GEOSCIENCES GEOSCIENCES | SEISMIC | ENGINEERING | PM/ PM/CM CM ARCHITECTS ARCHITECTS | ENGINEERS | INTEGRATIVE INTEGRATIVE DESIGN USFA Welcome Letter ! ! ! ! ! USA Fencing 4065 Sinton Rd., Ste. 140 Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Phone: 719.866.4511 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! 7 ! ! ! ! ! "#$%!&#'()'*!+,-.#,#/!$'0!&$'/1! 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Northern California Chapter / / / / / To the Fencers in the 2014 Men’s Foil World Cup: On behalf of the more than 400 Northern California Olympians and Paralympians who live, work and play in the San Francisco Bay Area, WELCOME to the 2014 Men's Foil World Cup. We are honored to have such an elite group of international athletes come to the San Francisco Bay Area to compete and experience the hospitality this great city has to offer. This is just one step to show the world how perfect the Bay Area is for competition, be it the World Cup, the Fencing World Championship or a future Olympic and Paralympic Games! Thank you for treating us to this once in a life-time opportunity, to watch the best male fencers in the world compete in our back yard as you prepare for the Olympic Games in 2016 in Rio. As fencers and Olympians, we are especially excited to share our fantastic sport with the San Francisco community. We will be in the stands cheering for you all! In the Olympic Spirit, Greg Massialas President Northern California Olympians 1980, ’84, ’88 Olympian, Fencing (USA) Barbra Higgins Treasurer Northern California Olympians 1984 Olympian, Fencing (Panama) / 3 Individual & Team Competitions Schedule Individual Competition Schedule Thursday, 16 October 2014 17h00-21h00 Registration – Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, 2nd floor, outside Evergreen Room 17h00-21h00 Weapon Control – Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, 2nd floor, Evergreen Room 15h00 Publication of pools Friday, 17 October 2014 – Kezar Pavilion 7h00 Weapons Control & Registration Opens 10h00 Men’s Foil start of the pools to qualification table Saturday, 18 October 2014 – Kezar Pavilion 7h00 Weapons Control Opens 09h00 Direct Elimination Table of 64 Men’s Foil 13h00 Direct Elimination Table of 32 Men’s Foil 15h00 Direct Elimination Table of 16 Men’s Foil 16h30 Direct Elimination Table of 8 Men’s Foil 18h30 Start of the Semifinals and Finals for Men’s Foil Team Competition Schedule Saturday, 18 October 2014 – Kezar Pavilion 08h00 Registration Opens 11h00-13h00 Confirmation of Team Composition 14h00 Publication of the Team Direct Elimination Table Sunday, 19 October 2014 – Kezar Pavilion 4 7h00 Weapons Control Opens 08h30 Start of Men’s Foil Team Table 16h00 Start of Bronze and Gold final matches for Men’s Foil Team Fencers to Watch in San Francisco Just three months after the 2014 Senior World Championships, the 2014-2015 men’s foil season will begin this weekend at Kezar Pavilion in San Francisco. All of the 2014 Senior World individual medalists will be in action with hopes of starting the season strong while nearly 200 athletes are looking to upset the sport’s biggest names. USA Fencing continues to boast one of the world’s strongest men’s foil programs with Gerek Meinhardt (No. 4), Alexander Massialas (No. 7) and Race Imboden (No. 10) all ranked among the top 10 in the world. All three U.S. standouts claimed medals at the World Cup and Grand Prix individual events last season and, with this being the hometown for Meinhardt and Massialas, both are hoping for podium finishes in front of family and friends. Don’t count out American Miles Chamley-Watson, however. Chamley-Watson shocked the fencing community with his gold medal win at the 2013 Senior World Championships and is best known for his ability to take come-from-behind wins in dramatic fashion. The 2014 Senior World Championships podium featured four first-time medalists in Kazan, Russia. The host nation had a strong presence on the podium with Alexey Cheremisinov and Timur Safin winning gold and bronze. Jianfei Ma (CHN) and Enzo Lefort (FRA) took home silver and the other bronze. London Olympic Champion Sheng Lei (CHN) and silver medalist Alaaeldin Abouelkassem (EGY) will be among the top fencers to watch in San Francisco as well. As always, Italy boasts a strong contingent that features former individual Senior World Champions Andrea Cassara and Andrea Baldini as well as Giorgio Avola who won gold in the team event in London with Cassara and Baldini. In the team event, men’s foil has a new No. 1 in the world rankings with France taking the top seed in the tournament after a gold medal win at Senior Worlds. China and Russia will come in as the second and third seeds with Italy and Team USA in fourth and fifth. The competition will be fierce in the team tournament as France, China, Italy and Team USA have all won medals at the last two Senior World Championships with Russia fencing for bronze both years. Any number of teams have the talent to take gold and all will be putting their best talent on the strip with hopes of being on top of the podium on Sunday evening. 5 Athletes in Action 6 Athletes in Action (Cont’d) 7 Men’s Individual Entrants by Country* ALG ALG ARU AUT AUT AUT AUT BLR BLR BLR BOL BRA BRA BRA BRA BRA BRA BRA BRA CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CHN CHN CHN CHN CHN CHN COL CZE CZE CZE DEN DEN DEN DOM EGY EGY EGY EGY EGY FRA FRA FRA 8 Roman Djitli Anil Lakehal Ayat Gareth Gabriel Ted Fam Moo Markus Felner Johannes Poscharnig Rene Pranz Dominik Wohlgemuth Siarhei Byk Aliaksandr Chaliankov Aliaksandr Lukashevich Marcos Alejandro Sanjines Vargas Jeronimo Machado Henrique Marques Ghislain Perrier Fernando Scavasin Heitor Shimbo Joao Antonio Souza Guilherme Toldo Marco Xavier Marc-Antoine Brodeur Sean Grant Samuel Hardwicke-Brown Etienne Lalonde Turbide Jacob Lind Anthony Prymack Eli Schenkel Maximilien Van Haaster Haiwei Chen Min Chen Sheng Lei Chen Li Jianfei Ma Jialuo Shi Gabriel Mejia Ruiz Alexander Choupenitch Jan Krejcik Vaclav Kundera Emil Ulrik Andersen Philip Alexander Femoe Alexander Tsoronis Jose Gabriel Samora Geronimo Alaaeldin Abouelkassem Tarek Ayad Mohamed Essam Mohamed Hassan Hazem Khazbak Jeremy Cadot Virgile Collineau Aymeric Escurat FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA FRA GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GBR GEO GER GER GER GER GER GER GER GER GER HKG HKG HKG HKG HKG HKG IRL IRL ISR ISR ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA Erwan Le Pechoux Enzo Lefort Julien Mertine Jordan Moine Baptiste Mourrain Maxime Pauty Guillaume Pitta Vincent Simon Jean-Paul Tony Helissey Kristjan Archer Keith Cook James-Andrew Davis Laurence Halsted Richard Kruse Rhys Melia Marcus Mepstead Ben Peggs Amol Rattan Alex Tofalides Sergo Sarkisiani Sebastian Bachmann Marius Braun Georg Doerr Johann Gustinelli Peter Joppich Alexander Kahl Moritz Kroeplin Mark Perelmann Andre Sanita Howie Ho Yin Chan Kyle Chan Ka Long Cheung Siu Lun Cheung Nicholas Edward Choi Chi Ka Yeung Christopher Cooke Brendan Francis Cusack Maor Hatoel Tomer Or Giorgio Avola Andrea Baldini Tobia Biondo Andrea Cassara Alessio Foconi Daniele Garozzo Francesco Ingargiola Edoardo Luperi Lorenzo Nista Alessandro Paroli Men’s Individual Entrants by Country (Cont’d) ITA ITA JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN JPN KAZ KOR KOR KOR KOR KOR KOR KOR KOR MDA MEX MEX MEX MEX PHI POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL PUR PUR PUR RUS RUS RUS RUS RUS RUS RUS RUS RUS Saverio Schiavone Francesco Trani Suguru Awaji Kenta Chida Daiki Fujino Takuma Ito Kyosuke Matsuyama Ryo Miyake Noriyuki Nagashima Yuki Ota Toshiya Saito Yu Saito Hirokazu Sakano Takahiro Shikine Eduard Grigoryev Taegyu Ha Dong Jin Han Jun Heo Dongsu Kim Hyogon Kim Min Kyu Kim Junhyuk Kwak Young Ki Son Anatolii Senic Raul Arizaga Jesus Beltran Daniel Gomez Octavio Martinez Ramirez BRENNAN WAYNE Louie Ludwik De Bazelaire Radoslaw Glonek Piotr Janda Pawel Kawiecki Pawel Osmanski Leszek Rajski Andrzej Rzadkowski Michal Siess Hector J. Cruz Jimenez Angelo Justiniano Jonathan Lugo Timur Arslanov Pavel Borontov Alexey Cheremisinov Ilya Degtyarev Oleg Drobyshev Renal Ganeev Alexey Khovanskiy Dmitry Komissarov Kirill Lichagin RUS RUS RUS SIN SWE TUR TUR TUR TUR UKR UKR UKR UKR USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA VEN VEN VEN VEN Dmitry Rigin Timur Safin Artem Sedov Yuan Zi Tan Simon Rizell Tevfik Burak Babaoglu Baris Guler Fatih Gunes Martino Minuto Rostyslav Hertsyk Maxim Petrov Andrii Pogrebniak Klod Yunes Aaron Ahn Aiden Ahn Max Blitzer Nobuo Bravo Turner Caldwell Miles Chamley-watson Jerry Chang Raymond Chen Michael Dudey Kurt Getz David Hadler George Haglund Race Imboden Brian Kaneshige Axel Kiefer Julian Knodt Sidarth Kumbla Jan Maceczek Stephen Mageras Alexander Massialas Adam Mathieu Darren Mei Gerek Meinhardt Samuel Moelis James Sands Nolen Scruggs Geoffrey Tourette William Upbin David Willette Michael Woo Cesar Bru Antonio J. Leal Victor Leon Luis Nunez * as of print date 9 List of Team Entrants by Country AUSTRIA DENMARK Markus Felner Emil Ulrik Andersen Johannes Poscharnig Philip Alexander Femoe Rene Pranz Alexander Tsoronis Dominik Wohlgemuth EGYPT BELARUS Alaaeldin Abouelkassem Siarhei Byk Tarek Ayad Aliaksandr Chaliankov Mohamed Hassan Aliaksandr Lukashevich Hazem Khazbak BRAZIL FRANCE Ghislain Perrier Erwan Le Pechoux Fernando Scavasin Enzo Lefort Heitor Shimbo Julien Mertine Guilherme Toldo Vincent Simon CANADA GERMANY Etienne Lalonde Turbide Sebastian Bachmann Anthony Prymack Marius Braun Eli Schenkel Peter Joppich Maximilien Van Haaster Moritz Kroeplin CHINA GREAT BRITAIN Haiwei Chen James-Andrew Davis Sheng Lei Richard Kruse Chen Li Marcus Mepstead Jianfei Ma Alex Tofalides CZECH REPUBLIC HONG KONG CHINA Alexander Choupenitch Ka Long Cheung Jan Krejcik Siu Lun Cheung Vaclav Kundera Nicholas Edward Choi Chi Ka Yeung 10 List of Team Entrants by Country (Cont’d) ITALY POLAND UKRAINE Giorgio Avola Radoslaw Glonek Rostyslav Hertsyk Andrea Baldini Piotr Janda Maxim Petrov Andrea Cassara Pawel Kawiecki Andrii Pogrebniak Daniele Garozzo Leszek Rajski Klod Yunes JAPAN PUERTO RICO USA Suguru Awaji Hector J. Cruz Jimenez Miles Chamley-Watson Kenta Chida Angelo Justiniano Race Imboden Ryo Miyake Jonathan Lugo Alexander Massialas Yuki Ota Gerek Meinhardt RUSSIA KOREA Alexey Cheremisino VENEZUELA Jun Heo Renal Ganeev Cesar Bru Hyogon Kim Dmitry Rigin Antonio J. Leal Junhyuk Kwak Timur Safin Victor Leon Young Ki Son Luis Nunez TURKEY MEXICO Tevfik Burak Babaoglu Raul Arizaga Baris Guler Jesus Beltran Fatih Gunes Daniel Gomez Martino Minuto Octavio Martinez Ramirez 11 Fencing at a glance Object The main object of a fencing bout (what an individual “game” is called) is to effectively score 15 points (in direct elimination play) or five points (in preliminary pool play) on your opponent before he scores that number on you. Each time a fencer scores a touch, he or she receives a point. Direct elimination matches consist of three three minute periods with a one minute break between each in epee and foil. In saber, each the first period lasts for eight touches and the second period ends when the first fencer scores 15 points. The Weapons Foil, epee and saber are the three weapons used in the sport of fencing. While it is not unusual for fencers to compete in all three events, they generally choose to develop their skills in one weapon. For many years, women were permitted to compete only in foil, but USA Fencing and the Federation Internationaled’Escrime (FIE) offer national competitions for women in epee (since 1989) and saber (since 1999). The first World Championships was held in Women’s Saber in 1999, and the event was added to the Olympic Games in 2004. Foil and epee fencers score with thrusting motions. Saber fencers score by thrusting and cutting. The target areas differ for the three weapons, though all three are scored electrically. A Look at Foil The foil has a flexible rectangular blade, approximately 35 inches in length, weighing less than one pound. Points are scored with the tip of the blade and must land within the torso of the body. The valid target area in foil is the torso from shoulders to groin in the front and to the waist in the back. It also includes the metallic bib beneath the chin. It does not include the arms, head and legs. The foil fencer’s uniform includes a metallic vest (called a lamé), which covers the valid target area, so that a valid touch will register on the scoring machine. A small, spring loaded tip is attached to the point of the foil and must be depressed with a pressure of 500 12 grams or better to register a hit. The fencer wears a body cord inside his uniform which connects the foil to a reel wire, which is connected to the scoring machine. There are two colored scoring lights on the machine. One shows a green light when a fencer is hit, and one shows a red light when her opponent is hit. A touch landing outside the valid target area (that which is not covered by the lamé) is indicated by a white light. These “off target” hits do not count in the scoring, but they do stop the fencing action temporarily. Following the Action The fencer being attacked defends himself by use of a “parry,” a motion used to deflect the opponent’s blade, after which the defender can make a “riposte,” an answering attack. Whenever a hit is made, the referee will stop the bout, describe the action, and decide whether to award a touch. Fencers seek to maintain a safe distance from each other – that is out of the range of the opponent’s attack. Then, one will try to break this distance to gain the advantage for an attack. At times, a fencer will make a false attack to gauge the types of reactions of their opponent. When a fencer lands a hit, the referee stops the bout and – in foil and saber – determines who was the attacker, if their opponent successfully defended themselves, and which fencer should be awarded a touch, if any. While it may be difficult to follow the referee’s calls, the referee always clearing raises their hand and on the side of the fencer for whom they have awarded a point. Watching these hand signals can make it easier for newcomers to follow the momentum of a fencing bout without understanding all of the intricacies of the rules. Glossary Feint: A false attack intended to get a reaction from the opposing fencer which will open her up to a genuine attack. Advance: Step forward with a fencer’s front leg. Guard: Part of the weapon between the blade and handle; protects the hand. Attack: Movement or series of move¬ments by which a fencer tries to score a point against his opponent. Beat: Sharp tap on the opponent’s blade to initiate attack or threat of attack. Lunge: Most common attack in which the fencer closes the distance by moving the front leg forward while the back leg remains stationary and straightens out. Blade: Part of the weapon which ex¬tends from the guard. Parry: Defensive action in which a fencer blocks his opponent’s blade. Counter-Parry: A defensive movement by which the fencer makes a small circle with the tip of the blade, around the opponent’s blade and moves the opponent's blade away. Piste: French term for the fencing strip. Disengage: Break of contact between fencers’ blades; movement made by passing the blade under the oppo¬nent’s blade. Engagement: Contact of blades. En Garde: Position taken before fenc¬ing commences. Recover: Return to the en garde posi¬tion after lunging. Remise: Attacking again immediately after the opponent’s parry of an initial attack. Riposte: Defender’s counterattack after parrying an attack. Strip: Fencing area, 14 meters long X 2 meters wide. 13 World Cup Fencing Awards Special Awards for the Medalists All the medalists of both the Individual, and Team Events of the San Francisco World Cup, will earn special bronze helmets donated by the Massialas Foundation. These miniature bronze helmets (8” and 6” tall) are replicas of helmets that were originally excavated at the site of the Ancient Olympic Games. These helmets have been commissioned, and specially designed for the Massialas Foundation by Greek Artist, Alexander Diamandis. As part of the Olympic truce during the Ancient Olympic Games, athletes would be given safe passage to Olympia. Upon their arrival in Olympia, the athletes would put down their armor for the duration of the Olympic Games. The helmet is a very symbolic part of every fencer’s equipment, from ancient times to today. We are pleased to present these symbolic awards to all the medalists at the first ever San Francisco Fencing World Cup. 14 Fencing in the Great San Francisco Bay Area Fencing, an organized sport involving the use of a sword – including 3 different weapons: epee, foil or sabre – is fun and exciting and keeps one’s body and brain active! Fencing develops discipline, balance, coordination and sportsmanship. Fencing helps youth develop quicker reflexes and the ability to make lightning fast analysis of tactical situations. Children who fence learn to compete individually and for a team; they learn to enjoy winning and profit from defeats, while becoming physically fit and healthy. College coaches are now recruiting fencers with years of experience to engage in their NCAA programs. The sport of fencing is thriving in the greater San Francisco Bay Area with three divisions of the United States Fencing Association (USA Fencing) - Northern California, Central California, and Mountain Valley – giving you access to 33 + fencing clubs to choose from, spanning south to Santa Cruz, north to Santa Rosa and east to Sacramento. For a complete list of USFA registered clubs, go to: In addition, the Bay Cup, a non-profit organization, coordinates a circuit of fencing tournaments in all 3 weapons within the greater San Francisco Bay Area. The tournaments are run by the host clubs and sanctioned by the divisions. The Bay Cup promotes tournament guidelines and standards intended to help provide fencers with a positive and rewarding tournament experience. Thanks to this fencing circuit, local youth fencers improve their skills significantly and prepare for national and international tournaments. Numerous the top US fencers in all 3 weapons have come from the ranks of local youth fencers and many have been successfully recruited for college fencing programs. For more details on the Bay Cup, go to: So, check out the fencing clubs in your neighborhood, learn about the various programs and weapons available and introduce your daughter or son to this wonderful sport! 15 Friends of Fencing Higgins Family Facebook: 2DegreesFood Twitter: @2DegreesFood Barbra Higgins Alan Elias Alice Huang Instagram: @2DegreesFood 55 New Montgomery St, Suite 306 San Francisco, CA 94105 Tel : 415-243-0233 Chloe Soroquere 16 Kevin O'Brien 770 Stanyan St. San Francisco, CA 94117 Phone (415) 386-9292 Special Thanks To 2014 Men's Foil World Cup Local Organizing Committee Greg Massialas Helen Mendel Phil Ginsburg Chloe Soroquere Meagan Levitan Rika Bravo Alice Huang Vivian Massialas Jane Meinhardt Michelle Miner Peter Oquendo Anne Warner Cribbs Plus Suppliers and Vendors AETYPIC AGS Bauer IT Transportation Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame Bay Area Sports Organizing Committee City and County of San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department Dawg House – Jim Screeton Hard Rock Café Kezar Pub KGN Graphics L.A.B. Photography Lee Hightower Prodigy Press Sports Basement WALTCO Promotions White Rain Productions USF Interns Kevin Hinderach Wen Men Yuan Jia Shotaro Kidaka Protecting the Environment with Pure Drinking Water for the Athletes Each of the competitors and referees has received a SPORTS BASEMENT refillable water bottle. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we will not have plastic water bottles for sale on site. Competitors, Officials and Spectators, please know that our San Francisco water is the purest, highest quality drinking water. Our major source of water is pristine mountain snowmelt from the remote Hetch Hetchy reservoir in Yosemite National Park. Tested more than 100,000 times a year for purity and safety, athletes and spectators can stay hydrated and enjoy our pure and refreshing Hetch Hetchy drinking water. Providing our athletes with the highest quality drinking water and eliminating the waste and environmental damage generated by hundreds of plastic water bottles reflects our commitment to environmental protection and sustainability. Please stay hydrated and enjoy our pure and refreshing Hetch Hetchy drinking water. And special thanks to our friends at US Fencing, who do so much to lead and support this great sport of fencing. Don Anthony Kris Ekeren Christine Simmons Nicole Jomantas Kate Drummey Grant Jones 17 The Hard Rock Cafe Welcomes Men's Foil World Cup San Francisco We are honored to host your Fencing Celebration Dinner
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