Suffolk Public Schools Q.U.E.S.T. Independent Project 2014-2015 st 1 Nine Weeks Student’s Name: ________________________________________ School: ______________________________________________ Q.U.E.S.T: 8th Geography Core Teacher: ___________________________ Block: _________ Gifted Resource Teacher: _________________________________ Student Signature _______________________________Date: ____________________ This independent project can be electronically accessed at If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your Gifted Resource Teacher. GRT (KFMS): Debra Curran ____ Email: GRT (JYMS): Linda Perry-Clarke; Pamela Stark Email:; GRT (FGMS/JFKMS): Linda Ellis _ Email: “It’s My Life” Topics 5 Themes of Geography Quest Standards: Q1.1 The students will apply problem solving skills (i.e.: identify problems, formulate hypotheses, generate ideas, employ deductive reasoning, choose and apply solutions) to achieve an outcome or solution to problems. Q1.2 The students will use critical thinking skills (i.e.: inquiry, abstract logical thinking, inductive reasoning, critical analysis, and the ability to find and use information) to achieve understanding, evaluate view points, and solve problems. Q1.3 The students will be able to use effective communication in processing complex problems. Q2.1 The students will be able to identify and utilize inductive and deductive thinking processes. Q2.2 The students will gather and assess relevant information using abstract ideas to interpret the information effectively. Q2.3 The students will arrive at well reasoned conclusions and solutions, testing them against relevant criteria and standards. Geography Standards: WG 1ab: a) The student will use maps, globes, satellite images, photographs, or diagrams to obtain geographical information about the world’s countries, cities, and environments. b) apply the concepts of location, scale, map projection, or orientation. WG 3 b) Explain how regional landscapes reflect the physical environment and the characteristics of their inhabitants Identify and understand the 5 themes of Geography (The Five Themes of Geography were written in 1984 by the Joint Committee on Geographic Education of the National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE) and Association of American Geographers (AAG). They include; location, place, human/environmental interaction, movement, regions. WG 4: The student will locate and analyze physical, economic, and cultural characteristics of world regions (human interaction with environment, criteria for relative importance, physical elements) WG 12ab: a) Use geographic knowledge, skills, and perspectives to analyze problems and make decisions b) Relate current events to the physical and human characteristics of places and regions Essential Questions: How does your culture define your life? How does geography play a role in your daily life and in the lives of others? How does the movement of people influence the culture of a place? How does your culture influence your view of the world? How does using a variety of sources support the process of geographic inquiry? How is relative location used to describe places? In what ways do physical, economic, and cultural characteristics influence regional development? How does your culture shape the way you see yourself, others, and the world? How does your cultural values and beliefs influence the way you personally behave? Why is it important to be aware of the invisible aspects of culture? What are the 5 Themes of Geography? Adapted from NG EDUCATION WEBSITE The Five Themes of Geography were written in 1984 by the Joint Committee on Geographic Education of the National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE) and the Association of American Geographers (AAG) They include; Location (Absolute or Relative) o Absolute location provides a definite reference to locate a place. The reference can be latitude and longitude, a street address, or even the Township and Range system. o Relative location- a location of a place in relation to another place (i.e. south or downhill) Place o Physical Characteristics (e.g. rivers, mountains, topography, animal and plant life) o Human Characteristics (e.g. cultural features of a place, land use, architecture, work, religion, food, folk ways, transportation, communication networks) Human/Environment Interaction- This theme considers how humans adapt to and modify the environment Movement- and migration across the planet Regions- Region divides the world into manageable units for geographic study. Regions have some sort of characteristic that unifies the area. Regions can be formal, functional, or vernacular o Formal regions are those that are designated by official boundaries, such as cities, states, counties, and countries. For the most part, they are clearly indicated and publicly known. o Functional regions are defined by their connections. For example, the circulation area for a major city area is the functional region of that paper. o Vernacular regions are perceived regions, such as "The South," or the "Middle East;" they have no formal boundaries but are understood in our mental maps of the world. “It’s My Life” Songwriters: Jon Bon Jovi, Richard Sambora, Martin Karl Sandberg This ain't a song for the broken-hearted No silent prayer for the faith-departed I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud It's my life, it's now or never I ain't gonna live forever I just want to live while I'm alive It's my life My heart is like the open highway Like Frankie said I did it my way I just wanna live while I'm alive It's my life This is for the ones who stood their ground It's for Tommy and Gina who never backed down Tomorrow's getting harder, make no mistake Luck, it ain't enough, you've got to make your own breaks It's my life, it's now or never I ain't gonna live forever I just want to live while I'm alive [ From: ] Better stand tall when they're calling you out Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down It's my life, it's now or never I ain't gonna live forever I just want to live while I'm alive It's my life My heart is like the open highway Like Frankie said I did it my way I just wanna live while I'm alive It's my life It's now or never I ain't gonna live forever I just want to live while I'm alive It's my life My heart is like the open highway Like Frankie said I did it my way I just wanna live while I'm alive It's my life It's my life My heart is like the open highway Like Frankie said I did it my way I just wanna live while I'm alive It's my life How does the song describe American culture? Do you think this song would apply to other cultures? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ In Geography, we will be studying the cultures of the world. Describe how learning about the different cultures of the world will help you become a better global citizen. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Project Choice/s =100 points One of your projects must answer this “big” question? How does your culture define your life? 50 Points Each My Fun Trips Travel Book Interactive Treasure Hunt PowerPoint Must include: Must include: Answer to the Big Question Three places you would like to visit within 100 miles of Suffolk, VA Map - showing directions to each specific place Description of the relationship between your own culture and the places you visit to include the 5 Themes of Geography Make personal connections - example: I remember when we used to go to the zoo, and we would always stop at Dairy Queen for barbque and an ice cream cone Pictures and text Color and have a neat appearance Answer to the Big Question PowerPoint Presentation for a treasure hunt in Suffolk, VA Ten places that are important to you in Suffolk, VA Include a map and clues for each place Answers to the clues must be included at the end of the presentation Description of the relationship between your own life (culture) and the ten places you have chosen Using each of the 5 Themes of Geography, make a connection with a location for each theme 100 Points Each “It’s My Life” Digital Timeline Movie Must include: Answer to the Big Question Information from your birth to present 5 Themes of Geography describing where you live in terms of the 5 Themes of geography. Map (showing places where you have lived in the world) Your culture to include at least seven of the following items: Holidays, special celebrations, heritage, language, religion, hobbies, favorite pastimes, arts, social groups, education, health, entertainment Music and pictures, embedded in the movie (video clips optional) Must be at least 2 minutes; may not be longer than 3 minutes. Must cite sources and include credits. My Instruction Manual Booklet Must include: Answer to the Big Question Instruction Manual describing how your life and culture operate (Think operator manual) Title page Table of Contents Features (tell about your life) Options (tell about your hobbies and recreation) Trouble Shooting Tips (problem-solving) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Relationship of the 5 Themes of Geography to your own life and culture (must be labeled throughout the booklet) Example: Features-Family-Place Pictures or diagrams and text Color and have a neat appearance Name ______________ Student Independent Project Test Grade Teacher Comments: Project 1 = 50 Points My Fun Trips Travel Book Project 2 = 50 Points Interactive Treasure Hunt PowerPoint Project 3 = 100 Points “It’s My Life” Digital Timeline Movie Project 4 = 100 Points My Instruction Manual Booklet Due Dates Grade (100 point total) Topic choice _______ Project choice________
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