Document 358138

Peter & Paul
Established 1872
902 East Ninth Street • Hopkinsville, KY 42240
We are a Roman Catholic Community of
Christians called to be a priestly people, a
household of faith, a temple of the Holy Spirit,
a beacon of the One, Holy, Catholic and
Apostolic Church shining for Jesus Christ in the
heart of Christian County.
Rev. Fr. Richard Meredith, Pastor
Rev. Fr. Julio Barrera, Parochial Vicar
Permanent Deacon, Mr. Tim Barnes
Permanent Deacon, Dr. Bill Sweet
PARISH OFFICE PHONE: (270) 885-8522
PARISH FAX: (270) 885-5296
OFFICE HOURS: 8 AM - 5 PM Monday -Thursday
(Closed Noon-1:00 pm Daily)
SCHOOL TELEPHONE: (270) 886-0172
SCHOOL FAX: (270) 887-9924
Tru†h Radio WSPP 93.5FM
Locate a church for your Vacation destination:
Saturday evening ................................... 5:00 PM
Sunday .................................. 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM
Misa en Español ............... 2:00 PM, 10:30 PM
Monday - Saturday ................................ 8:00 AM
Wednesday ......................................... 5:30 PM
Thursday Misa en Español ................ 5:30 PM
We give a sincere welcome to all new families
moving into our Parish. Please register in the
Parish Office as soon as possible. Families who
plan to move from our parish community are
asked to inform us.
Bulletin material deadline:
Monday at noon in writing or email.
October 19, 2014 · The Twenty-Ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time
Please notify the Parish Office upon admission of a family
member into any hospital or nursing home. Any parishioner
who is ill or infirm may request anointing by calling the Parish
This is a devotion whereby members of the parish unite in
taking hours of Adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament during the day and throughout the night, seven days a
week. (Code required for evenings.) There is a regular
schedule of adorers but all are welcome to stop in for a visit.
Parishioners are encouraged to sign up for a scheduled
weekly adoration time. Please contact Bill & Jenny Rush at
270-885-2888, if you are interested in adopting an hour or
if you can be a substitute or prayer partner. These hours are
available- 3 am & 4 am Mondays, 4 am Tuesdays, 3 am &
4 am Wednesdays.
Parish Pastoral Council
Tim Barnes, Vice Chair/Spiritual
Jan Buckner, Family Life …………
Franco Cincotti, Worship….……....
Libby Downs Pastoral Assoc. …………
Carol Gillingham, Social Concerns…………
Victor Hernandez, Hispanic Liaison……
Dr. Pam Koob, Chair/Education…………
Sarah Kranz Principal…………………
Fran Marko,
Joe Mezzoni, Administration…….……
Rich Barnett ( Director
Tom Buehrle ( Of Stewardship
Brenda Chaudoin ( Dir. of Ext. Care
Libby Downs ( Associate
Judy Folz ( Manager
Steve Kinnard ( Foreman
Vicki Kinnard ( Secretary
Sarah Kranz ( Principal
Donna Pfeufer (……….Thrift Store Gen. Mgr.
Angie Phillips……………………………………...Thrift Store Mgr.
Alma Reeder (….Hispanic Ministry Asst.
Sue Wassmer ( Secretary
The Catholic Church teaches that the sexual abuse of any person is a
grave moral evil. To report any instance of sexual abuse by any employee of the Catholic Church please call the Office of the Bishop in Owensboro at (270) 852-8380. The Safe Environment Program is available
at the Diocesan website
† Reconciliation: Confessions will be heard Saturdays from 2:00 PM
to 4:00 PM, Wednesdays at 4:30 PM. and Sundays from 4:00 PM TO
5:00 PM. Confessions will be heard any time by appointment.
Confessions for Spanish speaking are Saturdays at 3:00 pm.
† Baptism: Baptismal Preparation Class is usually held the first Sunday of each month. Please call the Parish Office. Registration for
the class is required. The next Baptismal Class is November 2,
2014 at 4:00 pm.
† Marriage: Contact the office six months prior to the desired date.
A Stroke Doesn’t Have to Happen!
Did you Know…
 Stroke is the 4th leading cause of death in the US
 4 out of 5 people who have suffered a stroke had no apparent warning signs
80% of all strokes can be prevented
Protect your health by finding out your risk of having a
stroke by participating in the Life Line Screening that will be
at Saints Peter & Paul Catholic on Tuesday, November 11,
2014. Through ultrasound we evaluate the carotid arteries
for the buildup of fatty plaque, which is the leading cause
of stroke.
- Baptist Health Madisonville
Register today for the Stroke, Vascular & Heart
Rhythm package. Packages range from only $139.00 $199.00, which includes four screenings: carotid artery, abdominal aortic aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease and
atrial fibrillation. Register today by calling 1-800-3249458 or visiting Not only
will you receive $10 off any package priced $139 and up,
but Saints Peter & Paul Catholic will ALSO receive a $10 donation for any member that signs up through this number and
attends the screening!
The Diocese of Owensboro, in keeping with the laws of Kentucky and of the Church, encourages any victim of sexual
abuse to make the abuse known. Contact the local Commonwealth’s Attorney Hopkinsville City Police – 270-8901300 or Christian County Sheriff’s Office – 270-8874135), or Kentucky’s Child Protection Hot Line (1-877 –
KYSAFE1; 1-877-597-2331 toll-free).
If the abuse involved Church personnel, either paid or volunteer, please also contact the diocese’s Pastoral Assistance
Coordinator at the confidential phone line (270-852-8380)
to make a report.
The diocese’s commitment to combat sexual abuse concerns
can be noted in the newly revised sexual abuse policy,
available (on a table in the narthex or at the parish office)
and also on the diocesan web site (
Sunday, October 26, 2014 - 2:00 – 5:00 pm
Diocesan Marian Shrine will present “Mary, Mother of the
Church and Model for all Christians” at St. Joseph Catholic
Church, 434 Church St. in Bowling Green. This year’s theme
is: “Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary”
Why? True Devotion to Mary Began With Jesus!
The speaker is Rev. Louis Caporiccio from the Fathers of
Mercy. If you have questions, please call Joann Bradford
270-586-5926 or 270-776-5526
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis will beatify Pope Paul
VI, this Sunday October 19th during the closing Mass of the
extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family.
Pope Francis signed a decree
May 9 recognizing a miracle attributed
to the intercession of Pope Paul, who led
the church from 1963 to 1978. The miracle involved the birth of a baby in California in the 1990s. The family's name
and city have not been released, but
according to news reports, a pregnant
woman whose life was at risk along with the life of her baby was advised by doctors to terminate the pregnancy.
Instead she sought prayers from an Italian nun who was a
family friend. The nun placed a holy card with Pope Paul's
photograph and a piece of his vestment on the woman's
belly. The baby was born healthy. For Pope Paul's sainthood cause, physicians continued monitoring the child's
health up to the age of 12 and everything was normal.
Pope Paul's connection with the themes expected to
be raised at the synod on the family include the encyclical
for which is he is most known, "Humanae Vitae." The 1968
encyclical, usually described as a document affirming the
church's prohibition against artificial contraception, places
that conclusion in the context of Catholic teaching on the
beauty and purpose of marriage, married love and procreation.
When St. John XXIII died in 1963, Pope Paul reconvened the Second Vatican Council, presided over the final
three of its four sessions and oversaw the promulgation of
all of the council's documents. He also led the process of
implementing the council's reforms.
Pope Paul VI was the first pope in the modern area
to travel abroad, visiting: Jordan and Israel in January
1964; Lebanon and India in December 1964; the United
Nations and New York in October 1965; the Shrine of Our
Lady of Fatima in Portugual in May 1967; Turkey in July
1967; Colombia and Bermuda in August 1968; Switzerland
in June 1969; Uganda in July-August 1969; and Iran, Pakistan, the Philippines, Samoan Islands, Australia, Indonesia,
Hong Kong and Sri Lanka in November-December 1970.
Born Giovanni Battista Montini in 1897 in the northern Italian province of Brescia, he was ordained to the
priesthood in 1920 and was named archbishop of Milan in
1954. Elected pope in 1963, he died at the papal summer
villa in Castel Gandolfo August 6, 1978.
World Mission Sunday: Today is World
Mission Sunday, organized by the Propagation of the Faith, is a day set aside as a
reminder to all of us that to be Catholic is to
be missionary. The theme this year is: “I
will build my Church.” The particular focus
this year is on the Church in Mongolia
(central Asia), the world’s youngest Catholic
Church – as well as the other mission coun-
tries throughout the world. Please pray for those engaged
in missionary work all over the world. There is an envelope
in your monthly packet for this offering or there are envelopes on the table in the narthex.
Priesthood Sunday – October 26th: Priesthood Sunday is a
nationwide event coordinated and sponsored by the USA
Council of Serra International (an organization that supports
and sponsors priests and seminarians).
Do not be afraid to break out of comfortable and routine
modes of living, in order to take
up the challenge of making Christ
known in the modern “metropolis”.
It is you who must “go out into the
byroads” (Mt 22:9) and invite
everyone you meet to the banquet
which God has prepared for his people. The Gospel must not
be kept hidden because of fear or indifference. It was never
meant to be hidden away in private. It has to be put on a
stand so that people may see its light and give praise to our
heavenly Father (cf. Mt 5:15-16). -John Paul the Great
So please join us, next Sunday for Priesthood Sunday as we pray for our priests, in praising God for their
courage and their generosity. Here at Saints Peter and Paul
we will celebrate in a special way. At the conclusion of
each of the Sunday Masses we will have a light reception
in the narthex. Please stop and share with Fr. Richard and
Fr. Julio your appreciation for their service and commitment
to God and to us here at Saints Peter and Paul. If you
would like to help with any of these receptions by bringing
a dish, please see Libby.
Saints Peter and Paul Parish – Do you pray for vocations to
the Priesthood? Do you encourage your sons to listen to
God’s voice to see if he is calling them to shepherd His people? Have you talked to a youth in our parish and shared
with them the gifts you see in them and ask them to consider
the priesthood? Do you send a card or note to the seminarians studying for the Diocese of Owensboro? What would
you say to your son, if he heard God’s call to serve at the
Lord’s table? Would you encourage him? Would you pray
for him? Each one of us must do our part to promote vocations to the priesthood.
Ultreya Gathering: There will be an Ultreya Gathering this
Sunday, October 19th beginning at 3:00 p.m. in the Holy
Family Room. Come and join your prayers to the other Cursiantees as you share your journey of faith.
Change in Mass Schedule: Please know that next Wednesday, October 22nd, there will be no 8:00 a.m. Mass here
at Saints Peter and Paul. Fr. Julio will be away for a
priests’ retreat. Fr. Richard cares for his mother on Tuesday
afternoons thru Wednesday afternoon. There will be Confessions at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 22nd and
Mass at 5:30 p.m.
Parish Pictorial Directory: Sign-ups for our upcoming Parish Pictorial Directory went very well last weekend. Our
Parish Pictorial Directory Committee will be in the narthex
again this weekend as well as the following weekends:
October 17/18
November 1/2
November 8/9
November 15/16
This is an opportunity for any parishioner(s) to sign-up for
an appointment to have their picture taken. ***Please no
signups will take place in the parish office. The Directory
is being completely handled by the Committee Members***
There are some Special Discounts being offered on packages of pictures.
Feed the Need - $5.00 coupon is being given to anyone who brings non-perishable food items
20% Discount to Senior Citizens (60+) or Military
(Active, Served or Retired) or Police, Fire and Rescue Parishioners
$10.00 coupons for anyone who signs up for your
appointment on-line ( or provides
an e-mail address at the time of sign-up in the
In addition, there are several extra features being
offered such as Christmas Cards and Generational Photos.
Prices and packages will be provided in the narthex during Sign-up Weekends.
Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be
an example to all believers by what you say and do, in the
way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.”
1Timothy 4:12
Remember: The dates Lifetouch will be in our parish are:
 Wednesday, October 29 2:00 - 9:00 pm
 Thursday, October 30
2:00 - 9:00 pm
 Wednesday, November12 2:00 - 9:00 pm
 Thursday, November 13
2:00 - 9:00 pm
 Friday, November 14
2:00 - 9:00 pm
 Saturday, November 15
 Friday, November 21
2:00 – 9:00 pm
 Saturday, November 22
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Don’t forget, anyone who sets up an appointment and has
their picture taken will receive a free directory as well as
an 8 X 10 picture or 9 wallet size pictures just for participating.
Bethlehem Christian Families: The weekend of October
25th and 26th, our brothers and sisters, representing the
Christian families of Bethlehem, the West Bank, and Jerusalem (most of whom are Catholic & Orthodox), will be selling
crucifixes, religious art work, and rosaries – all made of
olive wood which is native to the Holy Land. They were with
us here at Saints Peter and Paul in late April and many of
you told us how much you enjoyed them. Now we have an
opportunity before Christmas to have “something” authentic from the holy land or to share these items with family
members and friends at Christmas. Please browse and
buy some articles. Remember, these items assist our personal devotions and proceeds are a source of income for the
Christian communities of Israel and the West. Check out
their website at
Middle and High School Youth Ministry – Our Middle and
High School Youth programs continue this Wednesday, October 22nd beginning with Mass at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to join us!
October Class Schedule:
Wednesday, October 22:
Classes will be held
Wednesday, October 29:
Classes will be held
Wednesday, November 5:
Classes will be held
Wednesday, November 12:
Classes will be held
October Dinner Schedule:
Grade Responsible
Wednesday, October 22nd
High School Youth
Wednesday, October 29:
5th and 6th Graders
Wednesday, November 5:
7th and 8th Graders
Wednesday, November 12:
High School Youth
If you can assist with dinner (food items or help in kitchen)
on these nights, please call:
Lois Guajardo - 270-839-2969 or
Anita Schroeder - 270-348-0839 or
program of hope and healing for Catholics that are separated or divorced. Whether they experienced divorce
weeks ago or 10 years ago, they often feel rejection and
shame. This program offers answers
and guidance to the many issues surrounding divorce, annulments, remarriage, parenting and more. In addition
this program features the powerful and
inspiring real-life stories of civilly divorced Catholic men and women who
DID find help in the Church. This program is not a substitute for necessary professional, legal, or
therapeutic needs, but it does offer the truth about love,
marriage, divorce, and recovery from a faithfully Catholic
perspective. Our first session was held last Sunday. At this
gathering we made some decisions regarding when we will
meet. We will gather on Monday evenings beginning Monday, October 20th at 5:30 p.m. at the home of JoAshley
and Todd Hall located at 1851 Petsch Lane. Materials
have been ordered and can be picked up from Libby. For
more information please call JoAshley Hall at (270) 8811058 or Libby in the parish office.
• OCTOBER 19, 2014 •
Mon: Catholic Divorce Guide-5:30 pm
Tues: Hispanic Advisory Group-6 pm, HFR
Wed: Rosary Makers, 8:45 am-HFR
Parish Choirs, Children4 pm/Adults 6:30 pm
HS/MS Youth-5:30 pm
Thur: Parish Council-6:30 pm, HFR
RCIA, 7pm-Gym
MOMS Group-9:30 am
Sat: PTO Chili Cook-Off, after 5pm Mass
Sun: Mary: A Biblical Walk-9am, Gym
Ultreya Leaders School-3pm HFR
Readings for the Week of October 19, 2014
Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21
Eph 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21
Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38
Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48
Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53
Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59
Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9
Next Sunday: Ex 22:20-26/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34-40
©Liturgical Publications Inc
The Saints Peter and Paul Thrift Store's official
"Ribbon Cutting" opening is set for
Thursday, November 6 at 10:30 a.m.
All Are welcome!
“The Sacraments are not decorations in life – what a beautiful marriage, what a beautiful ceremony, what a beautiful
banquet…But that is not the sacrament of marriage. That is
a decoration! Grace is not given to decorate life but rather
to make us strong in life, giving us courage to go forwards!”
– Pope Francis.
STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE...Each year at tax time,
we conscientiously give “to Caesar what belongs to
Caesar.” Does my stewardship indicate that I am as
faithful about giving “to God what belongs to God”?
Weekly Parish Collection ....................................... $15,768.50
Weekly Parish Budget Needs ................................. $15,414.56
Unpaid 2013-14 Diocesan Assessment .................... $38,442.00
Unpaid 2014-15 Diocesan Assessment .................... $74,569.27
Unpaid Operational Bills ....................................... $20,685.31
Weekly Capital Improvement Donations ...................... $232.00
Capital Improvement Fund Balance ........................ $32,047.57
Weekly A Legacy of Faith Fund Pledge Payments ....... $1,875.00
A Legacy of Faith Fund Balance .............................. $402,508.63
Stained Glass Window Donations ........................................ $0
Stained Glass Window Fund Balance .................... $397,205.09
Monday, October 20,
St. Paul of The Cross
8:00 AM
Tuesday, October 21,
8:00 AM
Wednesday, October 22,
St. John Paul II, Pope
8:00 AM
5:30 PM
Thursday, October 23,
St. John of Capistrano
8:00 AM
5:30 PM Spanish Mass
Friday, October 24,
St. Anthony Mary Claret
8:00 AM
Saturday, October 25,
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Sunday, October 26, Thirtieth Sunday In Ordinary Time
8:00 AM
10:30 AM
2:00 PM Spanish Mass
10:30 PM Spanish Mass
† Indicates Requiem Mass
In Honor of Val Nethery
By The Tuesday Evening Arise Group
Chili Cook Off! It’s that time of year again. The Saints
Peter and Paul School PTO is sponsoring a parish Chili
Cook-off on Saturday, October 25th immediately after the
5:00 p.m. Mass in the Parish Hall. There is no cost to enter
a chili. To enter a chili, please email
with your Name and the Name of Your Chili or call the
School Office at 270-886-0172. Please get your entry
information in soon.
Tickets to attend are $5 per person or $15 per
immediate family. Tickets will be available in the Narthex
following all weekend Masses October 18th/19th or in the
School Office. Tickets will also be available at the door,
however advance purchase is encouraged.
Scrip Tree Raffle: Our Saints Peter and Paul PTO is conducting the popular SCRIP Tree Raffle again this year. The
Grand Prize is $1,000.00 in scrip cards of your choice; 2nd
Prize is $250.00 in scrip cards of your choice and 3rd Prize
is $100.00 in scrip cards of your choice. Raffle tickets are
$5.00 each and can be purchased at the weekend Masses
in the narthex or are available in the school office. The
winning tickets will be drawn on Tuesday, November 18th
at the PTO meeting.
Trunk or Treat: We will once again be having our Trunk
or Treat on Friday, October 31st from 4:30 to 5:30
p.m.. We will be located in the upper parking lot near the
school. Bring your child dressed in his/her Halloween costume and your car trunk filled with candy to share.
In Need of Prayers… Covington Convalescent-Elizabeth Jones,
Karen Logsdon, Jean Soyars Western State Nursing Facility Debbie Dickerson, Rose Vincent Christian Health Center – Norma
Downs, Jeanette Elliott, Barbara Holubecki, Frank Rogers Friendship House- Christine Mills, Ernie Tuggle Others. Larry & Sharon
Alexander, Sabrina Baker, Andy & Fran Belland, Sylvie Braun,
Jane Brockman, Ken & Jan Buckner, Juanita Calvin, Gladys Capiro, Don Carrico, Sandy Carlton, Phil Carsone, Myron Carter,
Pat & Sam Chesnut, Lidia Cincotti, Janet Coe, Pam Cossey, Lisa
Cunningham, John Cox, Sal Daldone, Dorothy Edson, Zachery
Fanning, Jason Fanning, Joe Greenan, Connie Fowler, Martha
Fowler, Gant Golladay, Jim Gorman, Joette Grace, Bonnie
Haney, Dottie Happe, Jerry Happe, Bonnie Harris, William &
Cecelia Hegedusich, Leah Henderson, Betty Johnston, Elizabeth
Joiner-Anderson, Anita Jones, Teresa Kavanagh, Sue Knapp, Bob
Labor, Patricia Leamy, Nancy Loftus, Margie Meredith, Carlo &
Lucia Mereu, Joe Mezzoni, Sr., Barbara Moseley, Mike Moseley,
Sandy Mueller, Amber Olsen, Sandra Pepper, Gary Phillips,
Ethel Pierczynski, Ashley Powell, Markena Price, Larry Puckett,
Diane Ruas, Russell Ruas, Linda Sargent, Bob & Cele Schade,
Mary Schurmann, Millie Selensky, Ron Shafer, Tammy Shelton,
Kristian Shouse, Gina Simpson, Dennis Sunderhaus, MaryAnn
Stahr, Stocker Family, Betty Sutton, Georgiann Svestka, Ken
Swicicki, Curtis Stigall, Jerry Thomas, Betty Thompson, Rose Ann
Tobin, Hannelore Vanderklok, Lucy Vandrell, Mildred Weeks,
Veronica White, Steve Wiggins, Helen Winstead, James
Please Pray for our Deployed
John Aguirre, Richelle Goodin,
Fr. Dan Lorimer, Rogelio Nicanor-Martinez,
Tobe Wilkins. Please let us know if you have a
deployed soldier to add or remove from the
prayer list.
First Reconciliation: We have a number of children who will
be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time
on Saturday, November 15th at 10:00 a.m. here at Saints
Peter and Paul. Please keep these children and families in
your prayers. If you have a child in the 2nd grade or older
and missed the parent meeting for First Reconciliation, please
see Libby as soon as possible. Necessary sacramental information is needed for your child.
Silver Steaks: On Tuesday, October 28th, the Silver Streaks
will go to Pennyrile State Park. It will be a day of fun and
adventure. We will leave from Saints Peter and Paul parking lot at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome. If you have any
questions, please call Julia Borders at 886-6061.
Tamales: Our Hispanic Community will be selling tamales
after all Masses the weekend of November 1st and 2nd. Remember these go quickly, so be prepared to get yours!
Rosaries: Do you have a rosary you love that is broken?
Our Rosary Makers gather here at Saints Peter and Paul
each Wednesday beginning at 8:45 a.m. They have repaired numerous rosaries, maybe they can help you. Come
and see them.
Saturday, 5:00 pm
Altar Servers: .................... Sofia Sargeant, Maddy Bennett
Asst. Servers: .......................... Sarah Sargeant, Luke Shouse
Cross Bearer: ...................................................... Molly Bennett
Commentator: ........................................................... Jane Irwin
Lectors: ............................................ Pam Sweet, Mary Dean
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: ................. Arsha Battah,
................................. Sarah Kranz, Pat Johnson, Robin Bilan
Choir Loft ........................ Christina Ligibel, Dawn Ligibel
Ushers ............................................. Pat Puckett, Larry Puckett
.................................................... Kenneth Dean, Joe Mezzoni
Vocational Cross ................................... Kenneth Dean Family
Sunday, 8:00 am
Altar Servers: ................................... Kylee Spurr, Kaleb Hall
Asst. Servers .................................. Colleen Allen, Triston Folz
Cross Bearer: ............................................................. Lukas Hall
Commentator: ................................................ LaDonna Downs
Lectors: ..................................... Jim Creighton, Libby Downs
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: ...................... Bob Stites,
........................ Carolyn Spurr, Lori Gardner, Dan Gardner
Choir Loft .......................................Tom Folz, Frank Raber
Ushers ............................................... Chuck Spurr, Dirk Downs
................................................Rocky Spader, David Dobbins
Vocational Cross .......................................Sherry Viall Family
Sunday, 10:30 am
Altar Servers: ....................... Georgianne Baker, Anna King
Asst. Servers: ................................ Elaine Baker, Amelia King
Cross Bearer: ........................................................ Andrew King
Commentator: ................................................. Marlene Castro
Lectors: ........................................... Levi Peterson, Kelly King
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: .................. Cathy Smith,
....................... Don McCowan, Rossella Cincotti, Karen Hall
Choir Loft ......................Charles Fiscella, Nathan Tillman
Ushers .......................................... Franco Cincotti, Bill Harkins
.................................................... Jeremy Tillman, John Ramos
Vocational Cross .................................... Philip Tillman Family
Spanish Mass, 2:00 pm
Comentarista:………....……………Alma Cortez Reeder
1 & 2 Lectura:…………...José Duran, Guadalupe Rosas
Ministro E:....Juanita Montejos, Vicky Barnes (si no hay Diácono)
Ujieres:…..…………….Iván Montejos, Rogaciano Vieyra
Monaguillos:……………………Luis Macario, Aisha Cruz
Guadalupana:…………….……….Familia Yolanda Perry
An eight-part Bible Study featuring Dr. Edward Sri. Filmed
on location in the Holy Land, this study will place you in the
midst of the powerful drama of Mary’s earthly life, taking
you through her joys and her sorrows. You will learn how
she works in our lives today, drawing us even closer to her
divine Son. Seeing Mary in this way will change you forever! This eight-week Bible study began last Sunday but it
is not too late to join us. We gather in the gym this Sunday mornings after the 8:00 a.m. Mass.
Pastor’s Greeting:
Several years ago the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) developed a
logo, even a “brand,” called “Faithful Citizenship” which names a public relations and catechetical effort to persuade Catholics and others of good
will to engage in the politics of our self-government according to Christian and humane principles. The American
bishops urge Catholics to engage in politics, better, to
participate in our self-government. Along with religion,
money, and sexuality, this is potentially one of the most
inflammatory topics for conversation. The USCCB document, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, published every four years prior to presidential elections intends to guide and inform the Catholic faithful in considering priorities and making decisions grounded in our
Catholic Christian faith.
You know that the Church as an organization
does not ally with any political party or candidate, but
urges our members to engage fully in political processes
at every level of our society. If you look closely at the
guidance the bishops give, you will see that this is not politics as usual. Most of the guidance is aimed at helping
citizens vote with an informed conscience. This is surely of
immense importance. Long before election day, however,
there is the need for guidance in participation in the processes of self-governance. In this democracy of ours, we
basically get the government we deserve. For better or
for worse, if the US Constitution is followed, we are the
This weekend’s gospel text from Matthew 22.1521 has the well known reply Jesus makes to the Pharisees
and Herodians on the payment of taxes to Caesar:
“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God
what belongs to God.” It silenced Jesus’ opponents, befuddled by their own disingenuous question. It prompts,
however, a very fruitful reflection and conversation
among Jesus’ disciples. Our faith tradition points out that
we receive both rights and responsibilities in relationship
to God and to the government of the human community.
Our whole life comes from God along with the responsibility to bear fruit in making a return to our Creator and
Redeemer. As self-governed citizens, we have the freedoms and benefits of a relatively free republic, but we
likewise have the responsibility not only for the pursuit of
our own good but also that of the common good of the
entire society. This in turn has a global extension of benefit and responsibility in our world today. Much is owed
to “Caesar” by citizens of a democracy even though “we
the people” collectively are “Caesar.”
What do you think of this quote from a USCCB
two page summary of Faithful Citizenship: “In Catholic
Tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation. As Catholics, we should be guided more by our moral convictions than by our attachment to a political party or interest group.” or this: Catholics “need to act on the
Church’s moral principals and become more involved:
running for office, working within political parties, and
communicating concerns to elected officials.”
The Bishops (continuing from the summary document) urge us as Catholics and as citizens to have wellformed consciences and to practice the virtue of prudence
(along with the virtues of justice, fortitude, and temperance). They remind us that “a good end does not justify an
immoral means.” In doing good and avoiding evil, they
remind us that “intrinsically evil acts must always be rejected and never supported. A preeminent example is
the intentional taking of human life through abortion. It
is always morally wrong to destroy innocent human
beings. A legal system that allows the right to life to be
violated on the grounds of choice is fundamentally
flawed.” Then there is this: “As Catholics we are not single-issue voters. A candidate’s position on a single issue is not sufficient to guarantee a voter’s support. Yet
a candidate’s position on a single issue that involves an
intrinsic evil, such as support for legal abortion or the
promotion of racism, may legitimately lead a voter to
disqualify a candidate from receiving support. “Catholic
voters should use Catholic teaching to examine candidates’ positions on issues and should consider candidates’ integrity, philosophy, and performance. It is important for all citizens ‘to see beyond party politics, to
analyze campaign rhetoric critically, and to choose their
political leaders according to principle, not party affiliation or mere self-interest.” From my reading this challenge
lays weighty moral responsibility on each Catholic voter to
look beyond party, beyond personal advantage, evenbeyond only this nation’s benefit, to weigh the good for humanity (life, dignity, and the common good). For the two
page summary and for the main document go to:
In his response to the Pharisees and Herodians,
Jesus cut to the heart of the matter, disarming his opponents. Our obligations to God include an obligation for the
social order. It is part of the Torah itself that we must love
our neighbors as ourselves. In Jesus, God the Son has become our neighbor and made every human being neighbor
to each other. We each owe God our care for the common good, especially since in a democratic republic, if we
have not sold our constitutional birthright, we are caesar.
Fr. Richard
Guidelines for the Reception of Holy Communion:
As Catholics, we fully participate in the celebration of the
Mass when we receive Holy Communion, the true Body and
Blood of the Lord. Yet, we Catholics should receive Holy
Communion only when we are living in communion with the Catholic Church and in the state of
sanctifying grace and have made the appropriate fast from food and drink. Because of the
connection we draw between being in full communion with
the Catholic Church and receiving Holy Communion, we cannot invite those who are not Catholic to share in Holy Communion with us. Still, we welcome all to this celebration of
the Mass as our brothers and sisters, and pray that our common baptism and the action of the Holy Spirit will one day
draw us closer “…that all may be one.” (John 17:22)