From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. 1988 71: 1100-1107 Platelet-activating factor primes neutrophil responses to agonists: role in promoting neutrophil-mediated endothelial damage GM Vercellotti, HQ Yin, KS Gustafson, RD Nelson and HS Jacob Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. Platelet-Activating Factor Promoting inflammation exposed to ment, and kallikrein, stimuli only (1012 to directly factor ineffectual. PAF generation. them subsequent priming dependent within during subsequent agonists. but priming inhibited by the and and 0 PAF and hum in diverse minutes. by PAF cold inflammatory of and do is not with and such and detaching damage that can this PMN marginated lipid occurs such name, in mechaendothe- particularly and lysosomal endothelium. polymorphonuclear cell in the PAF effects, because coagulation inflammation. PAF a lipid is a common activation activated by feature themselves,7’9 was and of activated a variety monocytes, endothelial initially degranulate cells, cells and recognized by its platelets in vitro. by Grune & Stratton, iioo Inc. has our the studies inhibitors in Inc. more important far lower than neutrophils release, actions needed in inflamfor platelet causes chemotaxis, degranulation IOI2; induces pulmonary sequestration of bronchoconstriction, and increased in vivo PAF have may begun play and and a critical searches potential antiinflammatory PAF analogues or PAF for role PAF in inflammation, antagonists to act agents. Several receptor antagonists-are as such--either now avail- Many of the latter have been isolated from herbal medicinals used by the Chinese for centuries to relieve chest able. Shen has kadsurenone, a similar is a furanoid, investigators described from receptor a powerful PAF receptor the Chinese herbal plant antagonist prepared by this L652-73 code-numbered have from isolated seeds 1 .‘ and In addition, leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree or Ya-chiao-pan another potent PAF receptor antagonist, BN5202l,’5’8 which has been found to inhibit all biologic activities of PAF so far studied. including neutrophils The enhancement or capacity to response to a given Belying its the to cell to ARDS, 1 988 so. PAF of to permeability. group of severe From the Departments of Medicine and Surgery. University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis. Submitted September 8, 1987; accepted December 1 1. 1987. Supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grants AM 0/387, HL 33793, HL 28935, and HL 19725. Address reprint requests to G.M. Vercellotti, MD, FACP, Box 480 UMHC. University of Minnesota Hospital. Harvard Street at East River Rd. Minneapolis, MN 55455. The publication costs ofihis article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0006-4971/88/7104-0027$3.OO/O If for of that activators damaging itself. role surfaces suggest states. hypotension, tumor of amplification stimulus is due that different agonist has Several biologic mediators, including necrosis endotoxin,’9 factor2’ have a to prior demonstrated to prime responses. Others”22’23 have reported enhanced to stimuli after preexposure to PAF. Because PMN responses is generated by both cells24 inflammatory of to as relevant (IL-I)2#{176}and interleukin-1 been neutrophil exposure been referred presumably a “priming.” © on trivial cells- antagonists. we become therapeutic & Stratton, PAF neutrophils, discomfort. antagonist, Haifenteng’3; (I -O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glyceryl-3-phosphocholine), produced basophils, aggregate of stimuli produced by their activities. In fact, stimulatory effects on of moreover, others kallikrein, arachidonate metabolites, monobacterial peptides. Recent reports that endotheexposed to thrombin, synthesizes platelet-activat(PAF) prompted our interest in this compound complement, kines, and hum, when ing factor PAF exhibited they with effective endothelial otherwise activates superoxide Because neutrophils function (PMN) and more by coagulation. that PAF probably at concentrations mation; proteases In condi- as polytrauma, are presumably flooded with a variety damaged tissues that might modulate we and others have reported potent stimulated are by the endothelium by Grune vascular ARDS human and of agonists enhanced release toxic that, in turn, in which cultured inflammatory aggregation, tions PAF inhibited calcium addition esters potentiate a possible e 1988 with by 0KM- intracellular or phorbol be so identified in subsequent perturbed PAF-synthesizing adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).”3 Neutrophils stimulated by inflammatory mediators such as activated complement adhere to the endothelial surface; adherent cells oxygen metabolites can damage vascular also PMNs excessive PMN the rise is synthesized may suggest glycoprotein primed in lysing need required to cells in Jacob enhanced PMNs PAF H.S. adhesive F-Met-leu-Phe endothelial also and an as FMLP. Role Damage in response Because 1-652. prime both been interested damage vascular syndromes, . of the 1 antibody time is BN 52021 molecule is associated has neutrophils PAF exhibition methoxy-PAF priming UR LABORATORY nisms by which five antagonists intact superoxide is to Agonists: Nelson, expression either PMNs aggregation inhibited receptor An lyso-PAF responses. is PAF kadsurenone. because the PAF be otherwise including and is maximal be that R.D. levels quantities is, permits would of responses release. report that that are comple- in miniscule as well, Gustafson, monokines, We but present not Responses Endothelial K.S. (PMNs) metabolites, stimuli elastase Yin, activated (PAF). PMNs “primes” to cells acid activates mol/i) respond H.Q. including arachidonic platelet-activating not Vercellotti, polymorphonuclear agonistic Neutrophil Neutrophil-Mediated By G.M. During Primes and PMN PAF endothelial cells227 in response to diverse mediators such as thrombin, we reasoned that PAF might prime responses of marginated PMNs to otherwise-weak neutrophil agonists and thereby promote wondered neutrophil-mediated whether PAF enhanced endothelial this hypothesis phil superoxide yates PMN endothelial antagonists damage. The by demonstrating production adhesion that and damage. If so, we might inhibit such present PAF elastase to endothelium studies amplifies release and Blood, Vol 71, No4(April), validate neutroand subsequent 1988: aggraendo- pp 1100-1107 From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. PAF PRIMED thelial PMNs injury. AUGMENT ENDOTHELIAL PAF Furthermore, amplified responses, excessive inflammatory which DAMAGE antagonists suggests 1101 inhibit a role for these these agents in states. removed METHODS - experiments the cells were after centrifugation for the measurement of cytochrome c reduction Materials. PAF (DL-a-phosphatidylcholine, $-acetyl--y-O-hexadecyl or L-a-phosphatidylcholine, $-acetyl--y-O-alkyl: P1402 and P9525), phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), DL-a-lysophosphatidylcholine, -y-O-hexadecyl (lyso-PAF), ferricytochrome C (horse heart type), f-Met-Leu-Phe (FMLP), superoxide dismutase, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co (St Louis). Hanks’ balanced salt solution (HBSS) and medium 199 were obtained from GIBCO (Grand Island, NY). Sodium 5’Cr and “In oxine were obtained from Amersham Corp (Arlington Heights, IL). Fura-2 was obtained from Molecular Probes (Eugene, OR). L652-73l (L-652) and kadsurenone were a kind gift of Dr John Chabala (Merck, Sharp, and Dohme, Rahway, NJ). BN52021 and methoxy-PAF were kind gifts of Dr Pierre Braquet (Institut Henri Beaufour, Paris). 0KM-I antibody was obtained from Ortho Diagnostic Systems (Westwood, MA). All materials were endotoxin free as tested by the limulus amebocyte assay. Preparation of PMNs. Human volunteer blood samples (40 mL) were drawn (after receiving informed consent under the guidelines of the Committee on the Use of Human Subjects in Research at the University of Minnesota) into a plastic syringe containing 20 mL hydroxyethylstarch (Hespan; American Hospital Supply Corp, Irvine, CA) and 200 units preservative-free heparin (Upjohn Co, Kalamazoo, MI). The mixture was allowed to sediment at room temperature and the supernatant collected and centrifuged at 400 g for five minutes. The pellet was then resuspended in 0.2 mL ice-cold HBSS containing 100 mg/dL glucose. Residual erythrocytes were lysed in I 5 mL ice-cold water, and after 25 seconds isotonicity was reconstituted by the addition of 5 mL of 3.6% sodium chloride. The suspension was centrifuged in the cold at 400 g for five minutes and the pellet resuspended in 5 mL HBSS, carefully layered on top of Percoll (Sigma) made up to a density of 1.075, and then centrifuged at 20,000 g for 30 minutes at 4#{176}C. The resulting PMNs (>95% with <1% platelet contamination) were washed once and suspended in 10 mL HBSS. Viability was assessed by trypan blue exclusion and exceeded 95%. Endothelial cell cultures. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUEC) harvested from umbilical cords by collagenase digestion as previously described28’ exhibited factor VIII antigen and Weibel-Palade bodies. The endothelial cells, plated either in 2-cm2, 24-well Costar plates (Costar; Cambridge, MA) or 0.32 cm’ microtiter wells (Dynatech Laboratories, Alexandria, VA) were grown to confluent monolayers and used as primary cultures. Neutrophil priming with PAF. i-PAF was stored at 20#{176}C in chloroform, and DL-PAF was made to a 10 mmol/L solution in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and stored at -70#{176}C.For experiments, an aliquot of the stock solution of DL-PAF was prepared in HBSS with 0.5% human albumin (American Red Cross, Washington, DC) and added to the final incubation mixture. An aliquot of the L-PAF dissolved in chloroform was evaporated unIer nitrogen and redissolved in HBSS with 0.5% human albumin to the required concentration. We measured the ability of PAF to prime neutrophil superoxide release, elastase release, aggregation, and adhesion by methods previously described.’#{176}’3’ For example, the priming for superoxide release was assayed by adding PAF at various concentrations and for varying time intervals to 2 x 106 PMNs in HBSS at 37#{176}C.In some centrifuged at I ,200 rpm for two minutes, the supernatant removed, and I mL HBSS added. Cytochrome c (75 imo1/L) was then added to each tube and was followed by a stimulus such as FMLP (l0 mol/L) or PMA (100 ng/mL). Thecells were incubated at 37#{176}C for I 5 minutes and thereafter placed on ice. The supernatant was subsequently washed and as previously described.’#{176}Priming was performed by using both L-PAF and DL-PAF. No differences were seen when using either PAF preparation. When PAF inhibitors were used, they were added at the given concentrations for five minutes at 37#{176}C before the addition of PAF. BN52021, L-652, and kadsurenone were dissolved in DMSO and then added to HBSS to result in a final concentration of DMSO not exceeding 0.1%. Control buffer contained HBSS with 0.1% DMSO. The control responses to FMLP or PMA were performed by adding HBSS with 0.5% albumin to the PMN suspension, washing as described earlier, and then stimulating with FMLP or PMA. In some experiments, cytochalasin B (5 Mg/mL) was added to PMNs before stimulation with FMLP. A similar priming technique was used to measure the stimulated release of elastase by measuring the cleavage of a peptide substrate, MeOSuc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val-nitroanilide, as previously described.” We arbitrarily defined 100% elastase release by the amount of elastolytic activity in the supernatant of PMNs (2 x I0’/mL) treated with cytochalasin B (5 zg/mL) and stimulated with FMLP (l0 mol/L) for 20 minutes at 37#{176}C. Neutrophil aggregation and adhesion to endothelium were performed as previously described’2 upon similarly primed PMNs. The effect of PAF priming on neutrophil CR3 expression. Studies assessing the effect of PAF priming on neutrophil complement receptor type 3 (CR3) expression were performed as described by Nelson et al.” Briefly, PMNs (5 x 106/mL) suspended in PBS containing 0.2% BSA were stimulated with PAF in various concentrations for 15 minutes at 37#{176}C. Alternatively, in sequential agonist experiments 10_12 mol/L PAF (or HBSS as a control) with 0.5% human albumin was added to the PMNs for five minutes followed by stimulation with FMLP (I0 mol/L) or buffer. At the end of the incubation on ice, adding the reaction was stopped by placing the PMNs anti-CR3 antibody (5 L OKM-l), and mixing, and incubation at 4#{176}C was continued for 30 minutes. After incubation, the cells were washed twice with cold PBS, treated with goat antimouse fluorescein-conjugated secondary antibody, incubated for 30 minutes at 4#{176}C, again washed and treated with I % paraformaldehyde, and stored in the dark at 4#{176}C until analyzed by a Cytofluorograf 50H and 2150 computer (Ortho Diagnostic Systems). The flow cytometer was calibrated as previously described,33 and control studies were done to establish that staining was specific for the primary antibody used. Assay of PMN intracellular Ca2. We measured intracellular calcium levels by using Fura-2 as a fluorescent indicator of cytosolic free calcium. PMNs (1 x l08/mL) were loaded with Fura-2 (5 imol/L), washed, and resuspended in HBSS (1 x 107/mL). The change in emission fluorescence (5 12 nm) over time after stimulation with FMLP and/or PAF was measured in a Spex Fluorolog Spectrofluorometer (Spex, Edison, NJ). The intracellular calcium concentration was calculated by measuring the ratio of the fluorescence intensity at excitation wavelengths of 340 nm and 380 nm as described by Grynkiewicz et al.’ The resting neutrophil intracellular calcium concentration was 40 ± 10 nmol/L. PMN-mediated endothelial cell detachment and killing. The ability of PMNs to cause endothelial cell lysis and detachment was measured by using 5’Cr-labeled HUECs grown to confluence in 24-well 2-cm2 dishes as previously described.3’ Statistics. Results are expressed as means ± SEM. Statistical analysis used Student’s t test. From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. VERCELLOTTI 1 102 ET AL 20 30 a. z a,., #{149} (I) z 0 ia. a Wa, a. 0 a. < a. 0 : 0 PAF+FMLP CE A :#{149}#{149}? 0 0 -11 PAFALONE -9 -10 PAF (log -‘8 #{149}‘ U) 20 10 40 30 TiME 40 60 50 (MINUTES) IX Fig 2. Time course for PAF priming. PAF (10 mol/i) was added to PMNs for varying time intervals. after which the cells were stimulated with FMLP (iO mol/i) and superoxide production measured over 1 5 minutes. Results are expressed as the mean increment (nmol superoxide/10 PMNs/1 5 mm) above that of buffer-pretreated. FMiP-stimulated PMNs (5 nmol/ 1 0 cells/ 15 mm). 30 20 I 10 0 _ a, B mm j -11 a I , , . 0 -10 9 PAFALONE -8 PAF (log U) five Fig 1 . (A) Effect of PAF upon FMiP-stimulated PMN superoxide production. PMNs (2 x 1 0) were pretreated for five minutes with varying concentrations of PAF and stimulated with FMLP (iO mol/i) or buffer for 15 minutes at 37’C and superoxide measured as in Methods. Results are expressed as means ± SEM nmol superoxide/ 1 0 PMNI 1 5 mm released. (B) In analogous incubations, elastase release after 20 minutes was measured as in Methods. One hundred percent elastase release equaled the amount released by PMNs (2 x 10/mL) pretreated for five mmutes with cytochalasin B (5 isg/mL) and stimulated with FMLP (1O mol/i). Results are expressed as the mean percentage ± SEM of elastase released. PAF primes PMN respiratory addition of concentrations superoxide mol/L), FMLP. up to also then stimulated superoxide are of synergistically were PMN/15 priming, primed mm ± was (I0_8 I nmol/l06 .01). Other PAF, that is, mol/L) also induced by PMA (34% with PAF plus PMA, P PAF dependent enhances a maximal priming PMA enhanced ± < 2% increment limited mm release with This the of PMNs to before with 20 2 ± pretreated addition ofFMLP still stimulation washed away provokes 1 nmol/l06 ± sion (l0 (line mol/L)-a 2)-significantly of FMLP-stimulated Similarly, become non, PMN PAF (lO_8 induce first with primed more 5 and (lines aggregation, mol/L) only to the with themselves in contrast, and then greater degree Stimulated PMN Adhesion PMNs stimulated (Fig 3), and to HUEC PMN PMN Adhesion Treatment PMN 17.91 ± 17.54 ± 2.73 ± 4.93 PMN + PAF + FMLP 69.74 ± 2.61 release PMN + PMA 37.20 ± 3.921 2% PMN+PAF+PMA were minutes and PAF with ng/mL) and Results e after experiments (%) P 2.81 32.71 is time by to a much Table 1 . PAF Primes treated phenomeenhanced: mol/L) minutes 4). with cells synergistically (l0 for five aggregate than aggregation; PMN PAF 3 and stimulated adhesive + FMLP noted hyper- not itself the adhe- lines and adherent is also modest treated FMLP PAF 6). Another FMLP or that does enhances + PAF release the mm). (compare with significantly alone dose PMNs neutrophils PMA also ± to from identical before PMNs/l5 PMN v 52% need PMN mm-virtually and then washed PMN in Fig 2. Pretreating PMNs with to subsequently exhibited FMLP, production (19 PMNs with PAF increase adhesion PMNs in superoxide addition, effect PAF FMLP exposed with elastase elastase) PAF, PMNs/l5 with PAF nmol/l06 PMNs PAF .01). (and response; priming Moreover, subsequent FMLP the 60 minutes. responsiveness. For example, PMNs treated with PAF (I0 mol/L) for five minutes and then stimulated with FMLP (with the PAF remaining in the reaction solution) produced when than cells Preincubation PMA PMNs PMA first functions are FMLP-stimulated PMN an enhanced 1 nmol/106 ± during present obtain with large production (38 PMN/15 neutrophil PAF-primed, of superoxide as shown the response at no are as pretreatment neutrophils release much more elastase either to PAF or FMLP alone (Fig 1 B). PAF PAF alone virtually not superoxide with P < by various by the mm). If PMNs PAF-as low production (l0 mol/L) stimulated v 46 elastase with FMLP, however, produced (solid line). enhanced later and in Fig IA, mol/L induces PMNs/15 amounts of for superoxide FMLP; PAF PMNs l0 burst or primed with minutes followed (dotted line); likewise, FMLP (i0 alone to neutrophils, provokes minimal superoxide (5 nmol/l06 primed with minute priming agonist seen As production when added mol/L-and quantities incubated for five be not thereafter the next over PAF primes PMN adhesive responses. Preincubation of PMNs with PAF also enhances their adhesion to endothehum. Data shown in Table I demonstrate that priming of RESULTS release. PMNs were concentrations of PAF of preincubation; minutes deteriorates 1 J <.001 71.95±3.07] pretreated stimulated PMN with with adhesion expressed ( 10 FMLP ‘ (i0 to endothelium as the done in triplicate. PAF either mean ± mol/L) or mol/L) measured SEM PMN for buffer or PMA as in adhesion five (100 Methods. of four From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. PAF PRIMED PMNs AUGMENT ENDOTHELIAL DAMAGE 1 103 C PAF+FMLp 300 a, U U, a, 0 200 a, C C 100 C -12 -11 .10 -9 PAF (log -8 -7 -6 PA) Fig 4. Effect of PAF on PMN CR3 expression. PMNs (5 x 10) were stimulated with varying concentrations of PAF. and the CR3 expression was measured as in Methods. Results are expressed as the mean ( ± SEM) channel fluorescence. FMLP PAF HBSS 1MlN- -4 l0” mol/L) no change occurs; however, if PMNs in are intracellular first primed calcium with these levels same tiny concentrations a dose-dependent and then stimulated in intracellular with calcium FMLP levels of PAF increase above evident. that The priming. order of addition of agonists is critical As shown in Fig 6, the addition of PAF five minutes tion of FMLP mediated by followed over, Fig 3. Effect of PAF priming on PMN aggregation. PMNs (5 x 10) were pretreated with PAF (10’ mol/L) or buffer for five minutes at 37’C before stimulating with FMLP (iO mol/L). Curves depict the change in light transmission (ST) over time. which reflects cell aggregation. was verified this and microscopically not simply enhanced Mechanism of Both expression of adherent monoclonal fashion small tude less light adhesion aggregation. such 4), doses than and (lO_12 that increasing FMLP Because FMLP-induced lyso-PAF at position superoxide with FMLP responses due aggregation glycoproteins 1 ) that as 0KM- PAF in to the (assayable by also reverse is slowed by cold because by 6). Moreover, in ancillary was found provoked function increases as the bar). experiments the mean channel fluorescence (l0 mol/L) alone. receptor-ligand PAF 2) incubation PAF priming subsequently others have signal transduction intracellular in Fig 5, at very calcium low concentrations must be metabolism (4#{176}C).This is in PMNs of PAF also seems prevented at so cold 8 a, U, -13 PAF in by is As (l0” bound by of such PAF compared accumulation. stimulated shown that 100 #{149}1 4 (lO_12 increase FMLP by 50% More- g a dose-dependent to amplify the by l0 mol/L In marked is seen if the (second order addi19 nmol requires an intact PAF molecule has a hydroxyl group instead of an or methoxy-PAF does not prime PAF (which production in PMNs (bars 3 and 4). Finally, priming for maximal to PMNs for the subsequent bar, Fig production is PAF involve alone alone (first superoxide in the alone production PAF, to exert its other known actions, specific membrane receptors’2’36-the for thought to be mediated by changes in intracellular calcium levels and phosphatidylinositol turnover, we assayed with the calcium-sensitive probe Fura-2 the effect of priming upon shown by and superoxide mol/L) significant amplification occurs with mol/L), some three orders of magnineeded to produce perceptible PMN mol/L) preincubation CR3 receptor expression with and surface antibodies because acetate PAF aggregation added priming transmission.35 PMN for iC3b (CR3 receptors). of these CR3 receptors (Fig very to be enhanced enhanced priming. receptors expression are agonists 01 StIMULUS (I0 by washing increases over either agonist contrast, no enhanced ADDITION FMLP to -I 2 -11 (log U) Fig 5. Effect of PAF priming on PMN intracellular Ca2. PMNs (107/mL) were primed for five minutes with varying concentrations of PAF and then stimulated with FMLP (10’ mol/L) or buffer, and the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2Ji) was measured after 20 seconds as in Methods. The resting PMN [Ca2]i was 40 ± 10 nmol/L, and FMLP (10’ mol/L) increased [Ca2Ji within 20 seconds to 142 ± 1 1 nmol/L. PAF (10h1 to 1O’ mol/L) itself did not increase [Ca2]i over resting levels (dotted line). Solid-line results are expressed as the percent increase of [Ca2]i over that in cells treated with FMLP alone. The depicted data are representative of those from five separate experiments. From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. 1104 VERCELLOTTI surenone, and subsequent L652 all inhibit agonists and of enhancement compounds mediated PAF LYSOPAF AFTER METH010 PAP PULP that is, the addition at 4#{176}C followed by washing PMNs of PAF (lO_8 and subsequent with superoxide FMLP at 37#{176}Cdoes not result production over either agonist alone tion Not of superoxide trophil inhibit PAF priming detachment. enhances PMN-mediated We previously showed mediated endothelial PMNs to endothelial tion and adhesion release, and we release.43’ aggregation that suspected Because as well such (line PMN damage, (line 5); this even during notwithstanding, PMA-mediated Inhibition recently the damage of PAF described (line priming PAF receptor Table 2. shown further antagonists PAF Priming PAF activation neutrophil Enhances by enhanced reported We now that superoxide release, release, observations shown were For to be completely PAF antagonists suggest that mechanisms instance, to diverse We Although Lysis and Detachment neutrophil of Endothelial 1.90 ± + FMLP 1.29 ± 0.521 2.68 ± 4. PMN + PAF 5.04 ± 1.26] 6.26 ± 5. PMN + PMA 8.63 ± 2.901 9.80 6. PMN + PAF ± 3.65] as means 2%. ± SEM One hundred of three experiments percent endothelial done in triplicate. cell lysis was measured 28.01 Spontaneous Iysis with buffer by the addition a critical endothelial chemotaxin role cell and (%) ± 0.55 3. PMN detachment, play powerful 2.27 and are expressed spontaneous its Monolayers 0.48 .01 exposed modulate in sepsis-associated pulmonary 1.28 ± 1.07 ‘#{176}< insights inflammation. may may (C5a) is a recently is probably that that, to cause C5a .05 et kadsure- new during mediators suggested and provide may Detachment ‘#{176}< Gay PMN dam- by the L-652, damage complement neutrophils inhibited results circulating previously activated in activating damage.2 these inflammatory function. by as well as confirm PAF-primed endothelial BN52021, of vascular the as as measured et a123 and 1.16 “< .02 ± 0.51 1 1.26] 2.90 1 ± 3.64] ‘#{176}< .01 PMNs (5 x 106) were primed with PAF (i0 mol/L) or buffer for five minutes at 37#{176}C and then stimulated with FMLP (i0 ng/mL) and the specific endothelial cell lysis and detachment after three hours measured as in Methods. Values are percentages release to subsePMA. The burst as degranulation of Ingraham + PAF 27.08 quantities for the first time that these are also excessively damaging to 2. PMN + PMA neu- priming minuscule and adhesion Lysis (%) + FMLP by PAF the agonists FMLP and responses include respiratory age into 2 ± endothelial responses endothelial cells. Moreover, and subsequent PMN-mediated none. We of cell 0.72 also enhanced induced responses described , kad- 1. PMN L652 the PAF antagonists did not PMN-mediated endothelial neutrophil demonstrate neutrophils PAF-primed PMN-Mediated by by elastase cultured PMN Treatment only endothelial production PAF-enhanced demonstrate enhance measured The BN52021 7A), (Fig 7C). superoxide and by inhibiting the increment studies markedly recently and then signifioccurs antagonists. and probably but only present ARDS, PAF kadsurenone, adhesion, 8B), evidenced 6). by not shown). al.22 in Table aggravates These (Fig adherence of neutrophils to human endothelium PMN aggregation. These findings essentially PMN a more powerful stimulant PMN-mediated endothelial brief incubation PAF priming itself, (data quent primed wrought by activated 2, we used concentra- If PMNs are first primed with PAF minutes later with FMLP, however, endothelial cell lysis and detachment 4). PMA (100 ng/mL), responses, does cause and (Fig injury of (l0 mol/L) of FMLP and PAF that when added to PMNs cause little endothelial lysis or detachment (lines 2 and 3). stimulated five cantly enhanced adhesion neutrophil-mediated by inhibiting enhanced elastase release. Again, the agonist-stimulated, The as superoxide and elastase priming might aggravate endothelial cell lysis and detachment PMNs. In support, as shown in Table tions alone enhances injury. inhibit PAFPMN functions, DISCUSSION in amplified (last bar, Fig endothelial lysis that neutrophil- PAF BN52021, mol/L) to stimula- damage depends on close adhesion of monolayers as well as oxidant produc- protease endothelial PAF release, or adhesion by themselves, but PAF priming response (data not shown). surprisingly, detachment to abrogate neutrophil AL of neutrophils (Fig 7B), and elastase release did not inhibit FMLP-induced inhibit PAF-aggravated, lysis (Fig 8A), probably 6). and PAF-primed release, elastase the incremental Fig 6. Requirements for PAF enhancement of PMN superoxide production. PMNs (2 x 10) were primed with PAF (1O mol/L) for five minutes at 37’C and stimulated with FMLP (iO mol/L) and superoxide (nmol/1O’ PMNs/15 mm) measured as in Methods. In some experiments. FMLP (1O mol/L) was first added for five minutes. the cells washed. and then PAF (1O mol/L) added (bar 2). Alternatively. lyso-PAF (iO mol/L. bar 3) or methoxy-PAF (iO mol/L. bar 4) were used instead of PAF. or PAF (10’ mol/L) was added for five minutes at 4UC before stimulation with FMLP at 37’C (iO mol/L, bar 5). Results are expressed as the mean ± SEM increment in superoxide produced (nmol/1O’ PMNs/15 mm) above stimulation with FMLP alone. temperatures, PMN-mediated superoxide release These antagonists PAP UPTAKU SLOcKADE (4C) priming concomitantly in micromolar concentrations incremental responses in several including PAF PAF ET alone was of H202 (0.3%) to control mol/L) or PMA (100 of maximal lysis or approximately wells. 5% and From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. PAF PRIMED PMNs AUGMENT ENDOTHELIAL DAMAGE 1 105 30 50 40 20 -a fi 30 a, 20 10 Al _10 A , . 0 SN KAD L852 A 0 SN KAD L652 0 BN KAD L652 20#{149} 30 zo. u0 ZI <0 a. 20 01 0 oz I -I- B .- , ‘ 0 BN 1652 KAD 10 I-. U B Fig 8. Effect of PAF antagonists on PAF-enhanced, PMNmediated endothelial cell lysis and detachment. BN52021 , kadsurenone. 1652, or control buffer was added to PMNs as in Fig 7 before priming with PAF (10 moIhL). PMA (100 ngbmL)stimulated specific endothelial cell lysis (A) and detachment (B) were measured as in Methods. Results are expressed as the mean ± SEM increment that PAF priming induces above PMA stimulation alone. 00. C BN ‘ KAD PMNs Fig 7. Effect of PAF antagonists on PAF-enhanced PMN adhesion, superoxide release. and elastase release. BN52021 (100 pmol/L, BN). kadsurenone (lOOpmoI/L. KAD). 1652 (100 smol/L). or control buffer (HBSS with 0.1 % DMSO. 0) were added to PMNs for five minutes at 37’C before priming with PAF (10’ moth). FMLP (10 molbL)-stimulated PMN adhesion (A). superoxide release (B). and elastase release (C) were measured as previously described. that PAF promotes stimulus Results are expressed priming induces above as the mean FMLP stimulation catastrophic ARDS. endotoxin, although a sluggish In fact, others neutrophil responses to other PMN soluble thus it is a weak This sug- agonists promote have might be full-blown demonstrated agonist that itself, stimuli.’9 primes of toxic “stickiness” and mediated vascular of PMN damage is by its capacity surface-adhesive to increase glycoproteins (Fig the 4); this would presumably enhance the margination of endothehal-damaging PMNs. Second, because Dahinden et al3t have demonstrated that cell-cell contact augments production by thrombin-exposed are layered atop hyperresponsive PMNs become agonists such per enhanced se further Finally, we mechanism by in inflamma- endothelium and thrombin that may, attending of PAF activated FMLP, mediation becomes an blocked occurs endothelium they ineffectual doses of PMA. this PAF PMNs. These paracrine amplification of for instance, accompany damage findings intravascular provide that by an damage coagulation the small amounts in the vicinity of trivial activators then become is correct, syndromes rebe suggests stimulated endothelial sepsis. That is, we propose that derived from endothelial cells coagulation potentiate otherwise vascular inhibitors. amplified elastase damage-can by PAF inhibitors; between endothelial marginated These production, of endothelial of marginated PMNs; these cells same endothelium. If this construct mediated by PAF or superoxide actual and thrombin-treated to otherwise as C5a, responses-including interesting and Etienne.’8’24 One involved in endotoxin- that might adhesive substrate for neutrophils2627-perhaps of this production (Table I ). Stimulated by these observations, we recently preliminarily reported39 that if endothelium.37 indeed play has been recently reviewed by Braquet way in which PAF might be critically likely cells excessively by virtue specifically “cross talk” evidence that PAF does role in endotoxic states it seems , cells, endotoxin induces from macrophages the release of the monokine I L- I , which can alone augment neutrophil adhesion to endothelium30 and also can induce PAF synthesis in In this latter regard, an important etiologic species, PAF-primed tory states: activation by inflammation of intravascular coagulation with production of thrombin. 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