End Abuse and WCASA invite you to join us for a Coordinated Community Response (CCR) Networking Event Upcoming 2014 CCR Networking Event Friday, November 7th from 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM November 20th, Wausau 2707 E. Washington Ave. Madison, WI 53704 at Madison Public Library: Hawthorne Branch Morning Workshop: Ginger Francis, WCASA & Sara Krall, End Abuse For CCR Networking Event updates, visit www.endabusewi.org or www.wcasa.org Building Effective CCR Teams This workshop will explore the fundamentals of a CCR, key elements to strengthen collaboration and build member capacity, and meaningful ways to address both domestic abuse and sexual assault. Afternoon Breakout Offerings: Building Capacity for Social Change—One Community’s Story: Does your community struggle with building a sustainable model for a coordinated community response to sexual and domestic violence? This breakout session, facilitated by Kelly Moe Litke of WCASA, will discuss how a seven county service area in South Central North Dakota with the leadership of their domestic and sexual violence agency mobilized their community primarily utilizing the INSTIGATE! model to develop and enhance their CCR work. Domestic Violence Warrant Sweep—a project of the Racine County Domestic Violence Taskforce: Racine County engaged in the national DV Warrant Sweep in October. This presentation will offer insights into the ways that the sweep was conducted as well as the important strategies that were incorporated to ensure victim safety and access to resources during the warrant sweep activities. Representatives from the Taskforce, including Deputy Kelly Goetzke of the Racine County Sheriff’s Office and Cherie Griffin of the Women’s Resource Center will outline their work, answer questions and offer suggestions about how to implement similar strategies in your community. *This event is not sponsored by the Madison Public Library PLEASE RSVP by November 4th gingerf@wcasa.org or (608)284-5484 See p. 2 for additional information CCR Networking Event Information November 7th—Madison RSVP BY November 4th! Include your name, e-mail address, organization and title/role Please indicate your preferred afternoon breakout session Contact Ginger Francis with RSVP information at gingerf@wcasa.org –or– (608)284-5484 CONTACT US BY OCTOBER 30TH TO REQUEST THE FOLLOWING: Sign Language Interpretation: Available for deaf and hard of hearing advocates. Language Assistance: Available to persons who do not speak English as their primary language and have a limited ability to read, speak, hear, write or understand English. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Carpooling: A great way to save money! Let us know if you’re interested in finding out if someone else from your area is attending. Lunch: Bring your own lunch or money to grab lunch at a nearby restaurant. We will have a list of local food options available onsite. FORMAT OF THE EVENT: Morning Workshop 10:30am-12pm: Mini training and conversation as a whole group Lunch 12pm-1pm: Informal networking over lunch, on your own Afternoon Networking 1pm-2:30pm: Select a breakout session to learn more about a specific community initiative. There will be time allowed in this session to troubleshoot CCR-related issues and concerns with other attendees. Closing 2:30pm-3pm: Come back together as a large group for wrap-up and evaluations LOCATION INFORMATION: Madison Public Library: Hawthorne Branch 2707 E. Washington Ave. Madison, WI 53704 (608)-246-4548
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