11.-18.7.2014 NEW 252m2 strength training hall in april 2014 Arctic Midsummer Strength Week Santasport Institute organizes Arctic Midsummer Strength Week which includes strength training seminar, weightlifting training camp and also international weightlifting competition 11-17 July 2014. The strength training seminar is dedicated in addition to weightlifting coaches, also to physics coaches of other sports, CrossFit -coaches and others interested in strength training and coaching. The weightlifting training camp is dedicated for weightlifting coaches and athletes. During the week Ivan Abadjiev and Victor Galvan introduce Bulgarian and Spanish coaching philosophy in theory and practice. The training camp is excellent opportunity for coaches and athletes to learn and practice from world class weightlifting coaches. In addition the seminar and the training camp include a lecture of mental skills training in strength sports and weightlifting. The event offers excellent opportunity for coaches to share ideas and get new contacts. You can participate either in the entire event or only separate sections: 1. STRENGTH TRAINING SEMINAR for all sports 11.-13.7. – 250€ price without accommodation 170€ 2. TRAINING CAMP for weightlifters and coaches 13.-18.7. – from 490€ price without accommodation 260€ 3. SUPER PACKAGE (includes. parts 1 and 2) 11.-18.7. – from 590€ price without accommodation 395€ 4. ARCTIC WEIGHTLIFTING COMPETITION 13.7. – registration fee 20€. Club offer -10% ( min. 4 person) Options 1 – 3 includes accommodation for 2-4 persons, full board dining, camp program (6-8/days), participate payment for the competition, use of the Sauna and pool department on public opening hours and 1 hour bowling. Option 4 includes only participate payment for the competition. Explore the premises and services at: www.santasport.fi Arctic Midsummer Strength Weeks main subjects are: • How to apply weightlifting training in strength training of other sports. (option 1) - Physiology in strength training - Bulgarian point of view in strength training of track and field, martial arts, and in team sports • Bulgarian and Spanish system in weightlifting (option 2) - Physiology as a basis of points of view - The main changes from the history to the present - Experiences as a coach and as an athlete - Differences and likenesses of points of views - Themes are applied to the practice on all levels with demo trainings • Induction to the weightlifter’s mental training (option 3) - Significance of the mental training in the weightlifting Lecturers: • Head lecturer Ivan Abadjiev is one of the world’s most successful weightlifting coach of all times with success in Olympic Games, World Championships and European Championships. The world-famous Bulgarian system personifies by Ivan Abadjiev. The seminar and the training camp are a unique opportunity to learn from Ivan Abadjiev, perhaps last time in Finland! • The other head lecturer of the seminar is Victor Galvan. Victor Galvan is the main coach of the Spanish training center Centro Regional de Halterofilia. • The mental skills training lecture is run by Lapland Sports Academy. WEIGHTLIFTING TRAINING CAMPS. Prices from 62€/day including full board dining, use of the weightlifting- and other sport premises and utilization of video technique and free use of the use of the Sauna and pool department on public opening hours including cold- and hot pools for recovery. ASK SANTASPORT SUMMER HOLIDAY PACKAGES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! Registration, content descriptions and further details: sales@santasport.fi, 020 798 4236 All rights reserved
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