Tulsa Rock & Mineral Society October, r 2014 Vol. 62 No. 10 Box 2292, Tulsa, OK 74101 3 www.ttownrockhound.org OSCMS SWAP at Correlll Museum in Catoosa on October 18! TULSA ROCK & MINERAL SOCIETY, INC. The Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society Inc. was organized in April, 1958, to promote interest in rocks, minerals, fossils, artifacts, gem stones, lapidary, jewelry-making, and all forms of earth science. We promote good fellowship among members by helping and teaching one another. We are an affiliate of the Oklahoma State Council of Mineralogical Societies, the Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies and the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies. Meetings are held on the SECOND MONDAY of each month, 7 p.m. at the College Hill Presbyterian Church, 7th and Columbia, Tulsa. The mailing address is TRMS, PO Box 2292, Tulsa, OK, 74101. Visit our website at www.ttownrockhound.org The annual rock show is held in mid-July at the Tulsa Fairgrounds, 21 st and Yale, Tulsa. 2014 Officers are elected by the club membership at the November meeting President Steve Loffer 918-371-5051 Vice President (Program Chairman) Jay Gourd 918-455-3784 2nd Vice President (Field Trip Chairman) Chris Thomas 918-513-2187 Secretary Crystal McNulty 918-584-9786 Treasurer Sharon Richards 918-266-8826 Historian Donna Loffer 918-407-1194 Librarian/Webmaster Virgil Richards 918-640-9592 Editor Kay Waterman 918-521-4386 Shop Foreman Allen Shaeffer 918-606-1456 Past-President James Stirling 918-838-2371 Directors Finis Riggs, Tony Rongey, Larry Wagle 2014 Committee Chairs are appointed by the President Hospitality Rose Ann Whittaker 918-872-6674 Workshop Allen Shaeffer Publicity Liz Thomas 918-671-0047 Finance/Scholarship Richard Jaeger 918-481-0249 Membership Rose Ann Whittaker 918-872-6674 Uniform Rules Richard Jaeger 918-481-0249 By-Laws Steve .Loffer, Sharon Richards Larry Wagle Door Prizes Paulino Allande 918-834-3405 Chatpile Editor___ Wayne Mouser 918-582-8700 918-606-1456 Donations to Club Ben Thomas 918-557-2335 Show Chair(s) Finis Riggs 918- 587-4400 Show Chair(s) Ben Thomas 918-557-2335 Education/Classes Linda Jaeger 918-481-0249 Federation Activity Kay Waterman 918-521-4386 The T-Town Rockhound, official bulletin of the Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society is issued every month preceding the regular monthly meeting. Material to be published in the T-Town Rockhound must be received by the Monday after the regular meeting. Permission to reprint is granted unless otherwise designated, provided that full credit is given to the author and the T-Town Rockhound. Suggestions are welcome. Check out the club website, ttownrockhound.org Please e-mail items to be published to: Editor, TRMS, Kay Waterman, kay.waterman@cox.net or mail to 1334 N. McFarland Place, Claremore, OK 74017 E-Mail Exchange Publications to kay.waterman@cox.net (preferred) or mail to TRMS, Box 2292, Tulsa, OK 74101. Address Corrections: Send your membership changes to: Rose Ann Whitaker, email oklakids@cox.net or mail to TRMS, PO Box 2292, Tulsa, OK 74101 TRMS Membership Dues: Single $12 or Family, $15, payable on the first of each calendar year; mail to PO Box 2292, Tulsa OK 74101 or pay at meetings. T-Town Rockhound Newsletter of the Tulsa Rock & Mineral Society October 2014, VOLUME 62, NUMBER 10 President’s Report Program Report From the President Meeting minutes By Steve Loffer Field Trip News Treasurer’s Report Conglomerate TRMS History Sunshine Report I’m glad the weather is cooling off. Perfect for going out to collect rocks and fossils. Please think about volunteering to hold an office this upcoming year. This is the best opportunity to give back to TRMS. At least you might think about volunteering to hold a committee chair. We have so many committees that go unfilled every year. Mini-Makers Faire On the Road Again Remember that the board meeting is on the 7th of October and the general meeting is on the 13th. Club members are always welcome to attend the board meeting, where most club business is conducted, as well as the general membership meeting. OctoberTRMS Calendar October Calendar Bylaw Proposals On the Sept. Road Again TRMS Calendar SOP Proposals October Calendar TRMS Sept. Calendar October Program By Liz Thomas for the recuperating Jay Gourd At the TRMS meeting October 13th, club member Barry Parks will talk about finding Arkansas River fossils. Along with a display of his collection, he will describe how he collects and preserves fossils. He is enthusiastic and his programs are easy to understand. A club program he gave on Texas fossils a few years ago made me want to go collect right then. Please plan on attending to hear what promises to be an interesting and educational program for both adults and children. Jay Gourd, Program Chairman Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014 CLUB BOARD & MEETING MINUTES Crystal McNulty, TRMS Secretary TRMS Board Meeting September 2, 2014 Steve Loffer convened the meeting at 7pm. Since no quorum of voting board members was present, no business could be conducted. A proposed budget was discussed for 2015. Funds were proposed as follows: $2500 shop equipment. $500 Shop Expenses. $700 RMFS Insurance. $500 Meal Expenses . $250 Miscellaneous. $100 Name tags . $1500 Newsletter printing. $ 1200 Postage . $1000 Scholarship Recipient. $300 Supplies. $75 Taxes for Gem Faire. Expenses and expenditures were discussed, with no actions taken. Another prolonged discussion concerned the proposed changes to the by-laws and standard operating procedures. A building fund was discussed. Meeting ended at 9 pm. TRMS General Membership Meeting September 8, 2014 Steve Loffer read the minutes of the August meeting, in the absence of Crystal McNulty, secretary. Treasurer Sharon Richards reported that proceeds from the July show totaled $5100. Announcement was made th of the October 18 swap and open house, to be held at the D.W. Correll Museum in Catoosa hosted by TRMS and OSCMS. Guests included the 2014 TRMS Scholarship recipient Carolyn Torrey and her family, new members Dianne Kirk and family, and visitors Tom Worlick and Jim Sanders. Treasurer Sharon Richards presented Carolyn Torrey with a $1000 check from TRMS. Mrs. Torrey, a student at the University of Tulsa, introduced her family members. She spoke about her academic background and her future plans; and thanked the club for the scholarship grant. Paulino and Julia Allande handed out several door prizes. Four lucky people out of the 61 in attendance had a chance also to choose a slab which would be made into a cabochon by Bob Hicks during the evening’s program. Julia Allande distributed cubes of iron pyrite from Spain to the Rock Pups present and told them about ”fool’s gold.” The September field trip was announced as attendance at the Indian Nation’s Artifact and Fossil Show at the Maybee Center at ORU. A business session included discussion of the proposed changes to the TRMS bylaws and standard operating procedures. The motion was made to put off the voting on the procedures in order to give all members more opportunity to examine the documented proposals. This motion was passed with one dissenting vote. Bob Hicks provided a hands-on program on making cabochons. Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014 FIELD TRIP NEWS Chris Thomas fishinok@gmail.com The October field trip is a visit to the D.W. Correll Museum in Catoosa, where a day-long swap will be taking place with demonstrations, kids’ activities,a silent auction and free admission to the museum. The swap is sponsored by the Correll Museum, the Oklahoma State Council of Mineralogical Societies and TRMS. The museum houses the collection of the late D.W. Correll, a rockhound who had a mineral business at this location for many years. He had been a member of TRMS. His vintage cars will also be on display. Come have a great day at the Correll Museum on October 18th. Hours are 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. You can find the D.W. Correll Museum one block West of Route 66 on Pine St. in Catoosa, OK. Take the Claremore exit off east I-44 at Dysfunction Junction and it will put you smack dab in Catoosa. At the first stop light, turn left and go two blocks. The museum is on the left. Call Eric Hamshar, museum curator at 918-266-3612 or Julia Allande, TRMS, 918-933-8313 to set up a swap table or for further details. Sharon Richards, TRMS Treasurer August Treasurer's Report - General Account INCOME Dues - Family Dues - single Total Income $ $ $ 7.50 24.00 31.50 EXPENSES Newsletter Printing Total Expenses $ $ $ (110.14) (10.00) (120.14) $ 2,783.65 Bank Balance 8/31/2014 Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014 CONGLOMERATE News From the Chatpile Wayne Mouser, okyrocks@cox.net Richard Dodrill was released from the hospital after about a week of tests. His doctor told him to go home, take it easy and to rest. He has more tests scheduled. Paulino and Julia Allande sold their fire agate at the Siloam Springs swap in September and had a real good couple of days there, too, despite the all-day drizzle Saturday. Also attending the Siloam Springs fall sale and swap were TRMS members Ben and Liz Thomas and Chris and Jessi Thomas, Roger and Becky Bush of the Elsing museum, JoAnn and Kenn Mounce and Carl Hill. Julia and Paulino Allande will be attending their son’s wedding in Hawaii, but will be home for the Correll museum open house and OSCMS swap and silent auction, Oct. 18. Jay Gourd is doing better. He had triple bypass surgery on August 15th. Hope to see him if not at the next meeting then in November. Finis and Lana Riggs visited the Denver show, where Lana took a class on how to crochet chain. Finis demonstrated making cabochons and Lana showed how to make dichroic glass for students at the school where their son John is principal. Ben and Liz Thomas wrote: As donation chairmen, Ben and I, along with Larry and Roberta Wagle went to Miami to receive a large donation from the family of long- time rock members Bob and Doris Rice. Small items went to Donna and Steve Loffer to add to the spinning wheel and grab bag items. Much of the material will go for a silent auction planned for the Oct. 18 Correll museum open house and OSCMS swap. We had to go back for the rest and this time we took Donna and Steve Loffer, two trucks and a bigger trailer. We did get it all. Many thanks to the Rice family. Ben, Liz, Chris and Jessi Thomas made a trip to Denver for the Denver show. Liz says, “We spent a whole day at one of the seven shows that was going on. You could not see everything in one day. It is huge. We travelled to Estes Park. When we left Denver, it was 82-degrees but when we got to Estes, it had dropped to 62. When we climbed the mountains in Rocky Mountain National Park it dropped to 50 degrees. It was raining and cold. We saw mule deer and elk.” Chris Thomas was invited to fish in a tournament in China, but was unable to attend. His mother, Liz Thomas, notes: “It would have been an all-expense-paid trip with very large prize money. Too bad it did not come together but maybe next time they will have all the details and he will go. I hope so as I have some rocks I want him to bring back to me.” Larry and Roberta Wagle took a cruise to Cozumel, Belize and the Isle of Rotan. They toured a cave with crystals and snorkeled in “some of the prettiest water we’ve ever been in.” Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014 From the Archives -TRMS HISTORY By Wayne Mouser 5 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER, 2009: 56 members and guests were in attendance. Richard Jaeger presented an award to Brandon Richards as “Rockhound of the Year.” Mary Watts, TRMS editor, presented writing awards she had received on behalf of TRMS members at the New Mexico show. The program was presented by Molly Carpenter on geology of northwestern Turkey. The club auction held in September netted $670. Jennifer Sturm was the recipient for the 2009 scholarship. Roxanna Chamberlin wrote an article about traveling with her son and family to Turkey & Greece. Virgil Richards displayed some of his collection in the library case. 5 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER, 1999: Guests were introduced with 46 in attendance. Bob Shaha announced that the Oklahoma Geological Society was asking TRMS members to help field questions during the upcoming National Teachers’ meeting to be held in Tulsa. Chris Robinson & Kay Ulhorn were the TRMS delegates at the OKC show. Chris Robinson asked members for rocks that look like food for the library display. The field trip was to the General Materials pit in OKC. Polly Choate presented the program on caving. Kay Ulhorn wrote an article about the August field trip to Bartlesville to hunt fossils. Lilik Hakola listed September meeting visitors: Don & Betty Clark, Bill Suter, Andy & Peggy Orr, Dan Hicks, Jean Keene, Goldie Phillips, Bob & Bea Higdon, Colin Barker, Ross Doden, Keith Senettler, David Parker, Doug Cluck, Jess Weissman, and Claudine Elmore. Wayne Mouser wrote about his memories of the late Bob Letters. He also wrote an article titled "My Love For Opal". 25 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER, 1989: 69 members and guests present. Gene Cockrell acting for Peggy Stewart & Michael English gave out 5 door prizes. Roy Stockton announced the 1990 show title chosen by Mary Buzzalini is "Yesterday’s Rocks, Tomorrow’s Gems". Arnold Buzzalini asked all members to stand for a moment in respect for Arden Meek. Scotty West then presented a slate of officers for 1990. Roy Stockton & Scotty West were given special recognition awards for their support & dedication to TRMS. D. H. Curry announced that Richard & Linda Jaeger will start a class on fossils in November. Charles Sitter introduced club member, Terry Bridgewater who gave a slide presentation on rockhounding in Utah. Joyce Beauchamp, our Sunshine Chairperson, had written an invitation to her wedding titled “A Rockhound Love Letter". Fred White wrote that Chris Sheafer displayed fossils found in and around Tulsa in the library case. Millie Brucker wrote an article about the August field trip. Kathy Teeters, secretary, wrote an article titled "Opal: The October Birthstone". Flora Oxford, editor, wrote an article titled "Going North-East by West". 35 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER, 1979: President Juanita Dewey called the meeting to order. Guests were introduced. John Cluck presented door prizes of Eden Valley petrified wood, brown squirrel agate, Arkansas quartz crystals and selenite. Juanita introduced the only TRMS lifetime member, Leon Gilmore. Bill Van Atten announced several pearls were found in the Verdigris River on the September field trip. The October field trip will be in conjunction of the OKC show. Juanita announced there would be a contest for the theme for the 1980 show. The program consisted of two films, "Mars Minus Smith" and a film on fossils. Ted Born, TRMS Member wrote an article titled "What is a Rock?" Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014 September Birthdays Elaine Burns Don Burnside Michael Crampton Katherine Crawford James Eisenhower Judy Gourd September Anniversaries Taylor Hofmeyer Gina Kirby Steve Loffer Geraldine Mouser Jacklyn Robb Warren Simons Janice & John Mobley Judy & Bob Lieser Jim & Linda Osterhout October Anniversaries Fred White Rose Ann Whittaker Andrew & Jessica Robb Evan & Margaret O'Bannon John & Nicky Mealey October Birthdays Andrew Brown Amy Burnside Richard Jaeger Janice McBee Kevin Mounce Pamela Sorensen Everett Spencer Lynn Nabb Evan O'Bannon Scott Smith Kay Riggs Ben Thomas Tulsa T-Town Rockhound Scott Smith Robbie Taheney Kennedy Ulhorn October, 2014 Scott Robb’s observations: I was at Cardiac Rehab last week and there were a couple of Tulsa University undergraduates there. They said they were considering working in the health field and were interviewing rehab participants about their experiences. At one point we had an exchange about my heart valves. Me: "You know, if it were quieter you could hear them click. When I first got them, my grandchildren would get near me, look puzzled and ask about the sound." Student: "Do they click 24/7?" Me: "Oh, I hope so." Lapidary Workshop Please call the shop supervisor for that session, at least 24 hours in advance, to confirm that you plan to attend: Allen Shaeffer, new Shop Foreman, 918-606-1456. First Saturday-- 1 p.m – 7 p.m. Allen Shaeffer 918-606-1456 or Wayne Mouser (918-582-8700) Third Tuesday-- 5:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Contact Allen Shaeffer 918-606-1456 Third Saturday -- 1 p.m. - 7 p.m. Contact Leon Reeder (918-346-7299) or Allan Shaeffer. Fourth Thursday--5:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Julia & Paulino Allande (918-633-9822) or Allen Shaeffer. Directions: The workshop is located next to Elsing Museum in the lower level of the Learning Resource Center st st at Oral Roberts University, 81 and Lewis. Enter from the 81 stop light and take the first right turn, just after the guard shack. Across from the baseball stadium, drive into the parking lot of the Learning Resource Center and follow the path to the LRC north entrance. Go down on the handicapped ramp on the right of the steps, or use the lower set of stairs and hit the Handicapped Entry button for access. Inside, follow signs to Elsing Museum which will be one more flight down stairs. At Elsing Museum, go left down the hall to the shop. Faceting Classes October 2014 Faceting Classes will be held at Elmer Kitchell’s shop on the second and fourth th Saturday from 1 p.m. until 7 p.m. The address is 6545 E. 11 St., one block th east of Sheridan on 11 . The building is turquoise green. Please enter via the side door. The phone number to schedule your session is 918-836-0341. FEDERATION NOTES AFMS NEWSLETTER NOTES October Newsletter Not Received as of publication date. RMFMS NEWSLETTER NOTES September, October Newsletters Not Received. AFMS website: www.amfed.org Tulsa T-Town Rockhound The most recent RMFMS newsletter may be found at the RMFMS website: www.rmfms.org October, 2014 All Hail the Mini-Makers’ Fair! Ka-BOOOMMM!!!!! By Julia Allande You hear a sound like that and you first reaction is to duck VERY low, and look around afterwards to see who-all is still there! Turns out we were all still there, and the source of the explosion, the presentation happening in the grand-stand seats in the middle of the building, was continuing as if nothing untoward had occurred, with only a drifting tattle-tail of smoke assuring us we were not entirely crazy. This was one of three presentations that the organizers of mini-Makers’ Fair put on August 30. We would have loved to have gone over to find out what was going on, but our steady stream of customers and observers kept us tied pretty close to our tables. TRMS was represented at mini-Makers’ Fair 2014 by Bob Stratton, Julia Allande, Paulino Allande, Paul Grimsley, Mark Siler, and Ken Siler. We showed off some of our stuff, we sold some of our stuff, we talked rock club (handed out a lot of our club flyers), and we demonstrated basic rock polishing on the flat lap. Additionally, we told people about the upcoming OSCMS swap and Museum open house at the Correll Museum in Catoosa, set for October 18. The Steam Engine show will be going on about 3 miles away at the park near the river, also, so we told people about that, too. Few as the opportunities were, we still managed to visit some of the other booths, where robots wandered around under the direction of Booker T Washington staff and students, children made pictures out of cut-out material and paints, woodcarvers showed off their capabilities, a tiny machine built a 3-D image of a person, a guitar-maker demonstrated his art, jewelry of the inverse image of the word “me” was offered, and a host of other presentations and offerings were being made. There was even a giant cupcake (about 3 ½ feet tall!) rooting around. A host of folks wandered around in costumes, and were later presented one by one to the crowd for approbation. The atmosphere was festive, fun. This was an excellent opportunity to meet some public not readily attuned to the Rock and Mineral world, and to present some of our goods as well. The event was held indoors this year, at Central Park Hall at the Fairgrounds, and therefore much more climate stable than last year. Indoors was a good thing, as the Great Outdoors was magnificently HOT this year (contrast that to magnificently WET last year!). The mini-Makers’ Fair is sponsored by Fab Lab of Tulsa, and with this year’s response being as good as it was, is planned to be an annual event. I hope that next year the organizers give us more advance notice than they did this year, and that more TRMS individuals opt to join in the fun! Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014 ON THE ROAD AGAIN! Items may be submitted to Kay Waterman by the 15th of the month for the following month’s newsletter. Email kay.waterman@cox.net Oct. 4-5 Jacksonville AR Central Arkansas Gem, Mineral and Geology Society 42nd annual Show, Jacksonville Community Center. Contact Tom Sharp (501)379-8653 or e-mail thom618474@yahoo.com or CAGMAFS website www.centralarrockhound.org Oct. 11-12 27th annual Mt. Ida Quartz Crystal Dig. Quartz, Quiltz and Craftz gem and mineral show, both Mt. Ida, AR. See the website of the Mt. Ida Chamber of Commerce. Prizes for the best point and best cluster. Oct. 18 OSCMS/TRMS -sponsored swap/show at the Correll Museum in Catoosa, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Contact Eric Hamsher, 918-266-3612 or Julia Allande, 918-933-8313 to set up a booth or demonstrate. Oct. 18-19 Springfield, MO Springfield Rock, Mineral and Gem Show, hosted by Ozark Mineral and Gem Society, Expo Center, 635 E. St. Louis St., Springfield. Fun Facts There are only four words in the English language which end in "dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous. There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: "abstemious" and "facetious." "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt". A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second. The words “racecar”, “kayak”, and “level” are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left (palindromes). The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing. The longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard is “Typewriter”. The longest word typed with only the left hand is "stewardesses”. The longest word typed with only the right hand is "lollipop". Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors. Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable. No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple. SCRIBE July-September Newsletter contributed by Betty Cain, CSGMS. Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014 TRMS October 2014 th The club meets at 7 p.m. on each second Monday at the College Hill Presbyterian Church, 7 and Columbia near the TU tennis courts. Hospitality hour precedes each meeting, with coffee and snacks. Visitors are always welcome. Pebble Pups receive a special gift at each meeting. For TRMS Workshop sessions contact the name listed or call foreman Allen Shaeffer 918-606-1456. S M T W 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 WORKSHOP Contact Wayne Mouser or Allan Shaeffer 1pm – 7 pm 918-582-8700 5 12 19 26 6 7 TRMS BOARD MEETING 7 pm at the church. 8 20 22 28 LUNCH 16 17 18 WORKSHOP Allan Shaeffer or Leon Reeder 918-346-7299 29 23 24 WORKSHOP 5:30 – 9 pm Allandes 918-633-9822 30 31 HALLOWEEN 11:30 am at Golden Corral st 21 E of Memorial ALL COME! Tulsa T-Town Rockhound 11 918-836-0341 15 27 10 Elmer Kitchell’s FACETING Class, 1-7p.m. 13 14 TRMS MEETING 7 pm at the church 21 9 October, 2014 25 Elmer Kitchell’s FACETING Class, 1-7p.m. 918-836-0341 2014 TRMS PROPOSED BY-LAW REVISIONS ARTICLE I – NAME AND PURPOSE 1. The name of the organization shall be the Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society, Inc. It shall be a not-for-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Oklahoma. 2. The purpose shall be to promote interest in rocks, minerals, fossils, artifacts, gem stones, lapidary, jewelry making, and all forms of earth science. ARTICLE II -- MEMBERSHIP 1. Membership shall be open to any person who has an interest in rocks, minerals, fossils, gemstones, lapidary, or jewelry-making, and who has reputable standing in the community. Membership shall be contingent upon the payment of the required dues. 2. Provision is made for the following classes of members: A. Voting Members (1) Resident Adult Members shall be those members who are residents of the State of Oklahoma and shall be eighteen (18) years of age, or older. Resident Adult Members shall have full voting privileges and other privileges. (2) Honorary Members shall be those persons who have contributed exceptional or meritorious service to the Society, and shall be limited to six (6) members at any one time. Such memberships shall be awarded after recommendation of the Board of Directors and a two-thirds vote of all voting members present at a regular meeting of the Society. Names may be recommended to the Board of Directors for consideration by any member, or members, at any time. Honorary Members shall have full voting and other privileges. B. Non-Voting Members (1) Non-Resident Members shall be those members who reside outside the State of Oklahoma. They are entitled to all the rights and privileges of Resident Adult Members except voting privileges and the right to become members of the Board of Directors. (2) Junior Members shall be those members twelve (12) through seventeen (17) years of age inclusive. 3. Membership rights and privileges are nontransferable. ARTICLE III -- DUES 1. Dues shall become payable annually on the first of January, with the annual amount set in the TRMS Standard Operating Procedures. 2. No dues are payable by Honorary Members. 3. Members whose dues have not been paid before March 1 shall not be entitled to vote, hold office, or receive publications of the Society. Members whose dues have not been paid before April 1 shall be deemed suspended and will be dropped from the rolls with proper notification. Anyone so dropped must make reapplication if membership privileges are desired. Renewing members must pay full price during entire year. Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014 ARTICLE IV -- MEETINGS 1. Regular monthly meetings shall be held on the second Monday of each month unless some other date be designated by the Board of Directors and communicated to the membership. 2. All Meetings of the Society shall be conducted with Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised. ARTICLE V -- VOTING 1. Resident Adult and Honorary Members shall be entitled to vote on any issue brought before the general membership. A majority of the votes cast will decide any issue not requiring a change in the By-Laws. 2. In case of a tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote; otherwise, the President is not entitled to vote. 3. Absentee and proxy voting shall not be allowed. ARTICLE VI – ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1. The election of officers and directors, who must be voting members in good standing, shall be held at the November regular meeting. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three to five members. This committee shall select one, or more, candidates for each office, and for the three additional places on the Board. This slate shall be announced at the October regular meeting. Prior to voting on the slate presented, additional nominations for any office may be made from the floor, as long as such nominees have agreed to serve if elected. 2. The Officers shall consist of the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third VicePresident, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. Three (3) Directors-at-Large shall also be elected and with the Officers shall comprise the Board of Directors. Each Member shall have one vote,except the President, who may vote only in case of a tie vote. 3. The term of office shall be one year. 4. The newly elected Board of Directors shall assume the duties of their offices at the regular meeting in January of each year. The newly elected Board of Directors shall meet jointly with the outgoing Board of Directors the first Board meeting of the year, with their formal installation and official duties taking place at the January regular meeting. ARTICLE VII – DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1. The Board of Directors shall have the right and duty to transact all business of the Society not specifically delegated by the Articles of Incorporation, or these By-Laws. 2. Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by either the President or a majority of the members of the Board of Directors. Notice shall be given to all Board Members of the proposed meeting time and place. There must be at least five (5) members of the Board of Directors present in addition to the presiding officer in order to conduct any business and/or approve expenditures. The Presiding officer of the meeting will not have a vote except in the case of a tie vote. 3. The Board of Directors shall make an annual report to the membership concerning all club affairs, including the disposition, stewardship, and condition of all property owned, real or personal, held in trust, or otherwise. Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014 4. Annually, the Board of Directors will authorize an audit of the books and records, a summary report of which will be made to the members at the February regular meeting. The Board of Directors may appoint one or more members to perform the audit without charge, or may contract for the performance of the audit by an independent auditor, at its discretion. 5. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all regular meetings of the Society, and of the Board of Directors; to appoint committee chairmen as needed; to be an ex-officio member of all committees; and to coordinate all club activities. The President shall also obtain, at the expense of the Society, a surety bond on himself and the Treasurer adequate to insure the safeguarding of Society assets. 6. It shall be the duty of the First Vice-President to assume all the duties of the President in his absence, to assist the President when needed, and to be Chairman of the Program Committee, whom he may appoint. In case the office of the President becomes vacant for any reason, he shall become President for the unexpired term. 7. It shall be the duty of the Second Vice-President to assume the duties of the President in case both the President and First Vice-President are absent. He shall be the Chairman of the Field Trip Committee, whom he may appoint. 8. It shall be the duty of the Third Vice-President to maintain a complete list of the membership of the Society, classified as to voting or non-voting members, and furnish the names of new members for inclusion in the club publication. He will bring the membership list to each regular meeting, or any special meeting called to transact business. This list will be the official list of those qualified to vote. 8. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep accurate minutes of every regular meeting, and every meeting of the Board of Directors, and to present the minutes of each Society meeting to the membership. The Secretary shall carry on and maintain a permanent record of the correspondence of the Society. 9. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to be custodian of all funds of the Society, to collect all dues and other assets due the Society, to make disbursements authorized by the Board of Directors, to maintain a record of all assets of the Society, and to keep a permanent record of receipts and expenditures. Treasurer will notify the Third Vice-President of the payment of dues by any member or new member. He shall also be responsible for obtaining suitable tax advice and presenting to the Board of Directors facts which will permit maximum pursuit of the Society aims with a minimum of tax liability. Monthly reports of assets, liabilities, receipts, and expenditures will be presented to the Board of Directors. Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014 14. In case of resignation of any officer, or director, or inability to adequately perform the duties of such positions, the Board of Directors may appoint a successor to a vacant office or directorship, subject to the requirement that the First Vice-President succeed the President if he is unable to continue in office. Such appointees will serve for the remainder of the term of the vacating officer. ARTICLE VIII -- AFFILIATED SOCIETIES 1. The Board of Directors may arrange for affiliation with any duly organized group, or societies, whose activities do not conflict with any provision of these By-Laws or the Articles of Incorporation of the Society. 2. Such affiliations shall be effective upon a majority vote of the voting members present at any regular meeting. 3. The terms of affiliation must provide that the Society shall have the right to dissolve such affiliation at any time, subject only to the payment of any sums legally due the affiliated group, or Society. ARTICLE IX – AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed, or new Bylaws adopted at any meeting of the Corporation by an affirmative vote of a majority of the voting members present, provided that the notice of the meeting shall state that amendments to the Bylaws are to be considered and shall include a copy of the proposed amendments. And further provided that the proposed amendments shall first be approved by the Board of Directors; read or distributed at a regular meeting; and may not be voted on until the next meeting. These Bylaws were approved by a majority of members with voting rights who were present and voting at a meeting held on ________________________________________. ______________________________ Secretary of the Corporation Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014 PROPOSED CHANGES TO TRMS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES DUES 1. Dues shall become payable annually on January 1st as follows: A. Individuals $12 B. Families $15 COMMITTEES AND THEIR DUTIES The President and the Board of Directors have the right and responsibility to appoint standing and special committees as necessary. All Committee Chairmen are encouraged to attend TRMS Board Meetings as non-voting contributors to business of the Society. The following shall be considered Standing Committees: 1. Affiliations: The Federation Activities Member shall be appointed by the President from among the Board of Directors. Federation Activities Member duties will be to communicate to the members of the Society the policies and activities of the Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical societies, and to communicate to the Federation the Society's action regarding them. 2. Educational: Shall be responsible for the coordination of instructors and/or speakers to other rock clubs, civic, and youth organizations. 3. Field Trips: The Second Vice-President shall be Chairman and may appoint members as needed for planning club field trips. 4. Finance: Shall be responsible for recommending to the Board of Directors new investments or changes in current investments of Society funds. Preservation of Society capital is to be their prime consideration. 5. History: The Historian to keep an accurate record of all past and present club history for the review of all members. 6. Hospitality: Shall be responsible for welcoming new members and visitors, and for planning social events which would tend to further the aims of the Society. 7. Library: The Club Librarian shall keep an accurate record of all publications belonging to the club, and maintain a record of their locations at all times and have available for review of all members. 8. Programs: The First Vice-President shall be Chairman and may appoint members as needed for planning all monthly and special programs. 9. Publications: The Editor shall act as Chairman and may appoint members as needed to prepare the monthly newsletter and other printed or digital publications as necessary to the dissemination of information to the membership 10. Publicity: Shall be responsible for publicizing meetings, contacting members for special events,and carrying out any other public relations work. 11. Scholarship: Shall be responsible for selecting a scholarship recipient(s) and administering scholarship procedures adopted by the Board of Directors. This committee will consist of three (3) to five (5) members appointed by the President. Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014 12. Show: Shall be responsible for the direction of all activities in the preparation and presentation of the Society Show. 13. Workshop: Shall be responsible for the location, operations, maintenance and scheduling of the Workshop. This committee will consist of no less than four (4) members, including the Committee Chairman, exclusive of ex-officio members. The committee is responsible for establishing and enforcing safety guidelines for shop and equipment use. FINANCIAL POLICIES 1. Authority for Expenditures a. The Officers, Board of Directors, or appointed committees cannot obligate the Society for any expenditure of $500 or more without prior approval of the members of the Society at a regular meeting, or at a special meeting for which notice shall be mailed or emailed four calendar days previous to the special meeting. Exceptions are provided in Show Expenditures and Procedures, and Scholarship Fund, which are approved by the Board of Directors. b. A checking account and one, or more, savings accounts and/or certificates of deposit will be initiated and maintained by the Treasurer to control club funds. c. Withdrawals in amounts of $400 or more will be made by check and will require the signature of two of the following officers: Treasurer, President, or the First VicePresident. d. Withdrawals in amounts under $400 will be made by check and will require signatures of one of the following officers: Treasurer, or in his absence, President, or the First VicePresident. 2. General Operating Fund a. A checking account shall be maintained to with enough funds to operate the day-to-day business of the Corporation. Excess funds in this account shall be transferred to an interest bearing account of this Corporation. b. General operating expenses and club equipment will come from the General Operating Fund. The Show Chairman may be granted funds for the production of a show, such amounts to be repaid out of income from the show. Any transfer of funds will be in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures. 3. Show Fund a. To insure Society members against an assessment due to losses occurring from a show, an operating account shall be maintained in the amount of no less than $6,000. 4. Interest Bearing Account(s) a. All remaining club funds will be placed in a certificate of deposit or if approved by the Board of Directors, some other conservative interest bearing account(s). In the event of the dissolution of the Society, this money will be disposed of in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation. Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014 b. Interest from this account(s) will be withdrawn each year and disposed of in agreement with the aims and purposes set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and in accordance with the By-Laws concerning authority for expenditures. c. In the event of a deficit in the General Operating fund or a show loss, the funds necessary to bring the General Operating Fund up to the specified amount or the Show Contingency Fund up to the amount existing at the time the show loss occurred will be removed from the Interest Bearing Account(s) by the Board of Directors. 5. Scholarship Fund a. Earnings from an interest bearing account and/or certificate of deposit will be used to fully or partly fund an annual scholarship(s). b. Principal for this fund will be obtained from gifts or donations. c. Criteria for selecting a recipient(s), amount of the stipend(s), and procedures for administering the scholarship(s) will be adopted by the Board of Directors. d. If this fund is terminated for any reason, the Board of Directors will propose a method of disbursement of the principal at a regular meeting of the Society. A simple majority of the voting membership will be required for adoption. 6. Other Revenue a. The allocation of any revenue(s) received from auctions, sales, or other sources shall be determined by a majority vote of those members present at the event. SHOW PROCEDURES AND EXPENDITURES 1. A majority vote of the votes cast at a regular meeting of the Society shall determine whether a show will be held. 2. The Show Chairman will be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. The duties of the Show Chairman will include: a. Responsibility for the overall coordination of the show. b. Appointment of as many committee chairmen as Show Chairman deems necessary. Subcommittee chairmen will be appointed by the committee chairmen with the approval of the Show Chairman. c. The Show Chairman shall present to the Board of Directors a budget outline of the anticipated income and expenditures of the show, and set a top limit of show expenditures. d. Within four months after the conclusion of the show for which he is responsible, the Show Chairman shall submit to the Board of Directors a statement of receipts, disbursements, and amounts receivable and due, together with his comments regarding problems encountered, and any suggestions for future shows. e. The Show Chairman shall serve as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors. 3. If a profit is realized from any show, it will be disbursed, as soon as it is possible to do so, in the following order: a. General Operating Fund, if necessary, to bring the up to the amount specified. b. Interest Bearing Account(s). Tulsa T-Town Rockhound October, 2014
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