminated by using less-toxic Ca/Zn stabiliser systems. 7.2 Plasticisers In the manufacture of flexible PVC, plasticisers are used to give the desired mechanical properties. The three main types are dicarboxylic esters, phosphate triesters and trimellitates, with the dominant group (on cost grounds) being the dicarboxylic acid esters of long chain alcohols, particularly phthalates such as DEHP, diisononyl phthalate (DINP) and diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) (Cadogan, 1995). Phthalates have good compatibility with other compounding ingredients, good low temperature properties and processing characteristics, and low volatility. The plasticisers may be used alone or in combinations to give the required properties. As stated by Davidson and Gardner (1983), plasticisers are added at 15-20 parts per hundred of resin (phr) for semi-rigid compounds, and at > 100 phr for soft flexible compounds such as gasketing material. There is the possibility that there may be plasticiser emissions to the external environment during the processing of flexible PVC into finished products. Cadogan (1994) estimated that these constitute 0.02 to 0.07 % of the plasticiser used, and most of these emissions are to air (Christiansen et al., 1990). Cadogan (1996) reviewed the occurrence of phthalates in the environment, as well as their degradation, bioaccumulation and aquatic toxicity. He concluded 15 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 16 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition that the levels of phthalates in the environment are decreasing, and that phthalates pose no significant health risk to humans. Møller et al., (1995) discuss the environmental effects of phthalate plasticisers in detail, and point out that since DEHP has a global distribution pattern, evaporation is most likely to be the major route to the environment. The phthalate esters are strongly adsorbed by particulate matter, and only very slightly soluble in water. Accordingly, more will be found in sediments and soil than in water. The atmospheric photodegradation of DEHP appears to be rapid, but hydrolysis at neutral pH is very slow. DEHP biodegrades under aerobic conditions, but only very slowly in an anaerobic environment. A very detailed review of the literature on the environmental fate of phthalate esters was published in 1997 by Staples et al. Photodegradation via free radical attack is expected to be the dominant degradation pathway in the atmosphere with predicted half-lives of ca. 1 day for most of the phthalates investigated. For phthalates released to surface waters, soils and sediments, biodegradation is expected to be the dominant degradation mechanism, with half-lives ranging from 1 to 14 days in waters, and from 1 week to several months in soils. Longer half-lives are expected in anaerobic, nutrient-poor, or cold environments. Certainly the level of phthalates in sediments is of concern to some environmental authorities (VROM, 1998). DEHP appears to bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms, but has little effect on terrestrial organisms. As stated by Møller et al., (1995), the results from ecotoxicology tests vary over several orders of magnitude, probably because of the experimental difficulties associated with the very low water solubilities of phthalate esters. Further studies by the US EPA were due to be completed late in 1996. Nielsen et al. (1985) found no dose related health effects following phthalate exposure during PVC processing. Toxicological studies on rats and mice showed some potential effects on the liver; testicular toxicity was observed in rats (at dietary levels of 69 mg/kg/day for 60 days), and carcinogenic effects were observed after long term feeding trials (674 mg/kg/day for two years) ( see Nielsen, 1994). Siddiqui and Srivastava (1992) found DEHP (500 mg/kg/day for 15 days) reduced sperm counts in rats by 17%, and that the effect was doserelated. The effect could be correlated with changes in the activity of several enzymes involved in spermatogenesis. Fredricsson et al. (1993) found that human sperm motility was modestly affected by phthalates in a dose-related fashion. DEHP was once suspected as being carcinogenic to humans, but was subsequently evaluated for carcinogenic effects and not classified ( EU 1990). The potential for phthalates to have other health effects has been studied for 16 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 17 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition some time, but the long-term effects on living organisms are not well understood (VROM, 1998). Øie et al. (1997) suggest that inhalation exposure to DEHP as aerosols adsorbed on particulate matter is as important, or more important than vapour phase exposure, and propose that DEHP in indoor air may be associated with inducing inflammation of the airways, which is a characteristic of asthma. Ganning et al. (1985) found that DEHP had a pronounced but selective effect of cellular structure and metabolism in rat liver. More recently, Huber et al. (1996) reviewed the information available on the hepatocarcinogenic potential of DEHP in rodents and its implications on human risk, and concluded that an actual threat to humans by DEHP seems rather unlikely. However, Hardell et al. (1997) put forward the hypothesis that there may be an association between occupational exposure to PVC (and by implication phthalates) and testicular cancer, and suggested that further studies are warranted in view of the weak association found. Barry (1988) identified mono- ethylhexyl phthalate, a DEHP metabolite, as having cardiotoxic effects. This finding was confirmed by Rock (1990), who was concerned with DEHP in PVC blood bags affecting multiply transfused patients. It is also known that DEHP has some beneficial effects when used in blood bag formulations, such as reducing spontaneous storage haemolysis, and improving red cell viability upon prolonged storage by stabilising the red cell membrane. Rock (1990) stated that there was no satisfactory alternative to DEHP in this PVC application. This view was later contradicted by Snyder (1992 and 1993) who showed that a proprietary plasticiser, n-butyryl trihexyl citrate, had equivalent performance to DEHP. It is perhaps relevant to note that citrate esters, such as diethyl citrate, have been used as PVC plasticisers in food contact applications (Davidson and Gardner, 1983). No toxicological data could be located for these citrate plasticisers, which would be alternative plasticisers for PVC at presumably higher cost. Sundmark (1995a) reported on the environmental risks from phthalates, and concluded that phthalate emissions from PVC processing or use were not an environmental problem in Norway, where some 10,000 t.p.a. of phthalates are used. At the present time, there is little evidence, if any, to indicate that phthalates have a significant effect on the environment. There is the additional difficulty of extrapolating the results from animal experimentation to human health risks. It should be noted that the Swedish National Chemicals Inspectorate (KEMI, 1996) and the Swedish EPA (Naturvårdsverket, 1996) have recommended that emissions of plasticisers such as phthalates be reduced, but that a final decision on their use should await the current EU risk assessments on these materials, which should be 17 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 18 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition completed during 1998. Likewise, the Dutch government will draw up a policy statement at that time (VROM, 1998). 7.3 Flame retardants Compared to most other plastics, and materials such as wood, PVC itself is inherently flame retardant because of its high chlorine content, and will not burn without an external heat source. For some flexible (and thus containing plasticiser which lowers the overall chlorine content) PVC products used for building applications, it may be necessary to incorporate flame retardants, such as antimony trioxide, or hydrated alumina/magnesium hydroxide, which are held within the PVC matrix. 8. USE OF PVC PRODUCTS IN BUILDINGS The above comments apply to the use of PVC in all its applications. The dominating application for PVC, however, is its use in building and construction materials where the product life span can be viewed as long-term. Møller et al. (1995) cite several reports which estimated that the proportion of PVC production used in this application was 69% in Denmark in 1992, 60% in Germany in 1992, and 56% on a world-wide basis. At the moment, there is more PVC being used in building applications than the amount of PVC in building waste (CML, 1993). There is thus a net accumulation of PVC in buildings. The problems associated with the use of PVC in building products arise from plasticiser evaporation to the atmosphere (cable insulation) and extraction to waste water (from cleaning vinyl flooring), extraction of stabiliser from the surface of rigid PVC pipes to running water, and the formation of hydrogen chloride, and possibly dioxins and other substances in fires in buildings where large amounts of PVC are present. 8.1 Stabiliser extraction Lead stabilisers are primarily used in rigid PVC for pipes, gutters, etc. in concentrations of about 0.6 weight % (Christiansen et al., 1990), and in cable insulation at a lower concentration. 18 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 19 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition There is the possibility that lead may enter the environment by slow leaching from PVC piping into waste water. Møller et al. (1995) cite a study in Holland which showed that the lead concentration in the water was 0.1 mg/l after 5 days of flushing, and dropped to 0.1 µg/l after 20 days. (The current Australian water quality guideline for lead is 10 µg/L.) The concentrations seen in waste water are typically 70 - 100 µg/l (Henze, 1982, cited in Møller et al., 1995), but the contribution of lead stabilisers to this is unknown. Wilkie et al. (1996) for example, reported that the mean lead concentration in Melbourne domestic sewage is 13 µg/L, and that the mean lead concentration in water treatment plant influents is 68 µg/L. It has been shown that there can be some extraction of stabiliser by running water. As the stabiliser is trapped in the PVC matrix, the extraction rapidly declines after the pipe is put into service. (See Burn and Schafer, 1997, and Burn and Sullivan, 1993.) Lead leached from buried PVC piping is almost invariably retained in the soil organic matter, and is essentially immobilised as complexes and precipitates. Sundmark (1995b) concluded that the use of lead-based stabilisers posed a very small risk to humans and the environment. The most promising alternatives include calcium/zinc systems, at 2 to 3 times the cost. It should be noted, however, that these systems have not been technically tested to the same extent as lead-based stabilisers (KEMI, 1996), and it seems established that this type of system is not optimal in terms of stabilising action, and has limited applicability where good clarity is required in the product. The Australian PVC industry recently commenced a review with the aim of developing an Industry Code of Practice for the use of lead stabilisers in PVC products manufactured in Australia (PACIA, 1996). The Swedish National Chemicals Inspectorate (KEMI, 1996) has proposed that the use of lead compounds in PVC products should be sharply reduced (by 90% compared to 1994 levels) by 2005, in line with the Swedish goal of completely discontinuing the use of lead and lead compounds. Similarly, the Danish EPA (1991) hold the view that the use of lead-containing stabilisers and pigments should be reduced to the extent that is technically and economically feasible. The Norwegian and Swedish governments are urging manufacturers to phase out lead stabilisers, not as a result of safety concerns during the use of the PVC product, but rather safety in disposal. Because the stabiliser is held within the PVC matrix, only limited losses from the surface of PVC building products will occur. Provided that these products are reused or recycled, the possibility of lead losses to the environment appears to be limited. Further, there are strong indications that lead stabilisers will be reduced or phased out, at least in some countries. 19 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 20 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition 8.2 Plasticiser losses Plasticiser evaporation has been discussed earlier in this report. World-wide, the amount of flexible PVC products used in the building sector was less than a third of the total amount of PVC used in building products (ECVM, cited by Møller et al., 1995). Møller et al. (1995) cite a laboratory study on the concentration of phthalates in the waste water from washing vinyl flooring which showed that concentrations ranged from 1.8 - 2.5 µg/l. It would be reasonable to expect these concentrations would decrease with prolonged washing, through surface depletion. 8.3 PVC building products in relation to fires Rigid PVC is difficult to ignite and burns only with the continuous addition of heat from another source. Flexible PVC can be easier to ignite because of the plasticiser content, which lowers the overall chlorine content of the material, and may continue burning after the external heat source has been removed. When burning, PVC yields a number of combustion products of which carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water and hydrogen chloride make up the largest part. The fire performance of PVC has been the subject of considerable investigation both in Australia (see Ramsay, 1995) and overseas. Ramsay (1995) differentiated between the ‘narcotic’ gases, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide, and the irritant gas, hydrogen chloride. Hydrogen chloride will form hydrochloric acid fumes, which are very corrosive to, for example, computing equipment, and destructive to mucous membranes. Alajbeg (1987) also found aromatic compounds, largely benzene, in the products of the non-flaming combustion of PVC. The severe practical difficulties associated with measuring, for example, hydrochloric acid levels, in actual fires has led to the development of several test methods which may or may not be relevant to the real situation. Some of these test methods have been reviewed by Kaplan et al. (1988). Burning PVC also yields large amounts of soot-containing smoke, which may contain polychlorinated dioxins and furans formed during the fire, the amount depending on the fire conditions such as oxygen availability, temperature, and the amount of PVC involved in the fire. Sack (1988a) confirmed this finding, and found that in the presence of air a low concentration of chlorinated aromatic compounds was formed which may be implicated in dioxin formation. Odhuis et al. (1990) found that the dioxin production from pyrolysis in an inert atmosphere to be very low (parts per trillion level) but several orders of magnitude higher in air. 20 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 21 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition Earlier studies by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards (Levin, 1986) used a variety of bioassay toxicity protocols to assess the toxicity of the gaseous atmospheres generated by the thermal decomposition of seven plastics, including PVC. Their conclusion was that these plastics did not evolve unusually or extremely toxic pyrolysis or combustion products when compared to other synthetic or natural materials. Hirschler (1994) supported this view, and argued that the toxic potency of carbon monoxide from the combustion of other materials was more significant in a fire situation. On the other hand, Detwiler-Okabayashi et al. (1995) found that the thermal decomposition products from PVC were more toxic to guinea pigs than those from three other common plastic materials (ABS, PP-PE copolymer and PP homopolymer), and Lee (1995) studied the mutagenicity of acetone extracts of smog particulates using the Ames test. The extracts from PVC were more mutagenic than from three other commonly used plastics (PS, PET and PE), and this could be correlated with the nitropyrene content of the particulates. Møller et al. (1995) reviewed several European studies on the dioxin and furan content of soot from actual fires, and came to the conclusion that the dioxin formation in fires played a minor role in the total dioxin formation and emission to the environment. Carroll (1996a) estimated the annual generation of dioxins and furans in the United States as a result of PVC burning in house fires to be between 0.47 and 23 g TEq, and pointed out that this source constitutes a negligible contribution to the dioxin burden, given that the USEPA estimates annual air emissions to be 9300 g TEq. While there are obvious difficulties in reproducing actual fire conditions in the laboratory, and the results consequently inconclusive, the indications are that PVC is no worse in most respects than other materials when burnt, apart from releasing hydrogen chloride. 9 . WA S T E M A N A G E M E N T O F U S E D P V C BUILDING PRODUCTS There are three options for handling waste PVC building products, namely recycling, landfill, and incineration. 9.1 Recycling PVC is a thermoplastic material and is as such recyclable. As stated by the Danish EPA (1991), there is a strong case for recycling compared to disposal in waste dumps. In 1991, it was the Danish EPA’s aim to recycle 41% of PVC 21 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 22 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition building products by 1995, increasing to 77% by 2000. To what extent this was/will be achieved is not known. The Australian PVC recycling situation was discussed by Greenpeace (1996), who reported that PVC in all its uses was the least recycled plastic in this country in 1992, at 0.23 % of consumption (BIE, 1994). Rigid PVC used in building products can be easily recycled, after pulverisation and mixing with virgin PVC, to manufacture the same product. Production scrap can be similarly utilised. As pointed out by O’Connell et al. (1996), PVC is mainly used in Australia in long-life products such as plumbing pipes and electrical conduit, and because these products have not reached the end of their useful life time, little recycling of these is occurring at this stage other than inhouse production waste. Flexible PVC used for electrical cable insulation can be recycled to recover copper metal, and the PVC recovered. However, it is important to note that the PVC and copper must be separated before recycling. For example, van Wijnen et al. (1992) were able to demonstrate significant dioxin contamination of soil samples taken in the vicinity of small open-air (illegal) scrap wire incineration operations in Amsterdam. Menges (1996) and Baldwin (1997) have given extensive reviews of PVC recycling management in Europe. The present level of PVC recycling is small, but is estimated to treble by 2000 compared to 1994 levels. For example, 1995 data for PVC waste disposal in the Netherlands show that only 3,000 tonnes/year was recycled from the 46,000 tonnes/year of waste PVC produced (VROM, 1998). Australian data is available for recycling rates for the major plastics, including PVC, but there is no dissection according to prior use. PVC building products offer an ideal opportunity for recycling, given that they are easily identified and that increasing quantities will become available. It is noted that the Swedish National Environment Protection Board (Naturvårdsverket, 1996) advocate that the greatest potential for the reuse or recycling of PVC is to be found in the building and construction industries. This should be facilitated worldwide. 9.2 Landfill Møller et al. (1995) reviewed the limited number of studies that have been carried out on this aspect of PVC waste management, and pointed out that the leaching of heavy metals from PVC is small compared to the amount of heavy metals present as a result of the corrosion of the metal contained in ordinary municipal waste. PVC is a very resistant material both to water and to most chemicals, and its degradation in landfills will be very slow. One study found 22 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 23 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition that no degradation had occurred in PVC that had been buried for 25 years. (Hjertberg and Gevert, 1995.) Hjertberg (1995), in a theoretical study on the degradation of PVC, concluded that rigid PVC will not degrade at a practically important rate, and plasticised PVC will degrade slowly with the PVC chain remaining intact. Ejlertson and Svensson (1995) commented on the paucity of information on the subject of PVC degradation in landfills, and could not find any report of organochlorine compound formation from that source. There is the possibility that landfill leachate may contain traces of plasticisers. However, Lundberg et al. (1992) point out that “because of their high affinity for organic soil particles and their low water solubility this is not likely to be a major route into the environment.” The Swedish EPA (Naturvårdsverket, 1996) states that current knowledge indicates that emissions from land-filled PVC sources do not constitute a major environmental problem. There is little information on the environmental consequences of dumping PVC building products in landfills, but given the small quantities of heavy metals and plasticisers involved, and the degree of immobilisation, it seems unlikely that any significant effects will eventuate. 9.3 Incineration The contribution from PVC in the formation of dioxins in incinerators remains a topic of scientific debate, in part due to improvements in incineration technology. Møller et al. (1995) give an extensive review of the incineration of PVC waste in Europe where a considerable fraction of municipal waste is handled this way, as it is in the U.S.A. In Australia, the amount so treated is very small. The problems associated with the incineration of PVC include particulate and acid gas emissions, which can be restricted with filters and flue gas neutralisation systems respectively. There is also the potential for the emissions of dioxins (to the atmosphere and by adsorption onto fly ash) and heavy metals (in the incinerator ash, the disposal of which should be tightly regulated). Lead additives in PVC account for some 10% of the undesirably high lead levels in municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration residues. The USEPA has recently introduced regulations to reduce air pollution from medical waste incinerators so that dioxin emissions will be reduced by 95% (Anon., 1997). At sufficiently high temperatures, dioxins will break down to non-toxic compounds, so the incineration conditions influence the dioxin emission. As inorganic chloride and organic material will always be present in municipal waste, there is the potential for dioxin formation even in the absence of PVC in the waste stream. Recent trials on laboratory, pilot and full-scale plant have 23 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 24 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition tended to confirm the lack of a beneficial effect on dioxin emissions when chlorine-containing components of waste are withdrawn from the feedstock to an incinerator, and have indicated the importance of the combustion and postcombustion processes (Eduljee and Cains, 1996). Wikström et al. (1996) studied the combustion of a synthetic fuel in a pilot reactor and found that there was no correlation between the quantities of dioxins formed and the chlorine content of the fuel when the chlorine content was below 1%; above this level, a positive correlation was found. Lenoir et al. (1990) found that the addition of 2% sodium chloride to polyethylene produced no effect on the dioxin formation during combustion, whereas the addition of 3% PVC gave a moderate increase. Seys (1997) cited ten studies that have demonstrated that the same amount of dioxin is emitted from incinerators burning MSW, with or without PVC present. Greenpeace (1996) cites several studies in support of there being a link between the PVC/chlorine content of the incinerator feed and the resulting dioxin emissions. The Swedish EPA (Naturvårdsverket, 1996) state that incineration at MSW plants is not an environmental problem, and that the chlorine content of the PVC waste fraction does not affect the formation of dioxins as long as the chlorine load does not exceed 1%. As pointed out by the Dutch government (VROM, 1998), improvements in combustion technology and flue gas treatment have led to reductions in both the formation and emission of dioxins, and that eliminating PVC from incinerators would have little or no effect on their dioxin emissions. Useful reviews of this area have been provided by Carroll (1996b) and Royston et al. (1993). Møller et al. (1995) note that there are conflicting reports concerning dioxin formation and the PVC content of the waste, and ascribe this to the difficulties involved in maintaining the combustion parameters constant while varying the chlorine content of the waste. Baldwin (1997) states that minimisation of dioxin emissions is not dependent on the presence or absence of PVC in the incinerator feed, but rather on the incinerator operating conditions, and also on the flue-gas clean-up techniques. In a report published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME, 1995), it was concluded from existing data that the dioxin concentrations in flue gas from MSW incinerators could not be correlated with fuel chlorine content. Any effect that chlorine had on the dioxin concentrations from commercial scale systems was masked by the effect of the air pollution control system temperature, ash chemistry, combustion conditions, measurement imprecision, and localised flow stratification. 24 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 25 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition Sack (1988b) reported that PVC produces chlorobenzenes upon combustion, and that these may be potential precursors of larger, more highly chlorinated molecules that are of current environmental interest. Using regular and modified samples of MSW Kanters et al. (1996) studied the chlorophenols produced in incineration. They showed that about 45% of the chlorine content in MSW is due to PVC with the remainder due to inorganic chloride. They demonstrated that the chlorophenol emission levels slightly increased with an increase (up to 8-fold) in the PVC load in the MSW. The contribution of the production, use and disposal of PVC products to global dioxin production is the subject of continuing debate. Although PVC production continues to rise, Alcock and Jones (1996) point out that dioxin concentrations in a wide range of environmental media are on the decline. Pearson et al. (1997) studied the chronology of dioxin accumulation in sediment cores from the Great Lakes, and showed that the accumulation rates began increasing about 1940, peaked at 1970 ± 10 years, and then declined to the present rates that are 30 - 70% of the maxima. A similar chronology is given by Alcock and Jones (1997). Toshiro et al. (1990), for example, have measured dioxin in air samples over forest fires and concluded that large forest fires could produce significant amounts of dioxins. Harrad and Jones (1992) have reported that only 12% of the dioxins in the environment can be accounted for by present source estimates. HMIP (1995) reported on the annual dioxin emissions to air in the UK from 23 industrial processes and from 5 non-industrial sources. The industrial sources accounted for approximately 90% of the total inventory, with MSW incineration being the dominant source. HMIP estimated that the total dioxin emissions to air from VCM manufacture in the UK to be of the order of 0.025 g TEq. (compared to, for example, emissions from MSW incineration of 460-580 g TEq.). UKEA (1997) reviewed dioxin releases to land and water in the UK, and found that more dioxins are released to land than to any other media, and the majority of releases to land involve disposal at landfill sites. Because dioxins are not soluble in water, they are very unlikely to leach from landfills, making this the safest means of disposal, but this needs to be verified by field testing. Total releases to land are estimated to be between 1,500 and 12,000 g TEq/year, which is significantly higher than estimated releases to air (upper bound estimate 1,000 g TEq/year). Dioxin releases to land from PVC/EDC production were estimated to be 27 - 82 g TEq/year. Barton et al. (1997) stated that the release of dioxins from PVC sources is a relatively small proportion of the total dioxin emissions to the environment, 25 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 26 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition confirming the statement by Smit et al. (1994) that the amount of PVC in waste has little or no effect on dioxin formation in MSW incineration. The other aspect resulting from the incineration of PVC is the production of hydrochloric acid, although PVC is not responsible for the total hydrogen chloride content of the flue gas. Organic household waste is another source. Where this is collected and treated separately on a large scale, the proportion of chlorine processed by municipal incinerators accounted for by PVC has grown significantly (VROM, 1998). Flue gas cleaning to remove hydrogen chloride (and other acid gases such as sulphur and nitrogen oxides) results in extra operational costs. As with fires involving PVC, the evidence relating to incineration is inconclusive. It seems clear that the PVC component in present-day MSW is small, and that provided the incinerator is operated efficiently, any consequent public health and environmental damage will be insignificant. However, the goal to keep PVC away from ordinary waste incineration where technically and economically justifiable (Danish EPA, 1991) seems reasonable. 1 0 . E N V I R O N M E N TA L O E S T R O G E N S In recent years, there has been a vigorous debate about phthalates and/or dioxins and many other substances acting as “hormone disrupters” compounds which can act as hormones, or affect the mode of action of natural hormones. Part of the problem derives from the lack of a generally accepted, validated method to screen chemicals for possible hormone disruption. Ginsberg (1996) argues that there is a need to develop reliable and practical tests for defining hormonal influences of chemicals released by industrial processes. A detailed discussion of oestrogen receptor activation was recently published by Wiese and Kelce (1997). The oestrogenic pollutants presumed responsible for reproductive changes range from the organochlorine pesticides to polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins and furans, alkylphenol polyethoxylates, and phthalates. DEHP has recently been tested for xenoestrogenic effects, and showed only weakly positive results (Toppari et al., 1995). Lee (1996) discusses the inconclusive experimental and epidemiological results that have been published in this area, and also comments that while the subject is very complex, the hypothesis is plausible. On the other hand, Barton et al. (1997) concluded that the oestrogenic activity of phthalates is “unlikely to be significant enough to be of major 26 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 27 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition concern”, and state that the more likely candidates are persistent pesticide residues such as the DDT metabolite DDE, which has been shown to be a potent androgen receptor agonist (Kelce et al., 1995). Arnold (1996) claimed to have demonstrated synergistic effects with mixtures of environmental oestrogens. However, several groups of researchers were not able to reproduce these synergistic effects (Ashby, 1997; Ramamoothy, 1997) nor could the authors of the original paper, who have formally withdrawn their original paper (McLachlan, 1997). A number of phthalate plasticisers (and their metabolites) were screened for oestrogenic activity by Harris et al. (1997), using a recombintant yeast screen. The relative potencies descended in the order BBP>DBP>DIBP>DEP>DINP, and were a million to 50 million times less than 17ß-oestradiol. DEHP showed no oestrogenic activity. It seems clear that the most toxic dioxin (2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin) harms reproductive capability in male rats, and that some phthalates reduce testosterone levels in male rats and mice. However, it should be recognised that many animal studies involve doses far above environmental levels. The USEPA and the UK Medical Research Council’s Institute for Environment and Health continue to be involved in the development of policy and regulations addressing the area. While the whole area of environmental oestrogens is currently the subject of major research and debate, there does not appear yet to be the evidence required to justify a ban on the use of the most widely used PVC plasticiser, DEHP. 1 1 . A LT E R N AT I V E S T O P V C I N B U I L D I N G PRODUCTS There seems to be no commercially viable alternative to the use of plasticised PVC in electrical cable insulation. As pointed out by Hogan (1983), PVC provides a low cost material for low voltage insulation. This results from its low material cost and its fast extrusion speed. It also has excellent mechanical properties and abrasion resistance at normal operating temperatures, and excellent moisture, chemical, flame and weathering resistance. KEMI (1996) suggest that polyethylene and polypropylene can constitute alternatives to PVC for cable insulation, albeit at 3-5 times the cost. However, these materials are not self-extinguishing, and increase the cable rigidity. In so doing, the likelihood of cracking during installation and use is increased. The alternatives to rigid PVC in pipe and fittings in the building sector are concrete, polyethylene, polypropylene, ductile iron, vitreous clay, and fibreglass 27 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 28 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition reinforced plastics. The choice of pipe is determined by price, design pressure, and the effects of chemical and biological activity. In acid soils, for example, cement and iron-based pipes can corrode. Polyolefins have lower melting temperatures, and heavy pipe materials are worse from a work-environment point of view. Detailed life cycle analyses (LCA) for vitreous clay and concrete products could not be found in the literature. An extensive review of LCA studies on PVC packaging has been reported by Smit (1994). An LCA by van den Berg et al. (1996) compared iron, polyethylene and PVC piping for low pressure gas distribution systems in Holland. The following environmental themes were considered ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Photochemical oxidant formation potential: reactions of NOx with volatile organic substances leads, under the influence of UV light, to photochemical oxidant creation, which causes smog. Nutrification potential: the addition of nutrients to water or soil will increase production of biomass and may threaten biodiversity. Global warming potential: an increasing amount of carbon dioxide, for example, in the earth’s atmosphere leads to an increasing absorption of heat radiation and consequently to an increase in temperature. Human toxicity potential: exposure of humans to toxic substances causes health problems. Exposure can take place through air, water or soil and especially through the food chain. Abiotic depletion potential: abiotic depletion refers to the extraction of raw materials such as ores and energy sources faster than they are created. Odour threshold limit: exposure to odorous compounds is measured as the volume of air polluted to the odour threshold. Ozone depletion potential: depletion of the ozone layer leads to an increase in the UV light reaching the earth’s surface. This may lead to human diseases and may influence ecosystems. Using a cradle-to-grave approach, their conclusions were that in terms of all of these environmental themes, PVC was better than or equal to the other materials considered. The other LCA located in the course of the present study was that by Finnveden et al. (1996), which dealt with concrete, cast iron, polyolefin and PVC pipes. Due to a lack of reliability in the basic information and a lack of comparable data for all pipe materials, the authors were unable to draw any sound conclusions. In the majority of assessment methods, PVC pipe ended up between the other alternatives (KEMI, 1996). 28 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 29 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition Although little detailed comparative, conclusive LCA information is available, it does not seem that PVC in its major building product applications has significantly more effect on the environment than alternative materials. 12. CONCLUSIONS In the production of PVC, there is the possibility of accidental emissions of such compounds as EDC, VCM, and dioxins. The concern of regulatory authorities, environmental groups, and industry itself has led to stringent environmental measures in most developed countries. There are, however, several environmental aspects of the general use of PVC products which require further study, as the available evidence is either inconclusive or contradictory. These include ● the use of phthalates in flexible PVC, and the consequent possibility of loss to the environment At the present time, the scientific evidence concerning the effects of phthalate plasticisers on the environment is inconclusive. There is the additional difficulty of extrapolating the results from animal experimentation to human health risks. It should be noted that the Swedish National Chemicals Inspectorate (KEMI, 1996) has recommended that emissions of plasticisers such as phthalates be reduced, but that a final decision on their use should await the current EU risk assessments on these materials, which should be completed during 1998. ● the ultimate fate of heavy metals used in stabilisers The contribution of lead stabilisers used in PVC products to the level of lead in the environment is relatively small compared to contributions from other sources, and seems destined to diminish. The environmental effects of heavy metals (from all sources) is an area of continuing research. and ● the toxicity of emissions from accidental fires While there are obvious difficulties in reproducing actual fire conditions in the laboratory, and the results consequently inconclusive, the indications are that PVC is no worse in most respects than other materials when burnt, apart from releasing hydrogen chloride. However, the use of PVC in buildings has minor environmental consequences, for the following reasons ● the rigid PVC products used in buildings can be easily recycled when the building reaches the end of its life cycle 29 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 30 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition PVC building products offer an ideal opportunity for recycling, given that they are easily identified and that increasing quantities will become available. It is noted that the Swedish National Environment Protection Board (Naturvårdsverket, 1996) advocate that the greatest potential for the reuse or recycling of PVC is to be found in the building and construction industries. ● the inherent non-flammability of PVC is a positive attribute in a building fire situation Although little detailed comparative, conclusive LCA information is available, it does not seem that PVC in its major building product applications has significantly more effect on the environment than alternative materials. 1 3 . A C K N OW L E D G M E N T S The author would like to thank Ms. Jenny O’Connell (ANU) for access to a file of papers on the subject. During the course of a study tour by the author in Europe in December 1997, helpful discussions were held with the following: Dr. Ian Boustead, Boustead Consulting Ltd., London; Dr. John Svalander, European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers, Brussels; Dr, David Cadogan, European Chemical Industry Council, Brussels; Dr. Lea Hansen, Danish EPA, Copenhagen; Inger Klöfver, Swedish EPA, and Eva Ljung, Swedish National Chemicals Inspectorate, Stockholm; Rolf Bühl, European Vinyls Corporation, Brussels; Dr. Stellan Marklund and Professor Christoffer Rappe, Institute of Environmental Chemistry, University of Umeå, Umeå, Sweden. The author also acknowledges the helpful comments made on a draft of this report by six referees. 30 PVC Ed 2 4/7/01 3:39 PM Page 31 The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products – Second Edition 14. REFERENCES Abad, E. et al., (1997): Chemosphere, 35(3), 453. Alajbeg, A., (1987): J.Anal.Appl. Pyrolysis, 12(3-4), 275. 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Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer Australian National University American Society of Mechanical Engineers Butyl benzyl phthalate Centre for Environmental Science, University of Leiden Chemical Marketing Reporter Di-butyl phthalate Di-ethyl phthalate Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate Di-isobutyl phthalate Diisodecyl phthalate Diisononyl phthalate European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers 1,2-dichloroethane or ethylene dichloride European Union Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Pollution The Swedish National Chemicals Inspectorate Life cycle analysis Low-density polyethylene Municipal solid waste Cubic metre at normal temperature and pressure Nitrogen oxides Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins Polychlorinated dibenzofurans Polyethylene Polyethylene terephthalate Polypropylene Polystyrene Poly(vinyl chloride) Norwegian State Pollution Control Agency Unit of toxicity for a dioxin mixture tonnes per annum US EPA The United States Environment Protection Agency USOSHA The United States Occupational Safety and Health Agency UV Ultra-violet radiation VCM Vinyl chloride monomer The environmental aspects of the use of PVC in building products Second Edition A study carried out for the Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association Inc. 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