Upcoming Events Chapter Newsletter Blue Tie Ball Saturday, 18th October 7:00 PM Federation University Australia Albert Coates Complex Message from the President’s Desk Pot n Parma @ Mt Helen Wednesday, 29th October 12:00 PM -2:00 PM Bistro, Albert Coates Complex Chocolate Networking Event Thursday, 30th October 6:00 PM San Churro QV, Swanston Street, Melbourne October 2014 There is less than 6 weeks until the end of exams….. that’s not scary at ALL!! For me, it marks the end of my undergraduate and I’m very excited about the prospects this brings. Since my last newsletter, there have been many events and developments in your Golden Key chapter. Mary and I have returned from a very eventful and worthwhile International Summit where we met with chapter members from all over the world! 3 days jam packed with service activities, networking, workshops and the magnificent gala ball. It was a super surprise that headquarters announced the Summit will be now held annually, and the first non-USA based location will be THE GOLD COAST!!! That’s right members, get saving, lobby your department, email Student Connect with your pleas and demands – we need to get there in force and represent FedUni with pride! What an opportunity, not to be missed!! We have also had an amazing night fundraising for the Challenges Aboard Nepal team with our Faculty verses Students Trivia Night which was a roaring success raising over $2000 for the team. Also, we supported Elise Thornton a local Golden Key member with a fundraising BBQ at Mt Helen campus and gold coin donation to get pink hair – it was so fun and very bright, especially for the blokes who are now sporting pink beards – go the boys! Well, it’s back to writing my last assignments and studying for my final exams for me. It has been an absolute pleasure. Until November, stay safe and be happy – I mean it! See you at our Pot n Parma! (keep reading the newsletter ) Cheers, Elisabeth Eccles President Executive Committee Profile Saumya Desai Webmaster/Newsletter Editor/Social Media Officer What is your name and nickname? Saumya. It is a Sanskrit word. (It means Calm, Quiet, Gentle). My nick name is Sammy . What are you currently studying? Graduate Certificate in IT Professional Practise Where are you currently employed? What do you do? IBM. I am currently working on three different projects for clients like NAB, MLC and Newcrest Mining. What are your passions, interests or hobbies? I love sports. I play cricket, I am a Left-arm off spinner. I meditate sometimes. I love to face my fears and I keep challenging myself all the time. I like to raise the bar every time. I am curious about everything. I love researching any topic to increase my knowledge. I like to read biographies and non-fiction books. I volunteer at work, university and in the community. Where do you see yourself in the next year? Professionally, full time role with IBM in which I will lead without any title but with 6 figure salary per month or some other companies will hunt me down with more attractive offer and opportunity. I will find the purpose of my life and the reason for visiting the Earth.. Where do you see yourself in the next five years? My professional goals will be aligned to my purpose so I will enjoy the work. In the next five years I will be at the leadership level in the world’s largest organisation and CEO of one of the AFL clubs (depends on the club, which one needs me the most). I will be helping as many people as I can to reach their potentials. Supporting and helping the community, encouraging cultural diversity. Favourite quote? Think BIG! You are going to be thinking anyway, so think BIG! ― Donald Trump If you were Emperor of Earth for one day what would you do? I would encourage everyone to use the power of mind and power of positive thinking to succeed and live peacefully. I would promote the importance of education. I would encourage the diversity in the community. I would also ask media people to play their role honestly. After attending the National Student Leadership Forum in Canberra last month and what I experienced there, I can definitely say that what we see, hear or read in the news is totally different than the reality. There is lot of work to do. One day is not enough but after reviewing my work on Day One I am sure everyone will ask me to continue my job. Faculty Wars Trivia Night Tuesday the 9th of September saw the running of the first Golden Key Faculty Wars Trivia Night, and what a night it was. More than 130 people attended, and everyone had their trivia knowledge stretched to the limit. Paul Taylor (PT) from 3BA FM did a splendid job of keeping the questions coming and injecting some fun activities into the night to assist with the fundraising for the FedUni Nepal Team. Support from the local business community was very strong with many businesses donating prizes for the raffle, along with major companies such Mars, IBM and McCain getting tables for the evening, and in the case of McCain, generously donating the food for the evening. A fantastic evening was had by all, with the overall winners being the Mars table, and most importantly, more than $2300 was raised to support the team from FedUni that are travelling to Nepal to work in orphanage schools during November and December. Pleasingly there is already some trash talking going on between faculties about next year’s results, so we look forward to seeing you all there. Please checkout our Facebook page for the photos from the night. Pot n Parma @ Mt Helen for Golden Key members Wednesday 29th October (week 12), Pot n Parma will be $8.00 for Golden Key members. Present this coupon when you are paying for your meal (usually $10) and you will automatically get $2.00 off. Wear your GK t-shirt or pin so we recognise you! Look out for the GK banner. Great networking opportunity with fellow GK members and a great meal on the last week of Uni before exams. INVITATION The Inaugural FedUni Leadership Conference The very first edition of FedUni Leadership conference was held on the 9th and 10th of October, and was a resounding success. The days were filled with a combination of community service at a local school, a networking event at Kryal Castle over drinks and canapés, where our own webmaster extraordinaire Sammy Desai was one of the guest speakers, and a full day of speakers and workshops on the Friday. The highlight from a Golden Key perspective was the “I want to change the world, but I don't know how!” breakout session run by Golden Key member Josh Pallas from the University of Wollongong, where he works in the International Studies and Politics Unit, completing research on the United Nations, along with tutoring in Politics, Philosophy and Law, as well as completing thesis. Josh provided an excellent insight into the opportunities and pitfalls associated with being a political activist, and the session focussed on real life examples of how to get your message out, organise your people, and crucial strategies in maximising exposure. Student engagement was very high, and the mini break-out sessions generated lively discussions, with a free-flowing exchange of ideas. It was particularly gratifying to hear that students from other campuses face the same issues and challenges regardless of geographic location. Feedback after the session was incredibly positive, especially around Golden Key’s involvement in putting together such an engaging session. Thank you to Josh for giving up his time to spend two days with us, and a special mention to Naomi , Luke, Chloe and all the team in the Student Experience Office for holding this event! “I want to change the world, but I don't know how!” Josh Pallas with conference delegates Introducing SPARK a Change Golden Key has launched global ‘SPARK a Change’ initiative. The mission of SPARK a Change is to bring all our chapters together towards a common objective: to impact and improve the lives of at- risk youth across the globe through literacy, education and real-world preparedness. We encourage everyone to view the launch video on YouTube and think about the ways in which you can make a difference in the lives of people that may not have had the opportunities for education that we have had. It is estimated that one in five adults in the world cannot read or write. Even among those who are literate, many face challenges in receiving a quality education. As a society that recognizes the importance of education, Golden Key identifies literacy, education and real world preparedness skills as rights that everyone is entitled to. In an attempt to improve the lives of those who are not fortunate enough to receive a quality education or have tough circumstances to overcome, Golden Key’s SPARK a Change will give members, advisors and volunteers the opportunity to help youth who may not have the resources to reach their full potential. With the creation of SPARK a Change, Golden Key projects that our chapters will help us complete our goal of more than $40,000 raised, 400,000 hours of service performed and the lives of more than 400,000 people affected by the year 2017! Golden Key will also give out scholarships totally $1,000 this year to chapters who have the greatest impact in their communities. When all of our chapters can work together towards a common goal, we can truly move the needle on important societal issues. We are so excited to see all the wonderful projects that our members get involved in. YOU can SPARK a Change! Watch our video to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VhRdS2VoNg Golden Key International Summit - Boston FedUni Golden Key’s, Elisabeth Eccles (chapter President), Mary Steel and Jennifer Greer (general members), had the opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the world’s brightest at the Golden Key International Summit on Boston’s Waterfront from July 31 to August 3, Elisabeth, Mary and Jennifer were amongst 35 delegates from across Asia-Pacific, with over 700 people attending the conference in total. Proudly representing Australia, Elisabeth had the honour of carrying the Australian national flag in the opening ceremony procession, followed by a delegate from each university from Asia Pacific.‘ It was such an amazing experience to meet fellow Golden Key members,’ said Elisabeth, ‘all the attendees were so passionate and driven, it was a great chance to meet future leaders from universities around the world. A fantastic feeling knowing that you are part of a greater (global) community that rewards students for their academic achievements and provides avenues to get involved in community service and leadership.’ Elisabeth on the Red Carpet Rubbing shoulders with Asia-Pacific Director Joshua Ang, Elisabeth, and Southern & Western Australia University Relations Officer Amelia Yip. Receiving a Golden Key scholarship travel grant to attend the conference, Elisabeth continued, ‘I’m so grateful to Golden Key for this opportunity. Attending the summit would have been impossible without the generosity and financial support from Golden Key and Federation University Australia.’ The summit workshops offered tools to help with local chapters and prepare for life after graduation, such as critical thinking, how to sponsor your events, expert tips for employment success, and how to get the most from your Golden Key membership. Workshops were followed by service projects which included knitting blankets for the homeless and beading bio-jewellery to fundraise for mobile breast screening machines in Brazil. Highlights of the summit included motivational sessions from Jerry Greenfield, cofounder of Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream, and Survivor winner and philanthropist, Ethan Zohn. FedUni SPARK a change project: Wednesday 22nd of October Seeing that October is SPARK a change month for Golden Key internationally, we are pleased to announce our first SPARK a change event. Chewton Primary School is a small school with around 16 students in their Year 3-6 class, and a reasonable chunk of the class that are graduating primary school at the end of the year and heading off to high school next year. Many of the students come from disadvantaged backgrounds or have learning issues but are really good kids. The Principal and teachers at Chewton PS are just brilliant, and epitomise what every teacher should be. For students graduating primary this year, and coming from a small school to then go off to what could be seen as a massive high school would be challenging enough, let alone the challenges some of these students face, and the temptation to drop out as soon as you can may seem very appealing. I believe there is a case to be made for showing students such as these that while High School can be a huge adjustment and a tough slog, there is both a reason for it and a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is Higher Education. So we are putting nine students and their teacher on a bus and bringing them to FedUni for the day! They will be given a tour of the facilities, get to meet with students and lecturers, join in on the Pot and Parma lunch, and generally get a feel for what Uni life can be like! We are looking for some students to come and hang out with the Chewton students during the day, so if you have any free time on Wednesday 22nd of October, and you want to have a real impact on a child’s future, drop me a line at mwharse@hotmail.com or via FedUni Golden key Facebook page, Blue Tie Ball Federation University Australia, in association with our media partner The Courier, is working to raise awareness of mental illness. Currently there are three million Australians living with depression and anxiety, with suicide rates in regional rural and remote regions of Australia having increased significantly over the past three decades. Please join us to raise funds and awareness for beyondblue Federation University Australia Saturday 18 October 2014 Drinks and canapes from 7.00pm Official proceedings from 7.30pm This year we welcome as our Master of Ceremonies 'Dr Feelgood' – Sally Cockburn and beyondblue ambassador Tony McManus. We would be delighted to have you join us for an evening of entertainment, dancing and fundraising in support of beyondblue. The evening will include dinner, beverages, charity auction and live music by Motor City Sounds. Ticket price Reserved table seating for a group of 10 - $1,100 per table Individual dinner ticket - $110 To reserve a table or purchase an individual ticket please contact Alyssa Hubble Phone: 5327 9837 Email: a.hubble@federation.edu.au Professional Association Membership Bursary For the first time in 2014 FedUni Careers and Employment are delighted to announce they have secured funding to support students pay their Professional Association membership. Be it the Australian Psych Society, or Engineers Australia to get access to networking opportunities and vacancy information, or Australian Computers Society to get updated with the new technology and IT inventions or to get in touch or network with the IT Professionals, or the Toast Masters, to improve your public speaking skills, there are some great opportunities to be gained from being involved. Terms and conditions apply – for more information please go to: http://federation.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/194981/Application-form.pdf Calling Melbourne Based FedUni Golden Key Members Are you a FedUni Golden Key member and want to have a greater impact on your chapter? Do you live in Melbourne and think Ballarat campus is too far away? Do you live in Ballarat and think traveling to Melbourne is easy. This is your opportunity. Every second month, representatives from 9 Victorian Golden Key chapters, “Victoria Alliance” get together at RMIT, City Campus to share ideas, inform others about their activities, cross promotional advertising and collaborate on state-side projects. If you are interested in representing the FedUni chapter at these meetings, and of course feeding back information and learning to the Executive team based in Ballarat. If you feel this person is you, please contact us to discuss this further. Email: goldenkey@federation.edu.au Phone: 03 5327 9920 Positions Vacant Fundraising Officer • Investigate sources of local fundraising for events, conferences and projects. • Coordinate fundraising activities on campus (for example: lucky draw, competition, bake and biltong sale, fun run, hair saving challenge etc.) • Explore the possibility of creating/funding Chapter Scholarships. • Coordinate Golden Key Chapter Scholarship Program. • Keep members and officers updated on Golden Key International Scholarships and Awards applications and deadlines. • Be knowledgeable about the Golden Key International Scholarships and Awards criteria and deadlines. • Work closely with Treasurer. Social Media Officer • Work with Newsletter Editor and Webmaster to ensure Social Media mediums are utilised to spread news of Chapter activities. • Work within University Social Media Guidelines and attend training when offered and appropriate. • Work with Alumni Officers (GK and FedUni) to share information relevant to Alum members. • Work with Chapter Liaison Officer to share Chapter relevant activities with other Chapters and also promote other chapters’ and VA activities on our social media outlets. Social Events Coordinator • Plan and coordinate at least one social activity for Chapter members per semester (for example: movies and popcorn, leadership camp, coffee and cake special, dine for charity, picnic, museum tour, theatre trips etc.) • Promote and coordinate attendance at other chapter and VA social events. If you would like to apply or have any specific questions , please feel free to contact Deborah Cutts, our chapter advisor on goldenkey@federation.edu.au or by calling 03 5327 9920. Learning Skills Advisor Service Learning Skills Advisors (LSAs) can assist you to develop skills in structuring assignments and to refine your own study and academic skills. (not for proof reading, editing or advice on content) LSA’s provide individual assistance for students who require more intensive support than can be provided through our ASK and PASS programs. Appointments are also available by telephone for students who are not able to attend Mt Helen campus. Assistance is provided for essay and report writing structure; referencing; grammar; sentence structure and syntax; and study skills. LSAs are available for 45 minute to 1 hour appointments (made on the half hour) at the following times: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays > 9:30am to 1:30pm Mondays and Fridays > 9:30am to 2:30pm Make your appointment through the ASK service, either in person, email, or telephone: ASK desk (top floor Albert Coates building) drop in from 10am to 2pm Monday to Thursday Email: ask.sal@federation.edu.au Phone: (03) 5327 6422 Position Vacant Chapter Historian - Maintain Chapter copies of Activity Reports (before and after each activity). - Obtain and record all correspondence and minutes from the Chapter Secretary. - Save and document any evidence of Chapter activities, including posters, newspaper clippings, photos etc. - Take pictures to include in the Chapter’s scrapbook or to submit for reports to the Golden Key APHQ Office - Maintain records of, and distribute Chapter Newsletter at least once per semester. The newsletter can be a web-based publication. To include distribution to: General Members, Honorary Members, Deans, University Staff and the Golden Key APHQ Office - Write and/or solicit articles for the Chapter Newsletter, the APHQ Newsletter (coordinated by APHQ Office), the Chapter website and the CONCEPTS-magazine - Encourage General Members and Honorary Members to submit articles to these publications. If you would like to apply or have any specific questions , please feel free to contact Deborah Cutts, our chapter advisor on goldenkey@federation.edu.au or by calling 03 5327 9920. Golden Key History Founded in 1977, Golden Key International Honour Society is the world’s premier academic honour society that exits to unlock and enliven excellence within its members. Undergraduates in the top 15% of their class and top performing graduate students in all academic disciplines are invited to become members of the society. Membership in Golden Key is a coveted distinction that places students and alumni within a lifetime network of world leaders, Rhodes Scholars, authors, corporate executives, Olympians, dignitaries and other highly successful individuals. These associations provide unmatched access to personal education, career enhancement and unique service opportunities. Golden Key strives to unlock the potential of each of its members by upholding standards of excellence on-campus and beyond. Elevated by its three pillars – academics, leadership and service – Golden Key sets the standard for achievement in these areas. Combining integrity and collaboration in all that it does, Golden Key supports its members’ drive to learn, lead and help others. The Three Pillars Academic Programs Golden Key believes in connecting its members with continuing educational opportunities. Society members are granted access to numerous academic scholarships and awards amounting to $1,000,000 annually. Those interested in pursuing an MBA or other graduate degree can take advantage of Golden Key’s Graduate School Connections portal, which houses information about graduate school entrance exams, recruitment events and programs at top schools. Furthermore, members gain real-life experience in their field of choice through unique internship opportunities and study abroad programs. Leadership Opportunities Personal and professional development is key to unlocking your potential, and Golden Key can provide the tools you need to get there. The Society has an On-Demand Training Library, accessible with your member ID, full of tips and instructional videos to help you improve your skills in the areas of leadership, goal-setting and teamwork. The Golden Key Job Board offers insights and opportunities to put your leadership skills into practice. At the chapter level, members can become officers and use their new abilities to interact with their peers. Service Projects Giving is an art, and Golden Key members are encouraged to enjoy this art in a number of ways, from local charity events to global “Make a Difference” days. Golden Key partners with various non-profit organisations at an international level to provide fundraising opportunities for its members. Though the focus is on literacy, charitable events range from organising a fun run to raise money for cancer research, to clothing drives for the homeless. Members are invited to participate in local projects at their home institution and global projects incorporated in to the Regional and International Summits. Member Benefits & Opportunities Chocolate Networking - Melbourne The Victoria Alliance (9 GK Chapters in Victoria Australia) runs a Monthly Chocolate Networking Event on the last Thursday of every month (excl. Jan/Dec). The event is held each month at 6pm @ San Churro, QV, Melbourne CBD and provides FREE hot chocolates, coffees or teas to the first 20 members that arrive. To attend the upcoming May Chocolate Networking Event, join the Facebook Event. https://www.facebook.com/events/1431674110393271?cm_mid=2848382&cm_crmid={e219c8 54-c0ab-e211-92c0-000c29098c9f}&cm_medium=email Merchandise Shop Love Golden Key so much you just have to broadcast to everyone you know? Fear not, there is something here for you! Range includes USBs and pens to clothing and the prestigious lapel pin. https://promostore.net.au/storefront/_GK/ VAULT's Career Insider provides GK Asia-Pacific members exclusive online access to Vault - the world's leading source of Career Intelligence, and is the foundation of Golden Key's careers library benefit. Career Insider will make your efforts at researching employers, industries, and career subjects infinitely easier and more efficient. Whether you are just exploring possible career paths or you are ready for your interview, Career Insider can help. This benefit is only available to members from Australian, Indian, Malaysian and New Zealand chapters. To access this benefit you should complete your membership sign in details. Once you've signed in, you can register and • Download career titles on different industries, companies & general career topics for free • Research top employers • Explore industries and professions • Gain career advice and get ahead • Share and discuss your interests and experiences with other users Valued at over $1,000, Golden Key members can access over 80 Vault Career Library Guidebooks, more than 1,000 career advice articles and over one million message postings about a wide range of career topics. https://www.goldenkey.org/programs-privileges/jobs-internships/career-insider FedUni Alumni Association Reunite with your fellow graduates through the Federation University Australia’s Alumni Association. To update your details, go to www.federation.edu.au/alumni Contact Details Contact: Deborah Cutts, Chapter Advisor Phone: 03 5327 9920 Email: goldenkey@federation.edu.au Facebook: Fed Uni Golden Key Twitter: @FedUni Golden Key Website: www.fedunigoldenkey.com
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