BOARD MEETING AGENDAS AGENDA BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014, AT 9:00 A.M. LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1800 E. WARDLOW ROAD LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Public Comment: GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS CONCERNING NON-AGENDA ITEMS AND OTHER ITEMS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE BOARD. EACH PERSON WILL BE ALLOWED FIVE MINUTES UNLESS EXTENDED BY THE BOARD. 3. Approval of Minutes – October 2, 2014 4. Review Board Meeting Schedule for November 2014 Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 5. President’s Report Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 6. General Manager’s Report Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 7. Consent Calendar: a. Approval of Transfer of Funds by Journal Entry Dated October 16, 2014 b. Adopt Specifications WD-10-12 for the J. Will Johnson Tank No. 1 Rehabilitation Project and authorize the General Manager to sign a construction contract with Paso Robles Tank, Inc., in the amount of $760,680.00 8. Authorization to attend the sixth annual CORO Water Conference, Tuesday, November 18, 2014, at the Taglyan Complex, Los Angeles, California Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 9. Create the Synthetic Turf Pilot Program, which would provide an incentive to replace grass lawns with synthetic turf Matthew P. Lyons, Director of Planning and Conservation. 10. Board update on Long Beach Water Department’s progress towards meeting the 20 x 2020 targets imposed on retail water agencies by SBx7-7 legislation Matthew P. Lyons, Director of Planning and Conservation. 11. Discussion regarding creation of one or more Board of Water Commissioner standing committees Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 2 12. Report of the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Board Meeting on October 14, 2014 13. Legislative/Public Affairs Issues Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 14. New Business 15. Adjournment to the next Regular Meeting, Thursday, November 6, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Room at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA. Written materials relating to any item on the Commission's agenda which are submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the Water Department Administration Offices located at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA 90807. October 16, 2014 Page 3 If language interpretation for non-English speaking persons is desired or if a special accommodation is desired pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Charter Commission meeting. Kung ang pasalitang pagsasalin-wika para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles ay hinahangad o kung ang isang natatanging kaluwagan ay hinahangad alinsunod sa Batas sa mga Amerikanong May Kapansanan, mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon sa Karta. Si desea una interpretación en otro idioma para las personas que no hablan inglés o si se desea una adaptación especial de acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidad, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión de Estatutos. If language translation of the Commission agenda and minutes for non-English speaking persons is desired please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Commission meeting. Kung ang pagsasalin-wika ng adyenda at mga katitikan ng Komisyon ay hinahangad para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 pitong oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon. Si desea obtener la traducción lingüística de la agenda y las actas de la Comisión para las personas que no hablan inglés, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 2, 2014 The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Long Beach met in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, California, on October 2, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by President Saltzgaver. PRESENT: Harry Saltzgaver Frank Martinez John Allen Robert Shannon Arthur Levine Richard Anthony Kevin L. Wattier Sandra L. Fox B. Anatole Falagan Kaylee Weatherly Paul T. Fujita Tai Tseng Matthew P. Lyons Eric Leung Robert Verceles Abelardo Rendon Jennifer Rojas Dipak Bhagat Dynna Long Joyce Barkley Brianna Pagan Evana Gendron Chris Wilkerson Kelly Wilkerson Mike Arnold ABSENT: 1. Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Deputy City Attorney General Manager Secretary to the Board of Water Commissioners Assistant General Manager Assistant to the General Manager Director of Finance Director of Operations Director, Planning & Conservation Director of Engineering Division Engineer Division Engineer Procurement & Warehouse Officer Telemetry Systems Superintendent Office Administrator Water Conservation Specialist Planner II – Non-Career Business Systems Specialist IV LBWD Retiree Spouse of Chris Wilkerson Legislative Advocacy Consultant NONE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dynna Long led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT President Saltzgaver opened the public comment period. As there were no requests to address the Board on non-agenda items, the public comment period was closed. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 2 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES September 18, 2014 President Saltzgaver instructed the Board to consider approval of the updated September 18, 2014 minutes they had received electronically. He called for comments or corrections. Commissioner Allen made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 18, 2014 meeting. Commissioner Shannon seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for the vote. The minutes were approved by a 4-1 vote (Commissioner Levine abstained). 4. STAFF RETIREMENT – CHRIS WILKERSON Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners President Saltzgaver acknowledged the celebration of Chris Wilkerson’s retirement after a total of 32 years and 6 months of service. He gave a summary of Chris’s service, noting his many accomplishments and plans for the years ahead. Commissioner Levine expressed his thanks to Chris for his distinguished service over the years. He noted it was people like Chris who make the Long Beach Water Department so strong. Chris commented on his career with the City and the Long Beach Water Department. Chris was presented with a retirement plaque and a resolution from the Board of Water Commissioners. Commemorative photos were taken during the presentation. The General Manager congratulated Chris on his retirement. He also reported that during the last fiscal year that there had been no category 1 or 2 sanitary sewer overflows. He noted this was a record in the history of the department since they had taken over the city’s sewer system in 1998. He attributed this to Chris’s involvement in instituting a program of the use of smart covers on problem sewer areas throughout the city. 5. ELECTION OF OFFICERS – PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, SECRETARY President Saltzgaver stated that he would accept nominations for position of President of the Board of Water Commissioners. Commissioner Martinez nominated Harry Saltzgaver to a second term as Board President. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 3 President Saltzgaver asked if there were any other nominations for President. Hearing none he closed the nominations for President and called for the vote. President Saltzgaver was unanimously elected as President to the Board. President Saltzgaver stated that he would accept nominations for position of Vice President of the Board of Water Commissioners. Commissioner Levine nominated Frank Martinez for the position of Board Vice President. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any other nominations for Vice President. Hearing none he closed the nominations for Vice President and called for the vote. Vice President Martinez was unanimously elected as Vice President to the Board. President Saltzgaver stated that he would accept nominations for position of Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners. Commissioner Shannon placed the name of Art Levine in nomination for the position of Secretary President Saltzgaver asked if there were any other nominations for Secretary. Hearing none he closed the nominations for Secretary and called for the vote. Art Levine was unanimously elected as Secretary to the Board. President Saltzgaver thanked the officers for their service in advance. 6. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners President Saltzgaver reported he had attended the Camp Fire annual benefit auction on September 25, 2014. He noted they had thanked the Long Beach Water Department for its effort in providing access to recycled water at their Camp Shiwaka. 7. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager SEPTEMBER 2014 WATER SALES REVIEW Mr. Wattier noted that water sales in September 2014 were a record low for the month of September since 1965, even with an approximate 30% increase in the population. He also commented on the higher than normal temperatures experienced in September 2014. He reviewed September 2014 water usage data which indicated it was 19.0% below the historical average. He reported the demand in the current fiscal year was 14.1% below the historical average; and twelve month demand was 14.1% below the historical average. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 4 He noted discrepancies in recent local press reports regarding gallons-per-capita per day (gpcd) usage; and noted how these statistics were computed – some for residential use only; and others for total water used within an agency’s system divided by the population statistics. He advised that this type of discrepancy had occurred in a recent LA Daily News article where they had compared Los Angeles and Long Beach usage incorrectly. He noted the newspaper had advised they would be printing a correction to this report. Mr. Wattier reported that GPCD data will be part of the State’s required information to be reported by water agencies on a monthly basis, so he noted the media would probably be using this data more often in their news articles. Commissioner Levine commended staff in getting out the need for conservation message; and the cooperation of the citizens in complying with this request which had led to this record low water usage statistic. Commissioner Allen attempted to make a comment on the record, but his microphone was not switched on. President Saltzgaver inquired what one billing unit equates to; and asked how difficult it would be to have this information added to the monthly bills. Mr. Wattier responded that one billing unit equals 748 gallons of water. He noted that staff had requested several months ago that the people who produce the monthly bills add billing units to the monthly bills. He asked Mr. Falagan to provide an update on this request. Mr. Falagan noted the request to modify the printed bill to include the conversion to gallons was part of a package of modifications that were currently being reviewed and tested prior to having the printing contractor put them into production. He anticipated the proposed package of changes to the bill would be implemented within the next two months. Mr. Wattier advised that as there is more and more focus on GPCD data it would be very useful to the consumer to have this information included on their monthly bills. President Saltzgaver inquired how the LBWD Water Waster app had been functioning; and inquired if reports had fallen off. Mr. Lyons advised that Ms. Keyes would be better able to respond to this inquiry but she was not in attendance at the meeting. He advised that the reports from the app were included in the conservation water waster database, and that these reports were continuing to come in at record levels. Mr. Wattier advised that staff would get back to the Board with the Water Waster app data. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 5 METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT (MWD) BOARD MEETING MINUTES Mr. Wattier updated the Board regarding their inquiry regarding receipt of copies of the Metropolitan Water District board minutes. He reported that MWD normally finalizes their monthly Board meeting minutes and then takes them to their Board for approval at their next Board meeting. Once their Board approves the meeting minutes, the MWD Board Secretary forwards them to the LBWD Board Secretary for distribution. He advised the September 9, 2014 MWD Board meeting minutes had not yet been received as they are scheduled for approval at the next MWD Board meeting that will not take place until October 14th. He advised that staff hoped to have these for distribution to the Board at the next board meeting following MWD’s distribution. Commissioner Shannon inquired if it is MWD’s position that draft minutes are not subject to the Brown Act. Deputy City Attorney Anthony advised he had not specifically asked MWD their opinion on minutes as it relates to the Brown Act. There was discussion regarding if MWD posts their minutes for approval with their meeting packets. Mr. Wattier advised that he does not receive their Board packets, but he advised he had not seen their minutes included in their online board packets. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to have Deputy City Attorney Anthony send a letter to the MWD Attorney asking for their official position as it relates to draft minutes. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or comments regarding this motion. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT DIRECTOR REPORT Mr. Wattier advised that he had passed on the Board’s request to the Long Beach MWD Director, Suja Lowenthal, to come to future Board meetings to provide MWD updates. He noted that her response to this request was unclear. He advised we would have to see if she decides to attend future Board meetings. METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT SHORTAGE ALLOCATION Mr. Wattier reported that MWD plans to update their Shortage Allocation Plan before December 2014, in anticipation of activation of this plan in the spring of 2015. He noted there are ongoing conversations regarding the baseline to be used for calculations. It will change from 2004-2006 to 2013-2014 (MWD fiscal years). He Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 6 expressed concern as to how conservation responses in those years will be accounted for so as not to harm agencies that conserved water. He advised the Board that the current Plan has no provisions for replenishment water to the groundwater basins. He noted this matter is currently unresolved. He noted this was critically important to LBWD, as 60% of our water supply is from the Central Groundwater Basin. He reported that other pumpers in the basin are also concerned regarding this matter. Commissioner Allen inquired what the positions of Los Angeles and Orange County were regarding replenishment. Mr. Wattier advised that Los Angeles does not favor any form of replenishment; and the Metropolitan Water District of Orange County has a more nuanced position – they want some form of replenishment, but do not have a clear position. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WATER COMMITTEE ANNUAL MEETING & DINNER Mr. Wattier reported the Southern California Water Committee would be holding their annual meeting and dinner on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at the Sheraton Universal Hotel in Universal City. He noted as part of the department’s annual membership we have access to a table for this event. He noted the keynote speaker would be Senate President pro Tempore-elect, Kevin de Leόn, and that the Honorable Harriett Wieder Water Leadership Award Recipient would be honored that evening. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: AGENDA ITEM 8. HELD OVER FROM SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 BOARD MEETING: AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH MICHAEL J. ARNOLD AND ASSOCIATES FOR STATE LEGISLATIVE AND ADVOCACY SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2014 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier introduced Mr. Michael J. Arnold to the Board. Mr. Arnold gave a presentation highlighting the legislative activities completed by his firm on behalf of the Long Beach Water Department over the past year. He provided three handouts to the Board: 1) 2014 Legislative Highlights; 2) Legislative Status Report; and 3) Summary of Proposition 1 (the Water Bond). He noted the respect afforded the Long Beach Water Department in the legislature through the efforts of Mr. Wattier and in conjunction with his firm. Commissioner Shannon thanked Mr. Arnold for an excellent presentation, and requested that he make this a yearly presentation. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 7 Commissioner Shannon asked for an assessment of the opposition to Proposition 1. Mr. Arnold noted that opposition is primarily from the Northern California region and the interested parties in the Klamath basin. President Saltzgaver called for any further questions for Mr. Arnold. Hearing none he called on Mr. Wattier for a staff report regarding agenda item 8. Mr. Wattier advised the agreement was to continue State Legislative and Advocacy services with Michael J. Arnold and Associates for one year (October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015). Commissioner Shannon made a motion to execute an Agreement with Michael J. Arnold and Associates for State Legislative and Advocacy Services for the period beginning October 1, 2014 and ending September 30, 2015. . The motion was seconded by Commissioner Allen. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any further questions or discussion regarding the agenda item. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or discussion regarding the Consent Calendar items. Commissioner Levine requested that item 9e. be pulled for discussion. Commissioner Allen made a motion to adopt Consent Calendar items 9a. through 9d. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Shannon. Commissioner Martinez requested clarification on the selection process for Consent Calendar item 9d. Mr. Leung noted the various actions involved in the selection process used to evaluate the proposals for Consent Calendar item 9d. President Saltzgaver called for any further questions or public comment regarding Consent Calendar items 9a. – 9d. Hearing none, he called for the vote. The motion passed unanimously. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 8 9a. Approval of Transfer of Funds by Journal Entry Dated October 2, 2014 A communication was presented to the Board from Paul Fujita, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 9b. Approve Retirement Order No.6121 for items that have become obsolete or unrepairable during the current year, and authorize the removal of these items from the Department’s fixed asset records. These items will not be sold at auction A communication was presented to the Board from Paul Fujita, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 9c. Approve Retirement Order No.6122 for items that have become obsolete or unrepairable during the current year, and authorize the removal of these items from the Department’s fixed asset records. These items will not be sold at auction A communication was presented to the Board from Paul Fujita, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 9d. Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with HDR, Inc., to provide engineering design services for the SCADA Master Plan Study Project, in an amount not-to-exceed $228,600 A communication was presented to the Board from Eric Leung, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 9e. Authorize the General Manager to execute transfer payment(s) to the City of Long Beach Fleet Services Bureau (Fleet Services) for the removal and replacement of the emergency generator fuel tank at the Groundwater Treatment Plant, in an amount not to exceed $409,216 President Saltzgaver called on Commissioner Levine to comment on Consent Calendar item 9e. that he had requested be pulled from the Consent Calendar. Commissioner Levine requested clarification on how the process works when a LBWD repair is being made by another city department. Mr. Wattier commented on the fact that Fleet Services had been tasked with coordinating the replacement of fuel tanks throughout the city under an order that was in place. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 9 Mr. Anthony advised it is perfectly legal for city departments to contract with each other to do work on their behalf. He noted he was unfamiliar with the order in place regarding replacement of fuel tanks. Mr. Tseng provided background on the fuel tank replacement order, and how Fleet Services would be coordinating this repair for the Long Beach Water Department to ensure compliance. Commissioner Levine inquired if the Long Beach Water Department was the sole beneficiary of the replacement fuel tank. Mr. Tseng responded yes. Note: Commissioner Martinez left the meeting at 9:45 A.M. President Saltzgaver called for additional questions or comments. Hearing none he called for a motion. Commissioner Levine made a motion to approve Consent Calendar item 9e. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Shannon. President Saltzgaver called for a vote on the motion. The motion passed unanimously to approve Consent Calendar item 9e. The vote was 4 yes; 1 absent. A communication was presented to the Board from Tai Tseng, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 10. APPROVAL OF SPONSORSHIP OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF LONG BEACH 19TH ANNUAL CEMETERY TOUR INCLUDING A DISPLAY INTERPRETING THE LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT’S HISTORY, AND THE ROLE OF WATER IN LONG BEACH Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Note: Commissioner Martinez returned to the meeting at 9:48 A.M. Mr. Wattier provided background on the sponsorship request for the Historical Society’s 19th annual cemetery tour. Commissioner Shannon inquired what the LBWD would receive for the sponsorship. Mr. Wattier explained the department was entitled to a booth at the event; and a historical display would be included at the event covering the history of Long Beach Water and its role in the city’s development. President Saltzgaver noted that the event location is below the hill where the first source of water for the City of Long Beach was located. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 10 President Saltzgaver asked if there were any other questions or comments regarding agenda item 10. Commissioner Levine made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Shannon that the Board approve a sponsorship of the Historical Society of Long Beach 19th Annual Cemetery Tour including a display interpreting the Long Beach Water Department’s history, and the role of water in Long Beach. President Saltzgaver called for the vote. The motion passed unanimously. 11. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. WD-1329 AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH CDWG, UNDER THE PURCHASE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED IN THE EXISTING TCPN COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT, FOR THE PURCHASE OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TO CUMULATIVELY NOT EXCEED $120,000 PER YEAR WITHOUT BOARD APPROVAL, SUBJECT TO TWO (1) YEAR RENEWALS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE GENERAL MANAGER Monya Hawkins, Manager Information Technology Mr. Falagan provided background information regarding the Cooperative Purchasing agreement process. He explained his comments would cover both agenda item 11. And 12. since they were both requests to purchase items through this type of agreement. He noted the Board approval on February 17, 2011 to allow purchases under the TCPN, cooperative purchasing network program set up for governmental agencies. He advised the purchases with both CDWG and GovConnection would be for computer equipment and peripherals to be installed at both the Treatment Plant and the Administration building. He noted that depending on pricing, availability and delivery the purchases could be made with either vendor (CDWG or GovConnection). Mr. Falagan pointed out that the board letter for this agenda item had incorrectly identified the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement as CDWG in both the title and option 1. He advised it should have read TCPN. President Saltzgaver explained that since these items were resolutions they would require a roll call vote, and would be voted on separately. Mr. Anthony reminded the President that prior to the vote on the last agenda item he had failed to request public comment. President Saltzgaver asked for questions or comments from the Board regarding agenda item 11. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 11 Commissioner Levine asked if this was a renewal of an existing agreement. Mr. Falagan advised that the department had had previous agreements with these two companies, but the requests on today’s agenda were new agreements. President Saltzgaver called for a motion. Commissioner Allen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Martinez to adopt Resolution No. WD-1329 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Purchase Agreement with CDWG, under the purchase conditions specified in the existing TCPN Cooperative Purchasing Agreement, for the purchase of computer equipment to cumulatively not exceed $120,000 per year without board approval, subject to two (1) year renewals at the discretion of the General Manager. President Saltzgaver called for any additional questions, comments or public comment. Hearing none he called for a Roll Call vote. A Roll Call vote was taken as follows: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: FRANK MARTINEZ; JOHN ALLEN ROBERT SHANNON; ARTHUR LEVINE HARRY SALTZGAVER NONE NONE NONE The motion carried unanimously. 12. ADOPT RESOLUTION WD-1330 AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH GOVCONNECTION UNDER THE PURCHASE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED IN THE EXISTING TCPN COOPERATIVE PURCHASING NETWORK AGREEMENT (TCPN) TO PURCHASE COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TO CUMULATIVELY NOT EXCEED $120,000 PER YEAR WITHOUT BOARD APPROVAL, SUBJECT TO TWO (1) YEAR RENEWALS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE GENERAL MANAGER Monya Hawkins, Manager Information Technology President Saltzgaver advised that agenda item 12. was exactly like agenda item 11. except for the vendor name change. Commissioner Allen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Levine to adopt Resolution WD-1330 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Purchase Agreement with GovConnection under the purchase conditions specified in the existing TCPN Cooperative Purchasing Network Agreement (TCPN) to purchase Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 12 computer equipment to cumulatively not exceed $120,000 per year without board approval, subject to two (1) year renewals at the discretion of the General Manager. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions, comments from the Board or the public. Hearing none he called for a Roll Call vote. A Roll Call vote was taken as follows: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: FRANK MARTINEZ; JOHN ALLEN ROBERT SHANNON; ARTHUR LEVINE HARRY SALTZGAVER NONE NONE NONE The motion carried unanimously. 13. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. WD-1331 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. WD-1315, CREATING OFFICES AND POSITIONS IN THE PERMANENT SERVICE OF THE LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION FOR SUCH OFFICES AND POSITIONS, AND RESCINDING ALL OTHER RESOLUTIONS OR ORDERS RELATING THERETO B. Anatole Falagan, Assistant General Manager Mr. Falagan advised that the presentation regarding agenda item 13. would be provided by Ken Bott, Administrative Officer and Tai Tseng, Director of Operations. Mr. Bott provided background on the Salary Resolution for the Long Beach Water Department. He gave an overview of the purpose of the Salary Resolution, and the types of changes affecting classifications that would prompt the Board’s review and consideration of changes to the resolution. He noted that two specific changes were being considered. The first was a new classification of Utility Electrician and Utility Electrical Supervisor. The second was changing the certification requirements for the Water Treatment Operator III, IV and Water Treatment Supervisor classifications. The other changes proposed were administrative corrections to the resolution. Mr. Tseng provided an overview of the challenges faced by LBWD using the current City classification of Electrician. He summarized the requirements for performing electrical work at LBWD, noted the difference in skills required when compared to the City classification, and summarized the requirements for the two (2) new classifications proposed. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 13 Mr. Tseng also gave an overview of current certification requirements for Operations staff in the Treatment Plant Control Room and in response to incidents affecting the Distribution system. He noted how incorporating certifications that are currently compensated as skill pays into the basic requirements for the Water Treatment Operator III, IV, and Water Treatment Supervisor classifications would increase staff availability for rotation assignments and operational efficiencies. Mr. Bott noted the compensation analysis that was done to establish proposed salary grades for the new Electrician positions. He also gave an overview of the proposed grade change that would reflect the incorporation of the skill pay into the base pay for the affected Water Treatment Operator classifications. Mr. Bott advised the next step would be to submit the revised Salary Resolution to the City Council for approval. Then staff would work with the City’s Human Resources Department and Civil Service Department to create/amend classifications and subsequent salary ranges. Mr. Falagan provided closing comments regarding the requested action in revising the current LBWD salary resolution. He noted that historically the City’s Human Resources Department is reluctant to increase job classifications, so explained there may be some resistance on their part to support these requested changes. Mr. Wattier advised the Board that staff had made the City’s Human Resources Department aware of these potential changes. He noted they had advised they were not supportive of this new classification. Mr. Bott explained the next step would be the LBWD would work with Civil Service on establishing this new classification. Commissioner Shannon inquired if staff expected resistance from Civil Service. Mr. Bott advised he did not. Commissioner Allen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Martinez to adopt Resolution No. WD-1331 amending Resolution No. WD-1315, creating offices and positions in the permanent service of the Long Beach Water Department, fixing the amount of compensation for such offices and positions, and rescinding all other resolutions or orders relating thereto. President Saltzgaver called for questions or comments from the Board on the salary resolution agenda item. Commissioner Shannon recommended creating an ad hoc committee to meet with the City in support of staff’s recommendation. President Saltzgaver inquired if the Port had similar concerns with electricians in their employ. Mr. Tseng advised that staff had contacted the Port and they had advised Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 14 that most of their electrical work is tenant improvements related to commercial work. He reported that ship companies hire electrical contractors to assist in their docking areas. President Saltzgaver asked how the department would assist Water Treatment Operators in obtaining their D3 certification. Mr. Tseng advised that the department offers different types of certification classes twice a year. He noted that all current Water Treatment Operators have their D3 certifications. Mr. Wattier clarified that there would be a negotiated, implemented program developed and agreed upon by the department and the bargaining unit establishing timeframes, and milestones that must be met. Those employees meeting those parameters would successfully stay in their job classifications, and there would be ramifications for those who do not. President Saltzgaver asked Commissioner Shannon if his earlier suggestion could be considered separately from the motion on the table. Commissioner Shannon agreed. There was discussion regarding the number of Grade 5 operators currently certified in the department. Mr. Tseng advised there is a total of four Grade 5 operators. President Saltzgaver asked if there was any public comment regarding agenda item 13. Hearing none he called for the Roll Call vote. A Roll Call vote was taken as follows: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: FRANK MARTINEZ; JOHN ALLEN ROBERT SHANNON; ARTHUR LEVINE HARRY SALTZGAVER NONE NONE NONE The motion carried unanimously. President Saltzgaver called on Commissioner Shannon to take the lead on establishing the previously suggested ad hoc committee. Commissioner Shannon made a motion that an ad hoc committee be appointed, to consist of two members of the Board of Water Commissioners; himself, and he called for a volunteer as the second member, and the General Manager. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver asked for the purpose of the ad hoc committee. Commissioner Shannon suggested that the ad hoc committee meet with Human Resources Director, Debbie Mills and anyone else from her staff who she included in the Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 15 meeting to understand their position regarding adding classifications, and then to persuade them to agree with staff’s suggested position. He further explained that failing that, the ad hoc committee should meet with the chair of the appropriate city council committee to lobby them and possibly agendize an item to discuss the LBWD position, prior to going to the full city council. President Saltzgaver suggested changing the word lobby as previously mentioned to the word educate. President Saltzgaver called for questions or comments regarding forming the ad hoc committee. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. President Saltzgaver called for a volunteer to fill the second position on the ad hoc committee. Commissioner Allen agreed to be the second member. 14. LEGISLATIVE/PUBLIC AFFAIRS ISSUES Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier reported on AB2434, legislation which exempts lawn-to-garden project rebates from California state taxation. 15. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Martinez reported on his recent trip to San Antonio, Texas where he was able to tour their water system plant (SAWS). While there he was in discussions regarding sewer smart covers, and reported on the LBWD success with this type of technology. He also advised that while in Texas he had attended the Texas Association of Clean Water Agencies event, and had made a presentation regarding the Long Beach Water Department covering some of their recent milestones. He noted they were interested in the LBWD lawn-to-garden program. He advised he had extended an invitation to leaders from these agencies to come to tour the Long Beach Water Department facilities. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 16 16. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Saltzgaver adjourned the regular meeting at 10:28 a.m. to the next regular meeting for the Water Commission to be held October 16, 2014, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, in Long Beach, California. _______________________________ Arthur M. Levine, Secretary Attest: ___________________________ Harry M. Saltzgaver, President NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 ALL SAINTS DAY 2 3 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS 4 5 ELECTION DAY 10 11 12 13 17 18 8 14 15 11:30 A.M. – STATE OF THE COUNTY ADDRESS VETERANS DAY 16 7 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: ALL SOULS DAY 9 6 19 20 21 22 27 28 29 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: ALLEN 23 ____________ 30 24 25 26 ITEM 5. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING PRESIDENT’S REPORT ITEM 6. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT ITEM 10. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING BOARD UPDATE ON LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT’S PROGRESS TOWARDS MEETING THE 20 X 2020 TARGETS IMPOSED ON RETAIL AGENCIES BY SBX7-7 LEGISLATION ITEM 11. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING DISCUSSION REGARDING CREATION OF ONE OR MORE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONER STANDING COMMITTEES Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Meeting Schedule REVISION 2 Regular Board Meeting 7:00-8:00 a.m. Rm. 2-413 Dirs. Computer Training 8:30 a.m. Rm. 2-145 L&C 10:00 a.m. Rm. 2-456 OP&T 12:00 p.m. Board Room Board Meeting October 14, 2014 12:00 p.m. -- Board Room MWD Headquarters Building 700 N. Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 1. Call to Order (a) Invocation: Arturo Castro, Principal Auditor, Audit Department (b) Pledge of Allegiance: Director Glen Dake 2. Roll Call 3. Determination of a Quorum 4. Opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on matters within the Board's jurisdiction. (As required by Gov. Code § 54954.3(a)) 5. OTHER MATTERS A. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting for September 9, 2014. (A copy has been mailed to each Director) Any additions, corrections, or omissions B. Report on Directors' events attended at Metropolitan expense for month of September REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 Added October 14, 2014 C. Induction of new Director, Don Calkins, from city of Anaheim (a) Receive credentials (b) Report on credentials by General Counsel (c) File credentials (d) Administer Oath of Office (e) File Oath D. Induction of new Director, Larry McKenney, from Municipal Water District of Orange County (a) Receive credentials (b) Report on credentials by General Counsel (c) File credentials (d) Administer Oath of Office (e) File Oath E. Induction of new Director, Yen C. Tu, from San Diego County Water Authority (a) Receive credentials (b) Report on credentials by General Counsel (c) File credentials (d) Administer Oath of Office (e) File Oath F. Approve committee assignments G. Chairman's Monthly Activity Report 6. DEPARTMENT HEADS' REPORTS A. General Manager's summary of Metropolitan's activities for the month of September B. General Counsel’s summary of Legal Department activities for the month of September C. General Auditor's summary of activities for the month of September D. Ethics Officer's summary of activities for the month of September REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 3 October 14, 2014 7. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS — ACTION 7-1 Appropriate $700,000; and authorize two rehabilitation projects at the F. E. Weymouth Water Treatment Plant (Approp. 15477). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $700,000; b. Authorize final design to improve the domestic and fire water system at the Weymouth plant; and c. Authorize preliminary design to rehabilitate Metropolitan’s demonstration-scale testing facility. 7-2 Appropriate $960,000; and authorize three rehabilitation projects at Lake Skinner and the Robert A. Skinner Water Treatment Plant (Approp. 15485). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $960,000; b. Authorize design and construction of modifications to the Lake Skinner outlet tower chlorine system and the finished water reservoir chemical mixing system; and c. Authorize design to replace the Skinner Administration Building’s HVAC system. 7-3 Appropriate $1.15 million; and award $783,333 contract to Malibu Pacific Tennis Courts, Inc. to replace equipment storage buildings at Gene Pumping Plant (Approp. 15438). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $1.15 million; and b. Award $783,333 contract to Malibu Pacific Tennis Courts, Inc. to construct two storage buildings at Gene Pumping Plant. (END OF CONSENT CALENDAR) REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 4 October 14, 2014 8. OTHER BOARD ITEMS — ACTION 8-1 Appropriate $3.81 million; and award $2,565,063 contract to HobbsBannerman, Inc. for improvements to the industrial wastewater handling system at the Henry J. Mills Water Treatment Plant (Approp. 15452). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action has been previously addressed in the 2010 categorical exemptions, and a. Appropriate $3.81 million; and b. Award $2,565,063 contract to Hobbs-Bannerman, Inc. for improvements to the Mills industrial wastewater handling system. 8-2 Appropriate $3.06 million; and authorize final design to rehabilitate the sump systems at each Colorado River Aqueduct pumping plant (Approp. 15438). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $3.06 million; and b. Authorize final design to rehabilitate the sump systems at each CRA pumping plant. 8-3 Authorize amendment to agreement with California Department of Water Resources to purchase surface water supplies from Yuba County Water Agency; and appropriate up to $20 million for water transfer payments from the Water Management Fund. (WP&S) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action was addressed in prior environmental documentation, and a. Authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment to the agreement with DWR to purchase surface water supplies from YCWA consistent with the key terms outlined in the board letter and in Attachment 1 to the letter and in a form approved by the General Counsel; and b. Appropriate up to $20 million for water transfer payments from the Water Management Fund. REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 5 8-4 October 14, 2014 Authorize refinements to the Local Resources Program. (WP&S) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not defined as a project and is not subject to CEQA, and authorize a. Increasing the LRP maximum incentive amount to $340/AF; b. Including alternative payment structures for new local projects as outlined in Attachment 2 to the board letter and the general program information outlined in Attachment 1 of the letter; c. Including on-site retrofits as eligible costs in the LRP; d. Including seawater desalination as an eligible resource in the LRP; and e. Entering into reimbursable agreements with member agencies as outlined in Attachment 3 to the board letter. 8-5 Authorize water supply exchange agreement and amend the Coordinated Operating Agreement with San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. (WP&S) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the action is not subject to CEQA, and authorize the General Manager to enter into an exchange agreement and amend the existing COA with Valley District consistent with the terms outlined in the board letter and in a form approved by the General Counsel. 8-6 Added Appropriate $6.04 million; award $3,555,971.27 procurement contract to CDW Corporation for communication network hardware; and authorize three projects to upgrade Metropolitan’s communication network (Approp. 15487). (OP&T) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not subject to CEQA and is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $6.04 million; b. Award $3,555,971.27 procurement contract to CDW Corporation to supply network switches and routers; c. Authorize final design of network room upgrades at Metropolitan’s Headquarters Building; and Authorize preliminary design and field assessments of microwave upgrades at remote sites. REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 6 8-7 October 14, 2014 Authorize the General Manager to execute the Fifth Amendment to the District-Edison Service and Interchange Agreement. (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not defined as a project and is not subject to CEQA, and authorize the General Manager to execute the Fifth Amendment to the District-Edison 1987 Service and Interchange Agreement under the terms described in the board letter to reinstate Edison Purchased Power using an hourly pricing methodology under the CAISO tariff to value the transactions. 8-8 Appropriate $2.3 million; and award $1,465,000 contract to Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. for seismic upgrades to the east washwater tank at the F. E. Weymouth Water Treatment Plant (Approp. 15369). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action has been previously addressed in the certified EIR and that no further environmental analysis or documentation is required, and a. Appropriate $2.3 million; and b. Award $1,465,000 contract to Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. for seismic upgrades to the Weymouth plant’s east washwater tank. 8-9 Report on Alameda County Water District, et al. v. Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, Sacramento County Superior Court Case No. 05CS00913; and authorize final settlement. (L&C) [Conference with legal counsel—existing litigation; to be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)] Added Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not defined as a project, and authorize the General Counsel to execute a settlement as outlined in the board letter. REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 7 October 14, 2014 9. BOARD INFORMATION ITEMS 9-1 Compliance with Fund Requirements and Bond Indenture Provisions. (F&I) 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11. BOARD INFORMATION ITEMS (Contd.) a. Discussion of General Manager’s performance goals and objectives. (No action to be taken) b. Discussion of General Counsel’s performance goals and objectives. (No action to be taken) c. Discussion of General Auditor’s performance goals and objectives. (No action to be taken) d. Discussion of Ethics Officer’s performance goals and objectives. (No action to be taken) 12. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: At the discretion of the Board, all items appearing on this agenda and all committee agendas, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated and may be subject to action by the Board. Each agenda item with a committee designation will be considered and a recommendation may be made by one or more committees prior to consideration and final action by the full Board of Directors. The committee designation appears in parentheses at the end of the description of the agenda item e.g. (E&O, F&I). Committee agendas may be obtained from the Board Executive Secretary. Writings relating to open session agenda items distributed to Directors less than 72 hours prior to a regular meeting are available for public inspection at Metropolitan's Headquarters Building and on Metropolitan's Web site Requests for a disability related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to attend or participate in a meeting should be made to the Board Executive Secretary in advance of the meeting to ensure availability of the requested service or accommodation REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 ITEM 13. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING LEGISLATIVE/PUBLIC AFFAIRS ISSUES AGENDA BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2014, AT 9:00 A.M. LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1800 E. WARDLOW ROAD LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Public Comment: GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS CONCERNING NON-AGENDA ITEMS AND OTHER ITEMS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE BOARD. EACH PERSON WILL BE ALLOWED FIVE MINUTES UNLESS EXTENDED BY THE BOARD. 3. Approval of Minutes – September 18, 2014 4. Staff Retirement – Chris Wilkerson Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 5. Election of Officers – President, Vice President, Secretary 6. President’s Report Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 7. General Manager’s Report Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 8. Unfinished Business: Agenda item 8. Held over from September 18, 2014 Board Meeting: Authorization to execute an Agreement with Michael J. Arnold and Associates for State Legislative and Advocacy Services for the period beginning October 1, 2014 and ending September 30, 2015 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 9. Consent Calendar: a. Approval of Transfer of Funds by Journal Entry Dated October 2, 2014 b. Approve Retirement Order No.6121 for items that have become obsolete or unrepairable during the current year, and authorize the removal of these items from the Department’s fixed asset records. These items will not be sold at auction c. Approve Retirement Order No.6122 for items that have become obsolete or unrepairable during the current year, and authorize the removal of these items from the Department’s fixed asset records. These items will not be sold at auction October 2, 2014 Page 2 d. Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with HDR, Inc., to provide engineering design services for the SCADA Master Plan Study Project, in an amount not-to-exceed $228,600 e. Authorize the General Manager to execute transfer payment(s) to the City of Long Beach Fleet Services Bureau (Fleet Services) for the removal and replacement of the emergency generator fuel tank at the Groundwater Treatment Plant, in an amount not to exceed $409,216 10. Approval of sponsorship of the Historical Society of Long Beach 19 th Annual Cemetery Tour including a display interpreting the Long Beach Water Department’s history, and the role of water in Long Beach Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 11. Adopt Resolution No. WD-1329 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Purchase Agreement with CDWG, under the purchase conditions specified in the existing TCPN Cooperative Purchasing Agreement, for the purchase of computer equipment to cumulatively not exceed $120,000 per year without board approval, subject to two (1) year renewals at the discretion of the General Manager Monya Hawkins, Manager Information Technology 12. Adopt Resolution WD-1330 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Purchase Agreement with GovConnection under the purchase conditions specified in the existing TCPN Cooperative Purchasing Network Agreement (TCPN) to purchase computer equipment to cumulatively not exceed $120,000 per year without board approval, subject to two (1) year renewals at the discretion of the General Manager Monya Hawkins, Manager Information Technology 13. Adopt Resolution No. WD-1331 amending Resolution No. WD-1315, creating offices and positions in the permanent service of the Long Beach Water Department, fixing the amount of compensation for such offices and positions, and rescinding all other resolutions or orders relating thereto B. Anatole Falagan, Assistant General Manager 14. Legislative/Public Affairs Issues Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 15. New Business 16. Adjournment to the next Regular Meeting, Thursday, October 16, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Room at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA. Written materials relating to any item on the Commission's agenda which are submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the Water Department Administration Offices located at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA 90807. October 2, 2014 Page 3 If language interpretation for non-English speaking persons is desired or if a special accommodation is desired pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Charter Commission meeting. Kung ang pasalitang pagsasalin-wika para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles ay hinahangad o kung ang isang natatanging kaluwagan ay hinahangad alinsunod sa Batas sa mga Amerikanong May Kapansanan, mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon sa Karta. Si desea una interpretación en otro idioma para las personas que no hablan inglés o si se desea una adaptación especial de acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidad, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión de Estatutos. If language translation of the Commission agenda and minutes for non-English speaking persons is desired please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Commission meeting. Kung ang pagsasalin-wika ng adyenda at mga katitikan ng Komisyon ay hinahangad para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 pitong oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon. Si desea obtener la traducción lingüística de la agenda y las actas de la Comisión para las personas que no hablan inglés, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Long Beach met in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, California, on August 21, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 9:02 a.m. by President Saltzgaver. PRESENT: Harry Saltzgaver Frank Martinez John Allen Robert Shannon Richard Anthony Kevin L. Wattier Sandra L. Fox ABSENT: 1. B. Anatole Falagan Paul T. Fujita Tai Tseng Matthew P. Lyons Eric Leung Robert Verceles Abelardo Rendon Jennifer Rojas Dynna Long Kaylee Weatherly Evana Gendron Kim Nguyen Rick Bylsma Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Deputy City Attorney General Manager Secretary to the Board of Water Commissioners Assistant General Manager Director of Finance Director of Operations Director, Planning & Conservation Director of Engineering Division Engineer Division Engineer Procurement & Warehouse Officer Office Administrator Conservation Intern Business Systems Specialist IV Administrative Analyst III Water Utility Supervisor II Arthur Levine Commissioner (EXCUSED) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Paul Fujita led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT President Saltzgaver opened the public comment period. As there were no requests to address the Board on non-agenda items, the public comment period was closed. Board of Water Commissioners September 18, 2014 Page 2 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES August 21, 2014; August 28, 2014 and September 4, 2014 Commissioner Allen made a motion to approve the minutes of the meetings of August 21, 2014; August 28, 2014 and September 4, 2014. Commissioner Martinez seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for comments, questions and public comments. Hearing none President Saltzgaver called for the vote. The minutes were approved unanimously. 4. REVIEW BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE FOR OCTOBER 2014 Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners The Board discussed the proposed meeting schedule for the month of October 2014. The Board agreed to the following meeting schedule: October 2, 2014 October 16, 2014 5. 9:00 A.M. – Regular Meeting 9:00 A.M. – Regular Meeting PRESIDENT’S REPORT Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners President Saltzgaver reported that a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting had been awarded to the Long Beach Water Department for their annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2013, by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada. He advised this award was received by Paul T. Fujita. President Saltzgaver advised he would be representing the Board at the Camp Fire annual banquet being held Friday, September 26, 2014. 6. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager AUGUST 2014 WATER SALES Mr. Wattier noted that water sales in August 2014 also reached a record low for the month of August – lowest August water use since 1958. He reviewed August water use graphs which indicated August 2014 usage was 23.0% below the 10-year history; year-to-date data thru August is 13.6% below the historical average, and twelve month demand is 13.6% below the historical average. Board of Water Commissioners September 18, 2014 Page 3 He noted September 2014 water sales estimates to date were tracking to show the lowest demand since 1965 (in spite of the hot weather so far in September); and would be close to the 1977 water demand record. WATER REPLENISHMENT DISTRICT (WRD) NOTICES OF PROPOSITION 218 PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Wattier advised the Board to refer to their cubby folders for copies of the official WRD Proposition 218 public hearing notices for the 2010-2011; 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 replenishment assessments (RA). He noted this majority protest election was scheduled for October 30, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. at the WRD headquarters building. He advised they would be retroactively holding this majority protest election as a result of ongoing litigation with the cities of Downey, Signal Hill and Cerritos re the RA, and the possibility of a damage claim. He noted he did not recommend or advocate a vote regarding this matter. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or discussion regarding the Consent Calendar items. Commissioner Shannon requested that item 7d. be pulled for discussion. President Saltzgaver asked if there was any public comment regarding the Consent Calendar items. Hearing none he called for a motion. Commissioner Martinez made a motion to adopt the Consent Calendar, but pulling item 7d. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Allen. Commissioner Allen requested a staff briefing on consent item 7c. as to why LBWD uses ductile iron instead of cast iron for water pipes. Mr. Tai Tseng, Director of Operations noted the LBWD program that is in place to replace all cast iron pipes (which are prone to main breaks due to succumbing to heat fluctuations) with ductile iron piping, which is more durable. He noted this replacement project should help to alleviate the large number of main breaks the department had experienced in the past. President Saltzgaver called for any further questions or public comment regarding the consent calendar. Hearing none, he called for the vote. The motion passed unanimously. Board of Water Commissioners September 18, 2014 Page 4 7a. Approval of Transfer of Funds by Journal Entry Dated September 18, 2014 A communication was presented to the Board from Paul Fujita, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 7b. Authorization to attend Municipal Water District of Orange County Quarterly Water Policy Forum and Dinner at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa, California, October 2, 2014 A communication was presented to the Board from Kevin Wattier, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 7c. Adopt Specification WD-17-14 and authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with S & J Supply Company, Inc. (S & J Supply) to furnish and deliver ductile iron pipe and related materials in an amount not to exceed $700,000 for one year, and to exercise the option to renew during two additional one-year periods for an amount not to exceed 8% for each renewal period A communication was presented to the Board from Tai Tseng, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 7e. Authorization to attend the Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce State of the County Address on Friday, November 14, 2014, at the Long Beach Convention Center A communication was presented to the Board from Kevin Wattier, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 7f. Adopt Specification WD-18-14 and authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Corix Water Products (USA) Inc. to furnish and deliver resilient seated gate valves in an amount not to exceed $170,000 for a period of one year, and to exercise the option to renew during two additional oneyear periods for an amount not to exceed 6% during each of the two renewal periods A communication was presented to the Board from Tai Tseng, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. Board of Water Commissioners September 18, 2014 Page 5 7g. Adopt Specifications WD-14-14 for the Groundwater Treatment Plant Chemical Tank Replacement Project – Phase II (EO-3254), and authorize the General Manager to sign a construction contract with Fueling and Service Technologies, Inc., in the amount of $405,176.00 A communication was presented to the Board from Tai Tseng, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 7d. Authorization to attend and sponsor the Federation of Filipino American Associations, Inc., Filipino-American History Month event Saturday, October 4, 2014 President Saltzgaver called on Commissioner Shannon to comment on consent calendar item 7d. that he had requested be pulled from the Consent Calendar. Commissioner Shannon asked for the General Manager’s (or someone from his staff) to give their opinion on how item 7d. comports with the underlying basis for Board Policy Statement 1998-31. Mr. Wattier noted that as a result of the passing of Proposition 218, the City Attorney has provided guidance on these matters. The interpretation that staff has received is that compliance with the policy occurs when the group requesting a sponsorship, or invites the Board to take part by attending their event is honoring one of the State or Federal officials; a County Supervisor or a Commissioner that those are acceptable expenditures. He noted in the instance of item 7d. that the Association will be honoring President Saltzgaver. Commissioner Allen made a motion to approve consent item 7d. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Martinez. Commissioner Shannon requested that in the future that these expenditures not be included on the consent calendar, but be agendized separately for discussion. Mr. Wattier responded in the affirmative to this request. President Saltzgaver called for a vote on the motion. unanimously to approve consent calendar item 7d. The motion passed Board of Water Commissioners September 18, 2014 Page 6 8. Authorization to execute an Agreement with Michael J. Arnold and Associates for State Legislative and Advocacy Services for the period beginning October 1, 2014 and ending September 30, 2015 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier noted that Mr. Arnold’s firm had provided continued and satisfactory legislative advocacy service to the Long Beach Water Department for many years. He also noted that the City of Long Beach also utilizes Mr. Arnold’s advocacy services. He advised the request before the Board was for a one-year extension of Mr. Arnold’s contract with the Long Beach Water Department. Commissioner Martinez noted his satisfaction with Mr. Arnold’s firm’s legislative work on behalf of the Long Beach Water Department. Commissioner Shannon questioned the manner on how the Board was being asked to act on this matter. He also noted the lack of a report from Mr. Arnold’s firm demonstrating the services Mr. Arnold had provided. Commissioner Shannon also mentioned that an argument could be made that an RFP process should be put in place for this type of service. He noted that the City does that from time to time, but not always. He noted he was not arguing for that as the record will show that Mr. Arnold provides good service, but feels that there should be something on the record that establishes that. President Saltzgaver advised he would like to see a lobbyist report set as a future agenda item. Mr. Wattier advised that staff could invite Mr. Arnold to come before the Board at a future meeting to provide a report on his advocacy services. There was general discussion regarding the rates for legislative advocacy service providers. Mr. Wattier commented that Mr. Arnold’s firm charges a very low rate compared to other firms of this type. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to have agenda item 8. held over to the next Board meeting; and requested that Mr. Arnold provide a brief report on what his firm had accomplished in the past year in assisting the Long Beach Water Department. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for further questions or comments. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Board of Water Commissioners September 18, 2014 Page 7 9. Adopt policy position on Proposition 1, the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier provided background on Proposition 1. He reminded the Board that they had previously supported legislation that ultimately was incorporated or copied into Proposition 1. He summarized the main components of the Water Bond, and the individual goals of each component. He advised that staff recommended the Board adopt a support position. Commissioner Shannon made a motion that the Board adopt a position of support on Proposition 1, the Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for comments or discussion regarding the agenda item. He noted the Board had been following the various pieces of legislation for a long time and advised he would recommend the Board take a position; but he requested the manner in which the Board could broadcast their position. Richard Anthony, Deputy City Attorney advised the Board that their broadcast options were limited, because of the chance that they would be using ratepayer funds to support a proposition which could then be used in a ratepayer challenge. There was general discussion on the manner in which the Board could publicly address their position. It was determined that issuance of a press release on the Board’s action would be allowed. Commissioner Shannon requested that Mr. Anthony review the press release before it was sent out. President Saltzgaver called for a vote on the motion. unanimously. 10. The motion carried Report of the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Board Meeting on September 9, 2014 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier noted previous action taken by the MWD Board at their August board meeting establishing their annual voting strength based on the assessed valuation of each Member Agency’s property assessments. He reviewed a chart indicating the historic voting strength for each member agency (13 of the 26 Member Agencies). He reviewed action taken by the Board on agenda item 8-1 authorizing $5 million to add additional extraction wells via the Semitropic Water Storage District in Kern County near Bakersfield. Board of Water Commissioners September 18, 2014 Page 8 He commented on action taken by the Board on agenda 8-2 authorizing a reimbursable agreement with the Los Angeles Department of Water Power in an amount not to exceed $20 million to assist them in restoring groundwater capability for deteriorated and contaminated groundwater areas. Mr. Wattier reviewed the following MWD Board Committee items: Finance Committee – update on purchase orders with Member Agencies whereby they agree to purchase a certain amount of water within a year. He noted the existing purchase orders are set to expire in December 2014. He said there is a possibility MWD will extend the existing purchase orders for another two years; or enter into new ten-year purchase agreements. Mr. Wattier explained the LBWD obligation under these Purchase Agreements and the fiscal impact to the department. He advised that staff would likely be returning to the Board in the future regarding this matter. There was general discussion regarding the nature of the Purchase Agreements, and the negotiations surrounding the various options, and the timing of actions by MWD and LBWD. President Saltzgaver advised that he had noticed on the next City Council agenda for September 23, 2014, that Suja Lowenthal, the Long Beach MWD Director was scheduled to update the Council on MWD activities related to their September 9, 2014 meeting. He inquired if the General Manager was aware of this. Mr. Wattier replied no; this was the first he had heard of this scheduled update. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to request that Suja Lowenthal MWD Director be invited to come to a Water Commission meeting to update the Board on MWD activities. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver inquired if this could be done by the Board. Mr. Anthony advised this is an action that staff can request. President Saltzgaver called for a vote on the motion. unanimously. The motion carried Mr. Wattier also advised that MWD is continuing to update their Shortage Allocation Plan; and advised it was their intent to finalize the Plan by the end of the calendar year in December. He noted they could possibly implement it by July 2015. He also noted there were ongoing discussions regarding setting separate requirements for groundwater replenishment deliveries. He noted this was a very Board of Water Commissioners September 18, 2014 Page 9 controversial item, and anticipated additional discussion to take place regarding this issue. Mr. Shannon noted that the Board had not yet received the September 9, 2014 MWD Board minutes. Mr. Wattier advised that staff had requested that MWD provide copies of approved minutes. He noted these are public documents that the Board has a right to receive in a timely fashion. Mr. Wattier advised staff would follow-up with MWD regarding receipt of their minutes. Mr. Wattier suggested that staff work with the Deputy City Attorney in drafting a formal letter to MWD requesting these minutes be provided in a more timely fashion. 11. Legislative/Public Affairs Issues Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier reviewed the Governor’s press release dated September 16, 2014 acknowledging the Governor signing historic groundwater legislation to strengthen local management and monitoring of groundwater basins. He noted that adjudicated basins (such as the Central Groundwater Basin) are exempt from most of the requirements as they already have a sustainability plan in place. He noted that the legislation requires that by 2020, overdrafted groundwater basins must have sustainability plans; by 2022, other high and medium priority basins not currently in overdraft must have sustainability plans; and by 2040, all high and medium priority groundwater basins must achieve sustainability. 12. NEW BUSINESS President Saltzgaver acknowledged that the Long Beach Water Department would be taking part in the coastal clean-up on Saturday, September 20, 2014 from 9:00 A.M. to Noon. He noted the LBWD meeting place was at Bluff Park at Coronado. He invited everyone to participate. Mr. Shannon commented that in the future he would like the meeting minutes to more specifically reflect the comments of the Board members. He pointed out as an example, on page 3 of the August 21, 2014 minutes that the last paragraph reads: There was some displeasure expressed on the focus of the event, and the content proposed by the Metropolitan Water District. He noted a better way of practice would be to go into more specific comments regarding the displeasure; who expressed the displeasure and what was said. The Board Secretary, Sandra Fox advised that she had received direction on completion of minutes, and that the content was to include more of the action items, and less specific dialogue. Board of Water Commissioners September 18, 2014 Page 10 Commissioner Shannon advised he was trying to point the Secretary in a more particular situation; the minutes did not reflect who was displeased; and the nature of the displeasure was not indicated. President Saltzgaver recommended that if in the future a Board member wanted their pleasure, or displeasure to be noted, that they preface their comments to say, let the record reflect. He noted this would be a guide to the Secretary to include the specific comments in the minutes. President Saltzgaver advised he would like the record to reflect that he was displeased with the August 12, 2014 MWD meeting; in how the meeting came forth, and in their agenda noticing. President Saltzgaver agreed with Commissioner Shannon that in some instances the minutes should reflect more detail. President Saltzgaver advised that Commissioner Levine had been delayed on his return from his vacation due to bad weather so had missed the August 28, 2014 special meeting, and was absent from the September 18, 2014 meeting since he was out of town. He called for a motion to excuse Commissioner Levine from these two meetings. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to excuse Commissioner Levine from the August 28, 2014 special meeting, and the September 18, 2014 regular meeting. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Salzgaver called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Saltzgaver adjourned the regular meeting at 10:07 a.m. to the next regular meeting for the Water Commission to be held October 2, 2014, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, in Long Beach, California. _______________________________ John D.S. Allen, Secretary Attest: ___________________________ Harry M. Saltzgaver, President ITEM 4. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING STAFF RETIREMENT CHRIS WILKERSON ITEM 5. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING ELECTION OF OFFICERS ITEM 6. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING PRESIDENT’S REPORT ITEM 7. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT ITEM 14. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING LEGISLATIVE/PUBLIC AFFAIRS ISSUES AGENDA BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014, AT 9:00 A.M. LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1800 E. WARDLOW ROAD LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Public Comment: GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS CONCERNING NON-AGENDA ITEMS AND OTHER ITEMS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE BOARD. EACH PERSON WILL BE ALLOWED FIVE MINUTES UNLESS EXTENDED BY THE BOARD. 3. Approval of Minutes – August 21, 2014; August 28, 2014 and September 4, 2014 4. Review Board Meeting Schedule for October 2014 Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 5. President’s Report Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 6. General Manager’s Report Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 7. Consent Calendar: a. Approval of Transfer of Funds by Journal Entry Dated September 18, 2014 b. Authorization to attend Municipal Water District of Orange County Quarterly Water Policy Forum and Dinner at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa, California, October 2, 2014 c. Adopt Specification WD-17-14 and authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with S & J Supply Company, Inc. (S & J Supply) to furnish and deliver ductile iron pipe and related materials in an amount not to exceed $700,000 for one year, and to exercise the option to renew during two additional one-year periods for an amount not to exceed 8% for each renewal period d. Authorization to attend and sponsor the Federation of Filipino American Associations, Inc., Filipino-American History Month event Saturday, October 4, 2014 e. Authorization to attend the Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce State of the County Address on Friday, November 14, 2014, at the Long Beach Convention Center September 18, 2014 Page 2 f. Adopt Specification WD-18-14 and authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Corix Water Products (USA) Inc. to furnish and deliver resilient seated gate valves in an amount not to exceed $170,000 for a period of one year, and to exercise the option to renew during two additional one-year periods for an amount not to exceed 6% during each of the two renewal periods g. Adopt Specifications WD-14-14 for the Groundwater Treatment Plant Chemical Tank Replacement Project – Phase II (EO-3254), and authorize the General Manager to sign a construction contract with Fueling and Service Technologies, Inc., in the amount of $405,176.00 8. Authorization to execute an Agreement with Michael J. Arnold and Associates for State Legislative and Advocacy Services for the period beginning October 1, 2014 and ending September 30, 2015 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 9. Adopt policy position on Proposition 1, the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 10. Report of the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Board Meeting on September 9, 2014 11. Legislative/Public Affairs Issues Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 12. New Business 13. Adjournment to the next Regular Meeting, Thursday, October 2, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Room at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA. Written materials relating to any item on the Commission's agenda which are submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the Water Department Administration Offices located at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA 90807. September 18, 2014 Page 3 If language interpretation for non-English speaking persons is desired or if a special accommodation is desired pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Charter Commission meeting. Kung ang pasalitang pagsasalin-wika para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles ay hinahangad o kung ang isang natatanging kaluwagan ay hinahangad alinsunod sa Batas sa mga Amerikanong May Kapansanan, mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon sa Karta. Si desea una interpretación en otro idioma para las personas que no hablan inglés o si se desea una adaptación especial de acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidad, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión de Estatutos. If language translation of the Commission agenda and minutes for non-English speaking persons is desired please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Commission meeting. Kung ang pagsasalin-wika ng adyenda at mga katitikan ng Komisyon ay hinahangad para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 pitong oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon. Si desea obtener la traducción lingüística de la agenda y las actas de la Comisión para las personas que no hablan inglés, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 21, 2014 The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Long Beach met in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, California, on August 21, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by President Saltzgaver. PRESENT: Harry Saltzgaver Frank Martinez John Allen Robert Shannon Richard Anthony Kevin L. Wattier Sandra L. Fox Dynna Long Joyce Barkley Kyra Barboza Brianna Pagan Evana Gendron Rachel Davis Mike Salas Dennis Santos Katrina Calvario Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Deputy City Attorney General Manager Secretary to the Board of Water Commissioners Assistant General Manager Director of Finance Director of Operations Director, Planning & Conservation Director of Engineering Division Engineer Division Engineer Procurement & Warehouse Officer Administrative Analyst III/Special Projects Coordinator Office Administrator Water Conservation Specialist Conservation Intern Planner I – Non-Career Business Systems Specialist IV Administrative Analyst II Water Utility Supervisor II Civil Engineer Civil Engineering Assistant Arthur Levine Commissioner (EXCUSED) B. Anatole Falagan Paul T. Fujita Tai Tseng Matthew P. Lyons Eric Leung Robert Verceles Abelardo Rendon Jennifer Rojas Melissa L. Keyes ABSENT: 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Anatole Falagan led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Board of Water Commissioners August 21, 2014 Page 2 2. PUBLIC COMMENT President Saltzgaver opened the public comment period. As there were no requests to address the Board on non-agenda items, the public comment period was closed. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 24, 2014 Commissioner Shannon made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 24, 2014. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for the vote. The minutes were approved unanimously. 4. REVIEW BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE FOR SEPTEMBER 2014 Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners The Board discussed the proposed meeting schedule for the month of September 2014. President Saltzgaver advised there was a possibility that Commissioner Martinez might not be able to attend the September 4, 2014 Public Hearing. He checked with the other Commissioners to ensure we would have a quorum. The Board agreed to the following adjusted meeting schedule: September 4, 2014 September 18, 2014 5. 7:00 P.M. – Prop. 218 Public Hearing/Special Meeting 9:00 A.M. – Regular Meeting PRESIDENT’S REPORT Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners President Saltzgaver provided the following report: He advised the Board that he had included a copy of his report from his attendance at the Urban Water Institute Annual Conference held August 13 – 15, 2014 in San Diego, in their cubby folders. He provided a brief summary of comments and insights taken from this report. He noted that individual budget briefings had been successfully concluded with the Mayor and Council. He also acknowledged that the Water Department budget briefing before the Mayor and Council took place on August 19, 2014. He thanked Vice President Martinez for his assistance with the briefings, and thanked staff for their efforts regarding the briefings. Board of Water Commissioners August 21, 2014 Page 3 Commissioner Allen inquired about the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Legislative meeting that was held at the Long Beach Water Department Assembly Room on Tuesday, August 12, 2014, with Congressman Alan Lowenthal. He advised the event was well received and gave Mr. Wattier the opportunity to highlight the Department’s conservation efforts. There was general discussion about the MWD event planning; programming and invitation logistics related to the August 12, 2014 event. There were suggestions made to have a more formal approval process by the Board of Water Commissioners put in place for use of Water Department facilities for these types of future events. There was some displeasure expressed on the focus of the event, and the content proposed by the Metropolitan Water District. 6. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager JULY 2014 WATER SALES Mr. Wattier noted that water sales in July 2014 reached a record low for the month of July – lowest July water use since 1958. He noted preliminary information suggests that August 2014 consumption will again be a record low. He reviewed July water use graphs which indicated July 2014 usage is 21.0% below the 10-year history; year-to-date data thru July is 12.7% below the historical average and twelve month demand is 13.2% below the historical average. COMMENTS ON METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT GENERAL MANAGER’S PRESENTATION MADE AT RECENT URBAN WATER INSTITUTE (UWI) CONFERENCE HELD IN AUGUST 2014 Mr. Wattier noted that Mr. Kightlinger reported at the August 2014 UWI Conference on the current status of MWD’s storage portfolio. He reported that Mr. Kightlinger advised that MWD has projected they will use over 50% of its storage during the current year. Mr. Wattier noted this differs from their initial reports made earlier in the year, and it suggested a worrying trend if the drought continues as projected in 2015. He provided details of these calculations, including a substantial adjustment in the availability of Colorado River supplies, due to changes in agricultural use. Board of Water Commissioners August 21, 2014 Page 4 BUDGET BASED RATES Mr. Wattier commented on the current efforts in San Juan Capistrano regarding the lawsuit on their budget rate structure, and their plans to have a more rational approach to their water rates. There was general discussion regarding the characteristics of budget based rates, and of the legal issues surrounding these rate structures. Commissioner Shannon requested that Deputy City Attorney Anthony provide the Board with a copy of the Superior Court decision in the San Juan Capistrano rate case. Commissioner Allen requested a presentation by Deputy City Attorney Anthony on the San Juan Capistrano be agendized for a future meeting. He requested that the presentation include the details on the findings of the courts. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or discussion regarding the Consent Calendar items. Commissioner Shannon Allen made a motion to adopt the Consent Calendar, but noted he wanted to discuss item 7d. through 7f. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Martinez to approve Consent Calendar items 7a. – 7f. President Saltzgaver asked if there was any public comment regarding the Consent Calendar items. Hearing none he asked the Commissioners if they had any questions or comments. Commissioner Allen inquired why a chart of the comparison bids had not been included with items 7d. – 7f. that are normally attached to the board letters for these types of items. Mr. Tseng explained that the chart provided for each of these items outlined the low bids for individual items that were specified in the specification. Hearing no further questions or comments President Saltzgaver called for the vote. The Consent Calendar items 7a. – 7f. were passed unanimously. 7a. Approval of Transfer of Funds by Journal Entry Dated August 21, 2014 A communication was presented to the Board from Paul Fujita, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. Board of Water Commissioners August 21, 2014 Page 5 7b. Approve Retirement Order No.6120 for items that have become obsolete or unrepairable during the current year, and authorize the removal of these items from the Department’s fixed asset records. These items will not be sold at auction. A communication was presented to the Board from Paul Fujita, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 7c. Adopt Specifications WD-24-14 for the Alley E/O Chestnut Avenue Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project (SC-0272) and Authorize the General Manager to Sign a Construction Contract with MNR Construction Inc. in the Amount of $468,394 A communication was presented to the Board from Eric Leung, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 7d. Adopt Specifications WD-20-14 and authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Mueller Systems, LLC. to furnish and deliver water meters for items 1, 4, 9, 10, 16, 17 and 19-25 in an amount not to exceed $300,000 for one year, and to authorize the General Manager to exercise the option to renew for two additional one-year periods, subject to a maximum increase of 5 percent A communication was presented to the Board from Tai Tseng, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 7e. Adopt Specifications WD-20-14 and authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Badger Meter, Inc. to furnish and deliver water meters for items 5-8, 11-15, and 18, in an amount not to exceed $140,000 for one year, and to authorize the General Manager to exercise the option to renew for two additional one-year periods, subject to a maximum increase of 5 percent A communication was presented to the Board from Tai Tseng, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 7f. Adopt Specifications WD-20-14 and authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Neptune Technology Group, Inc. to furnish and deliver water meters for items 2 and 3 in an amount not to exceed $110,000 for one year, and to authorize the General Manager to exercise the option to renew for two additional one-year periods, subject to a maximum increase of 5 percent A communication was presented to the Board from Tai Tseng, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. Board of Water Commissioners August 21, 2014 Page 6 8. Report of the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Board Meeting on August 19, 2014 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier reported on the MWD Tax Levy item (Ad Valorem) that was approved at the meeting. He noted the basis for MWD’s tax and the current trend towards lower revenues for the tax. He noted MWD’s action on the tax item and how it would serve to maintain the current tax rate. He advised MWD reported this was essential to MWD’’s fiscal integrity. He reported that Long Beach MWD Director, Suja Lowenthal had voted no on this action. He advised the MWD Board had approved an expenditure to line the Bernasconi Tunnel to enable it to withstand a water flow reversal from Diamond Valley Lake to serve the Mills Treatment Plant. Commissioner Allen inquired about MWD’s Shortage Allocation Plan. Mr. Wattier noted that MWD would be updating the plan but currently does not plan to invoke it until July 2015. 9. Legislative/Public Affairs Issues Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier summarized the main components of the proposed Water Bond ($7.1 billion) which will be listed on the November 2014 ballot as Proposition 1. He advised that staff planned to bring this item to the Board at a future meeting to adopt a policy position on Proposition 1. Mr. Wattier asked the Deputy City Attorney to review the rules related to the Board’s advocacy of proposed legislation. He noted that the Board could take a position (for or against) proposed legislation, but could not use ratepayer dollars advocating that position. He noted the Board could respond to media requests regarding the Board’s position. He warned the Board that mailers/flyers, etc. could not be produced advocating their position regarding the proposed legislation. Mr. Wattier noted the current efforts targeting groundwater sustainability. He reported on two bills regarding this matter: AB 1739 (Dickinson) and SB 1168 (Pavley). He summarized the contents of the bills and the course of action that must be taken to ensure their passage. The bills would require local government officials to bring all "high" or "medium" priority groundwater basins up to sustainable levels by 2040. Mr. Wattier noted that as an adjudicated basin, the Central Groundwater Basin would be exempted from the legislation required by these bills (if passed). Board of Water Commissioners August 21, 2014 Page 7 There was general discussion regarding recent news articles on the allocation of water rights, and the natural river flow yields in California. 10. NEW BUSINESS President Saltzgaver called for a motion to excuse Commissioner Levine from the August 21, 2014 board meeting. Commissioner Allen made a motion to excuse Commissioner Levine from the August 21, 2014 board meeting. Commissioner Martinez seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Saltzgaver adjourned the regular meeting at 10:00 a.m. to the next special meeting/tour of Facilities for the Water Commission to be held August 28, 2014, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, in Long Beach, California. _______________________________ John D.S. Allen, Secretary Attest: ___________________________ Harry M. Saltzgaver, President MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING AND TOUR OF LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT FACILITIES LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 28, 2014 The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Long Beach met in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, California, on August 28, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by President Saltzgaver. PRESENT: Harry Saltzgaver Frank Martinez John Allen Robert Shannon Amy Webber Kevin L. Wattier Sandra L. Fox ABSENT: 1. B. Anatole Falagan Tai Tseng Matthew P. Lyons Eric Leung Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Deputy City Attorney General Manager Secretary to the Board of Water Commissioners Assistant General Manager Director of Operations Director, Planning & Conservation Director of Engineering Arthur Levine Commissioner (EXCUSED) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Anatole Falagan led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. ROLL CALL Sandra Fox, Secretary to the Board called the roll. Commissioners Present: Martinez; Allen; Shannon; Saltzgaver 3. PUBLIC COMMENT President Saltzgaver opened the public comment period. As there were no requests to address the Board on non-agenda items, the public comment period was closed. Board of Water Commissioners Special Meeting and Tour of Long Beach Water Department Facilities August 28, 2014 Page 2 4. ADJOURN TO TOUR President Saltzgaver adjourned to the tour at 9:06 A.M. Tour participants visited the following locations: NLB12 Well Site- (Cherry & 45th Street); Leo J. Vander Lans Reclamation Facility (7380 E. Willow Street); Fats, Oil & Grease/Sewer Televising Demonstration at Loynes Drive & PCH (southwest corner); S12 Sewer Pump Station - (4316 Division Street); Main Line Construction Project - (8th & Belmont; Groundwater Treatment Plant – 2950 Redondo Avenue, Long Beach, CA. (en route to Groundwater Treatment Plant tour passed by Alamitos Reservoir Tank Farm, and National Guard Armory Lawn to Garden Project (Stearns and Redondo Avenue). Tour participants received a drought update from the General Manager during their lunch break. Tour participants returned to the Administration Building. 5. ADJOURNMENT President Saltzgaver adjourned the meeting/tour at 12:30 P.M. ___________________________ John D.S. Allen, Secretary Attest: ___________________________________ Harry M. Saltzgaver, President MINUTES PUBLIC HEARING OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS CONSIDERATION OF ANY PUBLIC PROTEST OF PROPOSED INCREASES TO THE CITY’S WATER & SEWER RATES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 LONG BEACH TREATMENT PLANT LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Long Beach met in the Assembly Room of the Long Beach Treatment Plant, 2950 Redondo Avenue, Long Beach, California, on September 4, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by President Harry M. Saltzgaver. PRESENT: Harry Saltzgaver John Allen Robert Shannon Arthur Levine Richard Anthony Kevin L. Wattier Sandra L. Fox ABSENT: 1. B. Anatole Falagan Paul Fujita Tai Tseng Dipak Bhagat Shaun Curtis Steve Frazier Dynna Long Greg Sorensen Evana Gendron Kaylee Weatherly Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Deputy City Attorney General Manager Secretary to the Board of Water Commissioners Assistant General Manager Director of Finance Director of Operations Telemetry Systems Superintendent Emergency Preparedness Business Systems Specialist III Office Administrator Administrative Analyst III Business Systems Specialist IV Conservation Intern Frank Martinez Commissioner (EXCUSED) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Robert Shannon led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. ROLL CALL Sandra Fox, Secretary to the Board called the roll. Commissioners Present: Allen; Shannon; Levine; Saltzgaver Board of Water Commissioners Public Hearing September 4, 2014 Page 2 President Saltzgaver called for a motion to excuse Commissioner Martinez from the September 4, 2014 Public Hearing/Special Meeting. Commissioner Allen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Levine to excuse Commissioner Martinez from the September 4, 2014 Public Hearing/Special Meeting. President Saltzgaver called for a vote. The motion carried unanimously. 3. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING President Saltzgaver opened the public hearing and reported the only item for business on the agenda was a public hearing on proposed 2014-2015 increased water and sewer rates. He advised the public if they wished to speak to protest, they should complete a speaker’s card and complete all information requested on the card prior to speaking. He noted that speakers should identify themselves at the microphone, and limit their remarks to three minutes. President Salzgaver advised the audience that Commissioners or staff could be made available after the meeting to answer questions unrelated to the public hearing topic. 4. STAFF REPORT Mr. B. Anatole Falagan, Assistant General Manager provided a staff report regarding the proposed water and sewer rate increase. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT Sandra Fox, Secretary to the Board called on the following public speakers: 6. Mr. Glenn Haas of 3458 Snowden Street, Long Beach, CA, who spoke in protest of the water and sewer rate increase. Mr. Edward Goldberg of 2811 E. 4th Street, Long Beach, CA who spoke regarding being unclear regarding the Long Beach Water Department budget long-term plan; and spoke protesting the rate increase. Mr. Dung Nguyen of 3135 Fashion Avenue, Long Beach, CA who spoke regarding the possibility of the Board setting rates for disabled customers. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD CLOSED Hearing no other public comments President Saltzgaver closed the public comment period at 7:11 P.M. Board of Water Commissioners Public Hearing September 4, 2014 Page 3 He requested that the Deputy City Attorney review the protests that had been received prior to the meeting, and at the public hearing to determine if a majority protest had been achieved. The Deputy City Attorney then conferred with the Board Secretary to verify the number of protests that had been received. President Saltzgaver called on the Deputy City Attorney for his comments. Mr. Richard Anthony, Deputy City Attorney, reported that the Water Department had received a total of fourteen rate protests. He advised that the number of protests were not a majority of the ratepayers. He advised that the new water and sewer rates adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners, and approved by the City Council would take effect on October 1, 2014. 7. ADJOURNMENT The Public Hearing was closed and adjourned, at 7:14 p.m. ___________________________ John D.S. Allen, Secretary Attest: ___________________________________ Harry M. Saltzgaver, President OCTOBER 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 THURSDAY FRIDAY 2 3 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: YOM KIPPUR BEGINS AT SUNDOWN SATURDAY 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 HALLOWEEN 9:00 A.M. BOARD MTG. ABSENT: COLUMBUS DAY OBSERVED 19 20 21 22 AMWA ANNUAL MTG. – NEWPORT BEACH, CA AMWA ANNUAL MTG. – NEWPORT BEACH, CA AMWA ANNUAL MTG. – NEWPORT BEACH, CA AMWA ANNUAL MTG. – NEWPORT BEACH, CA 26 27 28 29 ITEM 5. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING PRESIDENT’S REPORT ITEM 6. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT Tuesday, September 9, 2014 Meeting Schedule REVISION 2 Regular Board Meeting September 9, 2014 7:00-8:00 a.m. Rm. 2-413 Dirs. Computer Training 8:00 a.m. Rm. 2-145 L&C 9:30 a.m. Board Room Executive 12:00 p.m. Board Room Board Meeting 12:00 p.m. -- Board Room MWD Headquarters Building 700 N. Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 1. Call to Order (a) Invocation: Sr. Angela Faustina, CSJ, Major Superior, Los Angeles Province (b) Pledge of Allegiance: Director Peter Beard 2. Roll Call 3. Determination of a Quorum 4. Opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on matters within the Board's jurisdiction. (As required by Gov. Code § 54954.3(a)) 5. OTHER MATTERS A. Approval of the Minutes of the Meetings for August 12 and 19, 2014. (Copies have been mailed to each Director) Any additions, corrections, or omissions REVISED: Date of Notice: September 5, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 September 9, 2014 B. Report on Directors' events attended at Metropolitan expense for month of August C. Approve Memorial Resolution for late Director Edward “Ed” Little D. Approve Commendatory Resolutions for Directors Vincent Mudd and Kristine Murray E. Approve 30-day leave of absence for Director Linda Ackerman, commencing September 9, 2014 F. Approve committee assignments G. Chairman's Monthly Activity Report 6. DEPARTMENT HEADS' REPORTS A. General Manager's summary of Metropolitan's activities for the month of August B. General Counsel’s summary of Legal Department activities for the month of August C. General Auditor's summary of activities for the month of August D. Ethics Officer's summary of activities for the month of August 7. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS — ACTION 7-1 Award $345,892.79 procurement contract to Patterson Pump Company for cooling water pumps at the Robert A. Skinner Water Treatment Plant. (Approp. 15388). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action has been previously addressed in the certified 2003 Final Program Environmental Impact Report and related documents, the adopted 2004 Mitigated Negative Declaration and 2006 Addendum No. 1 to the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and the adopted 2004 Negative Declaration; and award $345,892.79 procurement contract to Patterson Pump Company for cooling water pumps at the Skinner plant. REVISED: Date of Notice: September 5, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 3 7-2 September 9, 2014 Appropriate $1.69 million; and authorize design of solar generation facilities at the F. E. Weymouth and Joseph Jensen Water Treatment Plants (Approp. 15391). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #2: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action is categorically exempt from CEQA, and a. Appropriate $1.69 million; b. Authorize design of a 3-MW solar facility at the Weymouth plant; and c. Authorize design of a 1-MW solar facility at the Jensen plant. 7-3 Appropriate $1.33 million; and authorize: (1) design of a Project Control and Reporting System for management of the Capital Investment Plan; and (2) professional services agreement with CH2M Hill, Inc. (Approp. 15490). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action is not defined as a project and is not subject to CEQA, and a. Appropriate $1.33 million; b. Authorize design of a Project Control and Reporting System for management of the Capital Investment Plan; and c. Authorize a professional services agreement with CH2M Hill, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $880,000. 7-4 Appropriate $1.08 million; and award $780,024 procurement contract to Whipps, Inc. for finished water reservoir gates at the F. E. Weymouth Water Treatment Plant (Approp. 15440). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $1.08 million; and b. Award $780,024 contract to Whipps, Inc. to furnish gates for the Weymouth finished water reservoir. 7-5 Appropriate $800,000; and authorize: (1) design of seismic upgrades to five structures at the F. E. Weymouth Water Treatment Plant; and (2) amendment to agreement with IDS Group, Inc. (Approps. 15440 and 15477). (E&O) REVISED: Date of Notice: September 5, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 4 September 9, 2014 Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $800,000; b. Authorize design of seismic upgrades to five structures at the Weymouth plant; and c. Authorize increase of $171,000 to the agreement with IDS Group, Inc., for a new not-to-exceed total of $252,000. 7-6 Appropriate $1.62 million; and authorize piping modifications on San Diego Pipeline No. 3 (Approp. 15480). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $1.62 million; and b. Authorize modifications to discharge piping on San Diego Pipeline No. 3. 7-7 Authorize granting a 0.34-acre (14,810 square feet) permanent easement to the county of Riverside on Metropolitan-owned property near Lake Skinner in Riverside County. (RP&AM) Recommendation: Option #1: Review and consider the MND prepared by the county of Riverside as the Lead Agency, adopt the Lead Agency’s findings, and authorize the General Manager to grant a permanent easement to the county of Riverside for public road and utility service. 7-8 Authorize granting a 0.103-acre (4,487 square feet) permanent easement to Cucamonga Valley Water District on Metropolitan-owned property in the city of Rancho Cucamonga in San Bernardino County. (RP&AM) Recommendation: Option #1: Review and consider the information provided in the adopted 2012 MND and MMRP, adopt the Lead Agency’s findings, and authorize the General Manager to grant a permanent easement to Cucamonga Valley Water District. (END OF CONSENT CALENDAR) REVISED: Date of Notice: September 5, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 5 September 9, 2014 8. OTHER BOARD ITEMS — ACTION 8-1 Added Authorize an improvement of the return capacity of the Semitropic Groundwater Storage Program. (WP&S) Recommendation: Option #1: Review and consider the Negative Declaration prepared by Semitropic as Lead Agency, adopt the Lead Agency’s findings, and authorize the General Manager to enter into an agreement with Semitropic Water Storage District consistent with the terms outlined in the board letter and in a form approved by the General Counsel. Corrected 8-2 Authorize a reimbursable agreement with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power for potential groundwater recovery projects in an amount not to exceed $20 million. (WP&S) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not defined as a project, and a. Authorize a reimbursable agreement with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power in an amount not to exceed $20 million; and b. Provide $20 million in funding from the General Fund until reimbursed on a quarterly basis for all Metropolitan costs. Corrected 8-3 Ratify support for Proposition 1, The Water Quality Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014. (C&L) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not subject to CEQA and authorize the General Manager to ratify Metropolitan’s support for Proposition 1. 8-4 Report on Shimmick-Obayashi Joint Venture construction claim regarding Diemer Oxidation Retrofit Program; and authorize increase of maximum amount payable under contract with Pacific Construction Consultants, Inc. for consulting services by $150,000 to an amount not to exceed $250,000. (L&C) [Conference with legal counsel—anticipated litigation; to be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54956.9(d)(2)] REVISED: Date of Notice: September 5, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 6 Added September 9, 2014 Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not defined as a project and is not subject to CEQA, and authorize amendment of the contract for legal services with Pacific Construction Consultants, Inc. for consulting services by $150,000 for an amount not to exceed $250,000. 9. BOARD INFORMATION ITEMS 9-1 Report on Local Resources Program Refinements. (WP&S) 9-2 Report on Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. (C&L) 10. OTHER MATTERS (Contd.) Corrected 10-1 Department Head Presentations on Performance Evaluation Action Plans. [Public employees’ performance evaluation (General Manager General Counsel, General Auditor, and Ethics Officer); to be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54957] 10-2 Approve compensation recommendation for General Manager, General Counsel, General Auditor, and Ethics Officer. (To be distributed at meeting) 11. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 12. ADJOURNMENT REVISED: Date of Notice: September 5, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 7 September 9, 2014 NOTE: At the discretion of the Board, all items appearing on this agenda and all committee agendas, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated and may be subject to action by the Board. Each agenda item with a committee designation will be considered and a recommendation may be made by one or more committees prior to consideration and final action by the full Board of Directors. The committee designation appears in parentheses at the end of the description of the agenda item e.g. (E&O, F&I). Committee agendas may be obtained from the Board Executive Secretary. Writings relating to open session agenda items distributed to Directors less than 72 hours prior to a regular meeting are available for public inspection at Metropolitan's Headquarters Building and on Metropolitan's Web site Requests for a disability related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to attend or participate in a meeting should be made to the Board Executive Secretary in advance of the meeting to ensure availability of the requested service or accommodation. REVISED: Date of Notice: September 5, 2014 ITEM 11. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING LEGISLATIVE/PUBLIC AFFAIRS ISSUES PUBLIC HEARING LONG BEACH BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS CONSIDERATION OF ANY PUBLIC PROTEST OF PROPOSED INCREASES TO THE CITY’S WATER & SEWER RATES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 CITY OF LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT GROUNDWATER TREATMENT PLANT ASSEMBLY ROOM 2950 REDONDO AVENUE LONG BEACH, CA 90806 7:00 P.M. SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 AGENDA 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Open Public Hearing – President Harry M. Saltzgaver 4. Staff Report 5. Public Comments 6. Public Hearing Recessed 7. Reopen Public Hearing 8. Close Public Hearing – President Harry M. Saltzgaver AN OPPORTUNITY WILL BE GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS CONCERNING THE SUBJECT MATTER. EACH PERSON WILL BE ALLOWED THREE MINUTES UNLESS EXTENDED BY THE BOARD CHAIR. The City of Long Beach intends to provide reasonable accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If a special accommodation is desired, please contact Melissa Keyes 48 hours in advance of this meeting at (562) 570-2309 Written materials relating to any item on the Commission's agenda which are submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the Water Department Administration Offices located at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA 90807. September 4, 2014 Page 2 If language interpretation for non-English speaking persons is desired or if a special accommodation is desired pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Charter Commission meeting. Kung ang pasalitang pagsasalin-wika para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles ay hinahangad o kung ang isang natatanging kaluwagan ay hinahangad alinsunod sa Batas sa mga Amerikanong May Kapansanan, mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon sa Karta. Si desea una interpretación en otro idioma para las personas que no hablan inglés o si se desea una adaptación especial de acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidad, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión de Estatutos. If language translation of the Commission agenda and minutes for non-English speaking persons is desired please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Commission meeting. Kung ang pagsasalin-wika ng adyenda at mga katitikan ng Komisyon ay hinahangad para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 pitong oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon. Si desea obtener la traducción lingüística de la agenda y las actas de la Comisión para las personas que no hablan inglés, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Long Beach Water Department will hold a public hearing on Thursday, September 4, 2014, at 7:00 p.m., at the Long Beach Groundwater Treatment Plant Assembly Room, located at 2950 Redondo Avenue, Long Beach, California, to consider any public protest of proposed increases to the City’s water and sewer rates for Fiscal Year 2015, which begins October 1, 2014. Written protests can be sent to: Long Beach Board of Water Commissioners c/o Executive Secretary 1800 E. Wardlow Road Long Beach, California 90807 For Fiscal Year 2015, there is a proposed 4.0 percent increase in water rates and a 4.0 percent increase in sewer rates. The Long Beach Board of Water Commissioners has recently approved an increase in water and sewer rates paid by all Long Beach Water Department (LBWD) customers, subject to the above public hearing. The approved increase in water and sewer rates will raise the average monthly combined water and sewer bill for a typical single family household by $2.12 in Fiscal Year 2015. New Fiscal Year 2015 water and sewer rates will go into effect on October 1, 2014. Why are rates increasing? Core costs of providing water continue to increase Over 40 percent of the city’s annual drinking water supply comes from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). LBWD pays established imported water rates on every acre-foot of water that it purchases. The remainder of the city’s drinking water supply is groundwater that is produced locally from the Central Basin aquifer. An annual replenishment assessment is levied on every acre-foot of groundwater that LBWD pumps. Nearly 40 percent of the Department’s annual Water Fund budget is allocated toward imported water purchases and groundwater pumping and treatment costs. Since 2008, the rates that LBWD must pay to purchase and pump water have risen 81 percent. $200 172.95 $150 114.28 $100 68.39 77.76 82.49 89.67 96.55 123.84 98.41 $50 $0 Water Fund structural budget deficit still exists - As a result of ongoing increases in imported water and groundwater supply costs, the Department’s cost of providing a high-quality and reliable water supply remains significantly greater than the revenues the Department is able to generate through its water rates. This imbalance between the Department’s costs and revenues has created a structural budget deficit that must be addressed through several small water rate increases now and in future years to allow the Department to continue providing its customers with critical water services and programs. The proposed rate increases will continue to restore balance to the Department’s Water Fund budget and ensure the Department remains fiscally sustainable. Increased investment in sewer maintenance and capital projects – Due to increasingly stringent regulatory requirements, it has become necessary for the Department to increase and maintain a higher level of operations and maintenance of its sewer infrastructure. System maintenance must be performed on a more frequent basis, while the Department is also accelerating the repair and replacement of older sections of the system. Transition to funding sewer infrastructure on a non-debt basis - In the last decade, the Department has utilized short-term debt on an as-needed basis to fund a small portion of its capital sewer projects. In future years, the Department plans to convert the short-term debt into long-term debt as part of a planned effort to eventually sustain the Sewer Fund without using additional debt financing. Several years of modest rate increases will allow the Department to service the long-term debt while continuing to maintain the increased investments in the sewer system. Long Beach sewer rates remain among the lowest in California. LBWD FY 2015 Budget What has the Water Department done to minimize the rate increase? Nearly 40 percent of the Department’s annual water fund expenditures go toward imported water purchases and groundwater pumping fees. Since 2008, the rates that LBWD must pay to purchase and pump water have risen 81 percent. Despite facing continued increases in the costs of purchasing, pumping and treating water, while also being responsible for complying with increasingly strict regulations on sewer operations, the Department has employed fiscal constraint and sound budgetary practices, whenever possible, to maintain water and sewer rates that are among the lowest in California. The department has only taken on debt when absolutely necessary, and manages its labor, capital projects, equipment and technology programs in a way that maximizes efficiencies and minimizes costs. The Department has prudently utilized its Water and Sewer Fund reserves to keep any necessary rate increases to modest levels and will continue to do so in future years. Labor Water Purchases, Groundwater Fees, Pipeline Permit Fees, Power, Contracts, Capital Equipment, Etc. Construction Costs $104.7 Million Pipeline Permit Fee $19.5 Million The Pipeline Permit Fee is charged to the Water Department by the City of Long Beach for its water and sewer distribution and collection systems. The fee is assessed on public and private owners of underground utility networks and distribution systems located beneath City streets. In FY 2015, these water and sewer pipeline permit fees will total nearly $10.2 million, representing about 8.2 percent of the Department’s total annual budget. Proposed Water and Sewer Monthly Charges (Typical Single Family Household) Proposed Note: Increase FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY15 Water $40.59 $40.59 $40.59 $42.22 $43.90 $1.68 Sewer $10.44 $10.97 $10.97 $10.97 $11.41 $0.44 Total Monthly $51.03 $51.56 $51.56 $53.19 $55.31 $2.12 4% • $2.12 increase in typical household monthly bill • Graphic reflects typical household monthly water consumption of 12 billing units • Does not include $13.08 Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts charge Water Conservation and Water Supply Shortage Plan - Rate Setting On February 27, 2014, the Long Beach Board of Water Commissioners declared an imminent water supply shortage for the City of Long Beach. In making the declaration, the Board implemented new prohibitions on certain uses of potable water. The declaration was necessitated by several key factors, including ongoing reductions in critical statewide and regional water storage reservoirs, worsening drought conditions throughout California and the southwestern region of the United States, and continued decreases in the reliability of the city’s imported water supplies, which fulfills more than 40 percent of the Long Beach drinking water demand. The LBWD Water Conservation and Water Supply Shortage Plan authorizes the Long Beach Board of Water Commissioners to utilize various means necessary to prevent or mitigate potential or imminent water supply shortages in the City of Long Beach. One of the options available under the Plan to achieve reductions in water use is through temporary rate increases. Under the Water Conservation and Water Supply Shortage Plan, the Board of Water Commissioners may declare that a Stage 1, Stage 2, or Stage 3 water supply shortage exists. Upon such declaration, the Board has the authority to increase citywide water rates. Under a Stage 1 water supply shortage, water rates may be increased by an amount not to exceed 10 percent above the pre-shortage rates. Under a Stage 2 water supply shortage, rates may be increased up to 25 percent above pre-shortage rates. Under a Stage 3 water supply shortage, rates may be increased up to 50 percent above pre-shortage rates. For more information on the proposed rate increase, please call (562) 570-2300. AGENDA BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL MEETING AND TOUR OF LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT FACILITIES THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 2014, AT 9:00 A.M. LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1800 E. WARDLOW ROAD LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1. Tour Begins – 9:00 A.M. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call TOUR ITINERARY: 9:05 AM 9:20 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 10:05 AM 10:20 AM 10:50 AM 11:00 AM 11:10 AM 11:20 AM 11:40 AM 12:00 PM 12:05 PM 12:55 PM Adjourn Depart LBWD for NLB12 Well Site- (Cherry & 45th Street) Arrive at NLB12 Well Site Depart for Leo VanderLans Reclamation Facility (LVL) - (7380 E. Willow Street) Arrive at (LVL) Depart for Fats, Oil & Grease/Sewer Televising Demonstration at Loynes Drive & PCH (southwest corner) Arrive at Fats, Oil & Grease/Sewer Televising Demonstration at Loynes Drive & PCH (southwest corner) Depart for S12 Sewer Pump Station - (4316 Division Street) Arrive at S12 Sewer Pump Station Depart for Main LIne Construction Project - (8th & Belmont) Arrive at Main LIne Construction Project - (8th & Belmont) Depart for Groundwater Treatment Plant – 2950 Redondo Avenue, Long Beach, CA. (Enroute to Groundwater Treatment Plant will view Alamitos Reservoir Tank Farm, and National Guard Armory Lawn to Garden Project) Arrive at Groundwater Treatment Plant Lunch/Drought Update with the General Manager – Asssembly Room Depart Groundwater Treatment Plant for return to Administration Building (1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA) 1:00 P.M. Written materials relating to any item on the Commission's agenda which are submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the Water Department Administration Offices located at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA 90807. August 28, 2014 Page 2 If language interpretation for non-English speaking persons is desired or if a special accommodation is desired pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Charter Commission meeting. Kung ang pasalitang pagsasalin-wika para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles ay hinahangad o kung ang isang natatanging kaluwagan ay hinahangad alinsunod sa Batas sa mga Amerikanong May Kapansanan, mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon sa Karta. Si desea una interpretación en otro idioma para las personas que no hablan inglés o si se desea una adaptación especial de acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidad, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión de Estatutos. If language translation of the Commission agenda and minutes for non-English speaking persons is desired please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Commission meeting. Kung ang pagsasalin-wika ng adyenda at mga katitikan ng Komisyon ay hinahangad para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 pitong oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon. Si desea obtener la traducción lingüística de la agenda y las actas de la Comisión para las personas que no hablan inglés, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión.
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