Volume 20 Issue 10 MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR I greet you in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am grateful to God for another opportunity to share with you through this medium. I pray that all is well with you and your family. Briefly, I will like to bring you up-to-date about what God is doing at Zion Hill. Below, please find the details: First, I will like to express my sincere appreciation to our entire congregation for your prayers and support during the last music concert in our Church. If I have to use a sport term, it was a perfectly executed game. Our music band was very good, our choir was awesome, our support staff was fabulous, our publicity effort was on point and most importantly, our congregation showed their support in a big way. As a result, there were more than Eight hundred people in attendance at the event. It was quite impressive. I am really grateful that our Church is positioning itself for more effective ministry to the people of Central Louisiana. I have always believed that God has given us an incredible favor to possess the land. Yet, I must admit that it was quite refreshing to see the fruit of our united front and how powerful and effective we can be as a Church when we all work together. So, I thank you for your support and cooperation in this matter. May God bless you for your obedience and faithfulness. Please, let us continue to move forward and work together with a spirit of excellence in all of our ministry activities. We’ve got the talents, we’ve got the gifts, we’ve got the location, we’ve got the facilities, we’ve got the equipment, we’ve got the resources, we’ve got the anointing, and we have the favor of God on our lives. All we need to do is to continue to be prayerful, obedient to God, and work together as a team. Again, I thank you and may God bless you more and more. Now, permit me to share with you briefly on our upcoming projects namely the replacement of our church pews and the overhaul of our parking lot. Here is what we are trying to do and how we will do it. Presently, our pews are getting old, some of them are already torn and the colors do not match the color of the carpet and the color of the building on the inside. Since we will have to repair or replace them anyway, we might as well replace it with the latest modern church seats. The latest technology when it comes to church seating is called “theatre seats. The latest technology when it comes to church seating is called “theatre seats.” So, in a nutshell, our goal is to completely replace the current pews with theatre seats. The current pews may be sold or donated to other churches because in life, what is trash to one person may be treasure to another. For your information, I have requested the Deaconess ministry to provide leadership on this project by doing all the leg work including: Selection of the type of theatre seats; Selection of the color of the seats; Selection of the maker/seller of the seats; Coordinating the time table to start and finish the project; And helping us with the fund raising I am pleased to report that the Deaconess ministry has met with at least three different makers of the theatre seats. They are currently reviewing the various types of theatre seats to decide on what is best for us. So far, it appears that the cost of each seat will be about $200.00. So, please permit me to encourage each member of the church to raise and donate at least $200.00 towards the purchase of the theatre seats. I will suggest that each member should have between now and Easter Celebration of next year 2015 to raise the $200.00 donation. Think about it, if each member will buy at least one seat, all of the seats in the Sanctuary will be fully paid for. More so, if the Lord has blessed you and prospered you and the Holy Spirit has put it in your heart to invest in the kingdom of God on this project, then please feel free to donate for more than one seat. I thank you in advance for your prayerful support on this project for the glory of God. Finally, let me also inform you that we are at the planning stage for the overhaul of our parking lot. If you will like to serve on the committee that will do all the leg work on this project, please contact the Church office and leave your name and number. Be assured that you will be contacted promptly on the matter. Yours in Christ Jesus, Dr. Joshua Joy Dara, Pastor Come with us to Memphis, Tennessee! January 9-10, 2015 Overnight trip for Seniors ages 50+ Trip includes: Ticket to the play, “We Live Here” Admission to The National Civil Rights Museum One night stay at Clarion Inn Hotel Transportation Total cost: $120 $60 nonrefundable deposit due by November 4, 2014 Nonrefundable $60 balance due by Dec. 4, 2014. Sponsored by Zion Hill Seniors Having Fun Ministry, Gertherine Patterson, President If you have any questions, contact Carolyn Clarkston at 487-1346 or clarkston54@aol.com If you’re interested, fill out the form below. Please print. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Name__________________________________________________ Phone#________________________________________________ Mailing Address__________________________________________ e-mail _________________________________________________ Amount of Money Order Enclosed:________ ($60 deposit is nonrefundable) Mail this form with your deposit (money order made out to Celia Harris) to: MEMPHIS, TN SENIOR TRIP: ATTENTION-CELIA HARRIS, 725 Sanders St., Pineville, LA 71360 “Lord Help Me Raise My Children” The Zion Hill Not-Your-Average Book Club is presently reading a series of books by Vanessa Davis Griggs. There are 3 books in the series: Blessed Trinity, Strongholds, and If Memory Serves. We had an awesome time at our last meeting discussing the second book, Strongholds ,and playing a Jeopardy game devised by Sister Ophelia Allen. Strongholds is a fiction story in which the Pastor of the church invites members with bondages in their lives to participate in a faith-based counseling ministry to help them break whatever has a hold on their lives. And do they have some strongholds! This Word-inspired series not only entertains, but is packed with outstanding godly wisdom and scripture that not only benefits the characters, but the readers. You won't be able to put any of these books down! The Book Club meets every 4th Saturday, 11:00, usually in the FLC Executive Conference Room; however, in October we will go out to meet and eat. We won't meet in December. Feel free to come and "check us out!" Minister Tammy Brown Will be speaking at “Power of God Conference” October 25, 2014 @3:00pm Parc England Boutique Hotel 1321 Chappie Avenue Alexandria, L a 71302 RSVP: Tammy Brown (318) 730-6881 Dorothy Trowell (318) 542-6787 Directors Needed for Vacation Bible School 2015 We are presently in the process of recruiting the next generation of Vacation Bible School leaders to take our ministry to higher levels. We are praying for committed Christians with youthful energy, enthusiasm and Holy Spirit guidance to become directors of the 2015 children's Vacation Bible school and food service. If you feel that God has led you to be a blessing in this area, please contact one of the following persons: Carolyn Clarkston Linda Burgess Pat Davis Zion Hill Christmas Wiinner Gala “We are Winners in Christ” Saturday, December 13, 2014 7:00pm until $12.00 Each Sponsored by: New Creation Ministry Please join us The Lord's Supper is a reminder of what Jesus did in the past, a symbol of our present relationship with him, and a promise of what he will do in the future. The bread and wine are memorials of Jesus' death on the cross (Luke 22:19-20; 1 Cor. 11:26). In the Lord's Supper, we each eat a piece of bread in remembrance of Jesus. When we drink the "fruit of the vine," we remember that Jesus' blood was shed for us, “It’s a Worship Experience” Every 4th Sunday @ 8am & 11am When we are aware that Jesus lives in us, we also pause to think what kind of home we are giving him. We allow him to change our lives so that we live the way he wants us to. Paul wrote, "A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup" (1 Cor. 11:28). The Lord's Supper helps us look inward, to examine ourselves because of the great meaning in this ceremony KAYT 88.1 FM @8:00AM SUN. 1 HOUR - ALEXANDRIA KALB CHANNEL 5 M-F @9:25AM - ALEXANDRIA SAT-SUN @ 8:25AM - ALEXANDRIA SUN @ 5:00PM - ALEXANDRIA KAYT 98.9 FM @ 8:00AM SUN. 1 HOUR - MONROE KALB CHANNEL 2 SUN @ 7:30AM - ALEXANDRIA KAYT 92.5 FM @ 8:00 AM SUN. 1 HOUR - SHREVEPORT KMCT CHANNEL 39 WED @10:00PM - WEST MONROE KAYT 92.2 @8:00 AM SUNDAY 1 HOUR - JACKSON, MS KLMD CHANNEL 23 WED @ 10:00PM - SOUTH ARKANSAS KWDF 840 AM @9:15AM MON.-FRI. 15 MINUTES - PINEVILLE Yeah!!! It’s back , our monthly birthday celebration. Happy birthday!! to all of you born in the month of September. Samaritan’s Purse/Christmas Shoebox Project The annual ‘Operation Christmas- Shoebox Project ‘will kick off in October Each Church member, Church ministry or any interested person with a heart of giving can take an active part in this church and community project of giving and sharing the love of Christ -through donating items for the shoeboxes or by preparing a personal shoebox gift. Any financial donation of $7.00 or more is welcome to help in the shipping and handling of the boxes. Information flyers and brochures will be made available in September on the information table in the church foyer. Footnote: August is a great time to start collecting items for your boxes during the back to school sales. Suggested Items: Pencils, ink pens, crayons, washcloths, hair accessories for girls, toothbrushes, tooth paste, small toys for boys /girls and Christian books, etc. Operation Christian Child/Sharing the Love, Ophelia Allen, Greeter Ministry Dr. Joshua Joy Dara, Pastor 312 Hunter Street Pineville, Louisiana 71360 Mailing Address: P O Box 3914, Pineville, LA 71361 Phone: 318.767.0106 Fax: 318.767.0904 Office House: 9am-4:30pm Administrative Assistants: Diana Mitchell and Patricia Wilson James Smith, CEO 312A Hunter Street Pineville, LA 71360 Phone: 318.427.3900 ZionHill.com JoyDara.org AlwaysJoy.org youtube.com/zionhillmedia livestream.com/zionhillmedia facebook.com/zion.h.church Newsletter Staff: Krystal Johnson-Wimbley, Graphics/ E-News Editor Rose Vanburen, Photographer LaQuanda Burise, Photographer Minister Irene K. Isaac, Editor newsletter@zionhill.com Printed at Zion Hill On a monthly basis
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