Knutsford Town Council Town Clerk: Adam Keppel-Garner Council Offices, Toft Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6TA 01565 653929 15th October 2014 To: The Members of Knutsford Town Council Operations Committee Dear Councillor, You are summoned to attend the meeting of Knutsford Town Council Operations Committee to be held at 19:00 on Tuesday 21st October 2014 in the Lower Council Chamber of the Council Offices. Yours sincerely, Adam Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Agenda 1 To receive apologies for absence 2 To note declarations of members’ interests 3 Public Participation A period not exceeding 5 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments th 4 To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9 September 2014 (attached) 5 To consider the committee budget and spending to date (attached) 6 To receive and consider updates on Operational matters a) To consider updates on the Public Toilets b) To consider matters related to Wallwood c) To consider matters related to 60 King Street 7 To consider the purchase of Pear Mapping Software (attached) 8 To consider a business case for an improved Outdoor Market (attached) 9 To consider matters related to the Indoor Market 10 To consider the disposal of old computers and books (attached) 11 To consider an update from the Asset Transfer Working Group (attached) 12 To consider the draft committee budget 2015/16 (attached) 13 Members questions to the Town Clerk 14 To consider the resolutions log (attached) 15 To note the date of the next meeting (02/12/14) Knutsford Town Council Town Clerk: Adam Keppel-Garner Council Offices, Toft Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6TA 01565 653929 Minutes of the th Operations Committee September 9 th 2014 In the Lower Council Chamber, Council Offices, Knutsford O14/035 Present Cllrs Raynes, Gardiner, Forbes, Malloy, Bancroft, Davies and Dean In attendance: A Keppel-Garner (Town Clerk) O14/036 To receive apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllrs C Nicholson (health), P Coan and B Coan (personal business). O14/037 To note declarations of members’ interests Cllr Forbes declared a non-pecuniary interest in item O14/041 on the grounds of being a member of the Transfer of Public Assets Community of Carnegie (UK) Trust and item O14/045a on the grounds of being disabled. Cllr Gardiner declared a non-pecuniary interest in item O14/042 on the grounds of being known to the tenant as a Cheshire East Councillor. Cllr Raynes declared a non-pecuniary interest in item O14/041 as Assets Portfolio holder at Cheshire East Council. Cllr Davies declared a nonpecuniary interest in item O14/041 on the grounds of being known to allotment holders. O14/038 Public Participation A resident addressed the committee with regards to the access to Wallwood and suggested the Council appoint an Officer the responsibility of Equality matters. The resident spoke further regarding St Johns Wood Community Centre and Sports Barn and Open Spaces. O14/039 To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2014 Members resolved to confirm the minutes as a true record, subject to a minor typographical correction to O14/030, and they were duly signed by the chairman. O14/040 To consider the committee budget and spending to date Members noted the budget and spending to date after asking for clarification on current year spends from the Town Clerk. O14/041 To consider an update on asset transfers The Town Clerk reported that the council’s solicitor has been chasing CEC’s solicitor but no progress had been made since the last meeting. O14/042 To consider matters related to 60 King St Members resolved to exclude the public and press on the grounds of the commercial sensitivity of discussions. The managing agent for 60 King St provided an update on the negotiations taking place with regards the rent review. Members resolved to readmit the public and press. O14/043 To consider matters related to the 2020 Vision Action Plan including the target completion dates and working group membership g nd ____________ O14/7 Members resolved to adopt the action plan as submitted subject to the target date for action 4.3 being set to October 2015. Members resolved to establish a working group consisting of Cllrs Bancroft, Forbes and Dean and the Town Clerk to undertake the actions assigned to the Asset Transfer Working Group. O14/044 To receive and consider updates on Operational matters a) To consider updates on the Public Toilets b) To consider an update from the Cemetery working group c) To consider matters related to Wallwood a) Cllr Forbes reported that an agreement had been made with Cheshire East Council regarding the use of the public toilets by parking wardens. b) A report prepared by Cllr Bancroft was circulated and noted. The working group would continue to look into matters and report back. c) Members resolved to undertake the priority A tree works as per the schedule submitted. Members requested the Town Clerk seek further quotations for a single sign at Wallwood for the next meeting. O14/045 To consider matters related to the Indoor Market a) To consider external refurbishment of the Market Hall b) To consider the draft ITT for a rebuild of the Market Hall a) Members resolved to undertake the works outlined with the recommended contractor. 1 Members further resolved that the Town Clerk arrange the installation of external lighting. Members requested the Town Clerk seek further quotations for external signage, in keeping with the conservation area. Members resolved to purchase seating as per option D of the report. b) Members resolved to exclude the public and press due to the commercially sensitive nature of the discussions. Members discussed the draft ITT and it was agreed to make minor changes and seek external input on the document prior to further consideration at the next meeting. Members resolved to readmit the public and press. O14/046 To consider the adoption of the Markets Policy Members resolved to adopt the Markets Policy subject to alterations. O14/047 To consider the resolutions log Members noted the resolutions log and requested the font size be increased. O14/048 To note the date of the next meeting Members noted the date. 1 Cllr Bancroft voted in objection to this resolution. ____________ O14/8 15/10/2014 Knutsford Town Council 16:33 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 15/10/2014 Month No : 7 Page No 1 Committee Report Actual Current Mth Actual Year To Date Current Variance Committed Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Funds Available % of Budget Operations 201 Council Offices 4090 Professional Fees 0 -350 500 4150 Premises Rental 0 2,934 3,750 4165 Cleaning Contracts 0 1,302 2,500 4167 Waste 0 146 250 4180 External contractors 0 1,167 1,500 0 5,198 8,500 3,302 0 135 180 -45 75.0 % 0 135 180 -45 75.0 % 0 5,063 8,320 3,257 Council Offices :- Expenditure 1206 Cleaning Recharges Council Offices :- Income Net Expenditure over Income 205 850 350 500 0.0 % 816 816 78.2 % 1,198 1,198 52.1 % 104 104 58.3 % 333 333 77.8 % 2,952 65.3 % 350 60 King Street 4090 Professional Fees 0 1,519 10,000 8,481 8,481 15.2 % 4170 Building Repairs 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0 % 4180 External contractors 0 619 35,000 34,381 34,381 1.8 % 0 2,138 50,000 47,862 0 15,188 60,748 -45,561 25.0 % 0 15,188 60,748 -45,561 25.0 % 0 -13,050 -10,748 2,302 0 0 300 300 0 0 300 300 0 0 300 300 0 1,977 5,000 3,023 0 1,977 5,000 3,023 0 1,977 5,000 3,023 0 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000 5,000 60 King Street :- Expenditure 1000 Rent income 60 King Street :- Income Net Expenditure over Income 207 4170 Building Repairs Net Expenditure over Income 4090 Professional Fees Net Expenditure over Income 4999 4.3 % 0 300 0.0 % 300 0.0 % 3,023 39.5 % 3,023 39.5 % 5,000 0.0 % 5,000 0.0 % Transfer Fees/Costs Transfer Fees/Costs :- Expenditure 250 47,862 Other Buildings Other Buildings :- Expenditure 232 0 0 Cemetery Misc Costs Cemetery :- Expenditure Net Expenditure over Income 0 Continued on Page No 2 15/10/2014 Knutsford Town Council 16:33 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 15/10/2014 Month No : 7 Committee Report Actual Current Mth 501 Page No 2 Actual Year To Date Current Variance Committed Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Funds Available % of Budget Toilets 4101 Insurance 0 418 0 -418 -418 0.0 % 4155 Contract Costs 0 31,317 44,000 12,683 12,683 71.2 % 0 31,734 44,000 12,266 12,266 72.1 % 1205 Payments recovered 0 418 0 418 0 418 0 418 0 31,317 44,000 12,683 Toilets :- Expenditure Toilets :- Income Net Expenditure over Income 510 0 0.0 % Market Hall / Outdoor Market 4090 Professional Fees 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0 % 4101 Insurance 0 386 450 64 64 85.7 % 4102 Subscriptions 0 159 318 159 159 50.0 % 4152 Business Rates 0 0 700 700 700 0.0 % 4153 Electricity 0 2,305 5,000 2,695 2,695 46.1 % 4160 Water 0 218 1,250 1,032 1,032 17.5 % 4165 Cleaning Contracts 0 0 250 250 250 0.0 % 4166 Cleaning Materials 0 125 250 125 125 50.1 % 4167 Waste 0 1,156 3,600 2,444 2,444 32.1 % 4170 Building Repairs 0 256 6,000 5,745 5,745 4.3 % 4177 Operation Costs 0 46 2,000 1,954 1,954 2.3 % 4185 Compliance Testing 0 1,020 1,550 530 323 79.2 % 4205 Misc Purchases 0 336 2,500 2,164 2,164 13.4 % 4300 Publicity 0 451 2,000 1,549 1,549 22.6 % 4305 Website 0 37 50 13 13 73.6 % 4999 Misc Costs 0 0 12,732 12,732 12,732 0.0 % 0 6,494 40,650 34,156 33,949 16.5 % Market Hall / Outdoor Market :- Expenditure 207 207 1030 Market Hall income 0 9,571 43,500 -33,929 22.0 % 1031 Outdoor Market Income 0 180 0 180 0.0 % 0 9,751 43,500 -33,749 22.4 % 0 -3,257 -2,850 407 0 0 1,500 1,500 0 0 1,500 1,500 0 0 1,500 1,500 Market Hall / Outdoor Market :- Income Net Expenditure over Income 530 4999 Allotments Misc Costs Allotments :- Expenditure Net Expenditure over Income 0 1,500 0.0 % 1,500 0.0 % Continued on Page No 3 15/10/2014 Knutsford Town Council 16:33 Detailed Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 15/10/2014 Month No : 7 Committee Report Actual Current Mth 552 4180 554 4180 External contractors Current Variance Committed Annual Bud Annual Total Expenditure Funds Available % of Budget 0 0 3,000 3,000 0 0 3,000 3,000 0 0 3,000 -3,000 0.0 % River Lily Maintenance :- Income 0 0 3,000 -3,000 0.0 % Net Expenditure over Income 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000 3,000 9,472 -6,472 315.7 % 0 0 3,000 3,000 9,472 -6,472 315.7 % 0 0 3,000 3,000 River Lily Repayments 0 3,000 0.0 % 3,000 0.0 % Wallwood External contractors Wallwood :- Expenditure Net Expenditure over Income 560 Actual Year To Date River Lily Maintenance River Lily Maintenance :- Expenditure 1100 Page No 3 General Operations 4060 Refreshments/catering 0 50 200 150 150 25.0 % 4090 Professional Fees 0 469 500 31 31 93.8 % 4110 Postage 0 600 1,500 900 900 40.0 % 4111 Stationery 0 409 500 91 91 81.8 % 4112 Print 0 146 500 354 354 29.2 % 4120 Computer Equipment 0 1,994 2,000 6 6 99.7 % 4121 Computer Software 0 1,291 1,500 209 209 86.0 % 4127 Photocopier Rental 0 526 952 426 426 55.2 % 4128 Photocopier Usage 0 554 800 246 246 69.3 % 4130 Telephone Line Rental 0 76 175 99 99 43.3 % 4131 Telephone Call Costs 0 42 100 58 58 41.7 % 4132 Broadband 0 173 350 177 177 49.5 % 4133 Mobile Phone Costs 4151 Room Hire Costs 4172 0 207 400 193 193 51.6 % -150 158 500 343 343 31.5 % Equipment Hire 0 30 0 -30 -30 0.0 % 4173 Equipment Purchase 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0 % 4205 Misc Purchases 0 172 0 -172 -278 0.0 % 4995 Refunds 0 -11 0 11 11 0.0 % 4999 Misc Costs 0 155 2,000 1,845 1,845 7.7 % -150 7,040 12,977 5,937 5,831 55.1 % 1999 Misc Income 0 23 0 23 0 23 0 23 -150 7,017 12,977 5,960 Operations :- Expenditure -150 54,581 173,927 119,346 Income 0 25,514 107,428 -81,914 -150 29,067 66,499 37,432 General Operations :- Expenditure General Operations :- Income Net Expenditure over Income Net Expenditure over Income 106 106 0.0 % 10,135 109,211 37.2 % 23.8 % Report to: Operations Committee Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 21st October 2014 7 A Keppel-Garner, Town Clerk, Subject: Pear Mapping Software Background The Town Clerk believes that it would be advantageous to the Council to purchase mapping software to both assist with the completion of some of the Council’s strategic aims and also for the routine management and administration at the Council; including asset management (benches, property, land) and event promotion (where maps are often beneficial). It could also prove useful with the Neighbourhood Plan development. One particular aim of the Council (9.1) is to produce a community asset register identifying the areas of open space in Knutsford and who has responsibility for its management. The software would provide a practical solution to storing and accessing this data. An optional addition to the software is the purchase of Land Registry data; which would be useful when the Council is enquiring as to whether land is registered. This forms both part of aim 9.1 and would be a generally 1 useful resource for the Council . Recommended Software The Town Clerk assessed different software available for the purpose and had the opportunity to speak with Pear Technology at the SLCC National Conference where the software was demonstrated. PT Mapper Pro One Year Tech Support Mastermap Data – a cut out of Knutsford parish data from the provided OS data On Site Training Map Link – bolt on for PT-Mapper Pro enables the linking to databases for data management. Hosting Fee (annual) – to host in Citrix to enable all officers to access software Land Registry Data Total £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 775 125 60 640 300 24 60 1984 The Town Clerk won the first four aspects of the software for £20 in a silent auction at the SLCC Conference 2 and should the Council reimburse this expense the software can be licenced to the Council (saving £1,600) . This reduces the total cost to the Council to £404. All except the hosting fee and tech support are one-off costs. The need for ongoing tech support would be assessed following the elapse of the free tech support period. Decisions Required Does the Committee wish to purchase the software as outlined at a cost of £404? 1 2 Examples being the Environment Committee recently making enquiries over the Cotton Shop Yard and land around the Moor. This represents 4x the cost of the Town Clerk attending the conference. Report to: Operations Committee Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 21st October 2014 8 A Keppel-Garner, Town Clerk Subject: Outdoor Market Introduction & Background The aim of this report is to review the current operation of the Knutsford outdoor market and potential re-launch of an improved and profitable market. The Town Council received a licence to occupy a portion of the land on Silk Mill Street Car Park for the purpose of operating an outdoor market. The licence provision allows a market to take place between 0630 and 2100 on each Tuesday, Friday and Saturday of every week except when such date shall fall on a Bank Holiday. The outdoor market currently comprises a single trader (Fish) on a Friday. The Town Council has received 8 additional expressions of interest to trade on the market without any advertising for traders. Strategic Plan (2020 Vision) Links • Aim 2 - to use other income to the benefit of Knutsford by providing tangible improvements to the town whilst minimising the annual precept required by Knutsford Town Council. It is anticipated that once fully operational the outdoor market would generate a net income to the Town Council which could help reduce the precept. • Aim 4 – undertake appropriate asset acquisitions from CEC to KTC – enhancing facilities and providing an improved service. It is anticipated that the once fully operational the outdoor market would provide a positive retail environment, improve the market offering within Knutsford and help attract additional footfall into the town centre. Options There are three options at present; 1 - No Change The Council could decide not to change market operations and continue the operation of the existing market with a single trader until such time as they wish to quit; at which point the market would close. The Town Clerk does not believe this option is desirable or in accordance with the Council’s aims. 2 - Outsource the organisation of an outdoor market This option would involve no work by the Town Council with the downside that there would be less income to the town council. This option does not present some of the additional benefits outlined in option three. 3 – Operate the outdoor market The Town Clerk believes that this option presents the greatest benefit to the Council. Whilst there would be operational costs incurred it is anticipated that the outdoor market could generate a surplus of approximately £17,000 to £30,000 per year (explored below). This option has the additional benefits of a Market Supervisor taking some responsibility for the operations of the Indoor Market and Christmas Markets which would reduce the time requirements of the Town Clerk and other staff. Risks The primary financial risk is that upon employment, the market supervisor is unable to find enough traders to create a profitable market. This is not expected to the already expressed interest and the buzz a launched market will have. The primary reputational risk is that the outdoor market would be unpopular. This is not expected and recent comments in the Knutsford Guardian have expressed a desire for a regular outdoor market. To mitigate both risks, the market would be reviewed 3, 6 and 12 months from launch. Operational Implications In order to operate an outdoor market it would be necessary to recruit a Market Supervisor to oversee the erection of stalls, collect rents, book stalls and manage the day to day operations of the market. There would be scope for this individual to also take responsibility for some of the day to day operations of the Indoor Market and Christmas Market. There would also be the option of them arranging additional markets should the council wish to host speciality markets. This would be a part time position working 20 hours per week across two days (Friday & Saturday). Anticipated Benefits There are three key benefits to the Town Council in running an Outdoor Market. Financial; the outdoor market would generate a net surplus which will contribute towards reducing the precept and covering the costs of delivery of other council services. Reputational; the outdoor market would help re-build Knutsford’s reputation as one of the key market towns within Cheshire. It would add to the Indoor Market and monthly Artisan Market creating a varied market offering for both visitors and residents alike. Economic; the outdoor market would help to increase footfall into the town centre, giving visitors additional reasons to use the town centre on market days. Stalls would be designed to complement the existing retail offering with the aim of filling gaps for services/products which are not currently met within the town centre in order to encourage shoppers to use Knutsford over other towns. In addition, there is a benefit of the market supervisor taking over some of the administration of the Indoor Market and Christmas Markets which will free up some time from the core officers1 for other projects as the Council does more. Financial Implications It is anticipated that a successful outdoor market would generate income for the Council which would help offset the precept requirement. Income Stall Fees (x20 @ £25, twice per week) 48,000 Expenditure Staff Costs Publicity Electricity Other costs Total Expenditure 14,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 17,500 Surplus 30,500 In year one there would also be costs of purchasing 20 stalls which would cost £8,600. It would be anticipated that the stalls would be erected by the Market Supervisor and the Town Ranger with budget allowing for periods when one or both members of staff were on leave. In year one it would also be necessary to apply for planning permission due to the frequency of the market. Enquiries with planning officers at CEC indicate it does not currently have permission despite its history. The budget above assumes full occupancy for 50 weeks per year. The staff costs include an allowance for additional Town Ranger time expected to be 4 hrs per week. Recommendation The Town Clerk recommends the committee authorise the development of an improved outdoor market as outlined and to recommend to council that a Markets Supervisor is recruited; starting in April. 1 Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk and Mayor’s PA Report to: Operations Committee Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 21st October 2014 10 A Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Subject: Disposal of Old Computers / Books Old Computers The Town Council replaced its old desktop computers in 2013. Since then the old computers have been stored in the Council chamber should they be of any use. The computers were purchased in 2008 and have little resale value. There are three computers and two monitors. The Town Clerk recommends the Council remove all data remaining on the computers and offer them to community organisations at no cost; should no local organisation be interested it is recommended they are donated to a charity shop for resale. Old Books The Town Council holds a multitude of old books, predominantly the “Halsbury’s Statutes of England” from the 1980s and earlier. They are of no practical use to the Council and currently filling cupboards. The Town Clerk recommends that they are listed on eBay for sale (some collections have gone for small amounts, e.g. £50) and if unsold they be disposed of. None of the books hold any apparent historical significance and were predominantly reference books used by the Urban District Council (covering, now outdated, areas of law such as Planning, Housing etc). None of them have local interest. Decisions Required 1) 2) Does the committee wish to dispose of the old computers as recommended? Does the committee wish to dispose of the old books as recommended? Report to: Operations Committee Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 21st October 2014 11 Cllr Neil Forbes Lead Member – Asset Transfer WG Subject: Asset Transfer Background The working group [WG] has met twice, noted its Terms of Reference [ToR] and appointed Cllr Forbes as lead member. Cllrs Forbes gave a background to the previous work on Asset Transfer around 5 years ago. It was highlighted that it is important to keep the process moving or risk wallowing in the lack of resource from CEC. It was noted that St John’s Wood Community Centre was not to be transferred owing to the changes as reported at Ops. A separate working group is investigating the asset transfer of the Council Offices. The Town Clerk and Cllr Goodrich were investigating the transfer of the former Taxi Office for CAB use. The following criteria were established to guide initial decisions on the potential assets. 1) 2) 3) If the town lost the asset, would we be bothered? Can we deliver a better service / facility? How does it feel cost-wise? Parks and Play Areas The working group used Vickers Way Park in Northwich as an example of a traditional park with a wide offering for the community and considered that parks are more than just a play area for young children. An historic report by Cllr B Coan highlighted the following play areas for transfer; Longridge (jnct w/ Mobberley Road), Manor Crescent, Southfields/Shaw Drive and the Moor. Other areas to be considered were North Downs, Longridge (former skate park), St Helena’s, Longridge (jnct w/ Higher Downs), Mobberley Road (adjacent to Dog Lodge), Shaw Heath, Manor Park and the Barncroft. It is believed Council had resolved not to transfer the Moor for the foreseeable future. Taking all into account the WG prioritised them for transfer: A – Seek to transfer B- Consider transfer after priority A C- Low priority; asses if change in circumstances A general principle was agreed that if local residents wanted a play area it would be assigned higher priority. A - Seek to Transfer St Helena / North Downs Ashworth Park B - Not Transfer at present Manor Crescent Mobberley Road C - Consider in future Barncroft Southfields Priority A areas were regarded as high priority with the working group having identified key benefits to the surrounding residents of some form of park being redeveloped at the site. Priority B areas were regarded as offering good potential to create a quality park in the future but with the residents’ needs potentially being met by other facilities close by. Priority C areas were regarded as sufficient at present but would be considered if there was a substantial decline in standard or the areas were at risk of being lost to the public. I WG Recommendations (1-4): 1) 2) 3) 4) That the committee recommend to Council to request the transfer of those in Priority A, subject to business case That the committee recommend to Council that Priority B parks are considered, dependent upon the thoughts of local residents, after the Priority A transfers. That the Priority C parks are monitored for the time being. That no further action is taken with regards all other historical play areas Booths Garden (Priority A) The WG believes that the Council could deliver a substantial improvement to the Booths garden area creating a relaxing open space for both nearby residents (including residential supported housing) and workers in the town seeking quiet place to rest. Recommendation (5): 5) That the committee recommend to Council to request the transfer of Booths Garden subject to business case. Car Parks (Priority A) The WG discussed and agreed that it would be unlikely that CEC would transfer them all. However, agreed that seeking the transfer of Silk Mill St Car Park should be pursued with a view that it could provide the Town Council: • • • • Guaranteed future of outdoor market (currently an area is licensed) Expansion opportunity for the outdoor market Control over parking fees, potentially making it free parking on market days Useful town centre events space Recommendation (6): 6) That the committee recommend to Council to request the transfer of Silk Mill Street Car Park subject to business case. Taxi Office (Priority B) Recommendation (7): 7) That the committee reassess the transfer of the Taxi Office after priority A transfers; with its potential for a positive community space but the previous pressing need of finding CAB a new office has been met by CEC offering them this location; to be reviewed if costs to CAB service (itself funded by KTC from January 2015) are substantially higher than expected. Bus Shelters (Priority C) A low priority transfer, whilst it could offer some benefits to the town they were not substantially high enough at present time. Recommendation is to take no action. Recommendation (8): 8) That no action is taken. Other Assets Using the assessing criteria, St Johns Churchyard, the Library, Bus Station and Woodland near the Moor were all considered and discounted by the WG. Recommendation (9): 9) That the transfer of these assets is not pursued unless matters significantly change. All other assets currently owned by Cheshire East Council and not covered by this report were not considered to offer the Town Council or the town any significant benefits through transfer. Decisions Required The committee should consider the report and the eight recommendations contained therein. Report to: Operations Committee Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 21st October 2014 12 A Keppel-Garner, Town Clerk Subject: 2015/16 Budget Differences by Cost Centre Any significant changes are detailed below 201 – Council Offices 4090 4150 Professional Fees Premises Rental No spend anticipated for 2015/16 Minor increase in rent budgeted for. 2014 budget included additional in anticipation of rent charge for the lower council rooms. CEC have not levied a charge to date. 501 - Toilets 4155 Contract Costs Reduced in line with anticipated spends following usage data 510 – Market Hall The budget for the Market is set to break even with income being equal to expenditure. Note, the staff costs of the Market are under the Personnel budget; so Ops budget shows an apparent surplus. The 4999 Misc Costs budget is a buffer with the aim of keeping it clear that the money belongs to the market; at the yearend it is recommended that this and any other underspend be transferred to an earmarked reserve for the market. 530 – Allotments The budget includes a subsidy of £1,500 from the Council to facilitate improvements in the early years. The 2015 budget now includes allotment income with an equal increase in expenditure as per the approved Council business case. 560 – General Operations 4111 4112 4121 4133 Stationery Print Software Mobile Costs Minor increase Increase to facilitate new Councillors (business cards, badges etc) Increase to allow small budget for new software if needed Increase to allow for Town Ranger’s mobile Reserves Members should consider: a) Recommendation to Finance that the surplus generated by the Indoor Market be transferred to the Market earmarked reserve (currently approx. £10,000) b) Whether the £36,000 held in reserves for the St Johns Wood Community centre is still required; whether it should be earmarked for another project, or released into the general reserve; and make a recommendation to Finance accordingly. Printed on At 16/10/2014 Page No 1 Knutsford Town Council 18:24 Note: (-) Net Expenditure means Income is greater than Expenditure Budget Detail - By Committee Note : Budget Report Last Year Budget Current Year Agreed Budget Actual Revised Budget Next Year Actual YTD Committed Exp. Projected Actual Next Year Budget Operations 201 Council Offices 4090 Professional Fees 4150 500 350 500 500 -350 350 0 0 Premises Rental 3,000 2,925 4,000 3,750 2,934 0 2,934 3,100 4165 Cleaning Contracts 2,450 2,507 2,500 2,500 1,302 0 2,500 2,500 4166 Cleaning Materials 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 4167 Waste 0 0 0 250 146 0 250 250 4171 Equipment Repairs 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4173 Equipment Purchase 0 194 0 0 0 0 0 0 4175 Waste Collection 0 123 0 0 0 0 0 0 4180 External contractors 1,498 3,195 1,500 1,500 1,167 0 1,200 1,500 7,548 9,364 8,500 8,500 5,198 350 6,884 7,350 0 90 180 180 135 0 180 180 Total Income 0 90 180 180 135 0 180 180 Net Expenditure 7,548 9,274 8,320 8,320 5,063 350 6,704 7,170 11,700 6,075 10,000 10,000 1,519 0 10,000 10,000 5,000 1,247 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000 5,000 OverHead Expenditure 1206 Cleaning Recharges 201 205 60 King Street 4090 Professional Fees 4170 Building Repairs Continued on Page 2 Printed on At 16/10/2014 Page No 2 Knutsford Town Council 18:24 Note: (-) Net Expenditure means Income is greater than Expenditure Budget Detail - By Committee Note : Budget Report Last Year Budget 4180 External contractors OverHead Expenditure Current Year Agreed Budget Actual Revised Budget Next Year Actual YTD Committed Exp. Projected Actual Next Year Budget 35,000 26,340 35,000 35,000 619 0 35,000 35,000 51,700 33,662 50,000 50,000 2,138 0 50,000 50,000 1000 Rent income 60,748 60,750 60,748 60,748 15,188 0 60,748 60,748 1999 Misc Income 0 552 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Income 60,748 61,302 60,748 60,748 15,188 0 60,748 60,748 Net Expenditure -9,048 -27,640 -10,748 -10,748 -13,050 0 -10,748 -10,748 300 0 300 300 0 0 0 300 300 0 300 300 0 0 0 300 300 0 300 300 0 0 0 300 5,000 8,829 5,000 5,000 1,977 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 8,829 5,000 5,000 1,977 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 8,829 5,000 5,000 1,977 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000 5,000 205 207 Other Buildings 4170 Building Repairs OverHead Expenditure 207 Net Expenditure 232 Transfer Fees/Costs 4090 Professional Fees OverHead Expenditure 232 250 Cemetery 4999 Misc Costs Net Expenditure OverHead Expenditure 250 Net Expenditure Continued on Page 3 Printed on At 16/10/2014 Page No 3 Knutsford Town Council 18:24 Note: (-) Net Expenditure means Income is greater than Expenditure Budget Detail - By Committee Note : Budget Report Last Year Budget Current Year Agreed Budget Actual Revised Budget Next Year Actual YTD Committed Exp. Projected Actual Next Year Budget 501 Toilets 4090 Professional Fees 0 488 0 0 0 0 0 0 4101 Insurance 0 332 0 0 418 0 418 450 4152 Business Rates 0 3,559 0 0 0 0 0 0 4155 Contract Costs 0 0 0 44,000 31,317 0 41,756 42,000 4999 Misc Costs 44,000 15,487 44,000 0 0 0 0 0 44,000 19,866 44,000 44,000 31,734 0 42,174 42,450 0 332 0 0 418 0 418 450 Total Income 0 332 0 0 418 0 418 450 Net Expenditure 44,000 19,534 44,000 44,000 31,317 0 41,756 42,000 OverHead Expenditure 1205 Payments recovered 501 510 Market Hall / Outdoor Market 4090 Professional Fees 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 500 2,000 4101 Insurance 0 0 0 450 386 0 386 450 4102 Subscriptions 0 0 0 318 159 0 159 318 4152 Business Rates 0 0 0 700 0 0 525 700 4153 Electricity 0 0 0 5,000 2,305 0 3,750 5,000 4160 Water 0 0 0 1,250 218 0 940 1,250 4165 Cleaning Contracts 0 0 0 250 0 0 250 250 Continued on Page 4 Printed on At 16/10/2014 Page No 4 Knutsford Town Council 18:24 Note: (-) Net Expenditure means Income is greater than Expenditure Budget Detail - By Committee Note : Budget Report Last Year Budget Current Year Agreed Budget Actual Revised Budget Next Year Actual YTD Committed Exp. Projected Actual Next Year Budget 4166 Cleaning Materials 0 0 0 250 125 0 250 250 4167 Waste 0 0 0 3,600 1,156 0 2,700 3,600 4170 Building Repairs 0 0 0 6,000 256 0 4,500 6,000 4177 Operation Costs 0 0 0 2,000 46 0 1,000 2,500 4185 Compliance Testing 0 0 0 1,550 1,020 207 1,227 1,000 4205 Misc Purchases 0 0 0 2,500 336 0 600 1,000 4300 Publicity 0 0 0 2,000 451 0 1,500 2,000 4305 Website 0 0 0 50 37 0 37 0 4999 Misc Costs 40,000 0 43,500 12,732 0 0 0 11,760 40,000 0 43,500 40,650 6,494 207 18,324 38,078 40,000 0 43,500 43,500 9,571 0 29,875 41,079 0 0 0 0 180 0 540 720 Total Income 40,000 0 43,500 43,500 9,751 0 30,415 41,799 Net Expenditure 0 0 0 -2,850 -3,257 207 -12,091 -3,721 36,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OverHead Expenditure 1030 Market Hall income 1031 Outdoor Market Income 510 520 St John's Wood CC 4999 Misc Costs OverHead Expenditure 520 Net Expenditure Continued on Page 5 Printed on At 16/10/2014 Page No 5 Knutsford Town Council 18:24 Note: (-) Net Expenditure means Income is greater than Expenditure Budget Detail - By Committee Note : Budget Report Last Year Budget 530 Allotments 4999 Misc Costs Projected Actual Next Year Budget 0 0 1,000 2,250 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0 0 1,000 2,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 Total Income 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 Net Expenditure 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0 0 1,000 1,500 1,000 2,952 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 2,952 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 2,952 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,678 2,730 3,000 3,000 0 0 3,000 3,000 2,678 2,730 3,000 3,000 0 0 3,000 3,000 2,678 2,730 3,000 3,000 0 0 3,000 3,000 Total Income 2,678 2,730 3,000 3,000 0 0 3,000 3,000 Net Expenditure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4180 External contractors OverHead Expenditure Net Expenditure 552 River Lily Maintenance 4180 External contractors OverHead Expenditure River Lily Repayments 552 Committed Exp. 1,500 Grounds - Wallwood 1100 Actual YTD 1,500 550 550 Revised Budget 0 Allotment income 530 Agreed Budget Actual Next Year 1,500 OverHead Expenditure 1020 Current Year Continued on Page 6 Printed on At 16/10/2014 Page No 6 Knutsford Town Council 18:24 Note: (-) Net Expenditure means Income is greater than Expenditure Budget Detail - By Committee Note : Budget Report Last Year Budget 554 Agreed Budget Actual Revised Budget Next Year Actual YTD Committed Exp. Projected Actual Next Year Budget Wallwood Total Income 4180 Current Year External contractors OverHead Expenditure 554 Net Expenditure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,100 914 3,000 3,000 0 9,472 9,972 2,000 1,100 914 3,000 3,000 0 9,472 9,972 2,000 1,100 914 3,000 3,000 0 9,472 9,972 2,000 100 147 200 200 50 0 100 200 0 10 500 500 469 0 500 500 1,800 1,343 1,500 1,500 600 0 1,500 1,500 560 General Operations 4060 Refreshments/catering 4090 Professional Fees 4110 Postage 4111 Stationery 515 709 500 500 409 0 500 600 4112 Print 200 270 500 500 146 0 350 750 4120 Computer Equipment 11,200 52 2,000 2,000 1,994 0 1,898 2,000 4121 Computer Software 1,000 1,240 1,500 1,500 1,291 0 1,500 1,750 4122 Computer Repairs 850 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4127 Photocopier Rental 2,745 2,893 952 952 526 0 952 1,000 4128 Photocopier Usage 800 1,046 800 800 554 0 800 900 4130 Telephone Line Rental 420 162 175 175 76 0 175 175 4131 Telephone Call Costs 200 51 100 100 42 0 100 100 Continued on Page 7 Printed on At 16/10/2014 Page No 7 Knutsford Town Council 18:24 Note: (-) Net Expenditure means Income is greater than Expenditure Budget Detail - By Committee Note : Budget Report Last Year Budget 4132 Broadband 4133 Mobile Phone Costs 4151 Room Hire Costs 4172 Current Year Agreed Budget Actual Revised Budget Next Year Actual YTD Committed Exp. Projected Actual Next Year Budget 160 337 350 350 173 0 350 350 0 353 400 400 207 0 400 580 750 248 500 500 158 0 250 500 Equipment Hire 0 0 0 0 30 0 30 0 4173 Equipment Purchase 0 731 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 1,000 4205 Misc Purchases 0 0 0 0 172 106 278 0 4995 Refunds 0 0 0 0 -11 0 -11 0 4999 Misc Costs 8,940 621 2,000 2,000 155 0 500 2,000 29,680 10,211 12,977 12,977 7,040 106 10,172 13,905 0 9 0 0 23 0 43 0 Total Income 0 9 0 0 23 0 43 0 Net Expenditure 29,680 10,202 12,977 12,977 7,017 106 10,129 13,905 Operations - Expenditure 225,506 88,529 176,777 173,927 54,581 10,135 151,526 169,333 Income 103,426 64,463 107,428 107,428 25,514 0 94,804 106,927 Net Expenditure 122,080 24,066 69,349 66,499 29,067 10,135 56,722 62,406 Total Budget Expenditure 225,506 88,529 176,777 173,927 54,581 10,135 151,526 169,333 Income 103,426 64,463 107,428 107,428 25,514 0 94,804 106,927 Net Expenditure 122,080 24,066 69,349 66,499 29,067 10,135 56,722 62,406 OverHead Expenditure 1999 Misc Income 560 Resolutions Log - Operations 21/10/2014 Date 23/07/2013 Minute O13/012 23/07/2013 O13/019 23/07/2013 O13/021 21/01/2014 O13/064 09/09/2014 09/09/2014 O14/045 O14/045 Subject Livescribe and Clothing Improved meeting facilities Meeting Room Policy Council Offices Sign Action Required Members resolved to defer this item pending a fully-costed proposal from the Personnel Committee Members resolved to defer this item pending confirmation on the licence for use of the two rooms, or ownership of the building Members resolved to defer this item pending confirmation on the licence for use of the two rooms, or ownership of the building Members resolved that the Town Clerk arrange for the installation of a sign at the Council Offices Market (re-render, Members resolved to undertake the works outlined with the recommended remove counter) contractor. Market (lights) Members resolved that the Town Clerk arrange the installation of external lighting. Outstanding Notes Assigned: Personnel Y Report to be presented at December '14 Meeting Y Y N Y Y Assigned: CEC Assigned: CEC Assigned: TC Installed Assigned: TC To be carried out in parallel with below Assigned: TC Quote exceeded delegated authority; to be considered at meeting
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