Heated Power Yoga www.yogavinyassa.com 2500 Broadway, Unit D Grand Junction, CO 81503 (P) 970-424-5116 October 2014 Class Time Sunday Monday 5:45 AM Tuesday Wednesday Thursday ALL LEVELS 60 Min ALL LEVELS 60 Min CMU5 CMU5 Friday Saturday Slow Flow 60 Min 8:00 AM Slow Flow Yoga 60 Min CMU5 9:15 AM ALL LEVELS 4:30 PM Community Class (ALL LEVELS) $5 CMU5 6:00 PM ALL LEVELS ALL LEVELS ALL LEVELS ALL LEVELS ALL LEVELS CMU5 CMU5 CMU5 CMU5 CMU5 ALL LEVELS ALL LEVELS ALL LEVELS ALL LEVELS ALL LEVELS CMU5 CMU5 CMU5 CMU5 CMU5 ALL LEVELS ALL LEVELS Deep Opening ALL LEVELS CMU5 CMU5 CMU5 CMU5 ALL LEVELS Community Class (ALL LEVELS) 60 Min $5 CMU5 Time and instructors subject to change. Please check website for most updated information. Class Descriptions: Slow Flow: This is a slower-paced flow class. Ideal for newbies, and those looking to flow at a gentle pace. ALL LEVELS: 75 minute class: This faster paced Power Vinyasa class flows through both the core and more advanced poses. Students focus on breath, movement, strength, opening the body, and balance. Great for all students looking for a challenging, full body workout. Deep Opening: This non-cardio class is for students looking to work more deeply into their tightest of muscles in the heat (shoulders, hamstrings, HIPS, etc.) through stretching and myofacial releasing techniques (with tennis balls). If you are feeling particularly tight, this class is ideal for you. $5 Community Class: 75 Minute ALL LEVELS Class: This class is the same as the above ALL LEVELS class, with just one difference-it’s $5 for everyone! We want to make yoga available to students of all economic levels! Cash or Check only CMU5: While these classes are open to everyone, if you are a FULL TIME CMU student, you can take these classes for $5! Current Student ID required. Cash or Check only PRICING Memberships: BEST VALUE Sign up to become a Member at yoga:Vinyassa and we’ll take care of your payments for you! Each month we will automatically deduct the membership fee and you’ve got UNLIMITED YOGA! Members ALSO receive: 10% discount on clothing and accessories 10% discount on all workshops given at the studio BUDDY PACKAGES! 15% OFF ALL PACKAGES! Find a yoga buddy, get 15% off your chosen package (one per buddy), and practice together! Each class must be practiced with your buddy to receive the discount. Standard Pricing Package Price First Week (GJ, Palisade, Fruita Residents Only) yoga:Vinyassa Membership (unlimited) Three Months Unlimited One Month Unlimited 20 Class Package (six month expiration) 10 Class Package (six month expiration) 5 Class Package (six month expiration) Drop-In FREE! $115/month (6 month minimum) $381 $145 $220 $119 $65 $15 Specialty Pricing: Seniors (60+), Veterans and Full Time Students Package Price First Week (GJ, Palisade, Fruita Residents Only) yoga:Vinyassa Membership (unlimited) CMU Membership (unlimited) Three Months Unlimited 10 Class Package (six month expiration) Drop-In FREE! $80/month (6 month minimum) $50/month (6 month minimum) $260 $105 $11 Note: yoga:Vinyassa does not allow students to share packages. All Packages non-refundable and non-transferable. If illness or injury occurs, yoga:Vinyassa will put a package on hold for up to a maximum of two months at $20/month. Yoga:Vinyassa Membership cancellation fee before six months is $100. 30 day notice required. Frequently Asked Questions What is "Power Yoga"? Power yoga is a general term used in the West to describe a vigorous, fitness-based approach to Vinyasa-styled (flowing postures linked by breath) yoga. This type of yoga increases one’s ability to focus while emphasizing proper form in each pose to increase strength, endurance, and flexibility. What are the benefits to this type of yoga? The benefits to this type of yoga include, but are not limited to: -It bolsters strength, stamina, and flexibility. -It improves one's ability to focus. -It's a great way to release tension and anxiety. -It helps a person maintain proper posture. -It tones your body well. -It's a good way to remove bodily toxins through sweat. -It serves as a great training for athletes. Why is the practice heated? To obtain the full benefit of the practice, you will be practicing in a heated room. As the body is heated both externally and internally, many benefits are received. These include but are not limited to: - Heat allows your muscles and connective tissues to become more elastic, increasing the depth of each pose in the practice as well as reducing the chance of injury. - Your body will burn fat more effectively as fat is burned and distributed during class. It is common to notice a loss of centimeters in a very short time! - The heat produces a fluid-like stretch that allows for a greater range of movement in joints, muscles, ligaments, and other supporting structures of the body. - Capillaries dilate in the heat allowing the tissues, muscles, glands, and organs to oxygenate more effectively. This helps in the detoxification process. The toxins are ultimately eliminated through sweat. - Your metabolism speeds up the breakdown of glucose and fatty acids. - Heat promotes the functioning of the body's T-cells, improving the functioning of the immune system. - Because the environment is challenging; you will increase your self control and ability to focus. What if I'm not flexible?! YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE FLEXIBLE TO BENEFIT FROM OR PRACTICE YOGA! That is why you come! All you need is an open enough mind to let go, breath, and sweat through each pose. With a regular practice you will notice an increased flexibility, among many other physical and mental changes. How often should I practice? As with anything, consistency and dedication make all the difference. This all depends on what you are looking for as an individual. Any time you practice yoga you are giving your body a gift. Two to three times a week will provide you with a transformation over time. However, for life changing results, it is recommended to practice four to six times a week on a consistent basis. Should I practice if I'm pregnant? This is ultimately an individual decision. Most importantly, no student should practice heated yoga pregnant without first consulting with their physician. Additionally, each student is encouraged to listen to his/her own body. While most yoga poses can be practiced during pregnancy (with modifications), individual limitations should be respected. It's usually not a good idea to start a yoga practice as a beginner when you're pregnant. What do I need to bring to class? - Mat: Students are encouraged to buy their own mat once they have decided to practice on a regular basis. A good mat makes all the difference! Jade mats can be purchased at the studio. Mats can also be rented for $1.00. - Water: While each student should bring a large water bottle to class. However; students lose a significant amount of liquid during practice, therefore, it is encouraged to hydrate throughout the day before and after practice. The more hydrated your body is-the better your practice will be! Bottled water is sold at the studio for $1.00. - Large Towel(s): As our bodies heat up and we begin to sweat, our mats quickly become very slippery. To prevent slipping, each student should bring a towel to put over his/her mat. Towels can be rented for $1.00. What should I wear? Dress to sweat! Women: Fitted sports pants and or athletic shorts with a fit tank top and/or sports bra/athletic bra. Men: Shorts. Most men prefer to practice topless; however, fitted T-shirts will work as well. *Because the room is heated and students will be in many different poses, each individual should wear what is comfortable and allows the most range of motion. Loose T-shirts are not recommended as they tend to fall over students heads when in a pose where the head is down. What else should I know before I go? - Yoga is best practiced on an empty stomach. - All classes are first come, first serve - Studio doors will be closed two minutes before class begins. - Doors to the studio will be locked during and periodically between classes. - Once in the actual studio, it is yogi etiquette not to chat loudly with your neighbors. The studio is a place for students to come onto their mats and into themselves, preparing for their yoga practice.
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