Study on impacts of farmer-led approaches to

Study on impacts of farmer-led approaches to
agricultural research and development (FL-ARD)
supported by civil society organisations
Study on impacts of farmer-led approaches to agricultural research
and development (FL-ARD) supported by civil society organisations
Many of the efforts to transform scientific knowledge into
sustainable agriculture and natural resource management
(NRM) have brought only limited benefits to smallholder
farmers, including fishers, livestock-keepers and other
resource users. Donors, policymakers and civil-society
organisations (CSOs) are urging the formal agricultural
research and development (ARD) sector to make its
research more directly useful to smallholders. Several
ARD institutions are seeking ways to engage more closely
with smallholders and supporting organisations in the
field in order to conduct research that is more relevant
for and accessible to them. These institutions are open to
learn from examples of ARD driven and co-managed by
smallholders in processes facilitated by CSOs outside of the
formal ARD sector, in what could be called “informal” ARD.
The CGIAR Research Program (CRP) Aquatic Agricultural
Systems (AAS) is taking an approach that seeks to embed
research in development processes and, in so doing,
strengthen capacities of stakeholders to innovate and
adapt. Similarly, the CRP Climate Change, Agriculture and
Food Security (CCAFS) seeks to translate knowledge into
action for change through social-learning processes. AAS
and CCAFS have linked up with Prolinnova to explore
the approaches, experiences, outcomes and impacts of
“informal” ARD in the CSO sector. As information on the
process and outcomes of the activities rarely appears
in double-refereed scientific journals, the initial sources
were mainly project reports and articles for development
practitioners as well as – where available – reports on
project evaluations and impact assessments.
The first output of this initiative is a desk study on
“Impacts of farmer-led approaches to agricultural research
and development (FL-ARD) supported by civil society
organisations” (in press). Based on 11 case studies from
Africa, Asia and Latin America selected from over 100
cases identified through Prolinnova’s various networks
and a Web search, the study team assessed the extent
to which farmer- or community-managed processes
of research and innovation in agriculture and NRM led
to improvements in rural livelihoods. It analysed the
impact in terms of food security, ecological sustainability,
economic empowerment, gender relations, local capacity
to innovate and adapt, and influence on “formal” and
“informal” ARD institutions. It then drew lessons related to:
the process of FL-ARD and supporting it;
sharing and spreading results of FL-ARD;
scaling out the FL-ARD process;
scaling up FL-ARD as an approach;
gender and other equity issues; roles of formal
research, advisory services and education;
roles of CSOs; and
roles of funding agencies.
The cases suggest profound, self-reinforcing and longlasting change as a result of FL-ARD that conventional
impact evaluation, when done at all, does not pick up.
The lessons provide guidance for better integration of
“formal” and “informal” research in rural development by
smallholder communities.
by the Prolinnova International Secretariat, ETC Foundation, Netherlands, in partnership with the CGIAR Research
Programs on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) and CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and
Food Security (CCAFS)
October 2014
To be posted soon at:
© 2014. WorldFish. All rights reserved. This publication may be reproduced without the permission of, but with
acknowledgment to, WorldFish.
Contact Details:
CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems
Jalan Batu Maung, Batu Maung, 11960 Bayan Lepas, Penang, MALAYSIA
Photo credits: Front cover, Omar Gallardo/FIPAH Honduras
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