The Times Examiner 2 Memorial Service for Real Daughter Mattie Clyburn Rice Wednesday, October 22, 2014 LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GREENVILLE Sherrill Bullock DeVita and Francis Anthony DeVita, Plaintiffs, vs. Kelly Mari Darling-Quackenbush and Lindsey Rebekah Quackenbush-Young, Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT SUMMONS C.A. No.: 2014-CP-23-4259 PICTURE TAKEN BY JUDY P.SMITH PHOTOGRAPHY Many people from all over the country attended the Memorial Service honoring Real Daughter of the Confederacy Mattie Clyburn Rice on Saturday, October 18, 2014, at Hillcrest Cemetery in Monroe, NC. Wonderful tributes were given in her honor. The Upcountry of South Carolina was represented by 16th SC Color Guard of Honor; 16th Regiment, Camp 36, SCV; SC Division UDC; SC Division CofC; Ann White Chapter 123, UDC; Beulah Meredith Chapter 2237; Hunley Chapter 2667, UDC; Oliver Thompson Chapter 1850, UDC, and Caroline S. Coleman Chapter 537, Children of the Confederacy. Phillip Bowers Running for Pickens County School Board District 2 Includes Six Mile, Norris, Central areas Phillip Bowers Bowers is a lifelong resident and has experience on the State Board of Education and the S.C. Education Oversight Committee. He’s been involved with the Republican Party for over twentyyears and has served as Pickens County chairman for seven years. He graduated from Daniel High School, received a bachelor’s de07-09-14 COME SEE OUR NEW HOMES! 03-11-15 BEST PRICE AND QUALITY ON CATERING for ater ch C e W ur e, Ch Hom Office and Lunch Special 1 Meat 3 Veggies - $5.29 Tea included ALL DAY!! gree from Southern Wesleyan University, and a master’s degree from Clemson University. Bowers is married with one son and one granddaughter, and an active member of Grace United Methodist Church. Bowers says he’ll promote conservative principles like faith in God, love for American, ethical behavior, and a Biblical view of marriage and sexuality. On the prayer issue, Bowers said, “Prayer at school board meetings is a tradition and the board should not have coward to outsiders, and if elected I will stand against antireligious extremists, and insist prayers be reflective of our Christian community.” He believes we are allowing liberal influences to overtake our schools and conservatives must get involved to stem the tide. He has opposed Common Core since first introduced and was one of only four State Board of Education members to vote against adopting Common Core. “I will continue to stand against outsiders trying to control our educational system”. Bowers has over 30-years private sector business experience. 719 Sulphur Springs Rd. • Greenville, SC 29617 Ask for Cindy • Phone: 864-246-1008 The Radio 09-02-15 3400-D Rutherford Road Ext. Taylors, SC 29687 Practical teaching From God’s Word 864-322-2622 24 Hr. Urgent Care Line by Pastor Ken Rainey with a message of Hope for the World “Quality Instruments, Quality Care.” Weddings • Commercial • Reunions Sports • Anniversaries • Portraits 2148 Cooks Bridge Road Fountain Inn, SC 29644 He points out that all his opponents get significant household income from the government, either from employment with the school district or other government agencies. “I believe we need folks from outside the government for real reform and solutions to financial and management problems on the board.” In addition to a focus on values, Bowers also wants to increase emphasis on elementary reading, Career and Technology, and cost management focusing dollars on the classroom. Bowers says students must read well to succeed in life. He believes we should teach children how do build and repair things and our career and technology program does that and must be supported. He says the board must do a better job of planning and use financial resources effectively. “There is not an unlimited supply of money, and the board must prioritize spending on the classroom”. If elected, he said his spending priorities will be competitive teacher pay, reading programs, and career and technology. Bowers can be reached at www.Phillip or 868-2789. 864-409-3067 02-11-15 ST 03-19-14 03-04-15 2403 WADE HAMPTON BLVD. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is attached hereto and herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to same upon the subscribed at 178 West Main Street, Post Office Box 3547, Spartanburg, South Carolina 29304, within thirty (30) days after the service of same, exclusive of the day of such service. If you fail to answer same within thirty (30) day period, Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein and judgment will be taken against you by default. COMPLAINT C.A. No.: 2014-CP-23-4259 Plaintiffs, Sherrill Bullock DeVita and Francis Anthony DeVita, by and through their attorneys, Harrison, White, Smith & Coggins, P.C., complaining of Defendants, Kelly Mari Darling-Quackenbush and Lindsey Rebekah Quackenbush-Young, would respectfully show this Court the following: GENERALALLEGATIONS 1. The parties hereto, subject matter hereof and all matters and things hereinafter alleged are within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court. 2. Plaintiffs, Sherrill Bullock DeVita, (hereinafter “Mrs. DeVita”) and Francis Anthony DeVita (hereinafter “Mr. DeVita”) were at all times hereinafter mentioned citizens and residents of Greenville County, State of South Carolina. 3. Defendants, Kelly Mari Darling-Quackenbush (hereinafter “Mrs. Darling-Quackenbush”) and Lindsey Rebekah Quackenbush-Young (hereinafter “Ms. Quackenbush-Young”), are and were at all times hereinafter mentioned citizens and residents of Greenville County, State of South Carolina. 4. On or about August 17, 2011, Plaintiff, Mrs. DeVita, was operating a 2001 Dodge vehicle and was traveling in Greenville County, South Carolina, in a southbound direction on Haywood Road, turning left onto Interstate 385 south. At or about the same time, Mrs. DarlingQuackenbush, traveling on Haywood Road in a northbound direction, in Ms. Quackenbush-Young’s 1990 four-door Chevrolet vehicle, disregarded a traffic signal and collided with Mrs. DeVita’s 2001 Dodge vehicle, causing Mrs. DeVita to suffer injuries and damages as described herein. FOR A FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION AS TO DEFENDANT KELLY MARI DARLINGQUACKENBUSH (NEGLIGENCE) 5. Plaintiffs incorporate herein by reference each and every allegation set forth hereinabove as if repeated verbatim. 6. Defendant, Mrs. Darling-Quackenbush, was negligent, careless, willful, wanton, reckless and grossly negligent as follows, to wit: (a) In failing to maintain a proper lookout; (b) In driving too fast for conditions; (c) In failing to properly maintain her vehicle; (d) In failing to keep her vehicle under safe and proper control; (e) In failing to obey a traffic signal; (f) In failing to apply her brakes safely and properly to avoid collision and (g) In failing to exercise the degree of care and caution that a reasonably prudent driver would have exercised under the conditions then and there existing. All of which were the direct and proximate cause of the injuries and damages sustained by Plaintiffs herein and were in violation of the statutory and common law of the State of South Carolina. FOR A SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (NEGLIGENT ENTRUSTMENT) 7. Plaintiffs incorporate herein by reference each and every allegation set forth hereinabove as if repeated verbatim. 8. Defendant, Ms. Quackenbush-Young, was negligent in entrusting the use of her automobile to Defendant, Mrs. Darling-Quackenbush, when Defendant, Ms. Quackenbush-Young, knew or should have known that Mrs. Darling-Quackenbush was not a competent and qualified driver. 9. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant, Ms. QuackenbushYoung’s negligent entrustment of said automobile, Plaintiffs suffered injuries and damages as set forth herein. FOR A THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION FAMILY PURPOSE DOCTRINE 10. Plaintiffs incorporate herein by reference each and every allegation set forth hereinabove as if repeated verbatim. 11. Plaintiffs allege that the car driven by Mrs. Darling-Quackenbush was at all times relevant hereto owned by Defendant, Ms. QuackenbushYoung. 12. Plaintiffs allege that the Defendant, Ms. Quackenbush-Young, owned and provided said vehicle for the regular use and benefit of family members, including Defendant, Mrs. Darling-Quackenbush. 13. Plaintiffs allege that at the time of the collision Mrs. DarlingQuackenbush was operating the automobile owned by Ms. Quackenbush-Young for a family purpose and therefore, Ms. Quackenbush-Young is liable for the negligence and/or recklessness of Defendant, Mrs. Darling-Quackenbush. FOR A FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION (LOSS OF CONSORTIUM) 14. Plaintiffs incorporate herein by reference each and every allegation set forth hereinabove as if repeated verbatim. 15. Plaintiff, Mrs. DeVita, is now, and was at all times pertinent herein, a citizen and resident of Greenville County, South Carolina and the loving spouse of Plaintiff, Mr. DeVita. 16. That as a result of injuries to Plaintiff, Mrs. DeVita, Plaintiff, Mr. DeVita, was deprived of society, companionship, consortium, and services of his wife, Plaintiff, Mrs. DeVita. 17. Accordingly, Plaintiff, Mr. DeVita, has been damaged and believes that he is entitled to judgment against Defendants for compensatory damages in regard to his loss of consortium claim in such amount as determined appropriate by a trial of this case. 18. As the direct and proximate result of the collision, Plaintiff Mrs. DeVita suffered serious, painful and permanent personal injuries all of which necessitated appropriate hospital and other medical care which has caused Plaintiff Mrs. DeVita to incur substantial medical expenses and to suffer severe pain and discomfort. Plaintiff Mrs. DeVita has been permanently injured and her ability to earn income may have been greatly reduced and her ability to enjoy life has been adversely affected. WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs pray for judgment against Defendants for actual and punitive damages in an appropriate amount, for the cost of this action, and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper as to Plaintiff, Mrs. DeVita, and for actual damages in an appropriate amount, for loss of consortium, for the cost of this action, and for such other relief as the Court may deem just and proper as to Plaintiff, Mr. DeVita. HARRISON, WHITE, SMITH & COGGINS, P.C. Thomas A. Killoren, Jr. SC Bar No. 69490 Post Office Box 3547 178 West Main Street Spartanburg, South Carolina 29304 (864) 585-5100 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 10-22-14
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