Florida Child Neurology Account#___________ A Division of Florida Pediatric Associates, LLC PATIENT INFORMATION Patient Name: __________________________________ DOB: ____/____/____ SS#: _____-_____-______ Sex: Male ___ Female ___ Address: _____________________________ City: ____________________State: _____Zip: __________ Phone#: (____)___________ Race: ☐ African American/Black ☐ American Indian or Alaska Native ☐ Asian ☐ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ☐ White Ethnicity: ☐Hispanic ☐Non-Hispanic ☐Declined Other family members treated here:________________________________________________________________________________ Primary Care Physician: ________________________________________________________ Phone#: (______) _______-__________ Pharmacy :_____________________________________________________ Pharmacy Phone: (_____) ________-________________ Email:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Method of contact: ☐ Email ☐ Mail ☐ Home Phone ☐ Cell Phone ☐ Text Message Whom may we thank for referring you:____________________________________________________________________________ PARENT(S) / LEGAL GUARDIAN INFORMATION Who has legal Custody of the Patient: ( )Parents ( )Mother Only ( ) Father Only ( ) *Foster Parent ( ) Grandparent ( ) *HRS/Other * APPROPRIATE PAPERWORK MUST BE PRESENTED AT TIME OF VISIT Mother/Guardian's name: _________________________________________ DOB: _____/_____/______ SS#: _____-_____-______ Address: ☐Check here if same as above __________________________________________________ City: __________________________State: ______Zip: ____________ Home #: (_____)_______-__________ Cell#: (_____)________-_____________ Work#: (_____)_______-_____________ ☐ Check this box if we may use this cell # for text and/or robocall appointment reminders Occupation:_____________________Employer__________________________ Employer Address______________________________ Father/Guardian's name: ______________________________________________ DOB: _____/_____/_____ SS#: _____-____-_____ Address: ☐Check here if same as above __________________________________________________ City: ___________________________State: ______Zip: ____________ Occupation:____________________Employer__________________________ Employer Address_______________________________ Home #: (_____)_______-__________ Cell#: (_____)________-_____________ Work#: (_____)_______-_____________ ☐ Check this box if we may use this cell # for text and/or robocall appointment reminders Preferred Language:_________________________________ Preferred method of contact: Email Phone Cell Phone Text EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1. Name: ___________________________________ Relationship: ______________________ Phone#: (____) _______-___________ #2. Name: ___________________________________ Relationship: ______________________ Phone#: (____) _______-___________ Feb-14 1 INSURANCE INFORMATION Primary Insurance Carrier: ____________________________________ Policy#______________________________Group#____________ Policyholder’s Name: _____________________________________________________ Date of Birth__________________________ Policyholder’s SS#:: ________________________________________ Relationship to patient: ___________________________________ Claims Address: ______________________________________ City: __________________________State: ______Zip: ___________ Eligibility Phone# (______) _______-____________________ Secondary Insurance Carrier: ______________________________ Policy#______________________________Group#____________ Policyholder’s Name: _________________________________________________ Date of Birth_______________________________ Policyholder’s SS#:: ________________________________________ Relationship to patient: ________________________________ Claims Address: _____________________________________ City: __________________________State: ______Zip: ___________ Eligibility Phone# (______) _______-____________________ ASSIGNMENT OF BENEFITS/ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I request that payment of authorized insurance benefits be made on my behalf to Florida Pediatric Associates, LLC for any medical services provided to me by that organization. I authorize the release of any medical or other information necessary to determine these benefits or the benefits payable for related equipment or services to the organization, the Health Care Financing Administration, my insurance carrier or other medical entity. A copy of this authorization will be sent to the Health Care Financing Administration, my insurance company or other entity if requested. The original will be kept on file by the organization. I understand that I am financially responsible to the organization for any charges not covered by health care benefits. It is my responsibility to notify the organization of any changes in my health care coverage. In some cases, exact insurance benefits cannot be determined until the insurance company receives the claim. I am responsible for the entire bill or balance of the bill as determined by the organization and/or my health care insurer if the submitted claims or any part of them are denied for payment. I understand that by signing this form I am accepting responsibility as explained above for all payment for products received. By signing this document, I also acknowledge that I have received a copy of the organization’s Notice of Privacy Practices. This acknowledgement is required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to ensure that I have been made aware of my privacy rights. Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________________________________________Date__________________________________ OFFICE POLICY FOR PAYMENT Payment is expected IN FULL at the time services are rendered by the patient or the person accompanying the minor child for treatment. If our office is a participating provider with your insurance carrier, all non-covered services, co-pays, and or deductibles will be collected at the time of each visit. Arrangements for anything other than full payment at the time of service must be made prior to your appointment. It is the responsibility of the guarantor to understand and accept the guidelines set up within the individual’s insurance plan. If you are unable to provide us with complete insurance information at the time of your visit you will be responsible for payment of services IN FULL. I understand that I am financially responsible for any balance not covered by my insurance carrier. I further understand and agree, that if I fail to make timely payments on my account, I will be responsible for any and all reasonable costs of collection, including filing fees as well as reasonable attorney’s fee. I have read and understand the office policy for payment and agree to the terms as stated. Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________________________________________Date__________________________________ 2 A division of Florida Pediatric Associates, LLC 615 East Princeton Street, Suite 225 Orlando, Florida 32803 Telephone: (407) 897-3544 | Facsimile: (407) 897-4016 Permission to Treat I, ____________________________ (print name of legal guardian), hereby authorize Florida Child Neurology, PLLC, and its personnel, to provide medical services, such as medical examination and treatment, as they deem best for the child’s physical or mental welfare. _____________________________ _________________ _____________________ (Print child’s name) (Child’s date of birth) (Child’s Social Security #) I authorize the following person/people to bring my child in for treatment and to discuss any necessary treatments, medications, and to even authorize any tests or labs that are necessary, up to and including admission to the hospital: Name:____________________________ Mother:______________________________ Name:____________________________ Father: ______________________________ Name:____________________________ Relationship to patient: _________________ Name:____________________________ Relationship to patient: _________________ **All of the above will provide identification to be placed in the patient’s chart. I agree that unless I give specific instructions otherwise, medical information regarding my child’s diagnosis and treatment may be released to biological parents, step parents, referring physicians and other practitioners, and my insurance company. I have been advised and understand the Notice of Privacy Practices of Florida Child Neurology, PLLC. __________________________________________ Signature of legal guardian __________________________ Date Relationship to patient: ___________________________________________________ PATIENT HISTORY FORM Patient's Name: DOB: AGE: SEX: ---- M F Address (Street, City, State, Zip): Phone Number (Best number to reach parents): Primary Care Physician Name:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone Number for your PCP: Were you sent here by your OPCP or Oother physician. Name of other physician: - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - Pharmacy Name: Pharmacy P h o n e # - - - - - - - - - - - What is your child's (or your) main reason for the visit: PAST MEDICAL HISTORY FOR THE PATIENT (circle yes or no when indicated) Any Past Medical Problems/Diagnosis?: YES NO. If yes, then list all problems. Past Hospitalizations: YES NO. If yes, then list all hospitalizations and reasons. Any Past Surgeries?: YES NO. If yes, then list all past surgeries. Allergies: YES NO. If yes, then please list all allergies. Smoker? O Current Smoker O Former Smoker O Never Smoked Please list all prescription,over-the-counter (ex. Ibuprofen), vitamins or herbal medications and doses: Medication Name: Dose: *Please use reverse side for addt'I space Please List all prior ADHD or Migraine medications : Medication Name: BIRTH HISTORY: Birth Weight: - - - - - - - - Birth Length: Gestational Age: (Weeks) Type of Delivery: Vaginal C-Section Length of stay in nursery Prematurity: YES_ _ _ NO_ __ If yes how many weeks premature _ __ _ Complications with Pregnancy: YES____ NO_ __ . If yes, then what? DEVELOPMENT HISTORY: PLEASE INDICATE THE AGE YOUR CHILD; _ _ 1•t smiled 1•t walked _ _Toilet trained _ _Dressed Independently _ _ Sit alone _ _ Speak single words Page 1 Patient Name:_ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ DOB:_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ PRIOR TESTING AND STUDIES PERFORMED: What past studies has your child (or You) had? When and where were they done: ( CT, EEG, Sleep Study) ...Please use reverse side for addt'I space. Test Name: When: Where: Use the following symbols (M=mother, F=Father, S=Sibling, MGM, MGF=maternal grandparents, PGM or PGF=Paternal grandparents , MU or MA=Maternal uncle/Aunt, PU or PA= Paternal uncle/Aunt, and O=other) to mark any significant family member with a problem/disorder listed below. Unremarkable Unknown FH Aspergers FH Ataxia FH Autism FH Birth Defects FH Cerebral Palsy FH Communication Disorder FH Developmental Delay FH Genetic Disorder FH Headaches FH Macrocephalus FH Mental Illness FH Metabolic Disorder FH Migraines FH Narcolepsy FH Neurofibromatosis FH Seizures FH Tics Tourette's Obsessive Compulsive Disorder FH Other Medical Problems SOCIAL HISTORY FOR THE PATIENT Please list all members living in household (ie mother, father, etc): List type of pets at home: Is your child in school/preschool/daycare? YES NO If yes, please list what grade. -------~~---------- Missed school days because of symptoms? YES NO School Supports ( Special Ed, Therapy)? YES I If yes, what type: Please list any family, social or school stressors currently known: Please list patient's favorite activities/sports/extra-curricular activities: - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - Additional Space for Past Medical, Family Medical and Social History Page 2 Patient Name:_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ DOB: _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ Please Review the following health issues for the patient and mark Yes or No. YES NO General GI Overweight Abdominal pain Weight Loss Chronic Constipation Fever Alternating constipation/diarrhea Lethargy/Fatigue Jaundice Picky Eater Nausea Developmental Delay Loss of appetite Reflux Head and Neck Swallowing difficulties Eye changes Vomiting Wear glasses Nasal Congestion Genitourninary Sinus Infections Difficulty urinating Frequent Colds Blood in Urine PE Tubes Urinary Tract Infections Tooth Decay Bedwetting Mouth Ulcers or Braces YES NO Muscle/Jo ints Skin Rashes Itching Respiratory Cough Asthma/Wheezing Frequent Bronchitis Pneumonia Neurological Headaches/Migraines Dizziness Fainting Head Trauma Seizures Sleep Problems Speech Problems/Therapy Tremors Cardiac Congenital Problems Murmur High Blood Pressure Fainting Heart Rhythm Changes Joint Pain Joint Swelling Joint Redness Sports Injury Uses Wheelchair Hematology Abnormal Bruising Bleeding Anemia Sickle Cell Disease!Trait Psychiatric Anxiety Depression Developmental Delay Behavior Problems Mood Changes Inpatient Admits Allergy Uticaria Allergic Rash Eczema Hay Fever Recurrent Infections Seasonal Medications May explain further for any YES above: Page 3 A division of Florida Pediatric Associates, LLC 615 East Princeton Street, Suite 225 Orlando, Florida 3280 Telephone: (407) 897-3544 | Facsimile: (407) 897-4016 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices I, ________________________, have received the Notice of Privacy Practices from Florida Child Neurology, PLLC. _____________________ Signature _______________________ Date In lieu of patient or parent/guardian signature, I, _______________________________, a staff member of Florida Child Neurology, PLLC, state that _________________________ has been given our current Notice of Privacy Practices. _____________________ Signature Patient Name: ______________________ Patient DOB: _________________________ _________________________ Date A division of Florida Pediatric Associates, LLC 615 E. Princeton Street Suite 225 Orlando FL 32803 Ph: 407-897-3544 Fax: 407-897-4016 Toll Free: 866-356-3075 www.floridachildneurology.com Fees for Letters, Forms and Medical Records Patient's Name: _______________________ Patient's DOB: ___/___/___ Florida Child Neurology, PLLC beginning October 6, 2008, will charge the following fees: 1. LETTERS: A fee of $25.00 will be charged for each official letter provided by our physician and/or provider of service. (For example a diagnosis letter and/or similar letters.) 2. FORMS: A fee will be charged for each additional official form completed by our physician and/or provider. This includes FMLA, SSI, SCHOOL HEALTH, DISABILITY FORMS, DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLES and similar forms. The Fee will be $15.00 for a one-page form and $25.00 for a multiple page form. 3. RECORDS: The fee for copies of medical records is $1.00 per page up to 25 pages. Each additional page will be $.25 cents as provided/allowed by the state law. Copy of CD's from EEG studies is $25.00 per study day. If the patient/parent/guardian needs a copy of the latest diagnostic test, lab or office visits for continuation of care/treatment to another physician and/or provider of service. Florida Child Neurology will be happy to assist and send the records to that provider requested at no charge to the patient. If the patient/parent/guardian would like a copy of the records that is not directly related to continuity of care; the fees will be applied as stated above. The requesting party must pay fees in advance along with a release of medical records form. The insurance company does not cover letter, forms and records copies. All records, letter and/or forms will be completed within 7-10 business days after payment is received. We will do everything possible to complete sooner. Documents maybe picked up at our office or mailed. Our staff will call when the documents are ready to be picked up. An additional fee of $5.00 maybe charged for postage and mailing for large amount of records. I acknowledge that I have been notified of these fees and that I understand this policy. ____________________________________ Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Signature ____________________________ Date ____________________________________ Print Name No-Show Policy Notice Florida Child Neurology, PLLC reserves the right to discharge patients whose parents/guardians fail to bring them to appointments without explanation. Cancellation less than 48 hours before the appointment time or arriving more than 10 minutes late also may be considered a no-show. A phone call to the office to explain why you cannot keep the appointment might prevent a no-show from being recorded against you. I acknowledge and understand this policy. ____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Signature ___________________________________________ Print Name ____________________________ Date Patient Name: ____________________________________ Account #: _____ _______________________ OUR FINANCIAL POLICY Thank you for choosing us as your health care provider. We are committed to the success of your treatment. Please understand that payment of your bill is considered part of your treatment. The following is a statement of our Financial Policy, which were require you to read prior to any treatment. All patients must complete our Registration and History forms before seeing the doctor. You must supply us with both your insurance card and driver’s license prior to your visit. FULL PAYMENT IS DUE AT THE TIME OF SERVICE. WE ACCEPT CASH, VISA/MASTERCARD, DISCOVER AND AMERICAN EXPRESS. Regarding Insurance Regarding insurance plans where we are a participating provider.; Although we have contracted with your insurance company to provide care to their clients, your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. All co-pays and deductibles are due prior to treatment, along with a valid referral from your primary care provider, if your insurance plan requires it. Please note that if you require treatment that is not deemed medically necessary or is not a covered service with your insurance carrier, you will be responsible for payment in full prior to that treatment. In the event that your insurance coverage changes to a plan where we are not participating providers, refer to the paragraph below. Regarding insurance plans where we are not a participating provider: You are responsible for payment of your first office visit in full. The balance is your responsibility whether your insurance company pays or not. We cannot bill your insurance company unless you give us your insurance information. Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. We are not a party to that contract. If your insurance company has not paid your account in full within 45 days, you will be responsible for payment within 30 days upon receipt of the bill. Please be aware that some, and perhaps all, of the services provided may be non-covered services and not considered reasonable and necessary under the Medicare Program and/or other medical insurance. You are responsible for these charges. We bill secondary insurance carriers as a courtesy to our patients. Usual and Customary Charges Our practice is committed to providing the best treatment for our patients. We charge what is usual and customary for our area. You are responsible for payment regardless of any insurance company’s arbitrary determination of usual and customary rates. You will be responsible for payment if your insurance carrier authorizes and certifies care but fails to pay as agreed. Interest We reserve the right to charge interest in the amount of 18 % per year as provided by state law on past due accounts. Minor Patients The adult accompanying a minor and the parents (or guardians of the minor) are responsible for full payment. For an unaccompanied minor, non-emergency treatment will be denied unless payment arrangements have been made in advance. Missed Appointments Unless canceled at least 24 hours in advance, we may charge a fee of $25.00 for missed appointments. This is not covered by insurance. Please help us serve you better by keeping scheduled appointments. Returned Checks If your bank returns your unpaid check for any reason, such as insufficient funds or closed account, you will be charged $25.00. Payment must be made prior to your return to the office and we may not accept any more personal checks. Billing Questions Please address all billing questions to Florida Pediatric Associates at 727-456-3288 or toll free 866 343-3288. Collections You may be dismissed from the practice if you fail to meet your financial responsibilities and/or we must use a collection agency to bring your account up-to-date. If it is necessary to turn the account over to collections and you wish to return to the practice, you will be responsible for all charges, including those incurred to collect the amount owed, i.e. collections agent’s fees. Your account must be paid in full before you are able to return to the office. ______________________________________________ Signature of Responsible Party _________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________________ Witness _________________________________________________ Date
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