Document 357838

Catechism of the Crisis in the Church
Isn’t there progress in the Faith?
Progress in the doctrine of the Faith is possible only in the sense that the truths of faith
are better understood and explicated. Such a development was predicted by Jesus
Christ for His Church when He said: “But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the
Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things, and bring all things to your
mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you” (Jn. 14:26).
Church of the Child Jesus and St. Joseph
(Society of St. Pius X)
Doesn’t the Holy Ghost teach new truths to the
Revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle. Since then, the Holy Ghost does
not teach new truths, but rather makes the Church enter ever more profoundly into the
truth brought by Christ. Thus revealed truths that played only a secondary role in the
life of the Church at a certain period may assume a primary importance in another age.
The controversies that opposed the Church to heretics also forced her to set forth the
truths of the Faith in a more precise and clear manner, making explicit truths that till
then were implicitly held, but never adding to the deposit of faith [depositum fidei] as
revealed to the Apostles.
What are the rules of this development of the Faith?
The development of doctrine can elaborate that which was taught in the past, but it can
never contradict or modify it. There can be no opposition to what has been taught.
Once a dogma has been defined it cannot later become false, void, or take on a new
When she teaches a new dogma, doesn’t the Church
reveal new truths?
When the Church defines a new dogma, she does not reveal new truths, but she explains and puts the accent in a new manner on that which, fundamentally, has been
always believed. It is always “the same dogma, with the same sense and the same understanding.” The First Vatican Council clearly teaches: “The Holy Ghost has not been
promised to the successors of Peter that under His revelation they should reveal new
doctrine, but that with His assistance they might in a holy manner guard and faithfully
set forth Revelation as transmitted by the apostles, that is to say the deposit of the
Fr. Fullerton, District Superior
St. Mary’s House
13 William Street
Rockdale, NSW 2216
Tel.: (02) 9567 1355
Fax: (02) 9567 1360
(School: Tel: (02) 9597 6956)
Fr. Elias, Prior; Fr. Vachon, Assistant
280 West Botany Street
Rockdale, NSW 2216
Tel.: (02) 9567 7088
(Calling hours: 9-12am; 2-5pm; 8-8.30pm)
Fax: 9567 3228
Tel.: 0402597304 (Emergency only!)
Sundays...7:30-7:50; 9:50-10:20 a.m.
Thursdays…10:30 –10:50 a.m.
1st Fridays...6:30-6:50 p.m.
Saturdays….8:30-8:50 a.m.
Liturgical Offices
Sunday, 19 October: Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost (IIcl)
8:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Low Mass ACI: J. Concepcion; ACII: J. Pepping
Sung Mass
Vespers and Benediction
Monday, 20th October: St John Cantius, C, (IIIcl)
7:15 a.m.
Low Mass
8:45 a.m.
Tuesday, 21 October: Ferial, (IVcl) St Hilarion, Abbot; Sts Ursula & Comp, VM
7:15 a.m.
Low Mass
6:00 p.m.
Benediction followed by Low Mass
Wednesday, 22 October: Ferial, (IVcl),
5:45 am.
6:00 pm.
Low Mass
In your charity please pray for the souls of: Wendy Boland; Paulo Sidoti;
Rona Ryan; Robert Walker; Joshua Bezzina; Stuart Stephenson; Fr. Joseph
de Sainte-Marie, OCD; Maria Carmen Attard; Matthew Sowata; Alma
Baynie; Brian Beckinghem.
Parish Help
Cleaning Roster (25 October): Cembrano
After Mass Tea and Cakes: (26th October): FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING
Other Announcements
Catechism classes: Classes resume today.
7:15 am
Low Mass
100’s Club: Round 6
Thursday, 23rd October: St Anthony Mary Claret, BC, (IIIcl)
Francis Fox
7:15 a.m.
Low Mass
10:00 a.m. Holy Hour
11:00 am Low Mass
Friday, 24 October: St Raphael the Archangel, (IIIcl)
No 7:15 a.m. Low Mass
8:50 am. Low Mass
6:00 p.m. Benediction followed by Low Mass
Saturday, 25th October : Our Lady on Saturdays, (IVcl) Sts Chrysanthus & Daria, Mm
7:15 am.
Low Mass
No 9:00 am Low Mass
5:30 pm
Vespers followed by Benediction
Mrs. Cofini/Roselyn
Sarah Bethtel
The St Joseph Calendar 2015 is now ready for sale after both masses. All
profits go towards the school. See Peta Carlile.
Melbourne Cup Trifectas are now on sale for 50 cents each. Prize is $400.
Please see Patty Poole 4341 8494.
Sunday, 26th October: THE FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING (Icl)
No 8:00 a.m. Mass
10:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Solemn High Mass followed by procession
Vespers and no Benediction
Other Mass Centres (26th October): No Mass at Singleton
10:00 a.m. Sung Mass on 26th October
Refer to noticeboard.
Christ the King will be celebrated on Oct 26 with a Solemn High Mass at 10:00
am, followed by procession and benediction. We will also have a Christ the King of
all Nations meal and ask that anyone who is interested in preparing some food of
their nationality to write their name down on the sheet in the hall.
Fr Fullerton’s latest newsletter is now available at the bulletin stand.
All Saints Parade:
On Sunday the 2nd of November, we will celebrate the Feast of All Saints.
After the 10:30 a.m. Mass, there will be a BBQ, then the All Saints Parade at
1:15 p.m. Games for all will follow. All are welcome.