www.sakshieducation.com w w w .s a ks hi ed uc at io n. co m LCD BY D. BALAKRISHNA, RESEARCHER, IIIT-H www.sakshieducation.com Page: 1 www.sakshieducation.com CONTENTS Chapter I: Introduction Chapter II: LCD module JHD162A Topic (a) Block Diagram Topic (b) Pin configuration Chapter III: Working Modes Topic (a) 8-bit Topic (b) 4-bit ed uc at io n. Lesson 1) Lesson 2) Registers Lesson 3) Instruction set Lesson 4) Memory Topic (a) DDRAM Topic (b) CGROM Topic (c) CGRAM Chapter IV: Programming Interfacing LCD Lesson 2) Initializing LCD ks hi Lesson 1) Topic (a) co m Lesson 1) Sending Data .s a Topic (b) Sending Command Lesson 3) Alphanumeric Topic (b) Strings w Topic (a) w w Lesson 4) Write LCD Scrolling Lesson 5) Customized Characters Lesson 6) Test www.sakshieducation.com Page: 2 www.sakshieducation.com CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is very popular for displaying device in Embedded Applications. LCDs are very cheap and easy to interface with microcontrollers; LCDs are widely used in devices like telephones, vending machines, washing machines, toys etc. co m LCD comes in several varieties i.e. 16*2, 20*2, 20*4 etc. These different LCD varieties can display different number of characters i.e. 16*2 can display 32 characters at a time. This module covers the introduction of LCD, its working and how to program it. LCD MODULE ed uc at io n. CHAPTER 2 The LCD module that we will be using is 16*2 JHD162A. This module has 2 rows and 16 columns of display blocks. Each block can be used to display 1 character. So there are total 32 such type of blocks. One block has 8*5 pixels. Depending on which pixel is ON and which is OFF we can display different type of characters like Alphabets & Numeric. 2.1 JHD162A w w w .s a ks hi This model has a green backlight that helps us to get the display even in dark. Internally this module consists of a controller chip; a segment driver chip, LCD display and some passive components (Don’t worry about these things, generally no need to study about these things). Figure 2.1: LCD module www.sakshieducation.com Page: 3 www.sakshieducation.com 2.1.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM The JHD162A LCD module consists 32 blocks (16*2). Each of the 32 blocks is a memory, as soon as we write an ASCII number into one of these 32 memory locations the corresponding character is displayed on that block. ed uc at io n. co m The function of displaying the character after decoding the data is done by an onboard controller chip. Figure 2.1.1: Internal block diagram of LCD In reality the LCD module consists of several memory locations apart from the 32 dedicated for the display. hi The various operations that we need to perform are: ks 1) Configure LCD module by writing commands to memory location. 2) Write to LCD memory to display data. .s a 3) Perform some special operations like Clear Screen, Bring Cursor to starting position etc. w 2.1.2 PIN CONFIGURATION w w There are total 16 pins in this LCD module. Figure 2.1.2:- LCD with its pin configuration www.sakshieducation.com Page: 4 www.sakshieducation.com The following table describes the pin configuration of the LCD Module Pin No Symbol Description Function VSS Ground 0V (GND) 2 VCC Power supply for Logic Circuit +5V 3 VEE LCD Contrast Adjustment 4 RS INSTRUCTION/DATA Register Selection RS = 0 : INSTR Register READ/WRITE Selection R/W = 0 : Register WRITE R/W RS = 1 : DATA Register ed uc at io n. 5 co m 1 R/W = 1 : Register READ DB0 8 DB1 9 DB2 10 DB3 11 DB4 12 DB5 13 DB6 14 DB7 15 Sends data to data pins when a high to low pulse applied hi 7 ENABLE Signal DATA INPUT/OUTPUT LINES ks E 8 BIT: DB0-DB7 w .s a 6 Supply Voltage For LED+ +5V LED- Supply Voltage For LED- 0V w w LED+ 16 Table1:- The Pin Configuration of the LCD Module Pins of LCD module are categorized in to three types: • • • Power supply pins Data pins Control pins www.sakshieducation.com Page: 5 www.sakshieducation.com Power supply pins Pins 1 – 3, 15 & 16 comes under this category VCC & VSS are used supply power to LCD module VEE is used to control the contrast of LCD display. Data pins co m LED+ & LED- are for backlight of LCD ed uc at io n. Pins 7 – 14 (DB0 – DB7) are used for the data transfer between LCD & microcontroller. Control pins Pins 4, 5 & 6 are control pins in LCD module. These are: RS (Register Select) R/W (Read/Write) E (Enable) RS: (Register Select) hi • • • RS = 0: Selects Instruction register RS = 1: Selects Data register .s a • • ks This pin is used to select the Register (Instruction/Data) of LCD. We will discuss clearly about these Registers in further. w R/W: (Read/Write) w w This pin is used to select the mode of operation. • • R/W = 0: Read mode (µC read the data from LCD) R/W = 1: Write mode (µC writes the data to LCD) E: (Enable) Whenever the this pin goes High to Low, then only the data will transfer to data pins. www.sakshieducation.com Page: 6 www.sakshieducation.com CHAPTER 3 WORKING The main function of LCD is displaying information. We have already discussed that LCD consists Blocks, each block has 8*5 pixels. ed uc at io n. co m Depending on which pixel is ON and which is OFF we can display different type of characters like Alphabets & Numeric. hi Figure 3.1 (a): Blocks in 16*2 LCD MODES .s a 3.1 ks Figure 3.1 (b): Figure demonstrating how the character displayed on a pixel There are basically 2 modes of operation in LCD. w Write Read w w • • In write mode of operation the data will write into LCD. In case of Read mode we will read the data from LCD. In this document we will discuss about Write mode of operation only. The LCD has 2 modes of operation in data transfer. • • 8-Bit mode 4-Bit mode www.sakshieducation.com Page: 7 www.sakshieducation.com 3.1.1 8-BIT MODE In this 8-bit mode we will use all the 8-data pins of the LCD module for data transfer between microcontroller and LCD. Data transfer is very fast in this mode of operation. • • • Connect data pins of LCD to Port pins of µC Send to the LCD port Send enable signal ed uc at io n. Main drawback of this mode is: co m Common steps in 8-bit mode: Whenever we use this mode of operation we need 8-pins for data, 3-pins for control signals and 5 pins for power supply (we can use Vcc & GND of microcontroller). So totally we need 11-pins from microcontroller. In our 8051 MCU 11-pins required out of 40 pins. This is wastage of system ports. To overcome this problem we will shift to 4-Bit mode. 3.1.2 4-BIT MODE hi In this 4-bit mode we will use on 4-data pins of LCD for data transfer. .s a ks Whenever we use this mode of operation we need 4-pins for data 3-pins for control signals and 5 pins for power supply (we can use Vcc & GND of microcontroller). So totally we need 7-pins from microcontroller. While comparing with 8-bit mode we saved 4-port pins of microcontroller. w Common steps in 4-bit mode: Mask lower 4-bits Send to the LCD port Send enable signal Mask higher 4-bits Send to LCD port Send enable signal w w • • • • • • 3.2 REGISTERS There are mainly 2 registers in our LCD module. • Instruction register www.sakshieducation.com Page: 8 www.sakshieducation.com • Data register By using RS pin we can toggle these two registers (Refer pin configuration). Instruction/Command Register co m It stores the data at the data pins of LCD. Here data is called as command. A command is an instruction given to LCD to do a predefined task like clearing the screen, setting the cursor position etc. Data Register ed uc at io n. It stores the data to be displayed on the LCD. The LCD considered the given data as ASCII values only. If we want display any character we should send the ASCII value of that character. INSTRUCTION SET Instruction Hex Dec 1 Function Set: 8-bit, 1 Line, 5x7 Dots 0x30 48 2 Function Set: 8-bit, 2 Line, 5x7 Dots 0x38 56 3 Function Set: 4-bit, 1 Line, 5x7 Dots 0x20 32 4 Function Set: 4-bit, 2 Line, 5x7 Dots 0x28 40 Entry Mode 0x06 6 Display off Cursor off (clearing display without clearing DDRAM content) 0x08 8 Display on Cursor on 0x0E 14 Display on Cursor off 0x0C 12 9 Display on Cursor blinking 0x0F 15 10 Shift entire display left 0x18 24 11 Shift entire display right 0x1C 30 12 Move cursor left by one character 0x10 16 13 Move cursor right by one character 0x14 20 ks No. hi 3.3 7 w w 8 w 6 .s a 5 www.sakshieducation.com Page: 9 www.sakshieducation.com 14 Clear Display (also clear DDRAM content) 0x01 1 15 Set DDRAM address or cursor position on display 0x80+add 128+add 16 Set CGRAM address or set pointer to CGRAM location 0x40+add 64+add Table 2:- Instruction Set MEMORY There are three types of memories in LCD module. DDRAM CGROM CGRAM ed uc at io n. • • • co m 3.4 3.4.1 DDRAM: Display Data RAM hi Display data RAM (DDRAM) stores display data in 8-bit character codes. Its capacity is 80x8 bits, or 80 characters. Whatever you send to the DDRAM will display on the LCD. For LCDs like 1x16, only 16 characters are visible, so whatever you write after 16 characters in DDRAM is not visible to the user. ks Figure 3.4.1: DDRAM Address for 2 Lines LCD .s a 3.4.2 CGROM: Character Generator ROM Whenever we send an ASCII value to DDRAM, how the character is displayed on LCD? The answer is CGROM. w w w The character generator ROM generates 5 x 8 dot or 5 x 10 dot character patterns from 8-bit character codes (see below figure for more details). It can generate 208 5 x 8 dot character patterns and 32 5 x 10 dot character patterns. www.sakshieducation.com Page: 10 www.sakshieducation.com ed uc at io n. co m Figure 3.4.2: LCD characters code map for 5x8 dots 3.4.3 CGRAM: Character Generator RAM ks hi CGRAM is used to create custom characters in LCD. In the character generator RAM, the user can program character patterns. For 5 x 8 dots, eight character patterns can be written. .s a Later in this tutorial we will discuss how to use CGRAM area to make custom character and also making animations. w As we can see in above figure, the character code from 0x00 to 0x07 is occupied by the user defined characters. So we can create 8 characters only, if we want to create more than 8 then we have to delete previous one. w w If user wants to display the fourth custom character then the code to display 0x03 from CGROM i.e. when user sends 0x03 to the DDRAM then the fourth user created pattern will be displayed on the LCD. www.sakshieducation.com Page: 11 www.sakshieducation.com CHAPTER 4 PROGRAMMING 4.1 co m In this section we will discuss about how to interface LCD to 8051 microcontroller and how to program the LCD. LCD INTERFACING ed uc at io n. In this project LCD is working in 4-bit mode i.e., the data transferred to the LCD must be in 4-bit data form. The PORT 0 of 8051 is connected to data pins and control pins (Rs, R/W and En) of LCD. w w w .s a ks hi Here in 4-bit mode we are using upper nibble of data pins of LCD is connected to lower nibble of port pins of 8051 shown in figure below. Figure 4.1: Circuit diagram if LCD interfacing In this project the hardware connections are given below. LCD Pin RS R/W E D7 D6 D5 D4 8051 Pin P0.7 P0.6 P0.5 P0.3 P0.2 P0.1 P0.0 www.sakshieducation.com Page: 12 www.sakshieducation.com D3 -D2 -D1 -D0 -Table 4.1: Hardware connections of LCD interfacing to 8051 4.2 INITIALIZING LCD Initialize the port as output. Register selection (select instruction register). Read/Write mode selection (select write mode). Select 4-bit mode of operation. Turn display ON & cursor ON. Clear screen. ed uc at io n. • • • • • • co m The following instructions are used to initialize LCD. Initialize port In this project LCD connected to PORT 0, here we are using LCD in write mode only. So we have to assign PORT 0 as output. In 8051 by default all the ports are acts as output ports, so no need to code again. Register selection ks hi In initialization of LCD we have to send commands to LCD, so we can select instruction register by making RS = 0, .s a P0^7 = 0; Observe above figure RS pin of the LCD connected to P0.7. w Read/Write mode w w Here we are using Write mode only. So select write mode by clearing R/W pin. P0^6 = 0; Observe above figure R/W pin of the LCD connected to P0.6. Before going to data mode selection we have to discuss about how to send Data/Command to LCD module. Sending Command By using Data pins (DB0 – DB7) only we can send data/command to the LCD module. www.sakshieducation.com Page: 13 www.sakshieducation.com Steps1: Divide 8-bit data (here command) into 2 parts. int l, u; u = c & 0xF0; //Separates upper nibble co m u = u >> 4; //format data l = c & 0x0F; //Lower nibble Step 2: ed uc at io n. Send upper nibble and toggle E pin. Note: RS pin should be 0 because we are sending command, so we have to select command register. P0 = (P0 & 0xF0)| u; //send upper nibble clear_RS (); //Clear RS pin clear_RW (); //Clear RW pin Toggle_pin_e (); hi Step 3: //Toggle E pin ks Send lower nibble and toggle E pin. .s a P0 = (P0 & 0xF0)| l; //send lower nibble //Clear RS pin clear_RW (); //Clear RW pin w clear_RS (); //Toggle E pin w w Toggle_pin_e (); Sending Data The main difference between Sending Command & Data is RS pin selection. In case of sending Command RS should be 0. In case of sending Data RS should be 1. Except this difference everything is common in sending Data & Command www.sakshieducation.com Page: 14 www.sakshieducation.com Complete code of LCD initialization void LCD_init(void) { clear_RS (); clear_RW (); delay_ms (2); // Clear RS pin // Clear RW pin LCD_Send_Cmd (0x28); // Clear Screen // turn display on + turn cursor on + // turn cursor blinking // 4 bit mode + 2 line display + 5*7 font } WRITE LCD ed uc at io n. 4.3 co m LCD_Send_Cmd (0x01); LCD_Send_Cmd (0x0F); Alphanumeric Writing LCD is nothing but a sending data to LCD. By using the following code we can print single alphanumeric character on LCD screen. hi void LCD_Send_Data (char c) { int l,u; u = c & 0xF0; u = u >> 4; l = c & 0x0F; .s a ks P0 = (P0 & 0xF0)| u; set_RS (); clear_RW (); Toggle_pin_e (); w w w P0 = (P0 & 0xF0)| l; set_RS (); clear_RW (); Toggle_pin_e (); } Strings Printing strings is nothing but a printing of characters one-by-one. So by using printing character code in some loop we can print string. www.sakshieducation.com Page: 15 www.sakshieducation.com void LCD_Send_String1(char *s) { while(*s!='\0') { LCD_Send_Data(*s); s++; } } SCROLLING ed uc at io n. 4.4 co m Ex: We knew that our JHD162A module can print 16 characters in one line. If our length of string is more than 16 characters we will go to the second line. Totally we can print up to 32 characters. Now the real question comes into the picture, if our string contains more than 32 characters, then what we have to do? The answer is SCROLLING. We might observe in railway stations, the train names & timings scrolls on screen. Same concept we have to implement here. Functionality ks First we will print first character Clear screen Print next character along with first character and so on .s a • • • hi In reality there is no scrolling. It’s our human eye illusion. The logic behind the scrolling is: Let us take one example for clarity: w Scroll “Welcome” w w First of all we have to print “W”, then clear screen then print “We”….(Before printing every time we have to clear the LCD screen) www.sakshieducation.com Page: 16 www.sakshieducation.com co m ed uc at io n. Figure 4.4: Process of how letters scroll in LCD Complete code hi void LCD_Scroll (unsigned char input[]) { unsigned char print[16]=" "; unsigned char i, x; unsigned char len = strlen (input); LCD_init (); LCD_Send_Cmd (0x0C); LCD_Send_Cmd (0x01); .s a ks for (x=0;x<len;x++) { for(i=0;i<15;i++) print[i]=print[i+1]; print[15]=input[x]; w w w LCD_GoTo_XY(1,1); LCD_Send_String (print); delay_ms (300); LCD_Send_Cmd (0x01); } delay_ms (300); } www.sakshieducation.com Page: 17 www.sakshieducation.com 4.5 CUSTOMIZED CHARACTERS In LCD module we can print our own designed characters/symbols called “Customized Characters”. By using CGRAM we can create our own customized characters. CGRAM can store up to 8 characters (0x00 – 0x07). ed uc at io n. The following figure is best example to create customized characters. co m How to create customized characters? hi Figure 4.5: The example of customized character ks Depending on which pixel is ON and which is OFF we can display different type of characters. Here we have to consider rows only. Totally we had 8 rows, so we will get 8 values. .s a Consider 1st block in above figure. The row values of 1st block will be: unsigned char spl1[]={0x04, 0x03, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x12, 0x12, 0x0E }; w w w We can take these values as an array, and send to CGRAM. Then the CGRAM will store the values as characters. Code: void LCD_Cust_Char_Create(unsigned char cgram, unsigned char data[]) { unsigned char i; LCD_Send_Cmd (cgram); // Address where customized character is to be stored for (i=0;i<8;i++) LCD_Send_Data (data[i]); _delay_ms (10); } www.sakshieducation.com Page: 18 www.sakshieducation.com In above code LCD_Cust_Char_Create function is there. In that function the arguments are cgram & data. Here the argument cgram indicates the CGRAM location where the character will store. The argument data indicates the value of Block. After creation of customized characters we will get one doubt. co m How to print customized character? After creation of customized character (stored in the CGRAM) we will print those characters simply by sending the data of CGRAM (where the character stored). ed uc at io n. Code: void LCD_Cust_Char_Print(unsigned char character, unsigned char Pos1,unsigned char Pos2) { LCD_GoTo_XY (Pos1, Pos2); // Location of LCD where the character is to be displayed LCD_Send_Data (character); } In above code LCD_Cust_Char_Print function is there. In that function the arguments are character, Pos1 & Pos2. ks hi Here the argument character (0 - 7) indicates the character to be print. Argument Pos1indicates the position of row and argument Pos2 indicates the position of column. .s a In above code another function LCD_GoTo_XY is there. By using this function we will move the cursor in to particular position by using arguments. The code of LCD_GoTo_XY function is given below. w w w void LCD_GoTo_XY(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { if(y==1) LCD_Send_Cmd(x+127); else if(y==2) LCD_Send_Cmd(x+191); } The complete code to display the above example: (Figure 4.5) #include<reg51.h> #include “delay.h” #include “lcd.h” unsigned char spl1[]={0x04, 0x03, 0x0F, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x12, 0x12, 0x0E }; unsigned char spl2[]={0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x03, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x12 }; www.sakshieducation.com Page: 19 www.sakshieducation.com unsigned char spl3[]={0x00, 0x18, 0x1C, 0x1E, 0x12, 0x02, 0x0C, 0x14 }; unsigned char spl4[]={0x1E, 0x0F, 0x1E, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00 }; unsigned char spl5[]={0x16, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x11, 0x18, 0x1E, 0x01, 0x1F }; unsigned char spl6[]={0x16, 0x0C, 0x04, 0x12, 0x02, 0x04, 0x18, 0x00 }; LCD_init (); delay_ms (50); // delay of 50 mille seconds LCD_Send_Cmd (0x0C); ed uc at io n. while (1) { LCD_Cust_Char_Create (64, spl1); LCD_Cust_Char_Print (0, 5, 1); co m int main(void) { LCD_Cust_Char_Create (72, spl2); LCD_Cust_Char_Print (1, 6, 1); LCD_Cust_Char_Create (80, spl3); LCD_Cust_Char_Print (2, 7, 1); hi LCD_Cust_Char_Create (88, spl4); LCD_Send_Cmd (0x10); LCD_Cust_Char_Print (3, 5, 2); ks LCD_Cust_Char_Create (96, spl5); LCD_Send_Cmd (0x10); LCD_Cust_Char_Print (4, 6, 2); w w w } } .s a LCD_Cust_Char_Create (104, spl6); LCD_Send_Cmd (0x10); LCD_Cust_Char_Print (5, 7, 2); In above code one header files “lcd.h” & “delay.h” were included. These two header files are user defined. www.sakshieducation.com Page: 20 www.sakshieducation.com CHAPTER 6 TEST 1. How many pins the LCD JHD162 consists? Ans: 16 2. If r/w =1 it represents what? 3. How many data pins are there to send the information to LCD? Ans: 8 4. What is the condition to set the LCD in command mode? ed uc at io n. Ans: RS=0 co m Ans: Register READ 5. What is the LCD command code to make the LCD screen clear? Ans: 0x01 6. What is the command code instruction to set LCD in 5x8 block size,8 bit operation, Ans: 0x38 7. What is the command code instruction to set LCD in data mode? Ans: RS=1 8. E pin is an ------------------- pin of LCD. hi Ans: Enable Ans: 0x80 ks 9. Which of the following is the address of first row first column in 16x2 LCD? .s a 10. Which of the following is the second row 5 column of LCD? w w w Ans: 0xC5 www.sakshieducation.com Page: 21
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