XML Specification This document is to be used as a reference when viewing any XML throughout Secure Trading’s documentation. The conventions used to describe XML Requests and Responses are outlined. Version: 2.10 Published: 15 October 2014 XML Specification About this Document This document is a supplement to the STPP documentation. It outlines the process of performing XML Authorisations, Refunds and other requests through Secure Trading. Conventions Terminology conventions on “merchant” and “customer” The supplier-customer chain within Secure Trading’s systems has two levels of customer, Secure Trading therefore make a clear definition between the two: Merchant relates to a customer of Secure Trading that uses the system to process requests, such as those for online payments. Customer relates to a customer of the merchant. Naming conventions of XML through Secure Trading Whenever a field used through Secure Trading’s systems is noted within this document, it will be written in Courier font. If there is a large amount of code or XML to be included as an example, then it will be included in a box such as the following. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <requestblock version="3.67"> … </request> </requestblock> All fields that are processed through Secure Trading’s systems are lower case, and there is no space or hyphen between words in order to avoid any confusion when programming. For example, the field for submitting a field including a merchant’s Site Reference through the system is called sitereference. Note on bulleting conventions There are two forms of bulleting conventions to be included within this document. Notes with useful but not Mandatory information for your consideration, these are displayed using the following: Please note that… Notes that are requirements and need to be followed in order to prevent future issues with your code are indicated with an exclamation mark and are outlined in bold. It is imperative that… © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 2 / 61 XML Specification Legend All XML Requests outlined within Secure Trading’s documentation are outlined both in parameter tables, and diagrammatically. The purpose of the diagrams is to provide the user with an overview of the XML that needs to be generated. All diagrams follow the same legend which is outlined below. Elements Each XML request will have a parent element, and underneath child elements. Some child elements will then have child elements themselves. For all elements of XML that are mandatory, they are displayed with a solid line around the field name. example In contrast, if an element is optional, then it is displayed with a dotted line around the field name. example A field may be required for one request type, but not for another, it is therefore outlined in the specific document for that request if a field is mandatory or not. Parent and Child Elements Elements can have child elements, for example a <payment> tag will have child tags such as the <pan> for the card number and <expirydate> for the expiry date. If a element has a child element however they are not displayed on the diagram you are looking at as they are not relevant to the section being described, they will have a + symbol next to the element displayed. example + Blocks Within each XML Specification, there will be a need to display the chain of child elements of the main request. These are outlined as a further level of blocks in an additional diagram. Please view the XML below: <xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <request> <tag1> <child1></child1> <child2></child2> </tag1> <tag2> <child3></child3> </tag2> </request> </xml> The child elements for tag1 would then be diagrammatically represented as follows: © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 3 / 61 XML Specification child1 request tag1 + child2 For the diagram above, although the XML <tag2> has child elements, they are not included within this diagram as they are not relevant when describing the child elements of <tag1>. Character Encoding The STPP system will accept any Unicode characters. The default encoding used for XML is UTF-8 which is a multi-byte encoding scheme. Most XML parsers will automatically handle this. A request that is not properly encoded may receive the following response: “XML: Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence” In order to avoid this, either encode the XML request using UTF-8, or specify the encoding in the first line of the request. Any request must be correctly encoded according to the character encoding specified in the XML header: <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”iso-8859-1”?> All responses from Secure Trading are encoded using UTF-8. Your system must be prepared to accept any valid XML encoded this way even if the request uses a different encoding. Most XML parsers will handle this automatically as it is part of the XML Specification. Escaping Characters The data submitted within the XML <tags> must be correctly escaped. Most XML parsers will automatically do this. For example: The character '&' MUST be escaped as '&' The character '<' MUST be escaped as '<' Failure to properly escape characters can lead to Malformed XML and may lead to security problems with malicious users. Explanations on the parameter tables For each section of XML that is outlined within the STPP documentation, there will be a parameter table. The purpose of the table is to provide the reader with more information regarding the individual element which should be noted when developing your system. Please find below an extract for the payment type tags. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 4 / 61 XML Specification Tag Type Length Required an 20 Y pan n 12-19 Y expirydate an 7 Y payment type Comment The customer’s card type, for example VISA or MASTERCARD. This is the card number printed on the front of the customer’s card. The expiry date printed on the card. This needs to be submitted in the format MM/YYYY. Below is a description of the data to be found in each field in the table above. Tag The Tags column represents each element which is being described. Each child element is indented slightly underneath the parent element. Within this field will be the name of the element, which will always be lower case. For long field names, in the table the tag field will have a line break. However, within the XML, there are no spaces or line breaks, therefore, if you have a field name as detailed in the table below, ignore any line breaks when building your XML. parent transaction reference an 25 N Here would be the reference of a previous transaction. Data Type The entries may either be alphanumeric, numeric or consist of only one letter: The abbreviation of alphanumeric inputs is “an”. The abbreviation for numeric inputs is “n”. The abbreviation for single letters is “char”. Field Length The field length defines the maximum number of characters allowed for that element. Mandatory Field This field will either be a Yes or No indicating whether it is mandatory or not in relation to the request outlined. If the field is mandatory depending on the value of other fields then it is Conditional. Comment Included in the comment field will be additional information relating to the field. Providing the reader with a clearer understanding of what should be included. In addition if a field needs to be submitted in a specific format, then this is included here. System Time Secure Trading’s System Time is in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 5 / 61 XML Specification Table of Contents 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 1.2 2 Authorisation .................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 Testing Authorisation ............................................................................................................... 53 Testing Security Code and Address Verification Process ....................................................... 54 Testing Refunds ....................................................................................................................... 54 Testing Account Check ............................................................................................................ 55 Further Information and Support ................................................................................................. 56 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9 Invalid or incomplete XML Request ......................................................................................... 52 Testing............................................................................................................................................. 53 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8 Transaction Reference ............................................................................................................. 50 Response Type ........................................................................................................................ 50 Error Code ................................................................................................................................ 50 Live Status................................................................................................................................ 50 Additional checks ..................................................................................................................... 51 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 52 6.1 7 Process Overview .................................................................................................................... 43 ACCOUNTCHECK XML Request ............................................................................................ 45 ACCOUNTCHECK XML Response ......................................................................................... 47 Best Practices ................................................................................................................................ 50 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 Process Overview .................................................................................................................... 31 REFUND XML Request ........................................................................................................... 33 REFUND XML Response......................................................................................................... 37 Account Check ............................................................................................................................... 43 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 Process Overview ...................................................................................................................... 8 AUTH XML Request ................................................................................................................. 10 AUTH XML Response .............................................................................................................. 23 Refund ............................................................................................................................................. 31 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 Parties Participating ................................................................................................................... 7 Pre-requisites ............................................................................................................................. 7 Secure Trading Support ........................................................................................................... 56 Secure Trading Sales ............................................................................................................... 56 Useful Documents .................................................................................................................... 56 Frequently Asked Questions .................................................................................................... 56 Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 57 9.1 9.2 9.3 Pre-Authorisations and Final Authorisations MasterCard Europe Mandate ............................ 57 VISA Additional Authorisation Data Merchant Category Code (MCC 6012) ........................... 59 Settle Statuses ......................................................................................................................... 61 © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 6 / 61 XML Specification 1 Introduction This document describes the structure of XML Authorisation, Refund and Account Check Requests to be sent through STPP, in order to process transactions with Secure Trading. Most other request types that can be sent through the STPP share similarities with Authorisation, Refund and Account Check Requests. Of the fields outlined within this document, Secure Trading may add additional fields and tags in the future; we would therefore recommend that you do not build your application to only accept these tags. Please note that the order of the tags cannot be guaranteed. Some tags may be returned in a different order to the examples in this document. 1.1 Parties Participating There are a number of participating parties when performing XML Requests through STPP. These parties are listed below: The Customer - The purchaser of goods or services. The Merchant – Seller of goods or services. Secure Trading – Facilitates the transaction. The Acquiring Bank – Authorises and processes transactions on behalf of the merchant. 1.2 Pre-requisites The pre-requisites that you will need to complete in order to begin processing payments through STPP are outlined in this section of the document. 1.2.1 Internet Merchant Account An Internet Merchant Account is required if you would like to process online e-commerce transactions. Secure Trading have relationships in place with certain acquirers and will therefore be able to assist you. For contact details of our sales team, please refer to section 8.1 Secure Trading Support on page 56. 1.2.2 Secure Trading Account In order to be able to set up your system around the XML Requests and Responses outlined within this or any of the Secure Trading technical specifications, you will need to have an account with Secure Trading. If you do not have an account, please contact our Sales team (see section 8.2 Secure Trading Sales on page 56) who will inform you of the benefits of setting up a Secure Trading account. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 7 / 61 XML Specification 2 Authorisation 2.1 Process Overview This section of the document will provide an overview of the process of performing an authorisation and a breakdown of the parties affected. If you wish to process an authorisation through Secure Trading’s systems, then you will need to have a merchant account with an acquiring bank. If you are unsure of this, please contact our support team (see section 8.1 Secure Trading Support on page 56). The following is an overview of performing an Authorisation (AUTH) through STPP: MERCHANT SECURE TRADING ACQUIRING BANK CARD ISSUER Step 1) The Merchant submits an “AUTH” XML Request to Secure Trading. Step 2) Secure Trading validates the Request and forwards details to the Acquiring Bank using a secure connection. Step 3) The Acquiring Bank will contact the Card Issuer to perform checks on the customer’s payment details. Step 4) The Card Issuer performs various checks, including AVS and CVV2 and decides to either authorise or decline the transaction. Step 5) The Acquiring Bank retrieves the information from the Card Issuer, and returns this to Secure Trading. Step 7) Merchant receives an “AUTH” XML Response from Secure Trading and interprets this Response. MERCHANT Step 6) Secure Trading interprets response from the Acquiring Bank. Returns XML Response to Merchant. SECURE TRADING © Secure Trading Limited 2014 ACQUIRING BANK 15 October 2014 CARD ISSUER Page 8 / 61 XML Specification Step 1 – Merchant submits XML Request to Secure Trading The customer opts to make a payment. The merchant will submit an AUTH XML Request to Secure Trading’s system with details of the transaction, such as the customer’s card details and the amount. Step 2 - Secure Trading contacts Acquiring Bank Once the merchant’s XML Request has been validated, Secure Trading will securely contact the merchant’s acquiring bank with details of the transaction. Step 3 – Acquiring Bank contacts Card Issuer The acquiring bank will then contact the customer’s card issuer to perform certain checks. Step 4 – Card Issuer performs checks The address and security code details provided by the customer are checked to see whether or not they match those held by the card issuer (see section 2.3.5 for further details). The card issuer then decides to either authorise or decline the transaction, and sends the results to the Acquiring Bank. Step 5 – Acquiring Bank returns response to Secure Trading The acquiring bank retrieves the result from the card issuer and returns this to Secure Trading. This includes details of whether the transaction was authorised or not by the card issuer. Step 6 – Secure Trading returns XML Response to Merchant Secure Trading will then interpret the response from the acquiring bank, and return an XML Response to the merchant. Step 7 – Merchant interprets XML Response The merchant receives an XML Response from Secure Trading. This response will include a transactionreference which relates to the individual authorisation. This should be retained by the merchant as the transactionreference field is used to query, update and refund authorised transactions. Please refer to section 5 Best Practices for checks you should perform on XML Responses returned from Secure Trading. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 9 / 61 XML Specification 2.2 AUTH XML Request In order to successfully process an Authorisation Request, the XML submitted by the merchant to Secure Trading must follow the formatting outlined in this section of the document. 2.2.1 AUTH XML Request Overview The following diagram shows a standard e-commerce authorisation. Each child element is outlined in greater detail within this section of the document. alias request type = “AUTH” operation merchant billing customer settlement + + + + + An <alias> tag is included for each request. The value is dependent on how the merchant has integrated with Secure Trading. For more information, refer to the setup guide of the solution used (see section 8.3 Useful Documents on page 56). Please note that elements submitted in the XML Request must have a value length less than or equal to the length assigned in the parameter tables. Longer field submissions will either be processed in a truncated form or cause an invalid field error (‘30000’). © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 10 / 61 XML Specification 2.2.2 <operation> request type = “AUTH” + operation + accounttypedescription authmethod parenttransactionreference sitereference The <operation> tag contains two mandatory elements, both of which are outlined in the following table. You can use the parenttransactionreference element to perform an authorisation with a card that has previously been processed through your system (for more information, see section 2.2.8 on page 20). Tag operation accounttype description Type an Length 20 Required Y Y authmethod an 5 N parent transaction reference an 25 N sitereference an 50 Y © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Comment The source of the transaction. For an e-commerce AUTH Request, the value should be “ECOM”. For Mail Order or Telephone Order (MOTO) requests, the value should be “MOTO”. For a recurring transaction, the value should be “RECUR”. Either “PRE” or “FINAL”. See section 9.1 for further details. Here would be the reference of a previous transaction. If the currency is submitted in a child XML Request, it must be the same value as the parent transaction. The site reference relates to your individual account which you received on setup. If you do not know your Site Reference, please contact Support (see section 8.1). Page 11 / 61 XML Specification 2.2.3 <merchant> request type = “AUTH” + merchant + email orderreference As the <merchant> tag is not mandatory for a standard e-commerce Authorisation request, both its child elements are also optional. Tag merchant Type Length Required N email an 255 N order reference an 255 N © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Comment The merchant’s email address. Maximum length of 255 (maximum of 64 characters before the”@” symbol). Your unique order reference that can be stored on Secure Trading’s system. Note: This can be updated at a later time (only if transaction is pending settlement). Please refer to the Transaction Update document. Page 12 / 61 XML Specification 2.2.4 <billing> The <billing> tag has two child tags in addition to nine elements. The child elements are <name> and <payment> and are outlined in sections <name> on page 15 and <payment> on page 16. The following diagram provides an overview of the <billing> tags: request type = “AUTH” + billing + premise street county country email name payment + + postcode town amount currencycode=”” telephone type=”” Secure Trading recommends that you submit the <premise> and the <postcode> in the AUTH Request, as these fields are forwarded onto your acquiring bank to check that they match those that the card is registered against. Please refer to the STPP AVS & CVV2 document (see section 8.3 Useful Documents on page 56) for more information. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 13 / 61 XML Specification The fields included within the <billing> tags are outlined in the following table: Tag billing Type Length Required Y premise an 25 N street an 127 N town an 127 N county an 127 N country an 2 N postcode an 25 N email an 255 N amount currencycode= ”” an 3 Y amount n 11 Y telephone type=”” an 1 C telephone an 15 C © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Comment The house number or first line of the customer’s billing address. The street entered for the customer’s billing address. The town entered for the customer’s billing address. The county entered for the customer’s billing address (see section 2.2.7 Additional Validation on page 20). The country for the customer’s billing address. This will need to be in ISO2A format. For a list of country codes, see http://webapp.securetrading.net/coun trycodes.html The postcode entered for the customer’s billing address (see section 2.2.7 Additional Validation on page 20). The customer’s billing email address. Maximum length of 255 (maximum of 64 characters before the”@” symbol). The currency that the transaction will be processed in. There is a list of available currencies on our website (http://webapp.securetrading.net/curr encycodes.html). The amount of the transaction should be in base units, with no commas or decimal points, so £10 would be 1000. This value must be greater than zero. The type of telephone number. The options available are: H = Home M = Mobile W = Work Only required if telephone is included. The customer’s telephone number. Valid characters: Numbers 0-9 Spaces Special characters: + - ( ) Only required if telephone type is included. Page 14 / 61 XML Specification <name> request type = “AUTH” + billing + name prefix first middle last suffix All elements within the <name> tag are optional. The table below contains more information regarding the data that can be contained within these elements. It is imperative that the name details should match those on the card. Tag billing name Type Length Required Y N prefix an 25 N The prefix of the customer’s billing name (e.g. Mr,Miss,Dr). first an 127 N The customer’s billing first name. middle an 127 N The customer’s billing middle name(s). last an 127 N The customer’s billing last name. suffix an 25 N The customer’s suffix of the billing name (e.g. Bsc). © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Comment Page 15 / 61 XML Specification <payment> request type = “AUTH” + + billing payment + pan expirydate securitycode The following table includes a breakdown of all the fields that are or can be included within the <payment> tags. Tag billing payment type = “” Type Length Required Y an 20 Y pan n 12-19 Y expirydate an 7 Y security code n 4 N Comment The customer’s card type, for example VISA or MASTERCARD. This is the card number printed on the front of the customer’s card. The expiry date printed on the card. This needs to be submitted in the format MM/YYYY. These relate to the three (four for AMEX) digit security code, printed on the back of the card. This field is not a required field by STPP, although some banks do require it. Secure Trading recommends that you include the <securitycode> as it is submitted to your acquiring bank and then checked against the actual security code of the card to help prevent fraud. The result of this check is then returned to you in the XML Response (see section 2.3.5). Please refer to the STPP AVS & CVV2 document (see section 8.3 Useful Documents on page 56) for more information. Please note that Secure Trading will determine the payment type based on the pan. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 16 / 61 XML Specification 2.2.5 <customer> request type=”AUTH” + customer + telephone type=”” email forwardedip ip premise street county country postcode town name + The <billing> tags include information on whoever is paying for the goods, while the <customer> tags are optional and include information of whoever is receiving the goods. In many cases, these are the same person, but not always. The <billing> tags are important because the address details are checked against the details of the card on authorisation, but the <customer> tags can also be used in additional fraud checks. The <customer> tag has a child <name> tag. The <name> tag contains elements in exactly the same format as those found in the <billing> tag, explained in section In order to reduce fraud, VISA has mandated that UK-based merchants with a Merchant Category Code (MCC) of 6012 are required to send additional fields in the <customer> tag of AUTH XML Requests, if provided by the customer making the payment. Your MCC is a four-digit number assigned to you by your acquirer. It is used to classify the business by the type of products or services it provides. If you are unsure of the value of your merchant category code, please contact Secure Trading Support (section 8.1). Please refer to section 9.2 for further details and a full XML example. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 17 / 61 XML Specification Tag customer telephone type=”” Type Length Required Comment N an 1 C telephone an 15 C email an 255 N forwardedip an 15 N ip an 15 N premise an 25 N street town an an 127 127 N N county an 127 N country an 2 C The type of telephone number. The options available are: H = Home M = Mobile W = Work Only required if telephone number is included. The customer’s telephone number. Requires telephone type if included. Valid characters: Numbers 0-9 Spaces Special characters: + - ( ) Required if telephone type is included. The customer’s email address. Maximum length of 255 (maximum of 64 characters before the”@” symbol). Customer Forwarded IP address, as provided by a proxy server if available. The IP of the customer. The customer address premise (house name or number). The customer address street name. The town of the customer address. The customer county (see section 2.2.7 Additional Validation on page 20). The country for the customer’s billing address. This will need to be in ISO2A format. For a list of Country Codes, see http://webapp.securetrading.net/coun trycodes.html Only required if Merchant Category Code (MCC) is 6012 and payment type is VISA. See section 9.2 for more information. Customer address postcode (see section 2.2.7 Additional Validation on page 20). postcode © Secure Trading Limited 2014 an 25 C 15 October 2014 Only required if Merchant Category Code (MCC) is 6012 and payment type is VISA. See section 9.2 for more information. Page 18 / 61 XML Specification 2.2.6 <settlement> request type = “AUTH” + settlement + settlestatus settleduedate Settlement is a process that follows authorisation. Secure Trading submit a file to the acquiring bank, requesting that authorised funds are transferred into your bank account. You can defer these transactions if you wish by submitting a specific date in the settleduedate field. Please note that although you can specify when a payment is to be taken, (for example, 3 days after submitting the request), you cannot specify a date that is more than 7 days in the future. The reason for this is that the authorisation for a transaction is no longer valid after seven days. Tag settlement settleduedate settlestatus © Secure Trading Limited 2014 Type an n Length 10 3 Required N Comment N Here you can set which day in the future you wish for your transaction to settle. It must be in the format YYYY-MMDD. N This value relates to the status you would like to set the transaction. The possible values are: 0 – Pending Settlement 2 – Suspended. 100 – Settled (this is only available for certain acquirers). If this is not set, status is automatically set to 0. 15 October 2014 Page 19 / 61 XML Specification 2.2.7 Additional Validation <postcode> If included within the request, validation is performed on the postcode. Please note that postcode validation is dependent on the country supplied. If no country is supplied, then no additional validation is performed. The following table outlines the format the postcode needs to be in when it is submitted to Secure Trading. T represents Text (A-Z or a-z) and N represents Number (0-9): Country United States (US) Great Britain (GB) Canada (CA) Other Validation Needs to be a 5 or 9 digit zip code. Needs to be between 6 and 8 characters long, including spaces. Can be one of the following formats: TN NTT TNT NTT TNN NTT TTN NTT TTNN NTT TTNT NTT Needs to be 6 or 7 digits long, including spaces. Can be one of the following formats: TNT NTN TNTNTN The format of postcodes for other countries is not validated by Secure Trading. <county> If the country is entered and is United States (US), the county field needs to be a valid twodigit state code (e.g. “NY” for New York). For a list of US state codes, see: http://webapp.securetrading.net/usstatecodes.html © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 20 / 61 XML Specification 2.2.8 Repeat Payments (Tokenisation) You are able to re-use details of a previous transaction through Secure Trading’s servers to perform subsequent requests. You do not need to store any card details on your system, if you would like to take multiple payments from a customer. Secure Trading refers to the initial transaction as the parent transaction. Subsequently, transactions that refer to the parent are called child transactions. The XML for the child request follows the same specification as a standard Authorisation. However, the parenttransactionreference tag is now mandatory: request type = “AUTH” + operation + accounttypedescription authmethod parenttransactionreference sitereference Within the parenttransactionreference tag will be the reference to the parent transaction. As the parenttransactionreference is used to inherit details from the previous transaction, the <billing> tags are no longer mandatory. However, tags can be included if the merchant wishes to override any of the stored data (e.g. updating the expiry date or address details). Please note that the address details for the parent will only be referred to if no address details are included within the child request. If one address field is included within the child request, all address details of the parent are ignored. Please note that child transactions cannot override the currency of a parent. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 21 / 61 XML Specification 2.2.9 AUTH XML Request Example The following is an example of an AUTH XML Request. <requestblock version="3.67"> <alias>site12345</alias> <request type="AUTH"> <merchant> <orderreference>AUTH_VISA</orderreference> </merchant> <customer> <town>Bangor</town> <name> <middle>Mary</middle> <prefix>Miss</prefix> <last>Smith</last> <first>Joanne</first> </name> <ip></ip> <telephone type="H">1111111111</telephone> <street>Second Street</street> <postcode>CU888ST</postcode> <premise>111</premise> </customer> <billing> <telephone type="M">0777777777</telephone> <county>Gwynedd</county> <street>Test Street</street> <postcode>TE45 6ST</postcode> <premise>789</premise> <payment type="VISA"> <expirydate>10/2031</expirydate> <pan>4111110000000211</pan> <securitycode>123</securitycode> </payment> <town>Bangor</town> <name> <middle>joe</middle> <prefix>Dr</prefix> <last>bloggs</last> <suffix>Jr.</suffix> <first>fred</first> </name> <country>GB</country> <amount currencycode="GBP">100</amount> <email>fred.bloggs@example.com</email> </billing> <operation> <sitereference>site12345</sitereference> <accounttypedescription>ECOM</accounttypedescription> </operation> </request> </requestblock> © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 22 / 61 XML Specification 2.3 AUTH XML Response Following processing an Authorisation (AUTH) XML Request, Secure Trading will return an AUTH XML Response. The XML will be made up of the tags outlined within this section of the document. The fields are based on that of a successful response, not an error or a decline. 2.3.1 AUTH XML Response Overview requestreference response type = “AUTH” + authcode timestamp live transactionreference merchant security settlement billing operation + + + + + error + acquirerresponsecode acquirerresponsemessage The responseblock returned will contain a unique element called a requestreference and a response type = “AUTH” tag. 2.3.2 <requestreference> This is an internal field generated by Secure Trading. It must not be validated. If problems are experienced with the request this field may be requested by Secure Trading support to aid in determining the cause. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 23 / 61 XML Specification 2.3.3 <response type = “AUTH”> This tag contains six elements (without child tags), the details of which are in the following table. There are also an additional six tags that contain further child tags, outlined in greater detail after the table. Tag Type Length Required authcode an 255 Y timestamp an 19 Y live n 1 Y transaction reference an 25 Y acquirerresponse code an 255 C acquirerresponse message an 255 C © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Comment The authorisation code provided by the Issuing Bank, this is generated by the Issuing Bank, and will differ pending on which bank you use. The timestamp relates to the time of the individual transaction. It will be in the format: “0000-00-00 00:00:00” This will indicate if the account is live or in test. If the transaction was a live one, it will return a 1, whereas for test transactions the value will be a 0. A unique Secure Trading reference for the transaction. You will need to store this if you wish to perform any additional request such as a refund on the transaction. Additionally, it can then be used for any future correspondence with Secure Trading. This will only be returned if supplied by the merchant’s Acquirer. The corresponding message to the above code. Will only be returned if supplied by the merchant’s acquirer. Page 24 / 61 XML Specification 2.3.4 <merchant> response type = “AUTH” + merchant + merchantnumber orderreference tid merchantcategorycode merchantname merchantcity merchantstatecode merchantzipcode merchantcountryiso2a The following fields can be returned in the <merchant> tag: Tag merchant Type Length Required Y merchant number an 10 Y order reference an 255 N tid an 255 N an 255 N an 255 N an 127 N an 127 N merchant zipcode an 10 N merchant countryiso2a an 2 N merchant categorycode merchant name merchant city merchant state code © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Comment The Merchant Number that was used to process the transaction. Provided by the acquiring bank. This will match the order reference supplied within your initial request. The Terminal ID used to process the transaction, this is accredited to your merchant number when we setup your account in our systems. The merchant category code that was used to process the AUTH. The merchant name that was used to process the AUTH. The merchant city that was used to process the AUTH (if applicable). The merchant state code that was used to process the AUTH (if applicable). The merchant zip/post code that was used to process the AUTH (if applicable). The merchant country that was used to process the AUTH (if applicable). Page 25 / 61 XML Specification 2.3.5 <security> response type = “AUTH” + security address postcode securitycode The <security> tags within an XML Response provide the results of checks performed by your acquiring bank on the customer’s address and security code. Please refer to the STPP AVS & CVV2 document (see section 8.3 Useful Documents on page 56) for more information. The responses follow this key: Security responses Description 0 “Not Given” 1 “Not Checked” 2 “Matched” 4 “Not Matched” Comment You did not provide the acquiring bank the information required to perform this check, in the XML Request. The acquiring bank did not perform this check on the information you provided in the XML Request. The information you provided in the XML Request, matches the information obtained by the acquiring bank, from the customer’s payment issuer. The information you provided in the XML Request, does not match the information obtained by the acquiring bank, from the customer’s payment issuer. These are the child elements returned in the <security> tag, in the XML Response: Tag security Type Length Required Y address n 1 Y postcode n 1 Y securitycode n 1 Y 2.3.6 Comment The result of the Address Verification System checks performed on authorisation. The result of the postcode check performed on authorisation. The result of the security code check performed on authorisation. <settlement> + response type = “AUTH” settlement + settleduedate settlestatus The <settlement> tag will contain information detailing the status of a transaction with the settlement date. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 26 / 61 XML Specification Tag settlement Type Length Required Y settleduedate an 10 Y settlestatus n 3 Y 2.3.7 Comment The date the transaction is due to settle. This is only relevant if the settlestatus is 0 or 1. Will be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The current status of transaction at the end of the request. <billing> response type = “AUTH” + + billing payment type=”” issuercountry pan amount currencycode=”” issuer The billing tags returned will include the transaction type supplied within the original authorisation. Tag billing payment type=”” Type Length Required Y an 20 Y an 2 Y an 255 C an 12-19 Y amount currencycode= ”” an 3 Y amount n 11 Y issuer country issuer pan © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Comment The type of payment processed, for example “VISA” or “MASTERCARD”. The country for the customer’s card issuer. This will be in ISO2A format. For a list of Country Codes, see http://webapp.securetrading.net/coun trycodes.html. This will be returned if the data is available. The customer’s card issuer. This will be returned if the data is available. The first six and last four digits of the card. The rest of the card details are not shown and obscured with #. For example 411111######0211. The currency that the transaction was processed in. There is a list of available currencies on our website (http://webapp.securetrading.net/curr encycodes.html) The amount of the transaction in base units, with no commas or decimal points, so £10 would be 1000. Page 27 / 61 XML Specification 2.3.8 <operation> response type = “AUTH” + operation accounttypedescription authmethod For a standard e-commerce authorisation, the operation tags returned will include the account type specified in the Authorisation Response. Tag operation Type Length Required Y accounttype description an 20 Y authmethod an 5 N © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Comment This will match the account type description supplied within the request (e.g. “ECOM”). Either “PRE” or “FINAL”. See section 9.1 for further information. Only returned if a value was sent to the acquirer by Secure Trading during authorisation. Page 28 / 61 XML Specification 2.3.9 <error> response type = “AUTH” + error + code message The error code should be used to determine if the request was successful or not. If the error code is 0 then the transaction was successful. If the error code is not 0 then the transaction was not successful. An error code of 99999 represents an unknown error that can happen during a request and requires manual investigation to determine the state of the transaction. Please contact support (see section 8.1 Secure Trading Support). For a full list of error codes and error messages please see: http://webapp.securetrading.net/errorcodes.html Tag error Type Length Required Y code n 5 Y message an 255 Y data an 255 N Comment The code will be 0 if the transaction was successful. This is the corresponding message to the above code. Additional information to help troubleshoot the error. This tag contains one or more child elements. If the error code is ‘30000’ (Field Error) then this field will contain the field (or fields) which caused the error. 2.3.10 <other> The <other> tag may appear in the XML Response. The contents of the <other> tag are undefined and can be ignored unless specified otherwise by Secure Trading and your acquirer, for a specific reason. Please allow for any number of elements to be returned in the <other> tag, containing any length of data. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 29 / 61 XML Specification 2.3.11 AUTH XML Response Example The following is an example of an AUTH XML Response. <responseblock version="3.67"> <requestreference>X6mh36u8g</requestreference> <response type="AUTH"> <merchant> <merchantname>example UNICODE merchantname</merchantname> <orderreference>AUTH_VISA</orderreference> <tid>27882788</tid> <merchantnumber>00000000</merchantnumber> <merchantcountryiso2a>GB</merchantcountryiso2a> </merchant> <transactionreference>17-9-5</transactionreference> <security> <postcode>2</postcode> <securitycode>2</securitycode> <address>2</address> </security> <billing> <amount currencycode="GBP">100</amount> <payment type="VISA"> <issuer>Test Issuer</issuer> <issuercountry>ZZ</issuercountry> <pan>411111######0211</pan> </payment> <dcc enabled="0"/> </billing> <authcode>TEST</authcode> <timestamp>2012-10-08 12:46:02</timestamp> <settlement> <settleduedate>2012-10-08</settleduedate> <settlestatus>0</settlestatus> </settlement> <live>0</live> <error> <message>Ok</message> <code>0</code> </error> <acquirerresponsecode>00</acquirerresponsecode> <operation> <accounttypedescription>ECOM</accounttypedescription> </operation> </response> </responseblock> © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 30 / 61 XML Specification 3 Refund 3.1 Process Overview This section of the document will provide an overview of the process of performing a refund and a breakdown of the parties affected. 3.1.1 CFT Refunds If enabled on your Secure Trading account, CFT (Cardholder Funds Transfer) refunds allow for refunding transactions for greater than the original amount authorised against the card. Please note that in order to process CFT refunds on your account, you will need to have a CFT merchant number present. For more information, please contact your acquiring bank. Please note that for CFT refunds, the <accounttypedescription> field under <operation> will always be “CFT”. CFT Refunds can also be used to refund onto cards without an original authorisation. This can be achieved by submitting a refund as outlined in this section of the document, including the card details within the <billing> tags. In order to successfully refund onto a card that has not been previously processed on your account, please ensure you are following the correct guidelines outlined by the card issuer and your acquiring bank. You will need to contact your acquirer in order to clarify this. 3.1.2 Process Overview The following is an overview of performing a Refund through STPP. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 31 / 61 XML Specification MERCHANT SECURE TRADING ACQUIRING BANK CARD ISSUER Step 1) The Merchant submits a “REFUND” XML Request to Secure Trading. Step 2) Secure Trading validates the Request and forwards details to the Acquiring Bank using a secure connection. Step 3) The Acquiring Bank will contact the Card Issuer. Step 4) The Customer’s Card Issuer receives the request. A decision is made to issue a refund and submit a response to the Acquiring Bank Step 5) The Acquiring Bank will respond to SecureTrading with details of the refund. Step 6) Secure Trading interprets response from the Acquiring Bank. Returns XML Response to Merchant. Step 7) Merchant receives a “REFUND” XML Response from Secure Trading and interprets this Response. MERCHANT SECURE TRADING © Secure Trading Limited 2014 ACQUIRING BANK 15 October 2014 CARD ISSUER Page 32 / 61 XML Specification Step 1 - Merchant Submits XML Request Once the merchant determines that they wish to perform a refund back onto their customer’s card, they will submit a REFUND XML Request to Secure Trading. The XML Request will contain the transaction reference of a previous authorisation, this will be within the <parenttransactionreference> tag. If the currency is submitted in a child transaction, it must be the same value as the parent transaction. Step 2 - Secure Trading contacts Acquirer Secure Trading will receive a REFUND Request from the merchant. It will be validated against the original authorisation before submitting to the acquirer for authorisation. Step 3 – Acquirer contacts Card Issuer The acquirer contacts the card issuer to request a refund to be processed. Step 4 – Card Issuer receives the request and processes a refund The card issuer receives the request and decides to issue a refund. A response is returned to the acquiring bank with the result of the refund request. Step 5 – Acquiring Bank responds to Secure Trading The acquiring bank returns the result of the refund request to Secure Trading. Step 6 – Secure Trading returns XML Response to Merchant Secure Trading interprets the response and submits the refund XML response to the merchant. Step 7 – Merchant receives response from Secure Trading The merchant interprets the response received and stores it in their system for future reference. 3.2 REFUND XML Request In order to successfully process a Refund Request, the XML submitted by the merchant to the Secure Trading must follow the formatting outlined in this section of the document. 3.2.1 REFUND XML Request Overview The following is an overview of an XML Refund Request: alias request type = “REFUND” operation merchant + + billing currencycode = ”” © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 + Page 33 / 61 XML Specification 3.2.2 <merchant> + request type = “REFUND” merchant + email orderreference Tag merchant Type Length Required N email an 255 N order reference an 255 N Comment The merchant’s email address. Maximum length of 255 (maximum of 64 characters before the”@” symbol). Your unique order reference that can be stored on Secure Trading’s system. If this is not submitted, it is inherited from the initial authorisation. Note: This can be updated at a later time (only if transaction is pending settlement). Please refer to the Transaction Update document. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 34 / 61 XML Specification 3.2.3 <operation> + request type = “REFUND” operation + accounttypedescription parenttransactionreference sitereference Tag operation Type Length Required Y accounttype description an 20 Y parent transaction reference an 25 Y sitereference an 50 Y © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Comment This will match the account type description supplied within the request – ECOM. For CFT refunds, this value will be CFT. This field must contain the transaction reference of the authorised transaction that you wish to Refund. For CFT refunds where there is no previous authorisation, this field can be omitted. The site reference relates to your individual account which you will receive on setup. If you do not know your Site Reference, please contact support (see section 8.1 Secure Trading Support on page 56). Page 35 / 61 XML Specification 3.2.4 <billing> + request type = “REFUND” Tag billing currencycode=”” amount billing currencycode = ”” Type Length Required an 3 Y n 11 Y + amount Comment The currency you wish to perform the refund in. There is a list of available currencies on our website (http://webapp.securetrading.net/curr encycodes.html) The amount of the transaction in base units, with no commas or decimal points. For example, £10 needs to be set as 1000. If this field is not present then the full amount of the transaction will be refunded. Please note that for CFT refunds where there has been no previous transaction, the merchant can submit the details of the card they wish to pay onto in these <billing> tags. The fields to be included are the same as those outlined in section <payment> on page 16. 3.2.5 REFUND XML Request Example The following is an example XML of a REFUND Request: <requestblock version="3.67"> <alias>site12345</alias> <request type="REFUND"> <merchant> <orderreference>REFUND_VISA</orderreference> </merchant> <operation> <sitereference>site12345</sitereference> <parenttransactionreference>17-9-5</parenttransactionreference> </operation> </request> </requestblock> © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 36 / 61 XML Specification 3.3 REFUND XML Response In this section of the document is a breakdown of the XML Response for a Refund Request that will be received by the merchant. The fields are based on that of a successful response, not an error or a declined refund. 3.3.1 REFUND XML Response Overview The following is a diagrammatic representation of the XML Response to a REFUND Request. requestreference response type = “REFUND” + authcode timestamp live transactionreference merchant security settlement billing operation error + + + + + + The responseblock returned will contain a unique element called a requestreference and a response type = “REFUND” tag. 3.3.2 <requestreference> This is an internal field generated by Secure Trading. It must not be validated. If problems are experienced with the request this field may be requested by Secure Trading support to aid in determining the cause. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 37 / 61 XML Specification 3.3.3 <response type = “REFUND”> This tag contains four elements (without child tags), the details of which are in the following table. There are also an additional six tags that contain further child tags, outlined in greater detail after the table. Tag Type Length Required authcode an 255 Y timestamp an 19 Y live n 1 Y transaction reference an 25 Y 3.3.4 Comment Authorisation code if provided by the acquirer. The timestamp relates to the time of the individual transaction. It will be in the format: “0000-00-00 00:00:00” 0 equals test transaction, 1 equals live transaction. A unique Secure Trading reference for the transaction. <merchant> response type = “REFUND” + merchant + merchantnumber orderreference tid The following fields can be returned within the merchant tag: Tag merchant Type Length Required Y merchant number an 10 Y order reference an 255 N tid an 255 N © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Comment This will be the merchant number that has been provided to Secure Trading to process on-line transactions on your account. This will match the order reference supplied within your initial request. The Terminal ID used to process the transaction. This is accredited to your merchant number when we setup your account in our systems. Page 38 / 61 XML Specification 3.3.5 <billing> response type = “REFUND” + billing + payment type=”” issuercountry pan amount currencycode=”” issuer The <billing> tags returned will include the transaction type supplied within the original authorisation. Tag billing payment type=”” Type Length Required Y an 20 Y an 2 Y an 255 C an 12-19 Y amount currencycode= ”” an 3 Y amount n 11 Y issuer country issuer pan 3.3.6 Comment The type of payment processed, for example “VISA” or “MASTERCARD”. The country for the customer’s card issuer address. This will need to be in ISO2A format. For a list of Country Codes, see http://webapp.securetrading.net/coun trycodes.html. This will be returned if the data is available. The issuer for the customer’s card. This will be returned if the data is available. The first six and last four digits of the card that was refunded. The rest of the card details are not shown and obscured with #. For example 411111######0211. The currency that the refund was processed in. There is a list of available currencies on our website (http://webapp.securetrading.net/curr encycodes.html) The amount refunded in base units, with no commas or decimal points, so £10 would be 1000. <security> These tags follow the same convention as those outlined in section 2.3.5 <security>. For refunds, they will most likely be a 0 for each check as the details aren’t usually submitted for refunds. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 39 / 61 XML Specification 3.3.7 <settlement> response type = “REFUND” + settlement + settleduedate settlestatus Tag settlement Type Length Required Y settleduedate an 10 Y settlestatus an 3 Y 3.3.8 Comment The date that the transaction is due to settle. Will be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The current settle status of transaction at the end of the request. <operation> response type = “REFUND” + operation + accounttypedescription parenttransactionreference Tag operation Type Length Required Y accounttype description an 20 Y parent transaction reference an 25 Y © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Comment This will match the account type description supplied within the request – ECOM. A unique Secure Trading reference for the parent transaction. Within a Refund Response, this relates to the transaction you have refunded. Page 40 / 61 XML Specification 3.3.9 <error> response type = “REFUND” + error + code message The error code should be used to determine if the individual requests were successful or not. If the error code is 0 then the transaction was successful. If the error code is not 0 then the transaction was not successful. An error code of 99999 represents an unknown error that can happen during a request and requires manual investigation to determine the state of the transaction. Please contact support (see section 8.1 Secure Trading Support). For a full list of error codes and error messages please see: http://webapp.securetrading.net/errorcodes.html Tag error Type Length Required Y code n 5 Y message an 255 Y data an 255 N Comment The code will be 0 if the refund was processed successfully. This is the corresponding message to the above code. Additional information to help troubleshoot the error. This tag contains one or more child elements. If the error code is ‘30000’ (Field Error) then this field will contain the field (or fields) which caused the error. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 41 / 61 XML Specification 3.3.10 REFUND XML Response Example The following is an example XML of a REFUND Response: <responseblock version="3.67"> <requestreference>Xk3mvyk5v</requestreference> <response type="REFUND"> <merchant> <merchantname>example UNICODE merchantname</merchantname> <orderreference>REFUND_VISA</orderreference> <tid>27882788</tid> <merchantnumber>00000000</merchantnumber> <merchantcountryiso2a>GB</merchantcountryiso2a> </merchant> <transactionreference>17-9-12</transactionreference> <billing> <amount currencycode="GBP">100</amount> <payment type="VISA"> <issuer>Test Issuer</issuer> <issuercountry>ZZ</issuercountry> <pan>411111######0211</pan> </payment> <dcc enabled="0"/> </billing> <authcode>TEST REFUND ACCEPTED</authcode> <live>0</live> <error> <message>Ok</message> <code>0</code> </error> <timestamp>2012-10-08 12:46:11</timestamp> <acquirerresponsecode>00</acquirerresponsecode> <security> <address>2</address> <postcode>2</postcode> <securitycode>0</securitycode> </security> <settlement> <settleduedate>2012-10-08</settleduedate> <settlestatus>0</settlestatus> </settlement> <operation> <parenttransactionreference>17-9-5</parenttransactionreference> <accounttypedescription>ECOM</accounttypedescription> </operation> </response> </responseblock> © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 42 / 61 XML Specification 4 Account Check 4.1 Process Overview An Account Check Request allows a card to be validated by checking the account’s address, security code (CVV2), to ensure the details entered by the customer are valid. Please note that the checks performed on an Account Check Request are the same as those carried out on a regular e-commerce Authorisation (AUTH) Request. No funds will be reserved as part of an Account Check. 4.1.1 Requirements The following requirements must be met to be able to process Account Checks. Acquiring Banks Account Checks are only available for certain Acquiring Banks. Please contact the Secure Trading support team for more details (see section 8.1 Secure Trading Support). Multi-Process Request A Multi-Process Request is when multiple request types are submitted in a single XML Request to Secure Trading. If the Account Check is sent as part of a Multi-Process Request, it must be before an Authorisation Request in the sequence. E.g. Below is an outline of an XML MultiProcess Request. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <requestblock version="3.67"> <alias>site12345</alias> <request type="ACCOUNTCHECK"> … </request> <request type="AUTH"> … </request> </requestblock> 4.1.2 Using Account Check as a Parent Transaction In some cases, by sending the transaction reference of a pre-existing Account Check (a parent transaction) in the parenttransactionreference field of a new request, it is possible for this new request to inherit billing and payment details from the Account Check. This is possible when the new request has the following request type(s): Request Type AUTH ORDER RISKDEC STORE THREEDQUERY Description Used to process an Authorisation Request Used to process a PayPal Request Used to process a Risk Decision Request Used to process a Card Store Request Used to process a 3D Query Request For information on the use of the request types listed above, please refer to section 8.3 Useful Documents for links to relevant documentation. For information on using Account Checks with other request types that are not listed above, please contact the Secure Trading support team (see 8.1 Secure Trading Support). © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 43 / 61 XML Specification 4.1.3 Process Overview The following is an overview of performing an Account Check through STPP. MERCHANT SECURE TRADING ACQUIRING BANK CARD ISSUER Step 1) The Merchant submits an “ACCOUNTCHECK” XML Request to Secure Trading. Step 2) Secure Trading validates the Request and forwards details to the Acquiring Bank using a secure connection. Step 3) The Acquiring Bank will contact the Card Issuer to perform checks on the customer’s payment details. Step 4) The Card Issuer performs various checks, including AVS and CVV2. Step 5) The Acquiring Bank interprets the results of these checks sends a response to Secure Trading. Step 6) Secure Trading interprets response from the Acquiring Bank. Returns XML Response to Merchant. Step 7) Merchant receives an “ACCOUNTCHECK” XML Response from Secure Trading and interprets this Response. MERCHANT SECURE TRADING © Secure Trading Limited 2014 ACQUIRING BANK 15 October 2014 CARD ISSUER Page 44 / 61 XML Specification Step 1 – Merchant submits XML Request to Secure Trading A merchant submits an ACCOUNTCHECK XML Request to Secure Trading. Step 2 - Secure Trading contacts Acquiring Bank Once the XML Request has been validated, Secure Trading will securely contact the merchant’s acquiring bank with details of the request. Step 3 – Acquiring Bank contacts Card Issuer The acquiring bank will then contact the customer’s card issuer to perform certain checks. Step 4 – Card Issuer performs checks The address and security code details provided by the customer are checked to see whether or not they match those held by the card issuer (see section 2.3.5 <security> on page 26 for more information). The card issuer then returns the results of these checks to the acquirer. Step 5 – Acquirer responds to Secure Trading The acquirer will interpret the results of the checks performed on the customer’s card and returns a response to Secure Trading. Step 6 – Secure Trading returns XML Response to Merchant Secure Trading will then interpret the response from the acquiring bank, and return an XML Response to the merchant. Step 7 – Merchant interprets XML Response The merchant receives an XML Response from Secure Trading. This response will include a transactionreference which should be retained by the merchant for use in future requests. 4.2 ACCOUNTCHECK XML Request In order to successfully process an Account Check Request, the XML Request submitted to Secure Trading must follow the structure outlined in this section. The XML Request for an Account Check is similar to a normal Authorisation Request (see section 2.2 AUTH XML Request on page 10), but with differences as outlined in the following sub-sections. 4.2.1 <request type = ”ACCOUNTCHECK”> The request type for an Account Check Request is ACCOUNTCHECK. 4.2.2 <amount> The amount for an Account Check can be 0. If a value greater than 0 is sent in the request, it will be stored and can be used for subsequent requests, such as future Authorisations (although you can submit a new amount in an inheriting Authorisation Request). Please note that if an amount of 0 is submitted in an Account Check Request, you must submit a new non-zero amount in inheriting requests. An Authorisation Request must be for a non-zero amount. Please note that no funds will be reserved or transferred by the Account Check Request. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 45 / 61 XML Specification 4.2.3 ACCOUNTCHECK XML Request Example The following is an example ACCOUNTCHECK XML Request. The differences between an ACCOUNTCHECK XML Request and a standard AUTH XML Request is highlighted in bold. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <requestblock version="3.67"> <alias>site12345</alias> <request type="ACCOUNTCHECK"> <merchant> <orderreference>ACCOUNTCHECK_AUTH</orderreference> </merchant> <customer> <town>Bangor</town> <name> <middle>Mary</middle> <prefix>Miss</prefix> <last>Smith</last> <first>Joanne</first> </name> <ip></ip> <telephone type="H">1111111111</telephone> <street>Second Street</street> <postcode>CU888ST</postcode> <premise>111</premise> </customer> <billing> <town>Bangor</town> <name> <middle>joe</middle> <prefix>Dr</prefix> <last>bloggs</last> <suffix>Jr.</suffix> <first>fred</first> </name> <country>GB</country> <email>fred.bloggs@example.com</email> <telephone type="M">0777777777</telephone> <county>Gwynedd</county> <amount currencycode="GBP">0</amount> <street>Test Street</street> <postcode>TE45 6ST</postcode> <premise>789</premise> <payment type="VISA"> <pan>4111110000000211</pan> <securitycode>123</securitycode> <expirydate>10/2031</expirydate> </payment> </billing> <operation> <accounttypedescription>ECOM</accounttypedescription> <sitereference>site12345</sitereference> </operation> </request> </requestblock> © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 46 / 61 XML Specification 4.3 ACCOUNTCHECK XML Response The response for an Account Check is the same as a normal Authorisation, with the exception of the response type being ACCOUNTCHECK (see section 2.3 AUTH XML Response on page 23). It is strongly recommended that you check the <security> fields returned in the XML Response, and discontinue further transactions with the customer, if the security code entered does not match the one expected by the acquiring bank (returns a 4). See section 4.3.1 <security> for more details. 4.3.1 <security> The results of the checks performed are returned in the security response of the Account Check (in the <security> tag). The security response consists of three different fields, each containing the result of an individual check. The names of the fields are listed, below: Field name securityresponseaddress securityresponsepostcode securityresponsesecuritycode Comment The results of the checks performed by the AVS on the first line of the billing address. The results of the checks on the billing postcode. The results of the security code (CVV2) checks. An Account Check Request will analyse the details provided by the customer and respond with the following results for each check performed: Security response value Description 0 “Not Given” 1 “Not Checked” 2 “Matched” 4 “Not Matched” Comment Your bank was not provided with the information required to perform this check. Your bank was unable to perform checks on the information provided. The information provided by the customer matches that on the card issuer’s records. The information provided by the customer does NOT match that on the card issuer’s records. For example, the XML Response may return a security response with the values shown in the following table: Field name securityresponseaddress securityresponsepostcode securityresponsesecuritycode Value 2 2 4 This would indicate that the first line of the address and the postcode match those on the card issuer’s records, but the security code (CVV2) entered by the customer does not match the details held by the customers card issuer. You can use the Notifications feature of MyST to have the security response posted to a URL of your choosing (which could have a script present to store this value) or sent in an email. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 47 / 61 XML Specification Alternatively, you can view security responses in the Single Transaction View for the Account Check transaction in MyST (see Figure 1). Please refer to the MyST User Guide (see section 8.3 Useful Documents) for more information. Figure 1 - Security Response in MyST If an amount is submitted in an Account Check Request, it is only stored for the purpose of inheritance by future requests (such as performing a later Authorisation Request), which refer to this parent Account Check transaction. The amount sent in an Account Request is not reserved, as Account Checks never reserve funds. Please note that the settlestatus submitted with an Account Check will be inherited by any subsequent requests that refer to it as a parent. For more information on the nature of the checks performed, please refer to the STPP AVS & CVV2 document (see section 8.3 Useful Documents on page 56). Account Check Rules Optionally, rules can be assigned on your account by the Secure Trading support team, which will use the results of the Account Check to decide whether or not to process an associated Authorisation transaction. The recommended process flow is as follows: 1. If the Account Check returns a ‘Matched, then process the Authorisation. 2. If the Account Check returns a ‘Not Checked’, then process the Authorisation, but suspend the transaction allowing for manual investigation to take place. 3. If the Account Check returns a ‘Not matched’, then do NOT process an Authorisation. Please note that the default process flow can be customised. For example, you could choose to process the Authorisation if the Account Check returns ‘Not Matched’. For more information, contact Secure Trading Support (see section 8.1 Secure Trading Support on page 56). An alternative to having rules set up, is that your system has this logic present which determines whether or not to submit an Authorisation Request. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 48 / 61 XML Specification 4.3.2 ACCOUNTCHECK XML Response Example The following is an example ACCOUNTCHECK XML Response. The differences between an ACCOUNTCHECK XML Response and a standard AUTH XML Response is highlighted in bold. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <responseblock version="3.67"> <requestreference>X575647667</requestreference> <response type="ACCOUNTCHECK"> <merchant> <merchantname>example UNICODE merchantname</merchantname> <orderreference>ACCOUNTCHECK_AUTH</orderreference> <tid>27882788</tid> <merchantnumber>00000000</merchantnumber> <merchantcountryiso2a>GB</merchantcountryiso2a> </merchant> <transactionreference>16-9-1</transactionreference> <billing> <amount currencycode="GBP">0</amount> <payment type="VISA"> <issuer>Test Issuer</issuer> <issuercountry>ZZ</issuercountry> <pan>411111######0211</pan> </payment> <dcc enabled="0"/> </billing> <authcode>TEST</authcode> <live>0</live> <error> <message>Ok</message> <code>0</code> </error> <timestamp>2013-01-16 10:48:17</timestamp> <acquirerresponsecode>00</acquirerresponsecode> <security> <address>2</address> <postcode>2</postcode> <securitycode>2</securitycode> </security> <settlement> <settleduedate>2013-01-16</settleduedate> <settlestatus>0</settlestatus> </settlement> <operation> <accounttypedescription>ECOM</accounttypedescription> </operation> </response> </responseblock> © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 49 / 61 XML Specification 5 Best Practices When your system receives an XML Response from Secure Trading, it is best practice to check all the relevant fields and values are as expected before processing the response. In particular, it is recommended you consider the following: 5.1 Transaction Reference Transaction references are unique identifiers for each transaction processed on your Secure Trading account. It is advisable that these are stored on your own system for any future correspondence with Secure Trading or to assist in troubleshooting. 5.2 Response Type The <response type=””> tag will be returned near the top of every XML Response returned by Secure Trading. For valid requests, the response type should always be the same type as submitted in the XML Request. Please ensure that the response type returned is the expected value. e.g. An AUTH XML Request should always return an AUTH XML Response When an ERROR XML Response is returned, your request may not have been processed correctly. When submitting multiple request types in a single request block, you should expect an XML Response with the same (multiple) response types in a single block. 5.3 Error Code The <code> element returned within the <error> tag will always be ‘0’ for successful requests. XML Requests that return a non-zero value for the error code in the response should be treated as an error and should be investigated. The <message> element returned within the <error> tag contains a brief description of the error. A full list of error codes and their meanings can be found at: http://webapp.securetrading.net/errorcodes.html 5.4 Live Status The <live> tag will return ‘0’ when using your test account and ‘1’ when using your live account. If you are processing live transactions, please ensure <live> always returns the value of ‘1’ in any XML Response received. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 50 / 61 XML Specification 5.5 Additional checks For certain request types, you may need to consider checking the following fields in addition to those listed previously: 5.5.1 Settle Status Please be aware that Secure Trading can suspend transactions automatically, following fraud checks performed. For this reason, it is important to ensure the <settlestatus> returned in the XML Response is the expected value. For more information on settle statuses, see section 9.1. 5.5.2 Amount & Currency When responding to valid XML Requests, the <amount> and currencycode fields returned in an XML Response will match those sent in the XML Request. Please validate that this is correct. 5.5.3 Security When processing payments through Secure Trading, we strongly recommend checking the values returned in the <security> tag of the XML Response. These values represent the results of AVS and CVV2 checks performed by the card issuer on the payment and billing details submitted in the XML Request. For more information on AVS and CVV2 checks, please refer to the AVS & CVV2 document. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 51 / 61 XML Specification 6 Troubleshooting 6.1 Invalid or incomplete XML Request Invalid or incomplete XML Requests (e.g. error codes “10500” or “30000” in the XML Response) can be caused by the following: Missing XML tags – check the XML Specification to see if any required tags are missing from the request. Newline character at the end of the XML – check the XML Request to ensure there is a newline character at the end. Character encoding – refer to Character Encoding section at the beginning of this document. Character escaping – refer to Character Escaping section at the beginning of this document. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 52 / 61 XML Specification 7 Testing 7.1 Testing Authorisation During your integration, you can use the following test card details in order to build your system around the request and responses for authorisations. Please note that these are TEST card details, and will not return the expected responses in a LIVE environment. Name of payment type American Express Diners Discover JCB Maestro MasterCard MasterCard Debit V PAY Visa Visa Debit Visa Electron Visa Purchasing Payment type field Authorisation Decline AMEX DINERS DISCOVER JCB MAESTRO MASTERCARD MASTERCARDDEBIT VPAY VISA DELTA ELECTRON PURCHASING 340000000000611 3000000000000111 6011000000000301 3528000000000411 5000000000000611 5100000000000511 5124990000000101 4370000000000061 4111110000000211 4310720000000091 4245190000000311 4484000000000411 340000000000512 3000000000000012 6011000000000202 3528000000000312 5000000000000512 5100000000000412 5124990000000002 4370000000000012 4111110000000112 4310720000000042 4245190000000212 4484000000000312 For these cards, when performing your tests, please ensure that within the expirydate field you set a date in the future. A base amount of 70000 will return a declined response from the test bank. A base amount of 60010 will return a bank system error from the test bank. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 53 / 61 XML Specification 7.2 Testing Security Code and Address Verification Process The following tables list test details that can be submitted to obtain different responses from the address verification (AVS) and security code (CVV2) checks. These details can be used with most major payment types. Please note that only the billing premise, billing postcode and security code fields dictate the outcome of the AVS and CVV2 checks performed. As such, entering any details into the other address fields will not affect the outcome of the AVS and CVV2 checks. 7.2.1 Premise Billing Premise No 789 No 123 No 333 Leave blank 7.2.2 Security Response Caption Matched Not Matched Not Checked Not Given Security Response Security Response Caption 2 4 1 0 Matched Not Matched Not Checked Not Given Security Response 2 4 1 0 Security Response Caption Matched Not Matched Not Checked Not Given Postcode / ZIP Code UK Billing Postcode TE45 6ST TE12 3ST TE33 3ST Leave blank 7.2.3 Security Response 2 4 1 0 US Billing Postcode 55555 12345 33333 Leave blank Security code Security Code 123 214 333 Leave blank AMEX Security Code 1234 2144 3333 Leave blank Information on the AVS and CVV2 checks performed is detailed in the AVS & CVV2 document All Secure Trading documents can be found on our website. 7.3 Testing Refunds If you wish to test for refunds, then you need to perform an original AUTH Request using one of the successful card numbers included in section 7.1 Testing Authorisation in order to obtain a transaction reference. Using this transaction reference you can then perform a refund following the steps outlined in section 3 Refund. Please note that your test transaction will need to have settled before a refund can be performed. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 54 / 61 XML Specification 7.4 Testing Account Check If you wish to test an Account Check Request, then you can use any of the card numbers included in section 7.1 Testing Authorisation and in your request ensure that you have set the request type to be: <request type="ACCOUNTCHECK"> You can also test the Security Code and Address Verification System by using the Security Code, Address and Postcode details supplied in section 7.2. Please note that Account Check is only available with select Acquiring Banks. Please contact Secure Trading Support Team for more details. See section 8.1 Secure Trading Support on page 56. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 55 / 61 XML Specification 8 Further Information and Support This section provides useful information with regards to documentation and support for the merchant’s Secure Trading solution. 8.1 Secure Trading Support If you have any questions regarding integration or maintenance of the system, please contact our support team using one of the following methods. Method Telephone Fax Email Website 8.2 Details +44 (0) 1248 672 050 +44 (0) 1248 672 099 support@securetrading.com http://www.securetrading.com/support/support.html Secure Trading Sales If you do not have an account with Secure Trading, please contact our Sales team and they will inform you of the benefits of a Secure Trading account. Method Telephone Telephone (Int’l) Fax Email Website 8.3 Details 0800 028 9151 +44 (0) 1248 672 070 +44 (0) 1248 672 079 sales@securetrading.com http://www.securetrading.com Useful Documents The documents listed below should be read in conjunction with this document: STAPI User Guide – This document outlines how to install a STAPI java client. This client can be used to process XML Requests and Responses through Secure Trading. STPP Web Services User Guide – This document describes how to process XML Requests and Responses through Secure Trading’s Web Services solution. STPP Card Store – This document describes how to process Card Store XML Requests and Responses through Secure Trading. STPP Protect Plus – This document describes how to process Risk Decision XML Requests and Responses through Secure Trading. STPP 3D Secure – This document describes how to process 3D Secure XML Requests and Responses through Secure Trading. STPP PayPal – This document describes how to process PayPal XML Requests and Responses through Secure Trading. STPP AVS & CVV2 – This document describes the checks performed on the address and security code submitted by the customer. STPP Transaction Update – This document outlines how to perform a Transaction Update Request. Any other document regarding the STPP system can be found on our website (http://www.securetrading.com). 8.4 Frequently Asked Questions Please visit the FAQ section on our website (http://www.securetrading.com/support/faq). © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 56 / 61 XML Specification 9 Appendix 9.1 Pre-Authorisations and Final Authorisations MasterCard Europe Mandate MasterCard Europe have mandated that MasterCard and Maestro transactions processed with certain European acquiring banks must be flagged as either pre-authorisation or final authorisation. Such transactions are subject to acquirer-specific conditions. We recommend that you contact your acquirer for information on whether this mandate applies to your configuration and to clarify whether to process your transactions as pre-authorisations or final authorisations. By default, Secure Trading will process MasterCard and Maestro authorisations as final authorisations. You can change this default behaviour to submit pre-authorisations, by contacting Secure Trading Support (see section 8.1). Alternatively, see section 9.1.2 for information on overriding the default behaviour on a transaction-by-transaction basis. 9.1.1 About Pre-Authorisations and Final Authorisations Pre-authorisation and final authorisation can be summarised as follows: Pre-Authorisation: Settlement can be deferred by up to 7 days following authorisation. During this time, the amount to be settled can be updated to a value that is lower than the amount authorised. Pre-authorisations are more flexible than final authorisations, but may be subject to higher processing fees by your acquiring bank. Final authorisation: Settlement can only be deferred by up to 4 days following (1) (2) authorisation . (1) Following authorisation, the amount value should not be changed . Final authorisations are less flexible than pre-authorisations, but may be subject to lower processing fees by your acquiring bank. (1) Failure to adhere to these conditions may incur a fine from MasterCard. (2) Secure Trading will allow final authorisations to be settled up to 7 days after authorisation, but recommend that you settle transactions within 4 days to avoid incurring a fine. For full terms and conditions, please contact your acquiring bank. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 57 / 61 XML Specification 9.1.2 Override You can include the <authmethod> element (submitted within the <operation> tag) to indicate whether the associated payment is a pre-authorisation or a final authorisation. When submitted, this overrides the default settings on your account. The values that can be submitted are: “PRE” - Requests a “pre-authorisation”. “FINAL” - Requests a “final authorisation” (default). The <authmethod> element can ONLY be submitted in XML Requests of the following type: THREEDQUERY: If submitted, the authmethod value is inherited by the child AUTH Request. AUTH: If submitted, the authmethod overrides the value submitted in the parent THREEDQUERY or the default value for the site. The <authmethod> element cannot be inherited from previous authorisations. When performing repeat authorisations, the default value of your site will be used, unless you override this by manually submitting a new <authmethod> element in the request. If Secure Trading submits a value for the <authmethod> element to the acquirer during authorisation, it will always be returned within the <operation> tag of the AUTH XML Response, in order to indicate whether the payment processed was a pre-authorisation or a final authorisation. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 58 / 61 XML Specification 9.2 VISA Additional Authorisation Data Merchant Category Code (MCC 6012) In order to reduce fraud, VISA has mandated that UK-based merchants with a Merchant Category Code (MCC) of 6012 are required to send additional fields in the <customer> tag of AUTH XML Requests, if provided by the customer making the payment. The fields are as follows: Tag customer accountnumber type=”” Type Length Required Comment C an 7 C Either “CARD” or “ACCOUNT”. If account number type is “ACCOUNT”, the account holder’s account number. accountnumber an 20 C country an 2 C dob an 10 C name last an 127 C C postcode an 25 C If account number type is “CARD”, the account holder’s card number. Note: This may be the same as the card number submitted in the <billing> tag, but must still be submitted. The country for the account holder’s billing address. This will need to be in ISO2A format. List of Country Codes: http://webapp.securetrading.net/coun trycodes.html The account holder’s date of birth. Must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The account holder’s last name. The account holder’s address postcode. Your Merchant Category Code (MCC) is a four-digit number assigned to you by your acquirer. It is used to classify the business by the type of products or services it provides. If you are unsure of the value of your merchant category code, please contact Secure Trading Support (section 8.1). © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 59 / 61 XML Specification This AUTH XML Request example includes the fields mandated by VISA for merchants with category code 6012 (highlighted in bold). A full example can be found in section 2.2.9. <requestblock version="3.67"> <alias>SECURETRADING</alias> <request type="AUTH"> <operation> <sitereference>live2</sitereference> <accounttypedescription>ECOM</accounttypedescription> </operation> <customer> <name> <last>LASTNAME</last> </name> <postcode>TE456ST</postcode> <country>GB</country> <dob>1990-01-01</dob> <accountnumber type="ACCOUNT">ACCOUNTNUMBER</accountnumber> </customer> <billing> <amount currencycode="GBP">9200</amount> <payment type="VISA"> <expirydate>01/2034</expirydate> <pan>4111111111111111</pan> <securitycode>123</securitycode> </payment> </billing> </request> </requestblock> © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 60 / 61 XML Specification 9.3 Settle Statuses Settle status Caption 0 Automatic 1 Manual 10 100 2 3 Description Transaction that has been authorised by card issuer for payment. Secure Trading schedules fraud checks to be performed on the transaction. Settles automatically providing it passes fraud checks performed by Secure Trading (depending on account configuration). Does not require further action from merchant. Can be updated or cancelled. Transaction that has been authorised by card issuer for payment. Settles automatically. AVS & CVV2 and 3-D Secure checks are performed, however transaction is not scheduled for additional Secure Trading internal fraud checks. Does not require further action from merchant. Can be updated or cancelled. Settling Details of this transaction have been sent to the acquiring bank for settlement. Settles automatically. Does not require further action from merchant. Cannot be updated or cancelled. Settled Transaction has been settled into the merchant’s account. Does not require further action from merchant. Cannot be updated or cancelled. Can be refunded (unless all funds have already been refunded). Suspended Transaction is in a suspended state, awaiting further action from the merchant: Will not be settled unless updated by the merchant to settle status ‘0’ or ‘1’. Alternatively, merchants can cancel this transaction by updating the settle status to ‘3’. Transactions can be manually suspended by merchants to prevent settlement, allowing for manual investigation. Secure Trading by default automatically suspends transactions it deems potentially fraudulent or a duplicate of a previous transaction. (You can customize the rules used to suspend transactions by contacting Support, section 8.1) If left in a suspended state Secure Trading will automatically cancel the transaction 7 days after the authorisation date. Cancelled Transaction has been cancelled. When a transaction fails due to an error, the settle status is set to ‘3’. Merchants can manually cancel transactions by updating the settle status to ‘3’. This prevents funds from being settled. Cannot be updated. © Secure Trading Limited 2014 15 October 2014 Page 61 / 61
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