Document 357449

Address Service Requested
October 16, 2014
Volume XV, Number 19
Rite Aid pushes forward with plans
which could occur as early as January 2015.
Rite Aid’s plans would require the
destruction of three existing buildings in the
Mega-pharmacy Rite Aid opened for
shopping center—the windmill, the medical
business in Palo Cedro on Monday, Oct.
office, and the large building that currently
6, 2014 in the building formerly occupied
houses Bruce Farrell Dentistry and North
by Foothill Pharmacy, which closed the
Valley Bank. The bank was already slated
previous Thursday after being purchased
to close due to its merger with Tri Counties
lock, stock and barrel (along with the Palo
bank, but Farrell has three years on his lease
Cedro Pharmacy) by the corporate giant.
and recently installed a lot of state-of-the-art
Over the weekend workers unloaded one
dental equipment. In addition, he has spent
of three huge storage containers full of Rite
many hours and quite a bit of his own money
Aid products and equipment and stocked the
to create the beautiful rock fountain at the
shelves inside the small store. (Whose idea
corner of Deschutes Road and the Highway
was it to place adult diapers as the first thing
44 on ramp, which is wired into the existing
customers see when they walk in the door?)
building. On Thursday afternoon when we dropped
The other two tenants who will be
in to see how things were going, the space in
drastically affected by the demolition of
front of the service counter was packed with
their buildings are nurse practitioner Katie
customers, 13 in all. Four folks sat in the
Neubert of Preventive Health Care and Anne
Photo by Sharyn Cornelius
only available chairs waiting to get flu shots,
Rite Aid Pharmacy bought out Foothill and Palo Cedro Pharmacies and opened a store in Foot- Schwenning of Annie’s Styles and Stitches.
while the others tried to order or pick up
Neubert said she hadn’t learned of Rite Aid’s
prescriptions. The drive-through window hill's building in the Palo Cedro Village Shopping Center on Oct. 6, 2014.
plans until last Thursday when the local
was also open for business. Behind the
counter several clerks greeted customers; they were backed On another front of Rite Aid’s decision to move full force representative of Gabrielson & Company (which owns
up by a second line of what were probably pharmacy techs into Palo Cedro, Department of Resource Management the shopping center) stopped by to talk to her. She said at
working in a tiny half-walled area between the counter and Director Rick Simon on Friday confirmed that the national first she felt shocked and concerned for her many patients
chain pharmacy had submitted an application for a use permit (she has 2000 medical charts on file). Neubert has had her
the pharmacy itself.
Many prescriptions transactions probably went smoothly to build and operate a 17,300 square-foot store (a little over medical office in the little building next to the shopping
during the day, but the ones we saw did not seem to be half the size of the Holiday Market) at the southeast corner center driveway for 15 years and spent her life’s savings to
producing happy customers. Several folks were not able get of the Palo Cedro Village Shopping Center. Simon said the bring it up to OSHA and County code. (It was Bill Brink’s
their medicines at all because they had not thought to bring planning process would take several months and the public veterinary office when we moved to Palo Cedro in 1971.)
their health insurance cards with them, having assumed would have two opportunities to comment on the proposed She said she began to feel a little better when Gabrielson &
that since Rite Aid now owned all the prescription records development: during the CEQA phase (watch for legal Company told her they would pay to have her office moved
from Foothill and Palo Cedro Pharmacies, a simple driver’s notices in the Record Searchlight) and during the public to another space in the center.
hearing held by the Shasta County Planning Commission, Schwenning said she had no comment at this time.
license ID would suffice.
By Sharyn Cornelius
Eagle Scout candidate completes barbecues at Palo Cedro Park
By Sharyn Cornelius
Eagle Scout candidate
Austen Cardilino of Troop
28 completed his three barbecues at the Palo Cedro Park
this week with the help of
Charlene and Marty Schuler
of Blue Planet Nano Surfaces,
Inc. and Ken Silva Masonry. The Park Board is planning to
hold a ribbon cutting celebration for the barbecues and
fundraising dinner in the park
in the near future. ( East Valley Times will post the date
on our Facebook page and
website as soon as it becomes
The Schulers donated
their Blue Planet Concrete
and Anti Graffiti Coat to protect the countertop surfaces
of the barbeques, and last
Wednesday afternoon worked
in the hot sun with Austen to
prepare the surfaces and ap-
Above is one of three barbecues that Eagle Scout candidate
Austen Cardilino constructed at the Park.
ply the quartz-based protective coating that will allow
graffiti to be wiped off with a
damp cloth.
Applying this nano-particle coating is a complex, labor intensive process, but as
Charlene pointed out, “Preparation is the key to good ad-
herence.” First they sanded
the concrete sections of the
countertops and dusted the
bricks. Then they scrubbed
both surfaces with a cleaner
called Coval and rinsed it off
with buckets of water carried
from the spigot near the south
parking lot because the nearby
Photo by Sharyn Cornelius
Austen Cardilino applies an anti-graffiti coating to the countertop of one of the barbecues he
constructed at the Palo Cedro Park. The nano-particle coating was donated by Marty and Charlene Schuler of Blue Planet Nano Surfaces.
drinking fountain didn’t produce enough volume of water.
After the countertops
dried, which didn’t take long
Supervisors split on Anselmo zone amendment vote
By Sharyn Cornelius
During a special meeting
of the Shasta County Board of
Supervisors on Sept. 30, 2014
called so that they could reconsider the zone amendment requested by Inwood developer
Reverge Anselmo, the Supervisors went the long way around
the subject to arrive at almost
exactly the same place they
had begun. They also provided
the answer to a question that
project opponents have been
asking all along.
Anselmo had requested the
zoning change from Exclusive
Agriculture to Commercial
Recreation for a portion of his
Seven Hills Land and Cattle
Company property along Inwood Road to legitimize the
illegal buildings he had constructed there without either
use or building permits. He
also requested to be allowed to
construct an 18-room hotel and
health spa in the future.
It was this proposed future
development that really stuck
in the craw of the Inwood Valley Task Force members. Why,
they kept asking in one way or
another, should a scofflaw like
Anselmo be rewarded by being allowed to continue to add
more “tourist attractions” to his
property to bring more people
to their quiet valley and more
disruption to their lives. Why
had Shasta County planners
recommended approval of the
additional development? And
why had majorities of both
the Planning Commission and
Board of Supervisors voted for
it, despite residents repeated
Those objections were reiterated at the Sept. 30 meeting
by all five speakers, including
Joe Williams who said it best.
“I believe in seeking the middle ground where everybody
gets something but no one gets
everything. Please permit only
the existing development, but
not the expansion. Don’t favor
one wealthy individual over an
entire community.”
The answer to why the
Planning Division recommended approval for the hotel
and spa as part of the specific
plan for the Commercial Recreation zoning came to light
as supervisors questioned Director of the Resource Man-
agement Rick Simon and Anselmo’s representative Einhard
Diaz. Simon told them he had
recommended that Anselmo
create a comprehensive master plan for his property, which
he did. Diaz explained that the
master plan included a small
hotel and spa, because “all the
experts we consulted said we
needed a hotel and spa for this
to become a winery destination,” like those in other wineproducing areas.
Later in the meeting Supervisor Les Baugh said “This
[winery destination] is the right
kind of business to encourage
in Shasta County. A similar development in Nevada County
has been called their “shining
See Anselmo on page 3
in the 98-degree heat, the
three of them took turns applying a sealer to “fill all the
nooks and crannies” and help
the protective coating form
a better covalent bond to the
rough surface. Finally they
applied the coating itself.
“Once this non-sacrificial
coating bonds to the concrete and bricks, you’d have
to grind it off to remove it,”
Charlene said. “It’s also totally impermeable, which is why
the graffiti paint doesn’t stick
to it.”
“The City of Shasta Lake
is using our product on surfaces where they have a problem
with gang “tagging,” Marty
said. “Research has shown
that taggers tend to give up on
sites where their “artwork” has
been removed three times.”
As they were working,
Austen observed that during
this Eagle Scout project he
had learned a lot about masonry, a technology that hasn’t
changed very much over time,
and now, from the Schulers,
he was learning about nanotechnology, a cutting edge
method of manufacturing useful products. He also told us
that he had learned a great
deal about working with people on this project. “That part
was life-changing for me,” he
On Thursday two crews
from Ken Silva Masonry
worked at the Palo Cedro
Park. One group installed
another wall of donation
bricks in the entryway, while
a second group mounted the
synthetic River Rock (which
matches the stonework on
the entryway) on the fronts
of Austen’s barbecues. They
also mounted the sponsorship
plaques on each barbecue.
On Friday we received a
follow-up email from Charlene Schuler in which she
wrote, “It was such a pleasure
working with Austen. He is a
true leader and should be an
inspiration to others.”
We couldn’t agree more.
Way to go, Austen!
In Memoriam
Dwaine Craig Melton
Dwaine Craig Melton, 56,
of Round Mountain died Friday, Oct. 10, 2014 at Mercy
Medical Center in Redding
following a traffic accident.
Born March 12, 1958, in
Shasta County, Dwaine lived
here all his life.
Survivors include his
wife of 19 years—Toni
Melton, father Craig Melton,
sister Rene Phelps; children—Heather Foran, Rebecca Ortiz, Chad Melton,
Neal Kennedy, Brandi Williamson, Tiffany Graham and
18 grandchildren with three
more on the way. Dwaine
was preceded in death by his
son Scott Melton.
For two decades, Dwaine
was instrumental to the Lion’s District 4C-1 All-Star
Football program and served
as director for the last four
In 2009, Dwaine
was the driving force in the
All-Star’s committee’s decision to donate 100% of
the proceeds to Camp McCumber Diabetes Camp in
Shingletown for children, a
project near and dear to his
heart, being a diabetic himself. For the past five years,
donations from the Lion’s
All-Star games have topped
the $30,000 mark.
A s i d e
from football, Dwaine
participated in
coaching and
even playing
in the KRCR/
Pepsi Annual
3-on-3 Basketball tournaments held
in Redding,
taking teams
to the National Finals three years in a
row, winning the Finals each
year and even having one
team etched in the Basketball
Hall of Fame in Springfield
MA. He has assisted many
talented and sometimes
struggling athletes by serving as a dynamic mentor—
helping them to navigate
their way from high school
to college, to life.
Besides a member of the
Lions Club International, he
was also active in Shasta Professional Association (SPA)
and the California Deer Association (CDA).
Dwaine was the owner of
Nor Cal Satellite Emporium
in Redding, pioneering the
Mar. 12, 1958 — Oct. 10, 2014
industry in the early 1980’s
after gaining knowledge of
satellites during his time in
the Navy. Dwaine began
building and selling big Cband dishes on his ranch in
Round Mountain. Dwaine
was a top dealer of Dish Network and DirecTV and has
been dubbed the “Godfather
of Satellite,” by his competitors.
But the most defining
facet of Dwaine Melton’s life
was his commitment to his
family. Survived by six children and 18 grandchildren,
he and his wife Toni never
had a dull moment. They
spent most of their free time
at grandchildren’s games,
activities or hosted them at
their family ranch which has
been in the Melton family
for six generations, where
they learned to drive tractors, split wood, work hard,
hunt or just enjoy old fashioned outdoor fun.
Whether family, community, athlete or friend, if you
knew Dwaine, he made an
impact on you. With his bigger than life personality, and
gigantic smile, he made an
entrance wherever he went.
He encouraged everyone by
his example to hold their
heads high and go forward
into the future with Honor,
Dignity and Respect.
The family would like
to welcome friends to share
memories at a celebration
of life service for Dwaine at
2:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 19th on the field at the
Shasta College Memorial
Football Stadium.
The family asks that if
you wish to send or bring
flowers, bring ones from
your yard (or your neighbor’s yard) or a field. A
Dwaine Melton Memorial
Fund has been set up at US
Bank to benefit his beloved
Camp McCumber Diabetic
try Store beginning at 8:00
a.m. In Palo
Cedro the bag
stop will be
in front of Tri
Counties Bank
on Deschutes
Road beginning at 7:00.
Round Mountain and Montgomery Creek
residents may
pick up their
bags at the
Hill Country
Wellness Center starting at
Photo by Sharyn Cornelius
9:00 a.m. In
Foothill 4-H Club members stepped up to help Think Pink volunteers stuff
Whitmore the 2500
goodie bags on Sunday afternoon at the Grange Hall. Each table worked
bags will be out a different plan for getting all the items into a bag.
The folks at the near table picked up the items in front of them and passed
available at the
Way Station them down the table to the gentleman at the end who placed the complete
stack in the bag.
beginning at
The folks at the far table took a more active approach, walking around
10:00 a.m.
the table picking up an item from each stack until they each had a complete
all bundle, which they handed off to the bagger at the end of the table.
Shingletown has earliest Starting at 6:30 a.m., bags at Pioneer Hill Pizza,
start and the most com- westbound motorists on while eastbound motorists
plex distribution system. Highway 44 may pick up may get theirs at AG&Co.
Fall is here and flu season is
coming: get your flu shot
It’s nearly flu season, and
flu vaccine is recommended for
everyone ages six months and
older including pregnant women. Each year on average in the
U.S., 226,000 people are hospitalized and 36,000 die from the
flu. Those most at risk are young
children, elderly and people of
any age with other medical conditions. Visit your health care
provider or one of the many retail
locations that offer the flu vaccine, including many drug and
grocery stores.
Shasta County Public Health
is also offering clinics where
people can get flu vaccine (shots
or nasal spray). Times and dates
are: Drive-through flu vaccine
Oct. 8: 10:00 1:00
p.m, Shasta District Fairgrounds,
Other flu vaccine clinics
(East County):
In Burney: First Thursday of
the month. Call (530) 335-6705
for appointment
Nov. 19: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00
p.m., Intermountain Fairgrounds,
Flu shots from Public Health
are $11 each. Cash, check,
Medi-Cal and Medicare Part B
are accepted (no private insurance). Vaccine is also available
by appointment only at Public
Health’s main office on Breslauer Way in Redding. Call 2255591 or 1-800-971-1999.
For more information, visit or call
Foothill 4-H’ers help fill Think Pink bags
Members of the Foothill 4-H Club joined Think
Pink volunteers at the
Grange Hall on Sunday,
Oct. 12, 2014 to stuff the
2500 pink bags that will be
given out by volunteers in
Palo Cedro and Bella Vista
on the morning of Oct. 16.
Five hundred of the bags
are for Bella Vista, while
2000 are for Palo Cedro.
The 16 people had been
placing calendars, a nail
kit and lots of informational flyers in the bags
since 1:00 p.m. and had
over three quarters of the
bags filled by the time we
arrived at 2:45. “They are
good workers,” said Think
Pink volunteer Sandee
Blalock of Millville.
Think Pink bags will be
given away at seven different east valley sites on
Oct. 16. In Bella Vista, the
giveaway will take place at
My-T-Fine Foods beginning at 8:00 a.m. In Oak
Run bags will be handed
out at the Oak Run Coun-
PAGE 2—October 16, 2014
Oct 2014
Bella Vista School Halloween carnival,
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
• Junction School Halloween carnival,
1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
East Valley Times Issue Out
• NCCS Fall Festival, 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.
• Millville Historical Society,
9:30, museum on Whitmore
Road next to Millville Fire Hall
• Triple Creek Ranch, Inc. Therapeutic
Riding Program “Ranch Supper” and
open house, 10215 Oriole Lane, Palo
Cedro. Gates open at 1:30, supper at
4:00., $10 for tri-tip, $5 for hot dog
call 530-524-8426 for tickets.
• Shingletown Chipper Day, 8:00 a.m.
to 2:00 p.m., Shasta County Transfer Site
•Shingletown Wild Horse Sanctuary
Adoption Day, silent bid auction, 8:00
a.m. to 12 noon.
• Coleman Fish Hatchery Return of the
Salmon Festival, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
take shuttle from Anderson Walmart.
• Safe Haven Horse Rescue Playday at
Bobby Jones Arena in Cottonwood,
9:00 a.m. This event would be fun for
families to watch, free admission, raffles
to benefit the horses
• Bella Vista Volunteer Fire Company
Chili Cook-off Fundraiser at Dry
Creek Station, 12 noon. Craft Faire
and Rummage sale begins at 9:00 a.m.
Call 549-5386.
• Shasta Tehama Watermaster District,
Board of Directors, 9:00a.m., Farm
Bureau Office
• Millville School Board, 6pm
• North Cow Creek School Board,
7:00 p.m.
• Oak Run School Board, 4:00
p.m. Library
• Millville Grange, 6:30 p.m.
Grange Hall
• Whitmore Bingo, 5:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Come for dinner, stay to play!
• Roots music concert at the Grange
Hall cancelled. The Old Time Fiddlers
will be playing at the Grange’s Turkey
Dinner on Oct. 24. Next regular
concert will be Nov. 23.
Nov 2014
• Shingletown Library Book Fair, 10:00 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m., live music, craft booths, bake
sale, duck races.
- Whitmore Community Center Veterans’
Dinner, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. advance tickets
$4/$2, $5/$3 at the door. Veterans may
dine for free.
• Jones Valley Fire Auxiliary dinner,
5:30, Jones Valley Fire Hall on Ravine Rd
• Community Advisory Board for CSA
#6—Jones Valley Water, 9:00 a.m.
Jones Valley Fire Hall
East Valley Times Issue Out
• Palo Cedro Park Board of Directors,
5:30 p.m. Farm Bureau Office on
Deschutes Road
• Grange Turkey Dinner. 4:00 to 7:00
p.m. Grange Hall, 22037 Old Forty-four
Drive in Palo Cedro, $10 per person
• Oak Run School Parents’ Club
live music, by the Old Kennett String Band , Community Dinner, cafeteria, 5:30
to 7:30 p.m., suggested donation
$5 for adults, $3 for children.
• Millville School Carnival 5-8 p.m.
• Dog Adoptions at Another Chance Animal Welfare League
10am at Petco, Hilltop Drive from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
• Prairie Squares - Square Dance Club; 6-7:30 p.m., Anderson Grange Hall
New Dancer’s Class, First class is free; Singles & Couples welcome
• Dog Adoptions at Another Chance Animal Welfare League
10am - 2pm at Petco, Hilltop Drive
For Calendar Events postings email
judy@eastvalleytimes or fax 549-3340 at
least three weeks prior to your event.
Subscription Form
East Valley
P.O. Box 100, Palo Cedro, CA 96073 - 549-3340
Co-Publisher & News Editor: Sharyn Cornelius
Editorial phone: 547-3788 - fax: 547-2038
Co-Publisher, Art & Business Editor: Judy La Russa
Display advertising phone/fax: 549-3340
Contributing Columnists: Patricia Lawrence,
Bonnie Mark, Don Kirk, Patricia Wellingham-Jones,
Bob Williams, Jeri Johnson, Frank Galusha, Lynn Guinn
Public notices phone: (530)725-0925 (Intermountain News)
The East Valley Times is published twice monthly, the first and third
Thursdays of the month.
Past Issues may be obtained by written request by fax or mail. If you would like
to order a back issue, send $2 (per issue) along with your name, address, date of issue.
Letters to the Editor must bear the writer's name, address, and daytime phone
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the right to edit all letters and opinion pieces for clarity and space.
We will not knowingly print false or misleading ads, and cannot be held
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The views and opinions of guest writers and columnists do not necessarily
reflect the views and opinions of the publishers of the East Valley Times.
To subscribe for one year, fill out this form
and mail it with payment of $22 for Shasta
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or state residents.
East Valley Times
P. O. Box 100
Palo Cedro, CA 96073
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Stop Dollar General campaign begins in Palo Cedro
Dollar General, a nationwide chain store managed by
the Embree Asset Group in
Georgetown Texas, has applied for a building permit to
construct one of their stores
on the corner of Deschutes
Road and Old Forty-four
Drive in Palo Cedro.
In response to an email
from the East Valley Times,
Department of Resource
Management Director Rick
Simon said the company does
not need to go through the use
permit process which includes
a public hearing because the
This windowless monolith is the Dollar Store recently constructed in Los Molinos. Do we want one in Palo Cedro? If not,
please see below.
property is already zoned for
commercial retail uses.
Dollar General’s current
plans call for razing the century old house and shop on the
property and removal of most
Concerned Palo Cedro Citizens
invited to Community Forum
By Joey Ortez
On Saturday October 25th
at 11:00 am there will be a
community forum hosted at
Hall at 22551 Silver Bridge
Road in Palo Cedro. Citizens
from the Palo Cedro area are
all encouraged to bring ideas,
opinions and suggestions, as
this forum will result in the
formation of a committee to
create a community plan for
downtown Palo Cedro.
After the news about Rite
Aid planning to construct
a very large store that will
result in our local landmark
windmill being demolished,
several business owners in
the area discovered that there
currently is no community
plan or “design review” for
Palo Cedro established with
the Shasta County Planning
Division or the Building
Department. It is of the utmost
importance that we all take
this opportunity to establish
a community plan with our
county planners, as we cannot
idly stand by and watch as
our small rural community is
turned into an open door for
big box corporate stores.
Most residents will agree
that they live here because
they enjoy the rural, small
town feel. If one large store
is allowed to demolish a
local landmark to make way
for its giant footprint, what’s
next? Walmart?
Please bring your friends
and neighbors, let your voice
be heard and be a part of
the change that establishes
an official record that Palo
Cedro is a rural community
and we all want it to stay that
way! If you have questions
about the event, or would
like to volunteer to be on the
committee, please contact
Joey Ortez at Palo Cedro
Printing: 530.547.2266
Community Foundation announces $25,000
in grant awards from Animal Welfare Fund
The Animal Welfare Endowment Fund was established in 2009 and has been growing since then through
the generous donations of community members via individual and estate gifts. 2014 marks the first distribution of
grant awards from this fund.
Community Foundation staff organized a grant review panel of both Shasta and Siskiyou citizens chosen strategically for their community involvement and
knowledge of animal welfare issues in their communities.
“We are excited to be able to meet the desires and goals of
the donors who established this fund by supporting organizations whose mission is to help animals in our region,”
said Kerry Caranci, CEO, Shasta Regional Community
The following organizations were awarded grants:
• $5,000 – Mt. Lassen Animal Group (formerly Paco’s
Pantry) of Shingletown to spay/neuter cats and dogs.
• $7,500 – Safe Haven Horse Rescue & Sanctuary of
Cottonwood to support their Hay-Raiser Campaign to
purchase horse feed.
• $7,500 – Shasta Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation of
Anderson for food for injured/orphaned wildlife.
• $2,000 – Siskiyou Humane Society of Mt. Shasta to
transport and deliver donated pet food from Purina in Arizona
• $3,000 – Siskiyou Trap, Alter and Release (STAR) Program of Mt. Shasta to spay/neuter feral cat populations.
♦ Anselmo——————————
Continued from page 1
star.” It seemed clear from the
other supervisors’ reactions
that several of them would also
like to see Shasta County home
to a winery destination.
After making sure that
restrictions were in place to
limit the number of special
events that would draw more
than 120 people to the site at
one time, (special events may
be held only on Saturdays and
only from 4:00 to 11:00 p.m.),
the only bone of contention remaining was the acreage and
shape of the property to be
rezoned for Commercial Recreation. During their previous
discussion of this project the
Supervisors had come up with
a 30-acre, “dumbbell” shaped
project map that would leave
all the pastures and vineyards
zoned Exclusive Agriculture,
but in between the meetings,
planners came up with a 38acre map that included a large
vineyard in the Commercial
Recreation zone, but was
bounded by Inwood Road on
the south side.
Supervisor Leonard Moty
moved to approve the zone
amendment from Exclusive
Agriculture to Commercial
Recreation (including the specific plan containing the hotel
and spa) with the larger land
footprint, and Supervisor Bill
Schappell seconded the motion.
Supervisors Pam Giacomini and Les Baugh said they
would prefer to stick with the
Board’s original 30-acre map to
protect as much of the agricultural land from development as
possible, and Supervisor David
Keogh said he wouldn’t vote for
any motion that included the hotel and spa.
Chairman Baugh asked
Moty if he would like to amend
his motion but he declined.
Giacomini then moved to approve the zone amendment and
specific plan with the original
30-acre footprint, which Baugh
seconded after handing off his
gavel to Vice-Chair Moty, who
called for the vote. Baugh, Giacomini, and Schappell voted
aye; Keogh and Moty voted nay.
Cedar Tree
open 7 days a week 7:30am-2pm
Cedar Tree Restaurant
Hwy 44 & Deschutes Rd. 547-4290
of the trees. County planners
are working with the developer to preserve at least some of
the trees.
Is this the sort of development Palo Cedro residents
want to see in their community? Some of us believe it is
not, so we are mounting a petition drive to let Dollar General know it is not welcome
to build its hideous store in
our town. Petitions will soon
be available at businesses all
over Palo Cedro, but today
stop by and sign the first one
at Palo Cedro Printing, 9481
Deschutes Road (behind
Dutch Bros) or go online East
Valley Times website at www.
October 16, 2014—PAGE 3
Grange Turkey
Dinner reminder
OCT 24
Don’t forget the Grange’s Scholarship Dinner on
Friday, Oct.
24, 2014. The
menu is turkey with all
the fixings
homemade desserts.
is $10 for
adults and $5
for children
Serving starts at
and continues
until 7:00.
Live music
will be provided by the
Old Kennett
Grange Hall is located at 22037 Old Forty-four Drive
in Palo Cedro. For more information, call Larry at 9174077 or Joe at 515-3710
Jones Valley CAB approves leak detection
survey for Silverthorn Subdivision
By Sharyn Cornelius
The Community Advisory Board (CAB) for
County Service Area #6—Jones Valley water
on Oct. 1, 2014 voted to approve having Utilities Services, Inc. perform a leak survey of the
pipelines in the Silverthorn Summer Homes
Subdivision. The bid on the project was for
$1252.70 for leak detection on 1.1 miles of
water main. CAB member Roy Vincent said
he was concerned that 1.1 miles might not be
enough to cover the whole subdivision. Department of Public Works Deputy Director
Troy Bartolomei said he could write the contract with “a sufficient contingency” so that the
whole subdivision can be surveyed. “Our intention is to survey the whole area,” he said.
The CAB voted two to one to approve
asking the DPW to execute the contract with
Utilities Services, Inc. Roy Vincent and
Marti Palmer voted for the motion, while
Ken Schmidt voted against it, saying he had
been satisfied with Public Works Director Pat
Minturn’s report that showed only a one percent water loss within the Silverthorn Subdivision. Member Mel Fisher was absent.
During the public comment section of
the meeting Steve Boyd thanked Supervisor Pam Giacomini for attending. He said
he had been following the trials of County
Service Area #2 at Sugarloaf which is having many more problems with their water
system than Jones Valley does. “I’m glad
to be part of this water system. We are in
very good shape. Our only problem is water
Peter Scales asked Bartolomei if other
CSA’s were charged for county employee’s
time for meetings like Jones Valley was.
Bartolomei said the CSA’s that hold meetings [most do not have CABs at all] are
charged at exactly the same rate as Jones
Bert Stead reviewed the whole history of
the Elk Trail Water Project to show Schmidt
why some of those involved do not trust the
Public Works Department. “It would be naive to believe that 60-year-old galvanized
pipe is not leaking,” Stead said.
To which Schmidt replied, “If the survey
finds a lot of leaks out there, I will also lose
trust in the County.”