NEW FROM EDWARD ELGAR PUBLISHING USER-BASED INNOVATION IN SERVICES Edited by Jon Sundbo, Roskilde University, Denmark and Marja Toivonen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland This book demonstrates pioneering work on user-based service innovation using an analytical framework. This approach involves understanding WKHQHHGVRIXVHUVWKHVHUYLFH¿UPVFROODERUDWLQJ with them, and recognising the fact that users are innovators and, as such, services develop whilst in use. As well as presenting case studies, the book discusses theoretically what user-based innovation PHDQVLQWKHFRQWH[WRIVHUYLFHV7KUHHPDLQ¿HOGV are analysed: user-based innovation in knowledgeintensive business service, user-based innovation in public services, and models and methods for structuring user-based innovation. Incorporating both an academic and analytical approach, this insightful book will be a source of inspiration for researchers in innovation and services. Graduate and postgraduate students in business administration and innovation, as well as DGPLQLVWUDWRUVLQSXEOLFDGPLQLVWUDWLRQVDQGH[HFXWLYHPDQDJHUVLQVHUYLFH¿UPV ZLOODOVR¿QGSOHQW\RILPSRUWDQWLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKLVLQYDOXDEOHUHVRXUFH Contributors include: D. Chadee, L. Fuglsang, M. Hasu, A. Helkkula, P. Helminen, M. Holopainen, M. Holzweber, H. Kostama, L. Li Langergaard, M. Lehtonen, T. Mattelmäki, J. Mattsson, O. Mäkelä, H.W. Nicolajsen, R. Raman, E. Saari, A. Scupola, D. Sundbo, J. Sundbo, F. Sørensen, M. Toivonen, T. Tuominen, T. Turunen, K. Valminen 2011 432 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 195 5 £105.00 EBOOK ORDERS e 978 0 85793 196 2 Our eBooks are available for individuals from the Google ebookstore (US only) and and for libraries through Netlibrary, Ebrary, EBL, Myilibrary and Dawsonera. They are not available directly from Edward Elgar Publishing or Marston. For enquiries about purchasing collections email TO ORDER, PLEASE CONTACT: Marston Book Services Ltd 160 Milton Park Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4SD UK Tel: + 44 1235 465500 Fax: + 44 1235 465555 FOR INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Sales & Marketing Department Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Lypiatts 15 Lansdown Road Cheltenham, Glos GL50 2JA UK Tel: + 44 1242 226934 Fax: + 44 1242 262111 for your free catalogues, please email:
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