American Society of Naval Engineers Tidewater Section October 2014 Newsletter

American Society of Naval Engineers
Tidewater Section
October 2014 Newsletter
All dinners are at the Marriott Spring Hill Suites Hotel on Newtown Road, South of I-264 unless
noted otherwise.
Dinners are scheduled the 3rd Wednesday of the month unless noted otherwise. Our schedule:
6:00 - 7:00 PM
7:00 - 8:00 PM
Registration / Social
ASNE Tidewater “Quick Look”
October 15, 2014
RADM Richard D. Berkey, USN
Deputy Chief of Staff, Fleet Maintenance
Fleet Forces Command
November 19, 2014
Fleet Maintenance & Modernization Symposium 2014
Dave Norris – Chairman
Herb Hood - Vice Chairman/Historian/Awards
228-1730, ext. 308 //
Jim Brinkman - Treasurer
477-3855 //
Jim Romeo – Secretary
Kevin Terry – Programs Chair
Paul Siebeking - Membership Chair
481-4030 //
Jan Schuler-Rivas - Marketing/Publicity/STEM
LT Christina Carino - Fleet Liaison
(301) 325-9130
Mike D’Amato National Vice President
Ultimate Build-a-Boat Competition
Chairman’s Letter to the Membership
Good Day ASNE Tidewater Section!
After a very busy summer we are now ready to start our dinner
meetings for Program Year 2014 – 2015. Our first meeting is
Wednesday, 15 October 2014 at Springhill Suites and our guest
speaker is RADM Rick Berkey. Admiral Berkey has always been a
great supporter of ASNE and has spoken at numerous ASNE events.
I am sure that, as is normally the case when he is speaking, there
will be a large attendance so please register early.
Our Section has enjoyed many great events and successes over the
past few months:
Lon Scofield – Web Master
Andy Harrell - SURFMEPP Chapter Chair
Ben Wagner - ODU Chapter Chair
(703) 200-8442//
Andy Vasquez - Section Councilor
Kathleen Murray - Section Councilor
Dave Thomas - Section Councilor
717-7228 //
Kathleen Hinton – Past National President
Joe Yurso – Past National President
490-5036 //
James Deputy - National Membership Chair
621-9416 //
Ray Weber – National Scholarship Committee
Bruce Woodruff - National Council
(804) 639-1224//
Dr, Jennifer Michaeli. National Council
Charlie Pfeifer – National Ways & Means Chairman
424-2013 //
Paul Siebeking - Region III Councilor
481-4030 //
Recently, the Section has reached out and gathered in the
Charleston Section in an attempt to reactivate it.
In July, the SURFMEPP Chapter, led by CAPT Mike Malone
and Andy Harrell, had another luncheon with a great speaker
and a large turn-out. In fact, the speaker, RDML Harley,
President, INSURV, joined ASNE that very day.
We had much success with MEGA-RUST (at San Diego), the
return of MACC, another huge FMMS-2014, and a fun filled
SIKA-FLEX Boat Building Challenge during Harborfest.
Each of these events were planned and coordinated largely by
Section members, with help, of course, from National.
The ASNE Continuing Education Committee continues to do great
things and through the efforts (and teachings) of Dr. Tony Dean and
Dr. Jen Michaeli, Tidewater Section has had a strong presence. In
addition, the Section came through another yearly audit with flying
colors, thanks to the monumental efforts by Charlie Pfeifer, Jim and
Mrs. Brinkman, and Joe Yurso.
At the October Dinner Meeting, please take notice of our new
backdrop for exhibiting. The Section bought this, along with 2
feather banners and a 10’ X 20’ pop-up with the ASNE logo on it
over the past few months. Many thanks are extended to Jan Rivas,
our Publicity/Marketing Chairman, for a superb job.
From a great suggestion from Joe Yurso, the Section has bought
numerous copies of the book entitled Naval Engineering and
American Seapower. This is a “must read” and it was written by
many ASNE members, some within our own Section. We have
given these books to speakers and authors of technical papers and
will be selling copies for $24 each. Hey! Did I mention the Section
has been busy?
--- Next page please ---
Looking down the list of Section Officers and Committees there are many changes this year. Our
past Chairman, Andy Vasquez, now joins our other past Chairmen Dave Thomas and Kathleen
Murray as Section Councilors and we are very fortunate to have Herb Hood as Vice-Chairman,
Jim Brinkman as Treasurer, and Jim Romeo as Secretary for the Section. Mike D’Amato was
elected National Vice President and has turned over his long run as Programs Chairman to Kevin
Terry. Though those are huge shoes to fill, I’m sure Kevin is up to it. Our voice at the National
level will remain strong with Mike D’Amato, newly elected National Councilors Bruce Woodruff
and Dr. Jen Michaeli, coupled with the “regulars” Charlie Pfeifer, Marty Oard, Paul Siebeking,
James Deputy, and Past National Presidents, Kathleen Hinton and Joe Yurso. From our Section,
I’d like to extend kudos and a thank you to past National Councilors Stephanie Douglass and
RADM Mark Hugel for a great job over the past several years.
There are many things going on within the Section and we are always happy for volunteers to step
forward for any of the committees. We have reached out to the US Coast Guard and they
answered up strong in attendance of FMMS-2014, even to the point of having their own
collaborative event.
This is the time of the year when we start gathering and organizing points for Section of the Year.
We are making a big push to bring that prestigious honor back to Tidewater where it belongs. If
anyone has any information, technical papers written, teachings, mentorships, been speakers, etc.
please sing out. Also, we will be writing and submitting members for the various ASNE Awards
so if you have an idea for anyone that would qualify for any of the awards please contact Herb
Hood or Amy Pearlstein.
We will be having a few more tours before the end of the year, which are always pretty
interesting and hopefully, will be partnering with other societies and organizations in joint events.
Our membership numbers, like nearly every organization, tailed off a bit months ago, but looks
like it may be slowly on the rise again. We have several ideas for stimulating membership, but
are always welcoming more. With everything we have going and in the works, this should prove
to be an interesting and fruitful year. I would like to challenge every member to come and
participate, bring a guest, encourage membership, enhance naval engineering, and continue to
grow our great Section.
Looking forward to seeing you at the October Dinner Meeting!
FMMS 2014: September 9-10, 2014 at the VBCC
New ASNE TW Section Officers for 2014 - 2015
Chairman (One Year Term)
Vice Chairman (One Year Term)
Treasurer (Two Year Term)
Secretary (One Year Term)
Dave Norris
Herb Hood
Jim Brinkman
Jim Romeo
Congratulations to the new leadership!
Save The Dates
Here are all the remaining scheduled ASNE dinner/luncheon dates for 2014-2015
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Dinner Meeting
Dinner Meeting
Dinner Meeting
Dinner Meeting
Dinner Meeting
Dinner Meeting
Dinner Meeting
Dinner Meeting
Recognition / Awards / Social Night
Local Events Update
 Peninsula Engineers Council Info
Ron Spano is the TW ASNE representative on the Peninsula Engineers Council. He will periodically
update our membership with news from the peninsula.
SURFMEPP Luncheon July 31, 2014
The SURMEPP chapter held its quarterly luncheon at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard on July 31st. It was
a smashing success with overflow attendance. RADM Jeff Harley, President, Board of Inspection and
Survey (INSURV) was the guest speaker and provided an overview of INSURV and the conditions
found on the ships with trends, and findings.
RADM Harley receiving thank you memento from Andy Harrell, SURFMEPP Chapter Chair
Membership News
New Members from July, August and September 2014:
Lt. Sean Doherty, USN
Mr. James Elliott
Mr. Mark Guinn
Mr. Richard Hartman
Mr. Evan Lee
Mr. Charles Littleton
Mr. James Obrien
Mr. Scott Ripley
Mr. Ernest Roscoe
Mrs. Jennifer Ryan
Mr. Donald Everton
Mr. Travis Bock
Mr. Steven Carl
Capt. Kenneth Ivery, USCG
RDML Jeffrey Harley, USN
Mr. David Duffie
Mr. Eric Kuhn
Mr. Kenneth Watts
Mr. Nathaniel Denny
Mr. Ian Frommelt
Mr. David Long
Mr. Ches Weeks
Mr. Jeffery Mauntel
Ms. Michelle Pasco
Mr. Patrick Shultz
Mr. Seth Brooks
Mr. Jake Krupp
Mr. Vasile Grigorita
Mr. Paul McKinley
A warm welcome to our new Members.
We are presently at 508 members. Please keep up the good work in recruiting new
To meet our goal of 550 members we have initiated the "Chairman's Challenge" for 2014
where one current member recruits one new member by the end of the program year. Tidewater
Section Membership Pins are available at the dinner meetings for all New Members. Please ask
the personal at the registration desk. Thanks for joining ASNE.
We need your help -- please sign up a new member today!
The 2013 - 2014 ASNE Tidewater Membership Directory is available at our Dinner Meetings.
The information in the directory is yours from the ASNE National data base as of 1 December
2013. If there are any errors you need to update your data at National. To update your National
information, please go to National Website at and log in the
MEMBERS ONLY SECTION with your e-mail and password and update your data. This is
also the site to update your e-mail address to insure receipt of the section e-mailed newsletter
each month. If there is a problem updating your information, call the National Office, Mr. Danny
Martin, the National Membership Manager at (703) 836-6727, to help you with the logon and
update your data.
Additional Membership Info: If you have transferred here from another ASNE Section, please
provide your new address information at the National ASNE Website: This will update the master database and get you back on the
mailing list for National. Please call the National Office to change your section affiliation to the
Tidewater Section. Please contact Paul Siebeking for further details or assistance.
Paul F. Siebeking, P.E.
Membership Chair, TW-ASNE
(757) 481-4030
Virginia Tech STEM-on-Wheels
ASNE Tidewater has agreed to collaborate with Virginia Tech Aerospace and Ocean
Engineering (AOE) Department ( and the Center for the Enhancement of
Engineering Diversity ( by providing funding and technical
assistance to Tech’s STEM-on-Wheels program in Hampton Roads. A mobile trailer will be
filled with fun, hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM) activities that can
be easily mobilized to local schools, scout groups, etc. This program will facilitate quality, K-12
STEM education experiences; and collaboration with the K-12 community will enhance teacher
preparation and professional development. There is more detail to follow for this exciting
program – so stay tuned. Jan Schuler-Rivas will be the section’s POC for STEM-on-Wheels
working with Leigh McCue, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Virginia Tech.
Section of the Year: 2014 “Points, Points & More Points”
Now it’s time to start working on 2014 SOY. The Section’s POC for 2014 is Section Vice
Chairman Herb Hood. Please contact Herb @ 228-1730 X 308 or e-mail for inputs in the following areas:
1. Section sponsored workshops or training sessions in those disciplines noted in the ASNE
Bylaws. (Not part of regular meetings.)
2. Section organizes and conducts local symposium pursuant to the ASNE Sections Manual. (Not
part of regular meetings.)
1. Percentage of members < 30 years old.
2. Percentage of Sustaining Members. Section count provided by ASNE Membership Manager
by 15 January. (40 points for each percent) Right now we have 14 people.
3. Section member nominated for other National Professional Society Award.
4. Sponsor a new Section/Chapter; provide support during first year of operation.
1. Press releases presented in local TV or radio media, government messages, professional
journals and newspapers for ASNE activities and awards.
2. Articles and photographs submitted by the Section and published in the Naval Engineers
Journal and ASNET Section News.
3. Articles and photographs submitted by the Section and published in other professional society,
local news section.
4. Joint meeting with other professional society.
Technical Activities (NOTE: We need lots of help in this category)
1. Arrange for courses taught as part of a local continuing education program, or at colleges or
universities in the ASNE disciplines. Provide backup.
2. Supply speakers for non-ASNE functions (i.e., civic clubs, universities, high schools, etc)
3. Perform unique project in an ASNE discipline to solve a military, govt or industrial problem.
4. Section member attains registration as a Professional Engineer within state.
5. Articles on an ASNE discipline published by Section members in other national journals or
6. Papers presented at Section meeting and published in the Naval Engineers Journal. (excluding
ASNE Day and symposia papers)
7. Papers presented at other technical meetings by members / published in other professional
1. Section member prepares other ASNE document or significant contribution towards
improving society not previously taken into account.
Please post internship and job opportunities at ODU’s Career Management
ASNE-TW – ODU Partnership
 ODU Chapter is proud to announce their new executive board:
Chairman: Benjamin Wagner,
Vice Chair: Joshua McLin,
Secretary: Michelle Pasco,
Treasurer: Jonathon Podolsky,
Alden Nelson, Chairman
Devin Cornett, Vice Chairman
Dr. Jennifer Michaeli, ODU Faculty Advisor
James Deputy, ASNE-TW/ODU Liaison
Dinner Event Pricing & RSVP Procedures
 There is no change in our dinner pricing for 2014- 2015
 ASNE Event pre-registration is accomplished via the ASNE Tidewater Section Web-Site
Go to where you can quickly enter your information. When you
click the 'submit' button, an email will automatically be sent to the appropriate reservation manager and
your data will be saved for their use during check-in at the dinner.
Note that tours, lunches and dinners all have a different sign-ups.
NOTE: On-line registration is required whether you pay on-line or at the door.
 Dinner pricing:
Members and guests:
Military in uniform:
Student members of ASNE
Student non-members
$28 for advance payments by credit card // $30 at the door.
$15 for advance payments by credit card // $20 at the door.
$10 for advance payments by credit card // $15 at the door.
$15 for advance payments by credit card // $20 at the door
 Lunch pricing: please check the web site / flyer for specifics
 Tours are usually free --however, please use the web site to sign up
 Pre-registration and payment via PayPal is strongly encouraged; our goal is 100% of the dinners paid
in advance.
After submitting your RSVP, you may pay for your dinner via Pay Pal or other CC on our secure web page.
Please do. It will save you money, as the pay-at-the-door cost is higher and greatly improves the process of
managing dinner reservations and payments.
Reminder: If you do not have access to the internet, you can call the webmaster, Lon Scofield at 757-6353613. Lon will enter your info in the web site for you.
 RSVP cut-off for dinners is the prior Tuesday @ 1200.
RSVP on-line whether you pay in advance or at the door.
We will work with the hotel to accommodate late RSVPs if space exists. Late RSVPs must be pre-paid.
Please try and RSVP early
RSVP cut-off times for lunches and tours will be posted on the web site
 Checks or exact change is encouraged for payments at the door for lunches and dinners
 Cancellation policy
Advance payments will be refunded if the cancellation is received prior to the RSVP cut-off.
 No Show policy
NO SHOWS HURT! We are obligated to pay the hotel based on the RSVP count so not showing up costs the
section money. We reserve the right to invoice No Show Member / Guests to cover the cost of dinner if required.
On-Line Payment Hints
General Comment:
ASNE-TW on-line payment system encourages use of PayPal. Once you create a PayPal account
you'll never again have to enter your personal information in the credit card payment page!
Additionally, it will save the section money on fees. Even if you don't have a PayPal account,
you can still use the same credit cards as before (MC, Visa, AmExp and Discover).
The Devil’s In The Details:
UPDATED NEW: When registering and paying for someone with a different last name than yours,
please put the last name on the credit card in the comments box so we can match payments with
reservations. If the last names are the same, it is not necessary to note a different first name. The
webmaster can figure it out.
If you are registering more than yourself, please follow these procedures to ensure all guests are
registered and paid for. This helps us keep the money straight and the RSVP count accurate with
the hotel:
1. At the Section Website ( enter your own
information first and register.
2. Use the Browser Back Button to return to the RSVP form and change the info for your
guest and register the guest.
3. Repeat as required.
4. When all guests have been registered, continue on to the credit card page to pay for all
the guests as one transaction.
(Note: This only works if all the reservations are of the same category, i.e. all
members/guests or all students. If you're registering some of each, you must do each category
The American Society of Naval Engineers
Annual Awards
The Tidewater Section wants to assist our Society in identifying exemplary recipients for its prestigious
annual awards that recognize superb achievement in naval engineering; we are most desirous of obtaining
this recognition for those associated with our Section. Individuals engaged in the many aspects of naval
engineering are eligible, including: government employees; members of the uniformed services; those in
academia; employees in the private sector. There are eight awards and more detail is available on the
Society’s website as to criterion, documentation and format:
The following is a summary of the requirement for each:
Gold Medal Award (Engineering) is presented to an individual who has made a significant
naval engineering contribution in a particular area during the past five years
Solberg Award (Research) is given to an individual who has made a significant contribution to
naval engineering through personal research during the past three years
Harold E. Saunders Award recognizes an individual whose reputation in naval engineering
spans a long career of notable achievement and influence
Claud A. Jones Award honors the fleet or field engineer who made significant contribution
during the past three years to the operational engineering or material readiness of our maritime
Frank G. Law Award is given to an individual whose service to our Society is deemed worthy
of special recognition. The nominee must have made superb and long-term contribution through
individual effort, or by the direction of others, which resulted in: improvement of operations;
enhancement of our objectives; advancement of its professional stature
Rosenblatt Young Naval Engineer Award will be presented to a person less than 36 years of
age who has demonstrated remarkable, early professional achievement in naval engineering. The
nominee shall have made noteworthy contribution by clearly demonstrating: superior innovation
and insight; outstanding technical leadership; potential for continued excellence. Moreover, the
nominee must exhibit character and integrity that will serve as a role model for others
RADM Frank C. Jones Award for major maintenance and alteration achievement. It
recognizes those professionals, who over a period of at least ten years, have substantially and
significantly contributed to intermediate or depot-level ship maintenance or alteration programs
that involve managing, planning and execution of extensive repair, overhaul, upgrades or
"Jimmie" Hamilton Award: the ASNE Journal Committee annually recommends that the
author of the best original technical paper published in the Naval Engineers Journal receive this
award. The basis for selection is: subject matter; depth of treatment; importance and lasting
value; clarity of composition and style; individual effort
Herb Hood is chairman of our Section's Awards Committee. He can be contacted at 757-228-1730 X 308
or e-mail:
Dinner Meeting
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
PLACE: Springhill Suites, 6350 Newtown Rd, Norfolk VA 23502
TIME: 1800-1900: Cocktails and Networking
1900-2100: Dinner and Program
COST: Members and Guests:
$28 in advance / $30 at the door
Military in uniform:
$15 in advance / $20 at the door
Student ASNE members: $10 in advance / $15 at the door
Student non-members:
$15 in advance / $20 at the door
To sign up go to: “Events”. Please pay in advance using the
on-line payment system – THIS SAVES YOU MONEY!
Please RSVP Online NLT 1200 on Tuesday, October14, 2014.
Rear Adm. Berkey is a native of Windber, Pa., and entered the
Navy through the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps
program at Pennsylvania State University where he received a
Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering in 1983 and
later qualified as a surface warfare officer on board USS
Farragut (DDG 37).
He became an engineering duty officer and attended Naval
Postgraduate School where he received a Master of Science
degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Mechanical Engineer
degree in 1989. He graduated with distinction and was the
recipient of the Naval Sea Systems Command award for
Excellence in Naval Engineering and the Navy League award
for highest academic achievement.
His engineering duty tours include service as a surface ship superintendent and nuclear ship
superintendent at Norfolk Naval Shipyard; main propulsion assistant in USS Saratoga (CV 60);
fleet maintenance budget officer on the staff of the commander, U.S. Atlantic Fleet; assistant
operations officer for surface ship and submarine fleet maintenance at the Pearl Harbor Naval
Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility; chief engineer in USS George Washington (CVN
73); ship engineer officer in the Maintenance Directorate on the staff of Commander, Naval Air
Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet; ship/submarine branch head in the Fleet Readiness Division on the staff
of the Chief of Naval Operations; operations officer at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard; assistant
deputy commander for industrial operations at Naval Sea Systems Command; 102nd shipyard
commander at Norfolk Naval Shipyard; and deputy chief of staff for Fleet Maintenance,
Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet.
His personal decorations include three Legion of Merits, six Meritorious Service Medals, two
Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement
Medal. He is a member of the American Society of Naval Engineers and is a registered
professional engineer in the state of California.