Tel: 0041 22 732 23 72
Director Insecurity Insight
Aid in Danger Project
Expert on policy analysis, monitoring and evaluation of human security issues,
including humanitarian work and SALW
18 years of experience on human security topics and programme management.
Specialisation in violence monitoring, indicator development to measure violence in
least developed countries
Programme planning, evaluation and assessment
Country expertise in East and West Africa, Great Lakes Region, South East and
Central Asia, Balkans, and Gaza
Familiarity with donor organisations, strategic planning, programming and project
design work. Previous employment with the Small Arms Survey, the European
Commission, the Asian Research Centre for Migration, and the Migration Policy
Group. Consulting experience working with ICRC, IFRC, UNIDIR, GIZ, NOREF,
Experience in training material development and training session delivery
Languages: English, German (high competence working languages); French (good working
competence) Dutch (comprehension) Chinese, Thai (basics)
Skills: Report drafting, research methods; quantitative and qualitative analysis, verbal
1996 - 1997
MPhil European Studies / International Relations, University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom Written exams: High Performance.
1992 - 1995
BA Single Honours, History, St Mary’s College, University of Durham,
United Kingdom Class: Upper Second
Abitur, Freie Waldorfschule Hannover Bothfeld, Germany
Mark: 1,6
Insecurity Insight. Chemin de Meruz 9, 1804 Corsier-sur-Vevey.Switzerland.
Not-For-Profit NGO Insecurity Insight, Geneva, Switzerland
Co-founder with Robin Coupland and Nathan Taback of Insecurity Insight and Managing
Director since 2008
Setting up and development of organisation under Swiss law. Responsible for project development
and donor relations.
Co-founder with Larissa Fast of the the Aid in Danger project in 2009
Development of Insecurity Insight’s flagship project based on the Security in Numbers Database
(SiND). Project management and staff oversight. With Larissa Fast, development of definitions,
coding instructions and online structure. Co-author of a series of publications covering:
Insecurity of Aid delivery and religion: support to EISF and forthcoming policy brief
Aid and Terrorism: The delivery of aid in Pakistan following Osama Bin Laden’s death (forthcoming,
October 2014); Is Terrorism an issue for humanitarian agencies? (2010)
Shifting patterns in experiences of insecurity among humanitarian aid providers and
implications for policy makers. Analysis of 15 years of data (2013)
Aid, Gender and Security: The gendered nature of security events affecting aid workers and delivery
of aid. (2011)
Aid in urban and rural environments. Are the differences for security? (2010)
European Commission, EU, Tanzania, Kenya, March to July 2014
Final evaluation Conflict Prevention and Resolution Mechanism (CPRM) at the East African
Community (EAC). Responsible expert for EAC final evaluation within the overall evaluation of
Southern and Eastern Africa.
The Policy Practice, for the OECD, 2013,
Donor approaches to risk and fragile and conflict affected states.
Country overviews and Afghanistan Case Study.
GIZ/Eschborn, February to March 2013
Editorial support: Germany’s GIZ managed approaches for the support to the African Standby Force
(ASF); Overview of projects and approaches
GIZ/EAC, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, January 2013
Presentation at SALW Project Closing Workshop,
World Health Organization, WHO Advisory committee for the setting up the WHO’s monitoring structure for
attacks on healthcare infrastructure in crisis. Since 2013
GIZ / EAC, Arusha, Tanzania, April to December 2012
Team leader. Impact assessment of GIZ support for SALW programme in the Peace and Security
Directorate of the secretariat of the East African Community (EAC).
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, UNIDIR, Geneva Switzerland. January to July
2012, Oversight and mentoring for research project on Norms on Explosive Weapons (NEW),
Project. Consultancy services on protection of civilian population from explosive weapons .
International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC, Geneva Switzerland, January-March 2012.
Setting up and training for ICRC internal monitoring on attacks impacting on efficient delivery of health
care in insecure environments.
Insecurity Insight. Chemin de Meruz 9, 1804 Corsier-sur-Vevey.Switzerland.
European Peacebuilding Liaison Office, (EPLO), Brussels, Belgium, June 2012.
Advisory committee to the European Union on setting up an early warning mechanism on monitoring
situations of deteriorating violence in countries where the EU runs programmes.
International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC, Geneva Switzerland, July 2008 to December
2011, Development of the monitoring mechanism for attacks on health care to underpin the campaign
on health care in danger and to inform internal ICRC intervention planning,
The Norwegian Peacebuilding Center (NOREF) for the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, June to
August 2011,
Six profiles of insurgents groups (FARC, Abu Sayyaf, Taliban, TTP, Jemaah Islamiah, LRA)
The Norwegian Peacebuilding Center (NOREF) for the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, March to
October 2010,
Mapping of Asian NGOs working on the implementation of UNSCR 1820 and 1325.
The Policy Practice, for ETC, June to September 2010,
Team member. Evaluation of the programmes ENERGIA and EASE, online questionnaire to
stakeholders and interested parities
The Policy Practice for IDRC, January to March 2010,
Team member, Evaluation of the Research Matters Programme, online questionnaire analysis.
The Policy Practice for Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC)
Team member, Evaluation of the Research Portifolio. Surveying Swiss researchers, researchers in
developing countries and employees of SDC on SDC’s programmes
International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC, Geneva, Switzerland, February – June 2009,
Analysing patterns affecting the delivery of health care in Gaza during the operation Cast Lead
EAC/GTZ, Arusha, Tanzania, May 2008
Junior consultant, Mid-term project review of GTZ support for SALW programme in the Peace and
Security Directorate of the secretariat of the East African Community (EAC)
The Police Practice for UNDP Kigali, Rwanda, January – April 2008, Based in Kigali
Team member, Joint Governance Assessment, Responsible for Security Sector Component
UNDP Bujumbura, Burundi, January – April 2008
Technical advice on data management for the ‘Observatoire de la violence armée’
Alliance Direct Action Against Rape in Conflict, Alliance DARC, Geneva, Switzerland, July to
October 2007
Advising on data collection on sexual violence committed by police and armed forces
International Federation of the Red Cross, Geneva, Switzerland, May- August 2008
Identifying entry points for policy and programmes on sexual violence
Small Arms Survey, Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales, Geneva, Switzerland,
March 2007 to November 2008
Piloting a new approach for analysis and mapping of violence data. Development of violence
indicators. Seven country case studies (Burundi, Uganda, Nigeria, Nepal, Mauritania, OPT and El
Insecurity Insight. Chemin de Meruz 9, 1804 Corsier-sur-Vevey.Switzerland.
Small Arms Survey, Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales, Geneva,
Position: Senior Researcher, February 2003 – February 2007
• Researching and writing of policy papers on small arms and security issues
• Consultancies for project development and programme evaluation to UNDP, ILO, and EU ASAC
• Resource person in training sessions organized by UNDP, UNIDIR, UNDDA and the OSCE in
Almaty, Dushanbe, Niamey, Tunis and Ashkhabad
• Global dataset development on conflict and crime mortality information
• Substantial field work (Cambodia, Tajikistan, West and East Africa)
• Drafting of guidance manuals for the use by NGOs and governments
Delegation of the European Commission in the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana,
Position: Expert (JPO), January 2001-January 2003
• Responsible for 5 chapters providing sector analysis for the Monthly Pre-Accession Report to the
European Commission’s DG Enlargement and the annual Regular Report to Member States on
Slovenia’s progress in meeting membership criteria for the EU.
• Project management of the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights and Small
Projects Programme (annual budget € 100,000 and € 200,000 respectively.)
• Overseeing and monitoring of the European Commission’s demining assistance for South Eastern
Europe ITF Slovenia (€ 4.5 million)
Institute for Asian Studies, Asian Research Center for Migration, Chulalongkorn
University, Bangkok, Thailand
Position: Researcher, December 1999 – December 2000
 Co-ordination and team leadership of international research projects on female labour migration
and trafficking in children, consultancy for ILO on child labour issues
Migration Policy Group (MPG), Brussels, Belgium
Position: Research Associate, March 1998 – to June 1999
 Researching and writing of policy papers commissioned by the Council of Europe and for advocacy
purposes to the European Commission and governments on European non-discrimination policies.
CAS Future security concerns for humanitarian agencies, Geneva December 2013
Past trends and predictions for the future
CAS Health in Humanitarian Emergencies, Geneva May 2013
Setting up violence against healthcare monitoring systems for practioners
International Organizations’ MBA, Geneva, January 2012
Development project conception for IOMBA students.
New Issues in Security, GCSP, Geneva, May 2010,
Small Arms and Light Weapons Policies, training for young and mid-carrier diplomats and employees
of Ministries.
International Organizations’ MBA, Geneva, January 2010
Insecurity Insight. Chemin de Meruz 9, 1804 Corsier-sur-Vevey.Switzerland.
UNHCR, Regional Office (Legal Section) Bangkok, Thailand, July 99 to October 99
European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Stagiaire, DG RELEX, Human Rights and Democratisation unit, October 1997 to February 1998
Foundation for Human Rights Initiative, Kampala, Uganda, Volunteer, July – August 1996
Nile Vocational Institute, Jinja, Uganda, Volunteer, May – June 1996
Referat für Gleichstellungsfragen/Frauenbüro, Hannover, Germany, Intern (Equal
Opportunities/Women’s office in the city administration), November 1995-January 1996
Institut für Entwicklungsplanung und Strukturforschung, Hannover, Germany (Institute for
Development Planning and Structural Research,), Research Assistant, September to October 1995
 2013. ‘Operating in Insecurity. Shifting patterns of violence against humanitarian providers and their
staff (1996-2010).’ April 2013
 2013. ‘Humanitarian staff security in armed conflict. Policy implications for the international
community from changes in the operating environment for humanitarian agencies.’ March 2013
 2013. ‘Security Facts for Humanitarian Agencies. Shifting patterns in security incidents affecting
humanitarian aid workers and agencies: An analysis of fifteen years of data (1996-2010), with Larissa
Fast. Insecurity Insight, March 2013.
 2012. ‘Small Arms and Light weapons in the East African Community (EAC). Impact Assessment of
Control of Small Arms between 2006 and 2012’, GIZ 2012. Summary report. Available upon request.
 2012. ‘Small Arms and Light weapons in the East African Community (EAC). Impact Assessment of
Control of Small Arms between 2006 and 2012’, GIZ 2012. Available upon request.
 2011. ‘Security Facts for Humanitarian Agencies: Aid, Gender and Security: The Gendered Nature
of Security Events Affecting Aid Workers and Aid Delivery’, with Larissa Fast. Insecurity Insight,
November 2011.
 2011. ‘Sixteen Country Study: Health Care in Danger,’ with Copland Robin, Nathan Taback and
Simon Regard. ICRC, July 2011.
 2010. ‘Is Terrorism an Issue for Humanitarian Agencies?’, with Larissa Fast. Perspectives 3 by the
Security Management Initiative, December 2010.
 2010. ‘Security Facts for Humanitarian Agencies: How do security events affecting humanitarian
agencies differ between rural and urban environments?’, with Larissa Fast. Insecurity Insight, June
2010. ‘The Six Ws of Security Policy Making’. Humanitarian Exchange. 47(June), 6-7. June 2010
The list of publication does not include confidential reports prepared as consultancies for UN agencies,
governments, the Red Cross, humanitarian organisations, or evaluation reports on specific programmes.
Insecurity Insight. Chemin de Meruz 9, 1804 Corsier-sur-Vevey.Switzerland.
 2008. ‘Security Sector Reform in Cambodia.’ In Beyond Settlement Volume II The Security
Dimension. Eds. Vanessa E. Shields and Dr Nicholas Baldwin. September 2008
 2007. ‘Risks to security in Central Asia: an assessment from a small arms perspective.’ In
Disarmament Forum, 2007, no 4
 2006. How many weapons are there in Cambodia? Small Arms Survey Working Paper. July 2006.
 2006. ‘Stabilizing Cambodia: Small Arms Control and Security Sector Reform.’ In Small Arms
Survey 2006. July 2006.
 2006. ‘Finding the evidence: The links between weapons collection programmes, gun use and
homicide rates in Cambodia.’ In African Security Review. Vol 15 No 2. 2006. Reducing Firearms
Deaths and Injuries. June 2005.
 2005. Tajikistan’s Road to Stability: Reduction in Small Arms Proliferation and Remaining
Challenges, with Neil MacFarlane and Stina Torjesen. Small Arms Survey Occasional Paper.
November 2005.
 2005. ‘European Union Assistance on Curbing Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Kingdom of
Cambodia: A Case Study on European Action on SALW under the CFSP.’ In The European Union in
Small Arms Action. Geneva: UNIDIR, pp. 1–23. November
 2005. ‘Rakhmonov consolidates power in Tajikistan.’ In Jane’s Intelligence Review. August 2005
 2005. ‘Behind the numbers: Small Arms and Conflict Deaths.’ In Small Arms Survey 2005. July
 2005. ‘Children Associated with Fighting Forces (CAFF) and Small Arms in the Mano River Union
(MRU).’ In Armed and Aimless: Armed Groups, Guns, and Human Security in the ECOWAS Region.
Eds. Nicolas Florquin and Eric G. Berman. August 2005
 2004. ‘An Anomaly in Central Asia? Small Arms in Kyrgyzstan.’ In Small Arms Survey 2004.
 2004. ‘A common tool: Firearms, Violence and Crime.’ In Small Arms Survey 2004, with Nicolas
 2001. Eds with Basia Passl: Change and Continuity Female Labour Migration in South-East Asia.
Asian Research Centre for Migration, Institute for Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok
 2000. Trafficking in Children for the Worst Forms of Child Labour Rapid Assessment Findings from
Four Research Sites along the Thailand-Lao PDR and Thailand-Myanmar Border Areas.
An ILO-IPEC Southeast Asia working paper. The Asian Research Centre for Migration, Institute of
Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, October 2000.
 1998. Synthesis Report of the National Round Tables: Community Relations in Newer Countries of
Immigration. Migration Policy Group for the Council of Europe. October 1998
Insecurity Insight. Chemin de Meruz 9, 1804 Corsier-sur-Vevey.Switzerland.
 1997. Book review:’ Gender in Third World Politics’, Georgina Waylen, In: Cambridge Review of
International Affairs, Cambridge. 1997
 1996 ‘Political Struggle and Party Leadership in the UPC’ in The Defender, Kampala, Uganda.
 1996. ‘Prison Conditions in Eastern Uganda: An Appraisal’ in: The Prison Update, Kampala,
Uganda. 1996.
Insecurity Insight. Chemin de Meruz 9, 1804 Corsier-sur-Vevey.Switzerland.